Career Clusters . Career Clusters are broad occupational groupings based on a set of common knowledge and skills required for a specific career. Career Clusters provide opportunities for all students regardless of their career goals and interests. Career Pathways . Career Pathways are a sub-grouping of occupations and career specialties used .
Career clusters are one way to group career paths. Careers with common features are in the same cluster. The 16 Career Clusters outlined in this Resource Guide can be used during career exploration as a way to find your best career match. Review the circular graphic on page 14 to see how the career fields, career clusters & pathways fit together.
The SSP is fully integrated with the Career Cruising career guidance system. Career Cruising is an internet-based career exploration and planning tool that students use to explore career and school options and develop a career plan. Career Cruising can be accessed from school, home, the library, or wherever your child has access to the internet.
Planning our areer Workbook 3 Planning Your Career Career Life rk Career – Life – Work 3 Eight Steps to Planning Your Career Read these eight steps. For each step there is an activity to help you plan for your career. Fill in each handout for each step and by the end you will have a plan in place to help you reach your goal.
Advance CTE Common Career Technical Core - Career Ready Practices . The Common Career Technical Core (CCTC) is a state-led initiative to establish a set of rigorous, high-quality standards for Career Technical Education (CTE). The CCTC includes a set of standards for each Career Cluster and corresponding Career Pathways that define what
CAREER PLANNING FOR SUCCESS Conference Center, Room 104 . What We Do Major and Career Exploration Center - "Offering Help with Major Decisions" through Career Testing, Career Exploration and Career Decision Making Class.
Meet the Career Clusters . worksheet 3. Print the . Career Clusters and a Carton of Ice Creamworksheet. Warm up: 4. Tell the students that in today's lesson, you will be learning about the Career Clusters. 5. Read aloud the definition of Career Clusters: o. Career Clusters. are groups of careers that share similar skills and interests .
Guide to Maryland's 10 Career Clusters 5 Career Cluster 1: Arts, Media, and Communication 6 Career Cluster 2: Business Management and Finance 10 Career Cluster 3: Construction and Development 14 Career Cluster 4: Consumer Services, Hospitality, and Tourism 17 Career Cluster 5: Environmental, Agricultural, and Natural Resources Systems 22 .
Career clusters are one way to group career paths. Careers with common features are in the same cluster. The 16 Career Clusters can be used during career exploration as a way to find your best career match. Look at the circular graphic on page 14 to see how all the career fields,career clusters and pathways fit together.
sibility of career options shape subsequent career choices. Less is known, however, about whether and how career choices may, in turn, shape self-perceptions related to one’s ability and interests during the critical years for career identity formation and prepa-ration. Reciprocal Links Between Expectancy–Value and Career Beliefs
career workshops, resume and interview preparation, and career counseling — to meet Warriors’ employment needs and prepare them to move forward with purpose. Let us help you on your way to career success. What does Career Services offer? Career Services offers a variety of resou
resources such as resumes, cover letters, saved career and school searches, and career quiz results. Additional Career Bridge enhancements including enhanced search technology. Switching Career Bridge to a continuous improvement model. Improving Career Bridge in an ongoing incremental