ethnic fruits, vegetables, and . herbs, particularly in larger cities. One obvious reason for this is the increased ethnic diversity of these areas. Many ethnic groups, including Hispanics, have a high per capita consumption of fresh produce. Also contributing to the increased demand for ethnic produce is a greater emphasis
ethnic mobilisation. Finally, debates continued between ethnic and Ethiopian nationalists on such fundamental issues as the history, identity and future destiny of the country. Above the cacophony of ethnic and anti-regime agitations prevailed a semblance of order and overall stability.15 Violent inter-ethnic conflicts erupted occasionally over 27
the distribution of state power along ethnic lines. The diversity-breeds-conflict school relies on demographic indices of heterogeneity that over-look how ethnicity relates to the state. Rather than high degrees of diversity, it is ethnic exclu-sion from state power and competition over the spoils of government that breed ethnic conflict.
Ethnic competition theory builds on Barth’s(1969) emphasis on the socially-constructed boundaries through which ethnic groups ascribe difference. Competition, stemming from overlap in the economic or political activities of multiple ethnic groups,2 becomes a key mechanism through which particular bound-aries are reinforced.
The ASCSU and the Ethnic Studies Council, as described earlier, worked collaboratively to establish the core competencies for the ethnic studies requirement. As is called for in the law, once these competencies were approved by the Ethnic Studies Council, they were presented to the Academic Affairs Committee of the ASCSU.
a state’s ethnic make-up are poor predictors of conflict risk (Fearon and Laitin, 2003). In short, if the same factors lead to both a higher risk of insurgency and increased (decreased) ethnic salience (national salience), it may explain why insurgencies often take on ethnic organization. In sum, there are potentially very important reasons .
ethnic groups. Bantu is the language and ethnic group from which the Swahili language and ethnic group developed. While the Swahili language is spoken by over 90 million people, the Swahili ethnic group numbers about 1.3 million. They primarily live in East African countries like Kenya and Tanzania. The prima
The report argues that support to ethnic education providers is essential for ensuring that children in many ethnic nationality areas of Myanmar have access to education. Ethnic education providers should be supported because they have greater legitimacy and coverage than the government in many ethnic nationality areas, and thus funding
7. Trends in fertility rates for women born outside the UK, 1981-91 11 8 Trends in fertility rates for women born in the UK, 1981-91 11 9 Trends in mortality rates by ethnic group, 1981-91 11 10. Estimated migration to the UK by ethnic group, 1981-91 13 11. Estimated migration from the UK by ethnic group, 1981-91 13 12.
Racial and ethnic minorities are at greater risk for exposure to and adverse outcomes from COVID-19 due to social determinants of health and living and working conditions. A greater prevalence of underlying health conditions also put racial and ethnic minorities at higher risk for severe illness and death from COVID-19.
racial/ethnic minority group and a White group comparator. Research to assess and evaluate potential racial and ethnic . disparities requires specific sampling, assessment, covariate selection, and statistical modeling approaches and we provide some references for those interested in learning more.
Health equity and ethnic minorities in emergency situations 3 the regions. In the past decade, deterioration in liv ing conditions has been par ticularly critical in the case of ethnic minorities, where socio-economic indicators, as shown by the human development index, decreased by about 13 points between 1997 and 2003 (DNP-GTZ, 2006).