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Effective 01/01/2017

ADVERTISING RATE POLICIESa. Alcoholic Beverage advertising accepted. Tobacco advertising isnot accepted in The Gold Standard.b. Advertising simulating news will carry the words “PaidAdvertisement.”c. The News-Enterprise/The Gold Standard does not knowingly acceptads of a fraudulent, misleading, controversial or discriminatorynature.d. The Publisher reserves the right to accept, classify, cancel, edit orreject any advertising copy. All ads must meet the ad acceptabilitystandards of The News-Enterprise/The Gold Standard.e. The advertiser assumes full and complete responsibility foradvertising content that is published. The advertiser shall indemnifyand save the publisher harmless against any demands, claims orliability arising from the publication of said advertising copy. Theadvertiser shall reimburse the publisher in settlement of claims orin satisfaction of judgments obtained by reason of the publication ofsuch advertising copy together with all expenses incurred inconnection therewith, including, but not limited to, attorney’s feesand cost of litigation.f. Brokered advertising will not be accepted.g. The News-Enterprise/The Gold Standard shall not be liable forinterruptions, delays, postponements or other failures to perform byreason of acts of God, strikes, lockouts or other industrialdisturbances or blockades, riots, arrests, explosions, fires, accidentsto machinery, failures of equipment or systems.h. Legal ads are billed ROP or Classified Display as earned perinsertion.i. 2017 Bonus Days for The News-Enterprise:Sunday, Jan. 1st (New Year’s Day); Friday, Apr. 14th (Good Friday);Monday, May 29th (Memorial Day); Tuesday, Jul. 4th (IndependenceDay); Monday, Sept. 4th (Labor Day); Friday, Oct. 27th (DiscoverHardin County); Wed., Thur., Fri., Nov. 22, 23, 24 (Thanksgiving);Friday, Dec. 1, 8, 15 and 22.These are considered bonus days, The News-Enterprise will bedelivered to Sunday subscribers on these days.j. Political advertising is restricted from poly bags.POSITION REQUESTa. We make every effort to honor page requests when available. Ifpreferred positioning is mandatory and space is available, a 25%surcharge will be applied. All ads scheduled to run on a certaindate will run regardless of position request. Guaranteed positioncontracts available for 52 weeks, upon request. Certainrequirements apply. Premium page positions will be billed aplacement surcharge.PROOFSa. Proofs will be shown when requested on advertisements submittedon deadline.b. Proofs are meant for checking prices, grammar and correctness inlayout, not for rewrite or design purposes. A composition charge of 50 per hour will be made for extensive changes in the content ordesign.c. When an advertiser proofs his/her ad he/she accepts allresponsibility for any error that may have been overlooked.ERRORSa. The newspaper will not be responsible for claims resulting from atypographical error beyond the cost of the space involved andaffected by the error.b. The newspaper shall accept no liability for its failure for any reasonto insert an advertisement.c. Advertiser must contact the advertising department when an errorappears. The News-Enterprise/The Gold Standard will not beresponsible for more than one incorrect insertion.MAIN OFFICE408 West Dixie Avenue, Elizabethtown, KY 42701PHONE (270) 769-2312 or (270) 769-1200MAIN FAX (270) 765-7318ADVERTISING FAX (270) rprise.comPERSONNELCHRIS ORDWAY . PublisherERIN HAHN . Advertising DirectorREPRESENTATIVESKENTUCKY PRESS ASSOCIATION101 Consumer Lane, Frankfort, KY 40601(502) 223-8821COMMISSION AND TERMS OF PAYMENTa. *DEBIT/CREDIT CARD HANDLING STANDARDSTo comply with LCNI privacy guidelines, the newspaper will notaccept Debit/Credit Card information through fax, email, or voicemail. Please contact the newspaper by phone.b. National rates listed in this rate card are subject to agency 15%commission. All local rates listed on this rate card are local retailrates and are NON-COMMISSIONABLE. National open and localopen rates are subject to seasonal adjustments.c. Billing will be on a calendar month cycle.d. No credit extended to new accounts for a period of at least 30 daysuntil credit has been approved and established.e. “Going Out of Business” advertising is accepted only with paymentin advance. Going Out of Business ads must have G.O.B. licensenumber published in each ad.f. Political Advertising is accepted in all products except GoldStandard. Political ads must be paid for in advance per earned localROP or Classified Display rate - all ads must conform to all stateand federal regulations, including disclaimer statement.2Effective 01/01/2017

The N ew s-E n terp rise & The Gold S ta n d a rdO ffer seven m od u la r sizesto m eetyou r n eed sD OM IN AN CELL PAG E6x21.5 FUDO M IN AN CE – a fu llpa g e provid es m a xim u m visibility w ith in th e n ew spa per a n d on th e pa g e.Th eu se of fu llpa g e is excellen t for price a n d item s,g ra n d open in g s,a n n ou n cin g u n iqu e even ts,rein forcin g you r m a rketpla ce sta tu s in th e com m u n ity a n d to d rive m a xim u m respon se in a sh ortperiod of tim e.ID E N TITY6x10.5PAG E3x21.5 HIDENALFTITY – a h a lf pa g e provid es a ba la n ce betw een pa g e d om in a n ce a n dfrequ en cy.Th ese a d s offer a h ig h ly visible m essa g e a t a price less th a n a fu llpa g e.Th ere is en ou g h spa ce for price a n d item s w ith ou t h a vin g a clu tteredlook.IM PRE S S IONPAG E3x10.5 QIM UARTERPRESSIO N – a qu a rter pa g e is d esig n ed for bu sin esses seekin g to optim ize rea ch a n d frequ en cybu t w ith a la rg e en ou g h spa ce to prom ote a few price a n d item s a n d specia lsa les even ts.AW ARE N E S S3x5 .25O R 1/12 PAG E2x5 .25 1/8AW AREN ESS – sm a ller a d s a llow you to ru n a h ig h frequ en cy sch ed u le w ith in a m orecon serva tive bu d g et.W h ile n ot h a vin g pa g e d om in a n ce of a h a lf or fu llpa g e,you ca nru n a “ca ll-to-a ction ” a d w ith h ig h frequ en cy a n d bu ild a w a ren ess th rou g h repetition .Th is a d size a n d “ca ll-to-a ction ” frequ en cy prog ra m ca n be id ea lfor resta u ra n ts,repa irservices a n d sea son a lbu sin esses.TOP-OF -M IN D AW ARE N E S S2x22X 2 B U SIN ESS CARD SIZETO P-O F-M IN D AW AREN ESS – a cost efficien t w a y to crea te top-of-m in d a w a ren ess.B eca u se th is a dsize d oes n ot h a ve pa g e d om in a n ce it is im porta n t to ru n in every ed ition .Th rou g h repetitionyou r n a m e w illbecom e “top-of-m in d ” a m on g con su m er a n d th ey w illth in k of you first w h en th eya re in th e m a rket for you r prod u ct or service.3Effective 01/01/2017

NON-MODULAR SIZINGMATERIAL ACCEPTANCEADVERTISING MATERIAL ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA:PDF FILES ARE PREFERREDDigital files may be submitted in any of the following formats: Adobe Indesign CS6 Adobe Photoshop CS6 Adobe Illustrator CS6PLEASE INCLUDE ALL IMAGE FILES AND FONTS.(Please include a hard copy along with the electronic file.)SPECIFICATI O N S1 Column 2.375” 3 column 7.458”2 Column 4.916” 4 column 10.00”Electronic Files Can Be Sent by Email to your AdvertisingConsultant or submitted on a USB Flash Drive, or CD Rom.Adobe Indesign, Photoshop and Illustrator are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Inc.SIZE SPECIFICATIONS6 Column RetailBroadsheetsingle page:Retail 22”4.89”6.56”8.22”9.89”21 1/4”1.56”Image area9.89” x 21.25”Six columnsper pageColumn width1.56”Non ModularAdvertising isbased on OpenRate of:Sunday/Holiday/Bonus Day 31.09 P.C.I.9.89”Daily/GoldStandard 22.98 P.C.I.4Effective 01/01/2017

M OD UL AR ROPLoca lRa tes -Th e N ew s-En terprise & Th e G old Sta n d a rdLevel1:1-5 XB u sin ess Ca rdTh e N ew s-En terprise (D a ily) 89Th e N E (2 d a ily ed ition s in 7 d a y period ) 13 1Th e N E (S u n d a y) 121Th e N E (S u n d a y plu s a d a ily) 16 3Th e G old Sta n d a rd 6 8PRO CESS CO LO R RATES 75L E VE L 1Tw elfth Pa g e 173 26 2 23 6 3 25 13 2 75Eig h th Pa g e 23 6 3 5 7 3 20 4 4 1 180 75Q u a rter Pa g e 4 3 0 6 4 0 5 77 787 3 28 100H a lf Pa g e 787 1,181 1,06 0 1,4 5 4 6 00 175Fu llPa g e 1,4 17 2,126 1,911 2,6 20 1,080 25 0H a lf Pa g e 6 3 5 93 5 86 0 1,16 0 5 08 175Fu llPa g e 1,14 5 1,6 85 1,5 5 0 2,090 916 25 0H a lf Pa g e 5 6 0 825 76 0 1,025 4 4 8 175Fu llPa g e 1,010 1,4 90 1,3 6 5 1,84 5 808 25 0Level2:6X in 13 W eeksB u sin ess Ca rdTh e N ew s-En terprise (D a ily) 70Th e N E (2 d a ily ed ition s in 7 d a y period ) 105Th e N E (S u n d a y) 100Th e N E (S u n d a y plu s a d a ily) 13 0Th e G old Sta n d a rd 5 6PRO CESS CO LO R RATES 75L E VE L 2Tw elfth Pa g e 14 0 210 190 26 0 112 75Eig h th Pa g e 190 280 26 0 3 5 0 15 2 75Q u a rter Pa g e 3 4 5 5 10 4 6 5 6 3 0 276 100Level3:13X in 26 W eeksB u sin ess Ca rdTh e N ew s-En terprise (D a ily) 6 5Th e N E (2 d a ily ed ition s in 7 d a y period ) 95Th e N E (S u n d a y) 85Th e N E (S u n d a y plu s a d a ily) 115Th e G old Sta n d a rd 5 2PRO CESS CO LO R RATES 75L E VE L 3S a vin g s S ou rce -Tota lM a rket Covera g e Ed itionD elivered free each W edn esday to n on -subscribers ofThe N ew s-Enterprise.Circulation :15,968D eadlin e:11 a.m .FridayRATES:Q U ARTER H ALFFU LLPAG EPAG EPAG E 75 125 200(bla ck a n d w h ite on ly)*Receive a 5% discount for a 13 w eek con secutive run .Tw elfth Pa g e 125 185 170 23 0 100 75Eig h th Pa g e 170 25 0 23 0 3 10 13 6 75Q u a rter Pa g e 3 05 4 5 0 4 10 5 5 5 24 4 100W ha tY ou N eed To K n owCIRCU LATIO N : Th e N ew s-En terprise (D a ily) S u n d a yG old Sta n d a rd10,66013,98510,000N on -m od u la r a d sizes -Available for purchase at the open rate 31.09 per colum n inch onSunday / H olidays / Bonus Days and 22.98 per colum n inch on W eekdays including The GoldStandard.2017 B on u s D a ys for Th e N ew s-En terprise:Sun day,Jan .1st (N ew Year’s Day);Friday,Apr.14th (Good Friday);M on day,M ay 29th (M em orialDay);Tuesday,Jul.4th (In depen den ce Day);M on day,Sept.4th (Labor Day);Friday,O ct.27th (D iscover H ardinCounty);W ed.,Thur.,Fri.,N ov.22,23,24 (Than ksgivin g);Friday,D ec.1,8,15 an d 22.Sun day rates w illapply to alladvertisin g on these days.AL L PRIN T AD S W IL L APPE AR ON OUR ON L IN E M ARK E TPL ACE5Effective 01/01/2017

CIVIC RATE SThe N ew s-E n terp rise a n d The Gold S ta n d a rdB u sin essCa rdTw elfthPa g eEig h thPa g eQ u a rterPa g eH a lfPa g eFu llPa g eTh e N ew s-En terprise (D a ily) 4 5 117 175 3 5 0 700 1,4 3 2Th e N E (S u n d a y) 6 6 174 26 1 5 21 1,04 1 2,13 2Th e G old Sta n d a rd 4 5 117 175 3 5 0 700 1,4 3 2PRO CESS CO LO R RATES 75 75 75 100 175 25 0N on -profit org a n iza tion s receive th e d iscou n ted ra tes a bove.M u st provid e a 5 01c3 form a s proof of n on -profit sta tu s.F RON T PAGE S TICK Y N OTE S1 S id ed3X -6 W eeks6X -13 W eeks12X -26 W eeksTh e N ew s-En terprise (D a ily) 6 25 5 3 1 5 00 4 6 9Th e N E (S u n d a y) 75 0 6 3 8 6 00 5 6 3Th e G old Sta n d a rd 6 25 5 3 1 5 00 4 6 9S ticky n ote ord ersm u stb e p la ced 14 d a ysp rior to ru n d a te.Th e d iscou n ted ra tes a bove a re ba sed on a sig n ed con tra ct.Fa ilu re to fu lfillth e a g reem en t w illresu lt in a sh ort-ra te(open ra te).Allsticky n otes a re 3 in ch es w id e by 3 in ch es h ig h .Ask a bou t specia lsticky n ote sh a p es th a t a re a va ila ble.6Effective 01/01/2017

News-Enterprise office or within a reasonable distance from theplant. Photos taken by The News-Enterprise ad staff for anadvertiser’s ad are the property of The News-Enterprise.d. Photographs of individuals used for advertising purposes must beaccompanied by a signed release form from the individual or aguardian. Release forms available from the advertising department.SAVINGS SOURCETOTAL MARKET COVERAGE EDITIONa. Delivered free each Wednesday to non-subscribers of The NewsEnterprise.b. Get maximum coverage of the Hardin County market by advertisingin both The News-Enterprise and the Savings Source.SPECIAL DAYS/PAGES/FEATURESCIRCULATIONSavings Source.15,968Deadline.11 a.m. FridaySenior Living . MondayMonday’s Man.MondayTaste.TuesdaySchool News/Tuesday’s Teen . TuesdayMoney/Business & Agriculture . Tuesday, Thursday, & SundayHomes . FridayReligion . FridayPulse . Thursday & FridayComics . SundayMagazine . SundayFaces & Places.SundayNeighbors . DailyWednesday’s Woman.WednesdayPrime Time TV Listings.DailyRATESQuarter Page. 75Half Page. 125Full Page. 200Black and white only5% Discount for 13 week consecutive run12% Discount for 26 week consecutive runTARGETED PUBLICATIONSCOLOR RATESFor targeted publications informationsee your sales consultant.a. The News-Enterprise &The Gold Standard reservesthe right to limit coloravailability due to presscapacity on any publicationday without notice.b. The News-Enterprise &The Gold Standard accept noliability for eliminating colorafter an advertiser requests itdue to press capacity.c. Four color process is availableupon request. Spot coloravailable in basic ANPA colors.R.O.P. DEPTH REQUIREMENTSa. Minimum display space accepted 1 column by 1 inch.b. Any advertisement measuring over 191 2 inches will be billed atthe full 211 2 inch depth.CLOSING TIMES - DEADLINESPublication Day . DeadlineSunday . 5 p.m. ThursdayMonday School . Noon ThursdayMonday Main/Heartland/Sports . 10 a.m. FridayTuesday . 5 p.m. FridayWednesday . 5 p.m. MondayThursday . 5 p.m. TuesdayFriday . 5 p.m. WednesdayPulse . Noon MondaySavings Source (TMC) . 5 p.m. ThursdayThe Gold Standard . 5 p.m. MondayThe cancellation deadline for an ad is the same as the order deadline.Should an advertiser find it desirable or necessary to cancel an ad after thedeadline, it may be necessary for us to charge for the time and materials we’vealready spent on the preparation of the ad. These deadlines are for no proof ads.NON-MODULAR COLOR RATES:Open1 Color . 1452 Colors . 260Process Color . 370CIRCULATIONThe News-EnterpriseAAM*Daily . 10,660Sunday . 13,985The Savings Source Package (Total Market Coverage)Wednesday . 15,968SPECIAL SERVICESa. Veloxes of completed ads for reproduction purposes will be chargedaccording to size needed.b. Artwork: The News-Enterprise subscribes to several art servicesproviding almost any art needed. No charge for art used in ads.c. Photography: Photographs for ads can be taken by SalesConsultants at no charge provided they are taken at The* The News-Enterprise - AAM Audit, 12 months 12/31/15.The News-Enterprise is a member of the Alliance for Audited Media (AAM).Displaying its emblem is a symbol of integrity. It signifies that The NewsEnterprise circulation records are audited and verified regularly by anindependent agency. Copies of the audits are available upon request.7Effective 01/01/2017

PREPRINTED INSERT RATESDAILY INSERT RATESRates are cost per thousand. (CPM)No. of Insertions96XAnnually1X 6X 12X 24X 48X 72X plusSingle Sheet. 53 40 33 31 29 28 274 pg Tab min. 58 43 36 33 32 29 288 pg Tab/4 Std. 61 45 37 35 33 31 3012 pg Tab/6 Std. 68 51 43 41 39 36 3516 pg Tab/8 Std. 75 58 50 48 46 42 4020 pg Tab/10 Std. 86 66 56 54 52 49 4724 pg Tab/12 Std. 96 74 63 61 59 55 5228 pg Tab/14 Std. 107 81 70 68 64 61 5632 pg Tab/16 Std. 114 88 77 74 70 66 62***Poly Bags. 95 70 67 63 58 52SUNDAY/HOLIDAY/BONUS DAYS INSERT RATESRates are cost per thousand. (CPM)No. of InsertionsAnnually.1X6X 12X 24X 48X 72XSingle Sheet. 58 42 35 33 31 304 pg Tab min. 61 45 38 35 34 318 pg Tab/4 Std. . . . . . . 65 47 39 37 35 3312 pg Tab/6 Std. . . . . 72 54 46 44 42 3816 pg Tab/8 Std. . . . . 83 61 52 49 48 4220 pg Tab/10 Std. . . 90 66 58 56 54 5024 pg Tab/12 Std. . 103 77 66 63 61 5628 pg Tab/14 Std. . 111 84 73 70 67 6332 pg Tab/16 Std. . 117 89 78 76 73 68***Poly Bags. 95 75 72 68 6396Xplus 29 30 32 36 41 48 54 59 64 57 For pre-printed inserts more than 32 tab pages or 16 standard the cost is 5.00 per additional 4 tab pages or 2 standard pages. Above rates based on full circulation distribution ofThe News-Enterprise, TMC product or The Gold Standard. Annual preprint contracts must be signed to earn frequency discount rates. Zoned distribution available upon request. Amount needed for Zones provided upon request. Reservations: 14 days prior to insertion. Delivery: 7 days prior to insertion. Shipping instructions: All preprints must be shipped on pallets,skids or in boxes, bundled in standard quantities and uniform turns of no more than four inches. Boxes must be completely filled and not allowroom for preprints to shift thereby causing edges to bend or roll. Allow 5% packing spoilage. Inserting Equipment Requirements. In order to best meet inserting needs, preprints must have single folded edges or be single sheets. Theymust be a minimum of 4.5”x6”x.006” and be within the maximum size of 10.5”x11”. Single sheet preprints that are .006” thickness or lessmust be quarterfolded with a single folded edge of at least six inches. Each run of preprints will be the same size and be the same grade andweight of paper. Preprints must be in good condition with no bent or rolled edges. Any variation from these requirements may require handinserting which is charged at an additional rate of 20/CPM and must arrive 10 days in advance of insertion.Sample products cannot be machine inserted and should be attached in polybags. Preprints not meeting the minimum and/or maximumsizes could result in multiple inserting or falling out of the paper and will not be guaranteed.RECEIVING HOURS:MON.-THURS., 8 AM TO 4:30 PM ESTPhone (270) 769-2312*2017 Bonus Days for The News-Enterprise:Sunday, Jan. 1st (New Year’s Day); Friday, Apr. 14th (Good Friday);Monday, May 29th (Memorial Day); Tuesday, Jul. 4th (Independence Day);Monday, Sept. 4th (Labor Day); Friday, Oct. 27th (Discover Hardin County);Wed., Thur., Fri., Nov. 22, 23, 24 (Thanksgiving); Friday, Dec. 1, 8, 15 and 22.These are considered bonus days, The News-Enterprise will be deliveredto Sunday subscribers on these days.**Zoning fee applies to any order which equals less than 90% of our total paid trade area circulation.*** Bags must be 21”x9”. 10% overage will be needed due to rounding individual route numbers.SHIP TO: The News-Enterprise or The Gold Standard, 408 West Dixie, Elizabethtown, KY 427018Effective 01/01/2017Due to lead times, order quantity forpreprint purchases is based on forecastedcirculation. This forecasted quantity, atthe time of order, will also be the quantityused for billing. For zoned preprints (lessthan full run) and we receive a greaterquantity than required, we will distributethe excess quantity to subscribers outsideof the requested zone.

CL AS S IF IE D RATE CARDREGULAR DISPLAY ADSEMPLOYMENT DISPLAY ADS(NOT EMPLOYMENT)Daily & The Gold Standard . (Empin3) 24.45Sunday/Holiday/Bonus Days (Inside) . (Empin3) 27.66Sunday Front Page . (Empft3) 30.88Pickup Package - 3rd Day . (Emp6) 12.30Pickup 4 to 6 Days . (Emp7) 9.27Local display rates are based per advertisement,Per column inchDaily & The Gold Standard . (Open 3) . 21.28Sunday/Holiday/Bonus Days . (Open 3) . 24.72Pickup any display ad and run inThe Gold Standard . (Pickup) . . . 11.41EMPLOYMENT DISPLAYCONTRACT RATESPick Up 3rd Day . 13.78Pick Up 5th Day . 9.84Pick Up 4th Day . 11.81Pick Up 6th Day . 7.87(Weekday Only - Must Be Consecutive Days)FREQUENCY RATES FORREG. DISPLAY ADSDaily & The Gold StandardSunday Front Page13x(Ec13)Sunday/Holiday/Bonus Days 24.50Not Employment & Only 1 Ad Copy Change per MonthDaily & The Gold StandardSunday/Holiday/Bonus Days13x26x52x(F13) (F26) (F52) 12.44 11.01 9.33 15.74 14.37 12.11HOUSINGRATESNot EmploymentPrivate Party AdsDaily & TheGold (E13) 21.64Daily & The Gold Standard . (Legal) . 24.35Sunday . (Legal) . 28.28AFFIDAVITS - 25.00ANNUAL CONTRACT RATESFOR REGULAR DISPLAY ADS26x26x(Ec13) 22.90LEGAL DISPLAY ADSOnly one ad change permitted per month. 4” - 33” ads only. Ads must run aminimum of once a week in the same paper or papers for length of agreement.13x13x26x52x(Ecfp13) (Ecfp13) (Ecfp13) 21.75 19.88 19.22 27.35 25.00 24.00Daily/Private Party . 13.07 14.33 13.08 12.13 11.18 10.46Sunday/Holiday/Bonus Days . 15.15Sunday/Holiday/ 17.23 15.81 14.62 13.44 12.82Bonus DaysSunday & WednesdayPackage . 10.76Only one ad change permitted per month. 4” - 33” ads only. Ads must run aminimum of once a week in the same paper or papers for length of agreement.Ads must be2 Column AdsIncludes: In Memory,Cards of Thanks, HappyAds, Birthdays,Anniversaries.(These can run any day of the week)Reply: Pickup . 15.00Box Reply: Mailed . 25.00SAU 8 Column Format. Gross Rate. Agency Commissionable.9Daily, Sunday &The Gold Standard. 6.00 Col. InchADDITIONAL SERVICESNATIONAL CLASSIFIED DISPLAY RATESDaily & The Gold Standard . (Nat3) . 25.04Sunday/Holiday/Bonus Days . (Nat3) . 28.43Sunday Front Page . (Nemft3) . 35.51Daily & The Gold Standard EMPLOYMENT .(Nemp3) . 28.25Sunday/Holiday/Bonus Days EMPLOYMENT . (Nemp3) . 28.43Sunday Front Page EMPLOYMENT . (Nemft7) . 35.51Pickup 3rd Day EMPLOYMENT . (Nemp6) . 21.70Pickup 4th, 5th and 6th Day EMPLOYMENT . (Nemp6) . 16.63SPECIALOCCASION ADCOLOR RATESColor is available for display ads for 90.00 percolor. Red or Blue Spot Color is available for 25.00 per color for Front Page ads only.Effective 01/01/2017

2017 Advertising Rate GuideRates Effective January 1, 2017Published Every ThursdayThe Gold Standard is a weekly newspaper serving a diverse readership of active duty Army soldiers and cadets,DOD civilian employees and contractors, military retirees and the general public residing on and nearby the FortKnox Army post located in Hardin County, Kentucky. Under its former titles of Inside the Turret and Turret, thenewspaper is one of the oldest military weeklies operated under a civilian enterprise contract with The NewsEnterprise. With a dedicated audience of loyal readers each week, The Gold Standard provides advertisers high valuein reaching active duty military, their spouses and those with special interest in the Army lifestyle on post and off.Through an advertising buy combined with the daily or Sunday edition of The News-Enterprise, an advertiser’sreturn on advertising and promotion investment is unparalleled by other available media.REPRESENTATIVESADVERTISING OFFICES EDITORIAL OFFICESARMED FORCESCOMMUNICATIONS, INC.151 W. 26th St., 9th Floor,New York, NY 10001(212) 401-0070410 W. Dixie Ave.,Elizabethtown, Kentucky 42701Phone (270) 769-2312Main Fax (270) 765-7318Advertising Fax (270) 769-5950MILITARYMEDIA1 Bushwick Road,Poughkeepsie, NY 12603(845) 454-7900ADVERTISING RATESNON-MODULAR LOCAL ADVERTISING RATESLocal display rates are based per advertisement.Premium page positions will be billed a placement surcharge.PREPRINT INSERT RATESRefer to The News-Enterprise weekday rates.Open . 22.98CIVIC RATEProcess alfPageFullPage 35 75 90 75 125 75 235 100 430 175 720 fPageFullPage 68 75 132 75 180 75 328 100 600 175 1,080 250LEVEL 1Process ColorPublic Affairs Office125 Sixth Ave., Bldg. 11102nd Floor, Wing D, Room 226P.O. Box 1000Fort Knox, KY 40121-5199(502) 624-1095 and 624-1097DSN: 464-1095Fax: 624-2096www.fkgoldstandard.comNON-MODULAR COLOR RATESAll Color Rates are Net:The Gold Standard1 Color. 1452 Colors. 260Process Color. 370Color discounts available with corporationdollar volume contracts only.CLOSING TIMESMain News, Sports, Marketplace . 5 p.m. MondayOff Duty . 5 p.m. FridayLEVEL 2: 6X IN 13 WEEKSProcess alfPageFullPage 56 75 112 75 152 75 276 100 508 175 916 250CIRCULATIONTotal Weekly Distribution . 10,000FRONT PAGE STICKY NOTE ADVERTISING Orders must be placed 14 days in advance of application No political advertising will be accepted for front page advertising (sticky notes)LEVEL 3: 13X IN 26 WEEKSProcess alfPageFullPage 52 75 100 75 136 75 244 100 448 175 808 250The Gold StandardFULL RUN ON ALLORDERS10Effective 01/01/2017One Sided 1 sided 625

Our Shared Insert Program Will Deliver The RightMessage To The Right People At The Right Time!POWERFUL CHOICESALTERNATIVES DELIVER RESULTSThe News-Enterprise is offering alternatives to reachcustomers with effective messages for long termawareness or immediate call-to-action responses.If we combine frequency measures for ROP andInserts, we have 90% of adults who use one or theother or in combination. A POWERFUL PAIRING.WE CREATE, WE PRINT & WE INSERTAlmost 80,000 Total DistributionSunday, News-Enterprise13,985* Subscribers & Single Copy SalesWednesday, Savings Source 15,968 Non-SubscribersThursday, The Gold Standard 10,000 Ft. Knox & Surrounding Area39,953 Twice A Month* The News-Enterprise - AAM Audit, 12 months 12/31/15.The News-Enterprise is a member of the Alliance for Audited Media (AAM).Displaying its emblem is a symbol of integrity. It signifies that The NewsEnterprise circulation records are audited and verified regularly by anindependent agency. Copies of the audits are available upon request.1/4XCELLEEFOLOA SYMBMENCESA YDA EVICSERroomss, L-shapedideredliving areaft. are consCombinedover 300 sq. any other offer.and roomswithNot validcleaning.2 areas.at time ofareas.ent couponingoutlytoMust presges applyMinimum char tomers only.CusResidential1/05/2011Offer expires chises only12x1/4 Page .3.6”x4.8”. 795ting franAt participa7-0411Grove. 873388 Vine882.x.no57 Fort Kn. 769-02Elizabethtow1/2 Page .7.25””x4.8”. 1,390Full Page .7.25”x9.625”. 2,000 PICK UP PACKAGE4400Eye ExamContact Exam 6900preferredAppointmentsme.walk-ins welcoEye Care. Coupon may20/20ancesmay not apply es 12/31/10or discountsoffer. ExpirSome insur cable with any othernot be appliRun your advertisement in the Shared Insert and thenpick up The News-Enterprise and/or Gold Standardand/or Saving Source for 60% off* the Open Rate.FFETOOD BUSEAFundat 4 PMay StartingFriday-S*Monday, Tuesday or Thursday only. No copy changes.Offer good for one month from publication.Effective 01/01/2017EEFRGlassesAtGreat Foodes!Great PricNow ServingBeer, Wine andWine Coolers(Must be 21 yrsor older)Rx glassesof completeBuy any pairand receiveire selectionFREEfrom our entof Rx glassesa second pair10% OFFursday forMonday-Th ffet OnlyDine-In Bur offers11

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Chlorinated solvents, such as trichloroethylene (TCE), and pesticides are among the most prevalent and serious contaminants of surface and groundwater resources in the world (e.g. Winter et al., 1998, Stroo et al., 2

The Skinny on Trichloroethylene (TCE) Iowa Strategic Goals Program March 23, 2021. . process solvent used in polymer fiber spinning, fluoroelastomer manufacture and Alcantara . determination to distributors

CVA EC EPA GSI IC MCL MDEQ MDNR MDPH mg/kg NCP NPL O&M OMM PCB PCE POTW ppb ppm PRP QA/QC QAPP RD/RA Rl/FS ROD RPM SVE . svoc TCA TCE UAO voe . TCE Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirement . Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation Liability Act . Community Involvement Coordinator·

IRS Publication 4012 VITA/TCE Resource Guide will be available in print form before the tax season begins. It is available electronically from www.irs.gov You should have received a copy of IRS Publication 4491 VITA/TCE Training Guide, with Pub 6744. 1

constitutionnel et la colonne de gauche int gre les articles des TUE et TCE ant rieurs. Cette m thode nous permet ainsi de r aliser une double analyse, tant concernant le TUE /TCE que du Trait constitutionnel, au d part des nouveaux trait s afin de relever les changements et/ou similitudes entre les diff rents trait s.

Depression in teens The most common age group to experience depression are teens as they are going through a lot of changes in their lives. A little bit of moodiness or being uncommunicative is to be expected in teens. But sometimes they become stuck and overwhelmed by despair. Some of the symptoms of depression in teens include: