Oracle Insurance Performance Insight for GeneralInsuranceUser GuideRelease 8Part No. E54486-01January 2015
Oracle Insurance Performance Insight for General Insurance User Guide, Release 8Part No. E54486-01Copyright 2014, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Primary Author:Snigdha ThakuriaOracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks oftheir respective owners.Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks areused under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Opteron,the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced MicroDevices. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group.This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions onuse and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in yourlicense agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license,transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverseengineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, isprohibited.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. Ifyou find any errors, please report them to us in writing.If this is software or related documentation that is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it onbehalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable:U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software,any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are"commercial computer software" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation andagency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptationof the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on thehardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to theprograms. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government.This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications.It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications thatmay create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then youshall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure itssafe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of thissoftware or hardware in dangerous applications.This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products,and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expresslydisclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. OracleCorporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to youraccess to or use of third-party content, products, or services.
ContentsSend Us Your CommentsPreface1About Oracle Insurance Performance Insight for General InsuranceOverview. 1-1Components of OIPIGI. 1-2Workflow. 1-2Users, Roles, and Actions. 1-32Getting StartedLogin. 2-13Overview of Process FlowIntroduction. 3-1Dimension Data Flow. 3-1Fact Data Flow. 3-7BI Data Model. 3-84Overview of OIPIGI 8.0 ReportsIntroduction. 4-1Dashboards. 4-15Managing Corporate Performance DashboardOverview. 5-1iii
Managing reports . 5-16Managing Quote Performance DashboardOverview. 6-1Managing Reports. 6-17Managing Policy Performance DashboardOverview. 7-1Managing Reports. 7-18Managing Claim Performance DashboardOverview. 8-1Managing Reports. 8-1iv
Send Us Your CommentsOracle Insurance Performance Insight for General Insurance User Guide, Release 8Part No. E54486-01Oracle welcomes customers' comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of this document.Your feedback is important, and helps us to best meet your needs as a user of our products. For example: Are the implementation steps correct and complete?Did you understand the context of the procedures?Did you find any errors in the information?Does the structure of the information help you with your tasks?Do you need different information or graphics? If so, where, and in what format?Are the examples correct? Do you need more examples?If you find any errors or have any other suggestions for improvement, then please tell us your name, thename of the company who has licensed our products, the title and part number of the documentation andthe chapter, section, and page number (if available).Note: Before sending us your comments, you might like to check that you have the latest version of thedocument and if any concerns are already addressed. To do this, access the new Oracle E-Business SuiteRelease Online Documentation CD available on My Oracle Support and It contains themost current Documentation Library plus all documents revised or released recently.Send your comments to us using the electronic mail address: appsdoc us@oracle.comPlease give your name, address, electronic mail address, and telephone number (optional).If you need assistance with Oracle software, then please contact your support representative or OracleSupport Services.If you require training or instruction in using Oracle software, then please contact your Oracle local officeand inquire about our Oracle University offerings. A list of Oracle offices is available on our Web site
PrefaceIntended AudienceWelcome to Release 8 of the Oracle Insurance Performance Insight for General InsuranceUser Guide.All the users of Oracle Insurance Performance Insight for General Insuranceapplication. This guide provides detailed instructions for using Oracle InsurancePerformance Insight for General Insurance application.See Related Information Sources on page viii for more Oracle E-Business Suite productinformation.Documentation AccessibilityFor information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the OracleAccessibility Program website at acc&id docacc.Access to Oracle SupportOracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. Forinformation, visit acc&id info or visit acc&id trs if you are hearing impaired.Structure123456About Oracle Insurance Performance Insight for General InsuranceGetting StartedOverview of Process FlowOverview of OIPIGI 8.0 ReportsManaging Corporate Performance DashboardManaging Quote Performance Dashboardvii
7 Managing Policy Performance Dashboard8 Managing Claim Performance DashboardRelated Information Sources Oracle Insurance Performance Insight for General Insurance Release Notes - Thisdocument describes the latest enhancements and updates as well as issues that havebeen resolved in this version. Oracle Insurance Performance Insight for General Insurance Installation Guide This manual describes the steps for configuring and installing Oracle InsurancePerformance Insight for General Insurance.Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle E-Business Suite DataOracle STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that you never use SQL*Plus, Oracle DataBrowser, database triggers, or any other tool to modify Oracle E-Business Suite dataunless otherwise instructed.Oracle provides powerful tools you can use to create, store, change, retrieve, andmaintain information in an Oracle database. But if you use Oracle tools such asSQL*Plus to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data, you risk destroying the integrity ofyour data and you lose the ability to audit changes to your data.Because Oracle E-Business Suite tables are interrelated, any change you make using anOracle E-Business Suite form can update many tables at once. But when you modifyOracle E-Business Suite data using anything other than Oracle E-Business Suite, youmay change a row in one table without making corresponding changes in related tables.If your tables get out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrieving erroneousinformation and you risk unpredictable results throughout Oracle E-Business Suite.When you use Oracle E-Business Suite to modify your data, Oracle E-Business Suiteautomatically checks that your changes are valid. Oracle E-Business Suite also keepstrack of who changes information. If you enter information into database tables usingdatabase tools, you may store invalid information. You also lose the ability to track whohas changed your information because SQL*Plus and other database tools do not keep arecord of changes.viii
1About Oracle Insurance Performance Insightfor General InsuranceOverviewOracle Insurance Performance Insight for General Insurance (OIPIGI) is acomprehensive business intelligence system created exclusively for the GeneralInsurance/Property and Casualty (P&C) insurance industry. OIPIGI provides acomplete set of web-based analytical and reporting components that enable users togenerate, view, analyze, distribute, electronically store, and retrieve critical reports.It provides tools for data integration and includes customizable, pre-built dashboardsand reports, a reporting data model, and user friendly functional subject areas forad-hoc reporting.It enables you to actively plan, manage, and track key areas measuring organizationalperformance with pre-built reports, dashboards, and underlying data structures.The OIPIGI solution is built using: OFSAA Infrastructure 8.0 for ETL and Data Integration OBIEE XXXXXXXX for Dashboard and Reports activitiesOIPIGI provides the following capabilities: Consolidates data from multiple, disparate source systems to provide a strategicenterprise-wide view across various business and operational segments. Provides an underlying data model constructed specifically for the generalinsurance industry. Delivers information management, reporting, and advanced analytics to end-usersthrough an easy-to-use web application.OIPIGI 8.0 utilizes OBIEE technology to present:About Oracle Insurance Performance Insight for General Insurance1-1
Behavioral and performance trends of its target segments - Line of Businesses,Products, Regions, Intermediaries, Customers, Revenues, Expenses, Claims, and soon. Performance tracking using key business performance indicators. Performance of the overall business, profitability, intermediaries, and underlyingcustomers. Performance of Business against goal/budget and plans. Efficiency of the intermediaries and business lines in terms of new business revenueand business retention. Most and least active and revenue generatingintermediaries and sales channels.Components of OIPIGIFollowing are the components of OIPIGI user guide. Getting Started General Features Overview of Process Flow Overview of OIPIGI ReportsThe functions of each of these components are explained in the respective chapters.WorkflowThe following workflow depicts the analytical product objectives of OIPIGI 8.0:1-2Oracle Insurance Performance Insight for General Insurance User Guide
Users, Roles, and ActionsFollowing are the users of OIPIGI: ExecutiveManager BusinessAnalyst UnderwritingManager ClaimsManager FinancialManager Underwriters UnderwritingSupport ProductManager ClaimsAdjuster FinanceDepartment MarketingDepartment ProducersAbout Oracle Insurance Performance Insight for General Insurance1-3
The following lists the roles and actions of the users:1-4 ExecutiveManager - This user performs the roles of management level executivesand group heads and have full access to all dashboards and reports. The primaryinterest is in corporate performance at an enterprise level. BusinessAnalyst - This user performs the various roles of senior level executive andmanagers who would do business analysis and strategy development. The primaryinterest encompasses all areas. UnderwritingManager - Under this role, users heads the underwriting departmentsand group managers. The primary interest is in the policy performance area. ClaimsManager - Under this role, users heads the claims departments and groupmanagers. The primary interest is in the claim performance area, claim performanceparameters, expenses, and key ratios. FinancialManager - Under this role, users heads the finance and accountsdepartments, and group managers. The primary interest is in financialperformance, key financial performance indicators, key ratios, revenue, expenses,and profitability. Underwriters - This user performs the various roles of underwriting managers andunderwriters. The primary interest is in policy performance and claim performance,key performance indicators and information. UnderwritingSupport - This user performs the various roles of executives andauthorized members of underwriting department. The primary interest is in specificpolicy and claim performances. ProductManager - This user performs the roles of executive and authorizedmembers of actuarial, product, and product strategy groups. ClaimsAdjuster - This user performs the roles of claim adjusters and authorizedmembers for claim adjustment process. The primary interest is in claimperformance. FinanceDepartment - This user performs the roles of executive and authorizedmembers of finance and accounts department. The primary interest financialperformance, revenue, and expenses. MarketingDepartment - This user performs the various roles of executive andauthorized members of marketing department. The primary interest keyperformance parameters and performance results in quotes, policy, claims, regions,line of business, products, producers, and customers. Producers - This user performs the various roles of managers and executives ofsales departments, agency mangers, authorized producers and company's directOracle Insurance Performance Insight for General Insurance User Guide
sales employee. Access for producers and direct sales employees arecompany-specific and restricted to own respective line performance. The primaryinterest in policy sales, retentions, revenue, expenses, key performance andcustomers.About Oracle Insurance Performance Insight for General Insurance1-5
2Getting StartedLoginYou can access OBIEE through the web browser once the software is installed andconfigured.To access OBIEE, follow these steps:1.Enter the following URL into the web browser:http:// hostname : port /analyticsNote: In the above URL:2. hostname is the server name or IP address where youinstalled OBIEE port is the port assigned to OBIEE. The default port will bedifferent depending on whether or not you selected a "Simple"or "Enterprise" Install for OBIEE.A login screen similar to the following appear.Getting Started2-1
2-23.Enter your User ID.4.Enter your Password.5.Click Sign In. The OBIEE login page opens.Oracle Insurance Performance Insight for General Insurance User Guide
3Overview of Process FlowIntroductionOIPIGI data model contains the staging tables from which data is loaded into thedimensions and fact tables. Staging tables include the master staging tables, detailstaging tables, staging product processor tables, and so on. The user has to populatedata into these staging tables.Dimension Data FlowDimension data in OIPIGI application is loaded from staging master tables using theSlowly Changing Dimensions (SCD) process. Data from source systems can be loadedinto staging through flat file or source system interfaces. SCD process tracks thechanges in the dimensional attributes and loads data into dimension tables. Examples ofdimension tables that follow the SCD process are Product, Customer Type, Customer,and so on.Some dimensions are static or maintained internally within the application and are notexpected as a download from source system. An example of such dimensions isReporting Line. These dimensions are maintained through the AMHM (AttributeMember Hierarchy Maintenance) component of OFSAAI or through other frameworkcomponents like DEFI.Following are the list of Dimensions used in OIPIGI:Dimension Entity NameStaging Entity Name(s)Loading/MaintenancemethodAcquisition ChannelDimensionStage Channel MasterSCDAttrition DimensionStage Attrition Reason MasterSCDOverview of Process Flow3-1
Dimension Entity NameStaging Entity Name(s)Bands ng Account DimensionStage Bill Plan MasterSCDBusiness Class DimensionStage Business Class MasterSCDCampaign DimensionStage Campaign MasterSCDCatastrophe EventsDimensionStage Catastrophe MasterSCDClaim DimensionStage Claim DetailsSCDCountry DimensionStage Country MasterSCDCoverage Status DimensionStage Coverage Status MasterSCDCoverage Type DimensionStage Coverage Type MasterSCDDimension PolicyStage Property and CasualtyContractsSCDDimension Policy TypeStage Policy Type MasterSCDDimension Reinsurance RiskTypeStage Reinsurance Risk TypeMasterSCDDwelling DimensionStage Dwelling MasterSCDEmployee DimensionStage EmployeeSCDGeography DimensionStage Geography MasterSCDInsurance CoverageDimensionStage Insurance CoverageMasterSCDLine of Business DimensionStage Line of Business MasterSCDLitigation DimensionStage Litigation MasterSCDOracle Insurance Performance Insight for General Insurance User Guide
Dimension Entity NameStaging Entity Name(s)Loading/MaintenancemethodLoan Product CategoryDimensionStage Product CategoryMasterSCDLocation DimensionStage Location MasterSCDOrganization StructureDimensionStage Organization StructureMasterSCDParty DimensionStage Party MasterSCDPolicy Deductible DimensionsStage Policy DeductibleMasterSCDProducer Agent DimensionStage Producer Agent MasterSCDProducer DimensionStage Producer MasterSCDProduct DimensionStage Product MasterSCDProduct Type DimensionStage Product Type MasterSCDQuote Source DimensionStage Quote SourceSCDQuote Source MethodDimensionStage Quote Source MethodSCDQuote Submission MethodDimensionStage Quote SubmissionMethodSCDQuotes Declination TypeDimensionStage Quote Declination TypeSCDRate Modifier DimensionStage Policy Rate ModifierSCDRate Plan DimensionStage Rate Plan MasterSCDRegion DimensionStage Region MasterSCDReport Type DimensionStage Report TypeSCDOverview of Process Flow3-3
3-4Dimension Entity NameStaging Entity Name(s)Loading/MaintenancemethodRisk Item DimensionStage Risk Item MasterSCDUnderwriter DimensionStage Underwriter MasterSCDVendor DimensionStage Vendor MasterSCDAllocation Expense TypeDimensionSeededBand Member AttributesAMHMBand Dimension MembersAMHMHierarchies for BandsAMHMBand Dimension TranslationAMHMClaim Referral ReasonDimensionSeededDimension Claim StatusSeededClaim Transaction TypeDimensionSeededCurrency DimensionSeededDate DimensionDTGenerally AcceptedAccounting PrinciplesDimensionSeededLocation HierarchyDTDimension Policy StatusSeededPolicy Transaction TypeDimensionSeededOracle Insurance Performance Insight for General Insurance User Guide
Dimension Entity NameStaging Entity Name(s)Loading/MaintenancemethodQuote Status DimensionSeededQuote Type DimensionSeededRecovery Type DimensionSeededReporting Line MemberAttributesSeededReporting Line DimensionMembersSeededReporting Line HierarchiesSeededReporting Line MemberTranslationSeededReporting Line DimensionDTScenario DimensionSeededSome of the stage data can also come from master data management interfaces. In sucha case, data from interface is loaded into staging interface tables and SCD is run on theinterface tables. Mapping of dimensional attributes to staging can be obtained byquerying SYS STG JOIN MASTER and SYS TBL MASTER table in the atomic schema.Key dimensions for reportingThe following key dimensions are required for OIPIGI reporting as these dimensionsare being directly consumed by the reports. Acquisition Channel Dimension Attrition Dimension Billing Account Dimension Campaign Dimension Dimension Policy Type Line of Business DimensionOverview of Process Flow3-5
3-6 Loan Product Category Dimension Location Dimension Organization Structure Dimension Producer Agent Dimension Producer Dimension Product Dimension Product Type Dimension Quote Source Dimension Quote Source Method Dimension Quote Submission Method Dimension Quotes Declination Type Dimension Rate Plan Dimension Report Type Dimension Dimension Claim Status Currency Dimension Date Dimension Location Hierarchy Dimension Policy Status Quote Status Dimension Quote Type Dimension Recovery Type Dimension Reporting Line Dimension Scenario DimensionOracle Insurance Performance Insight for General Insurance User Guide
Fact Data FlowMost of the Fact tables are mapped to staging counterparts through Table to Table (T2T)mappings. Data from source systems can be loaded into staging through flat file orsource system interfaces. T2T process then loads data to fact tables. Examples includeFact Common Policy Summary, Fact IPA Policy Summary, and so on. Some of the Facttables are loaded with processed fact information from other fact tables. Examplesinclude Fact Policy Profitability, Fact Aggregate Producer Summary, and so on.Fact Entity NameSourceSource EntitiesMethod ofPopulatingMeasuresFact AggregateProducer SummaryFactFact Common PolicySummary, Fact IPAPolicy Summary, FactPFT Policy Summary,Fact InsuranceQuotes, FactInsurance QuoteReports, and FactClaim DetailsT2T/DTFact Claim ClaimantMappingStageFact Claim DetailsStageStage Claim DetailsT2TFact Claim ReferralReason MappingStageStage Claim ReferralReason MappingT2TFact ClaimTransactionStageStage ClaimTransactionsT2TFact Common PolicySummaryStageStage Property andCasualty ContractsT2TFact InsuranceQuotes ReportStageStage InsuranceQuote with ReportsT2TFact IPA PolicySummaryStageStage Property andCasualty ContractsT2TFact PFT PolicySummaryStageStage Property andCasualty ContractsT2TT2TOverview of Process Flow3-7
Fact Entity NameSourceSource EntitiesMethod ofPopulatingMeasuresFact PolicyCoverage'sStageStage PolicyCoverage'sT2TFact PolicyProfitabilityFactFact Common PolicySummary, Fact IPAPolicy Summary, FactPFT Policy Summary,Fact InsuranceQuotes, FactInsurance QuoteReports, and FactClaim DetailsT2TFact Policy RateModifiers MapStageStage Policy RateModifierT2TFact PolicyRelationshipStageStage PolicyCustomerRelationshipT2TFact PolicyTransactionsStageStage Property AndCasualty PolicyTransactionsT2TFact PremiumTransactionsStageStage PremiumTransactionsT2TFact ProducerAppointmentsStageStage ProducerContractsT2TInsurance QuotesFactStageStage InsuranceQuotesT2TBI Data ModelThe BI data model is a star schema for the fact tables FCT INSURANCE QUOTES,FCT INSURANCE QUOTE REPORTS, FCT COMMON POLICY SUMMARY,FCT IPA POLICY SUMMARY, FCT PFT POLICY SUMMARY,FCT CLAIM DETAILS, FCT CLAIM TRANSACTIONS,FCT AGG PRODUCER SUMMARY, FCT PRODUCER APPOINTMENTS, and so on.3-8Oracle Insurance Performance Insight for General Insurance User Guide
Following are the subject areas in ERwin data model: Insurance Quotes and Reports Policy SummaryOverview of Process Flow3-9
3-10Policy Coverage'sOracle Insurance Performance Insight for General Insurance User Guide
Policy ProfitabilityOverview of Process Flow3-11
3-12Aggregated Producer Summary and Producer AppointmentsOracle Insurance Performance Insight for General Insurance User Guide
Claim Details Claim TransactionsOverview of Process Flow3-13
3-14Oracle Insurance Performance Insight for General Insurance User Guide
4Overview of OIPIGI 8.0 ReportsIntroductionOracle Performance Insight for General Insurance (OPIGI) version 8.0 offers dashboardsto users that organize different kinds of reports by key domain and subject area.These reports present: Performance analysis of the business at an enterprise level and underlyingsegments through key performance indicators. Performance measures through generated quotes analysis measured through line ofbusinesses, products, regions and producers, and key performance indicators. Performance measures through Policy Performance analysis measured through lineof businesses, products, regions and producers, and key performance indicators. Performance measures through claims analysis measured through line ofbusinesses, products, regions and producers, and key performance indicators.Note: Time hierarchy prompted reports are all drill enabled on timehierarchy. On first load, the values are visible for a year, and onsubsequent drills, we obtain values for quarter and month. These arenot drill through reports.DashboardsOPIGI 8.0 has been segregated into four key dashboards and each of these dashboardscontains several tabs. Corporate PerformanceOverview of OIPIGI 8.0 Reports4-1
Quote Performance Policy Performance Claim PerformanceThe dashboards are described in detail in the subsequent chapters.4-2Oracle Insurance Performance Insight for General Insurance User Guide
5Managing Corporate PerformanceDashboardOverviewThis chapter explains the reports available under each tab in the Corporate PerformanceDashboard.Managing reportsThe following tabs are present in the Corporate Performance Dashboard: Corporate Performance Summary Performance Overview Line of Business Overview Line of Business Performance Product Overview Product PerformanceThe following screenshots display the essential nature of the available reports as pereach tab:Corporate Performance SummaryThe Corporate Performance Summary tab includes information at the corporate level.The information contained in the reports generated summarizes how the entireManaging Corporate Performance Dashboard5-1
organization is performing. The filters for this tab include: Time Company GeographyThe various reports available under this tab are discussed in the following sections.Key Performance Indicators FlashThis report shows snap shots of key performance indicators represented through flashboxes for current period.PremiumThis report shows premium revenue across all line of businesses and underlyingproducts through a time series. This report can be viewed over various time periods,entities, and geographies selected from page level prompts.Investment IncomeThis report shows investment revenue across all line of businesses and underlyingproducts through a time series graph. This report can be viewed over various timeperiods, entities, and geographies selected from page level prompts.5-2Oracle Insurance Performance Insight for General Insurance User Guide
ClaimsThis report shows expense towards claim payments across all line of businesses andunderlying products through a time series. This report can be viewed over various timeperiods, entities, and geographies selected from page level promptsRatiosThis report shows key business indicator ratios across all line of businesses andunderlying products through a time series. The key ratio indicator report containsvarious report level filters such as Combined Ratio, Loss ratio, Expense Ratio, andManaging Corporate Performance Dashboard5-3
Underwriting Balance Ratio, and can be viewed by individual ratio or all ratiostogether. This report can be analyzed over various time periods, entities, andgeographies selected from page level prompts.PolicyThis report shows policy related expenses across all line of businesses and underlyingproducts through a time series. This
for General Insurance Overview Oracle Insurance Performance Insight for General Insurance (OIPIGI) is a comprehensive business intelligence system created exclusively for the General Insurance/Property and Casualty (P&C) insurance industry. OIPIGI provides a complete set of web-based analytical and reporting components that enable users to
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