INTERIM REPORT 中期報告 - Investech-holdings

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CONTENTS 目錄Corporate Profile and Corporate s Statement主席報告5Financial Summary財務摘要8Management Discussion and Analysis管理層討論及分析11Report of the Directors董事會報告20Corporate Governance Report企業管治報告26Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss中期簡明綜合損益表29Interim Condensed Consolidated Statementof Comprehensive Income中期簡明綜合全面收益表30Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position中期簡明綜合財務狀況表31Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity中期簡明綜合權益變動表33Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows中期簡明綜合現金流量表36Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Information中期簡明綜合財務資料附註37

2InvesTech Holdings Limited 威訊控股有限公司CORPORATE PROFILE AND CORPORATE INFORMATION公司簡介及公司資料InvesTech Holdings Limited (the “Company”, “our” or “we”, together ��我們的」或「我們」,all its subsidiaries, the “Group”) is mainly engaged in the provision )主要從事提供network system integration including provision of network 絡基礎建設解決方案、solutions, network professional services and mobile office ��移動軟件業務、網software business, the network equipment rental business and 公司的股份(「股lending business. The shares of the Company (the “Shares”) were �在香港聯合交易所on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the 牌上市。Exchange”) on 16 November 2010.BOARD OF DIRECTORS董事會Executive Directors執行董事Mr. Chan Sek Keung, Ringo陳錫強先生(Chairman and Chief Executive Officer �Ms. Wang Fang (Vice CEO)王芳女士(副總裁)Mr. Lu Chengye路成業先生Mr. Liu Chun Fai (Appointed on 1 August 日獲委任)Mr. Ching Chau Wa (Resigned on 1 August 日辭任)Non-executive Director非執行董事Mr. Wong Tsu Wai, Derek王佇維先生(with his former name of Wong Tat Wai, Derek)(其曾用名為王達偉)Independent Non-executive Directors獨立非執行董事Mr. Wong Chun Sek, Edmund黃俊碩先生Mr. Lu, Brian Yong Chen呂永琛先生Mr. Huang Liangkuai黃良快先生AUDIT COMMITTEE審核委員會Mr. Wong Chun Sek, Edmund (Chairman)黃俊碩先生(主席)Mr. Lu, Brian Yong Chen呂永琛先生Mr. Huang Liangkuai黃良快先生COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS COMMITTEE薪酬及福利委員會Mr. Lu, Brian Yong Chen (Chairman)呂永琛先生(主席)Mr. Wong Chun Sek, Edmund黃俊碩先生Mr. Huang Liangkuai黃良快先生Mr. Liu Chun Fai (Appointed on 1 August 日獲委任)Mr. Ching Chau Wa (Resigned on 1 August 日辭任)NOMINATION COMMITTEE提名委員會Mr. Lu, Brian Yong Chen (Chairman)呂永琛先生(主席)Mr. Wong Chun Sek, Edmund黃俊碩先生Mr. Huang Liangkuai黃良快先生

CORPORATE PROFILE AND CORPORATE INFORMATION公司簡介及公司資料INVESTMENT COMMITTEE投資委員會Mr. Chan Sek Keung, Ringo (Chairman)陳錫強先生(主席)Mr. Lu, Brian Yong Chen呂永琛先生Mr. Liu Chun Fai (Appointed on 1 August 日獲委任)Mr. Ching Chau Wa (Resigned on 1 August 日辭任)COMPANY SECRETARY公司秘書Mr. Fung Siu Kei馮兆基先生AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVES授權代表Mr. Chan Sek Keung, Ringo (Appointed on 1 August 日獲委任)Mr. Ching Chau Wa (Resigned on 1 August 日辭任)Mr. Fung Siu Kei馮兆基先生REGISTERED OFFICE註冊辦事處P.O. Box 31119P.O. Box 31119Grand Pavilion, Hibiscus WayGrand Pavilion, Hibiscus Way802 West Bay Road802 West Bay RoadGrand Cayman, KY1-1205Grand Cayman, KY1-1205Cayman IslandsCayman IslandsHEADQUARTER總部Room 1907–1909, 19/F.中華人民共和國(「中國」)Tower E2, Oriental Plaza北京東城區No. 1 East Chang An Avenue東長安街 1 號Dong Cheng District, Beijing東方廣場 E2 辦公樓The People’s Republic of China (“PRC”)19 樓 1907-1909 室PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IN HONG KONG香港主要營業地點Room 1201, 12/F, C C Wu Building香港302–308 Hennessy Road灣仔Wanchai軒尼詩道 302–308 號Hong Kong集成中心 12 樓 1201 室PRINCIPAL BANKS主要往來銀行Industrial and Commercial Bank of China中國工商銀行Bank of China中國銀行China Merchants Bank招商銀行DBS Bank (Hong Kong) d Chartered Bank渣打銀行2020 INTERIM REPORT 中期報告3

4InvesTech Holdings Limited 威訊控股有限公司CORPORATE PROFILE AND CORPORATE INFORMATION公司簡介及公司資料LEGAL ADVISER法律顧問Patrick Mar & Tse (as to Hong Kong �師Ernst & Young安永會計師事務所SHARE REGISTRAR股份登記處Hong Kong Branch Share Registrar and Transfer Office香港股份過戶登記分處Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited香港中央證券登記有限公司LISTING EXCHANGE INFORMATION交易所上市資料Place of Listing上市地點Main Board, the Stock Exchange聯交所主板STOCK CODE股份代號10871087COMPANY

5CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT主席報告On behalf of InvesTech Holdings Limited (the “Company”) and �公司」)及其附屬subsidiaries (collectively, the “Group”), I hereby present to you �位提呈本集團截至unaudited interim consolidated financial results of the Group for the �期內」)的未經審months ended 30 June 2020 (the MANCE REVIEW業務表現回顧During the Period, the Group focused in two core business areas, �務領域,中國內the Systems Integration Business and Smart Office Software �他國家的系統集成which have been developed in Mainland China and gradually expanding to業務及智能辦公軟件解決方案。other Asian countries.Due to the outbreak of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic in the 毒肺炎(COVID-19)half of 2020, many enterprises have reduced or delayed spending in IT疫情的爆發,許多企業已減少或推遲 IT 基礎設施及infrastructure and new initiatives. As a result, the Group recorded a �於期內錄得收入decline of revenue in the Period. On the other hand, many 業及機構已開始重新and organizations have begun to reconsider their working 排,此逐漸令人們對and office arrangement which have created increasing interests in �趣。Group’s Smart Office Software Solutions.During the Period, the Group recorded a net loss of ��人民幣 68.6 百萬元。RMB68.6 million. Total revenue amounted to approximately RMB201.3總 收 入 為 約 人 民 幣 201.3 百 萬 元,較 二 零 一 九 年 同million, representing a decrease of approximately RMB20.8 million,期 約 人 民 幣 222.1 百 萬 元 減 少 約 人 民 幣 20.8 百 萬 元or approximately 9.4% as compared to approximately RMB222.1或約 9.4%。本集團毛利為約人民幣 24.5 百萬元,較million in the same period in 2019. The Group’s gross profit amounted二零一九年同期約人民幣 24.9 百萬元減少約人民幣to approximately RMB24.5 million, representing a decrease of0.4 百 萬 元 或 約 1.6%。毛 利 率 自 二 零 一 九 年 同 期 的approximately RMB0.4 million, or approximately 1.6% as compared約 11.2% 升至約 12.1%。with that of approximately RMB24.9 million in the same period in2019. The gross profit margin increased to approximately 12.1% fromapproximately 11.2% of the same period in 2019.2020 INTERIM REPORT 中期報告

6InvesTech Holdings Limited 威訊控股有限公司CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT主席報告BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT業務發展During the Period, in light of various unfavorable factors, including期 內,受 制 於 多 項 不 利 因 素,包 括 但 不 限 於but not limited to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoingCOVID-19 �的conflict between the United States of America and China, were �了影響,包括產品the operation of the business activities, including the delay of ��對本集團收入及delivery and provision of professional services, etc., this resulted in業績表現均造成負面影響。negative impact on both the Group’s revenue and performance.Ongoing geopolitical tension affected our business, as the majority of �業務,因為大revenue was generated from China by selling the product imported ��商進口的產品。foreign manufacturer. In order to diversify the risk and further ��務,除從其他亞our business, except for exploring new business opportunities ��適應該等變化,other Asian countries, the Group was in the process in ��國製造商合作,通過these changes and has adjusted its business strategy by partnering ��們的競爭實力。manufacturers in China, this will improve our competitive strength byproviding wide range of product to customers.Despite the challenging business environment, the Group strived 力優化智能辦optimize in Smart Office Software Solutions in order to catch up �IoT」)技術帶來的opportunities from the internet of things (the “IoT”) technology. �軟件解決方案的認識,in order to increase the awareness of its Smart Office Software ��密合作以建立聯盟,the Group continues to work closely with the industry partners 位及拓寬客戶establish an alliance, which in turn will help to further consolidate the網絡。leading position in the industry as well as widen the customer network.

CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT主席報告OUTLOOK展望Even though the COVID-19 pandemic is gradually slowing down,儘管 COVID-19 e business environment is still full of challenges, however, with充滿挑戰,然而,隨著即將來臨的 5G 時代,及持續the forthcoming 5G era and the continuous advancement of the IoT提 升 的 IoT 技 術,本 集 團 將 繼 續 發 展 及 投 資 其 現 有technology, the Group will continue to develop and invest its 的機遇,如雲端計算、core business, and benefited from the opportunities of new technology,企業對企業 (B2B) such as cloud computing, business to business (“B2B”) platform, artificial網絡(「SDN」)技術及 IoT 等。intelligence (“AI”), the technology of Software Defined Networking (“SDN”)and the IoT etc.Looking ahead, the Group does not expect the business environment 零二零年下半the second half of 2020 to be improved materially. In response to �經濟狀況,本weak economic condition, the Group will take a more cautious 過專注於提升運營to ensure effective business and operation development �續高效的業務及經營by focusing on the improvement of its operational efficiency and ��景仍然保持樂competitiveness. The Group remains optimistic about the prospects of觀態度,並將根據實際情況為 IT 行業及海外市場的our core business in the long-term and will adopt a pragmatic 團亦將密切、謹慎to formulate investment strategies for the opportunities from IT ,調整相應的業務and overseas markets. Furthermore, the Group will also closely �長遠成功充滿carefully monitor the latest development in the global economy and信心。adjust its business strategies accordingly. The Group has confidence toachieve the business prospect and success in long term.APPRECIATION致謝On behalf of the board of directors of the Company, I express my �持續支持本集團由to our shareholders for your continuous support to the Group, and 獻表示感謝,express our appreciation to our dedicated staff for their 夥伴及董事一直以來給as well as to our customers, business partners and directors for their予支持。continuing support.Yours faithfully,此致Chan Sek Keung, Ringo陳錫強Chairman and CEO主席兼總裁27 August 2020二零二零年八月二十七日2020 INTERIM REPORT 中期報告7

8InvesTech Holdings Limited 威訊控股有限公司FINANCIAL SUMMARY財務摘要A summary of unaudited interim results, selected financial ratios, �率、資產與負債and liabilities and cash flows is as follows:及現金流量的概要如下:UNAUDITED INTERIM RESULTS未經審核中期業績Six months ended 30 5222,077Gross profit毛利24,46024,945Loss before tax除稅前虧損(67,634)(16,017)Loss for the period期內虧損(68,607)(15,805)Loss attributable 12)(2,738)(68,607)(15,805)(4.74)(0.94)– Owners of the parent– 母公司擁有人– Non-controlling interests– 非控制權益Loss per share– Basic and diluted (RMB cents)每股虧損– 基本及攤薄(人民幣分)

FINANCIAL SUMMARY財務摘要經選定財務比率SELECTED FINANCIAL RATIOSSix months ended 30 June截至六月三十日止六個月Gross profit margin毛利率Net loss 約)12.1%11.2%(34.1%)(7.1%)As atAs at30 June30 ate)(概約)(1)(概約)Current ratio (times)流動比率(倍)1.31.4Gearing ratio (1)資本負債比率 (1)7.9%4.0%Return on total assets (2)總資產回報 (2)(6.8%)(1.2%)Return on total equity (2)總權益回報 (2)(10.0%)(1.6%)Calculated by using the total sum of short term and long term 平均餘額計算。divided by total assets.(2)Calculated by using average balances of total assets and total equity.2020 INTERIM REPORT 中期報告9

10InvesTech Holdings Limited 威訊控股有限公司FINANCIAL SUMMARY財務摘要資產與負債ASSETS AND LIABILITIESAs atAs at30 June31 dited)(未經審核)(經審核)Total assets總資產895,2971,109,904Total assets less current otal equity權益總額583,957781,362Cash and cash 28164,630(excluding pledged deposits)Interest-bearing bank and other ��及其他借貸現金流量CASH FLOWSSix months ended 30 June截至六月三十日止六個月Net cash flows (used in)/from operating �得 (所用)現金流量淨額Net cash flows from/(used in) financing activities2019經營活動(所用) 所得現金流量淨額Net cash flows from/(used in) investing activities2020融資活動所得 (所用)現金流量淨額

11MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS管理層討論及分析BUSINESS REVIEW業務回顧Revenue收入The Group recorded a total revenue of approximately RMB201.3 ��月,本集團錄得for the six months ended 30 June 2020, representing a decrease of總 收 入 約 人 民 幣 201.3 百 萬 元,較 截 至 二 零 一 九 年approximately RMB20.8 million, or approximately 9.4% as compared六月三十日止六個月約人民幣 222.1 百萬元減少約with that of approximately RMB222.1 million for the six months ended 30人民幣 20.8 百萬元或約 9.4%。收入減少主要是由於June 2019. The decrease of revenue was primarily attributable to ��發導致延後產in delivery of product and provision of professional services to �。caused by the outbreak of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic.Cost of Sales銷售成本The cost of sales decreased by approximately RMB20.2 million, 日止六個月的approximately 10.2%, from approximately RMB197.1 million for the six約 人 民 幣 197.1 百 萬 元 減 少 約 人 民 幣 20.2 百 萬 元 或months ended 30 June 2019, to approximately RMB176.9 million for the約 六個月six months ended 30 June 2020. The decrease was primarily attributable約人民幣 176.9 �to the decrease in revenue.FINANCIAL REVIEW財務回顧Gross Profit and Margin毛利及毛利率The Group’s gross profit for the six months ended 30 June ��,本集團的毛amounted to approximately RMB24.5 million, representing a decrease利約為人民幣 24.5 百萬元,較截至二零一九年六月of approximately RMB0.4 million, or approximately 1.6% as compared三十日止六個月約人民幣 24.9 百萬元減少約人民幣with that of approximately RMB24.9 million for the six months ended 300.4 百萬元或約 1.6%。減少的主要原因是收入下降,June 2019. The decrease was primarily attributable to the decrease 六個月的毛利revenue, which was partially offset by the increase in gross profit margin率增加所抵銷。for the six months ended 30 June 2020.The gross profit margin increased to approximately 12.1% for the �止六個月約months ended 30 June 2020 from approximately 11.2% for the six11.2% �月約months ended 30 June 2019. The increase in gross profit margin was12.1%。毛 利 率 上 升 主 要 由 於 截 至 二 零 二 零 年 六 月primarily attributable to an increased portion from the sales with �售比例增加所致。gross profit margin for the six months ended 30 June 2020.Other Income and Gains其他收入及收益The Group recorded other income and gains of approximately �月,本集團錄得million for the six months ended 30 June 2020, which was primarily其 他 收 入 及 收 益 約 人 民 幣 4.4 百 萬 元,主 要 源 自 已resulted from the government grants released of approximately RMB2.9發放的政府補貼約人民幣 2.9 百萬元及債務投資的million and a fair value gain on debt investment of approximately RMB0.8公允價值收益約人民幣 0.8 百萬元。million.Selling and Distribution Expenses銷售及分銷開支The selling and distribution expenses decreased by ��六個月,銷售及分銷RMB0.8 million to approximately RMB12.0 million for the six �止六個月約人民ended 30 June 2020, as compared with that of approximately RMB12.8幣 12.8 百 萬 元 減 少 約 人 民 幣 0.8 百 萬 元 至 約 人 民 幣million for the six months ended 30 June 2019.12.0 百萬元。2020 INTERIM REPORT 中期報告

12InvesTech Holdings Limited 威訊控股有限公司MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS管理層討論及分析FINANCIAL REVIEW (continued)財務回顧(續)Administrative Expenses行政開支The administrative expenses decreased by approximately RMB1.6 millionto approximately RMB23.4 million for the six months ended 30 June2020, as compared with that of approximately RMB25.0 million for the sixmonths ended 30 June �十日止六個月約人民幣 25.0百 萬 元 減 少 約 人 民 幣 1.6 百 萬 元 至 約 人 民 幣 23.4 百萬元。Other Expenses其他開支Other expenses amounted to approximately RMB59.5 million, which wasprimarily resulted from (i) impairment loss of approximately RMB57.6million recorded for the goodwill in relation to the network systemintegration cash-generating unit (the “Goodwill Impairment”) arose fromthe acquisition of Fortune Grace Management Limited in November 2015which caused by the slowdown in the global economy resulted fromthe outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in the first half of 2020 whilethe Group foresees the unfavorable global economic condition wouldexist in the coming years resulting from less sales orders made by thecustomers; the intense relationship between the United States of Americaand China which may affect the Group’s business development of networkinfrastructure and software; and the stagnant business developmentin respect of the agency agreement entered into between the Groupand IBO Technology Company Limited; and (ii) impairment of other loanreceivables of approximately RMB0.9 million.其他開支約為人民幣 59.5 百萬元,主要由於 (i) 二零二零年上半年爆發 COVID-19 �零一五年十一月收購 Fortune Grace Management Limited �的商譽錄得減值虧損約人民幣 57.6 百萬元(「商譽減值」);及 (ii) 其他應收貸款減值約人民幣 0.9 百萬元所致。Finance Costs融資成本The finance costs decreased by approximately RMB0.6 million toapproximately RMB1.6 million for the six months ended 30 June 2020, ascompared with that of approximately RMB2.2 million for the six monthsended 30 June 月,融資成本較截 至 二 零 一 九 年 六 月 三 十 日 止 六 個 月 約 人 民 幣 2.2百萬元減少約人民幣 0.6 百萬元至約人民幣 1.6 百萬元。Income Tax所得稅The Group incurred income tax expense of approximately RMB1.0 millionfor the six months ended 30 June 2020 primarily due to the currentincome tax expense of approximately RMB2.5 million, which was offsetby deferred income tax credit from amortisation of intangible assetsacquired by the acquisition of Fortune Grace Management Limited inNovember 2015 of approximately RMB1.5 個月,本集團產生所 得 稅 開 支 約 人 民 幣 1.0 百 萬 元,主 要 由 於 即 期 所得 稅 開 支 約 人 民 幣 2.5 百 萬 元,被 二 零 一 五 年 十 一月收購 Fortune Grace Management Limited �人民幣 1.5 百萬元所抵銷。Loss for the Period期內虧損The net loss increased by approximately RMB52.8 million for the sixmonths ended 30 June 2020 to approximately RMB68.6 million, orapproximately 334.2%, as compared with that of approximately RMB15.8million for the six months ended 30 June 2019. The increase wasmainly attributable to the impairment loss of approximately RMB57.6million recorded for the Goodwill Impairment. The increase of net losswas partially offset by (i) the increase in other income and gains ofapproximately RMB2.8 million; and (ii) the decrease in administrativeexpenses of approximately RMB1.6 �三十日止六個月約人民幣 15.8百萬元增加約人民幣 52.8 百萬元或約 334.2% 至約人民幣 68.6 �得減值虧損約人民幣 57.6 百萬元。虧損淨額增加部分被 (i) 其他收入及收益增加約人民幣 2.8 百萬元;及 (ii)行政開支減少約人民幣 1.6 百萬元所抵銷。

MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS管理層討論及分析FINANCIAL REVIEW (continued)財務回顧(續)Liquidity and Financial Resources流動資金及財務資源The Group continues to implement prudent financial ��慎的財務管理政策,policies and maintains a relatively low gearing ratio during its 率。於二零二零年六As at 30 June 2020, the Group’s gearing ratio (measured by total �按短期及長期of short-term and long-term borrowings divided by total assets) was借 款 總 和 除 以 總 資 產 計 算)約 為 7.9%(二 零 一 九 年approximately 7.9% (31 December 2019: approximately 5.8%). The十 二 月 三 十 一 日:約 5.8%)。資 本 負 債 比 率 上 升 主increase in gearing ratio was mainly due to fair value loss on �(「華訊方舟」)股權asset in relation to equity interest in 華 訊 方 舟 科 技 有 限 公 司 �及商譽減值的減Communication Technology Co., Ltd.* “CCT”) and the impairment loss for值虧損所致。the Goodwill Impairment.As at 30 June 2020, the total interest-bearing bank and other borrowings於 二 零 二 零 年 六 月 三 十 日,本 集 團 的 計 息 銀 行 及of the Group amounted to approximately RMB70.3 million (31 December其他借款總額約為人民幣 70.3 百萬元(二零一九年2019: approximately RMB64.6 million), among which approximately十二月三十一日:約人民幣 64.6 百萬元),其中約人RMB53.5 million (31 December 2019: approximately RMB38.9 million) was民 幣 53.5 百 萬 元(二 零 一 九 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日:約unsecured and guaranteed by a director of the Company. As at 30 June人民幣 38.9 �2020, the interest-bearing bank and other borrowings of ��三十日,計息銀行及RMB34.8 million (31 December 2019: approximately RMB42.3 million)其他借款約為人民幣 34.8 百萬元(二零一九年十二carried at fixed interest rates and approximately RMB35.5 million (31月 三 十 一 日:約 人 民 幣 42.3 百 萬 元)乃 按 固 定 利 率December 2019: approximately RMB22.3 million) carried at floating計 息,而 約 人 民 幣 35.5 百 萬 元(二 零 一 九 年 十 二 月interest rates.三十一日:約人民幣 22.3 百萬元)則按浮動利率計息。Save as aforesaid or as otherwise disclosed in this report, and apart ��及集團內公司intragroup liabilities, the Company did not have any outstanding ��營業時間結束capital issued and outstanding or agreed to be issued, bank 未償付或同意發行的loans or other similar indebtednesses, liabilities under acceptances 似債務、承兌acceptable credits, debentures, mortgages, charges, hire purchases負 債 或 承 兌 信 貸、債 券、按 揭、押 記、租 購 承 擔、commitments, guarantees or other material contingent liabilities as at擔保或其他重大或然負債。the close of business on 30 June 2020.* The English name is for identification purpose only.*Foreign Currency Risk外幣風險As certain of the Group’s trade and other receivables, cash and ��項、現金及現equivalents and trade and other payables are denominated in ��以外幣計值,故currency, exposure to exchange rate fluctuation arises. The Group �訂有相關政策relevant policy to monitor the risk associated with the fluctuation 需要時控制有foreign currency and control such risk, if 020 INTERIM REPORT 中期報告13

14InvesTech Holdings Limited 威訊控股有限公司MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS管理層討論及分析FINANCIAL REVIEW (continued)財務回顧(續)Working Capital營運資本Inventories balance as at 30 June 2020 was approximately RMB37.3於 二 零 二 零 年 六 月 三 十 日,存 貨 結 餘 約 為 人 民 幣million (31 December 2019: approximately RMB12.9 million). The average37.3 百 萬 元(二 零 一 九 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日:約 人 民turnover days for inventories were approximately 26 days as at 30 June幣 12.9 百 萬 元)。於 二 零 二 零 年 六 月 三 十 日,存 貨2020 (30 June 2019: 11 days). The increase in average turnover days was的平均周轉日數約為 26 日(二零一九年六月三十日:primarily due to delay in delivery of product to customers caused by the11 日)。平均周轉日數增加主要是由於 COVID-19 疫outbreak of COVID-19 �品所致。Trade and bills receivables balance as at 30 June 2020 �據應收款結餘approximately RMB174.8 million (31 December 2019: approximately約為人民幣 174.8 0.3 million). The average turnover days for trade and bills日:約人民幣 210.3 les increased to approximately 172 days (30 June 2019: 168平均周轉日數增至約 172 日(二零一九年六月三十日:days). As at 30 June 2020, approximately 46.1% of the trade receivables168 日)。於二零二零年六月三十日,約 46.1% 的貿was aged within three e payables balance as at 30 June 2020 was approximately 應付款結餘約為人million (31 December 2019: approximately RMB170.9 million). The民幣 157.1 �約average turnover days for trade payables increased to approximately人民幣 170.9 �167 days as at 30 June 2020 (30 June 2019: 154 days). The increase in貿易應付款的平均周轉日數增至約 167 日(二零一九turnover days was mainly due to several purchases with relatively longer年六月三十日:154 日)。周轉日數增加主要由於付payment e Group’s cash conversion cycle for the six months ended 30 ��,本集團的現2020 was approximately 31 days as compared with 25 days for the six金轉換週期約為 31 日,而截至二零一九年六月三十months ended 30 June 2019.日止六個月則為 25 日。Cash Flows現金流量For the six months ended 30 June 2020, the net cash flows used ,經營活動所operating activities was approximately RMB9.3 million.用現金流量淨額約為人民幣 9.3 百萬元。The net cash from the investing activities for the six months ended ,投資活動所June 2020 of approximately RMB23.2 million was mainly attributable to得現金淨額約為人民幣 23.2 百萬元,主要歸因於已decrease in pledged deposits of approximately RMB22.3 million.抵押存款減少約人民幣 22.3 百萬元。The net cash from financing activities for the six months ended 30 ��,融資活動所2020 of approximately RMB4.2 million was primarily attributable to new得 現 金 淨 額 約 人 民 幣 4.2 百 萬 元,主 要 歸 因 於 新 籌bank and other borrowings of approximately RMB34.1 million. The net銀行及其他借款約人民幣 34.1 百萬元。融資活動所cash from financing activities was partially offset by (i) repayment of bank得現金淨額部分被 (i) 償還銀行及其他借款約人民幣and other borrowing of approximately RMB26.6 million and (ii) payment26.6 百萬元及 (ii) 支付租賃付款的本金部分約人民幣of principal portion of lease payments of approximately RMB3.5 million.3.5 百萬元所抵銷。Capital Expenditures資本開支For the six months ended 30 June 2020, the Group had no 個月,本集團並無capital expenditures.重大資本開支。

MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS管理層討論及分析FINANCIAL REVIEW he Group had no significant capital commitments as at 30 June 並無重大資本承擔。Contingent Liabilities或然負債The Group underwent several reorganisations, including disposal of本 集 團 曾 進 行 多 次 重 組,包 括 於 截 至 二 零 一 五 年the entire interest of Honglin International Limited and 威 海 市 裕 博 �有限公司及威纜 科 技 有 限 公 司 (Weihaishi Yubo Wire & Cable Technology Co., �益以及轉讓本集during the year ended 31 December 2015 and transfers of ��關稅務機關呈報subsidiaries within the Group. The Group has conducted filings of �務機關提出或規reorganisations, if required, with the relevant tax authorities. 查。董事相信該等those reorganisations may be subject to further investigations if �妥為處理及計提撥and requested by the relevant tax authorities. The Directors believe ��複,加上相關the taxes arising from those reorganisations have been properly 關或會就該等重with and provided for in the financial statements. Given the complexity組徵收及收取額外稅項。of the relevant tax laws and regulations and the diversified practiceof the respective tax authorities in China, there exists a possibilitythat the tax authorities may levy and collect additional taxes for thosereorganisations.* The English name is for identification purpose only.*Employees僱員As at 30 June 2020, the total number of employees of the Group was �員總數為 249(30 June 2019: 259).名(二零一九年六月三十日:259 名)。The breakdown of the employees of the Group as at 30 June 2019 �年六月三十日2020 is as 。As atAs at30 June 202030 June ��日六月三十日Manufacturing and technical engineering製造及技術工程7874Sales and marketing銷售及市場推廣6070General and administration一般及行政4845Research and development研發6370Total總計249259Compensation policy of the Group is determined by evaluating ��個別表現後釐定,performance of the employees and has been reviewed regularly.並會定期檢討。2020 INTERIM REPORT 中期報告15

16InvesTech Holdings Limited 威訊控股有限公司MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS管理層討論及分析INVESTMENTS IN LISTED EQUITY SECURITIES上市股本證券投資During the six months ended 30 June 2020, the Group recorded ,本集團錄得unrealised fair value loss on held for trading listed securities 現公允價值虧損約人of approximately RMB221,000.民幣 221,000 元。There ware no material acquisitions and disposals of subsidiaries �,概無任何重associates for the six months ended 30 June 。Movement during the six months ended 30 June ��的變動Stockcode股份代號6108Name of investee company投資對象公司名稱New Ray Medicine InternationalHolding ountas at1 January2020AdditionUnrealisedfair valuelossExchangerealignmentCarryingamountas at30 June2020Dividendincomefor thesix monthsended30 June2020Net lossfor thesix monthsended30 �(221)1,249–(221)241,052–(221)Number ofshares heldand % oftotal shareheld bythe Groupas at30 ,080,000/1.5000%Percentageto theGroup’stotal assetsas at30 團資產總值百分比0.1175%

MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS管理層討論及分析INVESTMENTS IN LISTED EQUITY SECURITIES ee Company’s Principal Business, Performance andFuture 現及未來前景New Ray Medicine International Holding Ltd. (“New ��銳」)New Ray is an investment holding company principally engaged in �事醫藥產品買trading of pharmaceutical products in China. New Ray operates �注射劑藥品分business through four segments. The injection drugs segment is ��顆粒藥品分部從in the trading of injection drugs. The capsule and granule drugs ��品分部從事片劑is engaged in the trading of capsule and granule drugs. The tablet 貨物及藥品買賣。segment is engaged in the trading of tablet drugs. The others segment isengaged in the trading of miscellaneous types of goods and drugs.For the year ended 31 December 2019, revenue of New Ray �度,新銳的收approximately HK 118.6 million which has decreased by approximately益 約 為 118.6 百 萬 港 元,較 截 至 二 零 一 八 年 十 二 月68.2% when compared to that of approximately HK 372.4 million for the三 十 一 日 止 年 度 約 372.4 百 萬 港 元 減 少 約 68.2%。year ended 31 December 2018. Net profit attributable to owners of �度,新銳擁有Ray for the year ended 31 Decem

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