David Parker - Odessa College

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David Parker, Instructor profileDavid ParkerInstructor profile ()No. of responses 14Overall indicators5 2. About the Instructor:4321-av. 4.63dev. 0.5Survey ResultsLegendRelative Frequencies of answersStd. Dev.25%Question textMean0%50%0%25%Left poleRight pole543Scale2n No. of responsesav. Meandev. Std. Dev.ab. Abstention1Histogram1. About Me:1.1)My class standing is:Freshman (0-30 hours)1.2)1.3)Sophomore (31-60 hours)0%More than 60 hours without any degree or certificate0%Earned certificate or associate degree0%Earned bachelor degree or higher0%1-5 semester hours0%6-9 semester hours100%n 14This semester I am enrolled in:10-12 semester hours0%13 - 15 semester hours0%More than 15 semester hours0%n 14I am predominantly:A day student1.4)100%100%An evening student0%1-13 hours per week0%14-20 hours per week0%21-36 hours per week0%More than 36 hours per week0%n 14I have a job at which I work:Not employed07/05/2011Class Climate evaluationn 14100%Page 1

David Parker, Instructor profile1.5)1.6)1.7)I am a:Male84.6%Female15.4%White Non-Hispanic28.6%Black Non-Hispanic14.3%Hispanic57.1%I am:Asian or Pacific Islander0%American Indian0%Required for my major0%n 14I am enrolled in this course because it is:Required for general education1.8)n 13n 14100%Required for my job0%An elective course0%For personal improvement0%Online0%This class was taught:In a classroomn 14100%2. About the Instructor:2.1)The instructor communicated the subject matterclearly.78.6% 21.4%52.2)The instructor's lectures and classroom activitieshelped me to learn the material.The instructor provided me with a course syllabus.The instructor spoke clearly and understandably.The instructor was genuinely interested inteaching.485.7% 14.3%3210%0%0%3210%0%0%464.3% 35.7%3210%0%0%Strongly Agree464.3% 35.7%3210%0%0%Strongly Agree507/05/20110%Strongly Agree52.5)478.6% 21.4%52.4)0%Strongly Agree52.3)0%Strongly AgreeClass Climate evaluation432Strongly Disagreen 14av. 4.79dev. 0.43Strongly Disagreen 14av. 4.79dev. 0.43Strongly Disagreen 14av. 4.86dev. 0.36Strongly Disagreen 14av. 4.64dev. 0.5Strongly Disagreen 14av. 4.64dev. 0.51Page 2

David Parker, Instructor profile2.6)The instructor showed enthusiasm forencouraging student learning.71.4% 28.6%52.7)The instructor was accessible for consultation (e.g. question, calls, emails, etc.)The instructor was impartial in evaluating myperformance.2.10)The instructor treated me fairly.The instructor created an atmosphere in which Ifelt comfortable asking questions.The instructor considered opposing viewpoints.0%3210%0%457.1% 42.9%3210%0%0%Strongly Agree457.1% 42.9%3210%0%0%Strongly Agree5432142.9%50%7.1%0%0%Strongly Agree52.11)471.4% 21.4% 7.1%52.9)0%Strongly Agree52.8)0%Strongly Agree435.7% 64.3%3210%0%0%Strongly Agree543210%0%0%Strongly Disagreen 14av. 4.71dev. 0.47Strongly Disagreen 14av. 4.64dev. 0.63Strongly Disagreen 14av. 4.57dev. 0.51Strongly Disagreen 14av. 4.57dev. 0.51Strongly Disagreen 14av. 4.36dev. 0.63Strongly Disagreen 14av. 4.36dev. 0.5Strongly Disagreen 14av. 4.93dev. 0.27Strongly Disagreen 14av. 4.93dev. 0.27Strongly Disagreen 14av. 4.71dev. 0.47Strongly Disagreen 14av. 4.86dev. 0.36Strongly Disagreen 14av. 4.64dev. 0.633. About the Course:3.1)Overall, the course was a valuable learningexperience.92.9% 7.1%Strongly Agree53.2)The course covered what the course descriptionsaid it would.92.9% 7.1%Expectations were clearly stated either verbally orin the syllabus.The criteria used to assess student work wereclear.The workload was comparable to other courses atthis level.471.4% 28.6%10%0%0%3210%0%0%485.7% 14.3%3210%0%0%Strongly Agree53.5)2Strongly Agree53.4)3Strongly Agree53.3)44371.4% 21.4% 7.1%210%0%Strongly Agree543214. About the Campus:07/05/2011Class Climate evaluationPage 3

David Parker, Instructor profile4.1)4.2)The size and layout of the classroom/laboratoryare appropriate.The student furniture (desks/tables/chairs) of theclassroom is appropriate.28.6% 14.3% 42.9% 14.3%5432171.4%0%28.6%0%0%Strongly Agree54.3)Technology/resources are appropriate to supportlearning.The Odessa College campus is clean and neat.4357.1% 14.3% 28.6%210%0%Strongly Agree54.4)0%Strongly Agree4364.3% 28.6% 7.1%210%0%Strongly Agree5432Strongly Disagreen 14av. 3.57dev. 1.09Strongly Disagreen 14av. 4.43dev. 0.94Strongly Disagreen 14av. 4.29dev. 0.91Strongly Disagreen 14av. 4.57dev. 0.6515. Feedback/CommentsThank you for taking the time to complete this survey!07/05/2011Class Climate evaluationPage 4

David Parker, Instructor profileProfileCompilation:Instructor profile2.1)The instructor communicated the subject matter clearly.Strongly AgreeStrongly Disagreen 14av. 4.792.2)The instructor's lectures and classroom activities helped me to learn thematerial.Strongly AgreeStrongly Disagreen 14av. 4.792.3)The instructor provided me with a course syllabus.Strongly AgreeStrongly Disagreen 14av. 4.862.4)The instructor spoke clearly and understandably.Strongly AgreeStrongly Disagreen 14av. 4.642.5)The instructor was genuinely interested in teaching.Strongly AgreeStrongly Disagreen 14av. 4.642.6)The instructor showed enthusiasm for encouraging student learning.Strongly AgreeStrongly Disagreen 14av. 4.712.7)The instructor was accessible for consultation (e.g. question, calls, emails,etc.)Strongly AgreeStrongly Disagreen 14av. 4.642.8)The instructor was impartial in evaluating my performance.Strongly AgreeStrongly Disagreen 14av. 4.572.9)The instructor treated me fairly.Strongly AgreeStrongly Disagreen 14av. 4.572.10)The instructor created an atmosphere in which I felt comfortable askingquestions.Strongly AgreeStrongly Disagreen 14av. 4.362.11)The instructor considered opposing viewpoints.Strongly AgreeStrongly Disagreen 14av. 4.363.1)Overall, the course was a valuable learning experience.Strongly AgreeStrongly Disagreen 14av. 4.933.2)The course covered what the course description said it would.Strongly AgreeStrongly Disagreen 14av. 4.933.3)Expectations were clearly stated either verbally or in the syllabus.Strongly AgreeStrongly Disagreen 14av. 4.713.4)The criteria used to assess student work were clear.Strongly AgreeStrongly Disagreen 14av. 4.863.5)The workload was comparable to other courses at this level.Strongly AgreeStrongly Disagreen 14av. 4.644.1)The size and layout of the classroom/laboratory are appropriate.Strongly AgreeStrongly Disagreen 14av. 3.574.2)The student furniture (desks/tables/chairs) of the classroom is appropriate.Strongly AgreeStrongly Disagreen 14av. 4.434.3)Technology/resources are appropriate to support learning.Strongly AgreeStrongly Disagreen 14av. 4.294.4)The Odessa College campus is clean and neat.Strongly AgreeStrongly Disagreen 14av. 4.5707/05/2011Class Climate evaluationPage 5

David Parker, Instructor profileProfileCompilation:2. About the Instructor:07/05/2011Instructor profile Class Climate evaluation-av. 4.63Page 6

David Parker, Instructor profile 07/05/2011 Class Climate evaluation Page 2 1.5) I am a: Male 84.6% n 13 Female 15.4% 1.6) I am: White Non-Hispanic 28.6% n 14 Black Non-Hispanic 14.3% Hispanic 57.1% Asian or Pacific Islander 0% American Indian 0% 1.7) I am enrolled in this course because it is: Required for my major 0% n 14 Required for general .

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