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Sulement to Officialcember1975 B309Part BL.N. 107 of 1975AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH INSTITUTES DECREE(1973 No. 35)1973Research Institutes (Establishment, etc.) Order 1975Commencements 1st November 1975. In exer,c,ise of the powere conferred on me by section I of theAgr cultura1 , esearch Institutes Decree 1973, and of all oth.rpowers enabling me in that behalf, I, Bernard OghenekomeWilliam Mafe t, Federal Commissioner for Agrioulture and RuralDevelopment, rhereby make the following Order .1. - (1); There are hereby established Research Institutes(hereinafter in this Order referred to as "the institutes")designated as follows:(a)(b)(c)(d)Est.blieh.meni: oftheTheTheTheTheCocoa Research Institute of Nigeria,Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria,Kainji Lake Researehlnstitute,Lake Chad Research Institute,(e)The Leather Research Institute of Nigeria,(f) The National Animal Production Research Institut.,(8) The National Cereals Research Institute,(h) Tho National Horticultural Research Institute,(i) The National Root Crops Research Institute,(j) The National Veterinary Research Institute,(k) The Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and MarineResearch,(1) The Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research,(m) The Nigerian Institute for Trypanosomiasis Researoh, and(n) The Rubber Research Institute of Nigeria.(2)The institutes shall be research institutes for thepurpoaea of the AgriCUltural Research Institutes Decree 1973 andshall, except in the case of the National Animal ProductionResearch Institute, be subject to the control of the AgriculturalResearoh Council of Nigeria (hereinafter referred to in thisOrder as "the Council") establiShed by the Agricultural ResearchCouncil of Nigeria Decree The National Animal Produotion Rea arQ ln 'ttvt subjeot to the oontrol of the AhmE\Qu Bellp Untv r",!.tl'2.'J'lIo Coooa Re sear-ch Insti tttte ofreapnroh into cocoa, coffee, te , kQla andp8rticular, undertake research into -Ni er Bh l:LInstitute.,1973 No.3.5.1971 11egmhHitc;l h w qn hAII,ResearohinFi laofff:H:H't t"ch qfthe CocoaResearchInstitutefirNiget'itt.

Bj09(a)- 2 the improvement of the genetic potentials of thespecified crops,(b)the improvement of agronomic and husbandry praotices,(c)the mechanisation and improvement of the methods ofcUltivating, harvesting, processing and storage of thespecified crops,(d)the improvement of the utilization of by-products,(e)the ecology of pests and diseases of the specifiedcrops and improved metho of their control,(e)the integration of the cultivation of the specifiedcrops into farming systems in different ecologicalzones and its socio-economic ffects on the ruralpopulations, and(g)any other problems related to the specified crops.3.The Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria shall conduotrcnearch into forestry and the conservation of wild flora andfauna and shall, in particular, undertake research into (a)the improvement of the genetic potentials of foresttrees of economic importance,(b)the improvement of silvicultural practices relatingto forest trecs of economic importanoe,(c)the mechanisation and improvement of the methods ofCUltivating, harvesting and processing of foresttrees of economic importance,(d)the improvement of the utilisation of by-products,(e)the ecology of pests and diseases of forest trees ofeconQmic importance and improved methods of theircontrol,the integration of the cultivation of for st trees ofeconomic importance into the farming systems indifferent ecological zones and its socio-economiceffects on the rural populations, andany o t hor problems relating to forestry, wild floraand fauna.(l)(g)4.The Kainji Lake Research Institute shall conductrC 3er:lrch into ( c ) th( limnological behaviour and characteristics ofthe Kflinji nrl other man-made lakes and their effectsOIl the fish and other aquatic life,the nhunrlnnce, distribution and other biologicalchrlJ""lr.tfJr.istics of species of fish and practicalmo t hod s of their rational exploitation in the saidlnk"[J :ll1d UIC major rivers of Nigeria,Field ofresearch oftheForestryResearchInsti tuteof Nigeria.Field ofresearchof theKainjiLakeResearchInstitute.

- 3 (c)the behaviour and characteristics of wild life andtheir conservation as well as range ecology in theKainji lake area,(d)the public health problems arisin from theconstruction of dams and the resettlement of peoplearound the Kainji and other man-made lakes,(e)the development of irrigated crops around theKainji lake,(f)the socio-economic effects of the construction oftho KAillji and other man-made lakes on ruralpopulations, and(g)FIllYother related matters.5The Lake Chad Research Institute shall conductresearch into (a)the hydrological behaviour and characteristics of theLake Chad and the limnology of the associated surfaceand ground waters,(b)the abundance, distribution and ther biologicalcharacteristics of species of fish and other aquaticforms of life in the lake and practical methods oftheir rational exploitation,(c)the behaviour and c harac teristics of the wild faunaand flora associated wi th the lake and theirconservation,(d)the ecolo y and methods of control of crop pests anddiseases of economic importance,(e)the improvement of the methods of control of dryfRrming and livestock husbandry in the severeenvironmental condition around the lake,(f)t ho improvement of t he cultivation of wheat, barleyRnd other crops by irrigation around the lake,(g)the socio-economic and public health effects of theill t r oduc t Lon of VIrge-scale irrigation schemes andilllJlr'oved methods 0 f an i ma'l husbandry and fishing onthe rural, populations around the lake, andany other matters related to the lake.(h)The Leather ReseArch Institute of Nigeria shall conductinto all ars pe c t a of the production and products ofJc'nthcr an d tile utilisntion of local tanning materials.(j.n;l; :!rr;hField ofresearchof theLake ChadResearchInstitu teeField o{renearchofthe LeathorReseArchInstituteof Nigeria.

-4 -7.The National Animal Production Research Institute shallconduct research into animal production and animal productsgenerally, and in particular (a)th0 genetic and nutritional improvement of cattle,sllcep, goats and other livestock of economic importance,(b)th improvement of livestock management and husbandrypractices,(c)the economics of meat production,(d)nomadism and the socio-economic' effects of thesettlement of nomads,(e)the integration of livestock into the farming systemsAnd its socio-economic effects on the ruralpopulations,(f)the improvement and management of natural range forthe grazing of livestock,(g)the improvement, establishment and management of sownpastures, and(h)any other problems related to animal production.8.The National Cereals Research Institute shall conductresearch into the production and products of rice, maize andgrainn nnd legumes of economic importance and shall, inparticular, undertake research into (a)the improvoment of the genetic potentials of thespecified crops,(b)(c)tho improvement of agronomic and husbandrypractices,the mechanisation and improvement of the methods ofcultivating, harvesting, processing and storage ofthe specified crops,(d)the improvement of the utilisation of by-products,(e)the ecology of pests and diseases of the specifiedcrops and improved methods of their control,(r)the integration of the cultivation of the specifiedcropG into farming systems in different ecologicalzones alld its socio-economic effects on the ruralpopu La t Lona , and( )Rny other problems relhted to the-specified crops.Field ofresearchof theNationalAnimalPr-oduo t L.Ro aou r-e hInst! tutl'Field ofResenrchof theNotionalCerealsHosearchInstitute

- 5 9.'I'he Na t om:qt.Ho:ticUl tural Research Insti tute shall?onduct reseAr h lnto'irult trees and vegetables of economic1n1port1.lnce generally And shall, in particular, undertakeresearch into (a)tho improvement of the genetic potentials ofthe specified crops,(b)the improvement of agronomic and ·huabsrtdrypractices,(c)the moc han Laa t Lon and improvement of the methodsof cultivating, harvesting, processing and storageof the specified crops,(d)the improvement of the utilisation of by-products,(e)the ec ol ogy of pests and diseases of the specifiedcrops and improved mathods of their control,(f)the integration of the cultivation of the specifiedcrops into farming systems in d fferent ecologicalzones And its socio-economic effects on the ruralpopulations, and,(g)any other matters related to the specified crops.10.resoA.rchcaso.'1va,crops ofreaearchB 312The National Root Crops Research Institute shall conductinto the production and produots of yams, cocoa-yams,sweet potatoes, Irish potatoos and other root and tubereconomic importance and shnll, in particular, undertakeinto -(a)the improvement of the genetic potentials of thespecified crops,(b)the improvement of agronomic and husbandry practices,(e)the mechanisation and improvement of the methodsof cultivating, harvesting, processing and storageof tho specified crops,the improvement of the utilisation of by-products,the ecology of pests and diseases of the specifiedcrops and improved methods of their control,the integration of the cultivation of the specifiedcrops into farming systems in different ecological zones(g) nditB Bocio-economic effects on the rural populations,anda ny o t he r matters related to the specified crops.Field ofresearchof theNationalHorticulturalResearchInstituteField ofresenrchof theNationnlRoot CropsResearchInsU tute.

- 6 11. TIle National Veterinary Research Institute shallconduct research into(n)all aspects of animal diseasQs anp their treatmentand control,(b)all Bspects of animal nutrition,(c)the production of vaccines and sera(d)the in t.r oduo t i on of exotic stock to improve meat,milk nnd egg production,(0)the standardisation and qunntity control ofmanufactured animal foeds, and(f)any other related nmttors.12. The Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and MarineRcncnrch shall conduct research into the resources and physicalchnracteristics of the Nigerian territorial waters and thehigh seas beyond, and in particular(a)tho abundance, distribution and other biologicalcharacteristics of species of fishes and other marineforms of life and practicnl methods of their rationalexploitation and utilisation,(b)the improvement of brackish water fishingnnel fi6hculturc,(c)the Bocio-economic problema of exploiting theresources of the sea and brackish waters,(d)the effects of pollution on Nigerian coastal watersand its prevention,(e)the nature of the marine environment, includingwenther forecast:ing and the topography of the seabedand the deposits on or under the seabed, and(f)any other related matters.1.70'fhe N igcrinnlnsti tu te for Oil Palm Research shallconducf ref;enrch into the production and producta of oil palm andother p::llms of economic importance and shol14 , in particular,under tfll{( renearch into en)l.h o improvement of the genetic potentials of theGpecified crops,(,,)'·11(' i Plpro\'fllJlf'n tor n ronomic And husbandry prnc ticesI .! i",·, I· 0 HI c : Jll' c i [ j e d c J' 0 P S e1 Field ofresearchof theNationalVeterinaJResearchInstitubField ofreacnrchof theNigerianInstitutefor Oceanographyand HarinReson.rchB 313Field ofresenrchof theNip,erianlnsti tutefor OilPalmHesearch.

- 7 .(c)the rnochnnisation and improvement of the methods ofcUltivating, hflrvesting, processing and storage ofthe specified crops,(d)the improvement of the utilization of by-products,(e)the ecolog! of pests and diseases of the specifiedcrops nd Improved methods of their control,(f)the integration of the cultivation of the specifiedcrops into farming sY6tems in ?ifferent ecologicalzones and its socio-economic effects on the ruralpopulations, and(g)Any other matters related to the specified crops.14. The Nigerinn Institute for Trypanosomiasis Researchsh!'\11 conduct research into trypanosomiasis and onchocerciasisgenerally and, in particular(a)the pathology, immunology and methods oftreatment of the diseases,(b)the ecology llnd life-cycle of the vectors and themode of transmission of the disease,(c)chemical, biological and other methods ofvector control,(d)the socio-economic effects of the disease on therural populations, and(e)any other matters rolated to the diseases.15. The Rubber Resonrch Institute of Nigeria shall conductresearch into the production and products of rubber and otherlatex producing plants of economic importance and shall, inparticular, undertake research into (n)the improvement of the genetic potentials of thespecified crops,(b)the improvement of agronomic And husbnndrypractices relating to the specified crops,(c)the mechanisation and improvement of the methods ofCUltivating, hflrv8sting, processing and storage ofthe specified crops,(d)the improvernen t of the' utilizn tion of by-products,(e)the ecology of p ats nnd diseases of the specifiedcrops And improved methods of their control,(n" . ;«(;)the cu Lt Lvn t Lon of the specified.systellls in different ecolop;ical zon ea;;ol'j(l-l (:nnomir. e f f oc t a on the rural popu La t Lons , andl:h., inter-ration of1:1'''p.':;III.Yiill 1:0 f;ll'lningI.other mat t cr-a related to the specified crops.Field ofresearchof theNigerianlneti tuteforTrypml09()milleisRosenrch.Field ofresearchof theRubberResenrchInsti tuteof Nigerir

- 8 B 31416. - (1) The institutos where applicable may, at thewritten request of any government Agency, locql governmentnuthority or private body, and if the institutes concernedhnv« rCAources to meet such r e qu es t , train Labor-a tory,extRnsion nnd other cntagorics or descriptions of workersrcJntiv to their specified fields of research for suchgov0rnment ngency, local government authority or private body.Nonresen-rchfunctionsof theinstituteE(2)Without prejudice to the specified research functionsof th institutos, the institutes concerned sh ll produceimproved no cd nnd other p Lan t i ng ma t er-In Ls primarily for theirr 50nrrh 'lnd experimental programmes but may, for the purposesof rulv:"'1cing or dissominating the results of their researches,make nv ilable for distribution to farmers the improved seed andplanting materials.(3)ftll the institutes shall, when so requested by anytn the Federation, government gency, local governmentau t hor i ty or any au thorised body, provide informailion OJ'ndvice relati g to their specified fields of research to suchgovernment, gcverhment agency, local government authorityor aut hor-Laed l' rnmont,i".17. - (1) 0n the comin into affect of this Order, all thoassets, proporties nnd rights hereinbofo e ve ted in anexercised by the specified Fodoral resenrch stations ordepnrtments shall without further assurance apart from thisOrdor vest in tho respective institutes specified hereunder,being inotitutes establishfld under this Order, tJt."J.t is to say (n)in tho C'1,. . ( r tho Cocon Research lnoti tute of,rerin, the NigeriA" 1 'lsti tu t o for Oil Pn1m Research,th( Rubber Roaen rch 1116"i tute of Nigeria and the NigcrinnInstitute for Trypanosominsis Research, being institutes0Atablished under the Ni erian Research Institutes Act196", t ho nssets. propert ios and rights shall vestrespectively in 11 i(i)the Cocoa Resenrch Institute of Nigeria,(ii)the Niger!;'n Institute for Oil Palm Research,( iii)the Rubber ReseF.lrch Institute of Nigeria, andCiv)Nigerian Institute for TrypanosomiasisHesr'!nrch,thf?Vestingofassets,etc.

- 9 (b) in the casp. of the Federal lJep,"lrtment ofAgricultural Research, the nssets, proporties and rightsshall vest in the National CeronIs Resonrch InsH tut-e,(c) in the CABO of Umudike Agriculturnl ReBe rch nndTraining Station, the nssets, propertios and rights shallvost in the National Root Crops Research Institute,(d)in the case of the Federnl Department ofForestry Resenr'- I" the assets, properties and rights shallvest in the Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria,(e)in the cnse of the Fod rnl Dep rtment of VeterinaryResenrch, the assots, propnrtios nnd rights sholl voat inthe Nntionnl Veterinary Resenrch Institute,( f)in the CaGO of the Feder"l Hides, Skins andLonther Institute of the Federal Livostock Department,the aenets, properties and rights shall vest in theLeather Research Institute of Nigeria,(g)in the case of Kainji Lake Resenrch Project,tho nSBet , properties and rights shall vest in theKainji Lake Research Institute,(h)in the case of the Federal Department ofFisheries -(i)the Bosots, propertios and .ights heldin respect of the research functions of theDepartment on the Lake Chad shall vest in theLake Chad Resonrch Instituto, tlnd(ii) the assets, proportion and rights held inrespect of the oceanographic and marine researchfunctions of that Department shall vest in theNigerian Institute for Oceanography and MarineResearch.(2) 'L'he Ahmadu Bello lln Lv er s Lt y shall transfer tonnd vest in the Nntional Animal Production ResearchInBtitut such nssets nnd powers ae the Universityshnll deem expedient for the proper functioning of theinstitute.

- 10 18. - (1) Subject to the relevnnt provisions ofAgricUltural Research Institutes Decree 1973 the affairs ofench institute shall be managed by a Board (in this Orderreferred to ns "the Board").(2) Each Board shall consist of seven persons who shallbe persons with wide knowledge of and experience in the fieldof research of the institute.Constitution, etc.ofGoverningBoards ofInstitutes1973No. 3.5.(3) Hcmbers of the Bonrds, with the excoption of theGoverning Board of the National Animal Production ResearchInRtitute (who shall be nppointe by the Council of theAhmndu Bello University) shall be appointed by theCommissioner on the nomination of the Council.(4) There sholl be a Chairman of the Board of eachinstitute who shall be appointed by the Commissioner anddesignated ns such from among the members of the Board.(5) The Chairmnn and every "'ember of the Board shallhold offico for a term of five years from the date of theirappointment and may be eligible for appointment for onefurther term of three years.(6) Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions, theCommissioner may appoint nny person to act as temporar1Chnirman or member of the Board of any institute during longnbsence or temporary incapncity by illness or other cause of theChairman or n member; nnd a person so appointed shall, whilethe appointment subsists, have the same powers as arecxercinoble by the Chairman or the member.(7) Any member of the Bonrd including the Chairman mayresign his nppointment by a letter addressed to the Commissioner,and if' accepted, the resignntion shall tnke effeet from the datethe Commissioner received the letter of resignation.19. Notwithstanding the 'provisionh of scction 18 (2)above, wher-e t ho Board desires to obtain the advice of anyperson on nny matter, the Board mAy co-opt that person AS amember of the Bonrd for such period as it may deem necessary60 hownvnr th:l t such nco-opted memher shall not be entitledto vp!:n 1I0J: GOllnt Lowl1rdn n quorum.Co-optedmembers.

- 11 20* - (1)The Borir-d of each institute may make standingorders regulating the proceedings of the Board or anycommittee thereof.Procec'.!ingsof theBoard.(2) The quorum of the Board shnll be four and the quorumof nny of its committees shall be determined by the Board.(3) The validity of any procoedings of the Bo rd or anyof its committees sh ll not be offected ( )by nny vacancy in the membership, or(b)by ltny defect in the appointment of ,,\ member, or(c)by renson of the presence or pnrticipation inthe proceedings of the Bonrd by a peroon who isnot n member of the Boo d.(4)The Director of ooch institute "nd the neeretory ofthe Councilor their reprcscntntivee shall be entitled toa t t cnd meetings of tho Board of an institute and take partin its deliberations, but sh"ll not be entitled to voteon ony mDtter or issue.21.The prov1s10ns of sections 18, 19 and 20 above shallhave effect without prejudice to the Interpretation Act 1964.B 316Constructionof someprovi.sioof thisOrdor.1961J'22.Any member of the Board of any institute or anycommitt0o thereof who has a personnl interest in any contractor rttTollgC/lWnt being entered into or proposed to be consideredby tlw Bo ar'd or :my committee the r co f , sholl forthwithdeclare nnd disclose his internst in such contract ornrrnllgcmcn I: to the Boar-d and sholl be d Lsqun Ldf'Led to vote onany qu est i on relating to such contract or arrangement.2.3. The Bonrd of an institute Rh"ll meet not less thontwj c:r) ill NtGh yf-'J::lr, nnd the Bonr d may meet on such other()cc:\r.i.O/lr-: '\n if: mny deem ne c es sn r y ,No.Specialdisclosure bya memberBoordmeetings

- 12 -24. The BOArd of an institute may with the approval of theCouncil enter into association agroement with the competnntau t hor l tics of any universi ty or other. institution of higherlrnrning or recognised internntional institutions for thepurpoS8s of promoting or furthering mutual co-operation in thefield of scientific research in respect of which the Boardhas responsibility under this Order.Asooe: :I.aHon ofinst:itutrwi th un Iversi tie:etc.25. - (1) This Order may be cited os the ResearchInstitutAs (Establishment, etc.) Order 1975 and shall be deemedto have come into operation on 1st November 1975.Citationetc.The Nigerian Research Institutes Act, 1964 ishereby repealed.1964No. 33.(2)HADE at Lagos this 29th day of November 1975.B.O.W. MAFENI,Federal Commissioner for Agricultureand Rural DevelopmentEXPLANATORY NOTE(This note docs not form part of the above Order butis intended to explain its purpose)'['he Order eatnblishes Resenrch Ln s t i tutes and provides for theirc on c t i.Lu t Lon , functions and .r eIn tionship "lith the Agricultural ResearchCOllllril of IJir;erin, and in one cnS8, with the Ahmadu Bello University.Til" (lnJnr pr() id8R for the tranofer of property, and other rifhts .!WW ':f!: l:nd :ill [;ppl;; fi c d F'nder:-tl Ilgenci( s or depnrtments to the inst1f;ll/;"r; .-::1'1/11 i.slJ,.,d hy l.h in Or-d or ,Fur t he r provisions ore mnde in theOnl"l' [nT' Jhp r. c i Li l;nf:i.on of mu t ua I co-operntion in reaeorch nndte:If:liil1/; 1,,.,1 \·/!"?Il 1:!J0 -inr;l-itllb?R n nrl universities or otherilll" i i i l l ' i ''/i;; ' ) [ J.lp;/lf1t' lo"rning or r oaen r ch , whether in Nigeria or

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