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CALCUTHIRD EDITIONMonfy J. StraussTexas Tech UniversityGerald L BradleyClaremont McKenna CollegeKarl J. SmithSanta Rosa Junior CollegePrentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458

ContentsPrefaceix1 Functions and GraphsInput value x' SljL.1l.L.1.1Preliminaries21.21.31.4Lines in the Plane13Functions and Graphs19Inverse Functions; Inverse Trigonometric Functions33Chapter 1 Review42Guest Essay: Calculus Was Inevitable, John Troutman46Mathematical Essays48Output value5A: 2 22 Limits and Continuity2. Limit of a Function50Algebraic Computation of Limits61Continuity70Exponential and Logarithmic Functions80Chapter 2 Review9249

ivContents973 Differentiationy!I\IIe"i-- It——A7 fs lorfli neaXi 1 - 13.13.2An Introduction to the Derivative: TangentsTechniques of Differentiation1103. of Trigonometric, Exponential, and Logarithmic FunctionsRates of Change: Modeling Rectilinear Motion125The Chain Rule138Implicit Differentiation1463.73.8Related Rates and Applications157Linear Approximation and DifferentialsChapter 3 Review177Group Research Project: Chaos981191651814 Additional Applications of the Derivativea rad/secDrivingshaft4. Values of a Continuous Function184The Mean Value Theorem195Using Derivatives to Sketch the Graph of a Function201Curve Sketching with Asymptotes: Limits Involving Infinity217I'Hopital's Rule2294.6Optimization in the Physical Sciences and Engineering4.7Optimization in Business, Economics, and the Life SciencesChapter 4 Review263Group Research Project: Wine Barrel Capacity1832382502695 Integration2715.15.25.3Antidifferentiation272Area as the Limit of a Sum282Riemann Sums and the Definite Integral5.45.55.6The Fundamental Theorems of Calculus302Integration by Substitution309Introduction to Differential Equations3165.7The Mean Value Theorem for Integrals; Average Value5.85.9Numerical Integration: The Trapezoidal Rule and Simpson's RuleAn Alternative Approach: The Logarithm as an Integral342Chapter 5 Review346Guest Essay: Kinematics of Jogging, Ralph Boas351Mathematical Essays352Cumulative Review: Chapters 1-5353290328334

Contents6 Additional Applications of the Integral6. between Two Curves356Volume362Polar Forms and Area375Arc Length and Surface Area3856.5Physical Applications: Work, Liquid Force, and Centroids6.6Applications to Business, Economics, and Life SciencesChapter 6 Review417Group Research Project: Houdini's Escape3954074247 Methods of Integration7. of Substitution and Integration by TableIntegration by Parts435Trigonometric Methods441Method of Partial Fractions448Summary of Integration Techniques457First-Order Differential Equations461Improper Integrals4727.8Hyperbolic and Inverse Hyperbolic FunctionsChapter 7 Review487Group Research Project: Buoy Design4254264814918 Infinite Seriesy-6- (mL e- "i i, »jh—.——!——X3554938.1Sequences and Their Limits4948. to Infinite Series: Geometric Series , 505The integral Test; p-Series514Comparison Tests521The Ratio Test and the Root Test527Alternating Series; Absolute and Conditional Convergence8.78.8Power Series544Taylor and Maclaurin SeriesChapter 8 Review566553Group Research Project: Elastic TightropeCumulative Review: Chapters 6-8571570533

viContents9 Vectors in the Plane and in Space9.1Vectors in K and Vectors in R 3582The Dot Product588The Cross Product597Parametric Representation of Curves; Lines in R 39.6Planes in R 39.7Quadric SurfacesChapter 9 Review573574606615622628Group Research Project: Star Trek63210 Vector-Valued Functions10.110.210.310.410.5633Introduction to Vector Functions634Differentiation and Integration of Vector Functions642Modeling Ballistics and Planetary Motion651Unit Tangent and Principal Unit Normal Vectors; Curvature660Tangential and Normal Components of Acceleration673Chapter 10 Review679Guest Essay: The Stimulation of Science, Howard EvesMathematical Essays687Cumulative Review: Chapters 1-1068868411 Partial Differentiation69311.1Functions of Several Variables69411.211.311.411.511.6Limits and Continuity701Partial Derivatives710Tangent Planes, Approximations, and DifferentiabilityChain Rules729Directional Derivatives and the Gradient73711.7Extreme of Functions of Two Variables11.8Lagrange MultipliersChapter 11 Review749761770Group Research Project: Desertification775720

Contents77712 Multiple IntegrationTangent planeRvAv12.112.212.312.4Double Integration over Rectangular Regions778Double Integration over Nonrectangular Regions787Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates795Surface Area80412.512.6Triple Integrals812Mass, Moments, and Probability Density Functions12.7Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates12.8Jacobians: Change of Variables843Chapter 12 Review852Group Research Project: Space-Capsule Design82283385713 Vector Analysis85913.113.213.313.413.513.6Properties of a Vector Field: Divergence and Curl860Line Integrals867The Fundamental Theorem and Path Independence877Green's Theorem887Surface Integrals898Stokes'Theorem90813.7The Divergence Theorem916Chapter 13 Review924Guest Essay: Continous vs. Discrete MathematicsCumulative Review: Chapters 11 - 1 3930Mathematical Essays931Cumulative Review: Chapters 11-1393292914 Introduction to Differential Equations .; --Ejcactsolution14.114.214.3ji/tgh\i x0;First-Order Differential Equations936Second-Order Homogeneous Linear Differential Equations947Second-Order Nonhomogeneous Linear Differential Equations957Chapter 14 Review966Group Research Project: Save the Perch Projectyn).Xvii969935

Monfy J. Strauss Texas Tech University Gerald L Bradley Claremont McKenna College Karl J. Smith Santa Rosa Junior College Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458. Contents Preface ix 1 Functions and Graphs Input value x ' SljL.1l. L. Output value 5A:2 2 1.1 Preliminaries 2 1.2 Lines in the Plane 13 1.3 Functions and Graphs 19 1.4 Inverse Functions; Inverse Trigonometric .

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