2020–2021 CATALOGUPDATEUMGC.EDUThe University Made for You
MISSIONThe mission of University of MarylandGlobal Campus is improving the livesof adult learners. We will accomplishthis by operating as Maryland’s openuniversity, serving working adults,military servicemen and servicewomenand their families, and veterans whoreside in Maryland, across the UnitedStates, and around the world.VISIONUMGC will be a global leader in adulteducation focusing on career-relevantprograms that enable students torealize their professional aspirations.VALUES Students First: These are the peoplewho make our work possible.Table of ContentsABOUT STUDY AT UMGCWays of Earing CreditCERTIFICATE PROGRAMSUNDERGRADUATE12Facebook Digital MarketingUNDERGRADUATE COURSE DESCRIPTIONS3Public Safety AdministrationAPPENDICESState Authorizations Diversity: Each individual brings valueto our efforts and results. Integrity: Our principles andstandards are never compromised. Excellence: Quality is the hallmark ofour work. Innovation: We advance so otherscan benefit from our leadership.Public Safety Executive LeadershipCOURSE INFORMATION Accountability: We are eachresponsible for our overall success. Respect: The rights and feelings ofothers are always considered. People Always: Our faculty and staffrepresent our differentiator andcompetitive advantage.4The following information is anupdate to the 2020–2021 UMGCCatalog and represents changesand additions made after originalpublication. Refer to the 2020–2021Catalog for information on all otherprograms, services, and policies.
ABOUT STUDY AT UMGCWays of Earning CreditTransfer Credit from Outside SourcesGraduate Transfer CreditTABLE OF CONTENTSThe Doctor of Business Administration is now the onlyUMGC program that does not accept transfer credit. Seep. 16 of the 2020–2021 Catalog for information on transfercredit requirements.1C ATA LO G U P DAT E 20 20–20 21u m g c .e d u /p r o g r a m s
CERTIFICATE PROGRAMSUNDERGRADUATEFacebook DigitalMarketingPublic SafetyExecutive Leadership(Formerly called Digital Marketing)AVAILABLE SPRING 2021OFFERED IN THE 2020–2021 ACADEMIC YEARThe following degree requirements and recommended curriculum apply to students who begin continuous study on or afterAugust 1, 2020.TABLE OF CONTENTSThe UMGC digital marketing certificate integrates a foundationalunderstanding of marketing principles with practical applicationsof digital techniques. In this program, you’ll learn how to createeffective online content and use data visualization techniquesto gain better insight into the customer experience.In addition, you’ll learn the skills to run a simulated socialmedia campaign on Facebook and understand the key metricsof optimization. You’ll examine the role of marketing in specificbusiness contexts; use consumer behavior and psychology inthe design of marketing strategies; employ best practices insimulating cost-effective marketing designs and selecting delivery modalities; and analyze how to use social media, email, andother digital-based platforms for optimum marketing results.Overall certificate completion requirements and policies arelisted on p. 161 of the 2020–2021 Catalog.Note: All courses required for the Facebook Digital Marketing certificate canbe applied to major course requirements for the BS in Marketing. Prior-learningportfolio credit, internship/Workplace Learning credit, course challenge, ortransfer credit from other schools cannot be applied to this certificate.SIX REQUIRED COURSES:MRKT 311Digital Marketing Principles (3)MRKT 355Integrated Marketing Communicationsin Digital Media (3)MRKT 356Email Marketing (3)MRKT 394Managing Customer Relationshipsin Digital Marketing (3)MRKT 411Consumer Behavior in Digital Media (3)MRKT 458Social Media Marketing (3)The following degree requirements and recommended curriculum apply to students who begin continuous study on or afterJanuary 1, 2021.Develop the executive leadership skills needed to succeed in theprofessional public safety environment. There is currently a highdemand for leadership education for public safety officials at thefederal, state, and local governmental levels, as well as throughout the private sector. This certificate should be of professionalbenefit to both current and future public safety officials in theareas of contemporary public safety practices, public safetyplanning, public safety legal issues, public policy, public safetyresearch and technology, and public safety leadership.Overall certificate completion requirements and policies arelisted on p. 161 of the 2020–2021 Catalog.FIVE REQUIRED COURSES:PSAD 304Contemporary Public Safety Practices (3)PSAD 306Public Safety Planning (3)PSAD 408Public Safety Legal Issues and Public Policy (3)PSAD 410Public Safety Research and Technology (3)PSAD 416Public Safety Leadership (3)Total credits for certificate in Public SafetyExecutive Leadership: 15Total credits for certificate in Digital Marketing: 182C ATA LO G U P DAT E 20 20–20 21u m g c .e d u /p r o g r a m s
COURSE INFORMATIONUNDERGRADUATE COURSE DESCRIPTIONSPublic SafetyAdministrationPSAD 410 Public Safety Research and Technology (3)PSAD 304 Contemporary Public Safety Practices (3)Recommended: PSAD 302. An investigation of contemporarystrategic public safety practices. The goal is to apply the conceptsof hazard and risk identification and management, quality controlmethodology, customer service, integrated public safety services,and public and private partnerships to public service administrationdecision making. Discussion covers hazard and risk analysis, customer service awareness (including expectations and demands),quality control methodology (including industry standards andaccreditation), integrated public services, best practices, andpublic/private partnerships.TABLE OF CONTENTSPSAD 306 Public Safety Planning (3)Recommended: PSAD 304. An examination of strategic andoperational planning in public safety administration. The aim is toidentify and analyze an existing organizational strategic plan thatincludes budgeting and resource allocation, identify and analyze anexisting operational plan, and identify the process for implementation of operational plans. Topics include strategic plans, budgeting,resource allocation, operational plans, hazard mitigation plans,emergency operation plans, incident action plans, and implementation, including positive and negative forces.Recommended: PSAD 304. An examination of research andtechnology applications in public safety administration. The goal isto describe the principles of scientific research; evaluate existingresearch and technology; and apply the methods and resources ofresearch, science, and technology to public safety administration.Topics include scientific research, research methodology, technology, and evaluating and utilizing research and technology in publicsafety administration.PSAD 416 Public Safety Leadership (3)Recommended: PSAD 304. A study of leadership theories, skills,and techniques used in public safety administration. The objective is to define and explain basic concepts of leadership; analyzepersonal leadership knowledge, skills, and abilities; and evaluateleadership performance in the current public safety environment.Topics include leadership, leadership theories and styles, leadershiproles, leadership performance, individual leadership skills and plans,effective leadership, and future trends.PSAD 408 Public Safety Legal Issues and Public Policy (3)Recommended: PSAD 304. A study of the legal and public policyissues faced by public safety administrators. The objective is todescribe the legal system; the legal and political environment;administrative laws and regulations for the work environment; andthe interrelationship among law, regulations, and public policy. Topics include the federal, state, and local legal systems; the legal andpolitical environment; workplace administrative laws and regulations; public policy; liability; and risk reduction.3C ATA LO G U P DAT E 20 20–20 21u m g c .e d u /p r o g r a m s
APPENDICESState AuthorizationsSee pp. 321–322 of the 2020–2021 Catalog for additional stateauthorization information.HawaiiUniversity of Maryland Global Campus is authorized by the Stateof Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs tooperate as a postsecondary degree-granting educational institution in the state of Hawaii.WashingtonTABLE OF CONTENTSIf you are a Washington State resident seeking information andresources about student loan repayment or seeking to submit acomplaint relating to your student loans or student loan servicer,visit wsac.wa.gov/loan-advocacy or contact the Student LoanAdvocate at loanadvocate@wsac.wa.gov.The Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC) hasauthority to investigate student complaints against specificschools. WSAC may not be able to investigate every studentcomplaint. Visit wsac.wa.gov/student-complaints for informationregarding the WSAC complaint process.4C ATA LO G U P DAT E 20 20–20 21u m g c .e d u /p r o g r a m s
ACCREDITATIONUniversity of Maryland Global Campus is accredited by the Middle StatesCommission on Higher Education, 3624 Market Street, Philadelphia,PA 19104 (267-284-5000), an institutional accrediting agency recognizedby the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Council for Higher EducationAccreditation. UMGC is a constituent institution of the University System ofMaryland and is governed by the USM Board of Regents. UMGC is certifiedto operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV).9625 Belvoir Road, Barden Education Center, Building 1017, Room 128,Fort Belvoir, VA 22060.
ABOUT UMGCUniversity of Maryland Global Campus was founded morethan 70 years ago specifically to serve the higher educationneeds of working adults and servicemembers. Today, UMGCcontinues its global tradition with online and hybrid courses,more than 170 classroom and service locations worldwide,and more than 90 degrees, certificates, and specializationsbacked by the reputation of a state university and the UniversitySystem of Maryland. For more information, visit umgc.edu.3501 University Boulevard EastAdelphi, MD 20783 USA20-CAO-030 (11/20)Visit UMGC on the web at umgc.edu.To speak with an advisor, call800-888-8682 or send an email tostudentsfirst@umgc.edu.
2020–2021 UMGC Catalog. and represents changes and additions made after original publication. Refer to the . 2020–2021 Catalog. for information on all other programs, services, and policies. 2020 2021 UMGC Catalog . 2020 2021 UMGC Catalog . 2020 2021 Catalog . 2020 2021 Catalog . ABO
2020–2021 CATALOG. UMGC.EDU. The University Made for You. MISSION. . 285 Academic Standards 290 Scholastic Recognition 292 Responsibilities of the Student FINANCIAL INFORMATION 296 296ayment of Tuition and Fees P 298a
UMGC is dedicated to offering on-site and online courses and resources to adult students in Maryland and around the world. Under contract to the U.S. Department of Defense, UMGC is one of the largest providers of education to the U.S. military worldwide and serves more than 50,000 active-duty military
ADDENDUM TO 2020-2021 UNIVERSITY CATALOG 2020 GRANTHAM UNIVERSITY - UNIVERSITY CATALOG 2 ADDENDUM GRANTHAM UNIVERSITY 2020-2021 UNIVERSITY CATALOG ADDENDUM Volume 33 PUBLISHED September 17, 2021 This addendum is an integral part of the 2020-2021 University Catalog, which was published August 14, 2020.
Cybersecurity . update to the 2021-2022 UMGC . Data Science . . Leverage big data analytics and AI technology to create solu-tions for stream analytics, text processing, natural language . IFSM 330 Business Intelligence and Data Analytics (3) DATA 335 . Data Visualization (3) CSIA 300 . Cybersecurity for Leaders and Managers (3)
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Step4 In the Work pane, click the Catalog Update Tasks tab. Step5 Click Activate Catalog. Step6 In the Activate Catalog dialog box, choose the capability catalog update that you want to activate from the Version to be Activated drop-down list. Step7 Click OK. Verifying thattheCapability Catalog IsCurrent Procedure Step1 In the Navigation pane, click Admin. Step2 Expand All Capability Catalog.
Sonoran Pronghorn update on page 6 on the status of water in Arizona this year. In This Issue 2021 Executive Committee Page 3Ken Meadors January 2021 Update Page 6 September -December 2020 Update Page 9 August 2020 UpdateTerry Schupp Page 12-14 April—May 2020 Update Pages 15-17 February—March 2020 Page 18 December 2019-January 2020 Update
USING INQUIRY-BASED APPROACHES IN TRADITIONAL PRACTICAL ACTIVITIES Luca Szalay1, Zoltán Tóth2 1Eötvös LorándUniversity, Faculty of Science, Institute of Chemistry, Pázmány Pétersétány1/A, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary, luca@chem.elte.hu 2University of Debrecen, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry,, Egyetem tér1., H-4010 Debrecen, Hungary,