Appendix -2 TEACHER APPRAISAL REPORT Format -1 PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL REPORT FOR SELF APPRAISAL OF TEACHERS i) General Information a) Name : Dr.M.Karthy b) Address (Residential) : ‘Vaishnavam’, Thiruvattar (P.O), Kanyakumari District -629 177. c) Designation : Principal d) Department : Education e) Date of Birth : 05.06.1967 f) Area of Specialization : Psychology A) Academic Qualifications Exam Passed Board/University High School High Secondary Bachelor’s Degree(s) TN State Board TN State Board B.Sc. M.K.University Madurai General General Zoology 1982 1984 1987 Division/Grade Merit etc. First Class First Class First Class B.Ed M.S.University Tirunelveli M.K.University Madurai Education 1991 First Class Zoology 1989 First Class Annamalai University, Chidambaram M.Phil M.K.University Madurai Education 1993 Second Class Education 1990 First Class Ph.D. Education 2009 Master’s Degree(s) M.Sc M.Ed Research Degree(s) M.S.University Tirunelveli Subjects Year - 159 TDTA DS Daniel Rajammal College of Education, Tirunelveli Self Appraisal Report
ii) Research experience and Training Research Stage M.Phil or equivalent Title of work / Theses 1. Job Satisfaction of Physics Teachers of Higher Secondary Schools of Nagercoil Educational District University where the work was carried out Tamil Nadu Open University, Chennai. 2. Relationship between Attitude of B.Ed. Teacher Trainees towards Innovative Programmes in Teaching and Learning and their Teaching Competency M.K.University, Distance Education 3. Relationship between Multiple Intelligence and achievement in Mathematics – A Study among Higher Secondary School Students in Kerala M.S.University, Tirunelveli. 4. Impact of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation Training of Primary School Teachers at Nanguneri Block in Tirunelvi District Annamalai University, Distance Education 5. A Comparative Study on the Study Habits of Socially Advantaged and Socially Disadvantaged Students M.S.University, Tirunelveli. Distance Education 6. Social Anxiety and Adjustment among High School Students in Kanyakumari District M.S.University, Tirunelveli. 7. A Study on the Correlation of the Self Concept of High School Students in Kanyakumari District in relation to their professional Adjustment M.S.University, Tirunelveli. Distance Education 8. A Comparative Study of Scientific Attitude and Scientific Interest in relation to the Socio-Economic Status of Higher Secondary Students in Kanyakumari District Tamil Nadu Open University, Chennai. 160 TDTA DS Daniel Rajammal College of Education, Tirunelveli Self Appraisal Report
M.Phil or equivalent 9. The Effect of Home Environment on Achievement in Political Science – A Study on Higher Secondary Students Vinayaka Mission Univeristy, Salam. 10. Attitude of Learners towards Innovative Programmes in Teaching and Learning M.K.University, Madurai, Distance Education 11. Parental Influence on the Achievement Motivation of Higher Secondary Students in Kollam District. M.K.University, Madurai, Distance Education 12. Social Intelligence – A Study about Teachers in Kanyakumari District Tamil Nadu Open University, Chennai. 13. A Study of Modernity of Higher Secondary Students 14. Parental Influence on the Achievement Motivation of Higher Secondary Students in Kanyakumari District. 15. Adjustment Problems of High School Students in relation to their Academic Achievement in Kanyakumari District. M.S.University, Tirunelveli. M.K.University, Madurai, Distance Education M.K.University, Madurai, Distance Education Ph.D. - - Post-Doctoral - - Publications (give a list separately) Research Guidance (M.Ed) 1. The Effect of Home Environment on Tamil Nadu Teachers Achievement in Physics – A Study Education University, on Higher Secondary Students Chennai. 2. Innovative Techniques used in Students’ Learning Process and their Tamil Nadu Teachers Achievement – A Study on High Education University, School Students. Chennai. 161 TDTA DS Daniel Rajammal College of Education, Tirunelveli Self Appraisal Report
Research Guidance (M.Ed) 3. A Comparative Study of Scientific Tamil Nadu Teachers Attitude and Scientific Interest in Education University, relation to the Socio-Economic Chennai Status of Higher Secondary Students in Thiruvananthapuram District 4. A Study on Awareness of Environmental Conservation among Prospective Teachers in Kanyakumari District Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai 5. Social Anxiety and Adjustment – A Study among High School Students M.S University, Tirunelveli 6. A Study on the Effect of Mothers Employment on Study habits and Achievement smong High School Students M.S University, Tirunelveli 7. Personality Characteristics of High and Low Achievers in Physics – A Study on Higher Secondary Students in Kanyakumari District 8. The Effect of Parent Child Relationship on Achievement in History – A Study on Adolescents 9. Scientific Attitude in relation to the Socio Economic Status of High School Students in Kanyakumarui District Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai 10. A Comparative Study on Social Intelligence of Pre and Post Adolescents in Kanyakumari District Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai 11. Professional Satisfaction of Private School Teachers in Kanyakumari District Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai 12. The Attitude of Teachers towards Equitable System of Education (ESE) in Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai 162 TDTA DS Daniel Rajammal College of Education, Tirunelveli Self Appraisal Report
Research Guidance (M.Ed) 13. Vocational Adjustment of Tamil Nadu Teachers Teachers working in Education University, High Schools Chennai 14. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation in Teaching Biology Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai 15. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation in Teaching Physics Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai Training - - B) Research Projects carried out Title of the Project Awareness on Learning Disabilities of Students among Primary School Teachers Name of the funding Agency College Management Duration 6 months Remarks - C) Seminars, Conferences, Symposia, Workshops etc. attended Title of the Project Name of the funding Agency Duration Presented a paper on “Models of N.V.K.S.D College of Teaching in Mathematics” Education Attoor, 23 January 2006 Participated in the National N.V.K.S.D College of Workshop on Psychological Testing Education Attoor, 17-18 March 2006 Participated in the National Seminar N.V.K.S.D College of on Quality Teaching through Better Education Communication Attoor, 24-26 August 2006 Organised a Golden Jubilee Bethlahem College of Conference of Kanyakumari Piravi Education Day Karungal November 1,2006 163 TDTA DS Daniel Rajammal College of Education, Tirunelveli Self Appraisal Report
Presented a paper in the golden St. Ignatius College of Jubilee National Conference on Education Quality Sustenance and Initiative in Higher Education on “A study on the Attitude of Teachers towards Innovative Programmes in Teaching and Learning” Palayamkottai 29-30 November 2006 Participated in the National Seminar Sivanthi Aditanar on Self Concept on Professional College of Education Adjustment of Teachers Tiruchendur 24-26 August 2007 Presented a paper on “Social KAAS (Kanyakumari Intelligence and Vocational Academy of Arts and Adjustment” in the International Sciences) Conference of KAAS Nagercoil, 5 December 2008 Presented a paper on “Social V.O.C. College of Intelligence” in the International Education Conference on Empowering Learners beyond cognition Tuticorin, 30 November to 2nd December 2006 Presented a paper on “Quality in Annammal College of Teacher Education” in the National Education Seminar of Quality Trends in Teacher Education Tuticorin, 6-7 March 2009 Organised a Best Teacher Award Bethlahem College of Education Conference on Teacher’s Day Karungal, September 2009 Convener of the Conference on Bethlahem College of International Ahimsa Day Education Karungal, 2 October 2009 Chaired and participated in the First KAAS (Kanyakumari National Conference of Teacher Academy of Arts and Educators organised by KAAS Sciences) Nagercoil, 18 April 2009 Convener of the State Level Seminar Bethlahem College of on Educational Researching Education Karungal, 29-30 December 2009 Presented a paper on “Examinations Manonmaniam and Reforms” in the National Sundaranar University Seminar held at Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Tirunelveli, 29-30 January 2010 164 TDTA DS Daniel Rajammal College of Education, Tirunelveli Self Appraisal Report
Chaired and participated in the KAAS (Kanyakumari Second National Conference of Academy of Arts and Teacher Educators organised by Sciences) KAAS Nagercoil, 27 March 2010 Convener of the Conference on Bethlahem College of International Ahimsa Day Education Karungal, 2 October 2010 Convener of the National Seminar on Bethlahem College of Methodology and Technology in Education Research Karungal 29 November 2010 Presented a paper in the International Christian College of conference on An Analysis – Education Modern Trends in Educational System Marthandam, 28 December 2010 Resource Person in the One Day R.P.A. College of National Seminar on Personality Education Development and soft skills Mamootukadai, 21 December 2010 Chaired and participated in the KAAS (Kanyakumari National Conference of Teacher Academy of Arts and Educators organised by KAAS Sciences) Nagercoil, 30 April 2011 Convener of the National Level Bethlahem College of Seminar on “Active Learning: A Education New Trend in Teaching” Karungal, 12 February 2011 Convener of the National Level Bethlahem College of Seminar on “Research Reporting” Education Karungal 15 March 2011 Convener of the Regional Seminar Bethlahem College of on “Tool Construction and Education Validation” Karungal 12 April 2011 Convener of the Regional Seminar Bethlahem College of on “Data Analysis” Education Karungal 12 April 2011 Convener of the National Seminar on Bethlahem College of “Designing Educational Research” Education Karungal 2-3 December 2011 Convener of the Conference on Bethlahem College of International Ahimsa Day Education Karungal, 2 October 2011 Acted as a Resource person of an P.S.N. College of Inter-Collegiate Competition Education Melathidiyur 26 Aug 2011 165 TDTA DS Daniel Rajammal College of Education, Tirunelveli Self Appraisal Report
Participated in an Integration of Ponjesly College of Innovative Technology in Teacher Education Education Nagercoil 10-11 Jan 2011 Acted as a Resource person of a P.S.N. College of State Level Seminar on Action Education Research Melathidiyur 24 March 2011 Participated in the National level Seminar on Uprooting Ragging Meston College of Education Chennai 8th Feb 2014 Convener of the state level inter Collegiate cultural programme. T.D.T.A. D.S.Daniel Rajammal College of Education for Women Ilanji T.D.T.A. D.S.Daniel Rajammal College of Education for Women Ilanji Convener of the State level inter school and college cultural and Quiz competition T.D.T.A. D.S.Daniel Rajammal College of Education for Women and Tirunelveli Science Forum Ilanji Organized a District level rally on Women’s Day at Tenkasi T.D.T.A. D.S.Daniel Rajammal College of Education for Women and Tirunelveli Science Forum Tenkasi Convener in the State Level Seminar on the Role of ICT in changing the trends of Library Chief Guest of Women’s Day Celebration Nallamani Yadava College Convener and Presented a paper in the National level seminar on “Role of values in Personality Development” T.D.T.A. D.S.Daniel Rajammal College of Education for Women 10th Feb 2014 13th Feb 2014 5th March 2014 7th March 2014 Kodikurichi 10th March 2014 Ilanji 17th March 2014 166 TDTA DS Daniel Rajammal College of Education, Tirunelveli Self Appraisal Report
iii) Teaching experience Courses Taught Name of the University / College / Institution Duration iv) U.G. (B.A./B.Sc., etc Pass) (B.A./B.Sc. etc. Hons) NVKSD College of Education Bethlahem College of Education and T.D.T.A. D.S.Daniel Rajammal College of Education for Women 15 years v) P.G. (M.A./M.Sc., etc.) NVKSD College of Education and Bethlahem College of Education 8 years vi) M.Phil - - vii) Any other - - Total Teaching Experience : Twelve years (UG and PG) a) Under-graduate (Pass) : Fifteen Years b) Under-graduate (Hons) : Nil c) Post-graduate : Eight Years viii) Innovations / Contributions in Teaching a. Design of Curriculum : Student – centered b. Teaching methods : Lecture, Teaching through OHP and LCD c. Laboratory Experiments : Conducted d. Evaluation methods : Class tests and terminal examinations e. Preparation of resource material including books, reading materials, Laboratory manuals etc : Prepared transparency sheets, CDs and printed materials f. Remedial Teaching / Student Counseling (academic) : Conducted g. Any other : Nil 167 TDTA DS Daniel Rajammal College of Education, Tirunelveli Self Appraisal Report
ix) Extension Work / Community Service a) Please give a short account of your contribution to : i) Community work such as values of National Integration, secularism, democracy, socialism, humanism, peace, scientific temper, flood or drought relief, small family norms etc. The contributions made with regard to community service are as follows. - Encouraged the students to participate in community camps - Morning Assembly is conducted every day to promote national integration and secularism. Also Value Education is provided - Rallies are conducted to promote socialism, humanism, peace, scientific temper etc. ii) - Awareness programmes are conducted to promote small family norms. - Guidance and counseling programmes are also conducted. National Literacy Mission : - The contributions made with regard to National Literacy Mission are: - Conducting Adult Education and Literacy Programmes - Conducting Environment and Election Awareness Programmes b) Positions held / Leadership role played in organizations linked with Extension work and National Service Scheme (NSS), or NCC or any other similar activity: - Organizing the programmes of YRC and RRC D). Participation in Corporate Life: Please give a short account of your contribution to : a) College / University / Institution : Providing quality education to students b) Co-curricular activities : Encouraged and motivated students to participate in co-curricular activities c) Enrichment of Campus life : Motivating all the activities of the campus (Hostels, sports, games, cultural activities) d) Students Welfare and discipline : Tutor Ward System, Special Coaching Value Education, Moral classes and Guidance services 168 TDTA DS Daniel Rajammal College of Education, Tirunelveli Self Appraisal Report
e) Membership/Participation in Bodies/Committees on Education and National Development : Being an active member of Organizations like KAAS (Kanyakumari Academy of Arts and Sciences), Rotary Club, Tamil Illakiya Peravai , Kumari Arivial Kazhagam, The Economic Growth and Educational Development Organization, New Delhi ,”Exonera” Tirunelveli and Science pervai Tenkasi f) Professional Organization of Teachers : Tamilnadu Teachers University and M.S.University, Tirunelveli E. a) Membership of Professional Bodies, Societies etc. : Principals Association F. b) Editorship of Journals : T.D.T.A Editor Board Any other information : Nil Publications 1. Published an article entitled “Social Intelligence of Teacher working in Higher Secondary Schools” in Research and Reflections and Education. 2. Published a book entitled “Social Intelligence, Vocational adjustment and job satisfaction of Teachers working in Higher Secondary Schools” in APH Publications, New Delhi (In Progress). 3. Published a book entitled ‘Soft Skills’ by Bethlehem College of Education. 4. Published an article entitled ‘Awareness on Learning Disabilities of students among Primary School Teachers’ in frontiers in Education and Research. 5. Published an article entitled ‘Social Intelligence of Pre and Post Adolescents in New Horizons in Education’. 6. Published an article entitle (“Inculcating Values”) in a proceeding of the National Seminar with ISBN Number. 169 TDTA DS Daniel Rajammal College of Education, Tirunelveli Self Appraisal Report
Format -2 PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL REPORT FOR SELF APPRAISAL OF TEACHERS B. General Information a) Name : Dr. M. Karthy b) Address (Residential) : ‘Vaishnavam’, Thiruvattar (P.O), Kanyakumari District -629 177. c) Designation : Principal d) Department : Education e) Date of Birth : 05.06.1967 f) Area of Specialization : Psychology g) Date of Appointment i) in the institution : 12.09.2013 ii) in the present post : 12.09.2013 Honors Conferred : 1. h) Best Institution Award (2007, 2009, 2011and 2012) sponsored by Vishwaseva Telemedia and Lions Club, Chennai 2. Vocational Excellence Award, 2011 sponsored by Rotary Club, Nagercoil. 3. Vidya Ratna Award and Glory of India Award by The Economics for Health and Educational Growth Organization, New Delhi 4. Vocational Excellence Award, 2012 Sponsored by Rotary Club, Nagercoil. 5. NAAC ‘A’ Grade awarded while serving as the Principal in Bethlehem College of Education, in 2013 6. Very many other Social awards 170 TDTA DS Daniel Rajammal College of Education, Tirunelveli Self Appraisal Report
C. Teaching (a) Classes Taught Class Periods Assigned per Taught in the Steps taken for the week** L T/P year L. T/P teaching of periods missed during absence or leave (1) i) U.G (B.A./B.Sc.,etc Pass) (2) 5 120 (B.A./B.Sc. etc Hons) b) ii) M.Phil iii) Any other (3) Library reference and assignment works Regularity and Punctuality : Maintaining Regularity and punctuality in all the aspects of the institution c) Details of course teaching plan, synopses of lecturers and reading lists supplied to students. Teaching is followed according to year plan and monthly plan d) Details of participation in the following: (i) University Education : Participated (ii) Internal Evaluation : Participated (iii) Paper Setting : Participated (iv) Assessment of Home Assignments : Home Assignments are assessed (v) Conduct of Examinations : Examinations are conducted (vi) Evaluation of Dissertation etc. : Evaluating M.Ed and M.Phil dissertation D. Details of Innovations / Contributions in Teaching during the year: a. Design of Curriculum : Student –centered b. Teaching methods : Lecture, Teaching through OHP and LCD c. Laboratory Experiments : Conducted d. Evaluation methods : Class tests and terminal examinations 171 TDTA DS Daniel Rajammal College of Education, Tirunelveli Self Appraisal Report
e. Preparation of resource material : including books, reading materials, Prepared transparency sheets, CDs and printed materials Laboratory manuals etc f. Remedial Teaching / Student Counseling (academic) g. Any other E. : Conducted : Nil Improvement of Professional Competence: (a) Details regarding refresher courses / orientation attended, participation in summer schools, participation in workshops, seminars, symposia etc. including open university courses / M.Phil., Ph.D. - Participated in international and national level workshops and seminars, - Organized international and national level workshops and seminars and - Acted as chairperson for international and national level seminars F. Research Contributions: a) Number of students (M.Phil./Ph.D.) : 15 Registered during the year Completed during the year M.Phil 15 15 Ph. D. 1 - At the beginning of the year b) Number of research papers published (please enclose list): One c) Research Projects Title of the Project Awareness on learning Name of the funding Duration College Management 6 Months - - Disabilities of Students among Primary School Teachers Ph. D. d) Details of seminars, Conferences, Symposia organized : Organized seminars and conferences and also chaired the sessions e) Patents taken, if any, give a brief description : Yes (attached) f) Membership of Professional Bodies, Editorship of Journals etc. : Yes (attached) 172 TDTA DS Daniel Rajammal College of Education, Tirunelveli Self Appraisal Report
G. Extension Work/Community Service a) Please give a short account of your contribution to : i) Community work such as values of National Integration, secularism, democracy, socialism, humanism, peace, scientific temper, flood or drought relief, small family norms etc. The contributions made with regard to community service are as follows. - Encouraged the students to participate in community camps - Morning Assembly is conducted every day to promote national integration and secularism. Also Value Education is provided. - Rallies are conducted to promote socialism, humanism, peace, scientific temper etc. ii) - Awareness programmes are conducted to promote small family norms. - Guidance and counseling programmes are also conducted. National Literacy Mission : The contributions made with regard to National Literacy Mission are : c) - Conducting Adult Education and Literacy Programmes - Conducting Environment and Election Awareness Programmes Positions held / Leadership role played in organizations linked with Extension work and National Service Scheme (NSS), or NCC or any other similar activity - Organizing the programmes of YRC and RRC H. Participation in Corporate Life: Please give a short account of your contribution to: a) College / University / Institution : Providing quality education to students b) Co-curricular activities : Encouraged and motivate students to Participate in co-curricular activities c) Enrichment of Campus life : Motivating all the activities of the campus (Hostels, sports, games, cultural activities) d) Students Welfare and discipline : Tutor Ward System, Special Coaching Value Education, Moral classes, and Guidance Services. 173 TDTA DS Daniel Rajammal College of Education, Tirunelveli Self Appraisal Report
e) Membership/Participation in Bodies : Being an active member of and National / Committees of organization like KAAS Education Development (Kanyakumari Academy of Arts and Sciences), Rotary Club, Tamil Illakiya Peravai and Kumari Arivial Kazhagam. f) Professional Organization of : Tamilnadu Teachers Education Teachers University and M.S.University, Tirunelveli I. Assessment a) Steps taken by you for the evaluation of the course programme taught Sending remarks of the curriculum to the University regularly J. General Data State brief assessment of your performance indicating a) Achievements : Achieved Excellence A wards b) Difficulties faced and : Managed well c) Suggestions for improvement : To work more for excellence (Signature of the Teacher) K. Verification of Factual Data A. General Information B. Teaching C. Details of Innovation/Contribution in Teaching during the year D. Improvement of Professional Competence E. Research Contributions F. Extension work / community service G. Participation in Corporate Life (Signature of the Person authorized*) 174 TDTA DS Daniel Rajammal College of Education, Tirunelveli Self Appraisal Report
Appendix-2: Sample formats for Teacher appraisal Reports (Source: UGC) Format-1 PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL REPORT FOR SELF APPRAISAL OF TEACHERS i) General Information A. i. Name : Beulah. R ii. Address (Residential) : 76/2 Manjolai Iststreet, iii. Ph.No : 9443354754 Ilanji– 627 805 Tirunelveli (D.T) iv. Designation : Assistant Professor v. Department : History vi. Area of Specialization : 06.10.1978 vii. Area of Specialization : History, Education in the Emerging Indian Society A) Academic Qualifications Exam Passed Board/University Subjects Year Division/Grade Merit etc. High School Board of Secondary School Education General 1994 First Class Higher Secondary or Pre-degree Board of Higher Secondary School Education General 1996 First Class Bachelor’s Degree(s) B.A M.S. University Tirunelveli Madras University Chennai History 1999 Second Class History 2003 M.S. University Tirunelveli M.S. University Tirunelveli History 2001 Education 2007 Vinayaga Mission university Salem History B.Ed Master’s Degree (s) M.A M.Ed Research Degree (s) Other Diploma /Certificates etc. M.Phil - - First Class First Class First Class - 2009 - First Class 175 TDTA DS Daniel Rajammal College of Education, Tirunelveli Self Appraisal Report
B) Academic Qualifications *Teachers already in employment at the time of introduction of the scheme and for new entrants at the time of joining of the institution. ii) Research Experience & Training Research Stage Title of work/Theses University where the work was carried out M.Phil or equivalent - - Ph.D - - Post-Doctoral - - Publications(give a list separately - - Research Guidance (give names of students guided successfully) - - Training (please specify) - - C) Research Projects carried out Title of the project Name of the funding Agency Duration Remarks - - - - D) Seminars, Conferences, Symposia Workshops etc. attended Name of the Seminar/ Name of the Sponsoring Agency Conferences/ Symposia Workshops etc. Place and Date Participated in the National S.Veerasamy Chettiar College of Education, Puliangudi. Seminar on “Research Design” Puliangudi 19-4-2011 Presented a paper in the National Seminar on “Comparison of E – Learning and M – Learning and its impact. Dr. Sivanthi Aditanar College OF Education Tiruchendur 24th & 25th February 2012 Presented a paper in the National Seminar on “Stress Management” St. Antony’s College Of Education Mannarpuram 24 -3- 2012 Participated in the Seminar “Essence of Team Spirit” T.D.T.A. D.S.Daniel Rajammal College of Education for Women Ilanji 03rd April 2012 176 TDTA DS Daniel Rajammal College of Education, Tirunelveli Self Appraisal Report
Presented a paper in the National Seminar on Quality Enhancement in Teacher Education St. Joseph’s College of Education Nanguneri 28th & 29th September 2012 Participated in the Seminar on Professional Development Programme T.D.T.A. D.S.Daniel Rajammal College of Education for Women Ilanji 24th Nov 2012 Participated in the state level inter Collegiate cultural programme. T.D.T.A. D.S.Daniel Rajammal College of Education for Women Ilanji Participated in the State Level Seminar on the Role of ICT in changing the trends of Library Participated in the State level inter school and college cultural and Quiz competition Participated and Presented a paper in the National level seminar on “Role of values in Personality Development” 10th Feb 2014 T.D.T.A. D.S.Daniel Rajammal College of Education for Women Ilanji 13th Feb 2014 T.D.T.A. D.S.Daniel Rajammal College of Education for Women and Tirunelveli Science Forum Ilanji T.D.T.A. D.S.Daniel Rajammal College of Education for Women Ilanji 5th March 2014 17th March 2014 ii) Teaching Experience Courses Taught iv)U.G (B.A./B.Sc., etc Pass) (B.A./B.Sc., etc. Hons) Name of the University/Collage/I nstitution Duration T.D.T.A. D.S.Daniel Rajammal College of Education for Women, Ilanji. 5 years and 11 months v) P.G. (M.A./M.Sc., etc) - - vi) M.Phil - - vii) Any other - - 177 TDTA DS Daniel Rajammal College of Education, Tirunelveli Self Appraisal Report
Total Teaching Experience : 5 years and 11 months a) Under –graduate (Pass) : 5 years and 11 months b) Under –graduate (Hons) : Nil c) Post-graduate : Nil viii) Innovation/ Contributions in Teaching a) Design of Curriculum : Student –centered curriculum is followed. b) Teaching methods : Lecture, Group Discussion, Project method, Teaching through OHP and LCD. c) Laboratory experiments : Handling Educational Technology equipments. d) Evaluation methods : Class tests, terminal and model examinations. e) Preparation of resource : Prepared transparency sheets, CDs, material Including books, f) programmed reading materials, Laboratory manuals etc. : learning materials and printed materials. Remedial Teaching / Student : Remedial Teaching was conducted for the Counseling (academic) g) Any Other Students. : Various techniques of teaching such as team teaching, debate and investigatory projects were carried out. ix) Extension Work/Community Service a) Please give a short account of your contribution to : i) Community work Such as values of National Integration, Secularism, democracy, socialism, humanism, peace, Scientific temper, flood or drought relief, small family norms etc. The contributions made with regard to community service are follows. - Encouraged the students to participate in community camps. - Morning Assembly is conducted every day to promote national integration and secularism. - Awareness programmes are conducted to promote small family norms. - Ahimsa Day celebration is organized to promote national integration, RRC and YRC programmes are organized. 178 TDTA DS Daniel Rajammal College of Education, Tirunelveli Self Appraisal Report
ii) National Literacy Mission : The contributions made with regard to National Mission are: - Conducting Adult Education and Literacy Programmes. - Conducting Environment and Election Awareness Programmes. b) Positions held /Leadership role played in organizations linked with extension Work and National Service Scheme (NSS), or NCC or any other similar activity: Organizing and coordinating the programmes D. Participation in Corporate Life: Please give a short account of your contribution to: a) College / University/Institution : Providing quality education to students b) Co-curricular Activities : Encouraged and motivated students Participate in co-curricular activities. c) Enrichment of campus Life : Encouraged the students to participate in (Hostels, sport, games, cultural activities) cultural activities. d) Students Welfare and Discipline : Guidance and Counseling is given to the students e) Membership/ Participation in Borders / Committees On Education and f) National Development : Nil Professional Organization of : Nil : Nil : Nil : Nil Teachers E. (a) Membership of Professional Bodies,
Self Appraisal Report Appendix -2 TEACHER APPRAISAL REPORT Format -1 PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL REPORT FOR SELF APPRAISAL OF TEACHERS i) General Information a) Name : Dr.M.Karthy b) Address (Residential) : 'Vaishnavam', Thiruvattar (P.O), Kanyakumari District -629 177. c) Designation : Principal d) Department : Education
Issue of orders 69 : Publication of misleading information 69 : Attending Committees, etc. 69 : Responsibility 69-71 : APPENDICES : Appendix I : 72-74 Appendix II : 75 Appendix III : 76 Appendix IV-A : 77-78 Appendix IV-B : 79 Appendix VI : 79-80 Appendix VII : 80 Appendix VIII-A : 80-81 Appendix VIII-B : 81-82 Appendix IX : 82-83 Appendix X .
Appendix G Children's Response Log 45 Appendix H Teacher's Journal 46 Appendix I Thought Tree 47 Appendix J Venn Diagram 48 Appendix K Mind Map 49. Appendix L WEB. 50. Appendix M Time Line. 51. Appendix N KWL. 52. Appendix 0 Life Cycle. 53. Appendix P Parent Social Studies Survey (Form B) 54
Critical appraisal of a journal article 1. Introduction to critical appraisal Critical appraisal is the process of carefully and systematically examining research to judge its trustworthiness, and its value and relevance in a particular context. (Burls 2009) Critical appraisal is an important element of evidence-based medicine.
Critical appraisal of a journal article 1. Introduction to critical appraisal Critical appraisal is the process of carefully and systematically examining research to judge its trustworthiness, and its value and relevance in a particular context. (Burls 2009) Critical appraisal is an important element of evidence-based medicine.
Potentially Contaminated Property Appraisal or Environmental Nuisances . impartial and objective. Approved Appraisal: . An appraisal that is the basis of a signed Resume of Certified Apprais al Value (RCA) by the Director or
APPRAISAL ORDER FORM Q.appraisal Quick Reference Guide 3 Loan, Property, and Borrower Information will auto-populate if the content is in FAMC systems. Any fields outlined in yellow are required in order to complete the Appraisal Order Form. Appraisal Management Quick Reference Guide link is available. Greyed out boxes cannot be revised/edited.
Performance appraisal research falls into three main groups: the first group examines the variations in student learning from teachers within the appraisal process, the second evaluates teacher perceptions of the impact of the process on their practice and levels of motivation and the third evaluates effective performance appraisal conditions .
*offer third-grade summer reading camp focused on non-proficient readers, and *identify and implement appropriate intensive reading interventions for K-12 students who are reading below grade level. 3. In regard to district-level monitoring of student achievement progress, please address the following: A. Who at the district level is responsible for collecting and reviewing student progress .