2. ROLES IN FEUDAL SOCIETY: Complete Viewing Two “Roles In .

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1. RISE OF FEUDALISM NOTES: Have out your “Rise of Feudalism” worksheet from yesterday.Use this information to complete filling in the worksheet/check your answers.2. ROLES IN FEUDAL SOCIETY: Complete viewing two “Roles in Feudal Society” films andcompleting two corresponding viewing guides (from the Unit 3 page of Mr. Saska’s site.)3. WORLD RELIGION VENN DIAGRAM: Any remaining time may be spent working on your2nd Chance World Religions Triple Venn diagram. Please review the guidelines for theproject and use the research links found on the Unit 3 page.

The Middle AgesAre separated into three parts Early- 476-1000High- 1000-1300Late- 1300-1450The Fall of ROME MARKS THEBEGINNINGthe Renaissance MARKS THE END

In The EarlyMiddle Ages Europe wasdangerous andviolent. T his wasbecause the Romanarmy no longerexisted.The system Europe reorganizeditself into after the fall of Rome.

MonarchLord/Noble/LadyKnight/PriestPeasant/ Serf

CHARLEMAGNE’S ACCOMPLISHMENTSOne of the strongest leaders of the Franks Used knights on horseback; gave knights land in returnfor their protection United all of Europe under a Christian empire Worked with the Pope Became Holy Roman EmperorHis Greatest Accomplishment: Helped prepare the way for feudalism by providingknights with land as a payment

Muslims from SpainThis constant threat ofinvasion and violence forcedEuropeans to reorganize andadopt the feudal system.

How did thisboat helpthe Vikings?It allowed forboth sea andriver travel

THEVIKINGSWHO were the Vikings? Warriors from Sweden,Denmark, and Norway Known as theNorthmen/Norsemen inEuropeWHENwere they around? :The Viking Age”- 8001100WHAT did they do? Launched bloody raids onNorth Europe

HOW were they so successful? Used longships Knowledge of European coastWHAT motivated them? “Money, fame, and glory” The Afterlife To find new land to farmUnique Viking Ideas Had advanced views on government andrights “The Rule of Law”- everyone,including the King, was expected toobey the law Men and women were seen as equal

What happened tothe Vikings? Larger armies in Europebeat the Vikings Most Vikings converted toChristianity

MonarchsBelieved in the“divine right ofkings,” which meantthat God gave themthe right to rule.Had to rely on theirlords to provide enoughknights and soldiers.Was answerable to thePope.

The NoblesLike monarchs, lords andladies were members ofthe nobility, the highestranking class inmedieval society.Most of themlived onmanors.The lord appointed officials tomake sure villagers carried outtheir duties. They also acted asjudges and punished those whobroke the law.Lords were responsiblefor managing anddefending his land andthe people who workedit.Noblewomen were responsiblefor raising and training theirchildren and sometimes thechildren of other noblefamilies. They were alsoresponsible for overseeing theirlarge households.

Priests- heads ofchurches; cared forthe spiritual needsof the peopleNuns- very holywomen of theChurchBishops- wealthyleaders of thechurchMonks- scholarswho copied textsand taught noblesThe Roman CatholicChurch was the singlelargest unifyingorganization inmedieval EuropeClergyThe clergywere religiouspeople

KnightsKnights were themounted soldiers ofthe medieval world.In general,knights hadto have agood deal ofwealth,since a fullsuit ofarmor and ahorse cost asmallfortune.Stages tobecoming aknight were:1. Page2. Squire3. KnightKnightswereexpected tobe loyal totheir Churchand lord, tobe fair, andto protectthe helpless.

PeasantsMost peasants worked at raisingcrops and tending livestock.The daily lives of peasants revolvedaround work.Children did not go to school or havetutors, so few knew how to read.Serfs were bound to the manor andcouldn’t leave without permission.

Comparing and ContrastingChristianity IslamJudaismAll 3 non-overlappingsections should at leastinclude:At least 8completesentencescontaining factsabout thereligionChristianityAny overlappingsection mustcontain at least 3complete sentencesALL PROJECTSSHOULD BE INCOLOR, EASY TOREAD, NEAT, ANDORGANIZED. PLEASEBE MINDFUL OFSPELLING!

Use this information to complete filling in the worksheet/check your answers. 2. ROLES IN FEUDAL SOCIETY: Complete viewing two “Roles in Feudal Society” films and completing two corresponding viewing guides (from the Unit 3 page of Mr. Saska’s site.) 3. WORLD RELIGION VENN

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