1 National Life Drive, Davis 5, Montpelier, VT 05620-2501(p) 802-828-1130 (f) 802-828-6430 education.vermont.govVermont Career Technical Education (CTE) ProgramCritical ProficienciesLaw Enforcement, Public Safety, Emergency and Fire Services CTE ProgramsThe Critical Proficiencies identify the essential knowledge, skills, and abilities that VT CTEstudents need to demonstrate (1) to be program completers, and (2) to be prepared for futurelearning. Critical proficiencies promote high expectations for all students, and support students'personal, professional, and academic development. At the high school level, VT’s ProficiencyBased Graduation Requirements (PBGRs) reflect the critical proficiencies that lead topostsecondary career and college readiness.For each of the unique program areas which categorize VT’s CTE programs, the proficiencytemplate includes: Program-Area Descriptions Career Ready Practices Career Cluster(s) and Pathway(s) Anchor Standards Program Technical Standards Academic Alignment CTE Program ElementsAdvance CTE Common Career Technical Core - Career Ready PracticesThe Common Career Technical Core (CCTC) is a state-led initiative to establish a set ofrigorous, high-quality standards for Career Technical Education (CTE). The CCTC includes a setof standards for each Career Cluster and corresponding Career Pathways that define whatstudents should know and be able to do after completing instruction in a program of study. TheCCTC also includes an overarching set of Career Ready Practices that apply to all programs ofstudy. The Career Ready Practices include statements that address the knowledge, skills, anddispositions that are important to becoming career ready.The Career Ready Practices were developed from a state-led initiative sponsored by theNational Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium(NASDCTEC).Career Ready Practices describe the career-ready skills that educators should seek to developin their students. These practices are not exclusive to a Career Pathway, program of study,discipline, or level of education. Career Ready Practices should be taught and reinforced inall career exploration and preparation programs with increasingly higher levels ofcomplexity and expectation as a student advances through a program of study.(NASDCTEC, 2012)
The Career Ready Practices are applicable across all program areas. align with the VT Transferable Skills Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirements(PBGRs) and VT Portrait of a Graduate. are the transferable skills of the Common Career Technical Core and the portrait of a VTCTE program completer.Advance CTE Common Career Technical Core - Career Cluster and Pathway StandardsThe Common Career Technical Core is divided into Career Cluster and Pathway standards.Each Career Cluster contains one or more pathways with pathway-specific technical standards.The template shows which CCTC Career Cluster and Pathway standards are relevant to VT CTEprograms.Anchor StandardsThe Anchor Standards build upon the Career Ready Practices and show the overarchingstandards categories which are common across all technical programs within their CareerCluster(s) and Pathway(s). The VT CTE Anchor Standards are derived from and align with theCCTC Anchor Standards.Program Technical StandardsThe Program Technical Standards build on and continue the Anchor Standards with morecomplexity, rigor, and career specificity. Knowledge and skills are learned and applied within astandards-based CTE program that integrates classroom, laboratory, and work-basedinstruction. The VT CTE Program Technical Standards are tailored to the unique characteristicsand structure of each of the program areas.Academic AlignmentEach program-area template includes academic alignment with the VT Content-Area SampleGraduation Proficiencies as part of VT’s Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirements (PBGRs).These include Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics, NextGeneration Science Standards, as well as other adopted national and state academic standards.VT CTE Law Enforcement, Public Safety,Emergency/Fire ServicesProficiency Summary(Revised: July 2022)Page 2 of 21
CTE Critical Proficiency TemplateCritical ProficiencyTemplate:Attributes:Program-Area DescriptionsFor VT CTE Program AreasCommon Career TechnicalCore - Career ReadyPractices1. Act as a responsible and contributing citizen andemployee.2. Apply appropriate academic and technical skills.3. Attend to personal health and financial well-being.4. Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason.5. Consider the environmental, social, and economic impactsof decisions.6. Demonstrate creativity and innovation.7. Employ valid and reliable research strategies.8. Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems andpersevere in solving them.9. Model integrity, ethical leadership, and effectivemanagement.10. Plan education and career paths aligned to personal goals.11. Use technology to enhance productivity.12. Work productively in teams while using cultural globalcompetence.Common Career TechnicalCore - Career Cluster(s) andPathway(s)Relevant to VT CTE Program AreasAnchor Standards1. Academics2. Communication3. Problem Solving and Critical Thinking4. Technology5. Systems (Responsibility and Flexibility)6. Health and Safety7. Leadership and Teamwork8. Ethics and Legal Responsibilities9. Career Planning and Management10. Technical Knowledge and Skills (see Program TechnicalStandards)11. Demonstration and Application (see CTE ProgramElements)VT CTE Law Enforcement, Public Safety,Emergency/Fire ServicesProficiency Summary(Revised: July 2022)Page 3 of 21
Critical ProficiencyTemplate:Attributes:Program TechnicalStandardsBuild on the Anchor Standards with more complexity, rigor,and career specificityAcademic AlignmentWith VT Content-Area Graduation ProficienciesCTE Program ElementsDemonstration and application: Dual Enrollment/Fast Forward Courses Industry Recognized Credentials (IRCs) Work-Based Learning/Co-op/Apprenticeship National Career Technical Student Organizations Entrepreneurship Portfolio/Personalized Learning PlanVT Law Enforcement, Public Safety, Emergency and Fire Services CTE ProgramsStudents in Law Enforcement and Public Safety programs have in-depth, hands-onexperiences in civil law, criminal law, legal and ethical issues; corrections, policing and thegovernment; the American Legal System; law enforcement techniques and processes; basicfunctions of law enforcement; written policies and court systems; interrogations, use of force,and emergency management.Students in Emergency Services programs have in-depth, hands-on experiences in emergencyresponse skills; telecommunication centers, dispatching, and use of 911 computer systems;participation in emergency scenarios and rescue; public service; basic life support and medicalcare skills.Students in Fire Services programs have in-depth, hands-on experiences in fire prevention andsafety; fire science techniques and processes; risk assessment and management; wildland firebehavior and suppression; fire investigations; CPR/First Aid; and engine companies.The standards in this program area are designed to prepare students for technical training,postsecondary education, and/or entry-level employment in law enforcement, public safety,emergency and fire services. Students engage in an instructional program that integratesacademic and technical preparation, career exploration, and preparation for postsecondaryeducation and/or training. Knowledge and skills are learned and applied within a standardsbased CTE program that integrates classroom, laboratory, and work-based instructionVT CTE Law Enforcement, Public Safety,Emergency/Fire ServicesProficiency Summary(Revised: July 2022)Page 4 of 21
Advance CTE Common Career Technical Core - Career Ready PracticesAdvance CTE CommonCareer Technical Core Career Ready Practices:Aligned with VT Transferable Skills Proficiency-BasedGraduation Requirements (PBGRs) and VT Portrait of aGraduate1. Act as a responsible andcontributing citizen andemployee.Career-ready individuals understand the obligations andresponsibilities of being a member of a community, and theydemonstrate this understanding every day through theirinteractions with others. They are conscientious of theimpacts of their decisions on others and the environmentaround them. They think about the near-term and long-termconsequences of their actions and seek to act in ways thatcontribute to the betterment of their teams, families,community, and workplace. They are reliable and consistentin going beyond the minimum expectation and inparticipating in activities that serve the greater good.2. Apply appropriateacademic and technicalskills.Career-ready individuals readily access and use theknowledge and skills acquired through experience andeducation to be more productive. They make connectionsbetween abstract concepts with real-world applications, andthey make correct insights about when it is appropriate toapply the use of an academic skill in a workplace situation.3. Attend to personal healthand financial well-being.Career-ready individuals understand the relationshipbetween personal health, workplace performance, andpersonal well-being; they act on that understanding toregularly practice healthy diet, exercise, and mental healthactivities. Career-ready individuals also take regular action tocontribute to their personal financial wellbeing,understanding that personal financial security provides thepeace of mind required to contribute more fully to their owncareer success.VT CTE Law Enforcement, Public Safety,Emergency/Fire ServicesProficiency Summary(Revised: July 2022)Page 5 of 21
Advance CTE CommonCareer Technical Core Career Ready Practices:Aligned with VT Transferable Skills Proficiency-BasedGraduation Requirements (PBGRs) and VT Portrait of aGraduate4. Communicate clearly andeffectively and with reason.Career-ready individuals communicate thoughts, ideas, andaction plans with clarity, whether using written, verbal,and/or visual methods. They communicate in the workplacewith clarity and purpose to make maximum use of their ownand others’ time. They are excellent writers; they masterconventions, word choice, and organization, and useeffective tone and presentation skills to articulate ideas. Theyare skilled at interacting with others; they are active listenersand speak clearly and with purpose. Career-readyindividuals think about the audience for theircommunication and prepare accordingly to ensure thedesired outcome.5. Consider theenvironmental, social, andeconomic impacts ofdecisions.Career-ready individuals understand the interrelated natureof their actions and regularly make decisions that positivelyimpact and/or mitigate negative impact on other people,organization, and the environment. They are aware of andutilize new technologies, understandings, procedures,materials, and regulations affecting the nature of their workas it relates to the impact on the social condition, theenvironment, and the profitability of the organization.6. Demonstrate creativityand innovation.Career-ready individuals regularly think of ideas that solveproblems in new and different ways, and they contributethose ideas in a useful and productive manner to improvetheir organization. They can consider unconventional ideasand suggestions as solutions to issues, tasks or problems, andthey discern which ideas and suggestions will add greatestvalue. They seek new methods, practices, and ideas from avariety of sources and seek to apply those ideas to their ownworkplace. They take action on their ideas and understandhow to bring innovation to an organization.7. Employ valid and reliableresearch strategies.Career-ready individuals are discerning in accepting andusing new information to make decisions, change practices,or inform strategies. They use reliable research processes tosearch for new information. They evaluate the validity ofsources when considering the use and adoption of externalinformation or practices in their workplace situation.VT CTE Law Enforcement, Public Safety,Emergency/Fire ServicesProficiency Summary(Revised: July 2022)Page 6 of 21
Advance CTE CommonCareer Technical Core Career Ready Practices:Aligned with VT Transferable Skills Proficiency-BasedGraduation Requirements (PBGRs) and VT Portrait of aGraduate8. Utilize critical thinking tomake sense of problems andpersevere in solving them.Career-ready individuals readily recognize problems in theworkplace, understand the nature of the problem, and deviseeffective plans to solve the problem. They are aware ofproblems when they occur and take action quickly to addressthe problem; they thoughtfully investigate the root cause ofthe problem prior to introducing solutions. They carefullyconsider the options to solve the problem. Once a solution isagreed upon, they follow through to ensure the problem issolved, whether through their own actions or the actions ofothers.9. Model integrity, ethicalleadership, and effectivemanagement.Career-ready individuals consistently act in ways that alignpersonal and community-held ideals and principles whileemploying strategies to positively influence others in theworkplace. They have a clear understanding of integrity andact on this understanding in every decision. They use avariety of means to positively impact the directions andactions of a team or organization, and they apply insightsinto human behavior to change others’ actions, attitudes,and/or beliefs. They recognize the near-term and long-termeffects that management’s actions and attitudes can have onproductivity, morals, and organizational culture.10. Plan education andcareer paths aligned topersonal goals.Career-ready individuals take personal ownership of theirown education and career goals, and they regularly act on aplan to attain these goals. They understand their own careerinterests, preferences, goals, and requirements. They haveperspective regarding the pathways available to them andthe time, effort, experience, and other requirements to pursueeach, including a path of entrepreneurship. They recognizethe value of each step in the education and experientialprocess, and they recognize that nearly all career pathsrequire ongoing education and experience. They seekcounselors, mentors, and other experts to assist in theplanning and execution of career and personal goals.VT CTE Law Enforcement, Public Safety,Emergency/Fire ServicesProficiency Summary(Revised: July 2022)Page 7 of 21
Advance CTE CommonCareer Technical Core Career Ready Practices:Aligned with VT Transferable Skills Proficiency-BasedGraduation Requirements (PBGRs) and VT Portrait of aGraduate11. Use technology toenhance productivity.Career-ready individuals find and maximize the productivevalue of existing and new technology to accomplishworkplace tasks and solve workplace problems. They areflexible and adaptive in acquiring new technology. They areproficient with ubiquitous technology applications. Theyunderstand the inherent risks - personal and organizational of technology applications, and they take actions to preventor mitigate these risks.12. Work productively inteams while using culturalglobal competence.Career-ready individuals positively contribute to every team,whether formal or informal. They apply an awareness ofcultural differences to avoid barriers to productive andpositive interaction. They find ways to increase theengagement and contribution of all team members. Theyplan and facilitate effective team meetings.Advance CTE Common Career Technical Core - Law, Public Safety, Corrections andSecurity Career Cluster and Pathway StandardsThe following Career Clusterand Pathway standards arerelevant to VT LawEnforcement, Public Safety,Emergency and Fire ServicesCTE programs:This Career Cluster is focused on planning, managing, andproviding legal, public safety and protective services andhomeland security, including professional and technicalsupport services.Law, Public Safety,Corrections and SecurityCareer Cluster1. Formulate ideas, proposals, and solutions to ensureeffective and efficient delivery of law, public safety,corrections, and/or security services.2. Assess and implement measures to maintain safe andhealthy working conditions in a law, public safety,corrections, and/or security environment.3. Conduct law, public safety, corrections, and securitywork tasks in accordance with employee and employerrights, obligations and responsibilities, includingoccupational safety and health requirements.4. Analyze the various laws, ordinances, regulations, andorganizational rules that apply to careers in law, publicsafety, corrections, and security.5. Describe various career opportunities and means to thoseVT CTE Law Enforcement, Public Safety,Emergency/Fire ServicesProficiency Summary(Revised: July 2022)Page 8 of 21
The following Career Clusterand Pathway standards arerelevant to VT LawEnforcement, Public Safety,Emergency and Fire ServicesCTE programs:This Career Cluster is focused on planning, managing, andproviding legal, public safety and protective services andhomeland security, including professional and technicalsupport services.opportunities in each of the Law, Public Safety, Corrections& Security Career Pathways.6. Analyze the nature and scope of the Law, Public Safety,Corrections & Security Career Cluster and the role law,public safety, corrections, and security play in society andthe economy.Law Enforcement ServicesPathway1. Demonstrate effective communication skills (e.g., writing,speaking, listening, and nonverbal communication) requiredin law enforcement.2. Demonstrate proficiency in the operation ofcommunication equipment used in an emergencytelecommunications center.3. Utilize anger and conflict management strategies toresolve problems in law enforcement settings.4. Model behaviors that exhibit integrity and commitmentto a code of conduct and ethics for law enforcementprofessionals.5. Analyze the impact of federal, state, and local laws onlaw enforcement procedures.6. Execute established procedures to avoid the violation ofthe rights guaranteed by the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth andFourteenth Amendments.7. Manage crime and loss prevention programs incollaboration with the community.8. Explain the appropriate techniques for managing crisissituations in order to maintain public safety.9. Evaluate for the signs of domestic violence, child abuseand neglect.10. Demonstrate the routine day-to-day tasks conducted byvarious law enforcement agencies.11. Describe law enforcement protocols and proceduresdesigned to handle incidents related to homeland security,terrorism, and other disaster situations.12. Demonstrate the procedures to properly protect,document, and process the crime scene and all relatedevidence.VT CTE Law Enforcement, Public Safety,Emergency/Fire ServicesProficiency Summary(Revised: July 2022)Page 9 of 21
The following Career Clusterand Pathway standards arerelevant to VT LawEnforcement, Public Safety,Emergency and Fire ServicesCTE programs:This Career Cluster is focused on planning, managing, andproviding legal, public safety and protective services andhomeland security, including professional and technicalsupport services.13. Demonstrate procedures to assist individuals requiringspecial assistance from law enforcement personnel.14. Describe the behavioral symptoms of drug use and theinherent dangers associated with handling dangerousdrugs.Legal Services Pathway1. Demonstrate effective communication skills (e.g., writing,speaking, listening, and nonverbal communication) requiredin the legal services environment; interpret nonverbalcommunication cues in order to discern facts fromfabrication.2. Produce written legal materials using writing strategiesapplicable to the legal services environment.3. Apply information technology tools to perform dailytasks assigned to legal services professionals.4. Analyze the role forensics plays in preventing andsolving crimes.5. Use legal terminology to communicate within the legalservices community.6. Compare and contrast different career fields in the legalservices.7. Analyze the influence of the three branches of the U.S.Government (Judicial, Legislative, and Executive) on legalservices.8. Analyze the impact of the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, andFourteenth Amendments on the provision of legal services.Security and ProtectiveServices Pathway1. Demonstrate effective communications skills (e.g.,writing, speaking, listening, and nonverbal communication)when communicating security-related directives, technicalconcepts, and other information.2. Utilize conflict resolution skills to resolve conflicts amongindividuals.3. Compare and contrast the roles, responsibilities, tools,and techniques of the criminal justice and security fields.4. Describe the legal, regulatory, and organizationalguidelines governing the security and protective services.5. Analyze the impact of federal, state, and local laws on theVT CTE Law Enforcement, Public Safety,Emergency/Fire ServicesProficiency Summary(Revised: July 2022)Page 10 of 21
The following Career Clusterand Pathway standards arerelevant to VT LawEnforcement, Public Safety,Emergency and Fire ServicesCTE programs:This Career Cluster is focused on planning, managing, andproviding legal, public safety and protective services andhomeland security, including professional and technicalsupport services.security and protective services field.6. Apply ethical and legal responsibilities of security andprotective services personnel to various situations in thesecurity and protective services field.7. Analyze the impact of the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, andFourteenth Amendments on the security and protectiveservices.8. Compare and contrast the different career fields in thesecurity and protective services.9. Evaluate the application and relevance of crimeprevention concepts and security assessments to securityand protective services functions.10. Explain the application of risk management principles tothe protection of assets in various settings.11. Describe the importance of utilizing good publicrelations techniques and building relationships in securityand crisis situations.12. Describe the role of security systems in an overallsecurity strategy.13. Explain the duties of security and protective servicespersonnel in terrorism, homeland security, and disasterpreparedness.14. Compare types and techniques of security approacheswithin the public and private sectors.15. Summarize the importance and roles of intelligenceanalysis in crime prevention and homeland security.Emergency and FireManagement Pathway1. Demonstrate effective communication skills (e.g., writing,speaking, listening, and nonverbal communication) whileutilizing communications equipment and platformscommon to emergency and/or fire management services.2. Explain how to manage an incident scene as the firstresponder using emergency response skills.3. Utilize up-to-date technology equipment andapplications to facilitate the management of emergencyand/or fire management situations.4. Demonstrate an understanding of the objectives and aVT CTE Law Enforcement, Public Safety,Emergency/Fire ServicesProficiency Summary(Revised: July 2022)Page 11 of 21
The following Career Clusterand Pathway standards arerelevant to VT LawEnforcement, Public Safety,Emergency and Fire ServicesCTE programs:This Career Cluster is focused on planning, managing, andproviding legal, public safety and protective services andhomeland security, including professional and technicalsupport services.commitment to the mission of emergency and/or firemanagement services.5. Demonstrate safety procedures and protocols associatedwith local, state, and federal regulations.7. Describe the legal, regulatory, and organizationalguidelines governing emergency and/or fire managementservices.8. Compare and contrast the different career fields in fireand/or emergency management services.9. Explain protocols for handling emergency situations thatrange from minor medical and/or fire emergencies to areawide incidents.10. Demonstrate the use and various applications of theequipment commonly used in emergency and/or firemanagement services.11. Identify an appropriate Incident Command System toeffectively manage an incident scene.12. Summarize and analyze hazardous materialstransportation modes.13. Explain how public relations plans are implemented toenhance public awareness and safety in fire and/oremergency situations.14. Describe the elements and issues involved in using thepreparedness and response systems available to managelarge-scale disasters.15. Analyze the key functions and techniques of criticalinfrastructure protection in cases of terrorism and/or naturaldisasters.VT CTE Program Anchor StandardsAnchor Standards:Aligned with Advance CTE Common Career Technical Core- Career Cluster Anchor Standards1. AcademicsAchieve additional academic knowledge and skills requiredto pursue the full-range of career and postsecondaryeducation opportunities.VT CTE Law Enforcement, Public Safety,Emergency/Fire ServicesProficiency Summary(Revised: July 2022)Page 12 of 21
Anchor Standards:Aligned with Advance CTE Common Career Technical Core- Career Cluster Anchor Standards2. CommunicationAcquire and accurately use terminology and information atthe career and college readiness level for communicatingeffectively in oral, written, and multimedia formats.3. Problem Solving andCritical ThinkingConduct short, as well as more sustained, research to createalternative solutions to answer a question or solve a problemusing critical and creative thinking; logical reasoning,analysis, inquiry, and problem-solving techniques.4. TechnologyUse existing and emerging technology to investigate,research, and produce products and services, including newinformation, as required in the workplace environment.5. Systems(Responsibility and Flexibility)Initiate, and participate in, a range of collaborations todemonstrate behaviors that reflect personal and professionalresponsibility, flexibility, and respect in the workplaceenvironment and community settings.6. Health and SafetyDemonstrate health and safety procedures, regulations, andpersonal health practices and determine the meaning ofsymbols, key terms, and domain-specific words and phrasesas related to the workplace environment.7. Leadership and TeamworkWork with peers to promote divergent and creativeperspectives, effective leadership, group dynamics, teamand individual decision making, benefits of workforcediversity, and conflict resolution.8. Ethics and LegalResponsibilitiesPractice professional, ethical, and legal behavior, respondingthoughtfully to diverse perspectives and resolvingcontradictions when possible, consistent with applicablelaws, regulations, and organizational norms.9. Career Planning andManagementIntegrate multiple sources of career information fromdiverse formats to make informed career decisions, solveproblems, and manage personal career plans.10. Technical Knowledge andSkills(see Program TechnicalStandards)Apply essential technical knowledge and skills common tothe Career Cluster and Pathway(s), following procedureswhen carrying out experiments and/or performing technicaltasks.11. Demonstration andDemonstrate and apply technical knowledge and skillsVT CTE Law Enforcement, Public Safety,Emergency/Fire ServicesProficiency Summary(Revised: July 2022)Page 13 of 21
Anchor Standards:Aligned with Advance CTE Common Career Technical Core- Career Cluster Anchor StandardsApplication(see CTE Program Elements)across a variety of CTE-specific opportunities in classroom,laboratory, and workplace settings.VT Law Enforcement, Public Safety CTE Program Technical StandardsProgram Technical Standards:Standards for each career path build on and continue theAnchor Standards with more complexity, rigor, and careerspecificity.1. Academic and TechnicalFoundationsVT CTE Law Enforcement, Public Safety,Emergency/Fire ServicesProficiency Summary(Revised: July 2022)a. Identify the skills and equipment needed to dealwith various types of situations found in publicsafety occupations (e.g., working with specialpopulations, responding to emergencies, andassisting with incidents).b. Describe the history, shared mission, and roles ofpublic safety agencies and professionals at thenational, state, and local government levels.c. Summarize and analyze the legal responsibilitiesassociated with different roles and functions withinlaw and public safety organizations.d. Identify the major components of the Americancriminal justice system, including law enforcementagencies, the courts, rehabilitation, and detentionfacilities.e. Explain and interpret proper application of the law.f. Summarize the major U.S. Constitutionalamendments and Supreme Court decisionsapplicable to the American criminal justice system.g. Evaluate Constitutional law as it affects lawenforcement and public safety personnel, and theincidents and issues they face in their careers.h. Connect the history of criminal investigations, theevolution of research and science in forensic scienceand criminal investigation research, and the role ofthe criminal investigator.i. Recognize how crime is reported and identifytheories for criminal behavior (i.e., variouspsychological and sociological theories that accountfor criminal behavior).j. Articulate how society responds to criminalbehavior and analyze the American penal system.Page 14 of 21
Program Technical Standards:Standards for each career path build on and continue theAnchor Standards with more complexity, rigor, and careerspecificity.k. Explain and demonstrate disaster preparedness andemergency management techniques.2. Communicationa. Recognize and demonstrate communication skillsrequired of law enforcement and public safetyprofessionals.b. Explain and demonstrate how to accuratelycomplete various law and public safety reports
Advance CTE Common Career Technical Core - Career Ready Practices . The Common Career Technical Core (CCTC) is a state-led initiative to establish a set of rigorous, high-quality standards for Career Technical Education (CTE). The CCTC includes a set of standards for each Career Cluster and corresponding Career Pathways that define what
CTE Overview 3 CTE Department Contacts 4 Career Pathways 2015-2016 5 CTE Course List 2015-2016 6 CTE Curriculum & Resources 8 Professional Development Requirements 9 CTE Advisory Board 14 Career Cluster Coordinator Guidelines 15 Career & Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) & Sponsorship 18 Certification Reporting 23
12 Summer Data -410 CTE Attendance: * Collected only in the summer submission. * 410 Attendance requires the student has a valid CTE Indicator code on the 101 record. * Each student enrolled for more than two hours in a valid CTE course must have a 410 record. * "V" Codes: * V1 45-89 ave. minutes per day in a CTE course * V2 90-149 ave. minutes per day in a CTE course
past few years have systematized and revamped their standards in the program of career and technical education (CTE). Nearly every state in the union has worked hard to redesign its CTE standards into coherent courses and plans of study, organized for the most part into the 16 Career Clusters defined by Advance CTE. In addition, state .
This manual is designed to assist school districts to meet data reporting requirements for career and technical education (CTE) programs as they access career and technical education levy revenue. Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.4531 governs the career and technical education levy. Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.4531 Career and Technical Revenue
New York State Work Experience Requirements by CTE Title SECTION C. BECOMING A CTE TEACHER C1. CTE Resume Example C2. The CTE Hiring Process C3. Applying for Salary Increase SECTION D. APPLYING FOR A CTE TEACHING CERTIFICATION D1. Steps to Applying for a Trans-A Certificate with NYSED D2. Trans-A Requirements for All NYS Teacher Applicants D3.
Virginia includes CTE courses within 16 career clusters, each with multiple pathways designed by the school divisions. For example, the Health Science career cluster may include pathways for therapeutic services, biotechnology, or diagnostic services. CTE credential. A CTE credential certifies that a student has mastered specific CTE content.
Feb 10, 2014 · CTE is offered by a variety of institutions: high schools, area CTE centers, community colleges, vocational schools, and employers through apprenticeships and on-the-job training. Generally, CTE occupations require two years or less of postsecondary education or training. Therefore, atCited by: 5Publish Year: 2014Author: Cassandria Dortch
Application of Silicon Carbide in Abrasive Water Jet Machining Ahsan Ali Khan and Mohammad Yeakub Ali International Islamic University Malaysia Malaysia 1. Introduction Silicon carbide (SiC) is a compound consisting of silicon and carbon. It is also known as carborundum. SiC is used as an abrasive ma terial after it was mass produced in 1893. The credit of mass production of SiC goes to Ed .