LogTag Temperature Data Logger LogTag Temperature Data Logger With 30 .

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Lo gTag Tem p eratu re Data Lo gge r LogTag Temperature Data Logger D ATA L O G G E R S LogTag Temperature Data Logger with 30-Day Summary Display Bio-Safe EXCEEDS CDC/VFC Glycol / Water Bottle Medium Vaccine Monitoring Guidelines FEATURES: NIST Traceable w/Certificate Data Logging – Records time and temperature data for later download Day alarm summary - Displays in calendar format alarm triggers the last 30 days Current time & temperature - Shows the current time and temperature when not in review mode Push Button Logging start with optional delayed start or specific Time & Date start Rapid Download! Takes only seconds to download recordings ‘Pre-Start’ logging - LogTag can be configured to record even if it has not been started High performance at low cost Thin flat case – Fits easily into packaging and thin enough to be easily mailed “letter rate” Real time clock records time & temperature simultaneously Easy to use LogTag Analyzer software that runs on any PC configures LogTag for recording then downloads resulting data for analysis. Data can also be exported to fomats compatible with other applications such as Excel Re-calibration to achieve higher accuracy possible High quality gold plated remote sensor connector Interchangeable Remote Probes – LogTag remote temperature probes are interchangeable provided they are changed with LogTag ST100 type remote temperature sensors. T h e L o g Ta g Te m p e r a tu r e D a ta L o g g er m ea s u re s a n d s to re s u p to 7 7 7 0 t em per at ur e re a d i n g s o v e r -4 0 C to 9 9 C ( - 40 F t o 21 0 F ) m e a s u re me n t ra n g e f r om a r em ot e te mp e ra tu re p ro b e . S t at is t ic al t e m p e ra tu re a n d d u ra ti o n r eadings f or u p to 3 0 d a y s c a n b e r ev iewed on th e d i s p l a y. T he v is ual di s p l a y o f c u rre n t te mp e ra ture and pr ev ious a l a rm s i s a n i m p o rta n t f eat ur e in “ s ta ti c ” a p p l i c a ti o n s s u c h a s c ool r oom s a n d re fri g e ra to rs . T he dis play a rra n g e m e n t i s d e s i g n e d t o s how ‘at a g l a n c e ’ i f te m p e ra tu re v iolat ions ha v e o c c u rre d d u ri n g th e c ur r ent day a n d u p to th e p re v i o u s 2 9 day s . T he di s p l a y a l s o s h o w s th e c u rre nt t em per at ur e re a d i n g , th e c u rre n t ti me , r ec or ding s t a tu s a n d b a tte ry s ta tu s . Det ails of an y e x c u rs i o n s c a n b e c h e c k ed dir ec t ly by in s p e c ti n g th e s ta ti s ti c s h i s t ory on t he r ec or d e r ’s d i s p l a y o r i n m o re d e tai l by download i n g th e l o g g e d d a ta v i a a s t andar d Log Ta g In te rfa c e c ra d l e to LogTag A na l y z e r. I f a r eading o u ts i d e th e p re -s e t “Al a rm ” lim it s is r ec o rd e d a t a n y ti me , a “d a y alar m indic a to r” a p p e a rs o n th e d i s p l a y. 11 CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION LTTRED307 Temperature Data Logger - 7,770 logs w/Probe and Vial LTTRED307USB VFC Compliant Temperature Data Logger, w/Probe, Vial and USB Interface Cradle LTISOLOGTEMP ISO17025/IEC Accredited Tempererature Calibration LTIUSB USB Interface Cradle LTBRACKET Wall Mount Bracket note: LTIUSB (USB Interface Cradle) required for operration SPECIFICATIONS: Measurement Range -40 C 99 C (-40 F 210 F) Operating temperature -30 C 60 C (-22 F 140 F) 0.5 C ( 0.9 F) for -20 C 40 C (-22 F 104 F) typically 0.3 C (0.6 F) 0.8 C ( 1.5 F) for -40 C -20 C (-40 F -22 F) typically 0.5 C (0.9 F) Accuracy 0.8 C ( 1.5 F) for 40 C 70 C (-104 F 158 F) typically 0.7 C (0.9 F) 1.2 C ( 1.5 F) for 70 C 99 C (-158 F 210 F) typically 1 C (0.9 F). 0.1 C (0.2 F) for measurements -40 C 50 C (-22 F 122 F) 0.2 C (0.4 F) for measurements 50 C 70 C ( 122 F 158 F) Display Resolution 0.3 C( 0.5 F) for measurements 70 C 80 C ( 158 F 176 F) 0.4 C-0.6 C (0.7 F 1 F) for measurements 80 C 99 C ( 176 F 210 F) Capacity Sampling frequency Logging start options Recording indication Download Time Environmental Power source Battery life Size Weight Case Material Reader interface Temperature probe Data logging memory : 7770 logs ( 53 days @ 10min, 80 days @ 15min logging) Summary statistics memory (display on LCD): 30 days of max/min & duration values adjustable, 30 seconds to several hours Push button start or specific date & time. Optional start delay of up to 18hours State indicator "RECORDING" With full memory (7770 readings) less than 5 secs depending on computer IP61 3V Lithium-Manganese Dioxide extended temperature chemistry Typically 2 years of operation 93.0mm(H) x 54.5mm(W) x 8.6mm(T) 44grams Polycarbonate Standard LogTag Interface cradle 8ml Bottle w/ Bio-Safe Glycol/Water - Cable length 1.5m ( 5 feet) For Complete Specifications - Accessories - Downloads Please Visit w w w.Ther m coPr oducts.com

Lo gTag Hum id it y & Te m p e ratu re R e cord e r LogTag Humidity & Temperature Recorder LogTag Humidity & Temperature Recorder D ATA L O G G E R S FEATURES: NIST Traceable w/Certificate Alert indicator – indicates if readings are outside of preset limits OK indicator indicates if still recording and if readings within configured limits Inspection mark in log by push button Push Button Logging start with optional delayed start or specific Time & Date start Rapid Download! Takes only seconds to download recordings Fine resolution of measurement – 0.1%RH & 0.1 C/ F ‘Pre-Start’ logging - Logtag can be configured to record even if it has not been started. High performance at low cost Credit card sized case – thin enough to be easily mailed “letter rate”. Real time clock records time & temperature simultaneously Easy to use LogTag Analyzer software that runs on any PC configures LogTag for recording then downloads resulting data for analysis. Data can also be exported to fomats compatible with other applications such as MS Excel Re-calibration to achieve higher accuracy possible Replaceable sensor air filter The L o g Tag Hu m id ity & Te mp erat u re Rec o r d e r m e a s u re s a nd s t or es up t o 8 0 0 0 s e ts o f h i g h r es olut ion hu m i d i ty a n d te m per at ur e r ead i n g s o v e r 0 to 1 00%RH & - 40 C to 8 5 C (-4 0 F to 185 F ) m eas u re me n t ra n g e s . U si ng t he LogTag In te rfa c e a nd LogTag’s f r ee l y a v a i l a b l e com panion s of t wa re L o g Ta g Analy z er , t he Log Ta g i s e a s i l y set- up f or r ec or di n g c o n d i ti o n s i ncl uding delay ed s ta rt, s a m p l i n g i nter v al, num ber o f re a d i n g s , cont inuous or f ix e d n u m b e r o f re adings and c o n fi g u ra ti o n CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION LTHAXO8 Data Logger Temperature and Humidity LTISOLOGRH Temp Humidity Certification for LTHAX08 LTIUSB USB Interface Cradle LTBRACKET Wall Mount Bracket note: LTIUSB (USB Interface Cradle) required for operration SPECIFICATIONS: Humdity Measurement Range Temperature Measurement Range Resolution Capacity Sampling frequency Logging start options Recording indication Download Time 0 100%RH but with limitations as detailed in Humidity Measurement Operating and Storage conditions below -40 85 C (-40 185 F) 0.1%RH & 0.1 C/ F 8000 pairs of humidity & temperature readings (32Kbytes memory) adjustable, 30 sec to several hours Push button start or specific date & time. Flashing ‘OK’ indicator flashing ‘Alert’ indicator. Typically with full memory (8000 pairs of readings) in less than 10 seconds depending on computer or readout device used. Environmental IP61 (when hung or mounted vertically) Power source 3V Lithium battery Battery life 2 3 years of normal use (based on 15 minute logging, download data monthly) Size 86mm(H) x 54.5mm(W) x 8.6mm(T) Weight 35g Case Material Polycarbonate o f c ondit ions t o a c ti v a te th e ALE RT indic at or. R e a d i n g s a re downloaded u s i n g L o g Ta g Analy z er , whic h p ro v i d e s fa c i l i ti e s fo r c har t ing, z oomi n g , l i s ti n g d a ta statis t ic s and allo w s e x p o rti n g th e d ata t o ot her app l i c a ti o n s s u c h a s MS E x c el. Wall M o u n t B r acket The LogTag Wal l M ount Br ack et pr ov i des an easy and ti dy s ol uti on to m ounti ng a LogTag on a wall,d oor. Int er f ace C r ad le Logtag’s uni que i nter fac e cr adle des i gn pr ov i des r apid and r el i abl e LogTag data tr ans fer to Logtag Analy z er s oftw ar e i n a m atte r of s ec onds C a l l : 973.300.9100 e -ma i l : In fo @Ther m coPr oducts.com 12

MIC RO -THERM USB D ata Lo gge r s D ATA L O G G E R S MICRO -TH E R M U S B Data Lo gge r s M I C RO -T HE R M I nternal Temp U SB Data Lo gger ACCD00408 M I CRO -T H ER M U S B D a ta L o g g e rs are FEATURES: s m all, ru g g e d , w a te rp ro o f a n d d u st proof NIST Traceable w/Certificate dev ic es w i th L C D D i s p l a y a n d b u i l t-i n U S B Range -40 to 80ºC, (-40 to 176ºF) 2. 0 c on n e c to r fo r mo n i to ri n g a n d recordi ng t em per a tu re a n d o r R H . Ma n u fa c tu red to s t r ingen t s ta n d a rd s , th e MIC R O-TH E R M logger s a re o n l y 4 .3 ” l o n g a n d 1 ” thi ck. T he data l o g g e rs fe a tu re s a th re e di gi t LCD dis p l a y, d i re c t U S B c o n n e c ti o n, w i de t em per a tu re ra n g e , h i g h a c c u ra c y and l arge 8K or 3 2 K s a mp l i n g me mo ry. F e a t ures inc lude a n a l y s i s fu n c ti o n a l i ty s u c h as S t at is t ic s Ma x i mu m, Mi n i mu m a n d Average, enablin g a q u i c k g l a n c e s u m m a ry of the High Accuracy 0.3 C High Sampling Rate of 1 per Second High functionality low cost multi-trip logger for an unbroken cold chain USB 2.0 interface for fast track communication and firmware updates Unique Boomerang feature that automatically creates and emails PDF data report when logger is connected to PC Rapid data download to Graph, Table view and Excel spreadsheet Built-in LCD with decimal point readings and LED alarm indicator env ir on m e n t a n d h i s to ri c a l a n a l y si s. D ata High accuracy sensors with 16-bit resolution c an be d i s p l a y e d o n th e s m a l l n u m eri c LC D 2-year battery life, using Nano Watt technology s c r een o r d o w n l o a d e d to PC v i a th e U S B Up to 8,000 & 32,000 sample memory accommodating long- 2. 0 c on n e c to r. To fu rth e r e n s u re e asy gl obal us age, th e b a tte ry i s e a s i l y re p l a ceabl e s inc e it i s a s ta n d a rd mo d e l u s e d w orl dw i de. 13 High Resolution 16-Bit Logger haul transports Reed switch using magnet key to mark time stamps, activate and stop logging Built-in real-time clock and calendar Ty pic al a p p l i c a ti o n s fo r th i s p ro d uct i ncl ude Dust and water proof f ood, ph a rma c e u ti c a l , me d i c a l , s torage and Cradle wall mounting for fixed monitoring t r ans po rta ti o n i n d u s tri e s . Includes Mirco-Therm Lite Software and Manual For Complete Specifications - Accessories - Downloads Please Visit w w w.Ther m coPr oducts.com

M I C RO -T H E R M U S B Data Lo gge r s Back of ACCD00408RH CATALOG N o. MICRO-THERM Temp Temp & RH USB Data Loggers ACCD00408 ACCD00408RH -40 C to 80 C Temp -40 C to 80 C Temp 5-95 % RH Accuracy: 0.3 C Temp 0.3 C Temp 2% RH Resolution (16-bit): 0.1 C (Display) 0.06 C (Software) 0.04 C (Display) 0.06 C (Software) RH: 0.5% Data Capacity: 8,000 Samples 32,000 Samples Sampling Rate: 1 per second to 1 every 2 Hours 1 per second to 1 every 18 Hours No Yes None LED Indicator D ATA L O G G E R S M I C RO -T HE R M R H I nternal Temp & RH U SB Data Lo gger SPECIFICATIONS: Range: Boomerang Feature: Alarms: Battery Life: 1.5 Years 2.0 Years Dimensions with Cap: 11cm x 3.9cm x 2.6cm (4.3” x 1.5” x 1.0”) 11cm x 3.9cm x 3.0cm (4.3” x 1.5” x 1.2”) Compliance: IP68, EN12830, CE IP54, EN12830, CE Wall Mount: No Yes Outputs: Weight: 45.5 grams (1.6oz) Display: 3-digit 7-segment LCD with decimal point Indicator: Battery: Software: LCD Display: USB 2.0 interface Low battery Warning Replaceable 3V Lithium Battery - CR2032 DataSuite Software for Windows (Included) When exposed to temperatures below 5 F (-15 C) Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) lose contrast and their refresh rate slows. This may result in illegible readings shown on the display. The decline of the LCD function does not affect the sensor recording temperature and the correct values are captured. C a l l : 973.300.9100 e -ma i l : In fo @Ther m coPr oducts.com 14

D ATA L O G G E R S PicoLite USB Cold Ch a in Data - Lo gge r Portable, Low Cost, Disposable FEATURES: Low cost, one-trip, disposable logger for an unbroken cold chain Internal, high accuracy temperature sensor Unique Boomerang feature that automatically creates and emails PDF data report when logger is connected to PC Direct USB interface for PC communication 16,000 sample memory accommodating long-distance transports Software-enabled activation button to start logging and mark time stamps Built-in bi-color LED for logging and immediate alarm indication Supported by the complimentary DataSuite software for data analysis and alarm notification Up to 6-month battery life depending on operating conditions Water and dust resistant IP67 Ef fective col d chai n pr ocesses r e q u i r e c o n t r o l o v e r t h e q u a l i t y o f p e r i s h a b l e g o o d s a n d c o m p l i a n cy with the highes t indus t r y s t andar ds . Th e c o m p a c t a n d e a s y - t o - u s e d i s p o s a b l e P i c o L i t e U S B d a t a l og g e r p rovide s a s im ple s olut ion f or t em per at u r e m o n i t o r i n g , t h r o u g h o u t m a s s t r a n s p o r t a t i o n c o l d c h a i n pr o ce sse s. Fea turin g a built - in t em per at ur e s ens or, a c t i v a t i o n b u t t o n , b i - c o l o r L E D a n d d i r e c t U S B c o n n e c t i v i ty, th e PicoL ite o ff er s a plug and r ec or d s olut i o n f o r e v e r y a p p l i c a t i o n . T h e P i c o L i t e i s c o n f i g u r e d b y u s i n g th e in tuitive D at aSuit e s of t war e, off er ing c o m p r e h e n s i v e d a t a a n a l y s i s f e a t u r e s a n d a l a r m n o t i f i c a t i o n s. By red ucing ov er head r elat ed t o m or e c o m p l e x m u l t i - t r i p l o g g e r s , t h e P i c o L i t e m e e t s t h e c h a l l e n g e o f comb inin g low c os t wit h r eliabilit y f or o n e - t r i p , v a l u e - f o r - m o n e y d a t a l o g g i n g . CATALOG No. DESCRIPTION ACCDPICOLITE PicoLite Cold Chain Data-Logger DataSuite is a modular software platform, simultaneously supporting multiple fourtec monitoring solutions: SPECIFICATIONS : Temperature Range -40 C to 40 C Accuracy 0.5 C Bi-color LED for sampling LED Indicator and alarm indication PC Communication USB 2.0 compliant Sample Memory 16,000 samples Sampling Rate Once minute to once every 18 hours Battery Life / Type DataSuite Software for PicoLite Up to 6 months depending on operating conditions / CR2032 Software GUI based on proven fourtec platforms Multiple data view features Alarm features with 2 alarm levels, sending email and SMS notifications Reporting module for creating and generating reports with selected distribution Analysis features including histogram and statistics with export to Excel and CSV formats Dimensions 74 mm x 30 mm x 13 mm Weight 15 g Compliance CE, EN12830, IP67 15 Supported Operating Systems: Windows XP SP3 / Vista / 7 (32 and 64 Bit) Minimum Hardware Requirements: Pentium 4.2 GHz Processor or better, 512 MB RAM, 250 MB available disk space For Complete Specifications - Accessories - Downloads Please Visit w w w.Ther m coPr oducts.com

Fridge - ta g 2 v Va ccin e Data - Lo gger BERFRIDGETAG2V with external vaccine probe Bio-Safe EXCEEDS CDC/VFC Glycol / Water Bottle Medium Vaccine Monitoring Guidelines Exact measurement of temperature and time FEATURES: The Fridge-tag 2v is a high-precision, electronic temperature monitor. NIST Traceable with Certificate It is 100% calibrated and has a measurement precision of /- 0.5 C. D ATA L O G G E R S Fridge-tag 2v Vaccine Data-Logger Technician Daily Verification Log Temperature measurement occurs every minute throughout the entire monitoring time. This guarantees faultless and extremely accurate Removable Probe measurement results. Even if an alarm limit has been exceeded and True Seal Flat Ribbon Probe Cable the Fridge-tag 2v alarm is displayed, it accumulates each additional Bio-Safe Glycol / Water Probe Medium temperature threshold violation. The precision time measurement is Current Temperature Display generated by a built-in quartz. NIST/ILAC traceable. No Software Needed for Computer Interface Data read-out without software via USB As soon as the Fridge-tag 2v is connected via USB to a PC or Mac, it 30 Day Status on Screen creates a PDF or an ASCII file. Thanks to the electronic signature the raw data can be verified to be in compliance with the FDA regulations 21 CFR Part 11. Any changes are immediately recognized and the document rejected. This means that each month you obtain a report and the Press for 30-Days of Min/Max History PDF report. 60 days of temperature & alarm data assurance that your temperature-sensitive goods are stored and recorded High/Low Alarm in accordance with regulations. 43,200 Temperature Observations Monthly CATALOG No. Meets 21 CFR Part 11 requirements DESCRIPTION BERFRIDGETAG2V Fridge - Vaccine Data Logger w/Vial & Probe, Alarm Setting 2.0 to 8.0C BERFREEZETAG2V Freezer - Vaccine Data Logger w/Vial & Probe, Alarm Setting -20.0 to 1.0C Accuracy 1 F (0.5 C) SPECIFICATIONS: External dimensions (L x W x H) Size of the LCD display Weight 128 x 75 x 14.5mm 95 x 27mm 96g Temperature measurement interval Accuracy of temperature measurement Storage condition (inactive) -30 C to 60 C / -22 F to 140 F Accuracy of time Operating temperature -30 C to 55 C / -22 F to 131 F Calibration (Display visible) -10 C to 55 C / 14 F to 131 F Date/Time programming Alarm temperature range Alarm limits Alarm time -30 C to 50 C, in 0.1 C increments / -22 F to 122 F 2 individually programmable alarm limits (1 upper and 1 lower alarm limit) 1 Minute to 23h 59min Protection class Operating lifetime Manipulation Every minute 0.5 C (-5 C to 30 C), 0.6 C (beyond this range) 1.0 F ( 23 F to 86 F), 1.1 F (beyond this range) 30 minutes / year Every device is calibrated / NIST/ILAC traceable Date and time will be set when device is activated (see operation manual) IP67 up to years - expiry date printed on label Fridge-tag 2 cannot be manipulated or reset without destroying it. C a l l : 973.300.9100 e -ma i l : In fo @Ther m coPr oducts.com 16

D ATA L O G G E R S Fre e ze - tag All SHIPPING distribution channels can be monitored with a cost effective “frost-sensitive” temperature indicator ! The Freeze-tag monitors reliably and precisely the ambient temperature of frost sensitive products such as: Vaccines Pharmaceuticals Paintings / Adhesives Chemicals Perishable Food etc. The Freeze-tag has the following advantages: Simple Handling Safe Easy and Immediate Read Out Long Shelf Life Precise Measuring Price / Performance Ratio With the Freeze-tag you receive an economical temperature monitoring device meeting the highest quality requirements. This is because of its measurement accuracy of /- 0.3 C and its shelf life of up to five years. During this period, you can use the Freeze-tag as often as required as long as the alarm condition has not been violated CATALOG No. BERFZTAG60 DESCRIPTION Freeze-tag Data Logger - 0 C / 32 F Indicator Other alarm conditions can be set as required. SPECIFICATIONS: Dimensions (l x w x h) Dimension of LCD display Weight Storage temperature Operating temperature Temperature measuring accuracy Time measuring accuracy at 0 C/32 F Shelf life Repeated use Manipulation Other requirements !! IMPORTANT !! 17 49 x 30 x 10.5mm 10 x 10mm 12g 4 C to 50 C ( 40 F to 122 F) -20 C to 50 C (-4 F to 122 F) typ . /- 0.3 C ( /- 0.6 F) yp. /- 5% up to 5 years - expiry date is printed on the front (e.g. 2014-05 May 2014) Freeze-tag can be used as often as required during the shelf life as long as the alarm condition has not been violated. Freeze-tag cannot be manipulated or reset without being destroyed (display irreversible) Different time or temperature conditions on demand Storage never below 4 C ( 40 F) ! Freeze-tag is always active For Complete Specifications - Accessories - Downloads Please Visit w w w.Ther m coPr oducts.com

Blank Blank Page Intentionally D ATA L O G G E R S This Left Blank C a l l : 973.300.9100 e -ma i l : In fo @Ther m coPr oducts.com 18

C RYO TEMP - 80 - Data Lo gge r CRYO TEMP -80 - Data Logger D ATA L O G G E R S FEATURES: Ultra Low Operating Temperature (-86 C) May Be Placed In Direct Contact With Dry Ice No External Probes Or Wiring Programmable Alarm & Warn Ranges w/ Alarm Delay Led Status Indicators For Instant Alarm Notification High Accuracy Magnetic Start Optional Password Protection Splash Resistant (Ip64) CE Compliant Optional USB Dock Ther mc o’s n e w U ltr a L ow Te m p e r at u r e Dat a L o g g e r , records temperatures as low as – 80C. T h e C ry o -Te m p – 8 0 c a n b e used i n a broad l i ne of appl i cati ons such as moni toring blood plas m a, v a c c i n e s , p h a rm a c e u ti c a l s, frozen foods and shi ppi ng contai ners. Thi s standalone dev ic e d o e s n o t re q u i re a n y a d d i ti o nal probes. The encl osure i s desi gned w i th a handl e f or easy at t ac hm e n t a n d i s IP6 4 s p l a s h re s i stant. It uti l i zes a U S B docki ng stati on (sol d separately) , t o c om m un i c a te w i th a p e rs o n a l c o mputer or l aptop. T he Cr yo -Te mp – 8 0 p ro v i d e s d a te and ti me stamped temperature readi ngs and uses the T her m c o D a ta L o g g i n g So ftw a re . The user can vi ew the data i n graphi cal or tabul ar form . High and low a l a rm l i mi ts a n d h i g h a n d l ow w arni ng l i mi ts can be programmed through the so f t war e. T he us er c a n s e t th e a l a rm l i m i ts i n the range requi red for the goods to be mai ntai ned. The war n lim it s c a n b e s e t to a l e rt th e u s e r w hen the temperature i s neari ng a hi gh or l ow al arm lim it , so t hat pr op e r a c ti o n c a n b e ta k e n to ensure the i ntegri ty of the goods. T he Cr yo -Te mp – 8 0 i s e q u i p p e d w i th three LE D ’s. The green LE D w i l l bl i nk every 15 seconds while t he re c o rd e r i s l o g g i n g d a ta . The yel l ow LE D w i l l bl i nk every 3 seconds w hen the t em per a tu re h a s b re a c h e d th e w a r ni ng l i mi ts. The red LE D w i l l bl i nk every 3 seconds when t he t em per a tu re a l a rm l i m i ts h a v e b e e n exceeded. The C ryo-Temp –80 i s the i deal temperat ur e m onit or i n g s o l u ti o n fo r a n y a p p l i c a ti on i nvol vi ng ul tra l ow temperature data l oggi ng. APPLICATIONS: 19 Dry Ice Shipments Ultra Low Temperature Storage/Laboratory Freezers Plasma And Red Cell Freezers Medical And Pharmaceutical Shipping Blood Banks / Frozen Tissue Storage Cold Chain Monitoring Monitoring Frozen Vaccines Low Temperature Research CATALOG No. DESCRIPTION ACCCRY086 Cryo-Temp –80 Data Logger MGNIST Certificate Traceable to NIST, 1 Temperature ACCTIFC300 Docking Station, USB Cable, Data Logger Software - XP SP3 / Vista/ Windows 7, and Manual For Complete Specifications - Accessories - Downloads Please Visit w w w.Ther m coPr oducts.com

C RYO TE M P - 8 0 - Data Lo gger SPECIFICATIONS: Temperature Sensor: NTC Thermistor Calibrated Accuracy: 1.0 C Reading Rate: 5 seconds to 30 minutes, selectable in software Start Modes: Software programmable immediate start, delay start up to 30 days in advance or manual start with magnetic switch Temperature Alarm: Alarm Delay: Software programmable high and low alarm limits, high and low warn limits each setpoint may be individually enabled or disabled Software programmable time delay for warn/alarm limits. Logger will not indicate out of range status until the temperature has been out of range for a for a set period of time. Green- Blinks to indicate safe conditions during logging Status Indicators: Yellow- Blinks to indicate warn limits have been exceeded Red- Blinks to indicate alarm criteria (limits/delay) have been exceeded Password Protection: An optional password may be programmed into the device to restrict access to configuration options. Data may be read out without the password. Calibration: Digital calibration through software Calibration Date: Automatically recorded within device Battery Type: 3.6V lithium battery (LTC-7PN), factory replaceable only Battery Life: 2 years typical @ 25 C, 1 min. reading intervals 1 year typical @ –80 C, 1 min. reading intervals Data Format: Date and time stamped ºC, ºF, K, ºR Time Accuracy: 2 minutes/month max. at 20 to 30 C 5 minutes/month max at –80 C D ATA L O G G E R S Temperature Range: -86 C to 35 C recommended, may be used up to 55 C Temperature Resolution: 0.1 C Computer Interface: USB docking station to PC (IFC300) 38,400 baud Software: XP SP3/Vista/Windows 7 Operating Environment: -86 C to 35 C (may be used up to 55 C); 0 to 100% RH Dimensions: 3.3” x 2.1” x 0.4” (83 mm x 54 mm x 11 mm) Ingress Protection/IP: IP65 (splash resistant, not submersible) Enclosure: ABS plastic, white, polycarbonate labeling Weight: 1.4 oz (40 g) Data Logger Software Reports temperature data in an easy to use graph. The Windows -based software package allows the user to effortlessly collect, display and analyze data. A variety of powerful tools allow you to examine, export, and print professional looking data with just a click of the mouse. S OF T WA R E F E AT U R ES M u ltip le Gra p h s : S i multaneously analyze data fr om sever al uni ts or depl oy m ents ; eas i l y s w i tc h to a s i ngl e data s er i es . S t atistics : C a l cul ate aver ages, m in, m ax, standar d deviation, and m ean k i neti c tem per atur e w i th the touc h of a button. R ea l-Time R ec o rd in g : Collect and display data in r eal- tim e whi l e c onti nui ng to l og. E x p o rt D a ta: E xpo rt data in a var iety of com m on for m ats, or s w i tc h to Ex c el w i th a s i ngl e c l i c k . D ata Ta b le: Insta n tl y access tabular view for detailed dates, ti m es , v al ues , and annotati ons . C alib ratio n : A uto mati c ally calculate and stor e calibr ation par am eter s . S c a lin g Op tio n s : A u toscale function fits data to the scr een, or al l ow s us er to m anual l y enter thei r ow n v al ues . L og g er C o n fig u ra tio n: Easy set up and launch of data loggers w i th i m m edi ate or del ay ed s tar t, pr efer r ed s am pl e r ate, and dev i c e ID F ormattin g Op tio n s : Change color s, line styles, plotting options , s how or hi de c hannel s qui c k l y P rin tin g : A u to mati cal l y pr int gr aphical or tabular data C a l l : 973.300.9100 e -ma i l : In fo @Ther m coPr oducts.com 20

H iTemp 135 D ATA L O G G E R S T h e HiTe mp 1 3 5 i s a rugged, hi gh preci si on, temperatur e dat a l o g ger that i s bui l t for use i n harsh envi ronments. 21 T h i s stai nl ess steel devi ce i s submersi bl e, can w i thstand te m peratures up to 140 C (284 F) and has an accuracy o f / 0 .1 C (0.18 F) over the enti re operati ng range. T h e H i Temp135 can store up to 32,700 readi ngs, and feat ur es a 2 ” ri gi d external probe capabl e of measuri ng extended te m peratures, up to 260 C (500 F). Al s o the devi ce records date and ti me stamped readi ngs , and has n o n -vol ati l e sol i d state memory that w i l l retai n data even if t he b a tt ery becomes di scharged. U s i ng the Thermco S oftw are, starti ng, stoppi ng and dow nloading th e H i Temp135 i s si mpl e and easy. Graphi cal , tabul ar an d s u mmary data i s provi ded for anal ysi s and data can be v iewed in C , F, K or R . The data can al so be automati cal l y expor t ed t o Ex c el for further cal cul ati ons. FEATURES: BENEFITS: 0.1 C (0.18 F) Accuracy Simple Setup and Installation Operates Up To 140 C (284 F) Minimal Long-Term Maintenance Submersible (IP68) Long-Term Field Deployment NIST Traceable User Replaceable Battery APPLICATIONS: Rugged Autoclave Verification Programmable start time Implement HACCP Programs Programmable stop time Food Preparation and Processing Engraved Label Environmental Studies Probe Lengths Up To 7” Well Monitoring Battery Life Indicator Dishwasher Testing Pasteurization For Complete Specifications - Accessories - Downloads Please Visit w w w.Ther m coPr oducts.com

H iTe m p 1 3 5 C A T A L O G N o. DESCR IPTIO N A C C H IT EM P1 3 5 Hig h Te m p e r a tu r e Data Logger w i th a 2” probe Hig h Te m p e r a tu r e Data Logger w i th 24” Fl ex probe A C C ES S O R I ES : ACCT IF C4 0 0 A C C H I TEM PBAT- 2 M GNIST Do ckin g sta tio n with U SB cabl e, softw are and manual Re p la ce m e n t b a tte r y for the AC C H ITemp135 NIST Ca lib r a tio n Ce rti fi cate S P EC I F I C A T I O NS: Te m p e r a t u re Se n s o r : Pr o b e M e a s u r e m e n t Ra n g e : Te m p e r a t u r e Re s o lu t io n : C a l i b r a t e d Ac c u ra c y : S t a rt M o d e s : Stop Modes : R e a l Ti m e Re c o rd in g : P a s s w o r d Pro t e c t io n : M e mo ry : 1 0 0 Ω Pla tin u m RT D - 2 0 0 ºC to 2 6 0 ºC ( - 328ºF to 500ºF) 0 .0 1 ºC ( 0 .0 2 ºF ) 0 .1 ºC/ 0 .1 8 ºF ( - 2 0ºC to 140ºC /-4ºF to 284ºF) So ftwa r e p r o g r a m m abl e i mmedi ate start De la y sta r t u p to e ighteen months i n advance M a n u a l th r o u g h so ftware Tim e d ( sp e cific d a te and ti me) M a y b e u se d with PC to moni tor and record data i n real ti me An o p tio n a l p a ss

temperature sensors. The LogTag Temperature Data Logger measures and stores up to 7770 temperature readings over -40 C to 99 C (-40 F to 210 F) measurement range from a remote temperature probe. Statistical temperature and duration readings for up to 30 days can be reviewed on the display. The visual display of current temperature

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5. Disconnect the data logger from the interface cable and place it in the environment to measure. 6. To download data, connect the logger to the interface cable. Highlight the data logger in the Connected Devices list. Click "Stop" on the menu bar. Once the data logger is stopped, with the logger highlighted, click "Download". You will .

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