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2018Laporan TahunanAnnual ReportGrowings Innovative Financing Solutions

Filosofi Cover dan Sub CoverLaporan Tahunan PT Clipan Finance Indonesia TbkIndonesia memiliki beragam alat musik perkusi yang berasal dari berbagai daerah di penjuru negeri ini. Meski sederhana,alat musik ini mampu menghasilkan bunyi-bunyian yang khas dan unik. Tak hanya harmonis mengiringi tari-tari dannyanyian, bunyi yang dihasilkan alat musik perkusi mampu menyuntikkan getaran energi dan semangat bagi siapa saja yangmendengarkannya.Semangat yang digetarkan dari resonansi bunyi-bunyian alat musik perkusi itulah yang menjadi inspirasiPT Clipan Finance Indonesia Tbk dalam kiprah pelayanannya selama ini. Sebagai Perseroan dengan beragam layananpembiayaan, PT Clipan Finance Indonesia Tbk senantiasa berupaya mendorong dan menyemangati para nasabahnya untukbergerak dinamis dan meraih peluang untuk tumbuh dan berkembang dengan beragam layanan pembiayaan dan solusikeuangan terbaik.Philosophy Cover and Sub CoverPT Clipan Finance Indonesia Tbk Annual ReportIndonesia has a variety of percussion instruments from various regions throughout the country. Though in its simplicity,this instrument is capable of producing distinctive and unique sounds. Not only harmoniously accompanying dances andsinging, the sound produced by percussion instruments is able to inject vibrations of energy and enthusiasm for anyone wholistens to it.The enthusiasm that was thrilled by the resonance of the sounds of traditional percussion instruments was the inspiration forPT Clipan Finance Indonesia Tbk in its service. As a Company with a variety of financing services, PT Clipan Finance Indonesia Tbkalways strives to encourage and encourage its customers to move dynamically and seize opportunities to grow and develop with avariety of financing services and the best financial solutions.Sanggahan dan Batasan Tanggung JawabLaporan Tahunan ini memuat pernyataan kondisi keuangan, hasil operasi, kebijakan, proyeksi, rencana, strategi, serta tujuan Perseroan yang digolongkan sebagai pernyataan kedepan dalam pelaksanaan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, kecuali hal-hal yang bersifat historis. Pernyataan-pernyataan tersebut memiliki prospek, risiko, ketidakpastian, sertadapat mengakibatkan perkembangan aktual yang secara material berbeda dari yang dilaporkan. Pernyataan-pernyataan prospektif dalam Laporan Tahunan ini dibuat berdasarkanberbagai proyeksi bisnis dan ekonomi mengenai kondisi terkini dan mendatang serta lingkungan bisnis di mana Perseroan menjalankan kegiatan usaha. Perseroan tidak menjaminbahwa dokumen-dokumen yang telah dipastikan keabsahannya akan membawa hasil-hasil tertentu sesuai harapan. Laporan Tahunan ini memuat kata “Perseroan” , “Perusahaan”,atau Clipan Finance yang didefinisikan sebagai PT Clipan Finance Indonesia Tbk yang merupakan perusahaan pembiayaan yang beroperasi di Indonesia. Adakalanya kata “kami”digunakan atas dasar kemudahan untuk menyebut PT Clipan Finance Indonesia Tbk secara umum. Selain itu, kata PT Bank Pan Indonesia Tbk dan PaninBank dalam Laporan Tahunanini sama-sama merujuk pada identitas induk perusahaan, yaitu PT Bank Pan Indonesia Tbk.DisclaimerThis annual report contains financial conditions, operation results, policies, projections, plans, strategies, as well as the Company’s objectives, which are classified as forwardlookingStatements in the implementation of the applicable laws, excluding historical matters. Such forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks (prospective), uncertainties, andother factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from expected results. Prospective statements in this annual report are prepared based on numerous assumptions of bussines andeconomy forecast concerning current conditions and future events of the Company, and the business environment where the Company conducts business. The Company shall have no obligation toguarantee that all the valid documents presented will bring specific results as expected. This Annual Report contains the words “Company” or Clipan Finance which are defined as PT Clipan FinanceIndonesia Tbk, which is a finance company operating in Indonesia. Sometimes the word “we” is used on the basis of convenience to refer to PT Clipan Finance Indonesia Tbk in general. In addition,words PT Bank Pan Indonesia Tbk and PaninBank in this Annual Report both refer to the identity of the parent company, namely PT Bank Pan Indonesia Tbk.

Daftar IsiTa b l e o f Co n te n t sBab IKilas Kinerja 2018Flashback Performance of 201806. Ikhtisar Keuangan 2016-2018The Financial Highlights 2016-201808. Ikhtisar SahamThe Holdings HighBab IIPeristiwa PentingSignificant EventsBab III Laporan ManajemenManagement Report16. Laporan Dewan KomisarisThe Report of the Board of Commissioners21. Laporan DireksiThe Report of the Board of Directors28. Surat Pernyataan Anggota DewanKomisaris dan Direksi tentang TanggungJawab atas Laporan Tahunan 2018PT Clipan Finance Indonesia TbkStatement of The Members of Board of Commissionersand Board of Directors on the Responsibility for The 2018Annual Report of PT Clipan Finance Indonesia TbkBab IV Profil PerusahaanCompany Profile30. Informasi PerusahaanThe Company Information31. Riwayat Singkat PerusahaanBrief History of The Company32. Bidang UsahaThe Business Line35. Struktur Organisasi PerusahaanCompany’s Organization Structure36. Visi, Misi, dan Nilai PerusahaanVision, Mission, and Corporate Values37. Profil Dewan KomisarisThe Board of Commissioners Profile40. Profil DireksiThe Board of Directors Profile43. Pejabat EksekutifThe Executive Officer46. Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources56. Komposisi Pemegang SahamThe Shareholder’s Structure56. Infomasi mengenai Pemegang Saham Utamadan Pengendali, baik Langsung maupun TidakLangsungInformation Regarding Major Shareholders andControlling Shareholders, both Direct and Indirect59. Entitas Anak dan Entitas AsosiasiSubsidiaries and Associates60. Struktur Grup PerusahaanThe Company Group Structure61. Kronologis Pencatatan SahamThe Share Listing Chronology63. Kronologis Pencatatan Efek LainnyaChronology of Other Security Listing64. Kronologi Medium Term Notes (MTN)The Medium Term Notes Chronology (MTN)65. Nama dan Alamat Lembaga PenunjangPasar ModalThe Capital Market Institutions and Supporting Professions66. Penghargaan 2018Awards 201866. Informasi pada Website PerusahaanInformation on the Company WebsiteBab VAnalisis dan Pembahasan Manajementerhadap Kinerja PerseroanAnalysis and Discussion of Management onthe Company’s Performance68. Tinjauan Ekonomi MakroMakro Economy Overview69. Tinjauan Operasi Per Segmen UsahaThe Operations Business Segment Review74. Uraian Kinerja Keuangan PerusahaanDescription of the Company’s FinancialPerformance82. Bahasan dan Analisis tentang KemampuanMembayar Utang dan Tingkat KolektibilitasPerusahaanThe Discussion and Analysis on the Ability to Paythe Debt & Level of Collectibility83. Bahasan tentang Struktur Modal danKebijakan Manajemen atas Struktur ModalDiscussion of Capital Structure and ManagementPolicy on Capital Structure84. Bahasan Mengenai Ikatan yang Materialuntuk Investasi Barang Modal pada TahunBuku TerakhirDiscussion of Material Commitment for Investmentin Capital Goods in Last Fiscal Year84. Investasi Barang ModalThe Capital Goods Investment85. Perbandingan Target dengan RealisasiComparison of Targets with Realization87. Informasi dan Fakta Material yang TerjadiSetelah Tanggal Laporan AkuntanInformations and Material Facts which OccuredAfter the Date of Accountant Report88. Prospek Usaha PerusahaanCompany Business Prospect89. Uraian tentang Aspek PemasaranDescription of Marketing AspectA nnu a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 83

Daftar IsiTa b le of Con tent s92. Uraian Kebijakan DividenDescription of the Dividend Policy93. Program Kepemilikan Saham oleh Karyawandan/atau ManajemenThe Employee and/or Management ShareOwnership Program93. Realisasi Penggunaan Dana HasilPenawaran UmumRealization of the Uses of Funds from Public Offering93. Transaksi Material yang MengandungBenturan dan/atau Pihak AfiliasiMaterial Transactions Containing Conflicts of Interestand/or Transactions with Affiliated Parties96. Aset Moneter dalam Mata Uang AsingMonetary Assets in Foreign Currency96. Perubahan Peraturan Perundang-Undanganyang Berpengaruh terhadap PerusahaanChanges of Laws and Regulations that Affectthe Company97. Uraian mengenai Perubahan KebijakanAkuntansi yang Dilakukan Perusahaanpada Tahun Buku TerakhirDescription of Accounting Policy Change Executedby the Company in the Last Fiscal Year98. Informasi Kelangsungan UsahaThe Information of Business ContinuityBab VI Tata Kelola PerusahaanGood Corporate Governance102. Struktur GCGThe GCG Structure102. Hasil Self Assessment GCGThe Result of GCG Self-Assessment108. Rapat Umum Pemegang SahamGeneral Meeting of Shareholders119. Uraian Dewan KomisarisThe Description of the Board of Commissioners125. Informasi Mengenai Komisaris IndependenThe Description of Independent Commissioners126. Uraian DireksiThe Description of the Board of Directors135. Penilaian terhadap Dewan Komisarisdan DireksiThe Assessment of Board of Commissionersand Directors138. Kebijakan Remunerasi bagi Dewan Komisarisdan DireksiRemuneration Policy For Board of Commissionersand Board of Directors139. Frekuensi Rapat Dewan Komisaris dan DireksiThe Frequency of Meetings of the Board ofCommissioners and Board of Directors4Lap o r an Tah u n an 2 0 1 8143. Pengungkapan Hubungan AfiliasiThe Affiliate Relationship Disclosure144. Komite-Komite di Bawah Dewan KomisarisThe Committees Under the Board of Commissioners144. Komite AuditThe Audit Committee.147. Komite Nominasi dan RemunerasiThe Committee of Nomination and Remuneration153. Komite Pemantau RisikoRisk Monitoring Committee155. Uraian dan Fungsi Sekretaris PerusahaanThe Description and Function of Corporate Secretary158. Uraian Mengenai Unit Audit InternalThe Description of Internal Audit Unit164. Akuntan PublikPublic Accountants165. Uraian Manajemen RisikoThe Description on Risk Management173. Uraian KepatuhanDescription of Compliance177. Uraian Sistem Pengendalian InternalThe Description of Internal Control System180. Perkara Penting yang DihadapiPerusahaan, Entitas Anak, sertaDewan Komisaris dan DireksiImportant Cases faced by the Company, Subsidiaries,and the Board of Commissioners and Directors186. Akses Informasi dan Data PerusahaanThe Access of Information and Company Data187. Bahasan Mengenai Kode EtikDiscussion of Code of Conduct191. Sistem Penanganan PengaduanThe Whistleblowing System192. Kebijakan Mengenai Keberagaman KomposisiDewan Komisaris dan DireksiPolicy Regarding Diversity in the Composition ofthe Board of Commissioners and DirectorsBab VII Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social ResponsibilityBab VIII Teknologi InformasiInformation TechnologyBab IX Jaringan KantorOffice NetworkLaporan KeuanganFinancial StatementsReferensi Kriteria Penilaian Annual Report AwardReference Of Annual Report Award Criteria

Kilas Kinerja 2018Flashback Performance of 2018

Kilas Kinerja 2018Peristiwa PentingLaporan ManajemenProfil PerusahaanIkhtisar Keuangan 2016-2018The Financial Highlights 2016 - 2018(dalam miliar Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain)Uraian / Description(in billion Rupiah, unless stated otherwise)201620172018Laporan Laba Rugi dan Penghasilan Komprehensif / Statements of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive IncomePendapatan / Income1.034,811.399,101.933,91Beban / Expenses758,901.065,141.521,61Laba Sebelum Pajak / Income before Tax275,91333,96412,31Beban Pajak (Bersih) / Tax Expenses (Net)(70,55)(97,68)(107,17)Laba Bersih Tahun Berjalan / Net Profit for the Year205,36236,28305,14Penghasilan Komprehensif Lain / Other Comprehensive Income(5,36)(5,68)12,46Laba Komprehensif Tahun Berjalan / Comprehensive Income for the Year200,00230,60317,60Dasar / Basic51,5459,3076,58Dilusian / Diluted51,5459,3076,58Kas dan Setara Kas / Cash and Cash Equivalents30,3228,5553,01Investasi Jangka Pendek / Short-term Investments81,6310,8710,39Piutang Sewa Pembiayaan (Bersih) / Finance Lease Receivables (Net)1.425,502.713,271.396,07Piutang Pembiayaan Konsumen (Bersih) / Finance Consumer Receivables (Net)3.683,795.716,058.163,52Tagihan Anak Piutang (Bersih) / Factoring Receivables (Net)1.287,361.139,56736,04Piutang Lain-lain / Other Receivables35,7450,72464Biaya Dibayar di Muka / Prepaid Expenses12,9316,1314,60Aset Pajak Tangguhan / Deferred Tax Assets0,084,7519,62Properti Investasi / Investment Properties10,4410,4412,45Aset Sewa Operasi / Leased 7,116.744,199.890,8511.077,05Laba per Saham / Earnings per Share (in rupiah)Aset / AssetAset Tetap / Premises and EquipmentAset Lain-lain / Other AssetsJumlah Aset / Total Assets6Lap o r an Tah u n an 2 0 1 8

Flashback Performance Of 2018Significant EventManagement ReportCompany ProfilePiutang Pembiayaan Berdasarkan Sumber Pendanaan / Receivable Financing Based on Funding 6238,25239,5920,2239,9454,52Pendapatan Ditangguhkan (Bersih) / Deferred Income (Net)1,993,753,01Utang Pajak / Taxes 745,822.945,265.861,326.729,92Modal Saham / Capital Stock996,13996,13996,13Tambahan Modal Disetor / Additional Paid-in 552.403,372.642,432.950,60Jumlah Ekuitas / Total Equity3.798,934.029,534.347,13Total Liabilitas dan Ekuitas / Total Liabilities and Equity6.744,199.890,8511.077,05Laba Bersih terhadap Rata-rata EkuitasNet Income Against Equity Averages5,6%5,86%7,28%Laba Sebelum Pajak terhadap Rata-rata AsetProfit Before Tax Against Average Assets4,1%4,05%3,81%Laba Bersih terhadap Pendapatan / Net Income against Revenues20%16,89%15,78%Beban Operasional terhadap Pendapatan OperasionalOperational Expenses against Operational Revenues73%75,74%76,10%Rasio Lancar / Current Ratio236,8%115,40%213,41%Liabilitas terhadap EkuitasLiabilities against Equity0,8x1,45x1,55xLiabilitas terhadap Total AsetLiabilities against Total Assets0,4x0,59x0,61xRasio Gearing / Gearing inancingLiabilitas / LiabilitiesUtang Bank / Bank LoansUtang Premi Asuransi / Insurance Premium PayablesUtang Lain-lain kepada Pihak Ketiga / Other Payables to Third PartiesBiaya Masih Harus Dibayar / Accrued ExpensesSurat Berharga Utang yang Diterbitkan (Bersih) / Debt Securities Issued (Net)Liabilitas Imbalan pasca-Kerja / Post-employee Benefits ObligationJumlah Liabilitas / Total LiabilitiesEkuitas / EquityPenghasilan Komprehensif Lain / Other Comprehensive IncomeSaldo Laba / Retained EarningsDitentukan Penggunaannya / AppropriatedTidak Ditentukan Penggunaannya / UnappropriatedRasio-rasio / RatiosNon Performing Financing (NPF)A nnu a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 87

Kilas Kinerja 2018Peristiwa PentingLaporan ManajemenProfil PerusahaanIkhtisar SahamThe Holdings estTertinggiHighestPenutupanClosingRpRpRpRpVolume TransaksiTransaction VolumeJumlah Saham BeredarOutstanding SharesKapitalisasi PasarMarket CapitalizationRp2018Tw 1Tw 2Tw 3Tw w 1Tw 2Tw 3Tw w 1Tw 2Tw 3Tw w 1Tw 2Tw 3Tw w 1Tw 2Tw 3Tw 7201620152014Grafik Pergerakan Saham /Historical Stock ep2018Volume8Lap o r an Tah u n an 2 0 1 8ClosingLowestHighestOctNovDec0

Flashback Performance Of 2018Significant EventManagement ReportCompany ProfileGrafik Ikhtisar KeuanganThe Financial Highlights GraphicASET (dalam miliar Rupiah)LIABILITAS (dalam miliar Rupiah)ASSETS (in billion Rupiah)Liabilities (in billion .0002.945,2600201620172018201620172018EKUITAS (dalam miliar Rupiah)PENDAPATAN (dalam miliar Rupiah)EQUITY (in billion Rupiah)REVENUE (in billion 018201620172018A nnu a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 89

Kilas Kinerja 2018Peristiwa PentingLaporan ManajemenProfil PerusahaanBEBAN (dalam miliar Rupiah)LABA BERSIH (dalam miliar Rupiah)EXPENSES (in billion Rupiah)NET PROFIT (in billion 01720162018JUMLAH PEMBIAYAAN BARU (dalam miliar Rupiah)20172018NON PERFORMING FINANCING/NPF (dalam %)TOTAL NEW FINANCING (in billion Rupiah)(in tang Pembiayaan Berdasarkan Sumber Pendanaan (dalam miliar Rupiah)Receivable Financing Based on Funding Sources (in billion 72000101.300Self-Financing6.00022,00Lap o r an Tah u n an 2 0 1 82.044,001.000020184.777,00 4.312,000201620172018201620172018

Peristiwa PentingSignificant Events

Kilas Kinerja 2017Peristiwa PentingLaporan ManajemenProfil PerusahaanPeristiwa PentingSignificant Events015 – 6 Februari 2018Perseroan mengadakan Kick Off Meeting.February 5 - 6, 2018The Company conducted Kick Off Meeting.0213 Februari 2018Perseroan bekerja sama dengan OCBC NISP mengadakan Bilateral LoanSigning Ceremony dengan total dana kerja sama senilai Rp500 milliar.February 13, 2018The Company cooperated with Bank OCBC NISP conducted Bilateral LoanSigning Ceremony amounted to Rp500 billion.0321 Maret 2018Perseroan menerbitkan Medium Term Notes III PT Clipan FinanceIndonesia dengan total nilai mencapai Rp1 triliun.March 21, 2018The Company published Medium Term Notes III PT Clipan Finance Indonesiaamounted to Rp1 trillion.0428 Maret 2018Perseroan menerbitkan Medium Term Notes IV PT Clipan FinanceIndonesia dengan total nilai mencapai Rp1 triliun.March 28, 2018The Company published Medium Term Notes IV PT Clipan Finance Indonesiaamounted to Rp1 trillion054 Mei 2018Perseroan mengadakan Sosialisasi Visi-Misi dan Nilai-Nilai Perseroan.May 4, 2018The Company conducted the Socialization of Vision-Mission and CompanyValues.12Lap o r an Tah u n an 2 0 1 8

Flashback Performance Of 2017Significant EventManagement ReportCompany Profile067 Mei 2018Perseroan bekerja sama dengan Oke Bank mengadakan Bilateral LoanSigning Ceremony dengan total dana kerja sama senilai Rp500 miliar.May 7, 2018The Company cooperated with Bank Oke Indonesia conducting BilateralLoan Signing Ceremony amounted to Rp500 billion.0721 Mei 2018Perseroan bekerja sama dengan Bank DKI mengadakan Bilateral LoanSigning Ceremony dengan total dana kerja sama senilai Rp500 miliar.May 21, 2018The Company cooperated with Bank DKI conducting Bilateral Loan SigningCeremony amounte

Referensi Kriteria Penilaian Annual Report Award Reference Of Annual Report Award Criteria Daftar Isi Table of Contents 4 Laporan Tahunan 2018. Flashback Performance of 2018 Kilas Kinerja 2018. Kilas inera 2018

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