Magazine Media Kit 2018 - Lonely Planet

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MagazineMedia Kit2018

Lonely Planet MagazineLonely Planet’s new magazine - the 12th edition in our successful internationalportfolio - expands on the brand’s popularity and trust among affluent, can-do who don’t just dream, they go.Lonely Planet’s mission is to enable people to have amazing experiences more often because travel makes life better. We aim to inspire and inform anyone with the desire toexplore and connect with the world, sharing the thrill of discovering something othersmight miss. And with over 40 years of experience, we know how to inspire U.S. travelersto celebrate the best of the world, whether for a long weekend or for a longer vacation.Advertise with Lonely Planet magazine’s U.S. edition and connect your brand with ourvibrant, active U.S. travel community.

Editorial MissionLonely Planet magazine is the definitive source of honest travelinspiration, encouraging readers to explore and seek new experiences,whether close to home, on roads well-travelled or in the far-flungcorners of the planet.Featuring unique, on-the-ground insights from our unrivalled globalnetwork of travel experts, Lonely Planet magazine offers original ideas,practical tips and advice, essential news and stunning photography all delivered with humor, honesty and a freshness that you won’t findelsewhere.As the world’s number one travel experts, with over 40 years ofexperience, we know how to celebrate the best of the world, whetherfor a long weekend or for a longer vacation. Each quarter we willtake you to the heart of a place in a way that no other travel title can.

Key DepartmentsGlobetrotter A world oftravel news and discoveries,including new hotels and tours,food, gear and tech, insights,recommendations and insidesecrets from Lonely Planet’sexperts combined with localknowledge.Postcards Memorablybeautiful and intriguing travelphotos sent in by our globalcommunity, each accompaniedby the tale of the scene captured.Easy Trips Topicalrecommendations for original,spontaneous breaks to take overthe coming months and how tomake them happen, focusing onNorth American destinations.Great Escape A trip of alifetime mapped out each editionfor you to add to your wish list,with tips on perfect places to eat,drink and stay along the way.Mini Guides Pull-out pocketguides for you to use on visits toyour favourite destinations, eachoffering a collection of ideas andtips to make the best of your trip.

Audience DemographicsOUR TARGET AUDIENCEMale/Female: 43.6%:56.4%*Median Age: 45.2**Median HHI: 134,750**Regular domestic andinternational travelers***Sources:*CDS Global study 2017**Estimate***Lonely Planet touchpoint research study 2016CIRCULATION* Lonely Planet has a guaranteed based rate of 125,000Circulation derives from the following sources:* Lonely Planet brand fans in the U.S., including guidebookpurchasers and website users* Direct mail to targeted lists of frequent leisure travelers* Targeted newsstand, including airports, retailers and relevantmajor market outlets* Partnerships with travel suppliers* Tablet sales on iOS, Kindle and Nook

US Magazine Readership75%72%Most readers went on internationalexcursions in the past 12 monthsMarried/Partnered*95%Nearly all readers have traveled in theUS on vacation in the past 12 months 134,750Median HHI83%44%56%Male Readers*Female Readers*96%Nearly all respondents have passportsand the ability to travel the worldGraduated college (4-yrdegree or higher)45.2Median Age91%4.8 US & 2.2 International TripsNine out of 10 (91%) consider Lonely Planet magazine very good/oneof their favorites in comparison to other publications readOn average, Lonely Planet readers went on 4.8 US vacations and 2.2international excursions in the past 12 monthsSources:*CDS Global 2017 research studyLonely Planet touchpoint research study 2016

Rate Card 20181x2x3x4xCover 2 21,750 21,375 21,125 20,625Cover 3 19,875 19,500 19,375 18,875COVERSubject to Terms and ConditionsRate Base Guaranteed: 125,000Cover 4 22,625 22,250 22,000 21,500All rates are gross before agencycommission.Same prices are for pagesregardless of coloration. No bleedcharge.DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD (DPS)DPS 43,500 42,750 42,250 41,250DPS Advertorial 51,000 50,250 49,750 48,750PAGESRates available on request for: Regional Splits Inserts Poly-Wrapped Booklets GatefoldsCirculation includes the print anddigital editions of the magazine.1 Page 18,125 17,750 17,625 17,250½ Page 10,875 10,625 10,500 10,250⅓ Page 7,250 7,125 7,000 6,875¼ Page 5,500 5,375 5,250 5,125See Ad Terms and Conditions.

2018 Lonely Planet Editorial CalendarSPRING BEST IN THE USFeatures The year’s top American destinations; Yukon /After the Gold Rush; St. Petersburg/Tsars vs. Soviets;Chiang Mai/Making a SplashGreat Escape Northern ItalyAmazing Places to Stay experiences in Latin America7 New Ways to see CancunEasy Trips San Luis Obispo County, Birmingham,Olympic National Park, ChicagoInside Knowledge Family TravelA taste of Santa FeFALL FOOD AND COMMUNITYFeatures Willamette Valley, Oregon/On the Oregon WineTrail; Food trend list; Sicily/Poetry in Motion; Yunnan,China/Fruits of the ForestGreat Escape Danish Food Tour7 New Ways to see TokyoEasy Trips Oaxaca; Great Smoky Mountains NationalPark; St. Louis; Missoula, MTA Taste of Las VegasWINTER BEST IN TRAVEL 2019SUMMER THE ROAD TRIP ISSUEFeatures Road Trip Feature; Kaua’i; New York oneach level; Faroe Islands/Away with the FaroesGreat Escape The Great Lakes7 New Ways to see San FranciscoEasy Trips The Pacific Coast Highway; Pittsburgh;Vancouver; Washington, D.C.Gear Road trippingA Taste of BostonFeatures Best in Travel 2019; Sydney, AustraliaGreat Escape Northeast India7 New Ways to see MiamiEasy Trips Galveston, TX; Montego Bay, Jamaica; SaltLake City; Quebec CityA Taste of DenverLonely Planet 2018 Production ScheduleIssuesSpringSummerFallWinterOn-Sale Dates2/13/20185/15/20188/14/201811/13/2018Ad 9/20187/9/201810/8/2018Final Ad MaterialsLonely Planet editorial content subject to change without notice.

Ad Specifications 2018PRODUCTION CONTACTKady BleedBleedLive Area9” x 10.875”229mm x 276mm7.5” x 10”191mm x 254mm9.25” x 11.125”235mm x 283mm8.5” x 10.375”216mm x 264mmFractional units are available on a limitedbasis.Half-horizontal ads positioned at thebottom of page.Spread18” x 10.875”457mm x 276mm16” x 10”406mm x 254mm18.25” x 11.125”464mm x 283mm17.5” x 10.375”445mm x 264mm⅔ Page Vertical5.5” x 10.875”140mm x 276mm5” x 10”127mm x 254mm5.75” x 11.125”146mm x 283mm5” x 10.375”127mm x 264mm½ Page Horizontal9” x 5.3125”229mm x 135mm7.5” x 4.8125”191mm x 122mm9.25” x 5.5625”235mm x 141mm8.5” x 4.8125”216mm x 122mm½ Page HorizontalSpread18” x 5.3125”457mm x 135mm16” x 4.8125”406mm x 122mm18.25” x 5.5625”464mm x 141mm17.5” x 4.8125”445mm x 122mmInstructions on creating PDF-X-1A files can beaccessed at:lonelyplanet.sendmyad.com½ Page Island5.3125” x 8”135mm x 203mm4.8125” x 7.5”122mm x 191mm5.5625” x 8.25”141mm x 209mm4.8125” x 7.5”122mm x 191mmSafetyAll live matter must be a minimum of ⅜”from trim on all four sides.½ Page Vertical4.25” x 10.875”108mm x 276mm4” x 10”102mm x 254mm4.375” x 11.125”111mm x 283mm4” x 10.375”102mm x 264mm⅓ Page Square5.5” x 5.3125”140mm x 135mm5” x 4.81256”127mm x 122mm5.75” x 5.5625”146mm x 141mm5” x 4.8125”127mm x 122mm3” x 10.875”76mm x 276mm2.75” x 10”70mm x 254mm3.25” x 11.125”82mm x 283mm2.75” x 10.375”70mm x 264mm⅓ Page VerticalCall your Lonely Planet U.S. magazine salesrepresentative for details.Preferred MaterialsPDF-X-1A (4-color composite) digitalfiles with total dot density/resolution of300. Quark files will not be accepted.Send FilesPlease send all PDF/X-1A ads to LonelyPlanet magazine by uploading your files toour ad

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SPECSLonely PlanetMagazineDigital AdSpecs1536 X 2048RGB only72 DPIVertical OnlyTEXTNo text smaller than 12 px tall.Try to leave an 80 px marginbetween copy and the edge ofthe frame.EXTERNAL WEB LINKSPlease provide links andinstructions as to the areas ofthe ad to hot link.

Contact InformationPLEASE CONTACTADVERTISING: José BarreiroVP of Advertising Sales, Americas315 W. 36th St., 10th FloorNew York, NY 10018 1 (917)

Lonely Planet US MagazineAd Terms & ConditionsThese Terms and Conditions, includingthe terms of the Order and the applicablerate card, govern each Order for theinsertion of an Advertisement in theMagazine (including print magazine anddigital magazine editions as specified)(together, the Agreement). The Agreementis the entire agreement between theparties. The Publisher and the Advertiseragree as follows:PROVISION OF ADVERTISEMENTa. The Advertisement must be delivered toPublisher by the Closing Date inaccordance with the ProductionSpecifications.b. If Publisher does accept late delivery itmay charge the Advertiser for any extraexpenses it incurs as a result of theAdvertiser’s delay.c. Orders for the inside or outside coverpages cannot be cancelled once ordered.Cancellations of Orders for inside pages ofthe Magazine must be received in writingat least 30 days prior to the Closing Dateor the Advertiser will remain liable for theTotal Cost of the cancelled Order.d. 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Lonely Planet Magazine Lonely Planet’s new magazine - the 12th edition in our successful international portfolio - expands on the brand’s popularity and trust among affluent, can-do U.S. travelers who don’t just dream, they go. Lonely Planet’s mission is to enable people to have amazing experiences more often -

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