fnYyh çkS ksfxdh fo'ofo ky;DELHI TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY(Formerly Delhi College of Engineering)(Estd. By Govt. of NCT of Delhi vide Act 6 of 2009)SCHEME OF TEACHING AND EXAMINATIONSBACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGYMECHANICAL ENGINEERINGW.E.F 2015
DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGScheme of Teaching and ExaminationsB. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)W.E.F. 2015DELHI TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY(Formerly Delhi College of Engineering)ME-1
CONTENTSDelhi Technological UniversityME-4 VisionME-4 MissionME-4Department of Mechanical EngineeringME-5 VisionME-5 MissionME-5Program Educational ObjectivesME-6Scheme of Teaching and ExaminationME-7List of Departmental ElectivesME-12List of Open ElectivesME-13SyllabusME-15Syllabus of Core CoursesME-39Departmental ElectivesME-80Syllabus of Departmental Electives of VI SemesterME-81Syllabus of Departmental Electives of VII SemesterME-101Syllabus of Departmental Electives of VIII SemesterME-122Syllabus of Open ElectivesME-136ME-3
Delhi Technological University(Formerly Delhi College of Engineering)Shahbad Daulatpur, Bawana Road, Delhi – 110 042VISIONTo be a world class university through education, innovation andresearch for the service of humanity.MISSION1.To establish centres of excellence in emerging areas ofscience, engineering, technology, management and alliedareas.2.To foster an ecosystem for incubation, product development,transfer of technology and entrepreneurship.3.To create environment of collaboration, experimentation,imagination and creativity.4.To develop human potential with analytical abilities, ethics andintegrity.5.To provide environment friendly, reasonable and sustainablesolutions for local & global needs.ME-4
DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGVISIONTo become a global hub of academic excellence, research andinnovation in the field of Mechanical, Production & Industrial, andAutomobile Engineering.MISSIONTo produce world class skilled Mechanical, Production & Industrial,and Automobile Engineers by imparting quality education throughcutting edge technologies, and Research & Development enablingthem to work towards sustainable professional developmentME-5
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)PEO-1Graduate shall have ability to understand and applycore mechanical engineering knowledge to variousautomobile engineering problems.PEO-2The graduates will be able to work in team, investigatethe problem of automobile engineering and present anecological sustainable solution.PEO-3The graduates shall be competent in engineering modelingand experimental capabilities to pursue research andhigher education in automobile engineering.PEO-4The graduates shall have good communication skill,high ethical and social values.ME-6
DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGBACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY (MECHANICAL ENGINEERING)I Year: Odd -2 AP101 Physics – IASC43023015153040-3 AC101 ChemistryASC43023015153040-4 ME101 Basic Mechanical AEC 4EngineeringAEC 25 ME103 WorkshopPracticeHMC 36 HU101 03003025-2550-1617T3L4CourseTitleASCSubjectCode1 MA101 Mathematics - IS. No.CreditContactExamRelative Weights (%)Hours/Week Duration(h)SubjectAreaTeaching SchemeGroup AGroup B1 MA101 Mathematics - IASC43103025-2550-2 AP101 Physics – IASC43023015153040-3 EE101 Basic ElectricalEngineering4 CO101 ProgrammingFundamentals5 ME105 EngineeringGraphics6 EN101 Introduction alME-7
ContactExamRelative Weights (%)Hours/Week DurationPRS025-25 50-2AP102 Physics – IIASC430230151530 40-3EE102 Basic ElectricalEngineeringAEC430230151530 40-4 CO102 ProgrammingFundamentalsAEC430230151530 40-5 ME102 EngineeringGraphicsAEC200303-506AEC33003025-25 SCSubjectCode1 MA102 Mathematics - IIS. No.PSubject AreaCourse TitleI Year: Even SemesterTeaching SchemeGroup AEN102 Introduction toEnvironmentalScienceTotal--50Group B1 MA102 Mathematics – II ASC43103025-25 50-2AP102 Physics – IIASC430230151530 40-3AC102 ChemistryASC430230151530 40-4 ME104 BasicMechanicalEngineeringAEC44003025-25 50-5 ME106 02 CommunicationSkillsTotalME-8--25 5050-
PH1.PE251 Engineering Materials AEC& Metallurgy43023015 15 30 402.ME201 Mechanics of SolidsDCC43023015 15 30 403.ME203 Thermalengineering-IDCC43023015 15 30 404.ME205 Machine Drawingand Solid ModellingDCC40060305.ME207Engineering Analysis DCCand Design43023015 15 30 406.MG201 Fundamentals SLCWSCrAreaTitleCodeS.No.II Year: Odd Semester5025 502323015 15 30 40ME 202 Thermal EngineeringIIDCC43023015 15 30 403.ME 204 Fluid MechanicsDCC43023015 15 30 404.ME 206 Kinematics ofMachinesDCC43023015 15 30 405.ME 208 ManufacturingTechnology-IDCC43023015 15 30 925 eT2.LPE252CrCode1.AreaS.No.II Year: Even Semester
2.CodeS.No.III Year: Odd SemesterME301 Fluid SystemsME303 Dynamics ofMachinesME305 Design of MachineElementsME307 ManufacturingTechnology-IIUExxx Open Elective CourseHU301 TechnicalCommunicationTotal21CrLTPTHPHCWSPRSMTE1. ME302 Heat And MassTransfer2. ME304 Production andOperationsManagement3. MExxx DepartmentalElective Course -1AreaTitleCodeS. No.III Year: Even SemesterDCC43023-151530 40DCC43023-151530 40DEC/GEC43 0/1 2/03-15/ 15/- 30 40/25/25 504.MExxx DepartmentalElective Course-2DEC/GEC43 0/1 2/03-15/ 15/- 30 40/25/25 505.MExxx DepartmentalElective Course-3DEC/GEC43 0/1 2/03-15/ 15/- 30 40/25/25 506. HU304 Professional Ethics HMC&Human ValuesTotal223-2522ME-100025 50-
TPTHPHCWSPRSMTE42. ME 403 Training SeminarDCC23. ME 407 Refrigeration & AirConditioningDCC43023-151530 405.ME4xx DepartmentalElective Course-4DEC/GEC430/12/03-15/ 15/- 30 40/25/25 506.ME4xx DepartmentalElective Course -5DEC/GEC430/12/03-15/ 15/- 30 40/25/25 507.ME4xx DepartmentalElective Course -6DEC/GEC430/12/03-15/ 15/- 30 40/25/25 50TotalPRELDCCETECrME401 B. Tech Project-I1.TitleAreaCodeS.No.IV Year: Odd Semester22MTEPTHDCC82. ME 404 IndustrialEngineeringDCC430233. ME 4xx DepartmentalElective Course -7DEC/GEC43 0/ 1 2/ 0 3015/ 15/- 30 40/25/25 504. ME4xx DepartmentalElective Course -8DEC/GEC43 0/ 1 2/ 0 3015/ 15/- 30 40/25/25 50TotalCr1. ME 402 B. Tech Project-II20ME-11PREPRS30 40ETECWS15TPH15LAreaTitleCodeS.No.IV Year: Even Semester
List of Departmental Elective ubject CodeME -306ME -308ME -310ME -312ME -314ME -316ME -318ME -320ME -322ME -324ME -326ME -328ME -409ME -411ME -413ME -415ME -419ME -421ME -423ME -427ME -429ME -431ME -433ME -435ME -406ME -408ME -410ME -412ME -414ME -416ME -418ME -420SubjectFinite Element MethodGas Dynamics & Jet PropulsionAutomation in ManufacturingQuality Management & Six Sigma ApplicationsMechanical VibrationsPower Plant EngineeringComputer Aided ManufacturingReliability & Maintenance EngineeringDesign of Mechanical AssembliesSystem modeling, simulation and analysisPressure vessels and Piping TechnologyComposite Material TechnologyMechatronics & ControlI.C. EnginesMetrologyProject ManagementRobotics & AutomationComputational Fluid DynamicsAdvanced Manufacturing ProcessesOperations ResearchIndustrial TribologyNon-conventional Energy SourcesComputer Integrated ManufacturingOptimization techniquesElastic & Plastic Behaviour of MaterialsCombustion Generated PollutionAdvances in Welding & CastingOperations and Manufacturing StrategyFracture MechanicsNuclear EnergySupply Chain ManagementMaterials managementME-12DEC -1DEC -2DEC-3DEC -4DEC -5DEC -6DEC -7DEC-8
List of Open Elective CoursesS.No.SUBJECT CODESUBJECTS1.CO351Enterprise & Java Programming2.CO353E-commerce & ERP3.CO355Cryptography & Information Security4.CO357Operating System5.CO359Intellectual Property Rights & Cyber Laws6.CO361Database Management System7.EC351Mechatronics8.EC353Computer Vision9.EC355Embedded System10.EC 357Digital Image Processing11.EC359VLSI Design12.EE351Power Electronic Systems13.EE353Electrical Machines and Power Systems14.EE355Instrumentation Systems15.EE357Utilization of Electrical Energy16.EE359Non-conventional Energy Systems17.EE361Embedded Systems18.EN351Environmental Pollution & E- Waste Management19.EN353Occupational Health & Safety Management20.EN355GIS & Remote Sensing21.EP351Physics of Engineering Materials22.EP353Nuclear Security23.HU351Econometrics24.MA351History Culture & Excitement of Mathematics25.ME351Power Plant Engineering26.ME353Renewable Sources of Energy27.ME355Combustion Generated PollutionME-13
28.ME357Thermal System29.ME359Refrigeration & Air Conditioning30.ME361Industrial Engineering31.ME363Product Design & Simulation32.ME365Computational fluid dynamics33.ME367Finite Element Methods34.ME369Total Life Cycle Management35.ME371Value Engineering36.MG351Fundamentals of Financial Accounting and Analysis37.MG353Fundamentals of Marketing38.MG355Human Resource Management39.MG357Knowledge and Technology Management40.PE351Advance Machining Process41.PE 353Supply Chain Management42.PE355Work Study Design43.PE357Product Design & Simulation44.PE359Total Life Cycle Management45.PE361Total Quality Management46.PT361High Performance Polymers47.PT363Separation Technology48.PT365Non-Conventional Energy49.PT367Polymer Waste Management50.PT369Nanotechnology in Polymers51.PT371Applications of Polymer Blends and Composite52.IT 351Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning53.IT 353Data Structures and Algorithms54.IT 355Communication and Computing Technology55.IT 357Internet and Web Programming56.IT 359Java Programming57.CE351Geoinformatics and its applicationsME-14
1. Subject Code: ME 101/104: Course Title: Basic Mechanical Engineering2. Contact Hours: L: 043. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 34. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 00 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 005. Credits: 046. Semester: I / II7. Subject Area: AEC8. Pre-requisite: NIL9. Objective: To familiarize the students with the concepts ofthermodynamics, fluid mechanics, power plants,engineering materials, manufacturing processesand metrology.10. Details of Course:S. No.T: 00P: 00Practical: 00ContentsContactHoursPART A1Introduction: Introduction to Thermodynamics, Concepts of systems,control volume, state, properties, equilibrium, quasi-static process,reversible & irreversible process, cyclic process. Zeroth Law andTemperature, Ideal Gas. Heat and Work.052First Law of Thermodynamics for closed & open systems. Non FlowEnergy Equation. Steady State, Steady Flow Energy Equation. SecondLaw of Thermodynamics-Kelvin and Plank’s Statements, Clausiusinequality, Definition of Heat Engines, Heat pumps, Refrigerators.Concept of Energy and availability. Carnot Cycle; Carnot efficiency,Otto, Diesel, Dual cycle and their efficiencies.123Principles of power production, basic introduction about thermal powerplant, hydroelectric power plant and nuclear power plant.04ME-16
4Properties & Classification of Fluids, Ideal & real fluids, Newton’s lawof viscosity, Pressure at a point, Pascal’s law, Pressure variation in astatic fluid, General description of fluid motion, stream lines, continuityequation, Bernoulli’s equation, Steady and unsteady flow.07PART B5Introduction to engineering materials for mechanical construction.Composition, mechanical and fabricating characteristics andapplications of various types of cast irons, plain carbon and alloy steels,copper, aluminum and their alloys like duralumin, brasses and bronzescutting tool materials, super alloys thermoplastics, thermosets andcomposite materials.126Introduction to Manufacturing processes for various machine elements.Introduction to Casting & Welding processes. Sheet metal and itsoperations. Introduction to machining processes – turning, milling,shaping, drilling and boring operations. Fabrication of large and smallassembles – examples nuts and bolts, turbine rotors etc.127Introduction to quality measurement for manufacturing processes;standards of measurements, line standards, end standards, precisionmeasuring instruments and gauges: vernier calliper, height gauges,micrometer, comparators, dial indicator, and limit gauges.04Total5611. Suggested Books:S. No.Name of Authors /Books / PublishersYear ofPublication/ReprintTEXT BOOKS:1Engineering Thermodynamics, P. K. Nag, Tata McGrawa-Hill20052Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics, G. J. Van Wylen andR. E. Santag.19943Manufacturing Processes, Kalpakjian20134.Basic Mechanical Engineering,1/e,Education, DelhiME-17Pravin Kumar, Pearson2013
REFERENCE BOOKS:1Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines, S. K. Somand G. Biswas20132Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, R. K. Bansal20103Workshop Practices, K. Hazara Chowdhary20074Workshop Technology, W. A. J. Chapman19725Production Engineering, R. K. Jain, Khanna Publishers20011. Subject Code: AC 101/102: Course Title: Chemistry2. Contact Hours: L: 033. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 034. Relative Weight: CWS: 15 PRS: 15 MTE: 30 ETE: 40 PRE: 005. Credits: 046. Semester: I / II7. Subject Area: ASC8. Pre-requisite: NIL9. Objective: To familiarize the students with the concepts ofEngineering Chemistry, Material characterizationand green Chemistry.10. Details of Course:T: 00P: 02Practical: 00S. No.ContentsContactHours1.Conventional Analysis: Volumetric Analysis, Types of Titrations,Theory of Indicators.062.Spectral Methods of Analysis: UV-visible, IR, NMR & MS: Principlesand Applications.08ME-18
3.Thermal Methods of Analysis: Thermo-gravimetry, Differentialthermal analysis and Differential Scanning Calorimetry: Principles andApplications.044.Polymers & Plastics: Functionality and Degree of Polymerization,Mechanism of Polymerization, Molecular Weights of Polymers,Methods of polymerization, Functional Polymers, Industrial applicationsof Polymers.065.Electrochemistry: Electrochemical cells, components, characteristicsof batteries. Primary and Secondary battery systems, Zinc-Carboncells, Lead storage and lithium batteries. Fuel Cells, Electro-deposition,Electrical and chemical requirements. Electroplating bath and linings.Agitation, Circulation and filtration equipment.086.Phase Equilibrium: Definitions of Phase, component and degreeof freedom, Gibb’s phase rule. One component systems: Water andsulphur. Two component systems: Pb-Ag and Cu-Ni.067.Green Chemistry: Principles of Green Chemistry, Examples ofGreen Methods of Synthesis, Reagents and Reactions, Evaluation offeedstocks, Future trends in Green Chemistry.04Total4211. Suggested Books:S. No.Name of Books/Authors/PublisherYear ofPublication/Reprint1Introduction to Thermal Analysis/ Michael E. Brown/ SpringerNetherlands20012Vogel’s Quantitative Chemical Analysis/ J. Mendham, R.C.Denney, J. D. Barnes, M.J.K. Thomas / Prentice Hall/6 edition20003Green Chemistry: Theory & Practice/P.T. Anastas & J.C. Warner/Oxford Univ Press20004Polymer Science and Technology/ Fried Joel R./ PHI; 2 edition20055Electrochemistry/ Philip H. Rieger / Springer2009ME-19
1. Subject Code: AP 101: Course Title: Physics – I2. Contact Hours: L: 033. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:034. Relative Weight: CWS: 15 PRS: 15 MTE: 30 ETE: 40 PRE: 005. Credits: 046. Semester: I7. Subject Area: ASC8. Pre-requisite: NIL9. Objective: To impart knowledge of basic concepts in appliedphysics and make the students familiar with topicslike interference, diffraction, polarization, fiberoptics, lasers, wave mechanics, etc. This course isalso aimed at enhancing the analytical capability ofthe engineering students.10. Details of Course:T: 00P: 02Practical: 00S. No.ContentsContactHours1.RELATIVITY: Review of concepts of frames of reference and Galileantransformation equation, Michelson – Morley experiment and itsimplications, Einstein’s special theory of relativity, Lorentz transformationequations, Law of addition of velocities, Mass variation with velocity,Concept of energy and momentum, Mass energy relation.082.OSCILLATIONS & WAVES: Damped and forced oscillations, Resonance(amplitude and power), Q – factor, Sharpness of resonance. Equationsof longitudinal and transverse waves and their solutions, Impedance,Reflection and transmission of waves at a boundary, Impedancematching between two medium.07ME-20
3.PHYSICAL OPTICS: Interference by division of wave front andamplitude, Multiple beam interference and Fabry-Perot interferometer,Fresnel diffraction through a straight edge, Zone plate, Fraunhofferdiffraction, single slit and N-slit / grating, Resolving power of telescope,prism and grating. Polarization by reflection and by transmission,Brewster’s law, Double refraction, elliptically and circularly polarizedlight, Nicol prism, Quarter and half wave plates.124.OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS: Cardinal points of co-axial lens systems,spherical and chromatic aberrations and their removal, Huygens andRamsden’s eyepiece.055.Lasers:Coherence and coherent properties of laser beams, Brief workingprinciple of lasers, Spontaneous and stimulated Emission, Einstein’sco-efficient, Ruby laser, He-Ne laser.066.Optical Fiber:Classification of optical fibers, Refractive index profile, Corecl addingrefractive index difference, Numerical aperture of optical fiber, Pulsedispersion in optical fiber (ray theory).04Total4211. Suggested Books:S.No.Name of Books/AuthorsYear of Publication/Reprint1.Physics of Vibrations and Waves, by H.J. Pain.2005/ John Wiley & Sons Ltd2.Vibrations and Waves, by A.P. French.3.Perspective of Modern Physics, by Arthur Beiser4.Optics, by A. Ghatak.2006/Tata McGraw-Hill5.Berkley Physics Course Vol – 1.2009/ Tata McGraw-Hill1971/CRC Press1981/ McGraw-Hill1. Subject Code: AP 102: Course Title: Applied Physics-II2. Contact Hours: L: 033. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 034. Relative Weight: CWS: 15 PRS: 15 MTE: 30 ETE: 40 PRE: 005. Credits: 04ME-21T: 00P: 02Practical: 00
6. Semester: II7. Subject Area: ASC8. Pre-requisite: NIL9. Objective: This course gives a balance account of thefundamentals of Physics as well as some ofrecent developments in this area best suited tothe Engineering applications in different branchesand to provide the knowledge and methodologynecessary for solving problems in the field ofengineering.10. Details of Course:S.No.ContentsContactHours1.Quantum Physics : Failure of classical physics ,Compton effect ,Pair production, de-broglie relation, wave function, Probability density,Schrodinger wave equation, operators, expectation values and eigenvalue equation, particle in a box, simple harmonic oscillator problem,concept of degeneracy.102.Classical Statistics: Microscopic-macroscopic systems, concept ofphase space, basic postulates of statistical mechanics, Maxwell—Boltzmann distribution law.053.Quantum Statistics: Fermi—Dirac and Bose–Einstein Distribution,Fermi- Dirac probability function, Fermi energy level.054.Nuclear Physics: Nuclear properties, constituent of the nucleus,binding energy, stable nuclei, radioactive decay law (alpha and betaspectrum), Q-value of nuclear reaction , nuclear models: liquid dropand shell model, nuclear fission and fusion, elementary ideas of nuclearreactors.065.Electrodynamics: Maxwell’s equations, concept of displacementcurrent, Derivation of wave equation for plane electromagnetic wave,Poynting vector. Poynting theorem, Energy density, wave equation indielectric & conducting media.09ME-22
6Semiconductor Physics: Concept of intrinsic and extrinsicsemiconductors, Fermi level, characteristics of PN Junction, static anddynamic resistance, zenar diode and LED, diode as a rectifier, transistor(PNP and NPN) characteristics, current and voltage gain.Total074211. Suggested Books:S.No.Name of Books/AuthorsYear o
4 ME104 Basic Mechanical Engineering AEC 4 4 0 0 3 0 25 - 25 50 - 5 ME106 Workshop Practice AEC 2 0 0 3 0 3 - 50 - - 50 6 HU102 Communication Skills HMC 3 3 0 0 3 0 25 - 25 50 - Total 21 16 1 7. ME-9 II Year: Odd Semester S.No. Code Title Area Cr L T P TH PH CWS PRS MTE ETE PRE 1. PE251 Engineering Materials & Metallurgy AEC 4 3 0 2 3 0 15 15 30 40 2. ME201 Mechanics of Solids DCC 4 3 0 2 3 0 .
WLC College India - Delhi Aryabhatt Polytechnic - Delhi Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College - Delhi Bhim Rao Ambedkar College - Delhi Daulat Ram College - Delhi Delhi College of Engineering - Delhi Hans Raj College - Delhi Hindu College - Delhi HMR Institute of Technology & Management - Delhi IIF Business School - Delhi
PROF. P.B. SHARMA Vice Chancellor Delhi Technological University (formerly Delhi College of Engineering) (Govt. of NCT of Delhi) Founder Vice Chancellor RAJIV GANDHI TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY (State Technical University of Madhya Pradesh) 01. Name: Professor Pritam B. Sharma 02. Present Position: Vice Chancellor Delhi Technological University (formerly Delhi College of Engineering) Bawana Road .
4 2020226378 ANSHUL THAKUR Open (OP) General HINDU COLLEGE Delhi North Delhi DELHI General B.Sc. (Hons) Physics 6 2020209833 ANU RADHA DEVI Open (OP) General DAULAT RAM COLLEGE Delhi New Delhi New Delhi General B.Sc. (Hons) Bio-Chemistry 7 2020153731 ISHA BASHIR Open (OP) Professional DELHI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Delhi North West Delhi NEAR ROHINI
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15 DAV Public School Ashok Vihar PH-IV, Delhi 16 Deepanshu public school Jai Vihar, Kamruddin Nagar, Nangloi, Delhi 17 Delhi International School ( same) Sector 18A, Dwarka, New Delhi 18 G B S S School JJ Colony II Nangloi Delhi 19 G D Goenka Public School Plot No. 3, Pocket, 7, Sector 22,