Easter Catalog 2021 - Haven's Candies

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Easter 2021 CatalogContact Us for Shipping and Curbside PickupTwo Maine Locations:87 County Road, Westbrook Factory: (207) 772-1557448 Forest Avenue, Portland: (207) 772-0761

Chocolate Easter Basketsand Handcrafted Easter EggsHaven’s Chocolate Easter BasketsCome in one of Four Sizes (medium pictured below):Mini 7.95, Medium 18.50, Large 25.50 & and Maxi 48.50Milk, Dark or White Chocolate Available!Local Pickup Only!Chocolate Filled Easter EggsWe have seven handcrafted flavors to choose from:Chocolate Fudge, Butter Cream, Coconut Cream, Peanut Butter,Marshmallow Caramel, Maple Pecan and Chocolate TruffleSmall Foiled - 1.25Large - 5.95

Chocolate Easter Bunnies & RabbitsChocolate Easter BunniesWe have the following handmade rabbits and bunnies to choose from:Select from Milk, Dark or White ChocolateFlop EarSmall 4.50 and Large 10.95Standing Rabbit - 3.50Pack BunnySmall - 9.75 and Large - 14.95Drop Ear - 3.95Sitting Rabbit –four sizes available4 inch- 5.25, 6 inch- 10.50, 7.5 inch 21.95 and 9.25 inch- 32Rabbit on Rooster - 10.25

Chocolate Easter Bunnies & RabbitsRabbit withEgg - 10.95Golfer Rabbit - 13.25Rabbit onMotorcycle - 13.25Cowboy Pete(hollow) - 15.95Rabbit OnStump - 19.95Classic Sitting(hollow) - 27.95Classic Running(hollow) - 39.95Walker Rabbit - 99.95Rabbit withEgg Basket - 44.95Rabbit on Mushroom(24 inch) - 124.95Herman Rabbit(16 inch Hollow) - 49.95

Chocolate Easter Bunnies & RabbitsPeanut Butter Options:Drop Ear - 3.95, 4 inch Sitting - 5.25 and Bunny Pop - 2.25Chocolate Peanut Butter Chick - 1.95Chocolate Peanut Butter Bunny - 2.50Chocolate Peanut ButterFoiled Bunnies - 4.95Customize & Fill Your Own Easter BasketSimply tell us what you would like for a price point and/or items you would liketo include and we will customize the perfect basket for you!In addition we have prefilled baskets for purchase! Ask us for details!Make Your Own Easter Basket KitsIncludes Easter basket, grass, bow and cellophane - 5.95Colors: Purple, Pink or GreenEaster Egg: Small - 3.95 & Large - 6.50

Items Available to Fill Your Own Easter BasketMalted Milk Eggs - 2.50Robin Blue ChocolateCaramel RobinMarshmallow Eggs - 3.25Eggs - 3.75Jordon Almonds - 2.75Pastel EasterCorn - 1.50Haven’s EasterMix - 2.95Panned MarshmallowEggs - 1.95Gummi Carrots - 1.50

Items Available to Fill Your Own Easter BasketChocolate Foiled ItemsFoiled Milk or DarkChocolate Bunnies - 4.95Foiled Eggs - 4.95Available in Milk, Dark, White and MilkChocolate CrispFoiled MilkChocolate Chicks - 3.50Foiled 2oz Purple Bunny - 4.50Foiled Yellow Chick - 5.50Foiled 6oz Pink Bunny - 7.95Foiled 12oz Gold Bunny - 15.95Lindt Milk Bunny - 8.50Other everyday items available include but are not limited to:Old Fashioned Pectin Jelly Beans - 4.95, Pastel Sugar Sanded Bears - 2.25,Gummi Butterflies - 1.50, Mini Malt Spring Mix - 2.50, Gummi Bears - 2.25,Jelly Belly Jewel Assorted Mix - 3.75, Assorted Fruit Jelly Beans - 2.95,Licorice Jelly Beans - 2.25, Spiced Jelly Beans - 2.50 and Mini Gummi Cubs - 2.25

Chocolate Easter Molding & PopsWhite Chocolate Carrot - 1.95Happy Bunny withMini Malt Spring Mix - 4.75Bow Tie Bunnywith Jelly Beans - 2.50White Chocolate Cross - 1.95White Chocolate Hatchling Pop(set of two) - 2.25Small Milk Chocolate Eggwith Jelly Beans - 2.25Milk or White Chocolate Lamb - 3.50Cottontail, Bunny with Carrotand Bunny with Basket - 2.25Chubby Bunny - 3.25Chocolate Daisy Pop - 2.75Chocolate Tulip and Daffodil Pop - 2.95Chick Pops - 2.95

Traditional Haven’s FavoritesCaramel CornBunny - 8.95Easter ChocolateOreos - 2.25Easter S’moreKits - 2.50Spring Party Tray - 59Haven’sBunny Corn - 2.95Chocolate CoconutBirds Nest - 1.95Chocolate CaramelEggs - 2.25Chocolate MarshmallowEggs - 2.25Bag Bunny - 6.95Unique FilledEgg - 29.95

Peeps, Peeps, Get Your Peeps!Yellow Chick Peeps(Strip of Five) - 1.25Chocolate Dipped Chick Peepwith Sprinkles - 1.25Chocolate Dipped Chick Peeps(Strip of Four) - 2.50Available in Both Milk and DarkChocolateDipped ChocolateGiant White Bunny Peep - 2.95Pink and Blue Bunny Peeps(Strip of Four) - 1.25Chocolate DippedBunny Peep Pops - 1.95Chocolate Dipped Peep Bunnies(Strip of Four) - 2.50

Novelty ItemsEaster Eggs withEaster Corn - 1.95Chick and Rabbit withMilk Foiled Bunny& Jelly Beans - 2.95Easter BunnyMilk Mixer - 1.95Orange Carrot withFoiled Milk Bunnies - 3.25Easter Pez - 2.95Choc Bunny & Jelly BeanCotton Candy - 4.50Jelly Belly Carrot - 5.50Easter FriendsSmall Blue Bunny - 5.75Large Pink, Blue or Yellow BunnyAnd Yellow Chick and Duck - 8.95Classic EasterPaper Mache Eggs - 11.95

Easter & Springtime Chocolate Gift BoxesEaster Postcard1# Truffles - 264 Piece Tulip - 5.959 Piece Tulip - 12.50Happy Easter 1#Assortment - 26Bunny & Chick4 Piece - 5.95Easter 4 Piece - 5.95Easter 9 Piece - 12.50Pastel Polka Dot Eggwith Chubby Bunny &Jelly Beans - 10.95Bunny SamplerDark Purple BunnyClassic Rabbit with Truffleswith Assorted Truffles - 14.95 Assortment - 14.95or Chocolates - 13.95Pink Plaid Rabbit withYellow Chick withMilk Foiled Eggs - 8.95 Haven’s Easter Mix - 8.954 Piece TulipTruffle - 5.95

Prepack Chocolates 13.00 per ½# Assortment1/2# Maine Sea Salt Caramels1/2# Sampler Assortment1/2# State of Maine Assortment1/2# Truffle AssortmentAlso available but not pictured:1/2# Nut & Chew Assortment

Prepack Chocolates 26.00 per pound1# Premium Assortment1# All Dark Premium Assortment1# Postcard Truffle Assortment(Seasonal Picture in Center)1# State of Maine Assortment1# Soft Center Assortment1# Truffle Assortment

Easter & Springtime Chocolate Gift Boxes Easter Postcard 1# Truffles - 26 Happy Easter 1# Assortment - 26 Easter 4 Piece - 5.95 Easter 9 Piece - 12.50 4 Piece Tulip - 5.95 9 Piece Tulip - 12.50 Bunny & Chick 4 Piece - 5.95 Pastel Polka Dot Egg with Chubby Bunny & Jelly Beans - 10.95 Dark

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Postage paid at New Haven, CT, publication number USPS 423-410. Postmaster: Please send Form 3579 to the Postmaster, University of New Haven, P.O. Box 9605, New Haven, CT 06535-0605. Produced by UNH Department of Marketing and Publications. Univ. UMP 1490-0909 The University of New Haven's official catalogs are those found on the institution .

Avenue, New Haven CT 06510. Periodicals postage paid at New Haven, Connecticut. Postmaster: Send address changes to Bulletin of Yale University, PO Box 208227, New Haven CT 06520-8227 Managing Editor: Kimberly M. Goff-Crews Editor: Steve Aitken PO Box 208230, New Haven CT 06520-8230 The closing date for material in this bulletin was July 30, 2022.

Easter: - Dyeing Easter Eggs with the Grandparents (usually pu « ng Chris an symbols on them, such as chi ro, crosses, the Tomb, angels) - Easter Egg hunt put on by the City - Easter Dresses (my mom did this to me growing up - fi nding those fl owy, fl owery gowns with big old hats) -

Easter Postcard 1# Assorted Truffles Gift Box - 26.00 Happy Easter 1# Gift Box Assortment - 26.00 Easter 4 & 9-piece Box - 5.95 & 12.50 Spring 4 & 9-Piece Tulip Box - 5.95 & 12.50 Bunny & Chick 4-Piece Box - 5.95

2020–2021 UMGC Catalog. and represents changes and additions made after original publication. Refer to the . 2020–2021 Catalog. for information on all other programs, services, and policies. 2020 2021 UMGC Catalog . 2020 2021 UMGC Catalog . 2020 2021 Catalog . 2020 2021 Catalog . ABO

New Haven Promise, a visionary scholarship and support program that promotes college education for New Haven students. Through New Haven Promise, eligible New Haven public school students receive a full scholarship for either tuition to any Connecticut public college or university, or a partial scholarship toward a private university education.

I. DNA, Chromosomes, Chromatin, and Genes DNA blueprint of life (has the instructions for making an organism) Chromatin uncoiled DNA Chromosome coiled DNA You have 46 chromosomes or 23 pairs in the nucleus of each body cell. o 23 from mom and 23 from dad Gene a segment of DNA that codes for a protein, which in turn codes for a trait (skin tone, eye color, etc); a gene is a stretch of .