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Bank's Enterprise Surveys, Hyland and Islam (2021) show that a more discriminatory legal environment is associated with a greater probability that businesses led by women will commence operations in the informal sector. In economies where the aggregate Women, Business and the Law index score is higher, businesses with women owners

Women in Sierra Leone During the civil war, thousands of girls and women were forced into slave labor. Systemic sexual abuse, violence and sexual slavery were common and many were abducted for recruitment as child soldiers (Baker & May, 2004). After the war, women are still subjected to gender violence, have less access to education as well as

The figures are telling. In Sierra Leone, for instance, women and girls are estimated to have comprised 70 percent of non-combatant casualties in recent conflicts, where between 50000 and 64000 IDP women experienced sexual assault by combatants1. In DR Congo the number of women raped by soldiers is estimated at well over 200000 since 19982.

Violence against Women; and most recently in the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals 2030. The United Nations' Declaration defines violence against women as: 'all acts of gender-based violence that result in, or are likely to result in, physical, sexual, psychological, or economic harm or suffering to women, including threats of

crime and violence than non-disabled people (Emerson & Roulstone, 2014) and that women and girls are more at risk of violence and abuse than non-disabled women (Hughes et al, 2012). Although men and boys also experience abuse, the UN and European Conventions recognise violence against disabled women and girls as a gender-based problem.

the status of the most broadly distributed class of persons in a society, namely, the status of women in society. Hence, to approach properly the subject of this investigation-the status of women in formative Judaism--it is essential to seek to learn the attitude toward women prevalent in the surrounding milieux as this Jewish society developed. a.

such as health services (World Bank 2012). Despite gains in gender equality in recent decades, there are still disparities in economic, health, and social domains between men and women across countries. Improving women's agency is crucial for shrinking these gender disparities and advancing gender equality and the empowerment of women. Agency

Ndebele proverbs and idioms as they relate to women and women's space Ndebele is a language that is very rich in proverbs and idioms. Both proverbs and idioms mirror the elements of culture and in this article it is argued that they play a crucial role in defining women in marriages and in other spaces. A good number of Ndebele proverbs

100 Global Inspirational Women in Mining 2020. The biennial "100 Global Inspirational Women in Mining" (WIM100) publication is a living history of women who . female representation in senior leadership roles at BMO. We extend this work to the metals and mining sector too. Every year since 2015, BMO has sponsored a scholarship at Imperial .

2 Investing in the health of women at work "Investing in women's health makes great business sense and helps enhance productivity, reduce absenteeism and lower turnover rates. There are also positive ripple effects of workplace wellness policies, since women who are supported in the workplace to improve their personal health also contribute

core component of quality-based imaging, to balance potential risk with beneļ¬t, is the appropriate selection of patients for MPI. For women where testing is not . Journal of Nuclear Cardiology Taqueti et al. Myocardial perfusion imaging in women. suspected SIHD. In a subgroup analysis of 14 studies of 1,000 women with no known CAD, the .

socio-economic development. The study focused was the development of women in Pakistan, especially in urban area of Pakistan. Duflo (2012) was explained in his article . The study focused that inequality between man and women in the other direction, empowering women may benefit development. The secondary data was used in this article. The source of