Robert Haley Asher Paintings

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Robert Haley Asher PaintingsPeter Brueggeman, June 2021Robert HaleyAsher,9 September 1945Robert HaleyAsher was born 28March 1868, inCalifornia toparents JosephusMarian Asher, Sr.and Sarah H.Clark. RobertAsher’s father wasa nurseyman andCounty Assessorin San Diego.Robert Asher firstvisited PalomarMountain in 1901,and settled onPalomar Mountainin 1903. Asherlived in the PaumaCreek / State Parkarea on PalomarMountain. TheBailey family wasresponsible for hisinterest in PalomarMountain as hemet Olie Baileywhile in school in San Diego, and later in 1901, Theo Bailey brought him up on his first visit toPalomar Mountain. Asher stayed with the Bailey's, and then camped at Iron Springs. Asherhomesteaded on Palomar Mountain, and ultimately had 160 acres.Robert Asher took Maurice Braun’s class in oil painting at Mesa Grande. Asher moved offPalomar Mountain in 1946 for health reasons. He moved to his sister's (Mrs. Josephine A.Vacher) place in El Cajon at the sharp bend in Fuerte Road on the east side of Mount Helix,

where he slept in a tent in her backyard, and later a cabin he built. Asher continued to visitPalomar Mountain until 1951, and passed away in 25 April 1953 at age 85. He never married,and is buried in Mt. Hope Cemetery in San Diego. In his immediate family, Robert Asher wassurvived by his sister Mrs. Josephine A. Vacher of El Cajon, a sister Mrs. Dorcas Drown ofSpring Valley, and a brother Josephus Asher of Mission Beach.Josephine Vacher’s family holds several of his paintings, shown below. Robert Asher compileda list of his paintings in 1939, which is at the end of this document. Some of the paintings beloware identifiable in that list, and are linked with his comments.Jtio , l *Uame:Price:Yellow tree throwing carious shadow - - part of conifer in.- front and to left - on green and yellow flat - - Dlue ridge inbackground V ry little sky showing * 2Gxi;6.-.

. В.Ноfri се:Нале:--eucalyptus, t reenHelling bueny yellow imd г ел pointrid e , blue rid e , ьге eny-y ellou. sky * ЙО x йб 1/ . ,i4

.SMo»Name:Price ;at left -Sianlin -rocks foreground -- part of Xar e verysi all fir at ri nt - - wooded elope - - high oare slope little pale sky. 0 x 16 *--

.iao 12.коску.and pale14 ЗШё ;flat - - tv.o flat oak Lrsenishsky.16 x 21 *reejniJriLe:tressfar blue ria e а

* o . 16 ,jttajue :Jrr i c e:191Kr*

. Id .n i c e:Icllui , iiia rockytop30 x * .Ei,*» rouna --spreading ceaar v. itJi aead

.wo 19 ,i iame &i e-*- - --rccittbrush-of-yellov,kglimpselint; o l c e t i a r s beyondсо ег а by f o l i a g ex1a l / k . &.--;r t c ibidal ground* pfc & g a i n s t &ху almost'

JJI G ** * IMыае ;kittle Sirtiae illat ri ht - LriiS ,yataiHbt blue & ky * -m e e:ut l lt - slope of t, r e &,-- v i n trefib bacitea oy elut ria c,0xлк С ,urilclOt.ii.kt*

. 6.Ло49H«:Yeliev and1съ tiee .1 leftt xi it t, tlue sky . i'rice:--bule ol bifc tree &.t rijjitt rouridyellov rid e against depp clue rid ei t x ;;i--. -- el

No, 41 *Price:Л OL!Гцс IViiiite- barked sycamore trees at left and rignt of 5 at;*running oat of sight between t reen trees snowing glimpse0: ria e , %nd beyond a blaeish rid e against p le sky.lox & , .

i»0. 44.iiarce;i'rj ce ;paten in for ro ndxiit rocks ana trees andе- ГаьЕ-у elope beyond and tv.o brushy slopes against cloudyla x 16,blue s y. --

j o *46 *liame:Frice:r bi tree at leftgrassy es be 16 x ao.yoxid rollii - to wooudri rid e against cloudy HollinLhooded агrasey foreground slopeьгаъьуto ribi*tyello ied-**

iio. 10 .Jtfsae :v ucacd r i a e а—Price:.trouiiabitglimpse ofandof yellow tre n tky41 1/ 2*x Z4.

.Robert R. AsherHis Paintings.ho l. hame:Price:Yellow elope foreground e ged with firs beyond. Brush slopebeyond firs 2 blue slopes pale sky with clouds - - 22x30 ".Mo.2. lame:Price:—Tan question mark on reen slopeoaks and firs beyondagainst a greenish mountain and a pale greenish sky 18x21 ho.3. hame:- rsfc - (Kq'.Pr i c-«.U'wt.Щг».e*Several long slopes: 1 st brushy with two trees in centerbacked with line of trees: 2nd . tree covered ; haze betweenthat and 3rd, which is tree - covered and hazy ; more haze -a nd4th. hazy slope ; more haze and tth slope ; ditto a ?th ; 8thand 9 th short riabes, fog line and blue sky at back 20x26 ".-.ho 4.Marne:Price:Red and yellow swale backed by bushes, colorful undulations backed by line of trees» - hazy strip and wooded ridge.Yellow and blue sky 22x 26 1/2.-.ho 1.hame:Price:Yellow tree throwing curious shadow -- part of conifer inon green and yellow flat,blue ridge in- front and to leftbackground. Very little sky showing. 20 x26. --—/ - 6 -hame:Pri ce:-Eushy green foreground - yellow middleground with a scat tering of oaks and firsCampsite Hill in background - bi §эwhite bird clouds in greeny- blue sky 16x 20.ho ?hame:.-Price:Eig rock - - Hill cabintrees -- far wooded slope, treenand purple stippled effect sky. 20 x 16.i,J

( ki ). Asher ' s P a i n t i n g s a t H i l l ' sMo. 8.Marne:Price;--R o l l i n g busny y e l l o w ала green p o i n tr i d g e , blue r i d g e , greeny y e l l o w sky20.-Mo. 9,e u c a l y p t u s , green.x 86 l/ 2P r i c e:Mame :-----part of l a r g e ode a t l e f tSian l i n g r o c k s f o r e g r o u n dveryslopeatrightwoodedfirsmall- high bare slopeskyxpale1620liitle-.---.- . I,V'Mo. 1.0. . . Малае:Priee ;.'PMo. 1 1 1.--. :vv *9,'V'. .p a r t of b i g t r e e on r i g h t and on l e f tfogj y stripf o gy skywooded r i d g e 16 x 20warm green f l a tWooded r i d g e- ------P r i c e:M ame :--.snadow m o t i l e d f o r e g r o u n dtwo t r e e b o l e s a t l e f t Hob ' sbrushy r i d g e oeyond a i.d a verycabin n e s t l e d i n t r e e snarrow s t r i p of s k y 14 x 1 8 1/ 2.M о 12.Mame :х'Rocky green f l a t and p a l e g r e e n i s h skyMo. 1 5.-г п е:two f l a t oak t r e e s1 8 x 21.f a r blueridee aP r i c e:Mame :--greeno l d stone w a l l l ? )C o l o r f u l bushy f o r e g r o u n dswaleoak r i d g etwo m i s t y hlue r i d g e s a g a i n s t a greeni s h sky18 x 21. ----.Mo , 14.Mame :-P r i c e:--big colorful rucksL i t t l e rocky stream -- steep banksa t r i g h t - l i t t l e tree with new f o l i a g e a t f a r p o i n t o fstream -- t r e e s i n f u l l f o l i a g e a g a i n s t white c l o u d s ana p a l esky16 x 20-.-J

( з)Asner's Paintings at hill's. green brusny slopedeep blue ridges with sunset sky. 16.Tiger lilies.140.17.Pink19 x 1 vf - J r i c e:хм ame: .P r i c e:Name:ho- yellow trees against20 x 26T .22x1о.Sun ее t*** -*'' and rocky ground2 u x kb top.)no.19.--big spreading cedar with deadP r i c e:name:ureen swalebrusn --yellow tree miudleground -rocicsline of cedars beyond -- glimpse of a peak against sky almostcovered by foliage.22 x 1 8 1/ О14 0 a20 ai4m c e:cum 6 -."neaen's flower Garden " .brush and big rock in colorfulforeground - rocks ana trees at edge of flat -- bluishmarked hill in oackgrouna against cloudy sky22 x 20-140 a21.n ame: rice:.“ beven bisters " Little stream right through midaleclay tanks , crush and trees, and , in background , seven coni fers against bluish hiiis and a littie pale blue sky at top22 X140.л ame: 22.Little stream in center.m e e:b anx at 1 e11 - slope of t- r eswign trees backed by clue ridgeat right - - grassy ridge -against blue sky20 x 26.26.к

4 ) Asncr ' s P a i n t i n g s a t h i l l ' siio. 25.hams:m c e:------ --pinkish rocksoneslender shrubsbrassy pointt h r e e s m a l l e r t r e e s on r i g h tmist andt r e e on l e f t m i s t and a f a r misty t r e e covera near t r e e c o v e r e d r i d g eed r i d g e a g a i n s t a p a l e g r e e n i s n and u i u e b i t of sky 20 x 28--ho. 24.---hame:.-P r i c e:—— —Colorful broked brushy swalebig tree at right a g a i n s t mi sty JPtrees beyondrocks at leftoutljnsr i d g e with bunch of blue trees on topd anarrow s t r i p c f grjpyellowish m i s t y greenjbsridge« .mmi ё* кя: ** ЛЗи*.voutlined--‘' Л;«*''V . A/fa. ho. 2b.Mame:VP r i c e:------green swaleКоску f o r e g r o u n db i g tree a t l e f ts n a r p l y r i s i n g brushy s l o p e at r i g h t showing a l i g h t coloredr i d g e a g a i n s t a d a r k r i d g e which i n turn i s o u t l i n e d a g a i n s tsky s h a d i n g from p a l e rose through y e l l o wb l u e mountainto a a r k greeny blue16 x 21 .--ho. 26.harne:Price :-Yellow and green ground - bole of big tree at rightyellow r i d g e a g a i n s t depp blue r i d g elow tree a t l e f ta g a i n s t blue sky16 x 21.Же.О#2 (r-- 412*. 26 .Наше :"Upperho. 29 .tl.Price :-Cabin a t r i g h t w i t h trees on edge o f b l u e еайуац;c e s of ridce against palemblue sky29 x 22Жо}.Наше : --tliinp.-P r i c e:.Sweetwater " i n l o v e l y p a l e shadesName :22 x 30.P r i c e:—-- .--yellowf e i l o w broken foregroundy e l l o w t r e e on l e f tp a l » blue tree wooded a t bac* a g a i n s t v e j r yat right22 x 29 1/ 2p a l e skyridge.44 ;

u).аоAsher' ьrkAcJоpaintings at Hill * "- »Price:name:piaAitoii slope beyond out Yellow flowered foregroundlined in trees against blue pea*. - some trees and brusnx. 50.greenish anu orae s*and big rocks -- .no. 51.Maine:Price:Colorful foreground -- big rock on rigntsnowing part ofbehind it - - trees surrounding teepee inmiddleuistance, ulimpses of greenish sky16 x 20,4Ahh. .btorenouse.i'r/'no. 32.VName:Av *Лd.*Price:Different view of teepee showing ferns and rock and treesin background - - glimpses of sky.16 x 20.Mo. 53.Name:Pri ce:nig rock left -- bigger rock right - - little stream between. Tree beyond and wooded slop - -- Tnree din. ridges ofdifferent colors against strip of cloudy sky20 x 34.i’Price:name:Patn running up; a rocky brushy slope -- parts of tnreesloping ridges against blue sky18 3/4 x 17.Mo—С/ «l.rrice:Marne:Dry grass foreground -- small rocks and brush -- paleTrees and orushy hill slopepale green tree about centerbeyond against pale blue sky. 12 x 16.Mo. 36.Price:Marne:Dark foreground - - big old tree against distant blue ridgeand neavy clouded sky20 x 16.Mo. 37. name:Price:Rocky point with one spindley free at left center againsta misty green wooded ridge witn light mist beyond and anotnerwooded ridge. Pale sky22 x 26.A '

16)Asher’ s Paintings at Hill ’ s.но . га .Name:Price:bUbt & L a road between rocky.banks -- tree center leftother trees right - - distant v ooaeddark linings across sky.14 x la.ho. so.riate. heavy cloudsa r-N ame:--withrrice: "Postman ’ s I rail.” Rolling f oregroancijcenterfour trees on toe of ridge at left -- plumps igSsmaller trees at right - - three distant misty’ 6 x 20against a pale sky ч: ч f*A* .*v ' * . 40.Name:ho*4 4V ice: heavy shadow of trees on golden ground - big rock atbig rocks and treesri'ht with shadowed green undersidat back outlined against distant brushy ridge, rale sky.16 x 2 e.- No. 41.Price:N ame:-white harked sycamore trees at left and right of pathrunning out of sight between green trees showing glimpseof ridge , and beyond a blueish ridge against pale sky.16x 22.No. 42.N ысе:Price:Sloping brushy foreground l/2 big tree , and rock , onorushy slopetree on leftwooded drawright to rijk t - - ana tnen draw and higher scantily wooded ria e atback against a pale sky.26 1/2 x 21 i/4. A v/No. 43.Na.,.e:Price:Stream bed with big rocks in foreground. Snadowed valleyfloor with saddle horse under four big pines -- wash andv.ooaed ridge against cloudy blue sky.26 x 20 l/2.No. 44.Price:Name:Big rocks and trees and grassy paten in foreground - grassy slope beyond and two brushy slopes against cloudyblue sxy.12 x 16.

17 )hoAsher ' s. 4t.Pictures at hill ' sN ame :P r i c e:----Grassy y e l l o w f o r e g r o u n donef l a t gray r o c k sgrassy s l o p e beyond wooded dravva brusht slopeshrubbeyond and a f a i n t glimpse of d i s t a n t blue r i d g e a g a i n s tcloudy skyI k x 16--.No.46.-- .Name :P r i c e:*иSR o l l i n g y e l l o w i s h grassy f o r e g r o u n dbig tree at leftgrassy : a pes begrassy ,§.].ope to r i g h tWoodeu drawto vc oodefci r i d g e a g a i n s t cloudy '' sk, 16 x 20yond r o l l i n g-,----No. 47 .-.--'V.44*Name :--Hocks i n y e l l o w grassy f o r e g r o u n ds i n g l e tree beyondclump a t r i g h torushy r i d g e s beyond a g a i n s t14 x I Se i e a r eky cloudy skyat leftNo. 4S.-- .-Name :P r i c e:Suggestion of road oetween b i g r o c k s i n c o l o r f u l f o r eh r u s n y wooded r i d g e s w i t h f o u r h i g h e r t r e e s ongroundat left a blue ridgetop a g a i n s t s k y l i n e a t r i g h tt h u n d e r heads a g a i n s t greeny sky a t top21 l/ 4 x 26.No.49.---. --.Name :P r i c e:--Close up of Teepee with t r e e a t l e f tbroken t r e e a trighto t h e r t r e e s anutwo wooded r i d g e s oeyond a g a i n s tr i c h green and blue sky2k x 26--No. CO .%*Name :Price :aU- roiUn*. foreandT1e?i /t - - foliaceboth s i d e s.woodedpines «л « мах*—groundglimpser i d g e a g a i n s t a c i t of y e l l o w green of&ky,June , 1939.x 34.washbig and.41 1/ 2}Л

.Pictures Painted by R h Asher--celonbinb to Alice L.P.Hill.----A:yellow swalepoplar tree at leftMesa Loate pump house 1. c trees and brush dotted slopesbeyond. A left glimpse of blue ridge - pale sky. 12 x 16.Ah:C.kesa Granae. nig rock at right -- rocky brushy forebrounuana distant glimpses of peaks and v.ooueu slopes - -- trees-bluepeax center uack -- cloudy sky. 12 x 16.:mesa Grandeboles oi two trees snadinfc foreground-orushyor wooded draw -- v cod dotted hills oeyond -- 14jhpse12 x 16.oi pale sky.ts,»bD:"Haloed Trees'1 in cedar bark frame. Tall grass irtgroundbrassу slope X,o knoll center and up to J,roes 3Trees at гор of knoll throwing heavy shade andtwo v* oouedhaloes aroeti . bovoridtjfru sun“rceri skyrKEfce to right break--- —ore st(C.-- J3:Pine killed by pine beetlesagainst green40 x 3asky flecked with white wisps of cloud.rees*»* VandФCrayon sketch of road andtrees at -Bailey's. 10 Xl4.Crayon of hill cabin from fern patch. 9 x 12.f:G:Green floor of valley after rain. Hig yellow tree onh:sky reflected in water center - bit of rocky slope1ei tgreen .yellow and orange colored trees along swaleat rightana at oack breen ridge against cloudy sky 12 x 16--- -4: Parchedat rightyellow ,tan ,pale sky.--:.-- ----foregroundbare sycamore at leftbreerx treesgreen alfalfa patch in middle distancetrees and gray ridges beyondsteep and rocky against22 x 30.--Tunnel tnroulb X 14.j.hill.n:the lilac on road to top---of French Valle./- - --Path trough grassy openingpast rose thickettreesgreen ridgesgrceney blue sky .16x2blue ridtes18 x 2/o.L:"hark Meadow." Green with yellow drifts of flowerslence across foregrouiid. Hills beyoxxd with scattered clumpssky full ofof treesrid e beyondblue peak left22 x 30.thunder heads--beyona.-- -.0-.pinesn:hong visia of hoane Valleyrid e against pale sky.16 x * --------each side--woodedpale ridfces against storm"kind." Hrusny ledgetwo tall slim trees in foreground blown by wind.7 1/clouds7 1/2 x 10.0: foreground little streamsteep cut banks rignt and partthen conifersand aly seen leftwillows beyondwooded ridge against a dark gray blue sky. 12 x 16.k:------

U)B:P i c t u r e s by Asher b e l o n g i n g t o Mrs.Hill.of tne G i a n t s 11 Odd shaped t r e e s m a r c n i n g acrosswocued r i d g e to r i g n t л1ие San mi u e l aggrassy meadow n 2 x 3Ca g a i n s t c l o u d y sunset sky“March4:--.woodland w i t h g l i m p s e s of g r a s s opening i n centercenter t h e Dole of t h e t r e e i s r e d14 x 18.the rightЙ:--In.—y e l l o v, t r e e s l e f trocks in right foregroundg l i m p s e s of meadow i n betweentreeJ conifers right14 x 18c l a d r i d g e s to s t r i p, of cloudy sky.Dig--.-- .Galleyrenchman ' s c a b i n i n h o w e r P r e n t ha sunsetp i c t u r e w i t h l o n g shadow to f o r e g r o u n d from cabin Hock &* trees rigntijwp oaea r i d g e a t back a g a rleft1l s n sky8:jj---- .; L fet oCtree 1tree r cs c a t t e r e d trees e a g e i n g d i s t a n c e outlihs i,Cloudy blue ь к уa l l c l o u d s pink ung a i n s t olue r i a g ep u r p l e above i n blue e v e n t * * n »vyaer s i d e. . ---.---.4'к -. —w i t n t h r e e D g t ' ел touched by S u n l i g h tr i g x t hand r i d ei n a i s t a n c e l e f t nand woody r i d g e c l u esky p a l es c a t t e r e d t r e e s anu s u n l i tfar ridges mistyyellowisn22 x 30ri, o k jU:лQint.--.----V:Yellow p o i n t - o i g sycamore l e f t bending over r o c k scenter -- b l u e i s h r i d g e - w i t h y e l l o w road - sky b l u e -e v e r y t h i n g very s p r i n g l i k e i n c o l o r and s u g g e s t i o n 1 2 x 16--.b i g t r e e s f r a m i n g a s u n l i t meadow w i t n c a b i n a t f a rV:edge backed by h i g n wooded r i d g e spalewee glimpse ofsky14 x 18--.--л:green andhoaric valley in kailyellow t r e e s a t l e f tyellow t r e e s eacn s i d e of shadow s t r i p e d g r a s s and gray r o c k sI n d i s t a n c e canyon up Morgan H i l lsunlit in ridgesfallfoliageglimpse of cloudy sky1 2 x 16--.----.--.a.-aBrushy green f o r e g r o u n d l o o k i n g across r i d g e s t o SaitohY:9 x 13Sea a n d r i d g e s e s t c a r d p i c t u r e of Doane Valley p a i n t U-ii i n o i l s.O K,Poregoing correct.June 26 , 1939.

and is buried in Mt. Hope Cemetery in San Diego. In his immediate family, Robert Asher was survived by his sister Mrs. Josephine A. Vacher of El Cajon, a sister Mrs. Dorcas Drown of Spring Valley, and a brother Josephus Asher of Mission Beach. Josephine Vacher’s family holds sev

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