Village Of Enosburg Falls, Inc. BASIC FINANCIAL

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Village of Enosburg Falls, Inc.BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTSDecember 31, 2014

Village of Enosburg Falls, Inc.TABLE OF CONTENTSDecember 31, 2014PageINDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORTMANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSISBASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTSVillage-Wide Financial StatementsStatement of Net Position1Statement of Activities2Fund Financial StatementsBalance Sheet – Governmental Funds3Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and ChangesIn Fund Balances – Governmental Funds5Statement of Net Position – Proprietary Funds7Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position –Proprietary Funds8Statement of Cash Flows – Proprietary Funds9Notes to Basic Financial Statements10REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATIONBudgetary Comparison Schedule – General Fund31

Village of Enosburg Falls, Inc.TABLE OF CONTENTSDecember 31, 2014ReportOTHER SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATIONSchedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards1Independent Auditor’s Report on Internal Control OverFinancial Reporting and on Compliance and Other MattersBased on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed inAccordance with Governmental Audit Standards2Independent Auditor’s Report on Compliance for EachMajor Federal Program and on Internal ControlOver Compliance Required by OMB Circular A-1333Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs4

Village of Enosburg Falls, Inc.MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSISDecember 31, 2014As management of the Village of Enosburg Falls, we present to the readers of the financial statements of the Village,this overview and analysis of the financial activities of the Village of Enosburg Falls for the fiscal year endedDecember 31, 2014.Financial Highlights The assets of the Village of Enosburg Falls exceeded its liabilities at the close of the most recent fiscal year by 8,284,397 (net position). Of this amount, 2,860,513 is unrestricted and may be used by the various funds ofthe Village to meet the Village’s ongoing obligations to its citizens and creditors. The Village’s total net position increased by 190,939 this fiscal year. Of this amount, net position attributableto governmental activities decreased by 34,874 and net position attributable to business-type activitiesincreased by 225,813. At the close of the fiscal year, the Village’s governmental funds reported an ending fund balance of 143,282as measured on a regulatory basis, an increase of 6,506 compared to the prior fiscal period. Of this totalamount, 76,809 is available for spending at the government’s discretion (unreserved fund balance). (On aregulatory basis, certain governmental activities are reported differently. Capital assets used in governmentactivities of 2,317,720 are not financial resources and are therefore not reported in the fund. Also, long-termnotes payable of 460,780 are not due and payable in the current period and are therefore not reported in thefund.)Overview of the Financial StatementsThis discussion and analysis are intended to serve as an introduction to the basic financial statements of the Village ofEnosburg Falls. The basic financial statements are comprised of three components: 1) Village-wide financialstatements, 2) fund financial statements, and 3) notes to the basic financial statements. This report also contains othersupplementary information in addition to the basic financial statements themselves.Village-wide financial statements. The Village-wide financial statements are designed to provide readers with abroad overview of the Village’s finances in a manner similar to a private sector business.The statement of net position presents information on all of the Village’s assets and liabilities, with the differencebetween the two reported as net position. Over time, increases and decreases in net position may serve as a usefulindicator of whether or not the financial position of the Village of Enosburg Falls is improving or deteriorating.The statement of activities presents information showing how the Village’s net position changed during the most recentfiscal year. All changes in net position are reported as soon as the event giving rise to the change occurs, regardless ofthe timing of the related cash flow. Thus revenues and expenses are reported in this statement for some items that willresult in cash flow changes in future fiscal periods, (i.e., uncollected receivables and accrued liabilities).

Village of Enosburg Falls, Inc.MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSISDecember 31, 2014Both of the Village-wide financial statements distinguish functions of the Village of Enosburg Falls that are principallysupported by taxes (governmental activities) from other functions that are intended to recover costs through user feesand charges (business-type activities). The governmental activities of the Village of Enosburg Falls include publicsafety services, highways and streets maintenance, public improvement projects and general administrative services.The business-type activities of the Village of Enosburg Falls include the electric, water, and wastewater operations.The Village-wide financial statements are designed to include not only the Village of Enosburg Falls itself (known asthe primary government), but also any legally separate entities for which the Village of Enosburg Falls is financiallyaccountable (known as component units). The Village of Enosburg Falls has no such entities that qualify ascomponent units.Fund financial statements. A fund is a grouping of related accounts that is used to maintain control over resourcesthat have been segregated for specific activities or objectives. The Village of Enosburg Falls, like other state and localgovernments, uses fund accounting to ensure and demonstrate compliance with finance-related legal requirements. Allof the funds of the Village of Enosburg Falls can be divided into two categories: governmental funds and proprietaryfunds.Governmental funds. Governmental funds are used to account for essentially the same functions reported asgovernmental activities in the Village-wide financial statements. However, unlike the Village-wide financialstatements, governmental fund financial statements focus on near-term inflows and outflows of spendable resources, aswell as the balances of spendable resources available at the end of the fiscal period. Such information may be useful inevaluating the Village’s near-term financing requirements.The focus of the governmental funds is narrower than that of the Village-wide financial statements. Therefore it isuseful to compare the information presented for governmental funds with similar information presented forgovernmental activities in the Village-wide financial statements. By doing this, readers may better understand thelong-term impact of the government’s near-term financing decisions. The governmental fund balance sheet and thegovernmental fund statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances provide reconciliation betweenthe governmental funds and governmental activities.The Village of Enosburg Falls adopts an annual budget for its General Fund. A budgetary comparison statement hasbeen provided as required in supplementary information.Proprietary funds. The Village of Enosburg Falls maintains one type of proprietary fund. Enterprise funds are usedto report the same functions presented as business-type activities in the Village-wide financial statements. The Villageof Enosburg Falls uses enterprise funds to account for the Electric Fund, Water Fund, and Wastewater Fund.Proprietary funds provide the same type of information as the Village-wide financial statements only in more detail.The proprietary fund financial statements provide separate information for the Electric Fund, Water Fund, andWastewater Fund.Notes to the basic financial statements. The notes to the basic financial statements provide additional informationthat is essential to a full understanding of the Village-wide and fund financial statements.

Village of Enosburg Falls, Inc.MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSISDecember 31, 2014Village-wide Financial AnalysisVillage of Enosburg FallsNet Position and LiabilitiesGovernmental Activities20142013ASSETSCurrent AssetsCapital AssetsLandConstruction in progressBuildingsUtility plantMachinery and equipmentStormwater collection systemInfrastructureLess accumulated depreciationOther Noncurrent AssetsInvestment in transmissionNotes receivableDeferred financing costsRestricted cashTOTAL ASSETSLIABILITIESCurrent LiabilitiesNoncurrent LiabilitiesNotes and bonds payableCapital leases payableTOTAL LIABILITIES 3 2,693,315 3,558,334Total20142013 2,836,989 ,518,506(803,100) (11,492,310) (11,079,458) (12,365,940) 972363,15115,960 2,477,366 2,089,469 9,462,011 10,114,934 11,939,377 12,204,403 628,437 1,499,027 711,116 2,4661,3982,554,4193,451121,503 3,110,706 3,989,442 3,654,980 4,110,945 1,831,190136,776 3,634,0742,717,231 3,510,2012,615,291 5,423,8842,860,513 5,341,3912,752,067 1,967,966 6,351,305 6,125,492 8,284,397 8,093,45882,679461,457138 544,274NET POSITIONInvested in capital assets, net of debt 1,789,810Unrestricted143,282TOTAL NET POSITION Business-Type Activities20142013 1,933,092 54,048Analysis of Net PositionThe largest portion of the Village of Enosburg Fall's net position reflects its investment in land, buildings, equipment andinfrastructure, less any related debt outstanding. This is 70.1% of the Village's total net position. The Village of Enosburg Fallsuses these capital assets to provide services to its citizens and ratepayers, therefore these assets are future spending. Further,the debt required to pay the debt related to these assets must come from other sources since the capital assets themselvescannot be liquidated to pay that liability.The remaining balance of net position is unrestricted and may be used to meet the ongoing obligations of the Village.

Village of Enosburg Falls, Inc.MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSISDecember 31, 2014Village-wide Financial AnalysisVillage of Enosburg FallsCurrent Assets and LiabilitiesGovernmental Funds20142013CURRENT ASSETSCashAccounts receivableOther receivablesInventoryPrepaid expensesTOTAL CURRENTASSETSCURRENT LIABILITIESAccounts payableCurrent portion of long-termdebt/leasesAccrued liabilitiesCustomer depositsDeferred revenueUnearned financing revenueTOTAL CURRENTLIABILITIESBusiness-Type Funds20142013Total20142013 108,49122,6486,7285,807 113,94121,9476,695 1,858,268617,05691,478106,13720,376 2,220,667700,840520,60894,56221,657 1,966,759639,70498,206106,13726,183 2,334,608722,787520,60894,56228,352 143,674 142,583 2,693,315 3,558,334 2,836,989 3,700,917 4,429 10,849 270,798 1,178,489 275,227 29,8737,4383,658628,437 1,499,027711,931 1,553,07567,13011,935- 83,49432,28110,918- 54,048

Village of Enosburg Falls, Inc.MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSISDecember 31, 2014Operating Revenues and tricFundTotalREVENUES2014 582,729 291,553 656,620 4,122,769 5,653,6712013 586,056 291,113 615,415 4,411,255 5,903,839% ChangeEXPENDITURES20142013% Change-0.6%0.2%6.7%-6.5%-4.2% 610,385 302,512 664,833 4,042,946 5,620,676 634,639 264,939 663,789 4,646,754 6,210,121-3.8%14.2%0.2%-13.0%-9.5%

Village of Enosburg Falls, Inc.MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSISDecember 31, 2014Village of Enosburg Falls 2014 (Current Year)Program Revenues and ExpendituresGeneralFundREVENUESTaxesCustomer feesIntergovernmental revenuesInterestOtherTOTAL REVENUES 494,56456,3952,46229,308WaterFund 291,5531,362-WastewaterFund 656,6202,314-ElectricFund 4,122,76982,862158,172Total ,766556,586193,558TOTAL rease (decrease) in net NDITURESGeneral governmentPublic safetyStreet lightingParks and recreationHighways and streetsAppropriationsSalaries and benefitsPurchased powerOM&RAdministrative and generalInterest expenseDepreciation/amortizationTaxesNet position, beginning of yearNet position, end of year2,667,964 2,633,090 484,4012,545,3743,095,7178,793,456445,419 2,515,895 3,389,991 8,984,395

Village of Enosburg Falls, Inc.MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSISDecember 31, 2014Village of Enosburg Falls 2013 (Prior Year)Program Revenues and ExpendituresGeneralFundREVENUESTaxesCustomer feesIntergovernmental revenuesInterestOtherTOTAL REVENUES 505,31250,9671,51632,263WaterFund 291,1111,391-WastewaterFund 615,4153,790165,685ElectricFund 4,411,25563,752515,569Total ,769183,11655,911532,594186,027TOTAL rease (decrease) in net ,430,5812,771,6358,401,461484,401 2,545,374 3,095,717 8,793,456EXPENDITURESGeneral governmentPublic safetyStreet lightingParks and recreationHighways and streetsAppropriationsSalaries and benefitsPurchased powerOM&RAdministrative and generalInterest expenseDepreciation/amortizationTaxesNet position, beginning of yearNet position, end of year2,715,898 2,667,964

Village of Enosburg Falls, Inc.MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSISDecember 31, 2014Financial Analysis of the Village’s FundsAs noted earlier, the Village of Enosburg Falls uses fund accounting to ensure and demonstrate compliance withfinance-related legal requirements and accounting standards.Governmental FundsThe focus of the Village’s governmental fund is to provide information on near-term inflows, outflows, and balancesof spendable resources. This information is useful in assessing financing requirements.The General Fund, which includes the Public Works Department, is the chief operating fund of the Village. TheGeneral Fund revenues are derived mainly from funds received through the general taxation on properties located inthe Village. Other revenue sources include grants, State of Vermont highway aid, and interest.Fiscal year 2014 saw General Fund budget revenues exceeding budget by 8,210. Increases in the DeliquentTaxes/Interest, Traffic Fines, and Other Revenue line items accounted for the majority of this excess. As waspublicized last year, the Town of Enosburgh has taken responsibility for the Police Enforcement contract effectiveJanuary 1, 2014. Consequently, any traffic fines incurred after this date will be attributed to the Town. The JudiciaryDepartment has informed the Village that we may continue to receive payments as traffic fines are paid by individualsthat were incurred prior to January 1, 2014.General fund expenses were over-budget in the employee salaries, benefits, and accrued time expense in the amount of 26,175 due to the lingering effects of the late-December 2013 ice storm. However, these higher expenses will bepartially offset by a FEMA reimbursement grant of which the General Funds allotted share is 6,728. Due to thehavoc the harsh spring wreaked on our Village streets, the Highway Department was forced to purchase an extra loadof cold patch at an increased price. This pushed this line item expense 3,351 over budget. The net result is that theGeneral Fund expenses exceeded revenues by 6,544 which has been reflected in the 2015 budget.The 2014 budget anticipated an decrease of 10,763 in the amount to be raised by taxes over FY 2013 – mainly due tothe elimination of the Sheriff Appropiation. Once again this year, as in 2013, an increase in the grand list (from 941,820 to 949,44 in 2014) resulted in a 2014 tax rate of .5051, slightly under the budgeted rate of .5091. Thesubstantial increase in Grand List was due to the Vermont Gas tax appraisal.Of the sidewalk appropriation of 25,000, only 13,344 was expended. On January 16, 2015 the unused portion of 11,656 was transferred into the committed Sidewalk/Construction Appropriation savings account for use in 2015.Likewise, the unspent 1,000 Patriotic Banner Appropriation was transferred into the committed Patriotic Bannersavings account in order to accumulate enough funds to take advantage of cost savings due to bulk purchasing.As is necessary each year, the General Fund borrowed funds in anticipation of property tax collections. In 2014, thisshort term borrowing required 200,000 to cover expenses. Available cash in the wastewater fund allowed for shortterm inter-fund loans in the amounts of 50,000 on 2/21/14; 3/25/14; 5/1/14; and 8/4/14. These inter-fund loans, alongwith the appropriate amount of interest, were repaid in full in November, 2014.Proprietary FundsThe Village’s proprietary funds provide the same type of information found in the Village-wide financial statements,but in more detail.

Village of Enosburg Falls, Inc.MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSISDecember 31, 2014Water Fund OverviewThe Water Fund revenues are user-based. The Village water rates are set to raise revenues to cover our operations andmaintenance costs as well as department debt expenses.Operating revenues in the Water Fund during 2014 exceeded anticipated amounts by 9,505. Water fund expenseswere over-budget in the employee salaries, benefits, and accrued time expense mainly due to water break issues earlyin the spring. The projected principal payment projection went over-budget by 9,807 due to a timing issue with thefinancing of the Pearl Street Water Project which was completed in the spring. The Water Fund ended 2014 with abudget based income of 2,046. On an accrual basis, after accounting for depreciation expense and other accountingadjustments, the Water Fund ended the year with a decrease in net assets of 54,629.The cleaning schedule for our two wells usually alternates every other year at an approximate cost of 20,000 percleaning. The Village’s wells were cleaned this year at a total cost of 21,365. Each year, 10,000 is budgeted forwell cleaning in order to compensate for this considerable biennial cost.Wastewater Fund OverviewThe Wastewater Fund revenues are also user-based. The Village sewer rate was maintained at the existing level forboth residential and commercial accounts in 2014. It was anticipated that the sewer fund would accrue a budget-baseddeficit of 21,599 in 2014. However, Sewer assessments for the Wastewater Fund were above budget by 19,246while operating expenses excluding depreciation were slightly ( 5,751) above budget – contributing to the net positivevariance of 3,398.However, it should be noted that the sludge management line item expense is expected to increase from an actualexpense of 84,339 in 2013 to approximately 120,000 in 2015. A detailed and technical explanation causing thisdramatic increase can be found in the Wastewater Department Report. The change in policy causing the rate increasewent into effect late summer 2014. This is reflected in the over-budget amount of 10,088 in this line item expense.The Aeration loan (with approximate yearly payments of 22,000) was paid in full November, 2014. This willpartially help to offset the increase in debt expenditures from the CSO project which began this year at a yearly cost of 55,314 (principal and interest).Electric Fund OverviewThe Electric Fund revenues are user-based, driven by total usage and the rate per kilowatt-hour approved by theVermont Public Service Board (“PSB”).For the first time in many years, actual operating revenues in 2014 fell below budgeted by 127,123. This is a 12.6%decrease in revenues over 2013.Our actual expenses exclusive of depreciation were below budgeted expenses by about 244,491. Two of the majorfactors accounting for the lower than budgeted expenses was a lower power supply cost of 31,728 due to the lowerdemand load and the decision to finance the 2013 TRANSCO stock purchase through VPPSA vs. purchasing the stockout of available cash ( 142,500). On a cash-budgeting basis the department completed the year with a net overage of 158,202. On an accrual basis, after taking into account depreciation expense and other required accountingadjustments, the department had an increase in net position of 294,274.

Village of Enosburg Falls, Inc.MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSISDecember 31, 2014A heater/roller gate seal replacement project was performed on the Kendall Plant this fall with a completed cost of 66,238. This repair should allow the Kendall Plant to safely operate and produce generation during the wintermonths. It is expected that this one repair will produce enough generation to pay for itself within a relatively shortperiod of time.Capital Assets:The Village’s investment in capital assets as of December 31, 2014 amounted to 8,658,608 (net of accumulateddepreciation), an increase of 534,233 over 2013. This investment includes land, buildings, vehicles, equipment, roads,water, wastewater and electric infrastructure. Major highlights include: The Electric Fund investment in distribution plant and station equipment, including major overhaul work onthe Kendall Plant – heater/roller gate seal replacement, fish gate repairs, purchase of a new 2014 Dodge RamBucket Truck and 2014 Chevy Silverado Truck.The Wastewater Fund investment in sewer line and storm drain improvements including upgrades to a moreenergy efficient fluorescent lighting system at the plant, infrastructure improvements on Missisquoi Street andbehind the Dollar General.The Water Fund investment on the Pearl Street Waterline project.The General Fund investment in the 2015 International Plow/Dump Truck to maintain Village streets;installation of 3 natural gas furnaces at the Village Garage along with a chain link fence; Water Tower RoadPaving Project.Jointly used projects: Conference Facility/Main Office Renovation & Addition, Garage Addition onDickinson Ave.2015 Rates and Budgets The budgets that have been set for 2015 do not anticipate rate increases in the user fee portion of theWastewater or Electric Funds. It is projected that the Water Fund will incur a deficient of approximately 20,000 in 2015. In anticipation of this shortfall, it will be necessary to raise rates by 16.3% across all levelsof service. The last rate increase was in April 1, 2009 which was 6%.The General Fund budget represents a increase of 2.57% in the 2015 tax rate if voters approve allappropriations and projects. However, it should be noted that the majority of this increase is due to thefinancing obligations on several projects approved at the Annual Meeting in 2013. The other majorcontributing factor is the additional legal expense due to a lawsuit as a consequence of voter defeat of theamendment to the Village Land Use Regulations.Required capital improvements and other special projects drive the majority of the budgeted increases for the nextfiscal year: The General Fund will ask voters to approve the following: Replacement of the 2002 John Deere Backhoe

Village of Enosburg Falls, Inc.MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSISDecember 31, 2014Requests for Further InformationThis financial report is designed to provide a general overview of the finances of the Village of Enosburg Falls for allthose with an interest in the Village’s financial status. Questions concerning any of the information provided in thisreport or requests for additional financial information should be addressed to:Director of FinanceVillage of Enosburg Falls42 Village DriveEnosburg Falls, VT 05450.Respectfully Submitted,Caroline MarcyDirector of Finance

Village of Enosburg Falls, Inc.VILLAGE-WIDE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSSTATEMENT OF NET POSITIONDecember 31, 2014ASSETSGovernmental Business-TypeActivitiesActivitiesCURRENT ASSETSCashTaxes receivableAccounts receivable, netOther receivableInventoriesPrepaid expensesTOTAL CURRENT ASSETS CAPITAL ASSETS, net108,49122,6486,7285,807143,674TOTAL ASSETS 1,858,268617,05691,478106,13720,3762,693,315 5,972 11,939,377OTHER ASSETSInvestmentsRESTRICTED CASH Total2,477,366 9,462,01166,9252054,42911,93583,494 ,437LIABILITIES AND NET POSITIONCURRENT LIABILITIESCurrent portion notes and bonds payableCurrent portion capital leases payableAccounts payableAccrued payroll and withholdingsAccrued liabilitiesUnearned revenuePayable from restricted assets - customer depositsUnearned bond refinancing revenueTOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES ,931LONG-TERM DEBT, net of current portionNote and bonds payableCapital leases payableTOTAL LONG-TERM DEBT, net of current portionTOTAL LIABILITIESNET POSITIONInvested in capital assets, net of related debtUnrestrictedTOTAL NET POSITIONTOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET POSITION ,860,5138,284,3979,462,011 11,939,3772,477,366See Accompanying Notes to Basic Financial Statements.1

Village of Enosburg Falls, Inc.VILLAGE-WIDE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSSTATEMENT OF ACTIVITIESFor the Year Ended December 31, 2014Net (Expense) Revenue andChanges in Net AssetsProgram RevenuesExpensesFunctions/ProgramsGovernmental activities:Current:General governmentPublic safetyStreet lightingParks and recreationHighway and streetAppropriationsDebt Service:InterestDepreciationTotal governmental activitiesBusiness-type activities:116,11129,46424,692308,5272,026 - 2,34554,050-CapitalGrants andRevenues ,50674,369(40,344)(31,793)146,50674,369General Revenues/(Expenses):Property taxes, levied for general purposesUnrestricted investment earningsMiscellaneousTotal general revenues/(expenses) and 444494,56489,00094,214677,778Change in Net 6- Business-TypeActivities(116,111) erElectricTotal business-type activities OperatingGrants andRevenuesCharges forServices1,967,966Net position, beginningNet position, ending See Accompanying Notes to Basic Financial Statements.21,933,092 6,351,305 4,397

Village of Enosburg Falls, Inc.FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTSBALANCE SHEET - GOVERNMENTAL FUNDSDecember 31, 2014ASSETSGeneralFundASSETSCashTaxes receivableOther receivablesPrepaid expenses TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS108,49122,6486,7285,807143,674RESTRICTED CASH15,972TOTAL ASSETS 159,646 4,42911,935LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCELIABILITIESAccounts payableAccrued payroll and withholdings16,364TOTAL LIABILITIESFUND L FUND BALANCETOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCESee Accompanying Notes to Basic Financial Statements.3 159,646

Village of Enosburg Falls, Inc.FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTSBALANCE SHEET - GOVERNMENTAL FUNDSDecember 31, 2014RECONCILIATION OF THE GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS BALANCE SHEETTO THE STATEMENT OF NET POSITIONFund balances of governmental funds 143,282Capital assets used in governmental activities are notfinancial resources and therefore not reported in the fundCapital assets3,191,350Accumulated depreciaton(873,630)Long-term liabilities, including notes & capital lease payables, are not due and payablein the current period and therefore are not reported in the fundNote payable(527,567)Capital lease payable(343)Net Position of Governmental Activities See Accompanying Notes to Basic Financial Statements.41,933,092

Village of Enosburg Falls, Inc.FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTSSTATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGESIN FUND BALANCE - GOVERNMENTAL FUNDSFor the Year Ended December 31, 2014GeneralFundREVENUESTaxesIntergovernmental revenuesInterestOther 494,56456,3952,46229,308582,729TOTAL REVENUESEXPENDITURESCurrent:General governmentStreet lightingParks and recreationHighway and streetAppropriationsDebt ,556TOTAL EXPENDITURESEXCESS OFEXPENDITURES OVER REVENUES BEFOREOTHER FINANCINING SOURCES (USES)(506,827)OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES)Proceeds from issuance of debt513,333EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES6,506136,776FUND BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF YEAR FUND BALANCE AT END OF YEARSee Accompanying Notes to Basic Financial Statements.5143,282

Village of Enosburg Falls, Inc.FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTSSTATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGESIN FUND BALANCE - GOVERNMENTAL FUNDSFor the Year Ended December 31, 2014RECONCILIATION OF THE GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS STATEMENTOF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCETO THE STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIESNet change in fund balances - governmental funds 6,506Revenues in the statement of activities that do not provide currentfinancial resources are not reported as revenues in the funds.Proceeds from issuance of debt(513,333)Governmental funds report capital outlays as expenditures whilegovernmental activities

Enosburg Falls. The basic financial statements are comprised of three components: 1) Village-wide financial statements, 2) fund financial statements, and 3) notes to the basic financial statements. This report also contains other supplementary information in addition to the basic financial statement

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