Introduction To Real Analysis Fall 2014 Lecture Notes

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Introduction to Real AnalysisFall 2014 Lecture NotesVern I. PaulsenNovember 6, 2014


Contents1 Metric Spaces1.1 Definition and Examples . . . . . . . . . . .1.1.1 Vector Spaces, Norms and Metrics .1.2 Open Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.2.1 Uniformly Equivalent Metrics . . . .1.3 Closed Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.4 Convergent Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . .1.4.1 Further results on convergence in Rk1.4.2 Subsequences . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.5 Interiors, Closures, Boundaries of Sets . . .1.6 Completeness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.7 Compact Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Finite and Infinite Sets, Countability3 Continuous Functions3.1 Functions into Euclidean space . . . . . . . . . . . .3.2 Continuity of Some Basic Functions . . . . . . . . .3.3 Continuity and Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.4 Continuous Functions and Compact Sets . . . . . . .3.5 Connected Sets and the Intermediate Value Theorem55910121417212324263037.4145474951524 The Contraction Mapping Principle554.1 Application: Newton’s Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574.2 Application: Solution of ODE’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585 Riemann and Riemann-Stieltjes Integration635.1 The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685.2 Properties of the Riemann-Stieltjes Integral . . . . . . . . . . 745.3 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . 793


Chapter 1Metric SpacesThese notes accompany the Fall 2011 Introduction to Real Analysis course1.1Definition and ExamplesDefinition 1.1. Given a set X a metric on X is a function d : X X Rsatisfying:1. for every x, y X, d(x, y) 0,2. d(x, y) 0 if and only if x y,3. d(x, y) d(y, x),4. (triangle inequality) for every x, y, z X, d(x, y) d(x, z) d(z, y).The pair (X, d) is called a metric space.Example 1.2. Let X R and set d(x, y) x y , then d is a metric onR. We call this the usual metric on R.To prove it is a metric we verify (1)–(4). For (1): d(x, y) x y 0,by the definition of the absolute value functions so (1). Since d(x, y) 0 ifand only if x y 0 if and only if x y, (2) follows. (3) follows sinced(x, y) x y y x d(y, x). Finally, for (4), d(x, y) x y x z z y x z z y d(x, z) d(z, y).Example 1.3 (The taxi cab metric). Let X R2 . Given x (x1 , x2 ), y (y1 , y2 ), set d(x, y) x1 y1 x2 y2 , then d is a metric on R2 .5

6CHAPTER 1. METRIC SPACESWe verify (1)–(4). (1) and (3) are obvious. For (2): d(x, y) 0 iff x1 y1 x2 y2 0. But since both terms in the sum are non-negativefor the sum to be 0, each one must be 0. So d(x, y) 0 iff x1 y1 0AND x2 y2 0 iff x1 y1 and x2 y2 iff x (x1 , x2 ) (y1 , y2 ) y.Finally to see (4):d(x, y) x1 y1 x2 y2 x1 z1 z1 y1 x2 z2 z2 y2 x1 z1 z1 y1 x2 z2 z2 y2 d(x, z) d(z, y).We often denote the taxi cab metric by d1 (x, y).Example 1.4. A different metric on R2 . For x (x1 , x2 ), y (y1 , y2 ) setd (x, y) max{ x1 y1 , x2 y2 }. So the distance between two points isthe larger of these two numbers.We only check the triangle inequality. Let z (z1 , z2 ) be another point.We have two cases to check. Either x1 y1 d(x, y) OR d(x, y) x2 y2 .Case 1: d(x, y) x1 y1 .Now notice that x1 z1 max{ x1 z1 , x2 z2 } d(x, z). Similarly, z1 y1 max{ z1 y1 , z2 y2 }. Hence,d(x, y) x1 y1 x1 z1 z1 y1 x1 z1 z1 y1 d(x, z) d(z, y).Case 2: d(x, y) x2 y2 . Now use x2 z2 max{ x1 z1 , x2 z2 } d(x, z). Similarly, z2 y2 max{ z1 y1 , z2 y2 }. Hence,d(x, y) x2 y2 x2 z2 z2 y2 x2 z2 z2 y2 d(x, z) d(z, y).So in each case the triangle inequality is true, so it is true.Example 1.5. In this case we let X be the set of all continuous real-valuedfunctions on [0, 1]. We use three facts from Math 3333:1. if f and g are continuous on [0,1], then f g is continuous on [0,1],2. if f is continuous on [0,1], then f is continuous on [0,1],3. if h is continuous on [0,1], then there is a point 0 t0 1, so thath(t) h(t0 ) for every 0 t 1. That is h(t0 ) max{h(t) : 0 t 1}.

1.1. DEFINITION AND EXAMPLES7Now given f, g X, we set d(f, g) max{ f (t) g(t) : 0 t 1}.Note that by (1) and (2) f g is continuous and so by (3) there is apoint where it acheives its maximum.We now show that d is a metric on X. Clearly, (1) holds. Next, ifd(f, g) 0, then the maximum of f (t) g(t) is 0, so we must have that f (t) g(t) 0 for every t. But then this means that f (t) g(t) for everyt, and so f g. So d(f, g) 0 implies f g. Also f g implies d(f, g) 0so (2) holds. Clearly (3) holds. Finally to see the triangle inequality, we letf, g, h be three continuous functions on [0,1]. that is, f, g, h X. We mustshow that d(f, g) d(f, h) d(h, g).We know that there is a point t0 , 0 t0 1, so thatd(f, g) max{ f (t) g(t) : 0 t 1} f (t0 ) g(t0 ) .Hence,d(f, g) f (t0 ) g(t0 ) f (t0 ) h(t0 ) h(t0 ) g(t0 ) f (t0 ) h(t0 ) h(t0 ) g(t0 ) max{ f (t) h(t) : 0 t 1} max{ h(t) g(t) : 0 t 1} d(f, h) d(h, g)Example 1.6 (Euclidean space, Euclidean metric). Let X Rn the set ofreal n-tuples. For x (a1 , . . . , an ) and y (b1 , . . . , bn ) we setpd(x, y) (a1 b1 )2 · · · (an bn )2 .This defines a metric on Rn , which we will prove shortly. This metricis called the Euclidean metric and (Rn , d) is called Euclidean space.Sometimes, we will write d2 for the Euclidean metric.It is easy to see that the Euclidean metric satisfies (1)–(3) of a metric.It is harder to prove the triangle inequality for the Euclidean metric thansome of the others that we have looked at. This requires some results first.Lemma 1.7. Let p(t) at2 bt c with a 0. If p(t) 0 for every t R, then b2 4ac.Proposition 1.8 (Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality). Let a1 , ., an , b1 , ., bn bereal numbers. Thenqq22 a1 b1 · · · an bn a1 · · · an b21 · · · b2n .

8CHAPTER 1. METRIC SPACESProof. Look at p(t) (ta1 b1 )2 · · · (tan bn )2 0 for all t.pCorollary1.9(Minkowski’sInequality).(a1 b1 )2 · · · (an bn )2 pp2222a1 · · · an b1 · · · bn .Proof. Let LHS denote the left hand side, RHS the right hand side of theinequality. then(LHS)2 (a1 b1 )2 · · · (an bn )2 a21 · · · a2n 2(a1 b1 · · · an bn ) b21 · · · b2nqq a21 · · · a2n 2 a21 · · · a2n b21 · · · b2n b21 · · · b2nqq ( a21 · · · a2n b21 · · · b2n )2 (RHS)2Now prove the triangle inequality.Example 1.10 (The discrete metric). Let X be any non-empty set anddefine(1 x 6 yd(x, y) .0 x yThen this is a metric on X called the discrete metric and we call (X, d)a discrete metric space.Example 1.11. When (X, d) is a metric space and Y X is a subset,then restricting the metric on X to Y gives a metric on Y, we call (Y, d) asubspace of (X,d).Problem 1.12. Let X R, define d(x, y) x y 1. Show that this isNOT a metric.Problem 1.13. Let X R, define d(x, y) x2 y 2 . Show that this isNOT a metric.Problem 1.14. Let X R, define d(x, y) x y x2 y 2 . Prove thatthis is a metric on R.Problem 1.15. Let X Rn for x (a1 , ., an ), y (b1 , ., bn ) defined1 (x, y) a1 b1 · · · an bn .Prove that this is a metric.Problem 1.16. Let X Rn for x and y as before, defined (x, y) max{ a1 b1 , ., an bn }.Prove that this is a metric.

1.1. DEFINITION AND EXAMPLES1.1.19Vector Spaces, Norms and MetricsDefinition 1.17. Let X be a real vector space. A function k · k : X R iscalled a norm provided that1. kxk 0 for all x,2. kxk 0 if and only if x 0,3. krxk r kxk for every r R and x X,4. (triangle inequality) kx yk kxk kyk.The next result summarizes the relation between this concept and norms.Proposition 1.18. Let X be a real vector space and let k · k be a norm onX. Then setting d(x, y) kx yk defines a metric on X.Proof. We have that d(x, y) kx yk 0 so property (1) of a metric holds.We have that d(x, y) 0 iff kx yk 0 iff x y 0 iff x y, soproperty (2) of a metric holds.Also, d(x, y) kx yk k( 1)(y x)k 1 · ky xk ky xk d(y, x), so property (3) of a metric holds.Finally, d(x, y) kx yk kx z z yk kx zk kz yk d(x, z) d(z, y) so property (4) of a metric holds.The metric that one gets from a norm by using this result is called themetric induced by the norm.Example 1.19. For x (a1 , ., an ) Rn if we set kxk2 then this defines a norm called the Euclidean norm.pa21 · · · a2nTo see that this is a norm, it is easy to check the first 3 propertiesneeded for a norm. To see the fourth property, use Corollary 1.9. Thus, theEuclidean metric is the metric induced by the Euclidean norm via Proposition 1.18.Example 1.20. For x (a1 , a2 ) R2 if we set kxk1 a1 a2 andkxk max{ a1 , a2 } then these both define norms on R2 and the metricsthat they induce are respectively, d1 –the taxi cab metric and d .

101.2CHAPTER 1. METRIC SPACESOpen SetsDefinition 1.21. Let (X,d) be a metric space, fix x X and r 0. Theopen ball of radius r centered at x is the setB(x; r) {y X : d(x, y) r}.Example 1.22. In R with the usual metric, B(x; r) {y : x y r} {y : x r y x r} (x r, x r).Example 1.23. In R2 with the Euclidean metric, x (x1 , x2 ), then B(x; r) {(y1 , y2 ) : (x1 y1 )2 (x2 y2 )2 r2 }, which is a disk of radius r centeredat x.Example 1.24. In R3 with the Euclidean metric, B(x; r) really is an openball of radius r. This example is where the name comes from.Example 1.25. In (R2 , d ) we haveB(x; r) {(y1 , y2 ) : x1 y1 r and x2 y2 r} {(y1 , y2 ) : x1 r y1 x1 r and x2 r y2 y2 r}.So now an open “ball” is actually an open square, centered at x with sidesof length 2r.Example 1.26. In (R2 , d1 ) we have B((0, 0); 1) {(x, y) : x 0 y 0 1} which can be seen to be the “diamond” with corners at (1,0),(0,1),(-1,0),(0,-1).Example 1.27. When X {f : [0, 1] R f is continuous} and d(f, g) max{ f (t) g(t) : 0 t 1}, then B(f ; r) {g : g is continuous and f (t) r g(t) f (t) r, t}. This can be pictured as all continuous functions gwhose graphs lie in a band of width r about the graph of f.Example 1.28. If we let R have the usual metric and let Y [0, 1] Rbe the subspace, then when we look at the metric space Y we have thatB(0; 1/2) [0, 1/2) ( 1/2, 1/2) Y.Example 1.29. When we let X be a set with the discrete metric and x X,then B(x; r) {x} when r 1. When r 1, then B(x; r) X.Definition 1.30. Given a metric space (X,d) a subset O X is called openprovided that whenever x O, then there is an r 0 such that B(x; r) O.

1.2. OPEN SETS11Showing that sets are open really requires proof, so we do a few examples.Example 1.31. In R with the usual metric, an interval of the form (a, b) {x : a x b} is an open set.Proof. Given x (a, b), let r min{x a, b x}. If y B(x; r) then x r y x r. Since y x r x (b x) b and y x r x (x a) awe have a y b. So B(x; r) (a, b). Thus, (a, b) is open.So “open intervals” really are “open sets”.Example 1.32. In R2 with the Euclidean metric, a rectangle of the formR {(y1 , y2 ) : a y1 b, c y2 d} is an open set.Proof. Given x (x1 , x2 ) R, let r min{x1 a, b x1 , x2 c, d x2 }.We claim that B(x; r) R. To see this let y (y1 , y2 ) B(x; r), then(y1 x1 )2 (y2 x2 )2 r2 .Looking at just one term in the sum, we see that (y1 x1 )2 r2 and so y1 x1 r. This implies that x1 r y1 x1 r. As before we see thatx1 r b and x1 r a, so a y1 b.Similarly, we get that c y2 d, so y R.Example 1.33. In R with the usual metric an interval of the form [a, b) isnot open.Proof. Consider the point a [a, b). Any ball about this point is of the formB(a; r) (a r, a r) and this contains points that are less than a and sonot in the set [a, b).CAREFUL! If we let Y [0, 1) R be the subspace. Then in Y the setO [0, 1/2) is open!(Explain why.)The next result justifies us calling B(x; r) an open ball.Proposition 1.34. Let (X,d) be a metric space, fix x X and r 0. ThenB(x; r) is an open set.Theorem 1.35. Let (X,d) be a metric space. Then1. the empty set is open,2. X is open,3. the union of any collection of open sets is open,4. the intersection of finitely many open sets is open.

12CHAPTER 1. METRIC SPACESProposition 1.36. In a discrete metric space, every set is open.Problem 1.37. Prove that the set O {(y1 , y2 ) : y1 y2 0} is an opensubset of R2 in the Euclidean metric.Problem 1.38. Prove that the set O {(y1 , y2 ) : y1 0} is an open subsetof R2 in the Euclidean metric.Problem 1.39. Prove that the disk D {(y1 , y2 ) : y12 y22 1} is an opensubset of (R2 , d ).Problem 1.40. Let X be the set of continuous real-valued functions on [0,1]with the metric that we introduced. Prove that O {g X : g(t) 0 t} isan open subset.1.2.1Uniformly Equivalent MetricsThe definition of open set really depends on the metric. For example, onR if instead of the usual metric we used the discrete metric, then every setwould be open. But we have seen that when R has the usual metric, thennot every set is open. For example, [a, b) is not an open subset of R in theusual metric. Thus, whether a set is open or not really can depend on themetric that we are using.For this reason, if a given set X has two metrics, d and ρ, and we saythat a set is open, we generally need to specify which metric we mean.Consequently, we will say that a set is open with respect to d or openin (X, d) when we want to specify that it is open when we use the metricd. In this case it may or may not be open with respect to ρ.In the case of R2 , we already have three metrics, the Euclidean metricd, the taxi cab metric d1 and the metric d . So when we say that a set isopen in R2 , we could potentially mean three different things. On the otherhand it could be the case that all three of these metrics give rise to the samecollection of open sets.In fact, these three metrics do give rise to the same collections of opensets and the following definition and result explains why.Definition 1.41. Let X be a set and let d and ρ be two metrics on X. Wesay that these metrics are uniformly equivalent provided that there areconstants A and B such that for every x, y X,ρ(x, y) Ad(x, y) and d(x, y) Bρ(x, y).

1.2. OPEN SETS13Example 1.42. On R2 the Euclidean d and the metric d are uniformlyequivalent. In fact, d (x, y) d(x, y) and d(x, y) 2d (x, y).p22To see this, letpx (a1 , a2 ), y (b1 , b2 ). Since a1 b1 (a1 b1 ) (a2 b2 )22and a2 b2 (a1 b1 ) (a2 b2 ) , we have thatpd (x, y) max{ a1 b1 , a2 b2 } (a1 b1 )2 (a2 b2 )2 d(x, y).On the other hand, since a1 b1 d (x, y) and a2 b2 d (x, y),we have that (a1 b1 )2 (a 2 b2 )2 2(d (x, y))2 . Taking square roots ofboth sides, yields d(x, y) 2d (x, y).Example 1.43. On R2 the Euclidean metric d and d1 are uniformly equivalent. In fact, d(x, y) d1 (x, y) and d1 (x, y) 2d(x, y).We have thatd1 (x, y)2 ( a1 b1 a2 b2 )2 a1 b1 2 2 a1 b1 a2 b2 a2 b2 2 (a1 b1 )2 (a2 b2 )2 (d(x, y))2 .Hence, d(x, y) d1 (x, y).To see the other inequality, we use the Schwarz inequality,d1 (x, y) a1 b1 · 1 a2 b2 · 1 pp a1 b1 2 a2 b2 2 12 12 2d(x, y)Given a set X with metrics d and ρ, a point x X and r 0, we shallwrite Bd (x; r) {y X : d(x, y) r} and Bρ (x; r) {y X : ρ(x, y) r}.Lemma 1.44. Let X be a set, let d and ρ be two metrics on X that areuniformly equivalent, and let A and B denote the constants that appear inDefinition 1.41. Then Bρ (x; r) Bd (x; Br) and Bd (x; r) Bρ (x; Ar).Proof. If y Bρ (x; r), then ρ(x, y) r which implies that d(x, y) Bρ(x, y) Br. Hence, y Bd (x; Br) and so Bρ (x; r) Bd (x; Br). The other case isproven similarly, using the other inequality.

14CHAPTER 1. METRIC SPACESTheorem 1.45. Let X be a set and let d and ρ be metrics on X that areuniformly equivalent. Then a set is open with respect to d if and only if itis open with respect to ρ.Proof. Let E X be a set that is open with respect to d. We must provethat E is open with respect to ρ.Since E is open with respect to d, given x E there is an r 0 so thatBd (x; r) E. By the lemma, Bρ (x; r/B) Bd (x; r). Thus, Bρ (x; r/B) Eand we have shown that given an arbitrary point in E that there is an openball in the ρ metric about that point that is contained in E. Hence, E isopen with respect to ρ.The proof that a set that is open with respect to ρ is open with respectto d is similar and uses the other containment given in the lemma.Problem 1.46. Let X be a set with three metrics, d, ρ, and γ. Prove thatif d and ρ are uniformly equivalent and ρ and γ are uniformly equivalent,then d and γ are uniformly equivalent.Problem 1.47. Prove that on Rn the Euclidean metric, the metric d1 andthe metric d are all uniformly equivalent.1.3Closed SetsDefinition 1.48. Given a set X and E X, the complement of E,denoted E c is the set of all elements of X that are not in E, i.e.,E c {x X : x / E}.Other notations that are used for the complement are E c CE X\E.Note that (E c )c E.Definition 1.49. Let (X, d) be a metric space. Then a set E X is closedif and only if E c is open.The following gives a useful way to re-state this definition.Proposition 1.50. Let (X, d) be a metric space. Then a set E is closed ifand only if there is an open set O such that E Oc .Proof. If E is closed, then E c is open. So let O E c , then E Oc .Conversely, if E Oc for some open set O, then E c (Oc )c O, whichis open, so by the definition, E is closed.

1.3. CLOSED SETS15Example 1.51. In R with the usual metric, we have that (b, ) is openand ( , a) is open. So when a b we have that O ( , a) (b, )is open. Hence, Oc [a, b] is closed.This shows that our old calculus definition of a “closed interval”, reallyis a closed set in this sense.Definition 1.52. Let (X, d) be a metric space, let x X and let r 0. Theclosed ball with center x and radius r is the setB (x; r) {y X : d(x, y) r}.The following result explains this notation.Proposition 1.53. Let (X, d) be a metric space, let x X and let r 0.Then B (x; r) is a closed set.Proof. Let O (B (x; r))c denote the complement. We must prove that Ois open. Note that O {y X : d(x, y) r}.For p O set r1 d(x, p) r 0. We claim that B(p; r1 ) O. Ifwe can prove this claim, then we will have shown that O is open. So letq B(p; r1 ), then d(x, p) d(x, q) d(q, p) d(x, q) r1 . Subtracting r1from both sides of this last inequality yields, d(x, p) r1 d(x, q). Butd(x, p) r1 r. Hence, r d(x, q) and so q O. Since q was an arbitraryelement of B(p; r1 ), we have that B(p; r1 ) O and our proof is complete.Because the definition of closed sets involves complements, it is usefulto recall DeMorgan’s Laws. Given subsets Ei X where i belongs to someset I, we have[Ei {x X : there exists i I with x Ei }i Iand\Ei {x X : x Ei for every i I}.i IProposition 1.54 (DeMorgan). Let Ei X for i I. Then[\\[( Ei )c Eic and ( Ei )c Eic .i Ii Ii Ii IThe following theorem about closed sets follows from DeMorgan’s Lawsand Theorem 1.31.

16CHAPTER 1. METRIC SPACESTheorem 1.55. Let (X, d) be a metric space. Then:1. the empty set is closed,2. X is closed,3. the i

Chapter 1 Metric Spaces These notes accompany the Fall 2011 Introduction to Real Analysis course 1.1 De nition and Examples De nition 1.1. Given a set X a metric on X is a function d: X X!R

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