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CHAPTER IIIMPROVING STUDENTS’ MASTERY ON SIMPLE PRESENTTENSE THROUGH TOOTHPICK GAMEA. Teaching and Learning FrameworkTeaching and learning is an important activity in educationalprocess. Nowadays, many theories that developed in learning process bynew educational paradigms. Indonesia Government has a rule whichstated in Chapter IV, Section 19 verse (1) Number 19 in the year of 2005about Standart National of Education that cited by Abuddin Nata:Learning process is carried out interactively, inspiratively, fun,challenging, can motivate students to be active participants. Besidethat it can give enough space to their work, creativity, andindependence based on students’ talent, interest and theirdevelopments, and psychology.1Based on the description above, teachers have crucial roles in class.They are as creative models who help students to be active and creative inteaching and learning process. Meanwhile, not only students, but olsoteachers must be creative and inovative to move and develop theirlearning educational methodology such as learning strategy in order thatstudents get the best way in enjoyable learning.Learning Strategies is defined as series of activities designed toachieve a particular educational goal. Hamruni classified learning1Nata, Abuddin. Perspektif Islam tentang Strategi Pembelajaran. (Jakarta:Kencana, 2011). Ed.1. Cet.2. p.239

strategy into five types. They are direct, indirect, interactive, independent,and empirical learning. They explained as the following.2a. Direct learning is aimed to consider information or develop skillstep by step. It conducts deductively. In this learning, teachers hasan important role to guide the class briefly. This strategy is easy toplanned and used. But it needs more critical thinking,interpersonal communication and learning in group to developstudents’ competence.b. Inquiry, inductive, problem based learning, and discovery learningis included in indirect learning. This learning needs students to beactive learners and teacher to be a facilitator in the class. Theadvantages of indirect learning are motivates students’ curiosity,creates the alternative solutions, develops students’ creativity andinterpersonal skill, makes better competence, and express thecompetence well. On the other side, indirect learning needs longertime. The outcomes are unpredictable.c. Interactive Learning emphasizes on discussion and sharing ideasamong the students. It gives students opportunities to share theirideas as much as possible to build the thought alternatively.Interactive learning has possitive sides that students are able tolearn in groups, to create social skill around their friends, and toorganize best thought and rational ideas. The negative side is it2Hamruni. Strategi dan Model-Model Pembelajaran Aktif Menyenangkan.(Yogyakarta: Fakultas Tarbiyah UIN Sunan Kalijaga, 2009). p.8-910

depends on the teacher’s competence in designing and developinggroup dynamics.d. Independent learning is aimed to create individual initiative,independent, and improving self. Students not only need teacher’sguidance to work independently, but also need to work in pairs.To create independent and responsible students is the aim of thislearning. The weakness is inappropriate to implemented for theyoung learners because they are not be able to learn independentlyyet.e. Empirical learning oriented on the inductive activity. It is basedon the activities which centred on the students. The advantages ofthis learning are increase students’ participation, students’ critics,and students’ analizing. It has disadvantages that it emphasizes onthe learning process, does not emphasize on the students’achievement, safety, financial, and time.Without mastery on those methodological learning, to increaseeducational quality as the aim of learning is never do. Those learningprocess is ever stated by Ki Hadjar Dewantara that:The educational method for Indonesian learners exactly is withoutthe forcefulness. They are citizen who learn traditional valuesoriented on love, peace, tolerance, brotherhood, honest, good in11

speaking and action, and respect on diversity. Those values aretaught to the young learners by the teachers.3Related to the values, Ki Hadjar Dewantara implemented threefamous educational catchwords which are as special characteristics ofIndonesia. First, Ing Ngarsa Sung Tuladha, means teacher as a model oflearning who stands in front. Teacher is as a leader who gives studentsexample of how to do an action in order to be allowed by them. Second,Ing Madya Mangun Karsa, means teacher always takes around thestudents and motivate them to work, to build their aims and spirit, and todevelop ideas productively. Third, Tut Wuri Handayani, means teacheralways supports students to give their best work for society.4The main point of learning concept as described above is freedomand independent. Teacher guides and gives knowledge so that students isfree how to explore their insight and how to express their ideasindependently. This concept can be analogized as light up the fire. Thefire produces light which diffuse in the whole space asa lightcharacteristic.Educational methods influence the successfulness in teaching andlearning process. It can be known by the students’ achievement at the lastof activity. Implementing the appropriate ways can determine the3Samho, Bartolomeus. Visi Pendidikan Ki Hadjar Dewantara: Tantangandan Relevansi. (Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 2013). p.774Samho, Bartolomeus. Visi Pendidikan Ki Hadjar Dewantara: Tantangandan Relevansi. . p.7812

successfulness of teaching and learning that showed by improvingstudents’ achievement in cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects.B. Improving Students’ AchievementStudents’ achievement is the students’ reward after being doneteaching and learning process that can be given by the students’ numberscore. According to Fathurrohman and Sulistyorini explained the studentswho get low achievement did not meant that they are stupid or have lowIQ but there are two factors influence the students’ low achievement bothinternal and external factors.5In general, as stated Muhibbin Syah the factors that influence thestudents’ achievement can be divided into three as the following.61. Internal factors include students’ physiology and psychology aspectssuch as human senses, intelligence, attitude, interest, talent, andmotivation.2. External factors include students’ social and nonsocial environmentsuch as family condition, school condition, and society.3. Approaches to learning factors include strategy and method oflearning.5Fathurrohman, Muhammad & Sulistyorini. Belajar dan PembelajaranMembantu Meningkatkan Mutu Pembelajaran sesuai Standar Nasional.(Yogyakarta: Teras, 2012). p.1176Gunawan, Heri. Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran PAI. (Bandung: Alfabeta,2013). p.15713

Students who have low achievement can be repaired and checkedfor those factors above. Students may have good intelligence but they donot have good interest for the certain subject. Not interesting strategy ormethod in teaching and learning can influence students’ achievement. Sothat teacher must be creative and innovative to combine and manage theclass well.C. Grammar Concept1. Definition of GrammarGrammar is how words and their component parts combine toform sentences. Geoffrey, describe grammar is as a set of ruleswhich allow us to put words together in certain ways. It refers to themechanism by which language works when we communicate withother people.7 Good sentences are arranged to communicate eachother will be understandable. It can be explained by An-Nisa verse63:ْ ل لَهُمْ ِفي ْ ض عَنْهُمْ وَعِّظُهُمْ وَ ُق ْ ِ ك الَذِيْنَ يَعْلَ ُم اهللُ مَب ِفيْ قُلُىْبِهِمْ فَأَعْز َ ِ أُولَئ 8ً أَنْفُسِهِ ْم قَ ْىالً بَلِيْغب They (hypocrites) are those of whom Allah knows what is intheir hearts; so turn aside from them (do not punish them) butadmonish, and speak to them an effective word (i.e. to believe7Leech, Geoffrey. Grammar for Today Second Edition. (UK: PalgraveMacmillan, 2006). p.38Departemen Agama Republik Indonesia. Al-Qur’an dan Terjemahnya. .p.11614

in Allah, worship Him, obey Him, and be afraid of Him) toreach their innerselves.9Based on the verse above, having good communication isstarted by conveying messages in arrangement of good sentences. Ina language, grammar as being a central part which relates sounds andmeaning. It means that by language, people will be able to convey themeaning of any message has to be converted into words put togetheraccording to grammatical rules then conveyed by sound.10On the other hand, it is defined as a way that accounts for boththe structure of the target language and its communicative use.11Communication needs acceptable language certainly. That is why itneeds good structural sentences by using good grammar in language.Burton’s statement tells that grammar is not a collection of hard-andfast rules. It is more flexible (and, therefore, more useful) than that. Itis possible to communicate in speech and writing without aknowledge of grammar.12 Therefore it can not only be applied inwriting skill but also in accessed on November 25th, 2015.10Leech, Geoffrey. Grammar for Today Second Edition. . p.411Celce,Mariane. The Grammar Book an ESL/EFL Teacher’s CourseSecond Edition. (United State: Heinle & Heinle Publisers, 1999). p.212Burton, S.H. Mastering English Language. (Hongkong: The Macmillanpress, 1982). p.12815

In English, grammar is the essential component of language. Itincludes the part of sentence pattern such as parts of speech, auxiliaryverbs, gerund, prepositions, conjunction, articles, tenses, etc. Theyare integrated well to be good sentences and understandablemessages. Good language has good structural sentences. The learnersare able to learn in arranging good sentences well. Moreover as aforeign language, English must be learnt by Indonesian learnersincluded grammar doubtlessly. Grammar is taught for young learnersshould be never given in some formulas, sentence patterns, ormemorable structures.Young learners are students in 6-12 years. They are classifiedinto two groups, younger group (6-8 years) and older group (9-12years). The Indonesian seventh students of Junior High Schoolincluded as the older group of young learners. Most of them in 12years old. According to Jean Piaget, they are in formal stage. Theirthought develop step by step based on their development ofknowledge and intellectual skill which going to logical and formalthought. Therefore teacher can monitor and allow the students’development of cognitive phase.13Teaching and learning grammar can be organized by Englishteachers attractively. To create the attractive teaching and learning,13Suyanto, K. E. Kasihani. English for Young Learners: Melejitkan PotensiAnak melalui English Class yang Fun, Asyik, dan Menarik. (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara,2008). Ed.1. Cet.2. p.716

teacher must be creative and inovative to renew the method ofteaching. It can be integrated in affirmative sentences with newvocabularies. In the fact, grammar and vocabulary are not separatedcomponents in teaching and learning. Arranging sentences is neededvocabularies to make centextual meaning. Suyanto gives suggestionsin teaching and learning grammar for young learners which is seen asbelow.14a. Using simple language rules. Such as kinds of simple tenses ofsimple present tense, present continuous, simple past tense. Usesingular and plural patterns, subject pronouns, sentence patterns(subject verb object).b. Serving the simplest patterns from the easiest to the difficulties.For example recognizing yes/no questions before wh-questions.c. Giving contextual grammar which used daily life. Using whquestions such as what is your name?, where do you live?.d. Giving students an occasion to practice using those patterns inpair or in group.e. Drilling to make sure that students understand for the material.Substitution drill is emphasized in developing vocabularies. Forexample, changing the subject, verb, or object.f.Using pictures or flashcards.14Suyanto, K. E. Kasihani. English for Young Learners: Melejitkan PotensiAnak melalui English Class yang Fun, Asyik, dan Menarik. . p.4517

Using certain grammar patterns, students are able to practice orallyby makin conversation in pair. In written, students are able to practicemore by completing sentences either multiple choise or answerquestions.2. TensesTenses are derived from Latin Tempus that has meaning astime. In English, it is form of verb that is showed as time and state ofbeing in a situation. Mathematically, it is considered as a function ofverb and auxiliary.15 Verbs can be suffering a transformation by thetime. The verbs get the influence based on the difference of timeexactly. So that the readers can know when the event happens.16Thornbury states that English has only two tenses: present (Iwork) and past (I worked).17 Basically, verb form changes in order tosituate the event in a different time frame that is devided into threemain kinds, they are present (is used for general statements of factand express habitual or everyday activity), past (indicates an activityor situation began and ended at a particular time in the past), andfuture (is used to express future time). To express the event alreadydone, it can use the form of perfect tense. Beside that, the form of15Setiabudhi, Sukma. Complete Grammar of the English Language.(Bandung: Alfabeta, 2013). p.9316Hariyono, Rudy. English Grammar for Children. (Surabaya: GitamediaPress, 2004). p.7117Thornbury, Scott. About Language. (UK: Cambridge University Press,1997). p.20218

continuous or progressive is used in expressing the continuousevent.183. Simple Present Tensea. Definition of Simple Present TenseSimple present tense is defined by Marianne, thenatural division between tenses which relates to time and aspectwhich has to do with the internal structure of the action occuringat any time. The simple present remains in its base form (write,walk) with one exception, the third person singular form, whichis made by adding an –s to the verb (writes, walks).19 Hirtle onceptualized as complete wholes. The events are not bepresented as allowing for further development.20Simple present tense has some usages as stated by Patriciathat simple present tense used to talk about facts, opinions, andhabits or schedules.21 In general, Azar stated the simple presentexpresses events or situations that exist always, usually,habitually. They exist now, have existed in the past, and probably18Setiabudhi, Sukma. Complete Grammar of the English Language. . p.94Celce, Mariane. The Grammar Book an ESL/EFL Teacher’s CourseSecond Edition. . p.11020Celce, Mariane. The Grammar Book an ESL/EFL Teacher’s CourseSecond Edition. .p.11221Werner, Patricia K. Interactions Access Grammar 4th Edition. (NewYork: McGraw-Hill, 2002). p.581919

will exist in the future.22 The usages of simple present tense canbe described as the following:1) The simple present says that something was true in the past, istrue in the present, and will be true in the future. It is used forgeneral statements of fact. For example:a) Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.b) The world is round.2) It is used to express habitual activity. It can be seen from thefollowing examples:a) I study for two hours every night.b) He always eats a sandwich for lunch. 23b. The Patterns of Simple Present TenseSimple present tense has three forms which are dividedinto positive, negative, and interrogative forms. They areconducted on two types of sentences, both verbal and nominalsentences. They can be seen as follows.1) Verbal sentenceThe three forms of verbal sentences of simple presenttense are:2422Azar, Betty Schrampfer. Understanding and Using Grammar. (US:Prentice Hall, 1989). p.223Azar, Betty Schrampfer. Understanding and Using Grammar. . p.1124Hariyono, Rudy. English Grammar for Children. . p.72-7420

a) positive form ( )I/You/They/We V1 OHe/She/It V1 s/es OFor example:They play footballShe goes to school everydayMr. Antoni reads a newspaperb) negative form (-)I/You/They/We do not V1 OHe/She/It does not V1 OFor example:They do not play footballShe does not go to school everydayMr. Antoni does not read a newspaperc) interrogative form (?)Do I/You/They/We V1 O?Does He/She/It V1 O?For example:Do they play football?Does she go to school everyday?Does Mr. Antoni read a newspaper?21

In verbal sentence of simple present tense, there arerules of the use of suffix –s and –es to the stem of verbs.251) They are ended by ch, sh, ss, x, and o add –es, i.e: watches,finishes, passes, fixes, goes.2) They ended by y after a consonant, the y changes into iethen added by –s, i.e: carries, studies, cries.3) They ended by y after a vowel, y does not change then –s isadded to the stem, i.e: plays, buys.2) Nominal sentenceThe three forms of nominal sentence of simple presenttense which are divided into:26a) positive form ( )S is/am/are adjective/noun/adverbFor example:She is happy.I am a student.They are at home.25Riyanto, Slamet. Essentials of English Grammar for Fluent English.(Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2010). p. 1026Hariyono, Rudy. English Grammar for Children. . p.76-7722

b) negative form (-)S is/am/are not adjective/noun/adverbFor example:She is not happy.I am not a student.They are not at home.c) interrogative form (?)Is/Am/Are S adjective/noun/adverb?For example:Is she happy?Am I a student?Are they at home?The adverbs are often used with this tense are always,usually, often, frequently, normally, sometimes, occasionally,seldom, rarely, never.27In this study, simple present tense implemented in teachingand learning description both people doing something andparticular people or thing.27Werner, Patricia K. Interactions 2 Grammar 4th Edition. p.723

D. Teaching and Learning Simple Present Tense1. Definition of GameGame means activity which is entertaining and engaging, oftenchallenging, and an activity in which the learners play and usuallyinteract with others.28 Game is indentical word which connected inthe children world. According to Imam Ghazali, It is an importantactivity for good growth and progress of children intelligence.Children are forbidden to play game is inappropriate action because itcan kill their heart, bother their intelligence development, anddamage on their life rhythm.29 It supports the progression andcreativity of children and also gives advantages in long time becausethey given space to explore what they want to do, to develop theirsuccessive characteristics.A psychologist of Iran, Ali Qalmi gives opinion that whilechildren playing game, the several values of growth happens on them.The beneficial values can be seen as below.30a. Children practice to live in society and recognize the diversity ofpeople personality.b. Game become a sourch of pleasure and happiness.28Wright, Andrew, Games for Language Learning. (New York:Cambridge University Press, 1984). p.129Andrianto, Tuhana Taufiq. Mengembangkan Karakter Sukses Anak di EraCyber. (Jogjakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media, 2011). p.13030Andrianto, Tuhana Taufiq. Mengembangkan Karakter Sukses Anak di EraCyber. . p.13124

c. Children are able to compare theirselves condition with theothers.d. They develop their capability of opposition in order that withwhom they shouldbe socialized and being a friend.e. They recognize the principles and the rules of life and they areable to learn the life ways.In educational context, games are involved in the cooperativelearning model.Whereas, the model can be classified as learningstrategy. Strategy is a plan, method, or series of activities designs toachieve a particular education goal. Learning strategy is the activities

simple present tense, present continuous, simple past tense. Use singular and plural patterns, subject pronouns, sentence patterns (subject verb object). b. Serving the simplest patterns from the easiest to the difficulties. For example recognizing yes/no questions before wh-questions. c. Giving contextual grammar which used daily life.

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