API Standard 653, Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and ReconstructionLast Updated August 2016. (New Additions for 2016 are Highlighted in Yellow)Important Note: The API inquiry process is intended to help users understand the technical requirements in the standard without providing the intent, background, and technical basis. The postedinterpretations (responses) to inquiries are based on the standard’s edition/addendum in effect when the interpretation was prepared. Before applying any interpretation, always look for a laterinterpretation (if one exists). If there is a conflict between interpretations, use the latest interpretation. If there is a conflict between an interpretation and the current issue of the standard, use the currentstandard.SectionEditionInquiry #Submitted InquirySCAST Response1.12nd - Dec. 1995653-I-10/98For riveted tanks, the rules in the original code of constructionshould be applied for issues not covered in API 653 (see Section1.1.5). Otherwise, all of the applicable rules in API 653 apply. Notethat the minimum thickness calculation for a riveted tank shell iscovered in Section - Dec. 2001653-I-12/03Is this procedure for both pressure and non-pressure vessels? I don’t see apressure component in the formula.API 653 only applies to tanks that have been built and placed inservice (see 1.1.1). Therefore, the tank will need to comply with allof the requirements of API 650.1.52nd - Dec. 1995653-I-04/99Does API 653 require contractors performing repairs to have a API 653certified inspector employed with them, and if so, where can this be found inthe standard?Is the removal and re-installation of existing shell plate beneath the liquid leveldefined as a major alteration/major repair when the re-installed plate is longerthan 12 inches (such as a doorsheet) and all the weld spacing requirements ofAPI 653 are satisfied?Shall the design requirements of the latest edition of API 650 be consideredfor tanks that will have their operating temperature increased above 200 F.No. The API 653 certified inspector need not be an employee if thecontractor meets the requirements of Section An existing tank greater than 100 ft. in diameter with a lap-welded bottomis currently in heated service ( 200ºF). This tank is removed from service fora routine internal inspection. Does this tank have to be retrofitted with anannular ring per API 650, Section M.4?1: Yes. See Sections 1.1.5 and 4, Ad 2653-2013-F44.2.42nd - Dec. 1995653-I-10/004.2.42nd - Dec. 1995653-I-03/012: An existing tank greater than 100 ft. in diameter with a lap-welded bottomis being changed to heated service. Does API 653, require this tank tobe retrofitted with an annular ring per API 650, M.4.1? Or is it acceptable toevaluate the tank per M.4.2 to determine if stresses, minimum fill height, andfill/empty cycles will be acceptable with the existing lap welded bottom?Page 1 of 18Yes, but also refer to 12.3.2 and for other provisionsrelevant to doorsheets.Yes. See Sections 1.1.5 and Yes. See Sections 1.1.5 and
API Standard 653, Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and ReconstructionLast Updated August 2016. (New Additions for 2016 are Highlighted in Yellow)Important Note: The API inquiry process is intended to help users understand the technical requirements in the standard without providing the intent, background, and technical basis. The postedinterpretations (responses) to inquiries are based on the standard’s edition/addendum in effect when the interpretation was prepared. Before applying any interpretation, always look for a laterinterpretation (if one exists). If there is a conflict between interpretations, use the latest interpretation. If there is a conflict between an interpretation and the current issue of the standard, use the currentstandard.4.32nd - Dec. 1995Referring to API 653, if the corroded thickness in a bottom course is below the Yes, unless a patch plate repair is provided in accordance withminimum thickness allowed per Section 4.3, must the corroded portion of theSection 9.3. All requirements of Section 9.3 must be met, includingbottom course be removed and replaced by a new plate?obtaining the owner approval and complying with the 1/2 in. limit onshell plate thickness.4.31st - Jan. 1991What information is required to determine the fill height according to API 653?Refer to API 653, Section and - Dec. 1995It is not specifically defined, but an area larger than that defined in4.3.2.2 would be considered a corroded area of considerable size.4.3.31st - Jan. 1991How do you classify "corroded areas of considerable size" -- Section there a size limit for this corroded area? If so, what are these limits? If not,why not?Will the evaluation of the calculations require a certified API 653 inspector?4.3.32nd - Dec. 1995Does the criteria to settle the minimum thickness (tmin -- Section 4.3.3)calculation for welded tank shell apply only for a local corroded area? If so,what are the limits for this local area? Can that criteria be applied when thereis a uniform corroded area along all the tank course? In this particular case,would t1 be equal to t2?It is a general limit that applies either to a locally corroded area or toa uniformly corroded area.4.3.32nd - Dec. 19951: When evaluating the retirement thickness in a corroded plate away fromwelds at a distance of at least the greater of one inch or twice the platethickness, is the value of E 1.0 to be used?1: Yes.2: If the value of E for an existing tank is less than 1.0, should this value for Ebe used in calculating the minimum required thickness of the tank?Did API intend to reduce the operating height of tanks when the formula in4.3.3.1 was changed to eliminate the term "H-1" and replace it with the term"H"?2: Yes. - Dec. 1995653-I-09/00653-I-22/98Page 2 of 18No. Refer to the top of Section The intent was to require the minimum required thickness of alocally corroded area of the tank shell be based on the actual heightof liquid above the corroded area. The retirement thickness of ashell course was to be based on the one-foot method as describedin API 650.
API Standard 653, Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and ReconstructionLast Updated August 2016. (New Additions for 2016 are Highlighted in Yellow)Important Note: The API inquiry process is intended to help users understand the technical requirements in the standard without providing the intent, background, and technical basis. The postedinterpretations (responses) to inquiries are based on the standard’s edition/addendum in effect when the interpretation was prepared. Before applying any interpretation, always look for a laterinterpretation (if one exists). If there is a conflict between interpretations, use the latest interpretation. If there is a conflict between an interpretation and the current issue of the standard, use the currentstandard. - Dec. 19954.4.11st - Jan. 19914.4.52nd - Dec. 19954. 52nd - Dec. 1995653-I-01/07SECTION 4. efficiencies for riveted tank shells; E 1.0 for shell plate 6 in. or moreaway from rivets.QUESTION: How do I have to interpret this?Is the figure below correct?, if so, how many rivet rows do this joint to have forE 1.Does API 653 permit the use of leak detection procedures to justify extendinginspection intervals beyond that determined by corrosion rates?No. Six inches applies to outermost rivet away from the jointNo. API 653, Section 4.4.1, does require periodic assessment oftank bottom integrity that could use leak detection data to shortenthe inspection data.No. The intent is that the RPB be positioned outside the tank forthe purpose of preventing the escape of contaminated material andchanneling released material for leak detection. An internal liningwould not satisfy this purpose.653-I-07/97Does the definition of RPB (see API 653, Section 4.4.5, or API 650, AppendixI, Section 1.1, Note 1) include a thin or reinforced thick film lining applied tothe topside of a tank bottom in conformance to API RP 652?653-2015-F2To determine the topside corrosion rate (StPr) discussed in, does API653 require thickness change to be based on data pairs (i.e. start and end of aperiod of time) which are known to be at the same location?No.653-I-04/00Does API 653 require that tank bottom expected service life calculations for abottom, that has been repaired with patch plates fillet-welded over areas ofunderside pitting, be based on the corrosion rate (UPr) of the repaired areas orthe unrepaired areas?Refer to API 653, Section The last paragraph in the “Note”in this paragraph requires the use of the corrosion rate of thecorroded area be used, unless the cause of the corrosion isremoved in which case the corrosion rate of the unrepaired areacan be used.Page 3 of 18
API Standard 653, Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and ReconstructionLast Updated August 2016. (New Additions for 2016 are Highlighted in Yellow)Important Note: The API inquiry process is intended to help users understand the technical requirements in the standard without providing the intent, background, and technical basis. The postedinterpretations (responses) to inquiries are based on the standard’s edition/addendum in effect when the interpretation was prepared. Before applying any interpretation, always look for a laterinterpretation (if one exists). If there is a conflict between interpretations, use the latest interpretation. If there is a conflict between an interpretation and the current issue of the standard, use the currentstandard.4.4.83rd - Dec. 2001653-I-09/03Background: This inquiry addresses the technical correctness of the note toNo. Due to limited committee resources, API cannot respond toTable 4-4 of API 653. The effect of compaction just inside the ring-well doesquestions seeking the rationale for requirements in its standards.not produce stress levels of ignorance because the annular plate can bridgeThese requirements are based upon consideration of technical dataover a hollow band of settlement. Bending stresses at the edge of the ring-wall and the judgment and skill of experienced engineering andbecome significant when the fill inside the ring-wall permits a large width (tootechnical personnel representing both users and manufacturersextensive to bridge) or the whole floor to dish and settle below the level of thewho serve on the standards-writing committees.ring-wall.Question: Does the committee consider the Note to Table 4-4 is misleadingabout what happens in this most critical area of a tanks structure and if notthen why not?Does API 653 require that the authorized inspector be physically present atthe inspection site and have 1st-hand knowledge of all aspects of the tankinspection?62nd - Dec. 19956.22nd - Dec. 19956.33rd - Dec. 2001653-I-02/036.33rd - Dec. 2001653-I-09/ - Dec. 1995653-I-08/016.3.22nd - Dec. 1995653-I-24/986.3.22nd - Dec. 1995653-I-12/996.3.31st - Jan. 1991Does API 653 specify the time frame for leak detection between internalinspections?Referring to Sections 6.3 and 6.4, can risk based inspection (RBI) be appliedto determine the external inspection interval of a tank?Can risk based inspection (RBI) be applied to determine the externalinspection interval of a tank?Does API 653 provide for extending the intervals for routine in-serviceinspections for tanks designed and constructed to API 650 when in servicessuch as water or plastic pellet storage?Does API 653 require the insulation covering flanges to be removed forperiodic inspections?Does API 653, Section 6.3.2, indicate when the 5-year external inspectioninterval is to be measured from, e.g. the date last inspected, the date on thelast inspection report, or the date put back in service?Does API 653, Section 6.3.3 require ultrasonic thickness readings on the tankshell?Page 4 of 18Yes, refer to Section and, concerning the periodicexternal and internal inspections. However, the authorizedinspector is not required to be present for the routine in-serviceinspections required in Section RBI can be applied to internal inspection intervals only.No. RBI can be applied to internal inspection intervals only.No. See, unless sings of leakage or damage are evident.The inspection interval is to be measured from the date of the lastinspection. See API 653, Section UT examination is permitted but not required for the externalinspection.
API Standard 653, Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and ReconstructionLast Updated August 2016. (New Additions for 2016 are Highlighted in Yellow)Important Note: The API inquiry process is intended to help users understand the technical requirements in the standard without providing the intent, background, and technical basis. The postedinterpretations (responses) to inquiries are based on the standard’s edition/addendum in effect when the interpretation was prepared. Before applying any interpretation, always look for a laterinterpretation (if one exists). If there is a conflict between interpretations, use the latest interpretation. If there is a conflict between an interpretation and the current issue of the standard, use the currentstandard.6.3.32nd - Dec. 1995653-I-08/97Referring to API 653, Section 6.3, does this Section, including Section 6.3.3,No. This section is addressing external inspection while the tank isever require an internal ultrasonic examination of the tank bottom?in service, and therefore, would not require examination of the tankbottom. However, particular observations may suggest that thetank bottom be examined, such as for signs of internal shellcorrosion near the tank bottom. - Dec. 19956.4.23rd - Dec. 2001653-I-03/ - Dec. 1995653-I-08/97If the internal inspection is used as a substitute for the external ultrasonicthickness measurements (per, are ultrasonic thickness readingsrequired during the internal inspection?Referring to API 653, Sections (last sentence) and 6.4.3 (5thsentence), do they mean together that the inspection interval shall not exceed20 years unless an RBI assessment is performed to support an extension?No.Referring to API 653, Section, when corrosion rates are not known,1) must an inspection be performed within ten years after a tank has been putinto service?, and1: The inspection must be performed within 10 years of operation,with the starting date for the ten-year period determined by whenthe requirements of API 653 are 1st applied, either by jurisdiction orby user policy.Yes.2) is it acceptable to perform the inspection in the ninth year of operation?2: The inspection can be performed at any time within the ten-yearperiod, with the next ten-year period beginning at that time.7.3.12nd - Dec. 19958.22nd - Dec. 1995653-I-14/98Does API 653 permit the welding of electrical conduit supports (unistruts) tobe welded onto the projection of bottom plates outside the shell of tanks builtto API 650?Section 5 of API 653 defers this issue to API 650, which requiresthat the material comply with Section 2. The welding and NDEshould comply with API 650, Section to API 653, Section 8.2 and 8.3, when inserting a new shell courseinto an existing tank shell, is the weld joining the new course to the courseabove considered as a "new weld joint" or an "existing weld joint?"The process of inserting a new course into an existing tank is analteration, not a reconstruction, which makes Section 7 applicable,but not Section 8. Refer to Section, which indicates that theoriginal code of construction may be followed for such work.Page 5 of 18
API Standard 653, Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and ReconstructionLast Updated August 2016. (New Additions for 2016 are Highlighted in Yellow)Important Note: The API inquiry process is intended to help users understand the technical requirements in the standard without providing the intent, background, and technical basis. The postedinterpretations (responses) to inquiries are based on the standard’s edition/addendum in effect when the interpretation was prepared. Before applying any interpretation, always look for a laterinterpretation (if one exists). If there is a conflict between interpretations, use the latest interpretation. If there is a conflict between an interpretation and the current issue of the standard, use the currentstandard.8.4.22nd - Dec. 1995653-I-06/99There is a difference in the formulas (dropping the “1” from the API 653Yesformula in Section, is it the intent of API 653 that the API 650 formulawith an “E”, added for the joint efficiency, be used when a reconstructed tankis involved?td td 8.4.22nd - Dec. 1995653-I-06/992nd - Dec. 19959.12nd - Dec. 1995 DH SEd 1G CA2.6 D H 1 G CASd EIs it the intent of API 653 that the following API 650 formula for the hydrostatictest height be used when a reconstructed tank is involved?H9.12.6t S d E t min2 .6 DYes. 1Is there ever a condition when the new bottom would not extend beyond theshell plates?Does API 653 permit the installation of single-corrugation bell-shaped bottomplates that would serve as expansion joints? The corrugation size would beapproximately 4 inches high by 14 inches wide.Page 6 of 18No.No. API 653 is based on configurations specifically conforming toAPI 650 except where stated otherwise, or where existing detailsare not covered by API 650. Refer to Section 1.1.5 and 9.1.1 of API653. The proposed detail may or may not provide a "level ofintegrity" equal to the current 650 rules. API 650 is based onbottoms that are flat, resting on foundations that provide adequatefriction that keep the tensile stress due to shell expansion to aninsignificantly low value.
API Standard 653, Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and ReconstructionLast Updated August 2016. (New Additions for 2016 are Highlighted in Yellow)Important Note: The API inquiry process is intended to help users understand the technical requirements in the standard without providing the intent, background, and technical basis. The postedinterpretations (responses) to inquiries are based on the standard’s edition/addendum in effect when the interpretation was prepared. Before applying any interpretation, always look for a laterinterpretation (if one exists). If there is a conflict between interpretations, use the latest interpretation. If there is a conflict between an interpretation and the current issue of the standard, use the currentstandard.9.12nd - Dec. 1995653-I-01/00Referring to API 653, Figure 9-5 and Section 9.10, Can a patch be placedYes, unless the patch plate covers the 3-point lap. See Note 5 innear a three-point seam as shown below?Fig. 9-5.Illustration: A 12 in. square bottom patch plate located 2 in. min from weldseams -3-point lapWeld seam9.12nd - Dec. 1995653-I-03/009.13rd - Dec. 2001653-I-08/041: Does an authorized inspector have to be on site during reconstruction,repairs and alterations?Does API 653 specify inspection hold point(s) during tank repair and/oralteration when the authorized inspector is required to approve the work?9.1.1,Fig. 9.139.2Ed 4, Ad 22nd - Dec. 1995653-2013-F2Do all the spacing limitations of Figure 9.13 apply when the bottom seams arelap welded?653-I-02/98Referring to API 653, Section, does the weld between the insert plateand the shell plate have to be fully or partially radiographed if a new nozzlehas been installed in a new insert plate that complies with Section 9.2. and12.2?Page 7 of 181: No, but the authorized inspector is required to be on the site forthe external and internal inspections required by Section 4 of API653.No. The standard does not specify required inspection hold points,but leaves this to the discretion of the authorized inspector. Referto 9.1.3.Yes, the limitations apply to all bottom lap welds per
API 653 only applies to tanks that have been built and placed in service (see 1.1.1). Therefore, the tank will need to comply with all of the requirements of API 650. 1.5 2nd - Dec. 1995 653-I-04/99 Does API 653 require contractors performing repairs to have a API 653 certified inspector employed with them, and if so, where can this be found in
5.5 API 653: inspection intervals: practice questions 77 Chapter 6: Evaluation of Corroded Tanks 6.1 Introduction 80 6.2 The contents of API 653 section 4: suitability for service 83 6.3 Tank roof evaluation 83 6.4 Shell evaluation 85 6.5 API 653 (4.4): tank bottom evaluation 98 6.6 Foundation evaluation: API 653 (4.5) 105 6.7 Bottom settlement .
Conduct an API-653 inspection of your tank every five years as recommended by TFI (The Fertilizer Institute) WHAT IS THE API 650 SPECIFICATION API - AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE Worldwide Standard for Above Ground Storage Tank Design and Construction Provides requirements for calculations of shell plate thickness, man-way and nozzle design Provides procedures for shell, roof and floor .
The ARINC 653 standard ARINC 653 Specification First Published Jan 1997 ARINC 653 Supplement 1 Oct 2003 – Provided refinement and clarification to the 1997 standard ARINC 653 Part 1 (Required Services) Supplement 2 Mar 2006 – ARINC 653 partition management – Cold s
(API-653, Paragraph 9.14) b) The inspector should be able to calculate the minimum spacing between an existing nozzle and a new hot tap nozzle. (API-653 Paragraph 9.14.3) 6. SETTLEMENT EVALUATION The Inspector should be able to calculate the maximum allowed settlement for the following: a) Edge Settlement (API-653 Annex B.2.3, fig. B-5)
S. Saxbury (API-653 #50761), A. Majors and S. Barrows . Reviewed By . Terry Wach PE, API-653 #50849 . API-653 INTERNAL TANK INSPECTION EVALUATION Tank No: 2 September 23, 2015 Chouteau, OK Grand River Dam Authority TC9338 . This document is intended for the so
API 575 Study Guide API 653 Cert Prep MSTS 1 Sept 2021 This Study Guide has questions to help you learn the content of API RP-575, Inspection of Atmospheric and Low-Pressure Storage Tanks (4th Edition-2020). On the API 653 exam, there are about 8-12 questions from this document. We do NOT spend time in class discussing this publication. Why?
The API Aboveground Storage Tank Inspector Certification Examination is designed to identify individuals who have satisfied the minimum qualifications specified in API Standard 653, Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction. Questions may be taken from anywhere within each document in this Body of Knowledge (BOK), unless specifically excluded herein. In the event that specific .
2.1 ASTM --Standards:3 C125 Terminology Relating to Concrete and Concrete Ag- ates - ,, ,, , ,, greg- C138/C138M Test Method for Density (Unit Weight), Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete C143/C143M Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic-Cement Concrete C172/C172M Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Con- ,, ,, , , , , , ,--crete C173/C173M Test Method for Air Content of .