Passengers 13WWW.FREESTREAM.COMFreestream Aircraft LimitedLondon 44 207 584 3800sales@freestream.com2014 G650Freestream Aircraft (HK) LimitedHong Kong 852 6293 9575
2014 G650A I R C R A F T L I S T I N G D E T A I L S:A I R C R A F T L I M I T S:Total Hours:2339.1 hrsManufactures Bare Weight Empty52,841 lbsTotal Landings:642 LandingsMaximum Ramp Weight100,000 lbsMaximum Take Off Weight/ MASS99,600 lbsEngines:Rolls Royce BR725A1-12Maximum Zero Fuel Weight60,500 lbsEngine Hours:2339.1 hrs2339.1 hrsMaximum Landing Weight/ MASS83,500 lbsEngine Cycles:642 Cycles642 CyclesBasic Operating Weight Empty (OWE)54,662 lbsAPU:Honeywell RE220APU Hours:2174 HrsA I R C R A F T H I G H L I G H T S: One owner since new Private operation only Maintained by GulfstreamWWW.FREESTREAM.COMMaximum Ramp T/O & Landing Gross Weights Could Be Changed Based OnApplied ASC: ASC 026 74,900 lbs, ASC 027 90,000 lbs, ASC 028 95,000 lbs.Maximum Fuel44,200 lbsMaximum Altitude51,000 ftMaximum Speed0.925 Mach at 51,000ftTheoretical Operating Range7,000 NMWing Span99.60 ftLength99.78 ftHeight25.31 ftFreestream Aircraft LimitedLondon 44 207 584 3800sales@freestream.comFreestream Aircraft (HK) LimitedHong Kong 852 6293 9575
2014 G650A V I O N I C S:EquipmentADF ReceiverArea NAVArea NAVATC TransponderDME InterrogatorFixed Emergency LocatorGlobal Positioning SystemHF RadiotelephoneMarkerMarkerPortable EmergencyLocatorRadio AltimeterSatellite CommunicationsUnitSELCALTCAS II ProcessorVHF Navigation ReceiverVHF Navigation ReceiverVHF RadiotelephoneWeather l stream Aircraft LimitedLondon 44 207 584 3800sales@freestream.comFreestream Aircraft (HK) LimitedHong Kong 852 6293 9575
2014 G650S E A T I N G C A P A C I T Y:Passenger seats: 13 PAX 10 EA, Manual single seats. (FWD & AFT Cabin)1 EA, Divan (AFT Cabin)Crew Rest Seat: 1Pilots: 2Observer Cockpit Jump Seat: 1Total: 17 personsWWW.FREESTREAM.COMFreestream Aircraft LimitedLondon 44 207 584 3800sales@freestream.comFreestream Aircraft (HK) LimitedHong Kong 852 6293 9575
2014 G650C O M M U N I C A T I O N S:The Communications System onboard contains the following: IN-FLIGHT TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONSThe AirCell Axxess Iridium satellite telephone system is Initial Phase installed. It provides twochannels of digital voice or data communications. Both channels may be used simultaneously.AirCell Axxess Iridium satellite telephone system also provides the following features:ooooooo Seat to seat callingAutomatic system selectionConference callingCall transferData callsTDD callsSpeed dialingSATELLITE VOICE COMMUNICATIONSA Honeywell HD-710 multichannel SATCOM system is Initial Phase installed on the aircraft. Thesystem provides digital communications using INMARSAT satellites covering most of the globe,except polar regions.The SATCOM system has been modified by adding a port to directly connect a handset to theSATCOM system.WWW.FREESTREAM.COMThe SATCOM system interfaces with the AirCell Axxess Iridiumsatellite telephone system. The interface allows the AirCell AxxessIridium satellite telephone system handsets to be used to place callson the SATCOM system. DATA TRANSMISSION AND AUTO-CALLING: FACSIMILESYSTEMThe multi-function printer is capable of receiving and transmittingfacsimiles, printing, scanning and copying. The multi-function printerinterfaces with AirCell Axxess Iridium satellite telephone system andcabin LAN system. DATA TRANSMISSION: LOCAL AREA NETWORK SYSTEMThe aircraft is equipped with Two Systems:BBML (Broad Band Multi-Link), interfaced with a ViaSatArcLight HSD system (BBML). This allows passengers touse laptop computers without physical connection to theonboard BBML,modem or printer and access the internet.The system also allows two way VoIP telephonecommunications. The wireless handsets, power supplies,software, user guides and maintenance headset aresupplied as loose equipment.Freestream Aircraft LimitedLondon 44 207 584 3800sales@freestream.comFreestream Aircraft (HK) LimitedHong Kong 852 6293 9575
2014 G650o SBB (Swift BroadBand), through Multi-channel SATCOM (MCS)which is a high-speed data, satellite communications system thatsupplies continuous worldwide voice and data communicationsservices to and from the aircraft via satellite.PASSENGER ADDRESS AND ENTERTAINMENTThe PA system is controlled by the cockpit audio system utilizing dedicatedspeakers in the galley and lavatories and the cabin entertainment midrange /tweeter speakers and subwoofer speakers to provide PA audio to thepassenger cabin. The PA audio is also sent to the PCU headphone jacks atall seat locations. An Audio Video Distribution System (AVDS) is installed in theaircraft. The AVDS provides a network infrastructure for standardand high definition audio / video content. The AVDS is intended toprovide a base for data transaction, a support system that allowshigh-speed video, audio, control and information to be transferred.The cabin entertainment video system provides video options forpassengers. Video is available over the cabin monitors or seatmonitors for individual viewing from single cabin seats. The videoentertainment sources are as follows:oooooAUDIO ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEMSAn Audio Video Distribution System (AVDS) is installed in the aircraft. TheAVDS provides a network infrastructure for standard and high definitionaudio / video content. The AVDS is intended to provide a base for datatransaction, a support system that allows high-speed video, audio, controland information to be transferred. The cabin entertainment audio systemprovides listening options for passengers during flight. The system isavailable over the cabin speakers or for individual listening from headphonejacks located at the cabin seats. The cabin speaker system is dividedbetween the sixth and seventh cabin windows to provide forward and aftcabin control. The audio entertainment sources are as follows:oooMedia playerUSB portAuxiliary audio / video panelWWW.FREESTREAM.COMVIDEO ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEMS Media playerUSB portGulfstream CabinView External Camera SystemAuxiliary audio / video panelEXTERNAL CAMERAThe external camera system is installed on the aircraft during InitialPhase. In Final Phase, the system is connected to the AVDS nodesto provide entertainment quality video for passenger viewing oftakeoffs, landings, ground features during flight or a top panoramicview of the aircraft. Cameras provide the following views:oooForward view from belly mounted cameraAft view from belly mounted cameraForward view from vertical stabilizer mounted cameraThe camera system interfaces with the cockpit display system, GCMSand cabin entertainment video system.Freestream Aircraft LimitedLondon 44 207 584 3800sales@freestream.comFreestream Aircraft (HK) LimitedHong Kong 852 6293 9575
2016 G650 STATION-TO-STATION CALLINGThe call system provides call switches at each cabin seat and in eachlavatory to allow passengers to call the crew for assistance. The call systemprovides CAS alerting for the following:oooCabin callForward lavatory callAft lavatory callThe call system is controlled by the GCMS. AUDIO INTEGRATINGMicrophone and phone jacks are installed above the baggage compartmententry door for class B baggage compartment requirements. A microphoneand headphone are provided as loose equipment for the pilot, copilot andobserver.A I R C R A F T S E C U R I T Y:status to the security system. There are four magnetic sensors used in the aftsection of the aircraft at the air exhausts and compartment vents. Mat switchesare installed, during Final Phase, at the entrance doors to the aircraft and cabin.A U T O B R A K E S:Improved brake performance is achieved by providing a derotation-assistfunction, optimizing the anti-skid braking system, and increasing brakeaccumulator hydraulic fluid capacity to prolong hydraulic brake pressure. WithG650 ASC 037 installed, which is a prerequisite to installing this servicechange, the ailerons perform as additional ground spoilers contributing to theimproved braking performance.W A R R A N T I E S: This aircraft is equipped with the SecuraPlane Security System 500. It is capable ofmonitoring up to 64 areas (zones) and can permanently store up to 1600 events. TheCDU provides the intelligence for the system. The system can be armed (ARM) /disarmed (DISARM) and interrogated from the CDU located in the pilot side console, akeypad located in the nose external switch panel.Most sensors in the system are mechanical switches and are connected into the servicedoor system. All switches have extra contacts which are used to provide the switchWWW.FREESTREAM.COM Warranty for Primary and Secondary structure is 20 Years or 20,000Flight Hours whichever is shorter.Warranty for Engines is 6 Years, 3500 Engine Flight Hours or 3500Engine Flight Cycles whichever comes first.Warranty for (Nose cowl, Dan cowl door, Fixed cowl and static structureof Thrust Reverser) is 20 Years from delivery date.Warranty for (Non static components of Thrust Reverser, Propulsionnozzle, and Engine build up components) is 6 Years from delivery date.S U B S C R I P T I O N S: Gulfstream PlaneParts – the new AOS program under processRolls-Royce Corporate CareHoneywell APU GOLD MSP.PlaneConnect HTMFreestream Aircraft LimitedLondon 44 207 584 3800sales@freestream.comFreestream Aircraft (HK) LimitedHong Kong 852 6293 9575
2014 G650S U B S C R I P T I O N S:The following Emergency Equipment are installed, See Figure 02 below for specificlocations:Emergency EquipmentHalon Fire ExtinguishersWater Fire ExtinguishersFlashlightFirst Aid KitEmergency LocatorTransmitterDefibrillatorProtective Breathing Equipment/ Smoke HoodsLift RaftCrew Life VestPassenger Life VestFire Crash estream Aircraft LimitedLondon 44 207 584 3800sales@freestream.comFreestream Aircraft (HK) LimitedHong Kong 852 6293 9575
2014 G650Figure (02) – Emergency Equipment LayoutWWW.FREESTREAM.COMFreestream Aircraft LimitedLondon 44 207 584 3800sales@freestream.comFreestream Aircraft (HK) LimitedHong Kong 852 6293 9575
2014 G650WWW.FREESTREAM.COMFreestream Aircraft LimitedLondon 44 207 584 3800sales@freestream.comFreestream Aircraft (HK) LimitedHong Kong 852 6293 9575
2014 G650WWW.FREESTREAM.COMFreestream Aircraft LimitedLondon 44 207 584 3800sales@freestream.comFreestream Aircraft (HK) LimitedHong Kong 852 6293 9575
2014 G650WWW.FREESTREAM.COMFreestream Aircraft LimitedLondon 44 207 584 3800sales@freestream.comFreestream Aircraft (HK) LimitedHong Kong 852 6293 9575
2014 G650WWW.FREESTREAM.COMFreestream Aircraft LimitedLondon 44 207 584 3800sales@freestream.comFreestream Aircraft (HK) LimitedHong Kong 852 6293 9575
2014 G650WWW.FREESTREAM.COMFreestream Aircraft LimitedLondon 44 207 584 3800sales@freestream.comFreestream Aircraft (HK) LimitedHong Kong 852 6293 9575
Freestream Aircraft LimitedFreestream Aircraft Limited is proud to have a team ofhighly experienced and uniquely qualified aviationconsultants. Our team is able to cover all aspects ofaircraft brokerage, acquisition, marketing, sales, customdesign services, import/export and maintenance review ofyour aircraft. We specialize in state of the art, mediumthrough ultra-long range corporate jet aircraft and fullyunderstand the importance of attending to all details asrequired by our clients.Additionally, our affiliation with brokerage firms worldwideand our collateral buying power with the aircraftmanufacturers, assures professional assistance tointernational and multinational companies as well asprivate individuals, artists, royalty and head-of-stateclients.Freestream’s expertise, commitment to integrity, and vastexperience provide our clientele the exclusive opportunityto experience a seamless transaction in a timely manner.Principals the world over continue to find their experiencewith Freestream advantageous and beneficial.WWW.FREESTREAM.COMFreestream Aircraft LimitedLondon 44 207 584 3800sales@freestream.comFreestream Aircraft (HK) LimitedHong Kong 852 6293 9575
2014 G650 . A V I O N I C S: Area NAV. Equipment Manufacture Model Quantity ADF Receiver Honeywell DF855 1 Honeywell NV-878A 2 Area NAV Honeywell NC-860A 1 ATC Transponder Honeywell XS-858B 2 DME Interrogator Honeywell DM855 2 Fixed Emergency Locator ARTEX C-406-N 1 Global Positioning System Honeywell NV878A 2
2006 Falcon 50EX SN 50-345 W W W . F R E E S T R E A M . C O M. Freestream Aircraft (Bermuda) Ltd. Hamilton, Bermuda 1 441 505 1062 Freestream Aircraft Limited. London 44 207 584 3800. Freestream Aircraft (H.K) Limited. Hong Kong 852 2724 5620. I N T E R I O R .
Gulfstream G200 G280 G280 G280 G450 G450 G450 G500 G550 G550 G550 G600 G650 G650 / G650 ER G650 / G650 ER Super Mid-Size Long-Range / Ultra-Long-Range Whilst the average number of super mid-size, long-range and ultra-long-range business jets
Hamilton, Bermuda 1 441 505 1062 Freestream Aircraft Limited London 44 207 584 3800 Freestream Aircraft (H.K) Limited Hong Kong 852 2724 5620 TOTAL TIME: 15,108.5 hrs LANDINGS: 7,120 E N G I N E S: MAKE/MODEL Garrett TFE 731-5BR-1C Time Cycles Engine 1: 14,430.7 6,866
2014 G650 . A V I O N I C S: Area NAV. Equipment Manufacture Model Quantity ADF Receiver Honeywell DF855 1 Honeywell NV-878A 2 Area NAV Honeywell NC-860A 1 ATC Transponder Honeywell XS-858B 2 DME Interrogator Honeywell DM855 2 Fixed Emergency Locator ARTEX C-406-N 1 Global Positioning System Honeywell NV878A 2
Current Supply of G650/ER’s in the market: As of January 3, 2019 G650 Market Summary Gulfstream G650 Value/Transaction History In production 342 Deals Pending 1 Net For Sale 10 % Of Fleet For Sale 3.2% Available For Sale 24 MO High 15 - Q3 2017 Available For Sale 24 MO Low 10 - Q3 2018 Q4 2018 Transactions 5 Transaction Same Period 2017 7
Avaya Gateways Supported G700 G450 G430 G350 G250 IG550 G650 G700 G450 G430 G350 G250 IG550 G650 G700 G450 G430 G350 G250 IG550 G650 G700 G450 . Expansion 1 Media Module Slot (T1/E1 or USP WAN Module only) 6 Slots for Juniper PIMs and Avaya . Avaya G250 Gateway Avaya IG550 Gateway
2000 Falcon 50EX I SN 286 I N883RA. Pro Line 21 - FANS/1A - CPDLC - API Winglets - Collins Venue CMS 4.495M * TotalHours: 2,822 * . Radome/AMT-50 High Gain Antenna 3rd AHS. Freestream Aircraft (Bermuda) Ltd. Hamilton, Bermuda 1 441 505 1062. Freestream Aircraft Limited. London
I can g writing. s L.K.6 Title: I can statements reading K Author: 4750060513 Created Date: 12/10/2014 2:14:46 PM