St.J Oseph Weekend Masses

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St.JosephCatholic Church1790 14th St., Marion IowaParish Office: 377Weekend Masses:4:30 p.m. Saturday,8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. SundayAdoration:Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.Fed by Word and Sacrament,to Love and Serve-48695HY 'DYLG 2¶&RQQRU 3DVWRUfroconnor@stjoesmarion.orgRev. Dennis Cahill, Associate Pastorfrcahill@stjoesmarion.orgDeacon Dennis Ternes, Permanent Deacondeaconternes@stjoesmarion.orgMatt Selby, Adult Faith Formation Directormatt.selby@stjoesmarion.orgTricia Greene, Bookkeepertricia.greene@stjoesmarion.orgBonnie Bluml, Music Ministries Coordinatorbonnie.bluml@stjoesmarion.orgLaurie Schill, Census Coordinator/Ministry Schedulelaurie.schill@stjoesmarion.orgKate Fejfar, Pastoral Associatekate.fejfar@stjoesmarion.orgCathy Wobbe, Pastoral Associatecathy.wobbe@stjoesmarion.orgTrish Peyton, Parish Secretarytrish.peyton@stjoesmarion.orgParish Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday,Thursday and Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.,Wednesday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.May be closed over the lunch hour.Youth Faith Formation: 377-8402Liz Lockhart, YFF Directorliz.lockhart@stjoesmarion.orgJudy Ramsey, Adolescent Faith Formation Directorjudy.ramsey@stjoesmarion.orgJoAnn Starr, YFF Coordinatorjoann.starr@stjoesmarion.orgSt. Joseph Catholic School: 377-6348Cathy Walz, St. Joseph School Principalcathy.walz@stjoesmarion.orgPeggy Brady, School Secretarypeggy.brady@stjoesmarion.orgFind our parish website us on Facebook at St. Joseph Catholic Church,Marion. We are also on Twitter @stjoescatholic.Sunday, July 12, 2015Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

New to the Parish: Welcome! Please call the office andmake an appointment to register at 377-4869.Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30 - 4:00 orby appointment with one of our priests.Sacrament of Matrimony: Call the office and make anappointment with the priest.RCIA & Post-High School Ongoing ConfirmationSessions: If you are unbaptized, or baptized and seekgrowth in your relationship with the Church, pleasecontact Matt Selby at 377-4869 to find out more.Sacrament of Baptism: The next baptism class will beheld on Saturday, September 12, 2015, in the St. JosephRoom of the parish office from 9 to 11 am. If this is yourfirst child, call 377-4869 to pre-register. If this is yoursecond child, call the parish office to make an appointmentwith the deacon.Notifications for Worship Aid: 377-4869Mass Intentions: Please stop in the office to schedule.Prayer Chain: Contact Vicky at 241-9402 or contact Janice by email at Joseph Quilting Ministry: Day sessions meet everysecond Tuesday, 1:00 - 3:00 pm, in the church hall. If youhave questions, call Lynn at 377-6166. Evening sessionsmeet every 2nd Thursday, 6-8 pm. For location, call Sue at377-1394.Prayer Shawl Ministry: Compassion and the love ofknitting/crocheting have been combined into a prayerfulministry and spiritual practice which reaches out to thosein need of comfort . If you are interested, please callSharon at 373-2810.Men of Action prayer group offers an evening session at7 p.m. on Mondays and 6 a.m. on Thursdays. The formatincludes psalms, intercessions, readings and quiet time.Please join us Mondays in the RCIA room in the parishoffice or Thursdays in the church hall.Women’s Connection offers widows from the parish theopportunity to share experiences, solve problems, supporteach other emotionally and spiritually and have fun, allwhile developing true and lasting friendships. Gatheringsare on the second Thursday of each month from 1 to 3 the Learning and Leadership Lounge at St. JosephSchool. For more information call Carol G. at 319-2006905 or Sally W. at 373-5484.Contemplative Prayer: 6:30-7 p.m. Monday and Fridayevenings in the church. There is no formal ritual; just timefor quiet prayer. Give your hopes and worries to God andbe enlightened by His love!Pilgrim Virgin Statue: Honor Mary the week of July 12-17with Bryan and Rhonda Sourwine; 1490 50th S

Jul 07, 2015 · Hy-Vee receipts, Campbell Soup labels, Tyson Foods, and A Labels. Hy-Vee Receipts Thank you to everyone who brought in Hy-Vee receipts this year. We were able to collect 572,839.56 worth of receipts, which means a Hy-Vee donation of about 2800 for our school!!!! School Tours and A Note from Father Cahill Registration

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