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ADDENDUM TO THE PIMA PINEAPPLE CACTUS SURVEY: PROPOSED ROSEMONTPROJECT SANTA RITA ROAD ALIGNMENT REPORT: APPROXIMATELY 46.2 ACRESALONG CORTO, COUNTRY CLUB, SANTA RITA, AND DAWSON ROADS,PIMA COUNTY, ARIZONAPREPARED FOR:Rosemont Copper CompanyPREPARED BY:WestLand Resources, Inc.DATE:October 7, 2011PROJECT NO.1049.29 342 342TABLE OF CONTENTS1. INTRODUCTION . 22. METHODS . 23. PIMA PINEAPPLE CACTUS SURVEY RESULTS. 2LIST OF TABLESTable 1. Locations and notes for PPC found during survey of Rosemont’s Santa Rita Road utilityalignment alternative . 4LIST OF FIGURES(Figures follow text)Figure 1.Figure 2.Figure 3.Figure 4.Vicinity MapPPC LocationsPPC Locations of Geology Base (Drewes 1971)PPC Locations of Geology Base (Pearthree and Youberg 2000)Q:\Jobs\1000's\1049.29\Addenda Santa Rita Road Alignment\Addendum Santa Rita Road PPC Survey 100711.docxWestLand Resources, Inc.Engineering and Environmental Consultants

EM O T COFFERMemorandumTo:Bev EversonCc:Chris GarrettFrom:Kathy ArnoldDoc #:005/12-15.3.2Subject:Transmittal Associated with Utility RoutesDate:January 13, 2012Rosemont Copper Company is having delivered by courier, the following materials in hard copy andelectronic. These reports were prepared in support of the CEC application and/or associated with StateLand Right of Way Process. Addendum to the Rosemont Mine State-Protected Plant and Noxious Weed Inventory on ASLDLands East of Sahuarita, Pima County, Arizona Report: Approximately 39.5 Acres Along Corto,Country Club, Santa Rita and Dawson Roads, Pima County, Arizona, dated October 7, 2011 byWestland Resources, Inc. One (1) copy to FS and SWCA each. Addendum to the Rosemont Mine Saguaro and Agave Survey: Proposed Rosemont Project SantaRita Road Alignment Report: Approximately 6.7 Acres on Corto Road Between Country ClubRoad and the Sanrita Parcel, dated October 7, 2011 by WestLand Resources, Inc. One (1) copy Addendum to the Pima Pineapple Cactus Survey: Proposed Rosemont Project Santa Rita RoadAlignment Report: Approximately 46.2 Acres Along Corto, Country Club, Santa Rita, and DawsonRoads, Pima County, Arizona, dated October 7, 2011 by WestLand Resources, Inc. One (1) copyto FS and SWCA FS and SWCA each. Addendum to the Pima Pineapple Cactus Survey: Proposed Rosemont Project Santa Rita RoadAlignment Report: Approximately 38 Around a Utility Line Pinch Point Near the HelvetiaTownsite, Pima County, Arizona, dated October 31, 2011 by WestLand Resources, Inc. One (1) Agave and Saguaro Surveys: Proposed Southern Alternative Utility Alignment for the RosemontProject, dated October 31, 2011 by WestLand Resources, Inc. One (1) copy to FS and SWCAcopy to FS and SWCA each.each.Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require anything further.

Addendum to the Pima Pineapple Cactus Survey: Proposed Rosemont ProjectSanta Rita Road Alignment Report: Approximately 46.2 Acres along Corto,Country Club, Santa Rita, and Dawson Roads, Pima County, ArizonaOctober 7, 2011Page 21. INTRODUCTIONThis report is an addendum to the report “Pima Pineapple Cactus Survey: Proposed Rosemont ProjectSanta Rita Road Alignment”, dated December 18, 2009, produced by WestLand Resources, Inc.(WestLand), for Rosemont Copper Company (Rosemont). The alignment for the Santa Rita Road utilityalternative was expanded to include approximately 46.2 acres of additional lands located in portions ofSections 18, 19, 20, and 29, Township 17 South, Range 14 East, Gila and Salt River Meridian. The newsurvey area includes an approximately 200-foot widening northward (north from the Section 29 southernboundary) of the previous survey area along Corto Road between Country Club Road and Rosemont’sSanrita South parcel (approximately 0.25 mile in length); a 50-foot widening westward of the previoussurvey along the west side of Country Club Road from El Toro Road to Corto Road (approximately 2miles in length); 100 feet wide on the south side of Dawson Road between Country Club Road and SantaRita Road (approximately 4,000 feet in length); 100 feet wide on the southwest side of Santa Rita Roadfrom Country Club Road northwest for approximately 1.25 miles; and from that point on Santa Rita Roadas it turns north, fence line to fence line (approximately 60 feet wide) for approximately 1 mile (theAddendum Area; Figure 1). No survey had previously been conducted along the Dawson Road and SantaRita Road portions of this area.The Addendum Area is on State Trust lands administered by the Arizona State Land Department, exceptthe last segment of Santa Rita Road, which is Town of Sahuarita right of way on privately owned land.At the request of Rosemont, WestLand surveyed the Addendum Area for Pima pineapple cactus(Coryphantha scheeri var. robustispina; PPC).2. METHODSThe survey followed guidelines set forth in the USFWS document entitled Pima Pineapple Cactus 3 TierSurvey Methods (Roller 1996), the same protocol followed for the original survey. WestLand fieldtechnicians with PPC survey experience walked transects approximately 15 feet apart to attain 100percent coverage of the Addendum Area.The UTM coordinates of PPC found during the survey were recorded on a GPS unit. Processing of PPCincluded wiring a tag with a unique number to a small rock and placing it next to the PPC, and recordingthe number of stems and general health of the PPC.3. PIMA PINEAPPLE CACTUS SURVEY RESULTSA one-hundred-percent (100%) coverage of the Addendum Area for PPC was conducted, with oneportion surveyed on December 28, 2010, and the remainder on August 29 and September 1, 2011.WestLand mapped, tagged, and recorded data for 20 live PPC that were found during the survey efforts(Figure 2). The UTM coordinates and notes for the PPC found during the survey are provided in Table 1.One PPC was found between north of Corto Road between Country Club Road and the Sanrita SouthQ:\Jobs\1000's\1049.29\Addenda Santa Rita Road Alignment\Addendum Santa Rita Road PPC Survey 100711.docxWestLand Resources, Inc.Engineering and Environmental Consultants

Addendum to the Pima Pineapple Cactus Survey: Proposed Rosemont ProjectSanta Rita Road Alignment Report: Approximately 46.2 Acres along Corto,Country Club, Santa Rita, and Dawson Roads, Pima County, ArizonaOctober 7, 2011Page 3parcel near PPC that were found during the original survey, one PPC was found along Country Club Roada short distance north of Corto Road, also near the location of previously found PPC, and 18 PPC werefound along an approximately 3,600-foot-long stretch of Santa Rita Road, between the southern end ofthe Town of Sahuarita right of way and approximately 1,450 feet southeast of the Dawson Roadintersection. No PPC were found along Dawson Road, along Country Club Road north of Santa RitaRoad, or along Santa Rita Road for the first approximately 0.75 mile northwest of Country Club Road orthe northern approximately 1.25 miles of Country Club Road, within the Town of Sahuarita right of way.Drewes (1971) produced a geologic map focusing on bedrock units in the Santa Rita Mountains, but thatincluded the alluvial surfaces of the Addendum Area. Most of the Project Area surveyed for PPC was onPleistocene-age Qgth gravel unit (Figure 3). The Qgth unit of alluvium occurs as higher terraces andpediments, capped by a moderately well developed red to brown soil or soil complex. Drewes delineatedan “a” boundary with a prominent older soil of the Qgth complex west of the boundary. The “a” boundarypasses through the extreme southeastern corner of the Addendum Area, so nearly all of the AddendumArea is west of the line. All of the 20 PPC except one were found on the Qtgh surface west of the “a”boundary (Figure 3). The only other of Drewes’ geologic units that the Addendum Area crosses are QTg(alluvium of the piedmont area aged on the older Pleistocene – Pliocene age boundary) on most of thenorthern mile of Santa Rita Road, and QTgr (similar to QTg, but derived from upstream on the SantaCruz River rather than the mountains to the east) at one short wash crossing along Country Club Roadand on a short segment on the northern mile of Santa Rita Road. One PPC was found on the QTg surfaceseveral hundred feet northwest of PPC on Qgth surface along Santa Rita Road.Pearthree and Youberg (2000) mapped the surficial geology of the same area as Drewes (Figure 4).Alluvium on which all of the 20 PPC occur is identified by them as Qm, middle Pleistocene alluvium.Except for a Qy surface encountered at two wash crossings (undifferentiated Holocene alluvium that isequivalent to Drewes’ QTgr at the wash crossing along Country Club Road), the only other mapped unitsthat the Addendum Area crosses are Qly, a younger late Pleistocene to Holocene alluvium along DawsonRoad and a short segment of the northern mile of Santa Rita Road along the edge of the Santa Cruz Riverfloodplain; and QTs (early Pleistocene to Pliocene alluvium) on the northern mile of Santa Rita Road.These two surfaces are not distinguished on Drewes’ map.As noted above, 18 PPC were found along Santa Rita Road (and the other two to the south), with severalPPC no more than 400 feet from Dawson Road, but no PPC were found along Dawson Road. Themapped boundary of the Qm and Qly surfaces is between the two roads, then cuts north across DawsonRoad a short distance east of the intersection of the two roads. Although numerous PPC were found onthe Qly surface during the original Santa Rita Road alignment survey, they were all on that surface morethan 2 miles southeast of the Qly surface within the Addendum Area. During the original Santa Rita Roadalignment survey, no PPC were found on other Qly surface around the intersection of Dawson Road andCountry Club Road and along Dawson Road directly east of the Addendum Area. However, one deadQ:\Jobs\1000's\1049.29\Addenda Santa Rita Road Alignment\Addendum Santa Rita Road PPC Survey 100711.docxWestLand Resources, Inc.Engineering and Environmental Consultants

Addendum to the Pima Pineapple Cactus Survey: Proposed Rosemont ProjectSanta Rita Road Alignment Report: Approximately 46.2 Acres along Corto,Country Club, Santa Rita, and Dawson Roads, Pima County, ArizonaOctober 7, 2011Page 4PPC was found on Qly surface within the original survey area more than 0.5 mile north of Dawson Road,and during a survey by WestLand in 2008 (WestLand 2009) 1 for a different alignment, which from thecenter of Section 20 at Dawson Road went due north and due east, several live PPC were found on Qlysurface on the 0.5 mile between Dawson Road and Section 17 to the north, but none were found on theQly surface heading east in the vicinity of Dawson Road.Forty-eight live PPC were found and tagged during the survey of the original Santa Rita Road alignmentarea in 2009. The UTM coordinates and notes for those 48 PPC are included in Table 1 to provide all PPCdata for the alignment in one place. Additional information, including a site description of the entire SantaRita Road utility alignment and a discussion the PPC locations in relation to geologic units, is found inthe report to which this is an addendum.Table 1. Locations and notes for PPC found during survey of Rosemont’s Santa Rita Road utilityalignment alternative: PPC found within the 46.2-acre Addendum Area are indicated by bold font.PPC Tag No.12 (no tag)34567891011121314 (no tag)15 (no tag)16171819 (no tag)20212223UTM Coordinates(NAD 83, US 167347611581928NotesLive: 4 pups. Dead: 2 primary stemsDeadLive: primary stemLive: 2 large and 16 small pups. Dead: primary stemLive: primary stem, 6 pupsLive: primary stemLive: primary stemLive: primary stem, 2 pupsLive: primary stem, 1 pupLive: primary stem, 2 pupsLive: primary stem, 9 pupsLive: primary stem, 4 large and 9 small pupsLive: primary stemDeadDeadLive: 2 large and 2 small pups. Dead: primary stem, pupLive: primary stemLive: primary stem, 6 pupsDeadLive: primary stemLive: 6 large and 7 small pups. Dead: primary stemLive: 5 large and 4 small pups. Dead: primary stemLive: 5 pups. Dead: primary stem1WestLand Resources, Inc. 2009. Addendum to the Pima pineapple cactus survey of the proposed Rosemont projectwaterline alignment. WestLand Resources, Inc., Tucson, AZ.Q:\Jobs\1000's\1049.29\Addenda Santa Rita Road Alignment\Addendum Santa Rita Road PPC Survey 100711.docxWestLand Resources, Inc.Engineering and Environmental Consultants

Addendum to the Pima Pineapple Cactus Survey: Proposed Rosemont ProjectSanta Rita Road Alignment Report: Approximately 46.2 Acres along Corto,Country Club, Santa Rita, and Dawson Roads, Pima County, ArizonaPPC Tag 748495051 (no tag)5253365366367368369370371372373374375UTM Coordinates(NAD 83, US 92524165849411592496165839811592678October 7, 2011Page 5NotesLive: primary stem and pupLive: primary stemLive: primary stem, 5 pups. Dead: pupLive: primary stem, 7 pupsLive: 9 pups. Dead: primary stemLive: primary stem, 9 pupsLive: primary stem. Dead: pupLive: primary stem, 3 pupsLive: primary stem, 2 pupsLive: primary stem, 3 pupsLive: 2 primary stemsLive: primary stemLive: primary stem, 7 pups. Dead: pupLive: primary stem, 2 pupsLive: primary stemLive: primary stem, pupLive: primary stem, pupLive: primary stem, pupLive: primary stem, 2 pupsLive: primary stem, 2 pupsLive: 2 primary stems, 4 pups. Dead: 3 pupsLive: 3 pups. Dead: primary stem and pupLive: primary stem, 9 pupsLive: primary stemLive: primary stemLive: primary stem, 8 pupsLive: primary stem, 9 pupsDeadLive: primary stem, 7 pups, stem 31 mm separatedLive: primary stem, 7 pupsLive: 3 primary stems. Dead: 3 stemsLive: primary stem, 5 pupsLive: 6 secondary stems, 3 pups. Dead: primary stemLive: primary stem, 9 pupsLive: primary stemLive: 9 pups. Dead: primary stemLive: primary stem, 5 pupsLive: 8 pups. Dead: primary stem, 4 pupsLive: primary stemLive: primary stem, 6 pupsLive: primary stemQ:\Jobs\1000's\1049.29\Addenda Santa Rita Road Alignment\Addendum Santa Rita Road PPC Survey 100711.docxWestLand Resources, Inc.Engineering and Environmental Consultants

Addendum to the Pima Pineapple Cactus Survey: Proposed Rosemont ProjectSanta Rita Road Alignment Report: Approximately 46.2 Acres along Corto,Country Club, Santa Rita, and Dawson Roads, Pima County, ArizonaPPC Tag No.376377378381382383384385478UTM Coordinates(NAD 83, US 84389October 7, 2011Page 6NotesLive: primary stem, 1 pupLive: 2 primary stems, 2 pups a few inches away. Dead: 1 pupLive: 3 pups. Dead: primary stem, 8 pupsLive: primary stem, 3 pupsLive: 2 secondary stems, 2 pups. Dead: primary stem, 1 pupLive: 3 pups. Dead: primary stem, 5 pupsLive: Primary stem, 5 pupsLive: Primary stem, 4 pupsLive: Primary stem, 4 pupsQ:\Jobs\1000's\1049.29\Addenda Santa Rita Road Alignment\Addendum Santa Rita Road PPC Survey 100711.docxWestLand Resources, Inc.Engineering and Environmental Consultants


Path: M:\projects\1049.29\PPC Fig 9 2011\Fig1 Vicinity Overview.mxdTUCSON METROPOLITAN AREAARIZONAFLAGSTAFF§ 10§ 19PHOENIXYUMATUCSONPROJECTLOCATIONApproximate Scale 1 Inch 10 MilesSAHUARITA ROAD§ 19Addendum AreaCOUNTRY CLUB ROADOriginalSurveySAT.17S., R.14E., Portion Sections 18-20 & 29,Pima County, ArizonaCorona De Tucson, Empire Ranch, Helvetia & SahuaritaUSGS 7.5' Quadrangles0MilesNTARITAROAD 2.5ROSEMONT PROJECTSanta Rita Road Utility Line AddendumPima Pineapple Cactus Survey5VICINITY MAPFigure 1

Path: M:\projects\1049.29\PPC Fig 9 2011\Fig2 Aerial 20 PPC 2011.mxdDate: 10/11/2011User: DavidoVIEW 1EL TORO ROADMatchline385Addendum Area")")384378")377")375")376)"374")")373 372")371DAWSON ROAD370")368369")")") 367")366COUNTRY CLUB ROAD")!(383 365")")382")SANTARITAROADVIEW 2!(SANTARITAR OADAddendum AreaOriginal Survey!(!(!(EL TORO !(!(!(!(")")T17S, R14E, Portion of Sections 18-20, & 29,Pima County, Arizona, Pictometry 2010 Imagery!(")PPC Original SurveyPPC Addendum Area with tag number0 400ROSEMONT PROJECTSanta Rita Road Utility Line AddendumPima Pineapple Cactus Survey800FeetPIMA PINEAPPLE CACTUS LOCATIONSFigure 2

Path: M:\projects\1049.29\PPC Fig 9 2011\Fig Aerial Overview Geology PPC ")")")")")Qg!(")")")LegendQTgrQTg")PPC: Addendum Area!(PPC: Original Survey!(PPC: Dead, Original SurveyAddendum Area!(Original SurveyQgthT17S, R14E, Portion of Sections 18-20 & 29,Pima County, Arizona,Data Source: Geologic Map of the Sahuarita Quadrangle,SW of Tucson, Pima County, AZBy Harald Drewes, 1971!(!!(((!(!!(!(!(!(!(!(!(")!(!(!(( !")!(!(!(ROSEMONT PROJECTSanta Rita Road Utility Line AddendumPima Pineapple Cactus Survey0Feet2,5005,000 PIMA PINEAPPLE CACTUSLOCATIONS ON GEOLOGY BASE MAP (Drewes 1971)Figure 3

Path: M:\projects\1049.29\PPC Fig 9 2011\Fig Aerial Overview Geology 2000 PPC )")Legend!(")PPC: Addendum Area!(!(PPC: Original SurveyPPC: Dead, Original SurveyAddendum AreaOriginal SurveyT17S, R14E, Portion of Sections 18-20 & 29,Pima County, Arizona,Data Source: Geologic Map of the Sahuarita Quadrangle,SW of Tucson, Pima County, AZBy Pearthree and Youberg, 2000!(!!(((!(!!(!(!(!(!(!(!(")!(!(!(( !")!(!(!(ROSEMONT PROJECTSanta Rita Road Utility Line AddendumPima Pineapple Cactus Survey0Feet2,5005,000 PIMA PINEAPPLE CACTUSLOCATIONS ON GEOLOGY BASE MAP (Pearthree and Youberg 2000)Figure 4

Pima Pineapple Cactus Survey: Proposed Rosemont Project October 7, 2011 Santa Rita Road Alignment Report: Approximately 46.2 Acres along Corto, Page 2 Country Club, Santa Rita, and Dawson Roads, Pima County, Arizona Q:\Jobs\1000's\1049.29\Addenda Santa Rita Road Alignment\Addendum Santa

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