Little Red Riding Hood - K5 Learning

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Grade 5 Reading Comprehension WorksheetRead the short story. Then answer each question.Little Red Riding HoodThere was once a swee t l ittl e girl who lived with her fatherand m other in a pre tty l ittl e cottage at the edge of thevil l age. At the further end of the wood was ano therpretty cottage and in it l ived her grandm other.Everybody l oved this l ittl e girl ; her grandm otherperhaps l oved her m ost of al l and gave her a greatm any pretty th ings. Once she gave her a red cl o akwith a hood which she al ways wore, so peopl e cal l edher Littl e Red Riding Hood.One m orning Littl e Red Riding Hood’s m other said,“Put on your things and go to see yourgrandm other. She has been il l ; take al ong thisbaske t for her. I have put i n it eggs , bu tter andcake, and som e fruit.”It was a br ight and sunny m orning. Red Riding Hood wasso happy that, at first, she wanted to dance through the wood. Al l aroundher grew pretty wil d fl owers which she l oved so wel l , and she stopped topick a bunch for h er grandm other.Littl e Red Riding Hood wandered from her path and was s tooping to picka fl ower when from behind her a gruff voice said, “ Good m orning, Li ttl eRed Riding Hood.” Littl e Red Riding Hood turned around and saw a greatbig wol f, bu t Li ttl e Red Riding Hood did not know wh at a wicked beas t thewol f was, so she was no t afraid.“Wh at have you in th at baske t, Li ttl e Red Riding Hood?”“Eggs and butter and cake , M r. Wol f.”“Where are you going wi t h them , Littl e Red Riding Hood?”Reading and Math for K-5

Grade 5 Reading Comprehension Worksheet“I am going to m y gr andm other who is il l , M r. Wol f.”“Where does your grandm othe r l ive, Littl e Red Riding Hood?”“Al ong that path , p ast the w il d rose bushes, the n through the gate at theend of the wood , M r. Wol f.”Then M r. Wol f again said, “Go od m orning,” and set off, and Li ttl e RedRiding Hood again wen t in search o f w il d fl owers.At l ast he reached the porch covered with fl owers and knocked at thedoor of the co ttage.“Wh o is there ?” cal l ed the gran dm other.“Li ttl e Red Riding Hood,” said the w ick ed wol f.“Press the l atch, ope n the door , and w al k in,” said the gr andm other.The wol f pressed the l atch and wal ked in to where the grandm other l ay inbed. He m ade one jum p at her, bu t sh e jum ped out of bed and into acl oset. Then the wol f put on the cap w hich she had dropped and creptunder the bedcl othes.In a short whil e Littl e Red Riding Hood knocked atthe door and wal ked in, saying , “ Good m orning,Grandm other. I have brought you eggs, bu tterand cake, and here is a bunch of fl owers Igathered in the wood.” As she cam e nearer thebed she said, “ Wh at big ears you have ,Grandm other.”“Al l the be tter to hear you wi th , m y dear.”“Wh at big eyes you have, Gr andm other.”“Al l the better to see you with, m y dear.”Reading and Math for K-5

Grade 5 Reading Comprehension Worksheet“But, Gr andm other, wh at a b ig nose you have.”“Al l the better to sm ell with, m y dear.”“But, Gr andm other, wh at a b ig m outh you have.”“Al l the better to eat you up wi th , m y dear,” he said as he sprang at L ittl eRed Riding Hood.Just at tha t m om ent Littl e Red Riding Hood’s father was passing thecottage and heard her scream . He rushed in and, wi th his axe , choppedoff M r. Wol f’s head.Everybody was happy th at L ittl e Red Riding Hood had escaped the wol f.Then Li ttl e Red Riding Hood’s father carried her hom e, and they l ivedhappil y ever after.Reading and Math for K-5

Grade 5 Reading Comprehension WorksheetQuestions:1.How did Littl e Red Riding Hood’s grandm other show th at she l ovedher?2.Why did the wol f ask Li ttl e Red Riding Hood where her grandm otherl ived?3.Why do you thin k the w ol f l ets the grandm other escape into thecl oset?Reading and Math for K-5

Grade 5 Reading Comprehension WorksheetAnswers:1.How did Littl e Red Riding Hood’s grandm other show th at she l ovedher?Her grandm other gave her a red cl oak with a hood.2.Why did the wol f ask Li ttl e Red Riding Hood where her grandm otherl ived?He wan ted to eat the grandm other and Littl e Red Riding Hood.3.Why do you thin k the w ol f l ets the gr andm other escape into thecl oset?The wol f l et the grandm other escape i nto the cl oset because hewan ted to eat Li ttl e Red Riding Hood.Reading and Math for K-5

Little Red Riding Hood wandered from her path and was stooping to pick a flower when from behind her a gruff voice said, “Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood.” Little Red Riding Hood turned around and saw a great big wolf, but Little Red Riding Hood did not know what a

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