“Lord, If My Brother Sins Against Me, How Often Must I .

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Twenty-Fourth Sunday In Ordinary TimeSeptember 13, 2020Stick together. Love each other, and together: look to Jesus in prayer.We are peoplecalled to build aCatholic FaithCommunity byseeking Christ andsharing His GospelthroughPrayer,Education,Service andSocial Activities.“Lord, if my brothersins against me,how often must I forgive?MT 18: 21TRANSFIGURATION PARISH 348 MILL STREET WAUCONDA ILLINOIS 847·526·2400

Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary TimeSir 27: 30-28:7 ǁ Rom 14:7-9 ǁ Mt 18: 21-35GROWAS A DISCIPLE PRAY, STUDY, ENGAGE, SERVEIt’s part of human nature to focus on the negative “headlines” on any givenday. For example, after encountering a traffic delay due to a harmlessfender bender on an otherwise uneventful commute, we are more likely tobe upset and angry at the delay – and the people who caused it – ratherthan forgiving of the situation, and aware of the concurrent fact that wemade it home safely! The author of the Book of Sirach seems to have thisinsight into humanity, for he describes wrath and anger as “hateful things,yet the sinner hugs them tight.” I, too, have “hugged tight” to my anger attimes over offenses real or perceived, and so I love the way Matthew’sGospel challenges us to not only let go of past hurts, but to forgive: forgive,forgive, forgive. It doesn’t mean glossing over the human fender bendersthat can wreck relationships, but Jesus cautions us to prevent them frombecoming the headlines of our lives. Instead, by opening our ears and ourhearts to the Good News of God’s forgiveness, we can, in turn, extend it tothose who have hurt us.GOEVANGELIZE PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENTWhen Jesus taught his disciples how to pray the Our Father in an earlierverse in Matthew’s Gospel, he used these words: “forgive us our debts, aswe forgive our debtors.” Not, “maybe I’ll think about forgiving tomorrow,” or“I might forgive this but I can’t forgive that.” Because when we open ourhearts to the Good News of God’s forgiveness, we must forgive “from theheart,” as Jesus says at the end of today’s passage. Is there someone inour lives whom we need to forgive? What’s holding us back? Are we“holding tight” to our anger, or hurt, or resentment? Think about arelationship in your life that could use some healing. Perhaps a first stepinvolves a phone call, a letter, an email, or an embrace. In prayer, ask forGod’s help; seek forgiveness and ask for the grace to forgive others.ACTIONThink of someone or something that has caused you to hang on toanger or resentment. Write a letter [you’re not going to send it!] to thatperson, or to the “event,” as if it were personified. Spell out factuallywhat caused your anger. Then write that you forgive them. Put the pendown, pray that God would help you with the grace to truly forgive,then shred the letter. And let the anger go.

THE ORDER OF MASS24th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIMEI. INTRODUCTORY RITESE ˊ ˌˎ Hˢ GREETINGSanitize your hands.Wash your hands oftenwith soap and waterfor 20 seconds.Maintainsocial distanceof 6 ft apartWear masks. Do nottouch your eyes,nose, and mouth.STAY HOME WHEN YOU ARE SICK,EXCEPT TO GET MEDICAL CARE.SMIGeneral IntentionSeptember 13, 2020Pope's Intentions: We pray that the planet's resources will notbe plundered, but shared in a just and respectful manner.Priest: In the name of the Father, and of theSon, and of the Holy Spirit.Assembly: AmenPriest: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, andthe love of God, and the communion of the HolySpirit be with you all.Assembly: And with your spiritPENITENTIAL ACTKˢ ˎG ˊC ˎˌ / O ˎ ː P ˊˢˎ Look upon us, O God, Creator and ruler of allthings, And, that we may feel the working of yourmercy, grant that we may serve you with all ourhearts. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,who lives and reigns with you in the unity of theHoly Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.Assembly: Amen.II. LITURGY OF THE WORDA reading from the book of Sirach— SIR 27: 30-28:7Wrath and anger are hateful things, yet the sinner hugsthem tight. The vengeful will suffer the LORD’s vengeance,for he remembers their sins in detail. Forgive yourneighbor’s injustice; then when you pray, your own sins will10:00AM: † Arthur J. Bilekbe forgiven. Could anyone nourish anger against another† Beverly Andreand expect healing from the LORD? Could anyone refusemercy to another like himself, can he seek pardon for his1:00PM: For the parishioners and clergyown sins? If one who is but flesh cherishes wrath,of Transfigurationwho will forgive his sins? Remember your last days, setenmity aside; remember death and decay, and cease fromsin! Think of the commandments, hate not your neighbor;the Most High’s covenant, and overlook faults.Mass Intentions: are available for anyone who would rememberLector : The Word of the Lord8:00AM:Jeff Victor† Dick Sherwinlike their intentions to be remembered at Mass. Intentions are availablefor those who have died or for someone who is living. Call us to obtaina date and time. (847) 526—2400Assembly: Thanks be to God.

A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the H ˢ— ROM 14: 7-9RomansP ˏˎ ˏ Fˊ ˑBrothers and sisters: None of us lives for oneself, and no onedies for oneself. For if we live, we live for the Lord, and if we die, I believe in one God, the Father almighty,we die for the Lord; so then, whether we live or die, we are the maker of heaven and earth, of all thingsLord’s. For this is why Christ died and came to life, that he might visible and invisible.be Lord of both the dead and the living.I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the OnlyBegotten Son of God, born of the Fatherbefore all ages. God from God, Light fromLight, true God from true God, begotten, notG ˎ Aˌˌ ˊ ˊ made, consubstantial with the Father; throughhim all things were made. For us men and forG ˎ our salvation he came down from heaven, andPriest: The Lord be with youby the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the VirginMary, and became man. For our sake he wasAssembly: And with your Spirit.crucified under Pontius Pilate, he sufferedPriest: A reading from the gospel according todeath and was buried, and rose again on theMatthew—MAT 18: 21-35third day in accordance with the Scriptures.Assembly: Glory to you O Lord He ascended into heaven and is seated at theright hand of the Father. He will come again in(When saying ‘Glory to you O Lord’, with your thumb glory to judge the living and the dead and hismake a little sign of the cross on your forehead; then on kingdom will have no end.Lector: The Word of the LordAssembly: Thanks be to God.your lips; then on your heart)Peter approached Jesus and asked him, “Lord, if my brothersins against me, how often must I forgive? As many as seventimes?” Jesus answered, “I say to you, not seven times butseventy-seven times. That is why the kingdom of heaven maybe likened to a king who decided to settle accounts with hisservants. When he began the accounting, a debtor was broughtbefore him who owed him a huge amount. Since he had no wayof paying it back, his master ordered him to be sold, along withhis wife, his children, and all his property, in payment of thedebt. At that, the servant fell down, did him homage, and said,‘Be patient with me, and I will pay you back in full.’ Moved withcompassion the master of that servant let him go and forgavehim the loan. When that servant had left, he found one of hisfellow servants who owed him a much smaller amount. Heseized him and started to choke him, demanding, ‘Pay backwhat you owe.’ Falling to his knees, his fellow servant beggedhim, ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay you back.’ But herefused. Instead, he had the fellow servant put in prisonuntil he paid back the debt. Now when his fellow servants sawwhat had happened, they were deeply disturbed, and went totheir master and reported the whole affair. His mastersummoned him and said to him, ‘You wicked servant! I forgaveyou your entire debt because you begged me to. Should you nothave had pity on your fellow servant, as I had pity on you?’ Thenin anger his master handed him over to the torturers until heshould pay back the whole debt. So will my heavenly Father doto you, unless each of you forgives your brother from yourheart.”Lector: The Gospel of the LordAssembly: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giverof life, who proceeds from the Father and theSon, who with the Father and the Son isadored and glorified, who has spoken throughthe prophets.I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolicChurch. I confess one Baptism for theforgiveness of sins and I look forward to theresurrection of the dead and the life of theworld to come. Amen.P ˊˢˎ ˏ ˑˎ Fˊ ˑˏ III. LITURGY OF THE EUCHARISTP ˎ ˎ ˊ ˏ ˑˎ ː ˏ Priest: Pray, brothers and sisters, that mysacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God,the almighty Father.Assembly: May the Lord accept the sacrificeat your hands for the praise and glory of hisname, for our good and the good of all hisholy Church.

P ˊˢˎ ˎ ˑˎ Oˏˏˎ ː Then the Priest says: Deliver us, Lord, from everyevil, and grant us peace in our day. In your mercykeep us free from sin and protect us from all anxietyas we wait in joyful hope for theLook with favor on our supplications, O Lord,and in your kindness accept these, yourservants’ offerings, that what each has offeredto the honor of your name may serve the Coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ.salvation of all. Through Christ our Lord.Assembly: For the Kingdom, the power andthe glory are yours now and forever.Assembly: Amen.E ˌˑˊ ˌ ˊˢˎ Preface DialoguePriest: The Lord be with you.Assembly: And with your spiritPriest: Lift up your hearts.Assembly: We lift them up to the Lord.S ː ˏ PˎˊˌˎPriest: Lord Jesus Christ, you said to yourapostles: I leave you peace, my peace I giveyou. Look not on our sins, but on the faith ofyour Church, and grant us the peace and unityof your kingdom where you live for ever andever.Assembly: AMENPriest: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.Assembly: It is right and just.Priest: The peace of the Lord be with youalways.Assembly: And with your spirit.H ˢ, H ˢ, H ˢPriest: Let us offer each other a sign of peace.Mˎ ˊ Aˌˌ ˊ ˊ At this moment, we all offer one another a sign of peacethat expresses communion and charity.C ˌ ˍ ː D ˡ ːˢ & A ˎ PLEASE, REFRAIN FROM PHYSICALCONTACT DURING THE SIGN OF PEACEPriest: Through him, and with him, and in him,O God, almighty Father, in the unity of the Holy NOTE: the Sign of Peace can be exchanged withoutSpirit, all glory and honor is yours, for ever and physical contact)ever.Assembly: AMENIV. COMMUNION RITEPLEASE, REFRAIN FROM HOLDING HANDSDURING THE LORD’S PRAYER.Tˑˎ L ˍ’ P ˊˢˎ Priest: At the Savior’s command and formedby divine teaching, we dare to say:Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed beThy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will bedone on earth as it is in heaven. Give us thisday our daily bread; and forgive us ourtrespasses as we forgive those who trespassagainst us; and lead us not into temptation,but deliver us from evil.Lˊ ˋ ˏ G ˍI ˊ C Priest: Behold the Lamb of God, behold himwho takes away the sins of the world. Blessedare those called to the supper of the Lamb.Assembly: Lord, I am not worthy that youshould enter under my roof, but only say theword and my soul shall be healed.C S ːGIVEN THE FREQUENCY OF DIRECTCONTACT WITH SALIVA IN THEDISTRIBUTION OF HOLY COMMUNION ONTHE TONGUE, EACH INDIVIDUAL MUSTRECEIVE HOLY COMMUNIONREVERENTLY IN OPEN HANDS FOR THETIME BEING.

P ˊˢˎ ˊˏ ˎ C May the working of this heavenly gift, O Lord,we pray take possession of our minds andbodies, so that its effects, and not our owndesires, may always prevail in us. ThroughChrist our LordREADINGS & MASS INTENTIONSOF THE WEEKINTENCIONES Y LECTURAS DE LA SEMANAMSZE ŚW. W TYGODNIUMonday, September 14– The Exaltation of the Holy CrossAssembly: Amen.V. THE CONCLUDING RITES NM 21: 4b-9 / PHIL 2: 6-11 / JN 3: 13-17Tuesday, September 15– Our Lady of Sorrows 1 COR 12: 12-14, 27-31a / JN 19: 25-27 or LK 2: 33-35Priest: The Lord be with you.Assembly: And with your spirit8:00 amPriest: May almighty God bless you, theFather, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.Assembly: AmenWednesday, September 16 –St. CorneliusPriest: Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by yourlife.Assembly: Thanks be to God.S ː ˏ D ˊ The Souls in Purgatory† Josephine & Maurice Bozek 1 COR 12: 31—13:13 / LK 7: 31-358:00 am† Charles KruppThursday, September 17 – St. Robert Bellarmine 1 COR 15: 1-11 / LK 7: 36-508:00 am† Paul Joseph Solimini† Theresa SoliminiFriday, September 18 – Weekday 8:00 am1 COR 15: 12-20 / LK 8: 1-3† Dolores MillerSaturday, September 19 – St. Januarius 1 COR 15: 35-37, 42-49 / LK 8: 4-15May the LORDbless yourˠˎˎ and,SEE YOUnext Weekend!

Parish Information7Parish AnnouncementsSUNDAY MASS SCHEDULEANNUNCIOS PARROQUIALESOGŁOSZENIA PARAFIALNEHORARIO DE MISASMASOWY HARMONOGRAMPARISH OFFICE:The Parish office will be closed from 9:15 am to10:30 am on Tuesday, September 15 for a staffmeeting.PARISH REGISTARY:Is your family registered with the parish? Haveyou recently moved, changed a telephone numberor email address? We encourage everyone that isactive here at Transfiguration to be registered.Please call the parish office to get information onsigning up and to relay any changes to yourinformation if you are registered with us. We arehere to take your calls Monday-Friday from 9am tonoon and 1-5pm.KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS:Support the Knights of Columbus bypurchasing mum plants after massesSeptember 19 & 20 and September 26 & 27These beautiful fall plants are only 10.00each. The sale will be held under the PLCportico.THANK YOU:We would like to thank everyone that hasbeen so good about following the Covid-19protocols and safety measures during theselast few months. Doing your part hascontributed to keeping everyone safe andhealthy. It is good practice to call the officeprior to making an in person visit as manyrequest can be handled in that way.SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE:* FRIDAY / VIERNES 8:00AM English* This mass is reserved only for Seniors and thevulnerable community.SATURDAY / SABADO 6:00PM Español 8:00AM — English 10:00AM — English 1:00PM — PolskaSUNDAY / DOMINGOVolunteers needed for 4:00 pm MassTo open our 4:00 pm on Saturday mass we are in need onSEVEN more individuals. If you like to volunteer for this masstime please call 847-526-2400 or email us to:Transfiguration-Mill@Archchicago.orgWEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE:TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAYMARTES, MIERCOLES, JUEVES Y VIERNES 8:00AM In EnglishReservations for daily and weekend masses can bemade by clicking the Eventbrite link on either ourwebsite or Facebook pages. Also, you might call theparish office for reservations.Para reservar tus boletos para las misas diarias y de fin desemana has click en el enlace Eventbrite en nuestro sitioweb o en la página de Facebook de la Parroquia. Además,puede llamarnos a la oficina parroquia para hacerreservaciones.

8Catholic Education“Be sealed with theGift of the Holy Spirit”ConfirmationSeptember 12,2020Keira AckersonJorge CamargoJoaquin CardenasMadison CarolinoNicholas Ron CianciThomas CiezadioTyler DobsonMonika FafrowiczEmalja FrantzichEthan GiuntaEduardo GonzalezAnthony John GrecoJacob JasinskiLilly JazierskiKatelyn Marie KerstingSophie Anne KlossAvery KorycanekEmily LisiKailey Ann MosackKarol NowakHunter PolnauLandon Charles RappAbigail RychikGabe SalinasCharlotte ScarlatosMila SchachelmayerIsabella SebastianCharles ShultzJackson ShultzLogan SlotowskiKyle SteckenriderTyler TylkaJoan VazquezEvan WestfallStephanie ZbierowskiLauren Zomchek

Prayer9Pray List for the SickOREMOS POR LOS ENFERMOSPray for the new BaptizedRECIEN BAUTIZADOSMODLITWA ZA CHORYCHMitch & Joann Bienkoznski, Charles Buntenbach,Dennis Bechtel, Debi Buerger, Constance Cotsiomitis,Betsy C., Patsy Daniels, Peter Davis & Family, MaryDennehy, Marilyn Downes,Helen Fritz, PhyillisFinnegan, Arlene Fulara, Rose Galluzzo, Don Gragnani,Rose Gilligan, Joshua Hawkins, Del Hasse, CrystalHoff, Desiree Hoff, Dorothy Hoff, Edwin Herrera, BabyEmma Jaglowski, Helen Jakubek, John James Kapcia,Linda Korona, Michael Krolezyk, Lauri Kozirowski, AvaRae Loth, Donna Lesczynski, Rose Liberio, SusanLiberio, Lany Larva, Liberty Arms Residents, MarillaMiller, Deann Meagher, Ed McGinty, Brian McGinty,Don Martel, Mueller Family, Lynn Napoli, BettyOdenauf, Otto Family, Carrie Peterson, Dc. FeliksPezowicz, Georgia Pastirik, Rae Poklenkowski, CathyPolnau, Sharon Powderly, Glenn Reckwerdt, AudreyRaclaw, Ron Rosaves & Family, Mary Ann Rubino,Jeremiah Riordan, Margaret Shruscilt, Bill Scholla,Ed &Jan Stepek, Ellen Sherwin, Timothy Sammons, CorinaSmith, Scherer Family, Sperka Family, Norbert,Schmaus, Janet Sturgulewski, Carol Thomas, DianeThelen, Julie Utley, Alba Wolk, Eileen Woods, ChuckWoods, Phyillis Williams, Daisy Walters, Jerry WaltersJr., Dee Wolf, Paula Watson, Zimmermann Family,William Ziegler, Anita & Ed Zabielski, All who arerecovering from Covid-19, All in the Service to ourCountry, For all those in detention centersPlease review the prayer list and let the parish office knowif the names you added should be renewed. We keepnames on the prayer list for the month that they are calledin and request an update at the beginning of each month.NOWO OCHRZCZENILet’s welcome the newlybaptized to our parish!September 13, 2020Rodrigo Dominguez Mora&Jacob Dominguez MoraSons of : Zaida & Rodrigo DominguezYou are now God’s children 1John 3:1

XXIV DOMINGO ORDINARIOEz (Sir) 27, 33-28, 9 ǁ Rom 14, 7-9ǁ Mt 18, 21-35CRECERCOMO DISCIPULOS ORAMOS, ESTUDIAMOS, SERVIMOSEs parte de la naturaleza humana centrarse en los "titulares" negativos de undía determinado. Por ejemplo, después de encontrarnos con un retraso en eltráfico debido a un choque de guardabarros inofensivo en un viaje sinincidentes, es más probable que estemos molestos y enojados por el retraso, ylas personas que lo causaron, en lugar de perdonar la situación y serconscientes de el hecho concurrente de que llegamos a casa sanos y salvos. Elautor del Libro de Eclesiástico parece tener esta percepción de la humanidad,ya que describe la ira y la ira como "cosas odiosas, pero el pecador las abrazacon fuerza". Yo también me he abrazado con fuerza a mi enojo en ocasionespor ofensas reales o percibidas, y por eso me encanta la forma en que elEvangelio de Mateo nos desafía no solo a dejar atrás las heridas del pasado,sino a perdonar: perdonar, perdonar, perdonar. No significa pasar por alto losobstáculos humanos que pueden arruinar las relaciones, pero Jesús nosadvierte que evitemos que se conviertan en los titulares de nuestras vidas. Encambio, al abrir nuestros oídos y nuestro corazón a las Buenas Nuevas delperdón de Dios, podemos, a su vez, extenderlas a quienes nos han lastimado.MISIONEVANGELIZAMOS ORANDO, DANDO TESTIMONIO, ACOMPAÑANDOCuando Jesús enseñó a sus discípulos cómo rezar el Padre Nuestro en unversículo anterior del Evangelio de Mateo, usó estas palabras: "Perdónanosnuestras deudas, como nosotros perdonamos a nuestros deudores". No,"quizás piense en perdonar mañana" o "podría perdonar esto, pero no puedoperdonar aquello". Porque cuando abrimos nuestro corazón a la Buena Nuevadel perdón de Dios, debemos perdonar "de corazón", como dice Jesús al finaldel pasaje de hoy. ¿Hay alguien en nuestras vidas a quien debemos perdonar?¿Qué nos detiene? ¿Estamos “aferrándonos” a nuestro enojo, dolor oresentimiento? Piense en una relación en su vida que podría necesitar algo desanación. Quizás un primer paso involucre una llamada telefónica, una carta,un correo electrónico o un abrazo. En oración, pida la ayuda de Dios; busca elperdón y pide la gracia de perdonar a los demás.ACCIÓNPiense en alguien o algo que le haya hecho aferrarse al enojo o alresentimiento. Escribe una carta [¡no la vas a enviar!] A esa persona, oal "evento", como si estuviera personificado. Explique de maneraobjetiva qué causó su enojo. Luego e

II. LITURGY OF THE WORD A reading from the book of Sirach — SIR 27: 30-28:7 Wrath and anger are hateful things, yet the sinner hugs them tight. The vengeful will suffer the LORD’s vengeance, for he remembers their sins in detail. Forgive your neighbor’s injustice; then when you pray, your own sins will be forgiven.

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