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ONE LINER NOTES - WBCSCHEMISTRY – COMPLETE ONELINER NOTES FOR WBCSBY SOMNATHChemistry* Father of ChemistryAns : Robert Boyle* The author of the book 'Sceptical Chymist' isAns : Robert Boyle* Father of Modern ChemistryAns : Antoine Lavoisier* Father of Indian ChemistryAns : P.C.Roy* Father of Organic ChemistryAns : Friedrich Wohler* Ancient Chemistry is known asAns : Alchemy* Ancient Chemists were known asAns : Alchemists* The scientist known as the father of SodapopAns : Joseph Priestly* International year of chemistryAns : 2011*New methods used in chemistry which aim to reduce pollutionare calledAns : Green Chemistry*The term Green Chemistry was coined byAns : Paul.T.Anastas1 BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS. STATES OF MATTERThere are seven stable physical states1) Solid2) Liquid3) Gas4) Plasma5) Bose- Einstein condensate (Super atom)6) Fermionic condensate7) Super Fluidity DUAL NATURE OF MATTER* The concept dual nature of Matter was put forward byAns : Louis de-Broglie* The construction of electron microscope was based onAns : Dual Nature of Matter* The dual nature of electrons wasAns : I.H.GermerATOM*Basic unit of ChemistryAns : Atom*Smallest units of a matterAns : Atom*Atom was derived from a greek wordAns : 'Atomos' (means indivisible)*Atom was discovered byAns : John DaltonPage 2BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.*Law of Multiple Proportion was put forward byAns : John Dalton*The term 'atom' was coined byAns : Ostwald*The fundamental particles of an atomAns : Proton, Electron and Neutron*The central part of an atomAns : Nucleus*The sub atomic particles of NucleusAns : Protons and Neutrons*Heaviest sub atomic particleAns : Neutron*Lightest sub atomic particleAns : Electron*Moving particle of an atomAns : Electron*The charge of an electron isAns : Negative*Protons and Neutrons are collectively known asAns : Nucleons*Chemical property of a substance is determined byAns : Electrons*The smallest atomAns : Helium (He)*The simplest atomAns : Hydrogen (H)*Biggest known atomAns : Francium (Fr)*The unit of measuring mass of an atomAns : Atomic Mass Unit (amu)*1 atomic mass unit is equal toAns : 1.6605 xlO’27 Kg*The element used to find amuPage 3BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.Ans : Carbon-12ELECTRONS*Electron is discovered byAns : JJ.Thomson*The name Electron was proposed byAns : Stoney*Charge of an electronAns : 1.6 x 10-19C (determined by Millikan)*Mass of electronAns : 9.1 x 10 31kg*Dual nature of electronAns : Louis-de-brogliePROTON*Proton was discovered byAns : Ernest Rutherford*The identity card of an elementAns : Proton*The mass of a proton isAns : 1.672 x 10 -27 kg*The theory of Proton was presented byAns : William ProutNEUTRON*Neutron was discovered byAns : James Chadwick in 1932Page 4BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.*The heaviest fundamental particle of an atomAns : Neutron*The least stable particleAns : Neutron*Neutrons are bound very tightly*Chargeless particle of an atomAns : Neutron*The atom without neutronAns : Protium (Isotope of Hydrogen)*Atomic number - It is the number of protons in the nucleus ofan atom*Atomic number is denoted by the alphabetAns : Z*Mass number - The total number of protons and neutronspresent in the nucleus of an atom*Mass number is denoted byAns : A*Anti particle of the neutron with the same mass of neutronAns : Anti neutron*Anti particle of the proton with the same mass of protonAns : Anti proton*Nuclear particle with the mass of an electron but oppositechargeAns : Positron*Atomic TheoryAns : John Dalton*Uncertainty PrincipleAns : Werner Heisenberg*Structure of AtomAns : Niels Bohr*Plum Pudding ModelAns : J.J. Thomson*Wave Mechanics ModelPage 5BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.Ans : Max Planck*Electron (-ve charge)Ans : J.J. Thomson*Proton (ve charge)Ans : Ernest Rutherford*Neutron (No charge)Ans : James Chadwick*Nucleus (ve charge)Ans : Ernest Rutherford*Positron (ve charge)Ans : Carl Anderson*Antineutron (No charge)Ans : Bruce Cork*The combining capacity of one atom to anotherAns : Valency*Atom is bigger than its nucleusAns : 10 5 times*Electrons move in a circular path calledAns : Orbit*The maximum number of elements in an orbit isAns : 2*The orbit followed by a moving electrons around the nucleusof an atomAns : Shell*The maximum number of electrons in a shellAns : 2n2 (n Number of shell)MOLECULE*Smallest particle of a substance having all its propertiesAns : Molecule*The term molecule was coined byPage 6BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.Ans : Avogadro*The number of molecules obtained in 1 mole of gas is calledAns : Avogadro Number*Avagadro NumberAns : 6.023 xl023/mol*International mole dayAns : October 23*The bricks of UniverseAns : Molecules*The SI Unit of the amount of substanceAns : Mole*A molecule made up of only one kind of atom is calledAns : Monoatomic molecule*A molecule made up of two kinds of atom is calledAns : Diatomic moleculeELEMENTS*Substance which is composed of similar kind of atoms iscalledAns : Elements*The scientist who proved that the elements are made up ofatomsAns : John Dalton*The term 'elements' was coined byAns : Robert Boyle*The first scientist who gave a definition to element isAns : Robert Boyle*The scientist who gave symbols for elements on the basis oftheir namesAns : JohnJ.Berzelius*The scientist who classified elements into Metals and NonPage 7BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.metalsAns : Lavoisier*Elements are classified intoAns : Metals, non-metals and metalloids*Metals: Elements that conduct electricity and heat which tendsto lose electrons*Non-Metals : Elements that do not conduct electricity and heatwhich tends to accept electrons.*Metalloids: Elements showing properties of both metals andnon-metals*The international association which gives names of elementsAns : International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry(IUPAC)*The headquarters of IUPACAns : Zurich (Switzerland)*The most abundant element in the universeAns : Hydrogen*The second most abundant element in the universeAns : Helium*The only radio active element in liquid formAns : Francium*The only radio active element in gaseous formAns : Radon*The most electro positive stable elementAns : CesiumCOMPOUND*The combination of two or more elements is calledAns : Compounds*The separation of a compound into its elements by chemicalmeans is calledPage 8BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.Ans : Analysis*The formation of a compound by the union of elements iscalledAns : SynthesisExamples: Water, Steam, Salt etc.*The recently discovered chemical compound for the treatmentof cancerAns : Cisplatin*The element which forms largest number of compoundsAns : Carbon*The second element which forms largest number ofcompoundsAns : HydrogenCOMPOUNDS AND ITS USES*Silver IodideAns : For artificial rain*FormaldehydeAns : Preservation of dead bodies*Sodium citrateAns : Anti coagulant in blood bank*Sodium BenzoateAns : For preservation of grains and food*Silver BromideAns : Manufacturing of photo films*FreonAns : Used in refrigerator as coolant*Sodium PeroxideAns : Air purifier in submarines*Carbon dioxideAns : Used in Fire extinguisherPage 9BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.MIXTURES*Two or more substances (elements or compounds or both)that do not combine chemically during the mixingAns : Mixtures*The two kinds of mixtures are :Ans : Heterogeneous mixture and Homogeneous mixture*Heterogeneous mixtureAns : Having more than one phaseEg: Concrete, Wood*Homogeneous mixtureAns : Having same proportions of its compounds through out agiven sample. Two or more components are so evenlydistributed in Homogeneous mixtureEg: Quartz, Glass, AirCOLLOID AND EMULSION*A mixture of two faces of the matter is calledAns : ColloidEg : Emulsion, Aerosols, Fog, Milk*A colloidal solution formed between two liquids is calledAns : Emulsion*A colloid formed between gas particles and liquid or solidparticlesAns : Foam*Colloid which contains particles of liquid or solid dispersed ingasAns : AerosolPage 10BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.ISOTOPES*Atoms of the same element having same atomic number anddifferent mass number are known asAns : Isotopes*Isotope was discovered byAns : Frederick SoddyISOTOPE AND ITS USAGE*Carbon 14Ans : Used to determine the age of fossils*Cobalt 60Ans : Used for the treatment of cancer*Phosphorous 32Ans : Used for the treatment of skin cancer*Oxygen 15, Iodine - 131Ans : Used as medicine*Isotopes differ in the number ofAns : Neutrons*The isotopes of hydrogen areAns : Protium, Deuterium, TritiumISOBARS*Elements having same mass number and different atomicnumber are known asAns : IsobarsEg : Calcium - 40 (20 Ca 40), Argon - 40 (18Ar 40)*The term Isobars was suggested byPage 11BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.Ans : Alfred Walter StewartISOTONES*Atoms of elements- having same number of neutrons arecalledAns : Isotoneseg : Helium (2He 4) and Tritium (1H 3) (both contain 2neutrons)*The term Isotones was formed byAns : K.GuggenheimerISOMERS*Compounds with same molecular formula but differentstructures are known asAns : IsomersEg: Glucose (C 6H 12O 6),Fructose (C 6H 12O 6)ALLOTROPES*Different forms of the same element with different physicalappearances are known asAns : AllotropesEg: Diamond, Graphite and Charcoalare the allotropes of Carbon*The allotrope of OxygenAns : OzonePage 12BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.PERIODIC TABLE*An arrangement of elements with similar properties placedtogether is calledAns : Periodic Table*Mendeleev's periodic table was based onAns : increasing order of atomic mass*Moseley's periodic table was based on theAns : atomic number of elements*The modern periodic table is based onAns : atomic number*Modern periodic table containsAns : 7 horizontal rows and 18 vertical columns*The periodic table was discovered byAns : Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev*Modern periodic table was discovered byAns : Henry Moseley*Periodic laws were put forward byAns : Mendeleev*Modern periodic laws were put forward byAns : Moseley*The scientist who classified elements based on Atomic ValuesisAns : Lothar Meyer*The rows are calledAns : Periods*Columns are calledAns : Groups*The left side of the periodic table denotesAns : Metals*The right side of the periodic table denotesAns : Non-metalsPage 13BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.ELEMENTS SCIENTISTS*Hydrogen - Henry Cavendish*Oxygen - Joseph Priestly*Selenium - Berzelius*Thorium - Berzelius*Calcium - Humphry Davy*Sodium - Humphry Davy*Potassium - Humphry Davy*Boron - Humphry Davy*Barium - Humphry Davy*Uranium - Martin Klaproth*Radium - Madam Curie*Nitrogen - Daniel Rutherford*Fluorine - Henri Moissan*Iodine - Bernard Courtois*Chlorine - Carl Wilhelm Scheele*BHC - Michael Faraday*Methane - Alexander Volta*Titanium - William Gregor*Aluminium - Hans Orsted*Nitrous Oxide - Joseph Priestly*DDT - Paul Muller*Most abundant element on earth's crust - Oxygen*Most abundant metal in earth's crust - Aluminium*Most abundant metalloid in earth's crust - Silicon*Most abundant element in atmosphere - Nitrogen*Most abundant element in the universe - Hydrogen*Most abundant element in human body - OxygenPage 14BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.*Most abundant gas in atmosphere - Nitrogen*Most abundant element in sea water - Chlorine*Most abundant element in moon's surface - Titanium*Most abundant metal present in human body and bones Calcium*Most abundant metal compound in bones - Calcium phosphate*Most abundant compound on earth's surface - Water (H2O)*Most abundant compound in sea water - Sodium Chloride*Second most abundant compound in sea water - MagnesiumChloride*Most chemically reactive element - Fluorine*Second most chemically reactive element - Chlorine*The lightest and simplest element - Hydrogen*The lightest metal - Lithium*The rarest element in the earth - Astatine*The heaviest element - Osmium*The heaviest gaseous element - Radon*First man made element - Technetium*Most stable element - Lead*The periodic table is divided into 4 main blocks*S block - elements of group 1 and 2*P block - elements of group 13 to 18*D block - elements of group 3 to 12*F block - Lanthanides and Actinides*The shortest period of the periodic tableAns : First period*The longest period of the periodic tableAns : Sixth period*Elements with atomic number 57-71 are known asAns : Lanthanides (rare earths)*Elements with atomic number 89-103 are known asAns : Actinides (radio active rare earths)*Total number of elements in periodic tablePage 15BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.Ans : 118*The number of naturally occurring elementsAns : 92CLASSIFICATION OF GROUPS*1st group -Alkali metals*2nd group- Alkaline earth metals*3-12 group -Transition elements*13thgroup -Boron family*14thgroup -Carbon family*15thgroup - Nitrogen family*16thgroup - Oxygen family*17thgroup - Halogen*18thgroup - Noble gas*The first artificial elementAns : Technetium (Z 43)*Man made elements are known asAns : TransuranicsCHARACTERISTICS OF PERIODIC TABLEFeaturesTop to bottomLeft to right*Atomic sizeincreasesdecreases*Ionization Energy decreasesincreases*Electron affinitydecreasesincreases*Ionization potential decreasesincreasesCLASSIFICATION OF ELEMENTSPage 16BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.*Metals and non-metalsAns : Lavoisier*TriadsAns : Dobereiner*Law of octavesAns : John Newland*Based on atomic weightAns : Mendeleev*Based on atomic numberAns : Moseley*Element present in 1,2 and 13-18 groups are known asAns : Representative elements*All transitive elements areAns : Metals*Transitive elements formAns : Coloured compoundsELEMENTS WITH SPECIAL NAMES*Name of earth - Tellurium (52)*Name of Moon - Selenium (34)*Name of Sun - Helium (2)*Name of Asteroid - Palladium (46)*Honour of women - Curium (96), Meitnerium (109)*Name of Ceres - Cerium(58)*Name of Uranus - Uranium (92)*Name of Neptune - Neptunium (93)*Name of Pluto - Plutonium (94)ROOM TEMPERATURE CASESPage 17BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.*The liquid metal at room temperatureAns : Mercury*The liquid non-metal at room temperatureAns : Bromine*Two elements which are liquids at room temperatureAns : Bromine, MercuryELECTRONEGATIVITY*The ability of an atom to accept the electrons during molecularbond formulation is known asAns : Electro negativity*Electronegativity was discovered byAns : Linus Pauling*Electronegativity scale was invented byAns : Linus Pauling*The element which has most electronegativityAns : Fluorine*The elements which have least electronegativityAns : Francium, CaesiumCAESIUM*The metal used in atomic clocks*The metal which shows least expansion*Most electro positive stable element*Element having least electro negativityELEMENTSYM BOLLATIN NAMEPage 18BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - mWolframStannumKaliumPlumbumATOMIC NO.ELEMENTS SYMBOLS113 NihoniumNh115 MoscoviumMc117 TennessineTs118 OganessonOgTYPES OF REACTIONS*Two types of reactions areAns : Physical and Chemical reactionsPHYSICAL REACTION*A reaction in which no new substance is produced is calledAns : Physical reaction It can be reversedeg : Freezing, MeltingPage 19BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.ISOTOPES OF HYDROGENPROTIUM (1H1)*Mass Number -1*Ordinary Hydrogen*Abundant isotope*Atom having no neutron*Only one atom having same atomic number and mass numberDEUTERIUM (1H2)*Mass Number - 2*Heavy Hydrogen*Used for manufacturing Hydrogen bomb*Deuterium Oxide (D20) is known as heavy water*It is used as moderator in nuclear reactor*Having only one neutronTRITIUM (1H3)*Mass Number - 3*Simplest radioactive isotope*Having two neutronsHELIUM (He) (Z 2)*1st noble gas group in the periodic tableAns : Helium*Second lightest elementAns : Helium*The element shows highest thermal conductivityPage 20BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.Ans : Helium*2nd most abundant element in universeAns : Helium*Product of nuclear fusionAns : Helium 4*Discovered byAns : Pierre Janssen and Norman Lockyer*Liquid Helium is used asAns : Cryogenic refrigerant*Preferred for filling the weather balloons and air ships*The elements used for the treatment of AsthmaAns : Helium and Oxygen*The elements used in welding areAns : Helium and Argon*Helium is non-inflammable in natureLITHIUM (Li) (Z 3)*Belonging to the alkali metal*The lightest metalAns : Lithium*The element which is kept in waxAns : Lithium*The strongest reducing agentAns : LithiumBERYLLIUM (Be) (Z 4)*Beryllium was found byAns : Louis Nicolas Vauqueli*It was isolated byPage 21BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.Ans : Friedrich Wohler and Antoine Bussy*Naturally occurring compound of BerylliumAns : EmeraldBORON (B) (Z 5)*The word boron was originated fromAns: Borax*It is a metalloid chemical element*Compound used for making laboratory apparatusAns : Borosilicate glass*The compound known as inorganic benzeneAns : Borozene*The only acid shows the characteristics of alkaliAns: Boric acid*The main content of eye dropsAns : Boric acid*The polish used in carom boardAns : Boric acidCARBON (C) (Z 6)*The element considered as the fundamental element of lifeAns : Carbon*The element having maximum tendency of catenation(catenation - Self linking property)Ans : Carbon*Carbon atoms covalently bound to other atoms to makeorganic compounds*Carbon has two types of allotropes(1)Crystalline (eg : diamond, graphite, fullerene, graphine)Page 22BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.(2)Amorphous (eg: coal, charcoal)GRAPHITE*Graphite has a layer structure*The most stable form of carbonAns : Graphite*Substance used for making electrodesAns : Graphite*The substance known as Black lead or PlumbagoAns : Graphite*It is a good conductor of heat and electricity*It is used as a moderator in nuclear reactor DIAMOND* Diamond has tetrahedral structure* The hardest natural substanceAns: Diamond* The purest form of carbonAns: Diamond* The densest form of carbonAns: Diamond* The,substance showing highest light densityAns: Diamond* The medium with lowest speed for lightAns:Diamond* The substance used for cutting glassAns: Diamond*Scale used,to measure the hardness of diamondAns: Mohr's scalePage 23BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.* Hardness of diamondAns: 10 mohrFULLERENE*A ball shaped carbon allotropeAns: Fullerene*Fullerene membersAns: C 60, C 70GRAPHENE*The latest discovered allotrope of CarbonAns: Graphene*The single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonedshapeAns : GrapheneCHARCOAL*An amorphous allotrope of carbonAns : Charcoal*Activated charcoal is used in many applications like gaspurification, water purification, airfilters in gas masks etcSubstance - Production Extraction process*Magnesium-Pidgeon*Bromine- Dow processPage 24BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.*Nitric acid - Ostwald process*Noble metals - Cyanide process*Sulphuric acid - Contact process*Chlorine gas - Deacon's process*Sodium - Down's process*Hydrogen - Bosch process*Steel - Bessemer process*Ammonia - Haber process*Sodium carbonate - Solvay process*Sulphur - Frasch process*Aluminium - Hall Heroult process*Halogens - Messenger method*Nitrogen - Dumas processNITROGEN (N) (Z 7)*The most abundant element in the atmosphereAns : Nitrogen*Percent of nitrogen presence atmosphereAns : 78%*Main content of proteinAns : Nitrogen*It is discovered by Scotish physicianAns : Daniel Rutherford in 1772*The gas controls burningAns : NitrogenNITROUS OXIDE*The acid content of acid rainAns : Nitrous OxidePage 25BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.*The compound used as anestheticAns : Nitrogen compound*Largest single constituent of earth's atmosphereAns : Nitrogen compound*Gas known as laughing gasAns : Nitrous OxideNITROGEN DIOXIDE*Gas formed during lightningAns : Nitrogen dioxideEXPLOSIVES AND NITROGEN*TNT, RDX, NitroglycerineAns : Explosive substances*TNT - Tri Nitro Toluene is known asAns : Trotyl*RDX - Research Department Explosive is known asAns : Cyclonite*Mostly found as compound in nature*The nitrogen compound used as indelible ink (Voters' ink)Ans : Silver NitrateOXYGEN (O) (Z 8)*Oxygen was experimentally prepared byAns : Karl Scheele*Oxygen was discovered byAns : Joseph PriestlyPage 26BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.*Element nature of oxygen was established byAns : Lavoisier*Burning is helped byAns : Oxygen*It is colourless, tasteless and odourless*The colour of liquid oxygen isAns : Light blue colour*Nature of oxygenAns : Paramagnetic*Most abundant element in earth crustAns : Oxygen*Number of atoms in Oxygen molecule - 2, Ozone - 3*Ozone layer is found inAns : Stratosphere*The depletion of ozone layer is caused byAns : Chlorofluorocarbon (CFG)*Industrial name of CFCAns : FreonSODIUM (Na) (Z 11)*Sodium is kept inAns : Kerosene*Sodium was discovered byAns : Humphry Davy*The element which regulates blood pressure in human beingsAns : Sodium*Cell used to manufacture sodium hydroxide (NaOH)Ans : Castner Kellner Cell*Compound used as air purifier cell in submarinesAns : Sodium peroxide*Compound which is used as a fixer in photographic filmPage 27BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.Ans : Sodium Thio sulphate or Thio*The compound used in blood bankAns : Sodium citrate*The sodium compound used as coolant in atomic reactorsAns : Liquid sodiumMain sodium compounds are;(1)Sodium Carbonate (Washing Soda)(2)Sodium bicarbonate (Baking soda)SOFT METALS*Sodium and Potassium are known asAns : Soft metals*They are highly reactive withAns : Water*Sodium and Potassium are kept inAns : KeroseneMAGNESIUM (Mg) (Z 12)*Element known as 'chemical sun'Ans : Magnesium*The metal present in chloroplast of plantsAns : Magnesium*The Magnesium compound used for dental fillingAns : Sorel cement*Magnesium Hydroxide, acts as an antacid is popularly knownasAns : Milk of MagnesiaPage 28BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.ALUMINIUM (Al) (Z 13)*The most abundant metal in the earth's crustAns : Aluminium*Main ore of AluminiumAns : Bauxite*Aluminium was isolated for the first time byAns : Hans Oersted*Manufacturing process of AluminiumAns : Hall Heroult Process*Simplest way of extraction of aluminium is discovered byAns : Charles Martin Hall* It is an amphoteric metal*The element used in reflecting telescope and CDAns : Aluminium*Compound of Aluminium is seen inAns: Blue colour*Double sulphate of aluminium isAns : Alum*The metal shows the characteristics of both acid and alkaliAns : Aluminium*The metal mostly present in clayAns : Aluminium*The metal used to make cigarette wrapperAns : Aluminium*The chemical method used for the concentration of bauxiteAns : Leaching*Compound of aluminium used for manufacturing powerfulmagnetAns: Alnico*Naturally occurring aluminium silicate isAns: Mica*Mica is a bad conductor of electricity and a good conductor ofPage 29BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.Ans: Heat LAPIS LAZULI*Lapis Lazuli is a deep blue stone, used in making ornaments.*It is a compound of Aluminium ALUM*Used as mordant*Used as dyes*Used for purifying water fire extinguisherCHEMICAL NAMES* Emerald - Beryllium,Aluminium,Silicate* Sapphire - Aluminium Oxide* Ruby - Aluminium Oxide* Topaz - Aluminium Fluorine Silicate* Opal - Hydrated Aluminium Dioxide*Asbestos is otherwise known asAns : Rock CottonPHOSPHOROUS (P) (Z 15)*phosphorous was discovered byAns : Hennig Brand*"One who carries light" is the meaning ofAns : PhosphorousPage 30BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.*White phosphorous is kept inAns : Water*The form of Phosphorous which emits green light on theexposure to atmosphereAns : White phosphorous*White phosphorous burns in atmosphere atAns : 30 C*Red phosphorous is used for makingAns : Safety matches*Substance used to make the match sticksAns : Red Phosphorous, Potassium Chlorate*Phosphorous is used in fertilizer industry*The element which is present in the DNA&RNA of animals isAns : Phosphorous*The element present in the animal bone fertilizerAns : Phosphorous*The number of atoms present in a phosphorous moleculeAns : 4 (tetra atomic)*The element having the smell of rotten fishAns:Phosphine (PH3)*The isotope used for the treatment of blood cancerAns : Phosphorous-32*The phosphorous which is illuminated in darknessAns : White Phosphorous*The product obtained after the heating of White Phosphorousat a high temperatureAns : Black Phosphorous*The phosphorous used as rat poisonAns : Zinc PhosphideSULPHUR (S) (Z 16)Page 31BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.Sulphur is a member ofAns : Chalcogen family*Enemy of copperAns : Sulphur*It has no radioactive isotope*Number of atoms present in sulphur moleculeAns : 8*Acid rain is caused byAns : Sulphur dioxide*Sulphide ores are purified byAns : Froth Flotation process*The process of heating the rubber by adding sulphurAns : Vulcanization*Mixture of Sulphur and Charcoal is known asAns : Gun Powder*Gases which cause fading the colour of silver ornamentsAns : Hydrogen Sulphide,Sulphur dioxide*The gas which causes the fading of the colour of Taj MahalAns : Sulphur dioxidePOTASSIUM (K) (Z 19)*Potassium is kept inAns : Kerosene*The elements which are known as soft metalsAns : Potassium and Sodium*It is discovered byAns : Humphry Davy*The most abundant metal present in bloodAns : Potassium*The metal present in bath soapAns : Potassium*The compound of potassium used for purifying waterPage 32BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.Ans : Potassium Permanganate*The ores of potassium are Carnalite, Salt Petre Metal related tothe disease arthritis Potassium*First metal separated by electrolysisAns : Potassium*Chemical used for organic farming, neutralizing acidic soilAns : Potassium BicarbonateCALCIUM (Ca) (Z 20)*The most abundant metal in the human bodyAns : Calcium*The compound of calcium used to make bandage, statues isAns : Plaster of Paris*Composition of coral reefs is caused by Calcium carbonateThe compound used in tooth paste as polishing agentAns : Calcium carbonate*The most abundant chemical substance in cementAns: Calcium oxide*Compound which is regulating the setting time of cementAns : Gypsum*The product obtained after heating the gypsum at 125 CAns : Plaster of Paris*Compound which is used in the process of manufacturingcementAns : Lime stone*The product obtained when lime stone is heatedAns : Quicklime and Carbondioxide* The permanent hardness of water is caused byAns : Calcium Sulphate and Calcium Chloride* The chemical substances caused for the permanent hardnessof water are The sulphates and Chlorides of Calcium andMagnesium 53 The temporary hardness of water is caused byPage 33BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.Ans : Calcium bicarbonate and Magnesium bicarbonate* The process used to remove the permanent hardness of waterAns : Distillation or adding Washing soda* The process used to remove the temporary hardness of waterAns : Heating or adding lime*When quick lime is mixed with Carbon dioxide it turns intoAns : Milky colour*The compound used for producing lime mixtureAns : Calcium Compound*The chemical name of ChalkAns : Calcium CarbonateTITANIUM (Ti) (Z 22)*The whitest element compound ever known isAns : Titanium*Titanium was discovered byAns : William Gregor*White paints are made using the oxides ofAns : Titanium*The symbol of whitenessAns:Titanium dioxide*The metal known as "Metal of future"Ans : Titanium*The metal known as 'wonder metal'Ans : Titanium*The most abundant metal present on the surface of moonAns : Titanium*Titanium is separated fromAns : IlmeniteCHROMIUM (Cr) (Z 24)Page 34BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.*The scientist who isolated chromium for the first time wasAns : Louis Nicolas Vauquelin*The element shows antiferromagnetic propertyAns : Chromium*The hardest metalAns : Chromium*The word 'Chroma' meansAns : ColourMANGANESE (Mn) (Z 25)*Manganese was discovered byAns : Carl Sheel*Manganese was isolated for the first time byAns : Johan Gottlieb Gahn*The fifth most abundant metal in Earth's crustAns : Manganese*It is too brittle in nature*The steel which is used for making railsAns : Medium steel*The steel which is used to make agriculture equipments, wires,polesAns : Mild steel*The steel which is used to make surgical equipments, springAns : High Carbon steelIRON (Fe) (Z 26)*Latin name of IronAns : Ferrum*Boiling pointAns : 3134K*Melting pointPage 35BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.Ans : 1811K*Element present in haemoglobinAns : Iron*Least pure form of IronAns : Cast Iron*Steel containsAns : 0.1 to 1.5% of carbon*Stainless steel containsAns : Iron, Chromium, Nickel and Carbon*Nickel steel containsAns : Iron, Nickel and Carbon*Purest form of IronAns : Wrought Iron*Rust iron is chemically known asAns : Hydrated Iron Oxide*Iron with earthly impuritiesAns : Pig Iron*Ores of IronAns : Hematite (Fe203), Magnetite (Fe304), Iron Pyrites (FeS2)*The ore which is used for making iron for commercial purposeAns : Hematite (Fe203)*The ore which contains large amount of ironAns : Magnetite (Fe3O4)*Industrial production of steelAns : Bessemer process*Iron coated with Zinc is calledAns : Galvanized Iron*Iron coated with Tin is calledAns : Tin Plating*When Iron rusts, its weightAns : Increases*The reason for the brown colour of soil and rock is thepresence ofPage 36BY SOMNATH

ONE LINER NOTES - WBCS.Ans : Iron Oxide*Hardening (Quenching) - Mild steel is heated to red hot in hightemperature and then cooled suddenly by plunging into oil orcold water*Tempering - The quenched steel is reheated to a temperaturebelow red hot and cooled slowly*Annealing - Hard steel is heated to redness and then allowedto cool slowly. Annealing makes the steel softCOBALT (Co) (Z 27)*The element present in Vitamin B12Ans : Cobalt*The scientist discovered CobaltAns : George Brandt*The micronutrient for bacteria, algae and fungiAns : Cobalt*The isotope of Cobalt used for the treatment of cancerAns : Cobalt 60*The substance used in glass to get blue colourAns : Cobalt saltCOPPER (Cu) (Z 29)*First metal used by manAns : Copper*Latin name of CopperAns : Cuprum*The ores of Copper

*The term 'atom' was coined by Ans : Ostwald *The fundamental particles of an atom Ans : Proton, Electron and Neutron *The central part of an atom Ans : Nucleus *The sub atomic particles of Nucleus Ans : Protons and Neutrons *Heaviest sub atomic particle Ans : Neutron *Lightest sub atomic particle Ans : Electron *Moving particle of an atom

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