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B O O K S U M M A RYT H E B O OKThe Alter Ego Effect:ThriveHow the World's Top Performers Use SecretJ [ J hZ C[jh Y je H[Z[Òd d] IkYY[ii WdZ Identities to Win in Sports, Business and Life9h[Wj d] W Wff [h B \[by Todd HermanIN T RODUC TIONAriannathe HuffingtonPost,empirebutWhat ifHuffington,the personco-founderyou alwaysofwishedyou couldbebuiltwasanthereinsidedoesn’tto confessthat sheCanadianlost a littleof herself all hesitatealong? Thisis a conceptPerformanceCoachWithhersharesbook Thrive,Huffingtonoutlineshow Egoshe her life back onHermanin his in-depthbookThe Altertrack. By focusing on what she refers to as the ‘Third Metric’, she teacheshowwebook,can allHermanlive morefulfillinghowlives.he has helped countless athletes,In theexplainsprofessionals and performers to tap into their hidden ‘alter ego’ andInstrivingfor success,people alltoo oftenwork on thetwo metricsofachievewhatthey previouslythoughtimpossible.It’sfirsta theorythat canmoneyand bypower.The problemis that living onlyfor these two traditionalbe appliedanyone,in any high-pressuresituation.metrics is like sitting on a two-legged stool. Without the essential thirdmetric,‘thriving’,will alwaysbeknewunsteadyclosecollapse.What wouldyouyouachieveif youyou andcouldbe tocalm,confident,fierce or fearless? How would you feel about performing in front of anThriveis youressentialguidetheto achievingthismetricby nurturingitsaudience,racingout ontosports fieldorthirdtacklinga difficultschoolfourpillars, well-being, wisdom, wonder, and giving. Meticulouslyexam?researched and filled with personal anecdotes and fascinating stories,AriannaHuffington’sis readersyour ultimateguideto beatingthe rat raceThe AlterEgo effect bookshowshow toovercomethe self-doubt,andtruly thrivingas a humanbeing.negativity,and insecuritythathold you back so you are ultimatelyempowered to become your best self all the time. This read is ideal forany professional and is also very powerful for students who are learningto step into their self-confidence.“And whenever I’d complain or was upset about something in my ownlife, mymotherthe same“Darling,justchangethe outchannel.“Thenexttime hadI steppedoutadvice:onto thefootballfield,I wentas carymovie.”tribe of warriors.”5 B E ST QUOTES“If youEnemytake careyour mind,take careof theworld.“Theis ofstealingyouryoumomentfromyou,and” keeping youtucked away, safe and sound, in the Ordinary World.”“It’s not ‘What do I want to do?’, it’s ‘What kind of life do I want to have?’ ”“If you’re not willing to risk the unusual, you’ll have to settle for the“We all have within us the ability to move from struggle to grace.”ordinary.”“Whenwe are all mind,can getweourselves.are all heart,things“Ourpersonalitiesare thingsmalleable.Werigid.can whentheyworktogether,thechange our beliefs and create new habits. We can change focusandidentities. That’s what the Alter Ego does for us.”attention, we become a harmonious human being.”“This isn’t about dishonouring who you are. This is about really lookingat the characteristics that will help you succeed, and bringing that partof you to life with the help of an Alter Ego.”KSU EMRMEAGROY E: FTFHERCITV E 10 1B O O K S U M M A R Y : TBHOEO ALT 0

B O O K S U M M A RYWB EI NG1. ELLT R APPED VS HE ROIC SE LF12 B IG IDE AS10When ToddHerman tometprofessionalJackson,the physical,famousWell-beingis essentiala happy,fulfilledathletelife. It isBothesum of yourfootballerandbaseballplayerandBo shouldtold him,Jacksonnever theplayedamental,andspiritualhealthbe “Bonurturedthroughthreedown of footballfollowingfactors: in his entire life.”BoSleepexplained that when he was young, he'd get into trouble because of1.the importancechaos causedhiscannotanger issueson the field. Then,saw the filmTheof bysleepbe overemphasised.In thehehustle-bustleofFriday leepis becameall too oftensidelinedwecold,try tosqueeze asnaturemuchofasthe canmovie’skillerJason Vorhees.moment,heimportantresolvedweinto ruthlessevery day.Huffingtonexplains Inat thatlengthjust howto stopbeingJackson,as and‘Jason’ themoment heAsleepis toyour Bowell-beingwell startas to beingthe well-beingof companies.stepped on thebaseballorfield.well-restedemployeestudent is a happier and more productiveemployee. He or she will be physically healthier and suffer less mentalHermantalksThisaboutour ‘TrappedSelves’and ourhealthissues.appliesto CEOs andPrincipalsjust‘Heroicas muchSelves’,as staffandandhow we can transform into our own personal internal Superman tostudents.improve our performance when the going gets tough.2. MovementCreateyourDescribeor it. NominatenameItis vitalforAlteryour Ego.well-beingto him,moveheraround.You don’t aneedto andruninvite it to showup gettingwhen youit.marathonsbut justup needand walkingcan make all the difference.Huffington tells how many of her best ideas came during hikes. She evenadvocates having meetings on the move. Exercise is good for your body,your mind and your soul, whether it’s running, walking, yoga, or dance.2. YOU R A LTE R EGO I S HE R E FOR YOU NOW3. MeditationLong term particularlyperformanceimprovementfrom thepracticeslikeMeditation,mindfulness,is no comeslonger ualisation,skilldevelopmentandthe hippy new age movement. Studies continue to show the deep androutine.positiveIt’s a longroad andtime.lastingeffectsthat takesmindfulnesshas on the body and spirit.Huffington recommends you find the time for a few minutes a day ofHowever, if need to improve your performance in this moment,mindfulnesscalling on your Alter Ego is the best strategy.W I SD OMWisdom is the step beyond intelligence. Even those with the highest IQs3. TlackH E CORE SE LFA N D I TSoutlinesOUTE RtheseL AYERS major points for thosecanwisdom.Huffingtonthreeseeking wisdom:The Core Self is where possibility exists. According to Herman, “It’s thisdeepinnercoreintuitionwhere a creative force resides, waiting to be activated4.Listento yourbythepowerofintention.humanbeingshave oftenthe incredibleYou instinctively knowwhatBecauseis the rightthing,far morethan pportunitytomight think. Take the time to listen to that inner voice. It will tell you is that you can let go of, whether it might be self-doubt, resentment or aproject that you know is not going to happen.Your Core Self is where your desires and dreams live. It is the source ofyourmotivation.5.ShowgratitudeOdds are you have many things to be grateful for. Start a gratitude list andThe willissuemostpeoplehave isjustthathowsurroundingcoreisyousooncometo realisegood yourourlifeall-powerfulis and can wethinkwe’resome time to share lists between friends and you will help to make eachcapablelivesof. better.Often, our beliefs stop our core self from getting what itother’swants.6. DisconnectOur beliefsare surroundedby our‘ActionreflectsWhathow youweMaketime eachday to be awayfromyour Layer’,screenswhichand devices.showupinourstudies,ourworkoronthefield.get from these devices is information, not wisdom. All the learning thatcomes to you through the digital age cannot grant you wisdom. Beingaway from your devices will allow you the time to reflect on what isimportant and connect with what is actually around you.K SL TU EMRMEAGROY :E FTFHERCITV E 0 20 2B O O K S U M M A R Y : TBHOEO A

B O O K S U M M A RYWONRAnd DEfinally,we have the Field of Play; the context of our actualenvironment. This covers the things we interact with, the people we12 B IG IDE AS10Youwill beamazedat thingshow yourwillimprove if you take the time tointeractwithand thewe lifecan’tcontrol.wonder at the incredible world we live in. We are surrounded every day bynaturalmiraclesand ofantheseendlesslywondrouswe atshouldOnce you’reawarelayers,you canworld.begin andto looktheappreciateit!characteristicswhich will help you succeed across all of them.Huffington gives these three tips to finding wonder every day:4 . T H E OR DI N A RY A N D E X TR AOR DI N A RY WOR L DS7. BreathJusta fewSelfsecondsfocuson ay tolivein ingyouintothepresent.TakethetimetoSelf/Alter Ego lives in the Extraordinary World. Here, your .Doingsowillmakeand actions are not motivated by negative emotions. Instead, you areyoumuchpresentin yourlife.ruledby amorepositive,growthmindset.8.TappingFind yourjoyan Alter Ego will help you suspend disbelief and leverageintoByfindinganthatbringsyou joy,be ityour child,a painting,thethe power of imagealigningwithsomeoneelse’sstrengths.Whenyou to the forefront, you are creating a completely new result or outcome.This will help you to feel centred.This is not to say that activating your Alter Ego and stepping into the9.ExtraordinaryForgiveWorld means you will be trouble-free. It’s just that youHoldingon toheldresentmenttoxic. egoIt is bestto find ways to forgive, whetherwill be lessback by isdoubt,or’s someone who you feel has slighted you or even yourself. Find thestrength to forgive. Without the burden of resentment, you will be free toenjoy the wonder around you.5. T H E HI DDE N FORCE S OF THE E N E M YOrdinary World, your ‘Enemy’ exists to hold you back and preventGInI VtheI NGyour Alter Ego from truly taking over in high-pressure situations.There is no way to truly thrive unless you find ways to return your positivity.An exampleHermansharesis waysa toptotennisplayer who backed down atHuffingtonoutlinesthreegreatgive back:crucial moments. This player had a huge sense of fairness and couldn’thelp10.Be butkind feel it wasn’t right to crush the opposition so frequently.Despiteit generallybeinga goodof fairnesstheBe kind andtreat peoplewell.Makething,small,thiskindsensegesturesa habit wasand youplayer’sEnemy.will soon see a positive effect on your mind, body, and emotions.YourEnemyyou unstable emotions, a lack of self-confidence e the time to be present with and acknowledge the people around you.Whoever they may be, they are a valuable person in their own right and youJust astreatyou dowithshouldthemas yoursuch.Alter Ego, Herman recommends you give yourenemy a form and a name. It could be Darth Vader or the Joker, orsomethingcompletely new. Next, begin to visualise it as12.Sharenon-threatening.And andstartskillstalkingback to Useit. Tellit thatno longerDon’t keep your talentsto yourself.yourskillsittoishelpthosewelcome.who may need it and you will see how it can reconnect you to the naturalabundance of your own life.6 . T H E STORY YOU TE LLAre you being held back by your own narrative? Do you always say “Inever finish anything I start” or, “I always lose.”?By telling yourself the same story, you are missing out on opportunities.K SL TU EMRMEAGROY :E FTFHERCITV E 0 30 3B O O K S U M M A R Y : TBHOEO A

B O O K S U M M A RYThe AlterWONDE R Ego concept allows you to rewrite this story. For example, itcan show up and say, “I plan ahead and take conscious action so I can12 B IG IDE AS10get willresults.”Yoube amazed at how your life will improve if you take the time towonder at the incredible world we live in. We are surrounded every day byThere ismiraclesno time andlike rightnow to startcreatingworld.and livingstory.naturalan endlesslywondrousanda newwe shouldappreciate it!Huffington gives these three tips to finding wonder every day:7. T H E F I VE B R I DGE S7. BreathThetakingfive bridgesof personaland professionaldevelopmentare:Justa few secondsto focuson your breathingwhen youfeel tensecan be hugely effective to bring you into the present. Take the time toSTOP /andLESSOF /MORE/ STARTbreathefocusonCONTINUEyour breath/whenyouOFneedto. Doing so will makeyou much more present in your life.Herman writes that the majority of conversations talk about ‘stopping’,stopping8.e.gFindyour joyspending so much time online, stopping going to bed late.It l aboutByan imagethat, beItitwillyourchild,painting,thethe wayyou’re currentlyexisting.ocean,or whateverworks foryou, you can bring it to mind in difficult times.This will help you to feel centred.However, your Alter Ego is on a quest that is mostly focused on the finalso you can go after what you want to gain and have more of. For9.three,Forgiveexample,may want istotoxic.continuewitha healthyroutine,Holdingonyouto resentmentIt is bestto findways tomorningforgive, whetherspendmore timeyourskills oryoustartfrom’ssomeonewho improvingyou feel hasslightedor learningeven yourself.theYour ‘start’could alsobe tostartbelievingin yourselfmorestrengthto forgive.Withouttheburdenof resentment,youwill orbe feelingfree tomoretheenthusiasticabout you.what you can achieve.enjoywonder aroundHerman’s advice is to own what you want and go after it.G I V I NGThere is no way to truly thrive unless you find ways to return your positivity.8. T H E P OWER OFA MI SSIONHuffingtonoutlinesthreegreatways to give back:Batmanis on a mission to rid Gotham City of crime after witnessing his10.Be kindparentsdie atthepeoplehands well.of criminals.Bekind andtreatMake small, kind gestures a habit and youwill soon see a positive effect on your mind, body, and emotions.Once you are clear on why you want something so much, it makes it alotConnecteasier toafter it. Connect emotion to your motivation and you11.(ingoperson)will thefindtimethe totimeto study,theandstaminato traintheafterschooland you.theTakebe presentwithacknowledgepeoplearoundcommitmentto finishyourworkon time.Whoeverthey maybe, theyarea valuableperson in their own right and youshould treat them as such.Your mission doesn’t have to stem from trauma like Batman. It can bemotivatedby altruism or a drive to repay your parents for their hard12.Sharework keepand sacrifice.Don’tyour talents and skills to yourself. Use your skills to help thosewho may need it and you will see how it can reconnect you to the naturalabundance of your own life.9. AC T IVATI NG YOUR A LTE R EGODid you know that Activist Martin Luther King Jr. didn’t need to wearglasses? He often wore them because he thought they made him lookdistinguished.K SL TU EMRMEAGROY :E FTFHERCITV E 0 403B O O K S U M M A R Y : TBHOEO A

B O O K S U M M A RYB O O K S U M M A RY: T H R I V E 0 4WONDE Rrecommends you have your own ‘Totem’ or ‘Artifact’ thatHermanactivates your Alter Ego. It could be a pair of shoes, a bracelet or a gem12 B IG IDE AS10Youbewithamazedyouwillcarryyou. at how your life will improve if you take the time towonder at the incredible world we live in. We are surrounded every day bynaturaland ofanpowerendlesslywondrousworld.Thinkand ofwesomeoneshouldThere ismiraclesa great dealin symbolicmeaning.appreciateit!wearing a white doctor’s coat. It has so much power and studies havefound that people do respond to it.Huffington gives these three tips to finding wonder every day:Your Totem embodies your Alter Ego’s superpowers, its origin story and7.itsBreathmission. Taking conscious action to ‘activate’ it when you’re about toJusttakingona fewfocus oron onyourstagebreathingwhenperformthe secondstrack, into classallowsyou youto tothepresent.Takethetime toemotions, thoughts and behaviours.breathe and focus on your breath when you need to. Doing so will makeyou much more present in your life.8.10.Findyour joyYOURA LTE R EGO DOE SN ’ T HAVE TO B E YOUBy finding an image that brings you joy, be it your child, a painting, theocean,or whateverworksfor you, youbring it to mindin difficulttimes.Hermanwrites thatthe majorityof canconversationstalk .g stopping spending so much time online, stopping going to bed late.It is definitely important to identify these. It will help you get real about9.theForgiveway you’re currently existing.Holding on to resentment is toxic. It is best to find ways to forgive, whetherit’ssomeonewhoyoufeelhasa slightedyouor evenfocusedyourself.theHowever,yourAlterEgois onquest thatis mostlyonFindthe t,youwillbefreetothree, so you can go after what you want to gain and have more of. Forenjoythewonderaroundyou.example, you may want to continue with a healthy morning routine,spend more time improving your skills or start learning from a mentor.Your ‘start’ could also be to start believing in yourself more or feelingGmoreI V I NGenthusiastic about what you can achieve.Thereis no adviceway to trulyunlessyoufind andwaysgoto afterreturnHerman’sis to thriveown whatyouwantit.your positivity.Huffington outlines three great ways to give back:10. Be kindBe kind and treat people well. Make small, kind gestures a habit and youwill soon see a positive effect on your mind, body, and emotions.11. Connect (in person)Take the time to be present with and acknowledge the people around you.Whoever they may be, they are a valuable person in their own right and youshould treat them as such.12. ShareDon’t keep your talents and skills to yourself. Use your skills to help thosewho may need it and you will see how it can reconnect you to the naturalabundance of your own life.K SL TU EMRMEAGROY :E FTFHERCITV E 0 50 3B O O K S U M M A R Y : TBHOEO A

B O O K S U M M A RYAt its heart, Thrive outlines these three action steps:GIV E YOUR A LTE R EGO A PR ACTICE RUN3 AC T ION STEPSTA K E outC ARYOURSE LFin Alter Ego mode. How does your hiddenHeadtoE aOFcoffeeshopsuperhero act and respond to people?Look after your sleep, make sure you move around and find the time tomeditate.takingcare makeof yourselfand haveyour well-beingway,youBeforeyouByleavehome,sure youa clear This will make your exercise easier.will feelhealthierB O O K S U M M A RYLOOK B E YON D SCR E E N SSETYOU R MN DSETSThe internetis Ianamazingtool, it is a fountain of so much information andallows us to connect in many ways. However, information is not wisdomBewhat yourAlterEgothinks.SixtimemindsetsHermanand cleardigitalonconnectionis notalwaysreal.Find theto connectawayrecommendsare:from screens and to seek wisdom beyond mere information.At its heart, Thrive outlines these three action steps:3 AC T ION STEP SBRINGON!APPR EC IITATETH E WOR LD AR OUN D YOU- I’M READY FOR ANYTHING!TA K E C AR E OF YOUR SE LFI’M A CREATIVE FORCE!We live in an amazing world. If you don’t take the time to appreciate it, youI LOVE TO PLAY!are not making the most out of your life and you are far from fulfilling yourLookafter yoursleep, WILLmake HAPPEN?sure you move around and find the time toIWONDERWHATpotential. Take the time to embrace wonder and your life will be muchmeditate.ByI takingcare of yourself and your well-being in this way, youIBELIEVECANCHANGE!closer to reaching true success.will feel healthier and happier.1 KE Y TA K EAWAYLOOK B EYON D SCR E E N SCROSS THE THR E SHOL DArianna Huffington’s Thrive has a very clear takeaway; don’t forget theTheinternetis an amazing tool, it is a fountain of so much information and‘thirdmetric’.You arethe hero of your story and at some point you have to make aallows us to connect in many ways. However, information is not wisdomchangeso thatyour adventurecan truly begin.anddigitalconnectionnotFind themoneytime toandconnectIt is vitalthatyou don’t isgetsoalwayscaughtreal.up seekingpowerawaythatfromscreensseek wisdom beyond mere forgetto andtrulytothrive.At the end of your life, you want to look back and say “I left nothingbehind. I gave it my all. I did everything I wanted to do and I showed upAPPR ECI ATETH E WORLD ARyouOUNYOU ultimately they can drive youWealthandpoweronlysoDmuch,as my Heroicself canwithall givemy capabilities,skills and intentions. And ,third metric,toppled dominoes, which changed cultivatingmy life inWelive in anyouamazingworld. genuinelyIf you don’tsuccessfultake the timeto appreciate it, youwell-being,canbecomeinlife.unpredictable ways.”are not making the most out of your life and you are far from fulfilling yourpotential.Takethe timeto embracewonderand yourlife willbeyoumuchBuildwell-being,wisdom,wonder,and givingpotentialandwillCross yourthe thresholdandstart yourquest!closerto reachingbe muchhappier trueand success.more fulfilled. Don’t try to build your life on a twolegged stool but factor in thriving and you can truly call yourself a success.Arianna Huffington’s Thrive has a very clear takeaway; don’t forget the‘third metric’.When you don’t know if you can truly show up and give it your all. orif you keep crumbling under pressure, call on the superhero within.1 KE Y TA K EAWAYIt is vital that you don’t get so caught up seeking money and power thatyou forget to truly thrive.This is another version of yourself who has complete confidence andfearlessness. It’s the version of you who never lets doubt and a lack ofWealth and power can only give you so much, ultimately they can drive youself-belief get in the way. You have prepared them with the knowledgeinto an early grave. By nurturing and cultivating your third metric,and skills, now let them shine.well-being, you can become genuinely successful in life.Over time and with practice, you and your Alter Ego will begin toBuild your well-being, wisdom, wonder, and giving potential and you willemerge. As actor Cary Grant said, “I pretended to be somebody Ibe much happier and more fulfilled. Don’t try to build your life on a twowanted to be until finally, I became that person. Or he became me.”legged stool but factor in thriving and you can truly call yourself a success.OEO KT FHERCI TV E 0 604B O O K S U M M A R Y : TB HASLUTME RMEAGROY :E F

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