GCSE URDU Revision Guide - Oasis Academy Lister Park

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1.1. ExamInformation1.1.1. Themes:EdexcelTheme 1Theme 2Theme 3Theme 4Identity andcultureLocal area, holidayand travelSchool Who am I? Town, region andcountry What school islike Work Holidays Travel and touristtransactions School activities Using languagesbeyond theclassroom Daily life Cultural lifeFuture aspirations,study and work AmbitionsTheme 5Internationaland globaldimension Bringing theworld together Environmentalissues1.1.2. Exam gherMarksPaper 1: ListeningPaper 2: SpeakingPaper 3: ReadingPaper 4: WritingExamination 25%of GCSENon-examassessment 25%of GCSEExamination25% of GCSEExamination25% of GCSE35 minutesincluding 5minutes’ readingtime(30 5)50Higher Tier45 minutesincluding 5minutes’ readingtime (40 5)50Memrise.comTV or Film or parentsResoucesReading practiceFoundation Tier 79 minutes( 12 minutes’preparation time)Foundation Tier50 minutesFoundation Tier1 hour 15minutes7050Higher Tier10-12 minutes( 12 minutes’preparation time)Higher Tier1 hour 5 minutes705060Exam stylequestionsExam stylequestionsExam stylequestionsPractice at homeTranslationWriting practicePronunciation FluencyMemrise.comAlphabets stickerReading practiceTV News tickers60Higher Tier1 hour 25minutes

1.2. Usefultips1.2.1. Before Exam Prepare you vocab dailyRevise at least one topic a day with exam style questionsAlways read the instructions given in each question as well as the context.Practice hard in reading an dextracting information from short to long extracts.1.2.2. During exam Follow the instructions Stay focused and read the whole paper in the given 5 minutes. Read all questions and make any notes on the paper. Prevent yourself from being distracted and concentrate during listening exam. Listen again carefully to gain more information on points you are not very clear.1.2.3. VOCABULARY Learn at least Vocabulary is the most important to get a “9*”. There are many ways to learnvocabulary and everyone has a preference to how they memorise things. The best way formost of the people is to learn vocabulary with the help of pictures or to learn items togetherin categories.List of words on one themeLearn andmemoriseVocabularyPratciceVocabularyGrade 9Decide one theme and make a list of words you want to learn. Now match them with picturesor make two columns write English meaning in one column and URDU in the second. Complete all vocabulary lists included in this revision guide. For Reading Exams For you GCSE Urdu, you need to read a variety of text ranging from train timetables toarticles in magazines, so it is unwise to stick to just one sort of reading material. Read from Textbook or Class materials use school library for easy books in Urdu, readnewspapers and adverts on internet. Remember the more you read the better it will be for your learning.Read all topics included in this revision guideComplete all given exercises for practiceProduce 9

Chapter 2.Theme 1: Identity and Culture

descriptions 2.1. Physical Learn some key words and phrases from this page to talk about physical description of yourself. What will you learn: ۱ ریماانماجودیےہ۔ ۲ ریمیرمعدنپرہاسلےہ۔ ۳ ریمادقابمل / درایمہن / وھچاٹےہ۔ My name is Javed. I am fifteen years old. I am of tall/medium/short height. ۴ 3. ریما ریمی ریمے ) My/Mine (M ) My/Mine (F ) My/Mine (P اساک اسیک اسےک ) His (P ) His (F ) His (P 4. اکلہ / اھبری ایپرا / ایپری Light /heavy Cute/ pretty دبوصرت / دبلکش وخوصبرت / دشکل Ugly Beautiful/attractive ونوجان / وبڑاھ داڑیھ / ومھچن Young/Old Beard /Moustache 5. ریمےابلاکےل / وھبرےاورےبمل / وھچےٹںیہ۔ I have black/brown and long/short hairs. ۷ 2. ریمیآوھکنںاکرگناکال / الین / زبسےہ۔ I have black/blue/green eyes. ۶ امسجیندخواحل ریمامسجوماٹ / درایمہن / التپےہ۔ I have fat/medium/thin body. ۵ 1. 6. جنرگناندنسپےہ۔ I like white colour where as dislike orange colour. 7. Top Tip: Use varied vocabulary to compare body feature. Also use past tense to describe events in the past. تہوہں۔ یہ۔ریمیایمےکاطمقبریمیزبس ور ریما وہجےسںیمتہبتسچاوروخشلکش Worked Example: ? 1. How old is Javed 2. What is the colour of his ? hair 3. According to his mother, ? what suits him more 4. Why Javed thinks he looks ? good and active ? 5. What sports he like to play ? Why نےھجماینپامسجین ےہاورورزشیھبوخبوہاجیتےہ۔ اب یکوکششرکںی۔ خلےکابرےںیماکیومضمنںیھکل۔

2.1.1. Grade 2-4: Read and fill in the blanks using correct personal pronoun. اثمل ںیمڑلاکوہں۔ ریما ںیم ریمی ۱ ۔۔۔۔ڑلیکوہں۔ ںیم ریما ریمی ۲ ۔۔۔۔۔۔دواھبیئںیہ۔ ریمی ریما ریمے ۳ ۔۔۔۔۔۔نیتںینہبںیہ۔ ریمی ریما ریمے ۴ ۔۔۔۔۔اوبتہباےھچںیہ۔ ریمی ریما ریمے ۵ ۔۔۔۔اکی ڑبےاوکسلںیمڑپاتھوہں۔ ںیم ریما ریمی ۶ ںیہ۔ ریمی ریما ریمے ۷ رےتھکںیہ۔ ریمی ریما ریمے ۸ ھکانانبیتںیہ۔ ریمی ریما ریمے 2.1.2. Grade 2-4: Read and find true and false in personal pronouns. حیحص طلغ ۱ ںیمڑلیکوہں۔ حیحص طلغ ۲ ریمےدواھبیئںیہ۔ حیحص طلغ ۳ ریمےنیتںینہبےہ۔ حیحص طلغ ۴ ریمااوبتہباےھچوہں۔ حیحص طلغ ۵ ںیمڑبےاوکسلںیمڑپاتھےہ۔ حیحص طلغ ۶ ۔ حیحص طلغ ۷ تھکوہں۔ حیحص طلغ ۸ کانانبیتںیہ۔ حیحص طلغ ۹ ادیاجنیھبریتہےہ۔ حیحص طلغ اثمل ںیمڑلاکےہ۔

2.1.3. Grade 3-4: Read about Aisha who is talking about herself in Urdu. ےہ۔ںیمامرٹسچن ھبدنسپںیہنرکیت ہکنوہ یھبکاھبکر ھبدنسپرکیتوہں۔ ) Read the text and answers in English below. (5 marks ) (1 12 ? How old is Aisha 1 ) (1 Parrs wood high school ? Which school does she go 2 ) (1 She likes pink and dislikes black colour Name colours that Salma like and dislike. 3 ) (1 Sarah ? With whom does she like to play cricket 4 ) (1 Playing football and Watching TV Brother ? Name activities Salma likes to do. With who 5 2.1.4. Grade 4-5: Read about Javed who is giving his physical description in Urdu. مدنسپںیہ۔ریمی اکرگناکلہوھبراےہاور ریمادقابملےہہکبجمسج لےہویکہکنےھجم وہاجیتےہ۔ ) Read the text and answers in English below. (5marks ) (1 15 ? How old is Javed 1 ) (1 Black ? What is the colour of his hair 2 ) (1 Green eyes ? According to his mother, what suits him more 3 ) (1 Tall height and thin body ? Why Javed thinks he looks good and active 4 ) (1 Football, Tennis and he gets an advantage due to his body. ? What sports he like to play? Why 5

2.1.5. Grade 3-5: Translation: Describing physical features. 1 ۔ ریمامسجالتپےہ۔ 2 ۔ ریمیآںیھکنوھبریںیہ۔ 3 ۔ ادسےکابلاکےلاورےبملںیہ۔ 4 ۔ جالتپےہ۔ 5 ۔ بیومںیھچنںیہ۔ 6 ۔ ہبوخوصبرتاتگلےہ۔ 7 ۔ لےہ۔ 8 ۔ اسوماٹےنگلگلایگوہں۔ 9 ۔ نپچبںیم ابہیےھجمدشکلےتگلںیہ۔ ) (1 ) (1 ) (1 ) (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) (3 ) (3 کوںیگ 10 ۔ ) (3 2.1.6. Grade 3-5: Exam style speaking exercise: Physical description of others 1 آپےکدوتساکہیلحایبنرکںی؟ 2 کں؟ 3 ایکآپوکاےنپاھبیئ / ں؟ 4 ں؟ 5 یچوںاکوہانرضوریےہ؟ویکں؟

2.1.7. Grade 3-5: Write and speak about physical features to describe the picture.1. Label the photo with nouns and verbs. (1-3)15 ابل 23467* (colour)8* (verb)2. Write phrases or expressions to describe the physical features of people. (3-5) Write statements or give opinions about your family members (physical features etc.). (4-7)

2.2. Revision:Character descriptionLearn some key words and phrases from this page to talk about characters of other people.What will you learn: ڑلیکوہں۔ / اک 1. رکدار / ریست مہ۔۔۔ںیہ I think 2. ںیم۔۔وہں He/She isI am (M/F) یتگلےہ اتھجمسوہں / اتگل I (to me) اسنہےنواال / زماہیح Sad/QuietComedy/ funny یلیصغ / الیصغ مہدرد / رہمابن Angry/ bad temperUglyRude/ bad mannersMy younger sister is very beautiful and cute.3.۳Aslam I very chatty where as Javed is very quiet. ہمطتہباسنلمرےہ۔ اخومش / اداس دبزیمت / دباالخق ۲ خومشاورمکوگےہ۔ ےھجم He/she seemsI am a good looking and good manners boy/girl. ایپریےہ۔ وہ۔۔ےہ We are (M/F)۱4.۴Amina is a shy girl where as Fatima is very sociable. وکگنترکاتےہ۔ 5.۵My younger brother is very naughty and annoys everyone. ریمےوادلنیتخساورےلیصغ وتںیہرگمرہمابنیھبںیہ۔ 6.۶My parents are strict and angry, but they are kind as well. وخشاالخق / ہاوردھجمساراتھجمسوہں۔ اباالخق Good mannersWorked Example:1. My name is Imran.2. Imran’s younger brother isvery active.3. Imran do not get on with hisyounger brother.4. Imran has two brothers andone sister.5. Imran’s father is very lazy andtalkative.6. Imran’s mother is very kindand cares for everyone.7. Imran’s younger sister likes toplay with dolls.8. Imran likes to spend time withher younger sister.9. Imran’s father is a very strictperson.7.۷I consider my brother very intelligent and wise.Top Tip: Remember to be nice and polite when describing elders(Formal). Understand the words such as ( خوش / )با and ( بد / )بے ےاھبیئاور اکیوھچیٹنہبےہ۔ریمےاوب اجن یایماجن اکیرنمدلیکامکلںیہ۔ نحمےہ ۔ہکبج وھچاٹاھبیئتہبتسسوہےنےک یوھچیٹ ےہ۔ بںیئ۔ ویکں؟ / یکوکششرکںی۔ اینپبسےسدنسپدیہ اب

2.2.1. Grade 3-4: Some people are describing personalities of their family members. کےنانبیتںیہ۔ : اعہیل سڑلایئرکاتراتہےہ۔ اعرم یہ۔ افہمط Who says what? put a cross in each one of the three correct boxes. (4 marks)AliyaFatimaAmirExampleMy younger brother is a very lazy person. 1.My mother makes very tasty food. 2.My uncle is very kind and a funny person. 3.Fights with his siblings all the time. 4.My mother is very hard working. 2.2.2. Grade 3-5: Read about Imran describing personalities of his family members. ریماانم ور کیتخسزماجااسننںیہہکبج ریمیایماجن ابسےسڑبااھبیئتہبیتنحم ےہ ۔ہکبجوھچاٹاھبیئ نےہاورےھجمرہوتق اجےہ۔ Read the text and answers in English below.Example My name is Imran.1Imran’s younger brother is very active.2Imran gets on with his younger brother.3Imran has two brothers and one sister.4Imran’s father is very lazy and talkative.5Imran’s mother is very kind and cares for everyone.6Imran’s younger sister likes to play with dolls.7Imran likes to spend time with her younger sister.8Imran’s father is a very strict person. (Total 5 marks)

2.2.1. Grade 3-6: Use words into sentences. (opinions reasons) تہںیہ۔ زماہیح اثمل ایپررکےنواال 1(2) رہمابن 2(2) ابوتین 3(2) یتنحم 4(2) زماہیح 5(2)(2) ایخلرانھک 6 دبزیمت 7(2)8(2) مہدرد اامیدنار 9(2) تخسزماج 10(2)2.2.2. Grade 4-6: Translate the sentences about describing personality in to Urdu.Ex.My father is a very strict person.1My friend is very beautiful and attractive.2My friend is an active and hardworkingperson.3I like to play with my elder sister becauseshe is very kind and caring4Before I used to be very talkative but now,I like to stay quiet.5In childhood, Javed used to be a very rudeperson but now he is very polite.6In future I will marry a person who is goodlooking, caring and has good manners. ریمےوادلتہبتخسزماجںیہ۔ (6 marks)

Family and family members 2.3. Revision: Learn some key words and phrases from this page to talk about family and family members. ۱ ریمے ابپ / اوباجن / وادلاصبحاکانماجودیےہ۔ My father’s name is Javed. ۲ 6. انتہبدنسپ / اندنسپےہ۔ I really like/dislike to spend time with my family. مہ امہرا امہری ) My/Mine (M ) My/Mine (F ) My/Mine (P امہرے اناک / یک اسےک ) His (P ) His (F ) His (P رقیبیرہتشدار ڑجواں Relatives Twins وسالیت / وسیلیت اگس / یگس / ےگس ) Step (brother/sister ) Real (brother/sister وجان / وبڑاھ زاداھبیئ / نہب Young/Old Cousin 5. لہپاشدیوہیکچےہ۔ All of my siblings got married long time ago. ۷ 4. وپےتاوروپایتںںیہ۔ My grandparents have 11 grandchildren. ۶ 3. ریماڑبااھبیئاکیاشدیدشہ / ایخلرےنھکواالااسننےہ۔ My elder brother is married/ caring. ۵ اخدنان / ہبنک 2. اعہشئےکبسرھگواےلاےھٹک / اگلاگلرےتہںیہ۔ Aisha’s family live together/separate. ۴ 1. ریمیامں / ایماجن / ۔ My mother’s name is Naseem begum. ۳ What will you learn: 7. Top Tip: Compare various relations using past/future tenses and justify your opinions and include complex vocabulary/sentences. فےہاوروہاکی ںیہ۔مہلکنیتاھبیئاور اکینہبںیہ۔ ںیم انامتمےسڑباوہں۔ ھباپاتسکنےسرگویمںیک رےاسھتیہ نیہموہامہرے نپاخدنانےک Worked Example: Connectives Time expressions Adverbs Adjectives ) Register (Formal/Informal Opinions ) Reasons (extended Present tense Past tense Future tense Asking a question Impressive vocabulary Complex structures Pronunciation اسھتوتقزگارانااھچاتگلےہ۔ اب یکوکششرکںی۔ خلےکابرےںیماکیومضمنںیھکل۔

2.3.1. Grade 3-4: Read about Aliya’s family members in Urdu. ےںیہ۔ اکتہبوشقےہ۔ریما وھچاٹاھبیئرادش ےتہںیہ۔ ) Answer in English. (5 marks 13 ? How old is Aliyah 1 Manchester ? Where does Aliyah live 2 3 bedrooms ? How many rooms do they have 3 My mother ? Who likes to cook food 4 Younger brother- 10 years ? Who is Rashid? How old is he 5 2.3.2. Grade 3-5: Read various opinions about family members. ادمح ۔ اجودی ت۔ افہمط اتھکےہ۔ رمعان ن اتوہں۔ آہنم ںیہ۔ ) Who says what? put a cross in each one of the three correct boxes. (4 marks Javed Amina Imran Fatima Ahmed I like to talk to my parents because time passes quickly. Ex. I help my mother in house chores because she is old. 1. My friend’s brother looks after his siblings. 2. I like to skype with my granddad because he is alone. 3. I don’t like my friend now because he is rude with his mother. 4.

2.3.3. Grade 4-6: Describing pictures: Read carefully about this family picture. ایمب اوروہشمرڈارٹک ںیہ۔ریمےاوبتہب ٹکےسایپر دیعسہےہاورانیک ورذلذیاھکےنانبیتںیہ۔ ریمیایمتہبایھچںیہ ماینپایمیکدمد ںےکدقومں ینہبںیہ۔ریمینہباکانم رممیےہہکبجاھبویئں اکانمودیلاورادسےہ۔ریما بسےسوھچاٹ اھبیئڑبالقعدنم ےہہکبج ریمینہبتہبرشاریت دہرتوتقاےنپ نزدجسمںیم ناُنوکابابغیناکتہب نانےکیئکاور خدنان ، ریمےوھچےٹامومں ، ڑبےاخول ، نںیمرےتہ پیھپاجن ، ریمیاخہلاجنریتہںیہ۔اسےک بایگےہاورےھجماس رثک اتسیتریتہےہ۔

2.3.4. Grade 3-4: Read about Aliya who is talking about her relatives. سےس تگلےہ۔اسےک اتیئاجنےسانلمیھب ریمےاخہلزاداھبیئونہبں ھچاتگلےہ ) Answer the following question in English. (5 marks Meeting realtives ? What does Aliya like to do in Pakistan 1 Meating and playing with cousins ? What she likes to do in Islamabad? With who 2 Dad’s elder brother and his wife ? Who lives in Muree 3 Mother’s sister son and daughters ? Aaliah likes to visit Lahore with who 4 Maternal grand parents and visiting beach ? What does Aliya like to do in Karachi? With whom 5 2.3.5. Grade 3-4: Read about Fatima’s Extended family in London. دنلن ہہکبج نسےہاسےک لسنںیہہکبج تسمںیمںیماےنپاھبیبیکرطح اکی ادااکرہاننباچوہںیگ۔ ل۔ ) (5 MARKS ۱ افہمطےکوادلایکاکمرکےتںیہ؟

For you GCSE Urdu, you need to read a variety of text ranging from train timetables to articles in magazines, so it is unwise to stick to just one sort of reading material. Read from Textbook or Class materials use school library for easy books in Urdu, read newspapers and adverts on internet.

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