Luke 13 — 18Luke 13-181The Travel Narrative continues.BIBLE STUDY GUIDE
2iLuke 13 — 18Contents:Page 3:Introduction (Suggestion: read it before you go to the first study)Page 4:Bible Studies to accompany sermon seriesLuke 13-18Page 6:Study 1: Does God Judge Today?Luke 13: 1-9Page 8:Study 2: The Narrow DoorLuke 13:10-35Page 10: Study 3: An Invitation to Die forLuke 14:1-34Page 12: Study 4: God pursues sinnersLuke 15:10-32Page 14: Study 5: Shrewd ChristiansLuke 16:1-31Page 18: Study 6: Faith that can move mulberry treesLuke 7:1-19Page 21: Study 7: What will Jesus find when he returns? Luke 17:20-18:8Page 24: Study 8: Trust is a MustLuke 18:9-30
Luke 13 — 183How to get the best value out of these Biblestudy guides. if you’re using these guides in a small group, it is helpful for you tohave done preparatory work before you get to your meeting. This will be ofgreat benefit not only to you, but to the other members of the group. if you’re doing these studies individually, make sure you letsomeone know you are doing so, and arrange a time to meet with themwhen you’ve finished (or even before) to let them know how your life isbeing changed by God’s Word.Always surround your time looking into God’s Word with prayer, asking Godto change your heart and life so that you - with God’s people - mightbecome more and more like our Lord Jesus Christ.Introduction to Luke 13-18This section of Luke’s gospel is the second part of what is descriptively calledthe ‘Travel Narrative’ (Luke 9:51-19:44). It is a section that plots the journeyof Jesus to Jerusalem. It doesn’t plot the journey geographically orchronologically, but rather picks up on the driving purpose of God’s plan thatJesus would go to Jerusalem and die. In Luke 9:51 we read that ‘As the timeapproached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out forJerusalem.’ There is a lot of tension as Jesus heads towards Jerusalem. Onthe journey various people gather around Jesus, including the disciples,Pharisees, scribes, tax collectors and ‘sinners’. As Jesus interacts with thesepeople he explains to them about the nature of the Kingdom of God, thechallenges of discipleship, and the joy for those who are included in theKingdom as disciples of Christ.Hopefully reading through these passages, you will be encouraged along onthe journey, following Jesus.
4Luke 13 — 18Bible Studies to accompany sermon seriesLuke 13-18Aim for each study:1. Luke 13:1-9To recognize that repentance is critical and urgent for all people2. Luke 13:10-35To acknowledge Jesus as the only one who opens the way into the kingdomof God3. Luke 14:1-34To rejoice at being a part of God’s kingdom, and willing to give up whateveris necessary to follow Jesus4. Luke 15:1-32To rejoice that God seeks lost people and recognise that we are all sinnerswho have been shown God’s grace and kindness5. Luke 16:1-31To submit financially to God- to be extravagantly generous with what wehave and not tempted to idolise money6. Luke 17:1-19To desire to be a thankful and faithful disciple of Christ
Luke 13 — 1857. Luke 17:20-18:8To be praying and waiting and looking forward to the return of Jesus and hisfinal judgment and vindication8. Luke 18:9-30To trust Jesus with and for salvation- wholehearted devotion with completehumility
6Luke 13 — 181: Luke 13:1-91 StudyDoes God judge today?1. What are some views in society today about why people suffer?Read Luke 13:1-92. What is Jesus’ view of why people suffer in verses 1-5?3. What is the relationship between repentance and perishing? Why doesJesus repeat himself here?4. Who or what does the fig tree represent, in reference to Jesus’ audience?What is the fruit? What is at stake?
Luke 13 — 1875. What do verses 8-9 add to verses 6-7? What do we learn about God’scharacter?6. How would you respond to someone who says that suffering is:a) random and unfair?b) deserved or brought on by specific sin?c) Absent for people who have God’s favour?7. How is this passage a comfort for Christians suffering tragedy?Pray for the persecuted church around the world.
8Luke 13 — 18Study 2: Luke 13:10-352 The Narrow Door1. How would you describe the Kingdom of God to an unbeliever?Read Luke 13:10-352. What was the reason for and purpose of the Sabbath?[see Exodus 20:8-11 and Deuteronomy 5:12-15]3. What are the different responses to Jesus healing on the Sabbath inverses 10-17?4. What do we learn about the nature of God’s kingdom from verses 18-21?How do we see evidence of this in verses 10-17?
Luke 13 — 1895. What did the synagogue ruler fail to understand about the kingdom ofGod (verse 14)?6. According to Jesus, what qualifies someone to be part of the kingdom ofGod (verses 22-30)?7. What does it mean or look like to enter through the narrow door?8. Why is verse 28 in particular a rebuke to those Jesus is speaking to?9. What was the role of a prophet in the Old Testament? What is thesignificance of Israel’s refusal to respond to Jesus and acknowledge hisauthority as a prophet (verses 22-35)?Pray for friends who don’t acknowledge Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.
10Luke 13 — 18Study 3: Luke 14:1-343 An Invitation to Die for1. Share with each other some of the joys and struggles you haveexperienced as a follower of Jesus.Read Luke 14:1-342. What are the characteristics of gaining honour and reward in the kingdomof God (verses 7-14)? Is this reflected in our church? How is this differentfrom our society?3. Why is the man angry in verse 21? Instead of cancelling or postponingthe party, how does he respond?4. What is so tragically wrong with the priorities of the invited guests?5. Who ends up included in the banquet in the kingdom of God (verses 2124)?
Luke 13 — 18116. What do we learn about the nature of God and his kingdom from thestory in verses 15-24?7. What does Jesus mean by the word ‘hate’ in verse 26?8. What does it look like to follow Jesus, according to him? What does thislook like practically?9. Do you think Jesus is trying to dissuade people from following him? If not,why not?Pray for each other in the struggles, and thank God for the joys of being afollower of Christ.
12Luke 13 — 18Study 4: Luke 15:10-324 God pursues sinners1. Think about the last time you pursued something valuable (e.g., a goal).How did you feel when you achieved it?Read Luke 15:1-322. Who were the people who came to listen to Jesus?3. What issue did the Pharisees have with Jesus’ method of ministry?4. In his three stories, how did Jesus address:a) the ‘sinners’?b) the Pharisees?
Luke 13 — 18135. How is a lost person ‘found’?6. What do we learn about the nature of God from these three stories?7. Who do you most identify with- the younger son or the older brother?8. If you were the older brother, how would you respond to the father inverses 31-32? Why?9. What would this look like in your life as you relate to other believers andunbelievers?Thank God that He pursued you, a sinner. Praise God for His grace andkindness.
14Luke 13 — 18Study 5: Luke 16:1-315 Shrewd Christians1. Would you agree that we live in a culture that loves money? If so, howdoes this love show itself?Read Luke 16:1-312. Why was the manager about to lose his job (verses 1-2)?3. What was his solution and why was he commended (verses 1-9)?4. What is Jesus’ view of ‘worldly wealth’ and how does he recommend hisfollowers use it? What do you think this looks like practically?
Luke 13 — 18155. Do we take the warning in verse 13 seriously? How would you know ifyou were trying to serve two masters?6. How does Jesus explain the relationship between the Law and thekingdom of God (verses 16-31)? Try to draw a diagram which helps torepresent this (in pairs).
16Luke 13 — 187. Who is represented by the rich man and Lazarus in the story of verses19-31?8. Why is Lazarus saved but the rich man (and his brothers) are not?9. What is the purpose of including Abraham in this story? [refer to 16:16-17]10. How is Jesus’ statement in verse 31 a prediction about himself?
Luke 13 — 181711. What do we learn from this passage about those included in thekingdom of God? How are they saved?12. How would you expect the gospel to affect a Christian’s financialchoices? How can we act shrewdly with our money?Pray for one another in submitting your finances to God.
18Luke 13 — 18Study 6: Luke 17:1-196 Faith that can move mulberry trees1. What do you find hardest about being a Christian?Read Luke 17:1-192. In verses 1-10, what are the four characteristics of discipleship that Jesusexplains?a) a warning:b) an exhortation:c) an encouragement:d) a reminder:3. Choose one of these, and in pairs spend some time discussing what thislooks like practically.
Luke 13 — 18194. What does Jesus teach about faith in verses 5-6? Why is this so?5. Where was Jesus heading and why [17:11 and 18:31-33]?6. How were the ten lepers healed?7. In verses 11-19, why is it significant that the thankful leper is aSamaritan? [see also 2 Kings 5:1-19]How is he an example of Jesus’ point in Luke 17:5-6?8. What do we learn about Jesus and the kingdom of God from this story?
20Luke 13 — 189. How should we respond to God’s mercy? What will this look like for you inthe week ahead?10. How are you going as a disciple of Jesus? What aspect of discipleship doyou want to grow in?Pray for each other about these things.
Luke 13 — 1821Study 7: Luke 17:20-18:87 What will Jesus find when he returns?1. When have you had to wait patiently for something? Why is it hard towait?Read Luke 17:20-18:82. What do we learn about the kingdom of God in verses 20-25?[note that ‘within you’ in 17:21 may be better translated as ‘among you’]3. What will it be like when Jesus returns?4. What is meant by 17:33?
22Luke 13 — 185. Why did Jesus tell the parable in Luke 18:1-8? Why would his followers betempted to give up?6. What should his followers be praying for?7. Why should they keep praying (verses 6-8)?8. How is God contrasted with the unjust judge?9. When will justice be finally and fully delivered? How will it be delivered?Why is God waiting? [see 2 Peter 3:9]
Luke 13 — 182310. When or why do you find it hard to pray persistently?How does this passage encourage you to pray differently?11. Do you look forward to the day that Jesus returns? Why? How does itshape the way you live now?12. What could be the potential threats to your faith and confidence in Godas you await the return of the Lord Jesus?Pray for one another that you will stand firm until that day.
24Luke 13 — 18Study 8: Luke 18:9-308 Trust is a Must1. As a Christian, do you compare yourself with others? Do you tend toconsider yourself above average or substandard?Read Luke 18:9-302. Why does Jesus tell this parable (verse 9)?3. Compare the words and actions of the two by filling in the table:PhariseeActionsWordsTax collector
Luke 13 — 18254. Are you more tempted to be like the Pharisee or the tax collector? Why?5. Why is the tax collector justified and not the Pharisee?6. What do we learn from verses 9-17 about approaching God? Must we besinless and innocent before doing so?7. How does this passage help us to understand prayer?8. What prevents the ruler from entering the kingdom of God and inheritingeternal life in verses 18-27?
26Luke 13 — 189. Are people saved by obeying the commandments? If not, how are peoplesaved?10. What things do you find it hard to give up to follow Jesus?How does this story (and 18:31-33) change your perspective on thesethings?11. In our churches, are we tempted to prefer rich, professional, ‘together’people in our gatherings, or the weak, vulnerable, broken people that Jesusso often engages with in his ministry? How can we better reflect Jesus’priorities for people in our church?Pray for friends who have barriers to them entering God’s kingdom.
NotesLuke 13 — 1827
28Luke 13 — 18Holy Trinity Adelaide8 7 N o r t h Te r r a c eAdelaide SA 5000t: 8213 7300o f f i c e @ t r i n i t y c i t y. o r g . a uw w w. t r i n i t y c i t y. o r g . a u
4 Luke 13 — 18 Bible Studies to accompany sermon series Luke 13-18 Aim for each study: 1. Luke 13:1-9 To recognize that repentance is critical and urgent for all people 2. Luke 13:10-35 To acknowledge Jesus as the only one who opens the way into the kingdom of God 3. Luke 14:1-34
The Sermon on the Plain - Luke 6:17-49 Authority and Faith - Luke 7:1-10 On Doubt - Luke 7:11-35 The Other Woman - Luke 7:36-50 Mirror Images - Luke 8:1-18 Where Is Your Faith? - Luke 8:19-39 Healing On The Way - Luke 8:40-56 Church Growth - Luke 9:1-27 The Transfiguration - Luke 9:28-36 Five Easy Pieces - Luke 9:37-62 Carnival Man - Luke 10:1-24
Luke 1 6 Deut 6 7 Deut 7 Luke 2 8 9 Deut 8 10 Deut 9-10 Luke 3 11 Deut 11-12 12 Deut 13 13 Deut 14-15 Luke 4 14 Deut 16 15 16 Deut 17-18 Luke 5 17 Deut 19-20 18 Deut 21 19 Deut 22 Luke 6 20 . Luke 14 11 Josh 17 12 13 Josh 18-19 Luke 15 14 Josh 20-21 15 Josh 22 16 Josh 23-24 Luke 16 17 Judg 1 18
Week Three: Luke 4:16-30 6 Week Four: Luke 5:1-11 8 Week Five: Luke 8:1-15 10 Week Six: Luke 9:18-27 12 Week Seven: Luke 22:1-38 14 Jesus’ Death and Resurrection: Week Eight: Luke 22:39-53 16 Week Nine: Luke 22:66-2
Page #5 Workbook on Luke Assignments on Luke 1 Please read Luke 1, then answer the following questions. 1. Name at least 2 facts you know about Luke (use concordance). 2. To whom did Luke address the book – 1:1-4? Where else is this name mentioned? 3. What reason did Luke give why he wrote the book? (Think: Did the Holy Spirit always reveal
Luke 1:12 What fell upon him? Fear Luke 1:13 Who said? The angel Luke 1:13 What did the angel say? “Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John.” Luke 1:13 Do not what? Be afraid Luke 1:13 Who do not be afraid? Zechariah Luke 1:13 Why do not be .
12. Read Luke 1:32. What title would Jesus have? 13. Read Luke 1:34, 38. How did Mary’s response to the angel differ from Zechariah’s? 14. Read Luke 1:39-45. (verse 41) What two remarkable things happened as soon as Mary called her greeting to Elizabeth? 15. Read Luke 1:43. In what significant way did Elizabeth address Mary? 16. Read Luke 1:45.
Loaves & Fishes—Mark 6: 31-44 Grateful Leper—Luke 17:11-19 Jesus and the Children—Luke 18:15-17 Miracle of Jairus Daughter— Mark 5:35-43 Lord’s Prayer—Luke 11:1-4 Last Supper—Luke 22:14-20 Death of Jesus— Luke 23:33-47 The Easter Story—Luke 24:1-12 Hel
astrology has nowhere to go but "up" as an undeniable diagnostic tool that will pinpoint areas to be tested. In doing so, it saves the patient pain and time—not to mention, money. '.it-. In the hospitals of Leningrad, Russia, the MST software is being utilized by physicians to help in patient diagnosis—especially in the areas of undiagnosible or hard-to-diagnose patients. My hope is that .