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Approval of the thesis:STRUCTURAL MODELLING, ANALYSIS, EVALUATION ANDSTRENGTHENING OF PERGE SOUTHERN GATE HELLENISTIC TOWERSsubmitted by ORHAN METE IŞIKOĞLU in partial fulfillment of the requirements for thedegree of Master of Science in Restoration, Middle East Technical University by,Prof. Dr. Canan ÖzgenDean, Graduate School of Natural and Applied SciencesAssoc. Prof. Dr. Güven Arif SargınHead of Department, ArchitectureAssoc. Prof. Dr. Neriman Şahin GüçhanSupervisor, Architecture Dept., METUAssoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet TürerCo-Supervisor, Civil Engineering Dept., METUExamining Committee Members:Inst. Dr. Nimet ÖzgönülArchitecture Dept., METUAssoc. Prof. Dr. Neriman Şahin GüçhanArchitecture Dept., METUProf. Dr. Ömür Bakırer,Architecture Dept., METUAssist. Prof. Dr. Güliz Bilgin AltınözArchitecture Dept., METUM.Sc. Rest. Arch. Yavuz ÖzkayaGeneral Manager, PROMET Co.Date:10.02.2012

I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presentedin accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as requiredby these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and resultsthat are not original to this work.Name, Last name : Orhan Mete IşıkoğluSignatureiii:

ABSTRACTSTRUCTURAL MODELLING, ANALYSIS, EVALUATION AND STRENGTHENINGOF PERGE SOUTHERN GATE HELLENISTIC TOWERSIşıkoğlu, Orhan MeteM.Sc. in Restoration, Department of ArchitechtureSupervisor: Assoc. Prof.Dr. Neriman Şahin GüçhanCo-Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet TürerJanuary 2012, 122 pagesThe successive struggle of Perge Antique City to resist against aging is clearly signified byHellenistic Towers Ruins, parts of which still reaches up to 20 m high. Being a mostreflecting example located at Anatolia, it clearly signifies its construction period andfunction compared to other examples that constitutes the same features.However, There exist a certain requirement of detailed and wide ranging conservation studyfor finding remedy to cope with risk of further collapse, which is originated from the slendergeometry of Towers Remains. Therefore, the need of a survey on the structural behaviour oftowers with non-linear analytical modelling techniques is fulfilled in this study.Preliminary analytical modelling (linear-elastic, macro models) was performed by usingSAP2000 while, following detailed discrete stone element modelling examinations wereperformed with ANSYS-Ls DYNA, ABAQUS Software. Verification for simulations weremade with results related with ambient vibration dynamic testing performed at EasternTower and Closed-form, simple calculations.In the light of results bound to structural behaviour investigation on reconstitution, stabilityperformance of today's ruins was examined against seismic activities. Four differentstrengthening methods were considered and their contributions to stability were compared iniv

order to reach at the most appropriate intervention scheme obeying contemporary restorationcriteria. The study formed a significant sub branch work of a restoration project of whichcharge was undertaken by SAYKA Restoration, Architecture Ltd. Co. Being a part of multidisciplinary teamwork, structural investigation research was concluded to an optimumsolution, which foreseen “minimum intervention to the building” assuring performanceunder seismic loading of large earthquakes.Keywords: Perge Hellenistic Towers, dry masonry, discrete element modelling, seismicvulnerability, strengthening interventionv

ÖZPERGE GÜNEY KAPISI HELENİSTİK KULELERİ YAPISAL MODELLEME, ANALİZ,DEĞERLENDİRME VE GÜÇLENDİRME ÇALIŞMASIIşıkoğlu Orhan MeteYüksek Lisans, Restorasyon, Mimarlık BölümüTez Yöneticisi: Doç. Dr. Neriman Şahin GüçhanOrtak Tez Yöneticisi: Doç. Dr. Ahmet TürerŞubat 2012, 122 sayfaPerge Antik Şehrinin yaşlanmaya karşı verdiği mücadele,en belirgin olarak, halen bazıkısımları 20 m yüksekliğe kadar ulaşan Helenistik Kuleler Kalıntıları’ndan anlaşılmaktadır.Yapıldığı dönem ve mimari özellikleri açısından benzerleri ile karşılaştırıldığındaAnadolu’da yer alan en belirgin örnektir.Ancak Kule Kalıntılarının yapısal narinliklerine bağlı olarak yok olma riski altındabulunmaları, geniş kapsamlı ve ayrıntılı bir çalışma yapılmasını gerektirmektedir. Buna bağlıolarak, kulelerin yapısal davranışının lineer olmayan modelleme teknikleri ile araştırılmasıbu çalışma kapsamında gerçekleştirilmiştir.Birincil analitik modellemeler (lineer-elastik makro-modeller) SAP2000 yazılımı ilegerçekleştirilirken; ayrık eleman modeleri için ANSYS-Ls DYNA, ABAQUS yazılımlarıkullanılmıştır. Modellemelerin doğrulanması arazide, Doğu Kule üzerinde yapılan ortamtitreşim dinamik testleri sonuçları ve basit mühendislik hesaplarınca gerçekleştirilmiştir.Restitüsyon Geometrileri üzerinde yapılan yapısal davranış araştırmaları sonucu elde edilenverilere de bağlı olarak, günümüz kule kalıntılarının, sismik hareketliliklere karşı stabiliteperformansları incelenmiştir. Çağdaş koruma prensipleri sınırlarında kalarak en uygunvi

müdahalenin çıkarılması için 4 farklı güçlendirme yönteminin stabiliteye katkılarıkarşılaştırılarak araştırılmıştır. Çalışma SAYKA Restorasyon, Mimarlık Ltd. Şti. tarafındanüstlenilmiş Perge Helenistik Kuleleri Restorasyon Projesinin önemli bir kolunuoluşturmaktadır. Çok disiplinli bir çalışma grubuyla yürütülen, yapısal davranışaraştırmalarında “yapıya minimum müdahale” öngörülmüş; büyük sismik hareketliliklersırasında yapısal dayanım performansı gösterebilecek, optimum çözüm kararı ilesonuçlandırılmıştır.Anahtar Kelimler: Perge Helenistik Kuleleri, kuru duvar yığma yapı, ayrık elemanmodelleme, sismik hassasiyet, güçlendirme müdahalesivii

To my dearest mother, Gülen Bedükviii

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe author wishes to mention his gratefulness toward his advisors, Assoc. Prof. Dr. NerimanŞahin Güçhan and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Türer for their not only invaluable guidance,assistance and support but also for their endless eagerness to give me the opportunity to workwith them both as a student and a colleague for conservation of cultural heritage.SAYKA Construction & Architecture Co., which is supporter of this study, is gratefullyacknowledged.The encouragements and suggestions given by Prof. Dr. Emine Caner Saltık, Ms. SaadetSayın, Prof. Dr. Ömür Bakırer, Assist. Prof. Dr. Güliz Bilgin Altınöz, Assist. Prof. Dr. AyşeTavukçuoğlu, Dr. Kiraz Göze Akoğlu are gratefully acknowledged.The author would also like to express his special thanks to Ms. Sinem Kardeşler, Ms. AyşeŞenay Dinçer, Ms. Duygu Ergenç, Mr. Pourang Ezzatfar, Ms. Yasemin Didem Aktaş Erdem,Mr. Ceyhan Erdem, Ms. Merve Yıldız, Mr. Uğur Kazancı, Ms Seray Türkay, Mr. EmreMaden, Mr. Kerem Özçiçek, Ms. Gül Yiğitsoy, Ms. Alper Aldemir, Ms. Filiz Diri, Ms. IşılErtosun, Mr. Emre Sakabaş for their both technical supports and motivations.ix

TABLE OF CONTENTSABSTRACT. ivÖZ . viACKNOWLEDGMENTS . ixTABLE OF CONTENTS . xLIST OF TABLES . xiiLIST OF FIGURES . xiiiLIST OF SYMBOLS / ABBREVATIONS . xviiCHAPTERS1 INTRODUCTION . 11.1Analytical Modelling as a Tool for the Structural Analysis of Historical MasonryBuildings . 11.2Definition of the Problem and Selection of the Case . 41.3Methodology of the Study. 72 SOUTHERN GATE HELLENISTIC TOWERS OF PERGE . 122.1History of the City of Perge and the Southern Hellenistic Gate . 122.2Archaeological and Architectural Characteristics of the Towers. 222.3Structural Features and Current Structural & Material Conditions of the Towers 382.4Previous Archeological and Conservation Studies on the Towers . 442.5Previous Structural Investigation Studies and Strengthening Proposals for theTowers . 493 MODELLING OF PERGE TWIN TOWERS AND STRUCTURAL ANALYSES . 543.1Review on Structural Investigation by Analytical Modelling of Historic MasonryStructures: Discrete Element Modelling . 543.2Analysis Technique and Tools . 583.2.1Formation of Model Geometry of Superstructure . 593.2.2Masonry Unit Physico-Mechanical Parameters and Unit Interface Modelsused in FEM . 623.2.3Earthquake Loading Data. 663.3Analytical Modelling to Simulate Actual Observed Damage Condition . 703.4Structural Capacity Evaluation for Current Condition with Simple Engineeringx

Calculations and Simulation Results. 793.5Dynamic Testing on Field and Verification of Simulation Results . 823.6Structural Identification Study Results . 894 STRENGTHENING PROPOSALS AND THEIR EVALUATION WITH THE HELP OFSTRUCTURAL ANALYSIS. 914.1Analytical Modelling Studies on Former Strengthening Methods and Results . 914.2Results of Post-Tensioning System. 964.3Comparison of Intervention Methods . 1075 CONCLUSION . 115REFERENCES . 119xi

LIST OF TABLESTABLESTable 3.1 Physico-mechanical features of travertine stones of the towers . 63Table 3.2 Uniaxial Compressive Strength Testing Results . 64Table 3.3 Frequency Values and Modal Shape Definitions obtained from SAP2000 ModalAnalysis . 71Table 3.4 ABAQUS DEM Models: Definition of Different Parameters used . 74Table 3.5 Results of Dynamic Testing on the Real Structure and Analytical Model: NaturalFrequency Values of the Eastern Tower . 88Table 4.1 Comparison Table for Intervention Methods in the Frame of ContemporaryPreservation Concept and Structural Efficiency . 114xii

LIST OF FIGURESFIGURESFigure 1.1 (a) Collapsed Cathedral of Noto-Sicily (Binda & Saisi, 2005) (b) Dome of HagiaSophia (c) Brunelleschi’s Dome at Santa Maria Del Fiore (d) Tower of Pisa . 3Figure 1.2 Perge Hellenistic Gate Towers, Southern View (Photo was taken at 2010). . 6Figure 2.1 Location of Perge at Ancient Pamphylia Region . 13Figure 2.2 Google Earth – Aerial View of Perge and Its Surrounding Geography at 2009 . 13Figure 2.3 Perge City Plan (Rochow, 2011) . 14Figure 2.4 City Development History Representation (Bakacak, 2007). 17Figure 2.5 Perge Hellenistic City Gate Complex . 18Figure 2.6 Periods of Hellenistic Gate (SAYKA, 2011) . 20Figure 2.7(a) Reconstitution of Hellenistic Gate by Lankoronski et. al. (1890) (b)Southeastern View Engraving of the Towers by Lankoronski et. al. (1890) (c) SouthwesternView Engraving of the Towers by Lankoronski et. al. (1890) . 21Figure 2.8 Ground Floor Plan of the Hellenistic Gate Towers . 23Figure 2.9 Eastern View Drawing of the Eastern Tower – SAYKA (2002, Revised in 2010). 25Figure 2.10 Drawings of the Western Tower a) Western View b) Eastern View c) SouthernView - SAYKA (2002, Revised in 2010) . 26Figure 2.11 a) Square Holes on the 11th & 16th Stone Courses of the Eastern View b) SquareSockets carved at the 16th Stone Courses of the Eastern Tower . 28Figure 2.12 Stone Layout Presentation on Eastern View of the Eastern Tower and the SteelScaffolding . 30Figure 2.13 A Reconstruction for Initial State of Southern Hellenistic Gate of Perge . 34Figure 2.14 Reconstitution Drawings of the Towers by SAYKA Co. (2011). . 35Figure 2.15 Southwestern View Restitution of the Western Tower (Bulgurlu, 1999) . 37Figure 2.16 Surface Decay at Lower Levels of the Inner Surface of Tower Walls due toContinuous Wetting Drying Cycles (Topal, 2011). . 40Figure 2.17 A Vertical Crack at the Eastern Tower Following a Pattern in which NonSuccessful Vertical Staggering at Stones exists. Photo by SAYKA (2002) . 42Figure 2.18 Overturned Columns in North-South Direction . 42xiii

Figure 2.19 Earthquake Map of Antalya Province red/DepremHaritalari.aspx , 2011) . 43Figure 2.20 Seismic Fracture Directions defined by Topal (2011) . 44Figure 2.21 (a) Reconstructed 3rd Floor Part of the Eastern Tower. (b) Readjustment andAttachment with Metal Clamps of 25th Course Western Edge Stones at the Eastern Tower,16.07.2010 . 48Figure 2.22 (a) Steel Support Frame Anchored to the Inner Side of 2nd Floor Window. 49Figure 2.23 3D View of Lintel System and Eastern Tower (Lintels on 16th and 25th layers) 50Figure 2.24 Steel Support Frame Anchored to Inner Side of 2nd floor Window . 50Figure 2.25 Frontal View, Drawing of the Lintel System SAYKA (2002) . 51Figure 2.26 (a) Side Section of Wall and Anchored-Lintel System Drawings SAYKA(2002). (b) 3D Side View of the Lintel System . 51Figure 2.27 (a) Tripod System 3D View. (b) Discrete Analytical Modelling, PushoverAnalysis - Limit State Result Representation. . 52Figure 2.28 (a) View of Suggested Support System and the Towers from the South. (b)Southern View Drawing of the Towers and the Support System (Inner Steel Frame Tube) . 53Figure 3.1 a) Macro model b) Simplified Micro Model c) Detailed Micro Model . 55Figure 3.2 a) SAP2000 Model of the Original Eastern Tower b) Ls-DYNA DEM of theOriginal Eastern Tower c) ABAQUS DEM of the Original Eastern Tower d) ABAQUSDEM of the Ruined Eastern Tower e) ABAQUS DEM of the Original Western Tower . 61Figure 3.3 Transition Behaviour Between Static and Kinetic Frictional Coefficients . 66Figure 3.4 1992 Erzincan Earthquake Record . 68Figure 3.5 N-S Components of Synthetic EQs derived with RSCA Software . 69Figure 3.6 Response Spectrum of Synthetic-1 EQ N-S Direction. Correlation betweenTEC2007 Z2 Spectrum and Synthetic one . 70Figure 3.7Horizontal (S22) and Vertical (S23) tension stress distribution on linearmodelling with effect of Erzincan Earthquake on the Eastern Tower; a) South-western View(S22 Distribution) b) Northeastern View (S33 Distribution). 72Figure 3.8 DEM of the Eastern Tower formed by Non-Staggered Stone Blocks in HorizontalPlane, Representation of Tower during Seismic Excitation a) at the start of Erzincan EQ b)5th sec of Erzincan ‘92 EQ . 73Figure 3.9 a) Deformation at the Eastern Tower after being affect by the Erzincan ‘92 EQwith 0.5 Intensity Rate b) Deformation at the Eastern Tower during Excitation of thexiv

Erzincan ‘92 EQ with 1.0 Intensity Rate . 75Figure 3.10 a) Deformed Shape similar with Current One as a result of #5 analysis of Table3.4 b) Result of the Analytical Model (#8 of Table 3.4) having same Analysis Parameterswith #5 but addition of Later Period Eastern Gate (Existence of which is claimed by Mansel). 76Figure 3.11 a) Result of Analyses #9 having same Parametric and Geometric Condition with#5 except, Lack of Loopholes and Windows at City Side of the Tower b) Results of Analyses#10 made on the Western Tower. Analysis having the same Parametric Conditions with #577Figure 3.12 Vertical Compressive Stress Distribution during 3rd sec of #5 Analysis. . 78Figure 3.13 Overturning of Upper Part of the Current Eastern Tower under Seismic Action. 79Figure 3.14 a) Equivalent Earthquake Load affecting the Tower b) Calculation Assumptionsfor Each Stone Layer. . 80Figure 3.15 Overturning Risk Analysis on the Eastern Tower . 81Figure 3.16 Field-Dynamic Testing, Measurement Scheme . 82Figure 3.17 Acceleration Data Graphic of the 6th Measurement. . 83Figure 3.18 Acceleration Data Graph of Measurement #6 (shown with 1 in Figure 3.17). 84Figure 3.19 Data Group Number 6. FFT Analysis Results Graphic of Part Number 2. . 85Figure 3.20 Wavelet Analysis on Data of 4th Measurement 2nd Channel which was excitedby wind (First Modal Frequency Value corresponding to Flexural Behaviour was found as2.340 Hz) . 86Figure 3.21 Displacement Based Impact that was used to excite Analytical Model. . 87Figure 4.1 a) Girder System -a- Analysis b) Girder System -b- Analysis . 93Figure 4.2 a) Girder System -c- Analysis . 93Figure 4.3 Deformation of the Eastern Tower with Pipe Steel System during PGA ofErzincan ‘92 EQ. 95Figure 4.4 Result of 2nd Model in which the Eastern Tower being strengthened: Von MisesStress Distribution indicates High Stress Concentrations . 95Figure 4.5 Eastern Tower Strengthening Model: Post-Tensioning System . 96Figure 4.6 Results of the Eastern Tower Model strengthened with Post-Tensioning System:The Moment of PGA of Erzincan ‘92EQ a) S33 (Vertical) Stress Distribution b)Displacement. 97Figure 4.7 Results of the Eastern Tower Model strengthened with Post-Tensioning Systemxv

including Additional Diagonal Rods : The Moment of PGA of Erzincan ‘92EQ a) S33(Vertical) Stress Distribution b) Displacement Distribution . 98Figure 4.8 Eastern Tower Model strengthened with Post-Tensioning System and loaded withthe Synthetic EQ-01 a) S33 during PGA (t 16 ) of EQ b) Deformed Shape at the End of EQ. 99Figure 4.9 Eastern Tower Model strengthened with Post-Tensioning System and loaded withthe Synthetic EQ-02 a) S33 during PGA (t 20 ) of EQ b) Deformed Shape at the end of EQ. 99Figure 4.10 Eastern Tower Model strengthened with Post-Tensioning System and loadedwith the Synthetic EQ-03 a) S33 during PGA (t 20 ) of EQ b) Deformed Shape at the endof EQ. . 100Figure 4.11 Lower System Anchorage Pattern . 101Figure 4.12 Lower Beam System Constructional Joint Connection Detail (Plan Section) . 102Figure 4.13 Anchorage Pattern View of Lower Box Beam System to the Tower . 103Figure 4.14 Lower Beam System – Post Tension Rod Connection Detail (Plan Section) . 104Figure 4.15 3D Max representation of the Eastern Tower post-tensioning system lower partview made by Seray Türkay. . 105Figure 4.16 Upper Beam System Assembly Front View . 105Figure 4.17 View of Upper System: An Assembly composed of Two Beams and Base Plate. 106Figure 4.18 3D Max representation of the Eastern Tower post-tensioning system upper partview made by Seray Türkay. . 106Figure 4.19 Side Section of the Tower and the Strengthening System . 107Figure 4.20 The Reconstruction that was proposed in the Project of Strengthening withLintel-Girder System. . 108Figure 4.21 Foundation System that was suggested by German Team to carry TripodStructure . 109Figure 4.22Ground Level of Western Tower after 2010 Excavations by SAYKA; a)Byzantium Mosaics covering the Ground Level b) Closer View of Doorstep Mosaics . 110Figure 4.23 a) The Northern View of Proposed System and Masonry Towers b) HandSketch of Hellenistic Propylea and Steel Support Towers (Perbellini, 2010). . 111Figure 4.243D Max model representing possible form of the Eastern Tower afterstrengthening (model was made by Seray Türkay) . 113xvi

LIST OF SYMBOLS / ABBREVATIONSA0Effective Ground Acceleration CoefficientAFADAfet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi BaşkanlığıdcFriction Function Decay CoefficientDEMDiscrete Element ModeleEccentricityEmModulus of Elasticity of Masonry in CompressionEQEarthquakeFaAllowable Compressive Stress due to Axial LoadOnlyfaCalculated Compressive Stress In Masonry due toAxial Load OnlyFbAllowable Tensile or Compressive Stress due toFlexure OnlyfbCalculated Compressive Stress in Masonry due toFlexure OnlyFEMFinite Element ModelFFTFast Fourier TransformationFiEquivalent Earthquake Load at ith Stone Course ofTower Ruin-Arched Wallfm’Specified Compressive Strength of MasonryhHeight of the Masonry WallHiHeight of the ith Stone Course from ground LevelIBuilding Importance FactorICOMOSInternational Council on Monuments and SitesInMoment of Inertia of Net Cross-Sectional Area of aWallISCARSAHInternational Scientific Committee on the Analysisand Restoration of Structures of ArchitecturalHeritagepSurface Normal Pressurexvii

PeEuler Buckling LoadPSHCGTRRPPerge Southern Hellenistic City Gate TowersRestoration Revision ProjectrRadius of GyrationriRadius of ith Level of Tower Ruin-Arched WallR(T)Earthquake Load Reduction FactorS(T)Spectrum CoefficientVtBase ShearWTotal Weight of the WallwiWeight of ith Stone Course of Tower Ruin ArchedWallθiDegree of ith Stone Course of Tower Ruin ArchedWallμkDynamic Friction CoefficientμsStatic Friction CoefficientτeqEquivalent Shear Valueτ1,2Orthogonal Directional Surface Shear ValuesσNormal StressγeqEquivalent Slip Rateγ1Slip Rate at First Orthogonal Direction of FrictionSurfaceγ2Slip Rate at Second Orthogonal Direction of FrictionSurfaceνPoisson’s Ratioxviii

CHAPTER 11INTRODUCTION1.1Analytical Modelling as a Tool for the Structural Analysis of Historical MasonryBuildingsThe 10,000 years of building activity carried out by the human race has included a need torepair and maintain structures, not only to keep them functional, but also to protect them associal, national and religious symbols of their age. It was during the Renaissance thathistorical structures began to be considered as bearing witness to former civilizations, andthus a heritage to be preserved for future generations. Consequently, in modern societies, acomprehensive conservation consciousness was developed for the preservation of builtheritage not only to satisfy a social need but also as a cultural responsibility. Modern (20 thcentury) conservation considerations are: dynamic, in that the adopted methods should beadaptable to alterations in the conditions of both the heritage itself and the environment;sustainable, in that they should guarantee effectiveness in the long term; and value centered,in that they should promote the participation of different groups from the social spectrum toencourage autonomous preservation (Mason & Avrami, 2002).This idealistic modern approach necessitates a thorough understanding of the architecturalheritage and the preparation of a conservation project that takes into account both its tangibleand intangible characteristics. This can only be achieved through multi-disciplinary scientificconservation studies. In the mid-20th century, the “Venice Charter: International Charter forthe Conservation and Restoration of Monuments” was published as a guide to this multidisciplinary approach. Specifically, Item 2 of charter cited the importance of variousscientific branches and related techniques to be included within conservation activities forthe protection of cultural heritage.On the other hand, the structural consolidation and strengthening of historical heritage1

against the elements is vital if these historical structures are to be prevented from completelyvanishing. In the case of the 18th century Baroque Cathedral of Noto in Sicily (Figure 1.1-a),a regional earthquake caused serious damage to the cathedral six years after unsuccessfulattempts at consolidation in 1996 (Binda et al. 1999). Even masterpieces of engineeringgenius, such as Brunelleschi’s Dome at Santa Maria Del Fiore, face a similar fate, as a seriesof cracks that have appeared near the ribs of the vaulted dome have decreased its bearingcapacity (Ottoni et al. 2010). Despite the fact that the main structure of Hagia Sophia hasbeen repaired and strengthened throughout its life following seismic activity, the shape of thedome of the structure (Figure 1.1-b) has altered significantly, thus making its collapse all themore possible (Croci et al. 1997). In some examples, the lack of a holistic consideration oflocal conditions during the design process has raised the likelihood of collapse, as in the caseof the Tower of Pisa. Furthermore, the sudden collapse of the Civic Tower of Pavia showsthat it is not only natural hazards

SAP2000 while, following detailed discrete stone element modelling examinations were performed with ANSYS-Ls DYNA, ABAQUS Software. Verification for simulations were made with results related with ambient vibration dynamic testing performed at Eastern . 3.2.1 Formation of Model Geometry of Superstructure. 59 3.2.2 Masonry Unit Physico .

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