Intrusion Systems D9412GV3 Control PanelD9412GV3 Control Panel Fully integrated intrusion, fire, and access controlallows users to interface with one system instead ofthree Conettix IP‑based communication options providehigh‑speed, secure alarm transport and controlthrough connection of up to two wired (DX4020) and/or wireless (ITS‑DX4020‑G) network interfaces Up to 32 programmable areas with perimeter andinterior partitioning 246 points with flexible configuration options to meetmultiple installation requirements Commercial Wireless allows up to 238 RF points Up to 16 supervised keypads (vacuum fluorescent,ATM style, or touch-screen keypads available)The D9412GV3 Control Panel delivers a powerful newsolution for intrusion, access control, and fire alarmsystem applications. The control panel includes acommunicator that sends events to selected publicswitched telephone network (PSTN), IP network, orgeneral packet radio service (GPRS) destinations throughfour programmable route groups. The control panelprovides up to 246 individually identified points. Eachpoint: Accommodates normally‑open (NO) andnormally‑closed (NC) devices with end‑of‑line (EOL)resistor supervision Is programmable for fire, fire supervisory, or intrusionapplications.With the D9412GV3 you can: Monitor alarm points for intruder or fire alarms whileoperating user keypads and other outputsProgram all system functions locally or remotely(attended or unattended) through RemoteProgramming Software (RPS); program criticalparameters on‑site through a keypad.Add up to eight doors of access control using theoptional D9210BLC Access Control Interface Module. Four alarm‑output patternsProgrammable bell testSystem Response High-performance micro‑controller providesindustry‑leading system response 31 custom point indexes, including fire supervisory Selectable point response time Cross point capability Fire alarm verification Fire inspector’s local test Watch mode Scheduled events (skeds) arm, disarm, bypass andunbypass points, control relays, control authoritylevels, and control door accessUser Interface Supervision of up to 16 keypads (up to 32unsupervised keypads can be used) Custom keypad text is fully programmable, includingremote programming Full function command menu including customfunctions Authority by area and 16‑character name for each user 14 custom authority levels control user’s authority tochange, add, or delete passcodes or access controlcredentials; to disarm or bypass points; and to startsystem testsFunctionsProgrammable Outputs 2 A alarm power at 12 VDC 1.4 A auxiliary power at 12
2 D9412GV3 Control PanelArea ConfigurationsDoor‑Activated Custom FunctionArea programming offers a wide selection of differentsystem configurations. Each area is assigned an accountnumber to define annunciation, control, and reportingfunctions. Multiple areas can be linked to a shared areawhich is automatically controlled (hallway or lobby). Areaarming can be conditional on other areas (master orassociate). Any area can be configured for perimeter andinterior arming, not requiring a separate area for thisfunction.A custom function activates when user credentials arepresented to a D9210B door controller's reader. Thecustom function behaves as though the user performed afunction at the keypad associated with the doorcontroller.Two Man RuleThe Two Man Rule and Early Ambush options require twopasscodes, providing additional security in financialestablishments such as banks.Two Man Rule provides added security by requiring: Two people present at openingTwo unique passcodes on the same keypad to disarman areaWithout the second passcode, the system denies entry.Early AmbushEarly Ambush requires two passcode entries on the samekeypad. Enter the same passcode twice or have twounique passcodes, depending on the configuration. Thefirst entry disarms the area and the second entry stops atimer programmed to send a duress event. If the secondentry does not occur within the programmed time, thesystem generates a duress event. Early Ambush allowsusers to inspect the premises and use the system toconfirm that the area is safe to enter, providing addedsecurity.Easy Exit ControlThe D9412GV3 Control Panel changes from one armedstate to another armed state without disarming. Forexample, if you change the state from Master Arm toPerimeter Arm, the control panel complies and reports thechange. Easy Exit Control reduces the number ofkeystrokes, simplifying system operation.Programmable Passcode‑controlled Menu ListThe system prompts users to enter a passcode prior toviewing the keypad menu. The keypad display shows theuser the menu options allowed according to the user’sauthority level. Passcode-controlled menus provide usersonly with the options and information pertinent to them,simplifying system operation.Passcode Follows ScopeUse Passcode Follows Scope to restrict passcode armingand disarming to the keypad's immediate local area, evenif the keypad can report events from other areas.Passcode Follows Scope simplifies the arming anddisarming procedure without limiting any other keypadcapabilities.Invisible Walk TestA menu item allows the user to test invisible 24‑hourpoints within the scope of the keypad without sending areport to the central station.PasscodesUser passcodes contain three to six digits. Assign eachuser one of 14 customized authority levels in each area.Restrict passcodes to operate only during certain times.CommunicationsThe D9412GV3 Control Panel prioritizes and sendsreports in Contact ID or Modem IIIa2 communicationsformats to four route groups. Each group has aprogrammable primary and backup destination.The D9412GV3 provides flexible communications for mostcentral stations with reporting capabilities such as: Individual point numbersOpening or closing reports by user and area numberRemote programming attemptsDiagnostic reportsThe D9412GV3 uses the DX4020 Ethernet NetworkInterface Module and/or the ITS‑DX4020‑G GPRS/GSMCommunicator to communicate with the Conettix D6600and D6100i Communications Receiver/Gateways. UsingConettix IP communication offers a secure path thatincludes anti-replay/anti-substitution features andprovides enhanced security with encryption. Both theDX4020 and ITS‑DX4020‑G can be used for remoteprogramming.Security and Fire DetectionThe D9412GV3 Control Panel provides eight on‑boardpoints, and up to 238 additional off‑board points(depending on model and expansion interfaces). You canprogram individual points to monitor all types of burglaralarms, fire alarms, and supervision devices.Commercial WirelessThe Commercial Wireless platform, powered by Inovonicswireless mesh network technology, ensures superiorrange, reliability, and scalability for commercialapplications. Using a wide range of transmitters andrepeaters, this proven technology provides flexibility andperformance to meet the most stringent requirements.This exclusive protocol is available only on CommercialWireless products.
D9412GV3 Control Panel 3The Commercial Wireless platform sends redundantinformation on several multi-frequency channels withinthe FCC Part 15 900 MHz band, providing superior rangeand reliability. In comparison, systems that use a singlefrequency technology can only send information on onenarrow band channel. Any interference within the bandcan cause missed signals. With wireless registration, it iseasy to add this technology to any application.Event LogThe event log stores up to 1,000 local and transmittedevents. The event log includes time, date, event, area,point, and user number. View the event log from a keypador use RPS to remotely retrieve event information. RPSoperators can retrieve events periodically using one phonecall, rather than receiving several calls each day. When theevent log reaches a programmed threshold of storedevents, it can send an optional report to a receiver.D9412GV3 Control Panels accommodate up to fourseparate destinations for primary, alternate, and backupreceivers for automatic test reports.When resetting alarms or arming or disarming a system,the user is identified by name and number.ROM UpdatesAn on‑site flash update key provides for easy featureenhancements without replacing ROM chips.Certifications and ApprovalsRegionCertificationUSAULAccess ControlThe D9412GV3 provides custom door strike, point shuntand auto disarming response by area. There are 14panel‑wide access levels with both manual and scheduledcontrol.Store, view, or print access events such as: Access grantedNo entryRequest-to-enterRequest-to-exitAMCX: Central Station Alarm Units (ANSI/UL 1610 and 1635); AMTB: ControlPanels, SIA False Alarm Reduction (UL864 and ANSI/SIA CP-01-2000); AOTX:Local Alarm Units (ANSI/UL 609 andANSI/UL 464); APAW: Police StationAlarm Units (ANSI/UL 365 and ANSI/UL464); APOU: Proprietary Alarm Units(ANSI/UL 1076); NBSX: HouseholdBurglar Alarm System Units (ANSI/UL1023); UOJZ: Control Units, System(ANSI/UL 864); UTOU: Control Units andAccessories, Household System Type(ANSI/UL 985)FMScheduled Events (Skeds)The internal clock and calendar start individuallyscheduled events (skeds). Skeds perform functions suchas arm or disarm, relay control, or point bypassing. TheD9412GV3 Control Panel offers:CSFM FDNYCoA7165-1615:0238 FIRE ALARMCONTROL UNIT (COMMERCIAL)7167-1615:0239 CONTROL UNIT(HOUSEHOLD)40 scheduled events with up to 25 different functionsEight opening windows and eight closing windowsEight user windowsDay-of-week, date-of-month, or holiday only schedulesFour holiday schedules of 366 days each (leap year)FCC6059Designed to comply with Part 15Fire TestWhen a user activates Fire Test Mode, the control panelsuppresses all reports to the central station. The keypadand annunciator show all testing data. An automaticsensor reset feature saves time; you do not need to resetthe sensors manually. At the end of test, the keypadshows the number of untested points.Installation/Configuration NotesProgramming, Diagnostics and ControlsD720 Series Keypads(D720, D720W, D720R, D720B)Installers can do limited programming on-site with akeypad (critical parameters; such as, .Account IDs, CentralStation and RPS IP addresses and phone numbers,reporting formats, and such).They can also do fullprogramming on-site or remotely (attended orunattended) with RPS. A programmable system passcodeprevents unauthorized remote programming.Compatible ProductsKeypadsD1260 Series Keypads(D1260, D1260W, D1260R, D1260BLK, D1260B)D1255 Series Keypads(D1255, D1255W, D1255B, D1255RB)D1256RB Fire KeypadD1257RB Remote Fire Alarm AnnunciatorD1265 Touch Screen KeypadD279A Independent Zone
4 D9412GV3 Control PanelDetectorsModulesD278S Four‑wire Addressable Detector Base, 12 VDCD9131A Parallel Printer Interface ModuleD285/TH Photoelectric Smoke Detector HeadsD9210BLC Access Control Interface ModuleD298S Addressable Detector Base, 24 VDCDS7432 Eight‑input Remote ModuleD7050 Series Addressable Photoelectric Smoke and Smoke Heat Detector HeadsDS7457i Series Single‑zone Multiplex Input ModulesF220‑B6PM/S Addressable Detector Bases with POPITsDS7461i Single‑input Multiplex ModuleMX775i Addressable PIR DetectorMX794i Long Range Multiplex PIR DetectorMX934i Addressable PIR DetectorMX938i Addressable PIR DetectorDS7460i Two‑input ModuleDS7465i Input and Output ModuleICP-SDI-9114 SDI SplitterProgrammingZX776Z PIR DetectorRPS or RPS‑LITE Remote Programming SoftwareZX794Z Long Range PIR DetectorReadersZX835 TriTech Microwave/PIR DetectorZX935Z PIR DetectorZX938Z PIR DetectorZX970 PIR/Microwave DetectorBosch conventional detectors, including Blue Line, seismic, PIR, TriTechPIR Microwave, photoelectric, heat, and smoke.ARD‑R10 iCLASS Mullion ReaderARD‑R40 iCLASS Switchplate ReaderARD‑RK40‑09 iCLASS PIN ReaderARD‑VSMART iCLASS ReaderD8223 Prox Pro ReaderD8224 Mullion ReaderEnclosuresD8224‑SP Switch Plate ReaderD8103 Universal EnclosureD8225 Mini Mullion ReaderD8108A Attack‑resistant EnclosureD8301W Low‑profile Proximity ReadersD8109 Fire EnclosureCommercial Wireless ProductsMagnetic ContactsISW‑D8125CW Commercial Wireless InterfaceBosch magnetic contacts include recessed, terminal connection, miniature, overhead door, and surface mount.ISW‑EN7280 Serial ReceiverModulesISW‑EN4204R LED ReceiverConettix ITS‑DX4020-G GPRS/GSM Integrated CommunicatorISW‑EN4216R LCD ReceiverConettix DX4020 Network Interface ModuleConettix DX4010V2 USB/Serial Interface ModuleConettix C900V2 Dialer Capture ModuleD113 Battery Lead Supervision ModuleD125B Dual Class B Initiating ModuleD127 Reversing Relay ModuleD129 Class A Initiating ModuleD130 Auxiliary Relay ModuleD185 Reverse Polarity Signaling ModuleD192G Notification Appliance Circuit ModuleD928 Phone Line SwitcherD5060 MUX ProgrammerD8125 POPEX Point ExpanderD8128D OctoPOPIT Eight‑point ExpanderD8125MUX Point ExpanderD8125INV Wireless Interface ModuleD8129 Octo‑relay ModuleD8130 Door Release ModuleD9127 Series POPIT ModulesISW‑EN4200 Serial ReceiverISW‑EN4016SK Survey ReceiverISW‑EN5040‑T High‑power RepeaterISW‑EN1210 Universal Transmitter (Single‑input)ISW‑EN1210EOL Universal Transmitter with EOL ResistorISW‑EN1210SK Survey TransmitterISW‑EN1210W Door‑Window Transmitter with Reed SwitchISW‑EN1215EOL Universal Transmitter with Wall Tamper and EOL ResistorISW‑EN1215WEOL Door‑Window Transmitter with Wall Tamper, ReedSwitch, and EOL ResistorISW‑EN1223D Water‑resistant Pendant Transmitter (Double‑button)ISW‑EN1223S Water‑resistant Pendant Transmitter (Single‑button)ISW‑EN1223SK Survey Pendant TransmitterISW‑EN1233D Necklace Pendant Transmitter (Double‑button)ISW‑EN1233S Necklace Pendant Transmitter (Single‑button)ISW‑EN1235D Beltclip Pendant Transmitter (Double‑button)ISW‑EN1235S Beltclip Pendant Transmitter (Single‑button)ISW‑EN1235DF Fixed‑location Transmitter (Double‑button)ISW‑EN1235SF Fixed‑location Transmitter (Double‑button)ISW‑EN1242 Smoke Detector‑Transmitter
D9412GV3 Control Panel 5Commercial Wireless ProductsEnvironmental ConsiderationsISW‑EN1247 Glassbreak Sensor‑TransmitterRelative Humidity:5% to 93% at 30 C ( 86 F),non‑condensingTemperature (Operating):0 C to 50 C ( 32 F to 122 F)ISW‑EN1249 Billtrap TransmitterISW‑EN1260 PIR Motion Sensor Transmitter (Commercial and High‑endDomestic Applications)ISW‑EN1261HT PIR Motion Sensor Transmitter (High‑traffic Areas)Number of ISW‑EN1262 PIR Motion Sensor Transmitter (Residential and Low‑trafficCommercial Applications)Areas:8Card Readers (Doors):8ISW‑EN1265 PIR Motion Sensor Transmitter (Ceiling‑mount Applications)Credentials (Tokens):996Custom Functions:16Events:Up to 1000Passcode Users:249, plus 1 service passcodeThe D9412GV3 includes the following parts:Parallel Printers:3Quant.ComponentPoints:1D9412GV3 Board246 (8 on‑board, up to 238off‑board)1Mounting SkirtProgrammable Relay Outputs:1311Faceplate with D9412GV3 LabelRF Points:2381Literature pack Installation Instructions Owners Manual Release NotesSKEDs:64Parts Included1Power RequirementsLiterature CD containing all product literatureThe available kits come with the parts indicated in the following table:KitsCurrent Draw (Maximum):300 mAOutput (Alarm):2 A at 12 VDCOutput (Auxiliary, ContinuousPower, and Switched Auxiliarycombined):1.4 A at 12 VDC nominalComponents‑A‑B‑CVoltage (Operating):12 VDC nominalD9412GV3 Board111Voltage (AC):16.5 VAC 40 VA plug‑in transformer(D1640)D101F Lock and Key Set1D122 Dual Battery Harness1TrademarksD161 Dual Modular Phone Cord2D928 Dual Phone Line Switcher1D1640 Transformer1Trademark names are used throughout this document. Inmost cases, these designations are claimed as trademarksor registered trademarks in one or more countries by theirrespective owners. Rather than placing a trademarksymbol in every occurrence of a trademark name, BoschSecurity Systems, Inc. uses the names only in an editorialfashion and to the benefit of the trademark owner with nointention of infringing the trademark.D8103 Enclosure11D8108A Attack‑resistant EnclosureD8109 Fire Enclosure11Technical SpecificationsInovonics is a trademark of Inovonics Wireless Corporation.CommunicationsSDI Bus A ( ):9 VDC4572 m (15,000 ft)SDI Bus B (-):9 VDC4572 m (15,000 ft)TelephoneConnection: One telephone lineD928 Dual Phone Line Module required fortwo telephone
6 D9412GV3 Control PanelOrdering InformationOrdering InformationD9412GV3 Control PanelIncludes one printed circuit board (PCB) withmounting skirt and faceplate with label, and aliterature pack and CD.D9412GV3D9412GV3-A Attack-resistant PackageContains one PCB, one transformer, and oneattack-resistant enclosure.D9412GV3-AD9412GV3-B Fire/Burglar PackageContains one PCB, one dual battery harness,two telephone cords, one telephone lineswitcher, one transformer, and one fire enclosure.D9412GV3-BD9412GV3-C Standard Burglar PackageContains one PCB, one lock and key set, onetransformer, and one universal enclosure.D9412GV3-CAccessoriesD126 Standby Battery (12 V, 7 Ah)Sealed lead‑acid standby and auxiliary rechargeable power supply.D126D1218 Battery (12 V, 18 Ah)A 12 V sealed lead‑acid battery for standbyand auxiliary power with two bolt‑fastenedterminals. Includes hardware for attachingbattery leads or spade connectorsD1218D1224 Battery (12 V, 26‑28 Ah)A 12 V sealed lead‑acid battery for standbyand auxiliary power with two bolt‑fastenedterminals. Includes hardware for attachingbattery leads or spade connectors.D1224D137 Mounting BracketUsed to mount accessory modules in D8103,D8108A, and D8109 enclosures.D137D138 Mounting Bracket, Right AngleUsed to mount accessory modules in D8103,D8108A, and D8109 enclosures.D138ICP-SDI-9114 SDI SplitterProvides the ability to set up two independent SDI buses from a single SDI connectionon the control panel.ICP-SDI-9114D110D1640 TransformerSystem transformer rated at 16.5 VAC,40 VA.D1640D110 Tamper SwitchScrew‑on tamper switch that fits all enclosures. Shipped in packages of two.D8004ICP‑EZTS Dual Tamper SwitchCombination tamper switch with a wire loopfor additional tamper outputs.ICP-EZTSD8004 Transformer EnclosureFor applications such as fire alarm that mightrequire a transformer enclosure.D9002-5D8103 EnclosureGrey steel enclosure measuring 41 cm x41 cm x 9 cm (16 in. x 16 in. x 3.5 in.).D8103D9002‑5 Mounting SkirtMounts inside D8103, D8108A, and D8109enclosures. Can accept up to six standard7.62 cm x 12.7 cm (3 in. x 5 in.) cards.D8108A Attack Resistant EnclosureGrey steel enclosure measuring 41 cm x41 cm x 9 cm (16 in. x 16 in. x 3.5 in.). ULListed. Includes lock and key set. Requiresthe D2402 Mounting Plate.D8108AD101 Lock and Key SetStandard lock set with one key supplied.Uses the D102 (#1358) replacement key.D101D8109 Fire EnclosureRed steel enclosure measuring 40.6 cm x40.6 cm x 8.9 cm (16 in. x 16 in. x 3.5 in).UL Listed. Includes a lock and key set.D8109D928 Dual Phone Line SwitcherAllows the control panel to operate over andsupervise two separate phone lines. Only oneD162 phone cord is supplied. Two additionalD161 or D162 phone cords are required.D928D122 Dual Battery HarnessHarness with circuit breaker. Connects twobatteries to a compatible control panel.D122D122L Dual Battery Harness with LongLeadsColor-coded harness with circuit breaker andleads measuring 89 cm (35 in.). Connects12 V batteries to compatible control panels.D122LAmericas:Bosch Security Systems, Inc.130 Perinton ParkwayFairport, New York, 14450, USAPhone: 1 800 289 0096Fax: 1 585 223 sSoftware OptionsEurope, Middle East, Africa:Bosch Security Systems B.V.P.O. Box 800025600 JB Eindhoven, The NetherlandsPhone: 31 40 2577 284Fax: 31 40 2577 .com Bosch Security Systems 2011 Data subject to change without noticeT6695631627 Cur: en-US, V5, 30 Jun 2011RPS Kit (USB)Account management and control panel-programming software with USB connection.Asia-Pacific:Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd, Security Systems11 Bishan Street 21Singapore 573943Phone: 65 6258 5511Fax: 65 6571 .asiaRepresented byD5500C-USB
RPS or RPS‑LITE Remote Programming Software Readers ARD‑R10 iCLASS Mullion Reader ARD‑R40 iCLASS Switchplate Reader ARD‑RK40‑09 iCLASS PIN Reader ARD‑VSMART iCLASS Reader D8223 Prox Pro Reader D8224 Mullion Reader D8224‑SP Switch Plate Reader D8225 Mini Mullion Reader D8301W L
Listings and Approvals UL The D9412GV3 and D7412GV3 Control Panels are UL Listed for Central Station, Local, Auxiliary, . radio frequency energy; and if not installed and used according to the instructions, can cause harmful . 9.1.4 Extra Point Events.36 9.1.5 D9412GV3/D7412GV3 Responses to Missing .
Attach and remove the control panel You can attach the control panel directly to the drive, or use a separate mounting kit. To attach the control panel to a drive: 1. Place the bottom end of the control panel into the slot in the drive. 2. Press the control panel lock clip down. 3. Push the control panel into place. To remove the control panel:
Hush Panel 28 Hush Panel 32 Hush Panel 33 Hush Panel 37 Hush Panel 48 Hush Panel 52 Hush Ply 28 Hush Ply 32 When installing Hush Cem Panel 28 or Hush Cem Panel 32 the tongue and groove joints are to be glued using Hush Cem Panel Adhesive. All joints to be glued, on all sides of the panel to give the best bond. Adhesive not to be spared .
6 The stop button Parent topic: Using the Control Panel Adjusting Control Panel Position You can adjust the position of the control panel to make it easier to use. To raise the control panel, lift it up from the bottom. To lower the control panel, squeeze the release bar and gently push the panel down.
6 The stop button Parent topic: Using the Control Panel Adjusting Control Panel Position You can adjust the position of the control panel to make it easier to use. To raise the control panel, lift it up from the bottom. To lower the control panel, squeeze the release bar and gently push the panel down.
the transverse panel-to-panel connections are referred to simply as panel-to-panel connections. Panel-to-panel connections can be nonprestressed or post- . (25 100 mm) flat plastic duct (Fig. 5). One of the connections with a stress of 340 psi (2.34 MPa) had an epoxy bonding agent applied to the
PANEL HEMMING TOOL TremLock SL Field Hem 1 1/2" TremLock SLPanel TremLock SL Panel TremLock SL Panel Field Notch Panel Hemming Tool Panel Hemming Tool Panel Hemming Tool NOTES: 1. Cut through male and female legs/ribs 1 1/2" up from panel end as shown. 2. Then cut diagonally with metal shears as shown. 3. Place hemming tool over panel tab. 4.
STP 989 Performance of Protective Clothing: Second Symposium S. Z. Mansdorf, Richard Sager, and Alan P. Nielsen, editors ASTM 1916 Race Street