GREAT LAKES RESTORATIONCROSSCUTReport to CongressOffice of Management and BudgetDecember 20161
The Great Lakes Watershed2
FY 2017 Great Lakes Restoration CrosscutThis report represents an accounting of Federal funding for Great Lakes restoration activities. This report isprovided to Congress in response to Section 738 of the Financial Services and General GovernmentAppropriations Act, 2014 (Division Eof Public Law 113-76, the 2014 Consolidated Appropriations Act.The Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 Budget continues the Administration's commitment to Great Lakes environmental restorationby requesting 731 million for high priority programs and projects in the Great Lakes watershed. This is a 157 milliondecrease (-18%) from FY 2016 levels.FY 2017 funding levels will allow for a robust Great Lakes program reflective of the region's environmental significance.Funding will support a number of critical restoration activities, including projects for aquatic invasive species includingAsian carp, toxics and contaminated sediments, nonpoint source pollution, and habitat protection and restoration.This crosscut presents information on Federal funding from FY 2012 through the FY 2017 Budget for Great Lakesrestoration work in the following formats: Total Federal funding by agency, including national and Great Lakes programs and projects; Agency funding for national programs; Agency funding for Great Lakes Programs; and Agency funding for Great Lakes projectsIt is important to note that for national programs, in many instances the numbers shown for FY 2017, and in some casesFY 2016, are extrapolated either from past funding provided to the region, or by using a percentage of land in the GreatLakes basin relative to the rest of the State. The funding ultimately provided to the Great Lakes basin through nationalprograms may differ from these estimates.A few other funding notes are necessary. All Federal agency dollars are reported in millions; programs and projects thathave not received at least 500,000 in funding over the period of FY 2012 to FY 2017 are excluded, and rounding errorsmay occur. FY 2013 totals represent funding levels after sequestration. Finally, FY 2017 allocations shown for the GreatLakes Restoration Initiative are provisional and final allocations may differ.3
Table 1--Federal Agency TotalsFY 2012EnactedFY 2013EnactedFY 2014EnactedFY 2015EnactedFY 2016EnactedFY 2017BudgetGreat Lakes Restoration Initiative300284300300300250Department of Agriculture177225195179182170Department of the Army841141141578946Department of Commerce403838404039212100Department of the Interior706364677171Department of 986888731(Budget authority in millions)Department of Homeland SecurityDepartment of Transportation1Environmental Protection AgencyTotal, All AgenciesIn all tables, funding amounts are rounded to the nearest million. Rounding errors may result.All tables exclude programs and projects that have received or requested less than 500,000 across FYs 2012-2017.1 W hileDOT does not make any direct programmatic funding contributions to Great Lakes Restoration, States use DOT funds for a variety ofenvironmental mitigation activities that undoubtedly contribute to restoration efforts. DOT funding amounts are estimates and are not based onreported data.4
Table 2--Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, Agency AllocationsFY 2012FY 2013FY 2014FY 2015FY 52732313127[Animal and Plant Health InspectionService]111111[Natural Resources Conservation Service]2724212319197(Budget authority in millions)Department of Agriculture[U.S. Forest Service]Department of the Army[Army Corps of Engineers]Department of Commerce[Notional Oceanic and AtmosphericAdministration]Department of Health and Human Services[Agency for Toxic Substances and DiseaseRegistry and Center for Disease Control]Department of Homeland Security[Coast Guard]Department of the eau of Indian Affairs]544564[Fish and Wildlife Service]464940414427{U.S. Geological Survey]131320222010[National Park Service]433343333333[Great Lakes Fisheries Commission]333333[International Joint Commission]000000433121[Federal Highway Administration]111000[Maritime Administration]322121134129119115142104Department of StateDepartment of TransportationEnvironmental Protection AgencyMultiple Agencies 153AOCs30Asian Carp13Nutrient/Sediment Reduction1Habitat4Foundations for Future Restoration6Total, All Agencies3002843003003012505
1 AgencyGLRI funding ident ified as " Multiple Agencies" is included in agency totals through FY 2016. Agency GLRI allocatlons for Asian Carp and a portion of the funding for AOC,Nutrient/Sediment Reduction, Habitat, and Foundations for Future Restoration acttvities have not yet been determ ined for FY 2017.2FY 2015 and FY 2016 Enacted Agency totals may differ from the lnltlal Agency Allocations inclu ded In the FY 2017 Congressional Ju stification due to modified agency allocations made inApril 2016.6
Table 3--Department of Agriculture, National ProgramsFY 2012ActualFY 2013ActualFY 2014ActualFY 2015ActualFY 2016EnactedFY 2017Budget202416161616Conservation Reserve Program000003Conservation Security Program1096210Conservation Stewardship Program152523303224404639383841(Budget authority In millions)Natural Resources Conservation ServiceConservation OperationsEnvironmental Quality Incentives ProgramFarm and Ranch Lands Protection ProgramGrasslands Reserve ProgramWetlands Reserve Program111Wildlife Habitats Incentive Programi, Capital Improvement and Maintenance544444Forest Legacy110110Forest Stewardship221111Agricultural Conservation Easement ProgramTotal, NRCSFarm Service AgencyConservation Reserve ProgramTotal, FSARural DevelopmentWater/Wastewater Loans and Grants'Total, RDForest ServiceKnutson-Vandenberg Fund111111Land and Water Conservation Fund122220National Forest System1111111111910107177225195179182170Total, FSTotal, USDA12These programs were eliminated or consolidated into other programs.FY 2014 includes approximately 40,000 as an initial program allocation for technical assistance dollars to work on prior year contracts.Repealed program utilized the Transitional Provision from the Farm Bill - that allows prior work with prior (Farm Bill - 2008) funding.'FY 2014 and FY 2015 are estimates based on previous years' data. Actual funding is based on applications received.Table 4--Department of the Army, National Programs7
(Budget authority in millions)FY 2012EnactedFY 2013EnactedFY 2014EnactedFY 2015EnactedFY 2016EnactedFY 2017BudgetArmy Corps of EngineersAquatic Ecosystem Restoration 1011201Material1111001Dredged Material Disposal Facilities072600Environmental Infrastructure30s12120000000211614221210Beneficial Use of DredgedEstuary Protection ProgramFormerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action ProgramRestoration of Environmental Quality1Wetlands Permitting'Total, Department of the Army20000011212121212123837365536251FY 2016 Enacted represents the final work plan. FY 2017 Budget amount represents nationwide total. Portion for Great Lakes is unknown.2Funds reflect those allocated to programs in Great Lakes that may include other areas.3Estimate of expenditures for regulatory activities within Great Lakes watershed (involves all or part of five district offices)Table 5--Department of the Army, Great Lakes ProgramsFY 2012EnactedFY 2013EnactedFY 2014EnactedFY 2015EnactedFY 2016EnactedFY 2017BudgetGreat Lakes Fishery and Ecosystem Restoration2s0000Great Lakes Tributary Model111111Surveillance of Northern Boundary Waters5555669116666(Budget authority in millions)Army Corps of EngineersTotal, Department of the Army8
Table 6--Department of the Army, Great Lakes ProjectsFY 2012Enacted-FY 2013EnactedFY 2014EnactedFY 2015EnactedFY2016EnactedFY 2017BudgetChicago Sanitary & Ship Canal Dispersal Barriers222436so3012Indiana Shoreline Erosion001020(Budget authority in millions)Army Corps of Engineerslnterbasin Control Great Lakes, Mississippi River,Aquatic Nusiance Species3s3113McCook and Thornton Reservoirs12363146140Presque Isle Peninsula012000376672964715Total, Department of the ArmyTable 7--Department of the Army, Great Lakes Projects-- Detail(Budget authority in millions)FY 2017BudgetDescriptionStatusAuthorizedFundingLevel ( M)Army Corps of EngineersChicago Sanitary & ShipCanal Dispersal Barriers12System of electric barriers todeter movement of aquaticnuisance fish species between theIllinois River and Lake Michigan.Three barriers are constructedand operational - Barrier I (whichinitially was a DemonstrationBarrier), Barrier llA and BarrierllB. A permanent upgrade ofBarrier I, authorized by WRDA2007, is currently underconstruction . The permanentupgrade of Barrier I was fundedto completion in FY 2016, andscheduled to completesometime during FY 2017. The 12 million provided for in the FY2017 budget will be used tooperate and maintain theexisting barriers while thepermanent upgrade of Barrier Iis limitlnterbasin Control GreatLakes, Mississippi River,Aquatic Nuisance Species3Comprehensive study on a widerange of alternatives forpreventing the migration ofaqautic nuisance species betweenthe Mississippi River and GreatLakes watersheds.Feasibility study underway toevaluate potential ANS controlsat the Brandon Road Lock limitTotal, Department ofthe Army159
Table 8--Department of Commerce, National ProgramsFY 2012EnactedFY 2013EnactedFY 2014EnactedFY 2015EnactedFY2016EnactedFY 2017Budget100000151415151414National Center for Coastal Ocean ScienceExternal Competitive Research 1111100Coastal Science, Assessment, Response andRestoration000011Nat ional Estuarine Research Reserves111111Marine and Aviation Ops charter vessel forAlgal Bloom t authority in millions)National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationAquatic Invasive Species Program (AISP)Coastal Zone Management GrantsSea GrantNational Marine SanctuariesTotal, Department of Commerce1 Fundingis an estimate based on historical trends. Actual funding amounts will be determined based on fina l approp riations as well asthe number and quality of proposals received by NOAA.Table 9--Department of Commerce, Great Lakes ProgramsFY 2012EnactedFY 2013EnactedFY2014EnactedFY 2015EnactedFY 2016EnactedFY 2017BudgetGreat Lakes Environmental ResearchLaboratory101010101111Great Lakes Habitat Restoration 1000000101010101111(Budget authority In millions)National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationTotal, Department of Commerce1FY 2017 funding is an estimate based on historical trends. Actual funding amounts will be determined based on final appropriations as well as the numberand quality of proposals received by NOAA.10
Table 10--Department of Homeland Security, National Programs(Budget authority In millions)FY 2012EnactedFY 2013EnactedFY 2014EnactedFY 2015EnactedFY 2016EnactedFY 2017Budget100000112100212100Coast GuardMarine Environmental Protection--BallastWater/ Invasive SpeciesEnvironmental, Compliance and Restoration-- Toxics and Contaminated SedimentsTotal, Department of Homeland Security11
Table 11--Department of the Interior, National ProgramsFY 2012EnactedFY 2013FY 2014FY 2015FY 2016FY tatus and Trends Program433333Ecosystems/Fisheries Program444444Ecosystems/Environments Program111111Ecosystems/Invasive Species Program (Asian Carp)333555Natural Hazards/Coastal and Marine Geology110000(Budget authority in millions)U.S. Geological Survey 1Ground Water Resources Program0000n/an/aNational Water Quality Assessment Program3213n/an/aNational Streamflow Information Program1111n/an/aCooperative Water Program3333n/an/an/an/an/an/a112Water Availability and Use Science ProgramGroundwater and Streamflow Information Programn/an/an/an/a2National Water Quality Programn/an/an/an/ a33181816191919Clean Vessel Grant Program111111Total, USGSFish and Wildlife ServiceCoastal Wetlands Grant Program302222Ecological Services31010101010Fire Management/Roads222222Fish and Wildlife Management444444Fish Hatcheries444444Aquatic Invasive Species (Asian Carp)23335sHabitat Conservation (FY 2013 through FY 2015 inEcol. ive Park Projects (Water ManagementPlans)001000Operating Program777788778788686162656969Law EnforcementNational Wildlife Refuge SystemTotal, USFWSNational Park ServiceTotal, NPSTotal, Department of the Interior12
Table 12--Department of the Interior, Great Lakes ProgramsFY 2012EnactedFY 2013EnactedFY 2014EnactedFY 2015EnactedFY 2016EnactedFY 2017BudgetGreat Lakes Consent Decree111111Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration100000211111FY 2012EnactedFY 2013EnactedFY 2014EnactedFY 2015EnactedFY 2016EnactedFY 2017BudgetGreat Lakes Fishery Commission2419242524.620International Joint Commission222222262126272722(Budget authority in millions)Fish and Wildlife ServiceTotal, Department of the InteriorTable 13--Department of State, Great Lakes Programs(Budget authority in millions)Total, Department of StateTable 14--Department of Transportation, National ProgramsFY 2012EnactedFY 2013EnactedFY 2014EnactedFY 201SEnactedFY 2016EnactedFY 2017BudgetDepartment of Transportation 1444400Total, Department of Transportation444400(Budget authori ty in millions)1While DOT does not make any direct programmatic funding contributions to Great Lakes Restoration, States use DOT funds for a varietyof environmental mitigation activities that have undoubtedly contributed to restoration efforts. DOT funding amounts for FY 2012- FY2015 are estimates and are not based on reported data. FY 2016 and FY 2017 estimates have been reduced to 0 to show that DOT hasnot received, awarded or obligated funding to directly restore the Great Lakes Watershed. However, States continue to use DOT fundsthat may indirectly contribute to restoration efforts.13
Table 15--Environmental Protection Agency, National Programs(Budget authority in millions)Clean Water State Revolving FundSection 105 Clean Air Grants11Section 106 Clean Water Grants1Section 319 Nonpoint Source Grants 1Superfund Remedial2 3 Wetlands State Grants1Total, Environmental Protection Agency1FY 2012EnactedFY 2013EnactedFY 2014EnactedFY 2015EnactedFY 133FY 2015 and FY 2016 represent estimates based on previous allocations. Final amounts may differ.2FY 2013 through FY 2014 numbers have been updated to reflect actual obligations. Obligation data do not signify investment ordisinvestment trends in cleanups in the Great Lakes Watershed, but rather annual resource use at individual sites as they move throughthe Superfund cleanup process.3FY 2015 and FY 2016 data are not provided as they are enforcement confidential and do not reflect "approved" plans.14
Department of the Army 84 114 114 157 89 46 . Department of Commerce 40 38 38 40 40 39 . Department of Homeland Security 2 1 2 1 0 0 . Department of the Interior 70 63 64 67 71 71 . Department of State 26 21 26 27 27 22 . Department of
Best-Selling Surgical Instruments DESCRIPTION PRIMARY USAGE The best-selling surgical instruments are listed in order of popularity by category *FeaturedImage BONEFILES-SURGICAL Straightcut.Usedtosmoothandshapebone Crosscut.Usedtosmoothbone Straightcut.Usedtosmoothbone Straightcut.Usedtosmoothbone Crosscut.Usedtosmoothbone Crosscut.Usedtosmoothbone
coasts of the Great Lakes, with many more living within the watershed. All First Nations occupying the Great Lakes region are engaged in fishing activities to varying degrees. This paper considers potential issues arising from First Nations fishing, aboriginal and human rights vis-à-vis Great Lakes pollution. Aspects of the Great Lakes hydrology,
2016 - Rev A ARRL November Sweepstakes - PHONE Page 6. Callsign Score Category Section Year Division K8DX 298,778 SOHP OH 1997 Great Lakes AA4RX 235,448 SOLP KY 1994 Great Lakes K9TM 133,120 SOQRP OH 2002 Great Lakes KW8N 267,520 SOUHP OH 2010 Great Lakes KW8N 200,030 SOULP OH 2012 Great Lakes
SHAPING GREAT LAKES ECOSYSTEMS 60th Annual CONFERENCE ON GREAT LAKES RESEARCH MAY 15 - 19, 2017 COBO CENTER . 9 indicators that were prepared for the 2016 State of the Great Lakes Technical Report as well as the presentation that was given at the 2016 Great Lakes Public Forum. . land use change since European settlement has generally .
consumption of Great Lakes fish. (7) The lower Great Lakes are uniquely different from the upper Great Lakes biologically, physically, and in the degree of human use and shoreline development, and special fishery re source assessments and management activities are necessary to respond effectively to these special circumstances. SEC. 1003.
The Chesapeake Bay Watershed Chesapeake Bay Restoration Spending Crosscut This report represents an accounting of Federal and, to the extent available, State, funding for Chesapeake Bay .
Image restoration techniques are used to make the corrupted image as similar as that of the original image. Figure.3 shows classification of restoration techniques. Basically, restoration techniques are classified into blind restoration techniques and non-blind restoration techniques [15]. Non-blind restoration techniques
Jonathan Sutherland-Cropper 1971 Alison Summers 1971 Dinah Stehr 1971 Matthew Simpson 1971 Christine Ryan 1971 . Frances Anne Hutchinson 1971 John Homann 1971 David Hill 1971 Richard Hield 1971 Robert Haydon 1971 Lynette Harrison 1971 Michael Harris 1971 Diana Hardwicke 1971 Piers Harden 1971 John Handmer 1971 Anne Hamilton 1971 Tom Hall 1971 Peter Greed 1971 Margaret Gray 1971