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DOCUMENT RESUMESE 012 641ED 055 921AUTHORTITLEKellner, RobertEnvironme tal Concern Inven ory. Form5-89-12.INSTITUTIONPUB DATENOTEProject I-C-E, Green Bay, WiJan 71EDRS PRICEDESCRIPTORSMF- 0.65 HC- 3.29*Elementary School Stade s; *Environmentalecondary School Students;Education: *Evaluationv*TestsESEA Title IIIIDENTIFIERSABSTRACT31p.The Environmental Concern Inventory, three evaluativeinstruments for grades K-4, 5-80 and 9-12, is a problem-solving quizdesigned to help the teacher discover those types of problems orenvironmental concerns not clear to students. On the K-4 inventory,respondents need only place a check in the box that contains thepicture which illustrates their answer. In the 5-8 and 9-12inventories, a hypothetical problem situation is given-and a solutionis subsequently chosen. This work was prepared under an ESEA TitleIII contract. (CP)


PROJECT I-C-E Tabulation Form K-4(E)NVIRONMENTALONCERNI NVENTORYPlease complete all items-this section. Kindergarten and first gradeteachers will have to fill in this section for your students.GradeSexAgeStudentDistrict or SchoolTea hers:K-23-4AllPlease read the two examples below and every question for yourstudents for clarity and control.Note the examples given to aid students before starting theInventory.Students will check the appropriate box beneath the "pictured"theanswer. This Inventory given early in the year and ateffectyear's end will enable us to measure the attitudinalYou theof the Project I-C-E Supplementary Curriculum Guides. and flexiteacher are the prime mover. Ycur adaptations, use,ble implementation of the guides within your class activitiestheiris the pivoting star around which students begin to knowcooperation.Thank you for your continualenvironment.The Inventory may be easily scored by you the teacher for immediate feedback. Use our personnel for any needed analysis ofthe results.EXAMPLES:A(See the enclosed answer sheet.)WHAT TWO THINGS DO YOU NEED TO STAY ALIVE?rAMnyB. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE?ONE ROOMITHREE ROOMSA HOUSE





PROjETI-C- RNNVENTORY.Developed by Robert KellnerProject I-C-EServing Schools in CESA 3-8 9Robert Warpinski, Director1927 Main StreetGreen Bay Wisconsin 54301For5-8 (1-7Produced rnder Title III, ESEA PrOject-.#5970-0135r1i-

You will be givenDIRECTIONS TO TEACHERS AND STUDENTS:an environmental problem situation.Read the problemtwice to insure your understanding of the facts andtheir impact.Then choose the solution which seemsbest for the problem described.Mark your answersDo not write in theon the separate answersheet.test booklets.NOTE:Problem #18 calls for two answe s.of this on the answer sheet.possible answers.Notify studdmtsThus, we have (24)Perfect score then is 96%.Withthis type of problem-solving quiz, the teacher candiscover those kinds of problems or environmentalconcerns the student is aware or unaware of.Studentabilities of gathering facts, comparing, findingreasons, weighing evidence, and choosing appropriatesolutionsall prohibit the teacher from "teachingfor the test."Ability to solve problems--whateverthe situation or variables--is more important thancertain "ecological principles.Applying and usingthese principles to solve problems super edes thememory or multiple-guess approach.

PROBLEM #1Pillsville dumps garbage into its river. Thisriver runs south down to the town of Overdue. TheConservation Department must decide on what to do toPillsville; Overdue town is complaining. What shouldbe done?A. Angry warning to Pillsville, "Stop dumping."B. Dumping tickets or fines along with fast-builtnew sewers.C. No dumping or no new sewers for a while.them suffer!LetD. A warning to Pillsville and a study to findanswers for now and later on.PROBLEM 02Farmer Tough has had good crops for thirty years. Allhis neighbors like him. Yesterday, the police came totell Farmer Tough of a complaint. The school near theedge of the farmer's property blames him for bad sewersand garbage dumping. Farmer Tough does dump manure nearthe edge of his property, but on his property. He hassewer leaks. This has turned the school's well waterThe farmer and the school will go to court.smelly.You are the judge. What is your ruling?A. What Farmer Tough does on his property is hisown business.B. Because the health of the school children is aserious concern, you rule that Farmer Tough muststop farming his land immediately) and forceits sale to the school so that the school'swater supply is protected.C. Farmer Tough has a responsibility to relocateor correct the sewers and stop dumping manurenear the school because the health of the scho 1children is at stake.

PROBLEM 03In the past five years, Boomtown has doubled in size.It will do it again. 500 ecres of land have been addedto the 0.ty. As a citizen, you vote to use this landfor:A. Aoartment buildings o ly for new people.B. farks, man-made lakes, and recreation.C. pIo vote now--but a study of what other townsyour size have done.PROBLEM 04You 1e 'resident. Twice as many people will beIn five years, how will you stopborn in years.people tom starving?A. Oelp science develop new foods.B. Collect all available food and divide it up.C. yet death, disease, famine and war limit theoumber of people.D. Co to Mars.E.imit the number of peopleworldwide.PROBLEM 05The zlicate wants to build a superhighway through your40to traffic from out of town clogs the streets andtown.air with noise and air pollution. As a c:itizen, you willvote 00 pow to solve the traffic problem. What's yourvote?A. Ouild the superhi hway now.B. puild an airport.Letof towners fly.C. Ouild a better public transpopetter railroads.D. Ouild no superhighway.tion system andStop all cars from co ingpito the cityfor ten years

PROBLEM #6Which of the following actions pollutes the air-the most?A. Leaving the garbage uncovered outside.B. Using a car with a poor muffler--daily.C. Burning leavet--once a week.Smoking a cigarette.PROBLEM #7Last year, half the deer died in your county. Youare.the game warden. You must choose one solution andtell your choice to the people .in your county.A. Kill the deer predators--wolf, cougar, and otherkillers.B. Ask local farmers to give extra corn and foodfor the deer.C. Study the whole problem and ask other game wardenswhat they're doing.D. Do nothing.Let Mother Nature solve the problem.PROBLEM #8You and your family are moving to a new house.the spot with the least amount of noise.A. Next door to an airport.B. Next door to a gas station.C. Next door to a shopping center.D. Next door to a dentist's office.E. Next door to a railroad.iiPick

PROBLEM #9In school, you have studied three new nations. Eachone has a certain belief about nature and how it shouldbe used. Which o e do you like best?A. The Bingo nation says that all natural resourcesshould be used until they run out.B.The Bango nation says that natural resourcesshould be used, helped, and recycled.C. The Bungo nation says that natural resources ornature should be left alone.PROBLEM #10You and your family like fishing and swimming onStar Lake. People who lived on the lake have alwaysdumped garbage into it. Now after five years of building,twice as many people live and dump garbage into StarLake. You still would like to fish and swim on thelake. What can you do?Nothing becauge's no more land left forThe probleal will takelake.oncare of itseiZ.B. Swim and fish. The lake cleans itself duringthe winter and spring.C. Call in state agencies to testoffer ideas.he water and toD. Stop the dilrqpIng and clean the lake whatevercosts and no matter who is frart.PROBLEM #11How many children should a family have?aner.A. As many as they want.B. At least four.C. None.D. Two at the most.Check one

PROBLEM #12In your job, you work only four days per week. Mostof the people in your state have the same work week.With more people outdoors and more free time, how canyour state stop overcrowding?A. Vote for more of everything--parks, beachestrails, camping.B. Vote for a study of local and state needs andpeople's interestsbefore any plan.C. Keep what we have now; we have enough.D. Wait and see. People will find what they'relooking for; they can.'t expct the state to doeverything for them.PROBLEM #13Every year your town, Happy Valley, has twice as manyThispeople. Last year, your town had 2,000 people.year 4,000 peonle now live in your town. Next year,People say that 8,000 people will make their home inof people isHappy Valley. This rise in the number Whatwould you dohappening all over the United stop your town, your nation; and the whole worldfrom overcrowding9A. Stop all medicines. Let oeople get sick anddie; Mother Nature will decide.B. Move people to the moon and other planets.C. Tell people everywhere to have fewer children orto adopt orphans.PROBLEM #14Which of thefollowing do .y-ou need--the least?A. -Electri-Jights,:and refrigeratOr.-B. Electrical -heat and stove,C. Electric lights.D. Elect ic toothbru h, lawn mower.

PROBLEM #15A new airportYou live next door to a jet airport.Nextyearthen, youwill be built behind the old one.Whatreally will be living next to two jet airports.can you expect?.A. No problemjust more airplanes.going toB. More noise, more jets, and more carsthe airports.C. Fewer cars because everyone will be flying.PROBLEM #16drums each night.The boy across the street plays his until2:00 A.M.He keeps the whole neighborhood awake They go to schoolPeople aren't getting enough sleep.and your neighborsor to work very tired. What can youYou'veasked him todo to stop the boy's loud playing?stop playing so late but he hasn't.A. Steal his drums.B. Write your senator.C. Move out of town.-D. Call the police.PROBLEM #17Snapville Paper Company dumps its wastes into thetakeof Glory wants toriver. Down the river, the townIfyouare the lawyer forSnapville Paper to court.Glory, what reason can you give the judge for suingSnapville?carries napville's wastes quickly toA. The rivGlory.B. The river belongs to Glory.C. Snapville Paper should hire more p opleromGlory.D. Glory and Snapville have never been friendly.

PROBLEM #18Which two statements do you agree with most?A. Air cleans itself and is never polluted.B. Air is unclean only in big cities.C. Air is unclean over most of the world.D. Air is unclean mostly because of planes.E. Air is unclean mostly because of cars.F. Air is unclean mostly because of factories.PROBLEM #19You've just been elected President. You can stoppollution by solving one major problem. Whl ch is theworst problem? Stop it and you can stop the others.A. Water pollutionB. Air pollutionC. GarbageD. Too many peopleE. Too little landF. Too little foodPROBLEM #20Which idea do you like the most?A. We must fight nature to survive.B. We must work with nature to survive.C. We must destroy nature to survive.D. We must stay away from nature to survive.

PROBLEM #21The creek near your house is polluted. It is almostdried out and now has no fish in it. What can you andyour neighbors do?A. Forget the creek; go fishing elsewhere.B. Clean up the creek and see your local conservationofficer.C. Organize a march and picket the town hall.PROBLEM #22Which of the ideas below do you most disagree with?r--A. Water covers most of the earth; there's plentyof clean water.Water can be polluted by people and factories.C. Water cleans itself without any of our help.D. Water is unclean only in big cities.PROBLEM #23You own a grocery store in a small town calledTreeville. Most of the people in your town work forThis mill is going out of businessPinta Paper Mills.soon because the forest area around your town is dyingThe city council will require all townspeople on ways to save your town. You as, a store ownerwill vote to save your town, your business, and yourfamily. What's your vote?A. Ask the Pinta Paper Hill simply to stop theirbusiness. Start new businesses now'.B. Keep the paper mill g ing, take a look at whatyour area has to offer, and invite new businessto settle in your tawn.C. Tell Pinta Paper Mill to halt everything and plantplenty of new trees.Sell your twenty-yearfarm.ld business and buy a

PROJECTInstructionCurriculumEnvironment NVIRONNENTAL (9 ONCENVENTORYDeveloped by Robert KellnerProject. IC Serving-Sdhoolt-:iniCESA -E19'Itobert.WArpiliSkl DireCtor-17. Maitt-.'atreot:Green.0Ay'-:-.VispenSin.54301P oduced under TleESEA Project #59 70-0135-1

DIRECTIONS TO TEACHERS AND STUDENTS:You will be givenan environmental problem situation.Read the problemtwice to insure your understanding of the facts andtheir tmpact.Then choose the solution which seemsbest for the problem described.on the separate answer sheet.Mark your answersDo not write in thetest booklets.NOTE:Problem #11 calls for two answers.essentially 25 questions.problem is worth 4 points.Thuswe haveIf we score 100, eachWith this type of problem-solving quiz, the teacher can discover those types ofproblems or environmental concerns the student ishazy on.The student's abilities of gathering facomparing, establishing reasons, weighing evidence,theand selecting appropriate aolutions--a11 prohibitteacher from "teaching for the test." Ability tsolve proolems--whatever the circumstances or variables-is more Important than certain "ecological" pr nciples.The app ication of these principles and their use insolving problems far outweigh the memory or multipleguess approa h.

MOBLEY'The city of Pientyville has been dumping untreatedsouthwaste materials into its river system which flows NaturalTheDepartmentoftowards other populous cities.Resources has consiUered the following situations. Asits director, which one would you choose?A. Severe warning to the city coucil to stop suchdumpings.B. Immediate punishment in tlie form of fines andthe instant construction of waste treatmentfacilities.C. A complete, immediate shutdown of present wastetreatment plants until the city offers a plausible solution.D. Immediate warning and study of the problem todetermine short and long term solutions.PROBLEM #2It is ten years from now. World population has doubledremainedas predicted, but the world's food supply haspeoplestarveOversixmillionthe same for ten years.representativeto theyearly. You are the United StatesYourvoteisUnited Nations World Survival Committee.whofollowcrucial because it will influence other nationsyour leadership. In fact, your vote will most likelybecome the rule for all participating countries. Allnations--including your own--will agree to follow theCommittee's solution to starvation. What's your vote forthe United Nations Ten Year Plan for Survival? It couldbe your last.A. Make scientific advances to increase food production to catch up with and keep pace with the population increases.B. Set up a U.N. World Food Bank and distribute foodaccozding to population. Everyone would eat lessbut everyone woilld eat.C. Continue to work on the problem but let, naturalcauses (death, disease, etc.) take their toll.D. Farm the oceans and inhabit other planets.E. Limit population growth in all countries.

PROBLEM #3Farmer Bounty has worked his land for thirty yearswithout a complaint from any of his neighbors. Yesterday, the school boarding his back forty acres filed alawsuit against Farmer Bounty. He is charged with notproperly handling his waste materialsboth animal andhuman. Waste is being dumped near the property lineseparating the school and farm property. Also, FarmerBounty is charged with septic leakage and overflow--whichthe school claims is affecting their well water. Whichof the following judgments do you agree with?A. Farmer Bounty claims that since he owns his propertythat he has the right to manage and use it anyWhy should the schonl dictateway he sees me," he says.B. The problem is not really the farmer s since thewater well and septic drainage are conditionsexisting on school property. Farmer Bounty isexperiencing none of these problems. The schoolshould drop the lawsuit and solve its own problem.C. The school claims that Farmer Bounty has someresponsibility since his actions are affectinpthe health of the district's school children.D. The majority always wins, so Farmer Bounty shouldbe sued and'asked to give up his property to theschool and let them use it. He must sacrifice hisindividual ownership for sake of the majority.After thirty years, he owes this to the community.PROBLEM #4Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have two children; they want tohave more children but feel guilty-about it because ofthe population explosion. What-advice would,you give them.A. Have as.many. children as you want:individuaI.right.B. 'One. more. American child:n t.gging to hurt; the-probleta isoVer-rated.C. pan't have -any.D.Adopt sOmeEIt's your'R.aiSe what yo 'haVe.;-.bethankful.

PROBLEM #5You are a banker and membe of the Chamber of Commercein Pippily. Your small city (20)000) is dependent on twomajor industries; lumbering, and coal strip-mining. Asa banker you are financially linked with both industries.Their fortunes are your fortunes. Additionally, as acitizen and family man, you foresee the day when bothresources (coal and lumber) will be gone or greatlydepleted. Your fellow businesb and committee leaders areasking :the Chamber of Commerce for ideas to cure thedilemma. Only five solutions are left after an originalWhich proposalone hundred were given by various membersandultimatelytogets your vote to help save your townkeep you in business?A. Warn the present industries to assess their wr ngdoings and to find other resources close by.B. Invite other industries to settle in your community.C. Ask the present industries simply to stop operations immediately so that a'fresh start can bemade.D. Maintain the present industries while assessingtotal community resources and encouraging otherbusiness to locate in your area.E. Change your economy tfarm basis.PROBLEM #6Which of the following attitudes do you most disagreewith?A. Water covers 2/3 of the earth's surface. Whyworry about water pollution; there's plenty ofwater.B. Water has its own delicate 2 chemical makeup andcan be polluted by people or industries.C. Water Cleansea.-itSelf Without eVer.needing.,man'.a,D. Water does gradually die like alls nature s way.the big fuss;E water resources are pollutedmedium-sized citiesf usso what's

PROBLEM #7The city of Greenspot has doubled its populationevery five years. It has blossoming industries, goodtransportation, and natural resources--inclUding waterand minerals. The core of the city is growing in density.As one of five city planners, you must give the tiebreaking vote on using the extra 500 acres newly purchasedand included in the city limits. In five years, yourGreenspot population will double.A. Use the newly annexed laltd for parks, man-madelakes, and general recreation.B. Build high rise apartments to absorb the incoming population.C. Investigate similar cities with similar conditionsand problems.D. Establish a city ordinance so th t all newcomersmove into the annexed area--thus taking the pressure off the core of the city.PROBLEM #8Which is the worst act of air poll-tion?A. Burning leaves--once a week.B. Using a car with a faulty muffler--dally.C. Leaving the garbage uncovered outside.D. Releasing paint fumes while painting yourhome's exterior.PROBLEM #9Which statement do you agree with the most?A. Nan must compete with nature to survive.B. Man must cooperate with nature to survive.C. Man must conquer nature to survive.D. Man must leave nature alone.E. Man must use only a part of nature.

PROBLEM #10Your family has owned a summer cottage on Lake Zapperfor a dozen years now. When you were amall, there wereonly three cottages on the whole 100-acre lake. Today,100 cottages surround or are near to the lake area.Everyone dumps their sewerage and waste materials intothe lake. Your own father has done it for the pastdozen years. As spokesman for the lake's young people,what stand will you take at the next Lake Zapper HomeOwner's Council meeting? Choose what you will tellthe Council:A. The lake's young people know that not many morehomeowners will be added to the area; land is notavailable. So, the dumping can remain a practiceas it has for a dozen years.B. Since most people live on the lake only duringsummer, biologically the lake cleans itself duringthe winter and early spring. Besides any treatment would be too costly as well as unnecessary.C. Let's have the lake water tested and call in stateagencies to analyze the situation.D. Let's move quickly in cleaning up our lake, whatever the costs. Stop the dumping now!PROBLEM #11What two statements do you agre.e with most?A. Air pollution is no real problem because of thecleansing effect of the wind.B. Air pollution is really a separate problem andshould be solved by itself without us worryingabout other problems at the same time.Air pollution is no problem unless you live ina big city.D. Air pollution Is an international problem relatedto other environmental problems.E. Air pollution Is caused mostly by airplanes.F. Air pollution Is caused mostly by automobiles.G. Air pollution is caused mostly by industries.

PROBLEM 1fr12Your new job has moved you and your family to the cityof Checkmate. It has a population of 250,000, is quiteindustrialized-7with all the elements forecasting furthergrowth--great climate, natural resources nearby, air andwater transportation, an adequate highway system. Thecity election coming up will ask the people to vote ona referendum to build up the highway system to superhighwaystatus . -Auto, air and industrial pollution already arequite high, but the city's traffic from out of town doesgive you,become quite congested. The referendun willWhichwill havechoices.the voter, four transportationthe least environmental impact?A. Support the superhighway. Let building beginimmediately to stop congestion.B. Since out-of-town traffic is a major problem,build another airport to decrease auto traffic.outsideC. Encourage industries to build and relocatehighwayslooporringofthe city--by building aaround the city. This will leave the downtownarea uncongested.D. Support the buildup of public mass transit andjoin the state-wide push for inter-city railroadsystem.PROBLEM #13In your history or social studies class, you'vestudied four different cultures. Each culture has acertain attitude toward natural resources. Which onedo you agree with?A. The Blipper culture believes in using allnatural resources until they run out. Economicgain and advancement is the Blipperian idea ofrightful use of the land and its wealth.B. The Bloopers state that all natural resourcesshould be used but also managed or recycled.C. The Walla culture believes that all naturalresources should be left as untouched and asundisturbed as possible. Man should depend onhis own energies and skills for survival.D. The Nanga culture uses whatever they can fromtheir environment and then moves on to a differentarea to set up a new homestead.24

PROBLEM #14You are now thirty five years old. The world's population has increased so much that only five square feetexist for every man, woman, and child in the United States.In India and China, the density is less than one squarefoot. What would you do to stop the population crisis?A. Stop all medical research in all fields and letnatural death take place.B. Develop a long range family planning program.C. Eliminate the ban on birth control devices andestablish a worldwide campaign for "zero"population growth.D. Populate other planets and set up "ocean-floor"villages.PROBLEM #15If you were president and could stop one major problem,which would be the most crucial in stopping other pollutionproblems? Vote, Nk. President:A. Water pollutionB.Air pollutionC. Waste disposalD. OverpopulationE. Abuse of natural resourcesPROBLEM #16If you had a choice of where you wanted to live, pi.kthe spot with the least noise pollution:A. Next door to a gas station.B. AirportC. Newspaper print roomD. SupermarketE. Dental office

PROBLEM #17The jet airport In your town will increase its airtraffic 50% by next fall. You live three miles withinthe path of most air traffic. What can you expect bynext fall?A. No real problems. The Civil Air Patrol willkeep the airport on their toes.B. Property values will rise or go down dependingon how good business is.C. The number of cars using neighboring highwayswill decrease; everyone's flying.D. Without controls, increased air traffic willinsure more people drxving to the airport, andmore noise overhead.PROBLEM #18An electric power company wants to build a nuclear powerplant in your town--located on the lake. Some people welcome such a move; others want it stopped. What's yourstand? The public hearing is tomorrow:Have the company explain how they will insureagainst thermal pollution of lake water.Have the company explain, how they will benefitthe community in terms of more jobs.Have the company explain their stand on schooltaxes.Have the company explain what recreational programs it will provide for the young people andthe senior citizens in the community.E. Have the company open its doors for all the cora-munity to see all their equipment. eliminatesecrecy.F. Have the company explain how it will tmprove thetax base of the community.

PROBLEM #19You live in the middle of Nomad Street. Your neighborto the left is a saxaphone player who practices until2:00 kal. every morning; on your right is a tavern whichspecializes in loud polka music until 3:00 A.M. everynight except Sunday. You get up for work at 7:00 A.M.You've been late for work for the-past three weeks. Youcould lose your job soon as well as the sleep you've beenlosing since moving to Nomad Street. You just startedto work, so you don't bave enough money for a lawsuit.What can you .do? Make a choicein one week you'll besleepless and jobless.A. Steal the saxaphone and burn down the tavern.B. Call the police, then buy a gun.C. Call the police, contact the city council, andcheck for free legal personnel.D. Wtite the city council and your state go ernor.E. Change jobs; learn to play polkas on the saxaphone.2fill out a job application with the tavern owner.PROBLEM #20Which'of the following electrical devices are the leastnecessary in your house?A. Electric lights and refrigerator.B. Electrical heat and stove.C. Electric lights.D. Electric toothbrush, air conditioning, andelectric-lawn- mowerE. Electrical Air conditioning.27

PROBLEM #21As a game warden, you know that the deer populationhas been reduced by one half in the last six months. Thepublic is angry--especially hunters. Your boss, head ofthe Department of Natural Resources, has heard from thepeople and expects your solution to the problem in oneweek. You must Make one choice:A. Satisfy all parties and kill the deer predators-wolf, cougar, and other such killers.B. Call on local farmers to provide extra food andfoodstuffs for the deer.C. Study the complete problem and report your findingsto your boss--wait for state approval of youraction.D. Provide a speedy answer by letting natural causestalve their course; you can't fight the ecosystem.PROBLEM W22The creekThere are noswam in thisyou do aboutyou fished in as a kid is now left in it--not even a frog. You alsocreek, but it's almost dry now. What canit?.A. Forget it; time and progress marches on.B. Call upon your neighbors to clean up the creek.C. Go fishing and swimming elsewhere.D. Write or see your local conservati n officer.E. Organize a march and a picket in front of thetown or city council hall on the night of acouncil meeting.

PROBLEM #23Your company has just moved to a four day work week.Nbre recreation and leisure time will mean more peopleusing existing facilities. How will you insure thatplaces won't get overcrowded?A. Support bills to provide more of everything-parks, beaches, trails, camping.B. Support a survey of local recreational preferencesand needs befo e any master plan.C. Maintain what we have already; plenty of open spaceis available.D. Wait and see. People will find their ownrecreational facilities; they can't expect localgovernment to do everything for them.PROBLEM #24A. a company president of a ilper-mill,,the river intowhich you dump untreated waste materials is unpollutedaround your mill; you can't understand the town downtheriversuing you. Why are they suing you? What is themost logical reason for the lawsuit?A. The river carries your untreated wastes swiftlydownstream

DOCUMENT RESUME. ED 055 921 SE 012 641. AUTHOR Kellner, Robert TITLE Environme tal Concern Inven ory. Form. 5-8. 9-12. INSTITUTION Project I-C-E, Green Bay, Wi PUB DATE Jan 71 NOTE. 31p. EDRS PRICE DESCRIPTORS. IDENTIFIERS. ABSTRACT. MF- 0.65 HC- 3.29 *Elementary School Stade Education: *

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