IV. Shop Safety Page 1 of 19 Revised 2-Dec-14 IV. SHOP SAFETY 1.0 General Shop Safety 1.1 The hazards associated with shop work require special safety considerations. Whether you work in a metal shop, wood shop, automotive shop, glass shop, or electrical shop, the potential hazards for personal injury are numerous. This chapter
2. Shop Orientation and Safety Requirements Shop orientation precludes any shop use. Successful completion of the safety course precludes shop use. Demonstration of proficiency of select pieces of shop equipment precludes shop use. Shop users must sign and date a copy of the Shop Users Safety Agreement form.
dual shop. The mini-barbershop permittee shall be responsible for rules under Texas Occupations Code, Chapters 1601, 1602, and 1603 and 16 TAC Chapters 82 and 83 for its mini-barbershop or mini-dual shop. (29) Mobile Shop--A barbershop, specialty shop, or dual shop that is operated in a self-contained, self-supporting, enclosed mobile unit.
2. PREVIOUS BARBER SHOP AND SALON LICENSE NUMBER - If applicable, write the license number of the barber shop and cosmetology salon that will become a dual barber shop and cosmetology salon. 3. DUAL MOBILE SHOP/SALON'S MAILING ADDRESS - Write your current business mailing address. This is the address where we will send you mail.
Shop Orientation/Safety The first day of Lean Manufacturing is a shop orientation for the students. This is required for them to be shop certified so that they can work in the shop under a mentor’s guidance. The shop orientation checklist can be found on the Machine Shop website.
Callie Purple Imp. Callie Rose Callie Rose Dark Center Callie Star Orange Callie Strawberry Callie White Callie Yellow Candy Shop Candy Bouquet Candy Shop Candy Crush Candy Shop Chocolate Candy Shop Fancy Berry Candy Shop Grape Splash Candy Shop Sweet Dreams Chameleon Atomic Orange Cham
The Auto Shop and Safety After studying this chapter, you will be able to: Describe the typical layout and sections of an auto shop. List the types of accidents that can occur in an auto shop. Explain how to prevent auto shop accidents. Describe general safety rules for the auto shop. An auto
4. Providing the shop with the resources necessary to comply with health and safety policies and guidelines. Shop Supervisor The Shop Supervisor plays a key role in the implementation of the shop's safety program. They are responsible for: 1. Encouraging and promoting a healthy safety culture within the shop; 2. Modeling and enforcing safe .
BARBER SHOP PERMIT APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. BARBER SHOP NAME - Write the name of your barber shop as it should appear on your barber shop permit. (maximum of 40 characters) 2. BARBER SHOP'S MAILING ADDRESS - Write your current business mailing address. This is the address where we will send you mail. This address can be a post office box.
III. General shop safety rules A. During the course of working in the shop, an automotive technician moves from one area of the shop to another, moving parts and equipment around the shop and performing varied tasks. It is important that the shop floor be free of hazards that could cause technicians to slip or trip. B.
wood shop, automotive shop, glass shop, or electrical shop, the potential hazards for personal injury are numerous. This chapter highlights essential safety information for working in a UT Arlington shop. Refer to other chapters in this manual, including General Safety, Electrical Safety, and Fire/Life Safety, for more information on handling .
2. Must complete all required safety training. 3. Must observe all shop safety rules when working in the shop. 4. Must wear all required PPE when working in the shop. 5. Must observe all shop-specific rules/regulations beyond the scope of this program. 6. Must report all injuries to a shop supervisor promptly, regardless of severity. 7.