Tracking The Use Of Leaked Consumer Data

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Tracking the Use of LeakedConsumer DataTina Yeung & Dan SalsburgOTech FTC Office of Technology Research &

What Happens to Leaked Credentials?Research question:When consumer credentials are made public,does anyone use them?Goal:Design and conduct a study that tracks the attempted useof stolen consumer credentials#IDTheftFTC

Study of Credential Use1. Create 100 consumer accounts2. Post account data publicly3. Track use of data#IDTheftFTC

Fake Customer Data1. numberEmail addressPasswordPayment mechanism Credit card numberOnline payment accountBitcoin wallet#IDTheftFTC

Posting of Fake Customer Data#IDTheftFTC

Posting One vs. Posting Two Same data, posted twice Different format and time of dayPosting 1: 100 viewsPosting 2: 550 views(Picked up by Twitter bot)#IDTheftFTC

Monitoring of Data Usage Monitored for about three weeks– Week before Posting 1 (Pre-study control)– Week after Posting 1 (Week 1)– Week after Posting 2 (Week 2) Logged––––Email account access attemptsPayment account access attemptsCredit card attempted chargesTexts and calls received by phone numbers#IDTheftFTC

Time Before First Unauthorized Access AttemptPosting 1Posting 21.5 hours9 minutes#IDTheftFTC

Total Unauthorized Access AttemptsNumber of Attempts12001108100080060040020001191Pre-StudyWeek 1Week 2#IDTheftFTC

Unauthorized Access Attempts by Account Type100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0%Email ServicesCredit Card NumbersPayment Accounts#IDTheftFTC

Account Activity#IDTheftFTC

Number of AttemptsEmail Account Access Attempts by eek 1Week 2#IDTheftFTC

Email Access Attempts by Unique IP AddressesNumber of Unique IPs30252015105012345678910Number of Attempts11121314 44(Likely underestimates access attempts)#IDTheftFTC

# of Unique IP AddressesGeolocation of IPs Used in Access Attempts50454035302520151050IP AddressesSuspicious IP Addresses*IP Country of Origin*IP addresses identified as suspicious by a freely available service#IDTheftFTC

Credit Card Purchase Attempts Max: 2,697.75, at a clothing website Total amount within two weeks: 12,825.53– Includes multiple payment attempts– Includes preauthorization charges Noteworthy attempts:– Online dating service– Pizza place– Hotels#IDTheftFTC

Amount Attempted per Charge160Number of Charges140120137Identified 110#IDTheftFTC

Number of ChargesCharge by 311#IDTheftFTC

Additional Thoughts If you post it, they will use it Paste sites should be monitored by email andpayment service providers Two factor authentication provides some protectionagainst stolen credentials Merchants should consider refusing seriatimpurchase attempts#IDTheftFTC

Future work Analysis of email spam, text spam, andphone calls received by fake consumeremail accounts Posting of consumer data in other ways thatmight attract different types of thievesHave relevant research?

Contributors Sheryl RothPhoebe RougeJoe CalandrinoAaron AlvaJustin BrookmanPhillip Miyo Nicole DavisAaron KaufmanAmber HoweBiaunca MorrisJonathan AidAnne Blackman#IDTheftFTC

Fake Customer Data . 1. Name 2. Address 3. Phone number 4. Email address 5. Password 6. Payment mechanism Credit card number Online payment account Bitcoin wallet . #IDTheftFTC . Posting of Fake Customer Data . #IDTheftFTC . Posting One vs. Posting Two Sam

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