Morgan Stanley Online TradingAvailability & RestrictionsDepending upon your account, Morgan Stanley Online and Morgan Stanley Mobile permit trading ofStocks, Exchange-Traded Funds, Options and Mutual Funds.This document details online and mobile trading availability, limits and restrictions and is subject tochange. It is organized by your account type. Please click your account type for information specificto you: Morgan Stanley Access Direct Regular Brokerage Account Choice Select Account Consulting Group Advisory
Morgan Stanley Access DirectSecuritiesMorgan Stanley Access DirectMost US equities Most US ETFs Inverse/Leveraged ETFsSell onlyPreferred StockNot availableStock priced 2Not availableOTC Stock priced 5 (excludes ADRs)Not availableOTC Caveat EmptorNot availableOTC Pink Sheet - No InformationNot availableOTC Grey Market (excludes ADRs)Not availableOptionsNot availableMutual FundsTransactions Morgan Stanley Access DirectBuy Stock Sell Stock Short Sell StockNot availableBuy Mutual Fund Sell Mutual Fund Exchange Mutual FundTrade Limits1:1 OnlyMorgan Stanley Access DirectStock/ETF not permittedPurchases blocked at 500,000 or 25,000 sharesMutual Fund not permittedPurchases blocked at 100,000 Back to Top
Regular Brokerage AccountSecuritiesRegular BrokerageMost US equities Most US ETFs Inverse/Leveraged ETFsSell onlyPreferred StockNot available onlineStock priced 2Not available onlineOTC Stock priced 5 (excludes ADRs)Not available onlineOTC Caveat EmptorNot available onlineOTC Pink Sheet - No InformationNot available onlineOTC Grey Market (excludes ADRs)Not available onlineMutual FundsNot available online11OptionsTransactions Regular BrokerageBuy Stock Sell Stock Short Sell StockNot available onlineBuy to Cover Stock Write Covered Calls Buy to Open Call/Put Sell to Open Call/PutNot available onlineMulti-legged OptionsNot available onlineClose Option Position Trade LimitsRegular BrokerageStock/ETF approval by branchBuys 25,000 Shares or 500,000Stock/ETF not permittedBuys 50,000 Shares or 1,000,000Opening Options Orders – approval by branch 50 ContractsOpening Options Orders – not permitted 500,000 Back to Top 1Options trading is subject to appropriate Options Agreement with firm.
Choice Select AccountSecuritiesChoice SelectMost US equities Most US ETFs Inverse/Leveraged ETFsSell onlyPreferred Stock Stock priced 2Not available onlineOTC Stock priced 5 (excludes ADRs)Not available onlineOTC Caveat EmptorNot available onlineOTC Pink Sheet - No InformationNot available onlineOTC Grey Market (excludes ADRs)Not available onlineMutual FundsNot available online22OptionsTransactions Choice SelectBuy Stock Sell Stock Short Sell StockNot available onlineBuy to Cover Stock Write Covered Calls Buy to Open Call/Put Sell to Open Call/PutNot available onlineMulti-legged OptionsNot available onlineClose Option Position Trade LimitsChoice SelectStock/ETF approval by branchBuys 25,000 Shares or 500,000Stock/ETF not permittedBuys 50,000 Shares or 1,000,000Opening Options Orders – approval by branch 50 ContractsOpening Options Orders – not permitted 500,000 Back to Top 2Options trading is subject to appropriate Options Agreement with firm.
Consulting Group Advisory AccountSecuritiesConsulting Group AdvisoryMost US equities Most US ETFs Inverse/Leveraged ETFsSell onlyPreferred Stock Stock priced 2Not available onlineOTC Stock priced 5 (excludes ADRs)Not available onlineOTC Caveat EmptorNot available onlineOTC Pink Sheet - No InformationNot available onlineOTC Grey Market (excludes ADRs)Not available onlineMutual FundsNot available online2 3OptionsTransactionsConsulting Group AdvisoryBuy Stock Sell Stock Short Sell StockNot available onlineBuy to Cover Stock Write Covered Calls Buy to Open Call/PutNot available online Sell to Open Call/PutNot available onlineMulti-legged OptionsNot available online Close Option PositionTrade LimitsConsulting Group AdvisoryStock/ETF approval by branchBuys 25,000 Shares or 500,000Stock/ETF not permittedBuys 50,000 Shares or 1,000,000Opening Options Orders – approval by branch 50 ContractsOpening Options Orders – not permitted 500,000 Back to Top 3Options trading is subject to appropriate Options Agreement with firm. 2020 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC.CRC 2893847 01/2020
Stock priced 2 Not available online OTC Stock priced 5 (excludes ADRs) Not available online OTC Caveat Emptor Not available online OTC Pink Sheet - No Information Not available online OTC Grey Market (excludes ADRs) Not available online Mutual Funds Not available online
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JP Morgan Mozaic II Yes, roll return J.P. Morgan Strategic Balanced Index Yes, 2 & 3 month LIBOR JP Morgan U.S. Sector Rotator 5 Index Yes, 3 month Core & Res Merril Lynch RPM Index Yes, 3 month LIBOR Morgan Stanley Dynamic Allocation Yes, Fed Funds rate Morgan Stanley Dynamic Balance Yes, Fed Funds rate Morgan Stanley Expanded Horizons Yes, N/A
Morgan Stanley Funds (UK) 30 September 2020 1 2 Morgan Stanley Funds (UK) (the “Company”) 3 Directory 4 Report of the Authorised Corporate Director of Morgan Stanley Funds (UK) (the “Company”) 5 Report of the Depositary to the Shareholders of the Company 6 Independent Auditor’s Report to the Shareholders of the Company FUND REVIEWS & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
Morgan Stanley Association of American Railroads . Morgan Stanley Source: Morgan Stanley Truckload Refrigerated Demand and Capacity Source: Morgan Stanley . . carriers have been more strategic in the freight they are moving in order to drive profitability and reduce claims as the LTL industry remains price disciplined.
Technology, Media and Telecom onference MARH 1, 2021 Disney Speakers: ob hapek Chief Executive Officer. Morgan Stanley TMT Conference March 1, 2021 Page 2 PRESENTATION en Swinburne - Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC Hello, everybody. Welcome back. I'm en Swinburne, Morgan Stanley's media analyst.
This package includes the agreements and forms necessary to establish a Morgan Stanley futures trading account as well as certain documentation which may, at your discretion, be completed by you to allow specific types of trading activities.
ABOVE: Sherman Morgan was the most prominent son of the Justin Morgan horse (American Horses and Horse Breeding). Sherman Morgan was foaled about 1808 in Lyndon, Vermont during the time David Goss kept the original Justin Morgan horse. Justin Morgan, by that time, was 19 years old and his colts were very much valued.
Stanley rescued his mother’s ring by going down into the grate by the sidewalk. Arthur turned Stanley back to normal using his bicycle pump. Arthur flew Stanley like a kite in the park. A bulletin board fell on Stanley and flattened him. Stanley caught the art thieves at the museum. Stanley was mailed to California in