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325C LCR Hydraulic ExcavatorCat 3126B ATAAC diesel engineNet power (ISO 9249) at 1800 rpmOperating weightTravel speedTail swing radiusFront swing radius140 kW/190 hp35 400 kg4.3 km/h1900 mm3360 mm

Compact RadiusThe 325C LCR has been designed to rotate with a minimal amount of counterweighthanging over the tracks, which allows it to work in tight, confined areas.Productivity. Even though the 325C LCR has beendesigned for use in specific applications that requirehigh maneuverability in confined spaces, it stillmaintains the ability to accomplish tasks in a varietyof applications where space is not a factor.Swing Radius. The Caterpillar 325C LCR has a tailswing radius of 1900 mm as compared to 3050 mmfor the standard Caterpillar 325C L. This reductionof tail swing may allow for swing operation withgreater confidence knowing that the tail of themachine only has a minimal amount of overhang.The increasing need to work within space-restricted areas has createda demand for larger excavators that can also work within tighter quartersand provide greater productivity. The newest addition to this lineup ofCompact Radius (CR) excavators is the 325C LCR.AAA321C LCR21900 mm320C L2770 mm3050 mm325C LTail swing radius (mm)A Overhang (mm)with 600 mm shoeswith 800 mm shoeswith 850 mm shoesLift and Stability. The boom on the 325C LCRhas been moved more towards the center of themachine, this results in overall greater lift capacityover the front as compared to the standard 325C L.In addition to the repositioning of the boom,the Cat 325C LCR utilizes the undercarriageof the 330C L, which allows for an extremelystable operating platform.325C LCR1900320C L2770325C L3050305–18012801180–14551355–325C LCR versus 325C L. Compare minimum frontswing radius and tail swing radius:Tail swing radius (mm)Minimum front swing radius (mm)325C LCR19003360325C L30504148

Engine and HydraulicsThe Cat 3126B ATAAC engine and hydraulics give the 325C LCR exceptional power,efficiency, and controllability.Commonality. Many of the same provencomponents that are used in the Cat325C L are also utilized in the 325C LCR.This includes the same front linkageoptions, the powerful 3126B ATAACengine, HEUI fuel system and highperformance hydraulic system.Engine. Six cylinder turbochargedengine built for power, reliability,economy and low emissions will keepthe machine up and running. The Cat3126B ATAAC engine meets Stage IIworldwide emissions requirements.Automatic Engine Speed Control.The three-stage one touch controlmaximizes fuel efficiency and reducessound levels.Turbocharged and Air-to-air aftercooled.Turbocharger packs more dense airinto the cylinders for more completecombustion and lower emissionsimproving performance and engineefficiency. These benefits are especiallyuseful at high altitudes. Air-to-airaftercooler reduces smoke and emissionsby providing a cooler inlet air for moreefficient combustion. This also extendsthe life of the piston rings and bore.HEUI controls injection pressureelectronically. This unique capabilitymeans the regulation of injectionpressure is completely independentof crankshaft speed. Peak injectionpressure can be achieved underacceleration and lug conditions,providing better fuel economy,better response and reduced smoke.Hydraulic Cross Sensing System.Improves productivity with fasterimplement speeds and quicker, strongerpivot turns.HEUIInjection pressureHEUI Fuel System. In the traditionalcommon rail fuel system, the entire fuelline is under high pressure. With the HEUIsystem, fuel remains at low pressureuntil it is injected into the cylinder.Fuel pressure is created hydraulically inresponse to a signal from the ElectronicControl Module (ECM).ConventionalFuel SystemEngine speedInjection pressure in a HEUI fuel system isindependent of engine speed.Hydraulic Cylinder Snubbers.The hydraulic cylinder snubbers at rodend of boom cylinders and both endsof stick cylinder cushion shocks, reducesound, and increase cylinder life,keeping the machine working longer.Controllability. The hydraulic systemoffers precise control to the 325C LCR,reducing operator fatigue, improvingoperator effectiveness and efficiency,which ultimately translates intoenhanced performance.3

Operator StationThe 325C LCR operator workstation is quiet with ergonomic control placement andconvenient adjustments, low lever and pedal effort and highly efficient ventilation.4

Cab Design. An enlarged cab with curved styling givesthe operator a comfortable, spacious working environmentand excellent visibility.Skylight. The pop-up skylight provides improved upwardvisibility and opens easily with the assistance of a gascylinder.Sliding Door. The cab door slides alongside the caband takes less space to open and close than a hinged door.This unique design allows the operator to easily get inand out of the cab when working against walls on job sites,even when attachments are added.Windshields. The upper front windshield opens, closes,and stores below the roof of the operator with a one-touchaction release system. Grips on the mid-lower portionof the front windshield assist in easy opening.Monitor. New, compact monitor enhances viewing whiledisplaying a variety of easy to read and understand languagebased information.Climate Control. The 325C LCR features a semi-automaticclimate control with air intake system. The air conditioneris standard and adjusts temperature and flow.Windows. The enlarged right-side window provides excellentvisibility and isolates the operator from the hydraulic lines.The upper cab door window slides open, providing ventilationand allowing the operator to easily communicate with peopleon the work site.5

Buckets and TeethA wide variety of buckets help optimize machine performance.Purpose designed and built to Caterpillar’s high durability standards.Caterpillar K Seriesvertical tip retention1235476New Caterpillar K SeriesTM Tooth System1011121314151 Excavation Bucket. Digs and loads softto medium materials such as clay and earth.Features weld on tip adapters, hardenedcutting edge and side bars.5 Ditch Cleaning Bucket. Wide,light bucket used mainly withlong reach configurations toclean waterbeds and banks.2 Extreme Excavation Bucket. Digs and loadscompact/abrasive materials like earth/rock,sand/clay, sand/gravel, coal, chalk and lowabrasion ores. Features abrasion resistantsteel for all wear parts.6 Tiltable Ditch Cleaning Bucket.Wide, light hydraulically tiltablebucket for ditch cleaning andslope finishing applications.3 Rock Bucket. Digs and loads mixed earth/rock soils containing high percentage of rockor other abrasive materials. Features V-spadecutting edge, thicker base and wear surfaces.4 Skeleton Bucket. For soft and moist soilsand for applications where separationof materials, e.g., branches, peat moss,is required and for breaking up asphalt.Heavy Duty Skeleton Bucket. As standardskeleton bucket, but for more demandingapplications such as sorting rock from sandor gravel on demolition sites.67 Trapezoidal Bucket. To prepareand maintain small irrigationditches. Features angled sidesto shape ditch banks in oneoperation. Optionally availablewith mechanically adjustableside angles.Pin-on version and Quick Couplers.All Cat buckets are availablein both quick coupler and pin-onversion.161718K Series Tip Selection. The newCaterpillar K Series Tooth Systemholds tighter, changes easier andstays sharper.10 General Duty11 Extra Duty12 Penetration13 Penetration Plus14 Heavy Penetration15 Heavy Abrasion16 Wide17 Spike18 Double Spike

Tool Control System, Quick Couplers and Work-ToolsUser-friendly, integrated electro-hydraulics make changing tools easy and quick andallow the operator to focus on efficient work.Tool Control. Five hydraulic pump flow and pressure settingscan be preset on the Multipro, eliminating the need to adjustthe hydraulics each time a tool is changed. Selecting the propersetting from the Multipro’s menu instantly provides the operatorwith the correct amount of flow and pressure for the tool.The unique Cat proportional sliding switches providemodulation to the tool and make precision work easy.Quick Couplers. Caterpillar Quick Couplers enable the operatorto simply release one work tool and pick up another.Your hydraulic excavator becomes highly versatile.To suit your business and application needs, Caterpillar offerstwo different types of Quick Couplers.CW-Series Dedicated Quick Coupler. The dedicated CW-Seriesquick coupler enables a quick tool exchange while maintainingtop machine performance. It is available in a hydraulic andspindle version. The hydraulic version is available in a standardand a narrow version and makes it very easyfor the operator to switch toolswithout having to leave the cab. The spindle version is a user-friendlymechanical version that can later beeasily converted into the hydraulic versionif required. The spindle version is alsoavailable in the narrow and standard version. A lifting hook is added to the dedicated Quick Couplerfor maximum lift capacity.Pin Grabber Plus Quick Coupler. This hydraulically controlledPin Grabber Plus quick coupler makes changing buckets andother popular work tools simple and fast. The Pin Grabber Pluscoupler mounts to the end of the stick and allows buckets,clamshells and other work tools to be used with little or nomodification. Each model fully adjusts to different pin spreads of varioustools regardless of manufacturer – it is the only coupler thataccommodates a wide range of work tool makes and models. Pin-on assembly makes coupler installation and removal fastand easy. Coupler retains the same bucket opening and closing angles. Buckets can be reversed for greater flexibility when workingaround and under obstructions. Integrated lift eye.Quick coupler hydraulic circuits for Cat 325C LCRare available as retrofit kits. Caterpillar offers two kitsthat are dedicated to CW and Pin Grabber Plus coupler.Ask your Cat dealer for more specific information.Multi-Processor. The Caterpillar Multi-Processors can beequipped with different jaw types depending on your need. CC-jaws combi cutter CR-jaws concrete crusher PP-jaws primary pulveriser PS-jaws secondary pulveriser TS-jaws tank shear S-jaws steelMulti-Grapple. The multi-grapple with unlimited left and rightrotation is the ideal tool for stripping, sorting, handling andloading.Orange Peel Grapple. Specifically designed for handling scrapand rock in recycling and transfer applications.Hammer. With their wide variety of tools, Cat hammersprovide the perfect match for maximum life, efficiency, andproductivity.7

ServiceabilitySimplified service and maintenance save you time and money.Pre-Start Monitoring System.This system allows the operator tocheck coolant, hydraulic oil andengine oil levels from the monitorinside the cab.Anti-Skid “Pressed-Star” Plate.The top of the storage box and surfaceof the upper structure are coveredwith “pressed-star” plate to preventthe service person or operator fromslipping during maintenance.Handrail and Steps. Larger handrailsand steps make it easier for the operatorto climb on and off the machine.Fan Guard. Engine radiator fan andoil cooler are completely enclosedby fine wire mesh, reducing the riskof injury.Greasing Points. A concentratedremote greasing block on the boomdelivers grease to hard-to-reachlocations.Service Doors. Service doors arelocated on both sides of the upperstructure. The doors make it easyto reach maintenance items such asthe engine radiator or any hydrauliccomponents from ground level.Openings are large and service doorslatch in the full open position.Extended Service Intervals.Extended service and maintenanceintervals reduce service time and increasemachine availability. Use of oil-freebearing extends front linkage greasinginterval to 1000 hours, except in thebucket area, which has been extended to100 hours.8Ground Level Maintenance.The 325C LCR was designed with fullconsideration given to ground levelmaintenance. This includes groundlevel access to the engine oil filter,fuel water separator, air filters,batteries, and the pilot and drainhydraulic filters.Air Filter. The air filter features adouble-element construction forsuperior cleaning efficiency. If the aircleaner plugs, a warning is displayedon the monitor screen inside the cab.Fuel-Water Separator. The waterseparator has a primary fuel filterelement and is located in the radiatorcompartment for easy access fromthe ground.

EngineHydraulic SystemDriveCat 3126B ATAAC diesel engineNet Power at 1800 rpmISO 9249140 kW/190 hpEEC 80/1269140 kW/190 hpBore110 mmStroke127 mmDisplacement7.2 litersMain implement systemMaximum flow (2x)Maximum pressureImplementsTravelSwingPilot systemMaximum flowMaximum pressureBoom cylinderBoreStrokeStick cylinderBoreStrokeC Family bucket cylinderBoreStrokeMaximum travel speedMaximum drawbar pull The 3126B engine meetsEU directive 97/68/EC Stage IIemission requirements.Net power advertised is the poweravailable at the flywheel when theengine is equipped with fan, aircleaner, muffler, and alternator.All engine horsepowers are metricincluding front page.No engine derating required below2300 m altitude.235 l/min343 bar343 bar275 barSwing MechanismSwing speedSwing torque36 l/min41 bar140 mm1407 mm10.2 rpm82.2 kNmCab150 mm1646 mmCab/FOGS meets ISO 10262.130 mm1156 mmSoundThe dynamic exterior sound power levelmeets EU Directive 2000/14/EC.Track WidthStandardOptional4.3 km/h308 kN850 mm750, 600 mmWeightsDimensionsDepend on final machine configuration.All dimensions are approximate.kgOperating weight*CounterweightBoom 6150 mmStick 3200 mmStick 2650 mm35 40075901920130011202891* 6150 mm reach boom , 3200 mm stick,and 1.2 m3 bucket.7345Service Refill CapacitiesLiterFuel tank capacityCooling systemEngine oilSwing driveFinal drive (each)Hydraulic system (including tank)Hydraulic tank3483034815322155mm1 Shipping heightwith 3200 mm stickwith 2650 mm stick2 Shipping length3 Shipping widthwith 850 mm shoeswith 750 mm shoeswith 600 mm shoes3380333098303440334031906mm456789Length to centers of rollersTrack lengthGround clearanceTrack gaugeTail swing radiusBody width325C LCR Hydraulic Excavator specifications404050605402590190030709

Working Ranges with Reach Boom (6150 mm)Stick LengthBucket1 Maximum Reachat Ground Level2 Maximum Digging Depth3 Minimum Loading Height4 Maximum Loading Height5 Maximum Vertical WallDigging Depth6 Maximum Cutting Height7 Maximum Depth for Cutfor 2440 mm Level Bottom8 Minimum Front Swing RadiusBucket Tip RadiusBucket Forces (ISO 6015)Stick Forces (ISO 6015)11 m1210 9876654 4323 0 111 32532001.226501.2mm 10 470mm6830mm3080mm81309970628036407850mm65805590mm 11 050 10 770mmmmmmmmmm667033601556150133609034701556156147 82mmm3745The below loads are in compliance with hydraulic excavator lift capacity ratings standardISO 10567, they do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting capacity or 75% of tipping capacity.Weight of all lifting accessories must be deducted from the below lifting capacities. 7 6111098765432101mLift Capacities with Reach Boom (6150 mm)All weights are in kgStick2650 mmShoes850 mmBucket Capacity (SAE)1.2 m3Bucket Weight893 kg1.5 m9.0 m7.5 m6.0 m4.5 m3.0 m1.5 m*10 550*13 000*14 550*14 700*9800 *9800 *13 900*15 950 *15 950 *12 100*11 350 *11 350 *88000m104.5 m6.0 m7.5 m9.0 mm–1.5 m–3.0 m–4.5 mStick3200 mmShoes850 mmBucket Capacity (SAE)1.2 m3Bucket Weight893 kg3.0 m1.5 m3.0 m*10 55011 10010 45010 15010 10010 250*88004.5 m*6900*7350*8300*9450*10 350*10 700*10 350*9100*6900*73507550715068006600650066006.0 047007.5 99.789.398.667.495.929.0 mm7.5 m6.0 m4.5 m3.0 m1.5 m0m*5100 *5100–1.5 m *5900 *5900 *9350 *9350–3.0 m *10 300 *10 300 *14 900 *14 900*13 750 *13 750–4.5 m* Limited by hydraulic rather than tipping load.*9500*12 050*14 000*14 700*14 300*12 900*10 250*950011 40010 60010 15010 05010 100*10 250*6100*6700*7700*8900*10 000*10 550*10 50360035008.999.7710.2210.3810.289.919.238.166.52

Standard EquipmentStandard equipment may vary. Consult your Caterpillar dealer for specifics.Auxiliary HydraulicsHigh pressure flow combined hydraulics(1 pump/2 pump, 1-way/2-way withselect switch), foot pedal controlElectricalAlternator, 65AWorking light, boomHornTravel alarmFront LinkageReach boom 6150 mmC-Family bucket linkageOperator EnvironmentAir conditioner, semi-automaticAM/FM radio with speakersAshtrayBeverage holderCoat hookDoor, slidingFloor mat, washableFOGS ready (bolt-on capability)Hydraulic neutralizer lever forall controlsJoystick type controls, pilot operatedLaminated front windshieldLanguage display monitor with gaugesError code and tool mode settinginformationFilter/Fluid change informationFull time clockMachine conditionStart-up fluid level check for:Hydraulic oilEngine oil and coolantWarning messagesWorking hour informationLighting, interiorLiterature holderPop-up sky light with sun shadeRetractable front windshield withassist deviceSeat, suspension typeAdjustable armrestsRetractable seat beltStorage compartmentTravel control pedals with footrestsWindshield wiper with washer, upperPower TrainAutomatic engine speed controlWith one touch controlCaterpillar 3126B ATAAC HEUIfuel system2300 m altitude capabilitywithout deration24-volt electric startingAir intake heaterAir-to-air aftercoolingCoolingProtection at 43 C to -18 Cat 50% concentrationTwo-speed auto-shift travelWater separator in fuel lineUndercarriage330C L size undercarriageTrack-type undercarriage with greaselubricated seals850 mm triple grouser shoesOther Standard EquipmentAir pre-filterAutomatic swing brakeAutomatic work modesCounterweight 7588 kgDoor locks and cap locks withOne-key security systemMirrorsWave fin radiatorOptional EquipmentOptional equipment may vary. Consult your Caterpillar dealer for specifics.Auxiliary HydraulicsHydraulic pin grabber typequick coupler circuitMedium pressure circuit with left handjoystick modulationMedium pressure lines for boom/stickQuick coupler lines for boom/stickGuardingFalling object guarding system (FOGS)Front windshield guard (wire mesh type)Vandalism guardsFront LinkageSticks2650 mm, 3200 mmUndercarriageTriple grouser shoes600 mm, 750 mmFull length track guiding guardDozer blade325C LCR Hydraulic Excavator specifications11

325C LCR Hydraulic Excavatorwww.CAT.comHEHH3285 (03/2005) hrMaterials and specifications are subject to change without notice.Featured machines in photos may include additional equipment.See your Caterpillar dealer for available options. 2005 CaterpillarAll rights reserved

the Cat 325C LCR utilizes the undercarriage of the 330C L, which allows for an extremely stable operating platform. A A A 2770 mm 1900 mm 3050 mm 320C L 321C LCR 325C L 325C LCR 320C L 325C L Tail swing radius (mm) 1900 2770 3050 A Overhang (mm) with 600 mm shoes 305 1280 1455 with 800 mm shoes – 1180 1355 with 850 mm shoes 180 – –

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