HSK 6: Vocabulary List - WordPress

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1HSK 6: Vocabulary listA 2B 2C 8D 14E 19F 19G 23H 28J 32K 39L 41M 44N 47O 48P 49Q 51R 55S 56T 63W 66X 69Y 74Z 80

2A挨áiVerb: to endure, to suffer爱不释手ài bù shì shǒuVerb: not wanting to give sth. out of one's hand, tofondle admiringly爱戴ài dàiVerb: to love and respect暧昧ài mèiAdjective: ambiguous, equivocal, dubious哎哟āi yōInterjunction: ow, ouch, ah癌症ái zhèngNoun: cancer案件àn jiànNoun: legal case, case安居乐业ān jū lè yèVerb: to live in peace and work happily案例àn lìNoun: case (law)按摩àn móNoun: massageVerb: to massage安宁ān níngNoun: peaceAdjective: peaceful, tranquil暗示àn shìNoun: hint, suggestionVerb: to hint, to suggest安详ān xiángAdjective: composed, serene安置ān zhìVerb: to find a place for, to arrange for昂贵áng guìAdjective: expensive, costly熬áoVerb: to endure, to suffer, to boil for a long time奥秘ào mìNoun: mystery, secret凹凸āo tūAdjective: bumpy, uneven扒bāVerb: to hold on to, to climb, to strip off疤bāNoun: scar巴不得bā bu deVerb: to be eager to, to look forward to霸道bà dàoVerb: to rule by mightAdjective: overbearing, dictatorial, arbitrary罢工bà gōngNoun: strikeVerb: to go on strike把关bǎ guānVerb: to check on, to guard a passB

3巴结bā jieVerb: to flatter, to fawn拔苗助长bá miáo zhùzhǎngVerb: to spoil things through a wish for quick results把手bǎ shouNoun: handle, knob把戏bǎ xìNoun: acrobatics, cheap trick, jugglery掰bāiVerb: to break with both hands拜访bài fǎngVerb: to pay a visit, to call on百分点bǎi fēn diǎnNoun: percentage point败坏bài huàiVerb: to ruin, to corrupt, to undermine拜年bài niánVerb: to wish a Happy New Year摆脱bǎi tuōVerb: to get rid of, to break out of, to free oneselffrom拜托bài tuōSaying: Please!版本bǎn běnNoun: version, release颁布bān bùVerb: to issue, to promulgate颁发bān fāVerb: to award, to issue伴侣bàn lǚNoun: partner, mate伴随bàn suíVerb: to accompany, to follow半途而废bàn tú ér fèiVerb: to give up halfway斑纹bān wénNoun: stripe, streak, maculation扮演bàn yǎnVerb: to play the role of, to act磅bàngMeasure Word: for pound绑架bǎng jiàNoun: kidnappingVerb: to kidnap榜样bǎng yàngNoun: example, model包庇bāo bìVerb: to shield, to cover up报仇bào chóuNoun: revengeVerb: to revenge, to avenge报酬bào chouNoun: reward, pay, remuneration报答bào dáVerb: to pay back, to repay报到bào dàoVerb: to check in, to register, to report for duty爆发bào fāVerb: to erupt, to break out, to explode报复bào fùNoun: revenge, retaliationVerb: to revenge, to retaliate抱负bào fùNoun: ambition, aspiration

4包袱bāo fuNoun: burden, load保管bǎo guǎnVerb: to keep, to take care of曝光bào guāngNoun: exposure (photo)Verb: to expose (photo, scandal, etc.)饱和bǎo héNoun: saturationAdjective: saturated饱经沧桑bǎo jīng cāngsāngVerb: having lived through a lot of painful changes暴力bào lìNoun: violence暴露bào lùVerb: to expose, to reveal保密bǎo mìVerb: to keep sth. confidential, to maintain secrecy保姆bǎo mǔNoun: nanny, housekeeper报社bào shèNoun: newspaper office保守bǎo shǒuVerb: to guard, to keepAdjective: conservative包围bāo wéiVerb: to surround, to encircle保卫bǎo wèiVerb: to defend, to safeguard报销bào xiāoVerb: write-off, wipe out, apply for reimbursement保养bǎo yǎngNoun: maintenanceVerb: to maintain, to take care of one's health抱怨bào yuànVerb: to complain, to grumble爆炸bào zhàNoun: explosionVerb: to explode, to blow up保障bǎo zhàngVerb: to ensure, to guarantee保重bǎo zhòngVerb: to take care of oneself包装bāo zhuāngNoun: packageVerb: to pack悲哀bēi āiAdjective: grieved, sorrowful卑鄙bēi bǐAdjective: mean, despicable悲惨bēi cǎnAdjective: tragic, miserable被动bèi dòngAdjective: passive备份bèi fènAdjective: backup被告bèi gàoNoun: defendant北极běi jíPlace: North Pole贝壳bèi kéNoun: shell

5背叛bèi pànVerb: to betray背诵bèi sòngVerb: to recite, to repeat from memory备忘录bèi wàng lùNoun: memo, written reminder奔波bēn bōVerb: to rush about奔驰bēn chíVerb: to run quickly, to move fast本能běn néngNoun: instinct本钱běn qiánNoun: capital (money)本人běn rénPronoun: I, myselfAdverb: oneself, personal本身běn shēnPronoun: itself, in itself本事běn shiNoun: ability, skill本着běn zhePreposition: based on, in line with笨拙bèn zhuōAdjective: clumsy甭béngAdverb: need not (short for 不用)蹦bèngVerb: to jump迸发bèng fāVerb: to burst out, to gush, to spurt崩溃bēng kuìNoun: breakdownVerb: to break down, to collapse臂bìNoun: arm弊病bì bìngNoun: disadvantage, malpractice, ulcer必定bì dìngAdverb: be sure to, certainly, undoubtedly弊端bì duānNoun: malpractice, abuse比方bǐ fangNoun: analogy, instance逼迫bī pòVerb: to force, to compel闭塞bì sèVerb: to block, to close up, to stop upAdjective: inaccessible, unenlightened鼻涕bí tìNoun: nasal mucus, snot比喻bǐ yùNoun: metaphor碧玉bì yùNoun: jasper比重bǐ zhòngNoun: proportion, specific weight扁biǎnAdjective: flat遍布biàn bùVerb: to be found throughout鞭策biān cèVerb: to urge on贬低biǎn dīVerb: to belittle, to degrade, to depreciate

6变故biàn gùNoun: accident, unforeseen event辩护biàn hùVerb: to speak in defense of, to defend边疆biān jiāngNoun: border area边界biān jièNoun: border, boundary辩解biàn jiěVerb: to provide an explanation, to justify, to defend边境biān jìngNoun: border, frontier便利biàn lìAdjective: convenient, easy变迁biàn qiānNoun: changes, vicissitudes辨认biàn rènVerb: to recognize, to identify便条biàn tiáoNoun: (informal) note贬义biǎn yìNoun: derogatory sense便于biàn yúAdjective: easy, convenient边缘biān yuánNoun: edge, fringe, brink辩证biàn zhèngAdjective: dialectical, not good and not bad编织biān zhīVerb: to weave, to knit, to plait变质biàn zhìNoun: metamorphosisVerb: to go bad, to deteriorate辫子biàn ziNoun: queue, plait, pigtail标本biāo běnNoun: specimen, sample标记biāo jìNoun: sign, markVerb: to mark up表决biǎo juéVerb: to decide by vote, to vote飙升biāo shēngVerb: to rise rapidly表态biǎo tàiVerb: to declare one's position标题biāo tíNoun: title, heading, caption表彰biǎo zhāngVerb: to commend, to honour憋biēVerb: to hold back, to restrain, to suppress feelings别扭biè niuAdjective: awkward (speech), difficult (personality),uncomfortable别墅bié shùNoun: villa别致bié zhìAdjective: unusual, unconventional, original濒临bīn línAdverb: on the verge of, close to冰雹bīng báoNoun: hail并存bìng cúnVerb: to coexist

7并非bìng fēiAdverb: really not, not so并列bìng lièVerb: to stand side by side, to be juxtaposed拨打bō dǎVerb: to call, to dial博大精深bó dà jīng shēnAdjective: wide-ranging and profound搏斗bó dòuNoun: combat, fightVerb: to fight, to struggle, to wrestle播放bō fàngVerb: to broadcast, to transmit博览会bó lǎn huìNoun: exhibition, international fair波浪bō làngNoun: wave伯母bó mǔNoun: aunt (wife of father's elder brother)薄弱bó ruòAdjective: weak, frail波涛汹涌bō tāo xiōng yǒng Adjective: turbulent, rough (wind, sea, etc.)剥削bō xuēNoun: exploitationVerb: to exploit播种bō zhòngNoun: seedVerb: to sow补偿bǔ chángNoun: compensationVerb: to compensate, to make up不得已bù dé yǐVerb: to have no alternative but to步伐bù fáNoun: pace, step, march不妨bù fángAdverb: might as well不敢当bù gǎn dāngSaying: You flatter me!布告bù gàoNoun: notice, bulletinVerb: to announce不顾bú gùVerb: to ignore, to disregardAdverb: in spite of, regardless of不禁bù jīnAdverb: can't help, can't refrain from补救bǔ jiùVerb: to remedy, to redeem布局bù júNoun: arrangement, composition不堪bù kānVerb: can't bear, can't standAdverb: utterly, extremely不可思议bù kě sī yìSaying: unbelievable!不愧bú kuìAdverb: be worthy of, creditably不料bú liàoAdverb: unexpectedly哺乳bǔ rǔVerb: to suckle, to breast-feed

8不时bù shíAdverb: now and then, from time to time部署bù shǔVerb: to dispose, to deploy补贴bǔ tiēNoun: subsidy, allowance部位bù wèiNoun: position, place, section不惜bù xīVerb: to not hesitate to不像话bú xiàng huàAdjective: unreasonable, shocking, outrageous不相上下bù xiāng shàngxiàAdjective: about the same不屑一顾bú xiè yí gùVerb: to disdain as beneath contempt不言而喻bù yán ér yùVerb: to goe without saying, to be self-evident不由得bù yóu deAdverb: can't help, cannot but不择手段bù zé shǒu duàn Saying: by hook or by crook不止bù zhǐAdverb: without end, more than, not limited to布置bù zhìVerb: to fix up, to arrange, to decorate捕捉bǔ zhuōVerb: to catch裁缝cái fengNoun: tailorVerb: to sew财富cái fùNoun: wealth, riches才干cái gànNoun: ability, competence, talent采购cǎi gòuVerb: to procure, to purchase采集cǎi jíVerb: to gather, to collect采纳cǎi nàVerb: to accept, to adopt裁判cái pànNoun: judgment, referee, judge, umpireVerb: to act as referee彩票cǎi piàoNoun: lottery, lottery ticket财务cái wùNoun: financial affairs裁员cái yuánVerb: to cut staff, to lay off employees财政cái zhèngNoun: finance, public finances残酷cán kùNoun: crueltyAdjective: crueal, brutal灿烂càn lànAdjective: bright, splendid, brilliantC

9残留cán liúVerb: to remain, to be left over参谋cān móuNoun: staff officer, advisorVerb: to give advice残忍cán rěnAdjective: cruel, merciless, brutal参照cān zhàoNoun: referenceVerb: to refer to, to consult舱cāngNoun: cabin, hold苍白cāng báiAdjective: pale, wan仓促cāng cùAdjective: hurried, hasty仓库cāng kùNoun: storehouse, warehouse, depot草案cǎo ànNoun: draft操劳cāo láoVerb: to work hard, to look after操练cāo liànNoun: drill, exerciseVerb: to drill, to practice草率cǎo shuàiAdjective: careless, hasty, sloppy嘈杂cáo záAdjective: noisy, rackety操纵cāo zòngVerb: to operate, to control, to handle操作cāo zuòNoun: operation, handlingVerb: to work, to operate, to manipulate策划cè huàVerb: to plan, to plot, to engineer测量cè liángVerb: to measure, to survey策略cè lüèNoun: tactics侧面cè miànNoun: side, flank, lateral层出不穷céng chū bùqióngVerb: to emerge in an endless stream层次céng cìNoun: arrangement of ideas, administrative level岔chàNoun: fork in the roadVerb: to diverge查获chá huòVerb: to hunt down and seize差距chā jùNoun: disparity, gap, difference刹那chà nàTime: in an instant, split second诧异chà yìAdjective: astonished, surprised柴油chái yóuNoun: diesel fuel搀chānVerb: to assist by the arm, to support, to mix馋chánAdjective: greedy, gluttonous

10颤抖chàn dǒuVerb: to shudder, to shiver缠绕chán ràoVerb: to twine, to wind, to bother阐述chǎn shùVerb: to expound产业chǎn yèNoun: industry, propertyAdjective: industrial倡导chàng dǎoVerb: to initiate, to advocate场合chǎng héNoun: situation, occasion偿还cháng huánVerb: to reimburse, to repay敞开chǎng kāiVerb: to open wide猖狂chāng kuángAdjective: savage, furious场面chǎng miànNoun: scene, occasion常年cháng niánTime: throughout the year昌盛chāng shèngAdjective: prosperous尝试cháng shìNoun: try, attemptVerb: to try, to attempt场所chǎng suǒNoun: location, place畅通chàng tōngAdjective: unblocked, free-flowing常务cháng wùNoun: routine, everyday business畅销chàng xiāoVerb: to sell well倡议chàng yìNoun: proposal, initiativeVerb: to suggest, to initiate超级chāo jíPreposition: super-潮流cháo liúNoun: tide, current, trend钞票chāo piàoNoun: paper money, bill潮湿cháo shīAdjective: wet, damp, moist嘲笑cháo xiàoVerb: to make fun of, to mock超越chāo yuèVerb: to surpass, to exceed撤退chè tuìVerb: to withdraw, to retreat撤销chè xiāoVerb: to repeal, to revoke沉淀chén diànNoun: sediment, depositVerb: to settle, to precipitate陈旧chén jiùAdjective: old, old-fashioned, antiquated陈列chén lièVerb: to display, to exhibit沉闷chén mènAdjective: oppressive, depressing, dull陈述chén shùVerb: to state, to declare, to make a statement

11沉思chén sīVerb: to ponder, to muse, to mediate, to contemplate称心如意chèn xīn rú yìVerb: to have everything one could wish for沉重chén zhòngAdjective: heavy, serious沉着chén zhuóAdjective: composed, cool headed, calm橙chéngNoun: orange (fruit)Adjective: orange (colour)盛chéngVerb: to hold, to fill秤chèngNoun: steelyard承办chéng bànVerb: to undertake, to accept a contract承包chéng bāoVerb: to contract, to undertake城堡chéng bǎoNoun: castle成本chéng běnNoun: costs (production, etc.)惩罚chéng fáNoun: punishmentVerb: to punish称号chēng hàoNoun: title, term of address成交chéng jiāoVerb: to reach a deal, to complete a contract承诺chéng nuòNoun: promise, commitmentVerb: to promise, to agree to澄清chéng qīngVerb: to clarifyAdjective: clear, limpid成天chéng tiānAdverb: all day long乘务员chéng wù yuánNoun: train manager, stewardess呈现chéng xiànVerb: to appear, to show, to present成效chéng xiàoNoun: effect, result成心chéng xīnAdverb: on purpose, deliberately成员chéng yuánNoun: member诚挚chéng zhìAdjective: sincere, cordial, earnest赤道chì dàoNoun: equator迟缓chí huǎnAdjective: slow, sluggish, tardy持久chí jiǔAdjective: lasting, persistent, enduring吃苦chī kǔVerb: to bear hardships, to suffer吃力chī lìAdjective: strenuous, requiring effort池塘chí tángNoun: pool, pond迟疑chí yíVerb: to hesitate赤字chì zìNoun: deficit (financial)

12崇拜chóng bàiNoun: adorationVerb: to adore, to worship充当chōng dāngVerb: to serve as, to act as重叠chóng diéNoun: overlap, redundancyVerb: to overlap冲动chōng dòngNoun: impulse崇高chóng gāoAdjective: lofty, sublime冲击chōng jīNoun: shock, strike, attack, impact崇敬chóng jìngNoun: respectVerb: to revere, to respect充沛chōng pèiAdjective: abundant, plentiful充实chōng shíVerb: to enrich, to replenishAdjective: substantial, rich冲突chōng tūNoun: conflict, clashVerb: to conflict, to clash重阳节Chóng yáng jiéNoun: Chong Yang festival充足chōng zúAdjective: adequate, sufficient, abundant筹备chóu bèiNoun: preparationVerb: to get ready for, to prepare踌躇chóu chúVerb: to hesitate丑恶chǒu èAdjective: ugly, repulsive抽空chōu kòngVerb: to find the time to do sth.稠密chóu mìAdjective: thick, dense, intimate储备chǔ bèiNoun: reservesVerb: to store up初步chū bùAdjective: initial, preliminary储存chǔ cúnNoun: storage, depositionVerb: to store up, to stockpile触犯chù fànVerb: to offend, to violate处分chǔ fènNoun: punishmentVerb: to punish, to discipline处境chǔ jìngNoun: plight, (unfavourable) situation出路chū lùNoun: way out (of difficulty)出卖chū màiVerb: to sell, to sell out, to betray出身chū shēnNoun: family background, origin出神chū shénVerb: to be lost in thought

13出息chū xiNoun: promise, prospects储蓄chǔ xùNoun: savingsVerb: to deposit money, to save出洋相chū yáng xiàngVerb: to make a fool of oneself处置chǔ zhìVerb: to handle, to deal with, to punish串chuànVerb: to string together, to connectMeasure Word: for rows, strings, skewers etc.船舶chuán bóNoun: ships, boats传达chuán dáVerb: to pass on, to transmit传单chuán dānNoun: leaflet, flier川流不息chuān liú bù xīVerb: to flow in an endless stream喘气chuǎn qìVerb: to pant, to gasp, to breathe deeply传授chuán shòuVerb: to pass on, to teach, to impart穿越chuān yuèVerb: to pass though, to cross床单chuáng dānNoun: bed sheet创立chuàng lìVerb: to found, to establish创新chuàng xīnNoun: innovationVerb: to bring forth new ideas, to innovate创业chuàng yèVerb: to start an enterprise, to do pioneering work创作chuàng zuòNoun: creation, creative workVerb: to create, to produce, to write锤chuíNoun: hammerVerb: to hammer吹牛chuī niúVerb: to brag, to boast吹捧chuī pěngVerb: to flatter, to lavish praise on垂直chuí zhíAdjective: vertical, perpendicular纯粹chún cuìAdjective: pure, simple, absolute纯洁chún jiéVerb: to purifyAdjective: pure, chaste, honest刺cìNoun: thorn, splinterVerb: to stab伺候cì hòuVerb: to serve, to wait on词汇cí huìNoun: vocabulary, words and phrases次品cì pǐnNoun: substandard products, defective goods慈祥cí xiángAdjective: kind

14雌雄cí xióngAdjective: male and female次序cì xùNoun: suquence, order丛cóngNoun: collection, tussock, thicketMeasure Word: for some plants从容不迫cóng róng bù pò Adjective: calm, unhurried凑合còu heVerb: to gather together, to improviseAdverb: passable, not too bad粗鲁cū lǔAdjective: rude, rough, impolite窜cuànVerb: to flee, to escape摧残cuī cánVerb: to devastate, to ruin脆弱cuì ruòAdjective: flimsy, weak, frail搓cuōVerb: to rub the hands together磋商cuō shāngNoun: consultationVerb: to consult, to discuss, to negotiate挫折cuò zhéNoun: setback, reverse, defeat搭dāVerb: to put up, to build, to take (boat, bus, train, etc.)打包dǎ bāoVerb: to pack, to wrap答辩dá biànNoun: plea (law)Verb: to reply to a charge大不了dà bu liǎoAdverb: at worst, if worst comes to worst大臣dà chénNoun: minister (in monarchy)达成dá chéngVerb: to reach (agreement), to accomplish搭档dā dàngNoun: partnerVerb: to cooperate, to work together答复dá fùVerb: to answer, to reply打官司dǎ guān siVerb: to sue, to go to court大伙儿dà huǒ rPronoun: everyone, all of us打击dǎ jīNoun: blow, hitVerb: to strike, to hit, to attack打架dǎ jiàNoun: fight, fistfightVerb: to fight, to scuffle打量dǎ liangVerb: to take measure of, to suppose, to reckonD

15打猎dǎ lièNoun: huntVerb: to go hunting搭配dā pèiVerb: to arrange, to match大厦dà shàNoun: large building, mansion大肆dà sìAdjective: wantonly, without restraint大体dà tǐAdverb: in general, roughly, more or less大意dà yiNoun: general idea, main idea打仗dǎ zhàngVerb: to go to war, to fight, to make war大致dà zhìAdverb: roughly, more or less逮捕dài bǔNoun: arrestVerb: to arrest, to apprehend代价dài jiàNoun: price, cost代理dài lǐNoun: agency, representationVerb: to act on behalf of, to represent带领dài lǐngVerb: to guide, to lead怠慢dài mànVerb: to neglect, to slight歹徒dǎi túNoun: gangster, evil-doer蛋白质dàn bái zhìNoun: protein担保dān bǎoVerb: to assure, to guarantee, to vouch for诞辰dàn chénNoun: birthday淡季dàn jìNoun: off season胆怯dǎn qièAdjective: timid, cowardly诞生dàn shēngVerb: to be born, to be founded淡水dàn shuǐNoun: fresh water, potable water党dǎngNoun: party, association, society档案dàng ànNoun: file, record, archive当场dāng chǎngAdverb: on the spot, at the scene当初dāng chūAdverb: in the first place, originally档次dàng cìNoun: grade, quality, level当面dāng miànAdverb: face to face, in sbd.'s presence当前dāng qiánTime: current, present当事人dāng shì rénNoun: people concerned, party, client当务之急dāng wù zhī jíNoun: matter of vital importance当心dāng xīnVerb: to take, care, to watch out

16当选dāng xuǎnVerb: to be elected, to win an election倒闭dǎo bìVerb: to go bankrupt导弹dǎo dànNoun: guided missile稻谷dào gǔNoun: paddy, rice crops导航dǎo hángNoun: navigationVerb: to navigate捣乱dǎo luànVerb: to make trouble, to disturb盗窃dào qièNoun: stealVerb: to steal导向dǎo xiàngNoun: guide, guideline岛屿dǎo yǔNoun: islands得不偿失dé bù cháng shīVerb: the game is not worth the candle得力dé lìAdjective: capable, competent得天独厚dé tiān dú hòuAdjective: blessed, gifted, rich, unique, advantageous得罪dé zuìVerb: to offend, to displease, to commit an offense蹬dēngVerb: to tread on, to step on瞪dèngVerb: to stare, to open (one's eyes)等级děng jíNoun: grade, rank灯笼dēng longNoun: lantern登陆dēng lùVerb: to land, to disembark, to log in登录dēng lùVerb: to register, to login堤坝dī bàNoun: dam地步dì bùNoun: tight condition, plight, extent抵达dǐ dáVerb: to arrive, to reach抵抗dǐ kàngNoun: resistanceVerb: to resist, to fight back敌视dí shìVerb: to be hostile to, to stand against地势dì shìNoun: topography, terrain递增dì zēngNoun: to increase progressively抵制dǐ zhìVerb: to boycott, to resist, to reject地质dì zhìNoun: geology垫diànNoun: pad, cushion, matVerb: to pad颠簸diān bǒVerb: to jolt, to bump

17颠倒diān dǎoVerb: to turn upside downAdjective: reversed, inverted, confused奠定diàn dìngVerb: to establish, to found惦记diàn jìVerb: to be concerned about, keep thinking about典礼diǎn lǐNoun: celebration, ceremony典型diǎn xíngNoun: typical case, model电源diàn yuánNoun: electric power source点缀diǎn zhuìVerb: to intersperse, to embellish, to decorate叼diāoVerb: to hold by the teeth or lips吊diàoVerb: to hang, to suspend, to express condolence to调动diào dòngVerb: to transfer, to maneuver (troops, etc.)雕刻diāo kèNoun: carvingVerb: to carve, to engrave雕塑diāo sùNoun: statue, sculptureVerb: to carve跌diēVerb: to drop, to fall down盯dīngVerb: to gaze at, fix one's eyes on, to watch attentively定期dìng qīAdjective: regular, periodical定义dìng yìNoun: definition叮嘱dīng zhǔVerb: to exhort repeatedly, to urge丢人diū rénVerb: to lose face丢三落四diū sān là sìAdjective: forgetful, scatterbrained栋dòngMeasure Word: for houses, buildings动荡dòng dàngNoun: turbulence, unrest (political), upheaval东道主dōng dào zhǔNoun: host动机dòng jīNoun: motive, intention, motivation冻结dòng jiéVerb: to freeze (loan, price, etc.), to block动静dòng jingNoun: sound of movement, activity, happening动力dòng lìNoun: power, driving force, motive power动脉dòng màiNoun: artery动身dòng shēnVerb: to leave, to go on a journey董事长dǒng shì zhǎngNoun: chairman of the board, president动手dòng shǒuVerb: to start work, to begin, to hit with hands动态dòng tàiNoun: developments, trends

18洞穴dòng xuéNoun: cave, cavern动员dòng yuánNoun: mobilizationVerb: to mobilize, to arouse东张西望dōng zhāng xīwàng兜dōuNoun: pocket, bagVerb: to wrap up (in clothes)陡峭dǒu qiàoAdjective: steep, cliffy, precipitous斗争dòu zhēngNoun: struggle, fightVerb: to fight, to combat, to battle赌博dǔ bóNoun: gamblingVerb: to gamble, to bet独裁dú cáiNoun: dictatorship, autocracy督促dū cùVerb: to urge sbd. to do sth.杜绝dù juéVerb: to put an end to, to eliminate毒品dú pǐnNoun: drugs, narcotics, dope堵塞dǔ sèNoun: blockageVerb: to cause an obstruction, to stop都市dū shìNoun: city, metropolis端duānNoun: extremity, end, pointVerb: to carry短促duǎn cùAdjective: short, brief (time)断定duàn dìngVerb: to conclude, to come to a judgement断断续续duàn duàn xù xù Adverb: off and on, intermittently断绝duàn juéVerb: to sever, to break off端午节Duān wǔ jiéNoun: Dragon Boat Festival端正duān zhèngAdjective: upright, regular对策duì cèNoun: countermeasure对称duì chènNoun: symmetryAdjective: symmetrical对付duì fuVerb: to deal with, to cope with兑换duì huànVerb: to convert, to exchange堆积duī jīVerb: to pile up, to accumulate对抗duì kàngNoun: resistance, confrontationVerb: to withstand, to resistVerb: to peer in all directions, to look around

19对立duì lìVerb: to opposeAdjective: opposite, opposing对联duì liánNoun: rhyming couplet队伍duì wuNoun: troops, ranks兑现duì xiànVerb: to cash (cheque, etc.)对应duì yìngVerb: to correspondAdjective: corresponding, homologous对照duì zhàoNoun: comparisonVerb: to compare, to contrast顿时dùn shíAdverb: at once, immediately, suddenly堕落duò luòVerb: to degenerate, to corrupt哆嗦duō suoVerb: to tremble, to shiver, to quiver多元化duō yuán huàNoun: diversification, pluralism恶化è huàVerb: to worsen额外é wàiAdjective: extra, additional恶心ě xinNoun: nauseaVerb: to feel sick遏制è zhìVerb: to keep within limits, not letting the impact betoo big恩怨ēn yuànNoun: feeling of gratitude or resentment (at the sametime)耳环ěr huánNoun: earring二氧化碳èr yǎng huà tànNoun: carbon dioxide, CO2而已ér yǐSaying: that's all, nothing more发布fā bùVerb: to release, to issue发财fā cáiVerb: to get rich发呆fā dāiVerb: to be lost in thought, to look absent-minded发动fā dòngVerb: to start, to launch, to arouse发火fā huǒVerb: to catch fire, to ignite, to get angry发觉fā juéVerb: to become aware, to find, to discoverEF

20法人fǎ rénNoun: legal person发射fā shèVerb: to start, to fire, to launch发誓fā shìVerb: to vow, to swear发行fā xíngVerb: to publish, to issue, to distribute, to release发炎fā yánNoun: inflammationVerb: to inflameAdjective: inflamed发扬fā yángVerb: to develop, to enhance发育fā yùNoun: development, growthVerb: to develop番fānVerb: to take turnsMeasure Word: times反驳fǎn bóVerb: to retort, to refute反常fǎn chángAdjective: unusual, abnormal范畴fàn chóuNoun: category反倒fǎn dàoAdverb: on the contrary, instead反动fǎn dòngAdjective: reactionary反感fǎn gǎnNoun: resentment, antipathy, disfavour繁华fán huáAdjective: flourishing反抗fǎn kàngVerb: to resist, to rebel反馈fǎn kuìNoun: feedback泛滥fàn lànVerb: to flood, to overflow, to spread unchecked贩卖fàn màiVerb: to sell, to peddle繁忙fán mángAdjective: busy反面fǎn miànNoun: the other side, reverse side反射fǎn shèNoun: reflectionVerb: to reflect, to reflex反思fǎn sīVerb: to rethink, to think over again繁体字fán tǐ zìNoun: traditional character反问fǎn wènNoun: rhetorical question, counter question繁殖fán zhíVerb: to breed, to reproduce反之fǎn zhīConjunction: on the other hand, conversely放大fàng dàVerb: to enlarge, to magnify放射fàng shèNoun: radiation, emissionVerb: to radiate, to emit

21防守fáng shǒuVerb: to defend, to protect放手fàng shǒuVerb: to let go方位fāng wèiNoun: direction, position方言fāng yánNoun: dialect防疫fáng yìNoun: disease prevention, protection againstepidemic防御fáng yùNoun: defenseVerb: to defend, to guard方针fāng zhēnNoun: policy, guidelines防止fáng zhǐVerb: to prevent, to avoid防治fáng zhìNoun: prevention and cure纺织fǎng zhīVerb: spinning and weaving诽谤fěi bàngVerb: to slander, to libel, to defame废除fèi chúVerb: to abolish, to cancel, to abrogate非法fēi fǎAdjective: illegal飞禽走兽fēi qín zǒu shòuNoun: birds and animal沸腾fèi téngVerb: to boil, to reach ebullition匪徒fěi túNoun: gangster, bandit肥沃féi wòAdjective: fertile飞翔fēi xiángVerb: to fly废墟fèi xūNoun: ruins飞跃fēi yuèVerb: to leap, to jump分辨fēn biànVerb: to distinguish, to defend oneself against anaccusation分寸fēn cunNoun: judgement for propriety, propriety吩咐fēn fùVerb: to instruct, to tell, to command分红fēn hóngNoun: bonus, dividendVerb: to draw dividend分解fēn jiěVerb: to resolve, to break down, to decompose分量fèn liàngNoun: weight, quantity分裂fēn lièNoun: fissionVerb: to split, to divide分泌fēn mìVerb: to secrete分明fēn míngAdjective: clearly demarcated, distinct粉末fěn mòNoun: powder, dust

22坟墓fén mùNoun: tomb分歧fēn qíVerb: differences, discrepancy分散fēn sànVerb: to disperse, to scatter粉色fěn sèAdjective: light pink分手fēn shǒuVerb: to break up粉碎fěn suìVerb: to break, to smash, to shatter逢féngVerb: to meet by chance, to come across风暴fēng bàoNoun: storm封闭fēng bìNoun: to seal, to close, to confine风度fēng dùNoun: poise, grace, style风光fēng guāngNoun: scene, sight, landscape, good reputation封建fēng jiànNoun: feudalismAdjective: feudal锋利fēng lìAdjective: sharp (e.g. knife)丰满fēng mǎnAdjective: plump, well-rounded, plentiful风气fēng qìNoun: common practice, atmosphere风趣fēng qùNoun: humorAdjective: humorous, witty丰盛fēng shèngAdjective: rich, sumptuous丰收fēng shōuVerb: have a good harvest封锁fēng suǒVerb: to blockade, to seal off风土人情fēng tǔ rén qíngNoun: local conditions and customs风味fēng wèiNoun: flavor or style typical for a region奉献fèng xiànNoun: dedicationVerb: to dedicate, to devote否决fǒu juéNoun: vetoVerb: to veto, to reject, to overrule副fùAdjective: deputy, viceMeasure Word: for pairs, sets, etc.腐败fǔ bàiNoun: corruptionAdjective: corrupt, rotten负担fù dānNoun: burdenVerb: to bear a burden幅度fú dùNoun: range, extent夫妇fū fùNoun: (married) couple, husband and wife

23覆盖fù gàiVerb: to cover, to lay over符号fú hàoNoun: symbol, mark, sign附和fù hèVerb: to repeat what others say, to echo复活fù huóNoun: resurrectionVerb: to bring back to life, to revive附件fù jiànNoun: enclosure, attachment, appendix腐烂fǔ lànVerb: to rot, to perish福利fú lìNoun: well-being; welfare俘虏fú lǔNoun: captive, prisonerVerb: to capture, to arrest服气fú qìVerb: to be convinced, to accept福气fú qiNoun: good fortune, felicity夫人fū rénNoun: lady, madam辐射fú shèNoun: radiationVerb: to radiate腐蚀fǔ shíNoun: corrosion, corruptionVerb: to corrode, to rot, to corrupt附属fù shǔNoun: subsidiaryAdjective: subordinate, attached腹泻fù xièNoun: diarrheaVerb: to have the runs复兴fù xīngNoun: rebirthVerb: to revive, to renew腐朽fǔ xiǔAdjective: rotten, decayed敷衍fū yǎnVerb: to do sth. half-heartedly, to elaborate on抚养fǔ yǎngVerb: to foster, to bring up俯仰fǔ yǎngVerb: bend over, forward or down to watch赋予fù yǔVerb: to assign, to give, to endow富裕fù yùNoun: richness, affluenceAdjective: prosperous, rich, affluent辅助fǔ zhùNoun: auxiliaryVerb: to assist副作用fù zuò yòngNoun: side effectG

24改良gǎi liángVerb: to improve盖章gài zhāngVerb: to affix a seal, to stamp尴尬gān gàAdjective: embarrassed, awkward干旱gān hànNoun: droughtAdjective: arid, dry干劲gàn jìnNoun: enthusiasm, vigor, drive感慨gǎn kǎiVerb: to sigh with emotion感染gǎn rǎnNoun: infectionVerb: to infect, to influence干扰gān rǎoNoun: obstructionVerb: to interfere, to disturb干涉gān shèNoun: interferenceVerb: to interfere, to intervene甘心gān xīnVerb: to resign oneself toAdverb: willingly, readily干预gān yùNoun: interventionVerb: to intervene, to meddle杠杆gàng gǎnNoun: lever港口gǎng kǒuNoun: port, harbour纲领gāng lǐngNoun: guiding principle, program港湾gǎng wānNoun: natural harbour, bay岗位gǎng wèiNoun: post, position, station高超gāo chāoAdjective: excellent, outstanding, superb高潮gāo cháoNoun: high tide, upsurge, climax, orgasm告辞gào cíVerb: to take leave, to bid farewell高峰gāo fēngNoun: peak, summit稿件gǎo jiànNoun: manuscript, rough draft告诫gào jièNoun: warning, admonitionVerb: to warn, to admonish高考gāo kǎoNoun: college entrance exam高明gāo míngAdjective: wise, brilliant, bright高尚gāo shàngAdjective: nobly, lofty, sublime高涨gāo zhǎngNoun: upsurge, waveVerb: to run high, to rise割gēVerb: to cut, to cut apart搁gēVerb: to place, to put, to put aside

25疙瘩gē daNoun: lump, pimple, spot隔阂gé héNoun: estrangement, barrier格局gé júNoun: layout, structure, pattern隔离gé líVerb: to seperate, to isolate格式gé shiNoun: format, specification各抒己见gè shū jǐ jiànVerb: everyone gives their own view歌颂gē sòngVerb: to sing the praise of, to extol个体gè tǐNoun: individual, individualityAdjective: individual跟前gēn qiánPlace: in front of根深蒂固gēn shēn dì gùAdjective: deep-rooted, ineradicable跟随gēn suíVerb: to follow根源gēn yuánNoun: origin, root, source跟踪gēn zōngVerb: to tail, to run after, to follow耕地gēng dìNoun: arable land, cultivated land更新gēng xīnVerb: to replace, to renew, to update更正gēng zhèngNoun: correctionVerb: to correct, to make a correction公安局gōng ān júNoun: P

HSK 6: Vocabulary list A _ 2 B_ 2 . 2 A 挨 ái Verb: to endure, to suffer 爱不释手 ài bù shì shǒu Verb: not wan

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HSK 1 characters copybook This copybook is organized by characters (all 174 from HSK 1), not words. However, a vocabulary list of the 150 words is provided below. 1. 爱 (ài) to love 16. 点 (diǎn) o’clock 31. 高兴 (gāoxìng) happy 2. 八 (bā) eight 17. 电脑 (diànnǎ