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Order of Nine AnglesPreface by the editor:The following work re-presents the Order of Nine Angles ‘Books’ database[Naos is contained as a separated .pdf file]to be found within ‘Sitra Ahra’ on ‘www.MurderDeathKill.net’.Other databases are:- Various Manuscripts- Chants- Interviews- Tales & Poetry- The Deofel QuintetLayout and compilation by Caput MortuumStand: May 2004 * 4 Books * 222 pagesPlease note: This summary is not authorized by the O.N.A.Caput MortuumAyin Quadma’ah Movement-2-


Order of Nine Angles-4-

Order of Nine Angles!!""!#" %&'( ""! *!"! !,! &&( ""'#./0)!!!"" "!"-5-

Order of Nine Angles -6-The 2l Satanic PointsI: What is Satanism?II: The TempleIII: Ceremonial RitualsIV: The Black MassV: The Ceremony of BirthVI: The Death RiteVII: The PledgingVIII: The Rite of InitiationIX: Consecration of The TempleX: The Dying TimeXI: The Ceremony of RecallingXII: Satanic OrdersXIII: Sinister ChantIntroductionXIV: Self-InitiationXV: Organising and RunningTemplesXVI: Invokation to the Dark GodsAppendix I: A Satanic BlessingAppendix II: The Sinister CreedAppendix III: Initiate NamesSatanic

Order of Nine AnglesThe XXI Satanic Points1" 0!!"! !2"3"4" % 5!6" 7"8"!9":" '1;" "!#"Atu III"!!"!!""'"!,"""11" !"!!/12""13"*!"14" 5 "16"'17""!"18" !"19" Mistress of the Earth!"&1:")"2;"0 521"?!""-7-

Order of Nine Angles!!#!"!/"!"!"@&&@@!@"%&!#!)",#!'!,"&"#!" " &!"*!!A")@@"( "!)B"'/B(B" @!!!!&)!/%)@"/!"@C@"5!)!!5!@"!!"!'!!!"5!!*!!C" )#"!!"!%C-8-))" /&5"

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Order of Nine AnglesThe MassC!"%!)C!!)!!" ') # %& ")!!%&( !!'')!')#%(&&**#*! !#"!& &(!!#& !&)!)!),&#))- !!'&( #C# ! *!#(@F-&(! ##C# %#C-(@) !(- 12 - ) )! "

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Order of Nine Angles"%)CCC###& !#)C"(/"!&(!!C"&"(!!"'5"&" C#C"!)@!!&!"!C "' ""@(/"!!" ! !CC#!"!The Ritual:)C')!!(CC!) "(5 #)@"""@#&C! ) !'& !!!&"C &(**C !"') &(#& ) #C! ,!0(*!,!&() #)! ) )- 17 -

Order of Nine Angles() )))')))'##'))))'))(C"C!*&) !7')*C)'))C)- ')- )C):)'):)C):'):)C) ) )')- 18 -

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Order of Nine Angles&()&"C"'%!5!!" !&Atu IIHigh Priestess- 22 -C!"

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Order of Nine Angles"CC&/! (# "C"! ) -"! C) !))& *# !! 35#! #! !# !# ' &! ! 9!! # ! !8- ! ) % : & #!&* &()C) ! )(C""'! !3(CC! ) !&# "C!#! ) ! 3 ! * ( !;)#C"-#"-!!"*!) # / #"*- 32 -.# )

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Order of Nine AnglesAtu VIISatanas!) 1 2 &!@.@"L"#&C'!!#/!!"B!"B !!B5!C"(ACC!*@A "A5!"!!!!%&)L.3 !!@!!-0'""- 37 -

Order of Nine Angles' "#!" ! "I - Indoor"(/&,!/ ! ,!! ""B(, (!"'!"!!!""'" !'& ! @'!(!!% # ! )#2&&@"'!*&)!)!*!! &))#) - &) )1""@!@('& !( "* #'"*&%&8 9!%)- &# "(#)& 0')!!!) # ! )!) ! Drain the chalice, extinguish the candles and then depart from the Temple. The Initiation is then complete.- 38 -!)%*)# )"*!" ' !! !)!'!"?))

Order of Nine AnglesII - Outdoor ""!B)!(, #!"!!!" " "'@'@"A"" ('& "'!"!"*%!)!!"@!8 9 #' !) * 0# "(! %"A@? ,&&")# " '!) # )!'! ) ! !"- 39 -

Order of Nine Angles'"&&!&) ( "!A!"!(!!!@@ !@ !!@ @!@#!!#"!!" % !! ,(!,""! !A"(!-!!( !@ @" ! (& ",!,!C "!,!,!A!!!!!!"&#!",!1!,,5 !!C,, " ! C#"!!!AC"'A!,!!!," (&"" '" -( LF @ ,!0B ""?"- 40 -""C&!/"!!"C,"!#

Order of Nine AnglesTeaching:'"B!#(,!&! !! " " "('/!) C * % C! !#?!""!@#@""# "#!"-!"#!#"!!0!%&!'!")!!"Gaining Members:!("B@ !@"?!( 0"B! 0!*" C!! &!!!#!#!! "@ 0!@!!!!" !A!#@,@@"'"E!#!%!&!!!! !@" #( #&" !'!!"!@@&@"!!@"First Ritual:!"!)!&"!!!""!!!"(!!(C!' )"! !@@!!")@) !""/ C!#)D(" AC !@!!(C!!C"&" - 41 -

Order of Nine AnglesThe Rite:"&! "! @'A C C( !; @"@'@C" /C A!@@" !"*&"?"/?AC@'C" !AC!C@'/@)@B*G?G@@&"A(@!# ""!( ""@'#!&A " @'!!ACG@ " "#"'! @)(@ ""AC ACC#!"Temple Grades:)( E'")!!"!A)!"E! !A!"CC!"' C. C!" !,/- 42 -","/

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Order of Nine Angles*&F) '- &)&) "?!!)"- 45 -

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Order of Nine Angles- 48 -

Order of Nine Angles,-,.byChristos Beest- 49 -

Order of Nine Angles )?-* )""" % -?)!"- 51 -

Order of Nine Angles , )!'#'%%&*%''C ?""" - . ) *)*!"C''- 52 -"

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Order of Nine Angles11 3 0%&0) C'' 0") 'B 1;3% *'-* D - ' 0'- 59 -

Order of Nine Angles- 60 -

Order of Nine Anglesby Christos Beest !C "MM'!1;3!0 -% C0%C!DE&236- 61 -

Order of Nine Angles) Sinister CallingThe Black Mass of LifeThe Mass of HeresyThe Black Mass - Gay VersionSynestry: A Sinister CeremonyThe Rite of the Nine AnglesThe Ceremony of Recalling1. The Nine Angles Esoteric Meanings2. The Secrets of the Nine Angles3. Chants?!,&,,,- 62 -"""

Order of Nine Angles., ,-- ) @A@( AA( %@.( A A-@"AA( A &""( ##( ""5'#A"#%CC -###A##1 *!(!!!"" !!&&@ @ " !!& " ! ' /"'"A!(! "(!-" A!A' /" A !/!(!& @""'),!("" (&'! C!!A!!(@-"'/ !"' !3 '#"! !! ! "&?!(&#!"(,!2 #!!( )#"0 " !!0(! - 63 -

Order of Nine Angles& "!"!!""'! -( "%!CC"C!! !0!"The Rite:!"C!#!-( ! )!"@ !!"?!G@A@5G@N!!"!)#"EN"C 5/&""'"-""'@?!@"*)!""#@' /@AA!'!C-!A!/!"C"E&/"!&""! !//!A!AA!"'(( !(!' /"E!' / G@ *@! @-&C""#"C"- 64 -"!!!( &!!! "@!"'0"E

Order of Nine Angles' / A!-( !A!! !A&!""AA!&!"A !!"- 65 -

Order of Nine Angles., -/#0 - 0,1!(.2 !C'F&6"'F&6 (C,F, ,,' 56"'%5)F%6"'F&6 (' /0& )J' /&'C,*&' F& &- 66 -#!" !)C"

Order of Nine Angles'' /5'"F&6 (& ! ,5,).", ," ) , ,",, ,".D., ,,,,, ,7' -""8,5'"F&"6 (*"!**!!'!. 5%"5 G- 67 -

Order of Nine Angles. ,#%0. , , 3## ##(!""). !""" )( !. C#!!. !?"#"C!A@@@/@"The Mass:"")*!0!?! )G *#)!G)?# ')!*"?'',"?'?!&"5'C?##'?&'- 68 -!'!"!"

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Order of Nine Angles"., -/#)! /!3 ", )/& @) %&'@/!(@% @ !&" 0)&A #@C" #@@'@C@.%@C@@")#C.'.C#! .'' #C#C&(! .*& ")!""&! &! ( " A%" ! #! " ( "!!'F*"'!")@@#!*!!(#"!"*"0'(11LLLF! !*!"" - 71 -

Order of Nine Angles" .5D!"""#'C '-C#"##! ##*/"!'"! (!! "/#The Rite: !"*!)* "'!)"( "' !)! "!')' *! " )FGC!)C "(*#CC )!C"!'" (*- 72 -!)"#C &

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Order of Nine Angles'"-) !O')?"-)*'( "'C!?'(*') !5!!!!!!"" ! ) C"( C!) %?G(*""5 " 5! " - 74 -'

Order of Nine Angles"3 ,3 ,!'C "&##&##(#,/ !'(!('F "LL " I()" "C'& & !"C!!'&"!#"The Ceremony:C?!! '('G&"'C!?'!?'!! ) ).)BB"?' ' %("!'()''&!5!"!!!G C&'!5!G"!5!&! ) !) !"- 75 -

Order of Nine Angles !'!G?5! GG)GB ) G?GC)?"'G'G('"&CNF'GN21&!!!! "@F!C@N"N'!!'"*&'!"AC!&@'C!&" & !C)N!&@"!!"C'&"'!&5!"N"' !'C&'! &"'"C5"*!!5!!C"#@C1 !!!N&" G@!N#!(@@ "2 !#AA!(( - 76 -( ""@ @ " !

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Order of Nine Angles@ &&@C!!"/&"C#"? N"!"!!&!,C!N'#!#"II: Chthonic Form( A!'.( #,/"!! !N! CN'CC"N' /'N "&#(%N! ' /C !(/ "C N( N' / N"&N' / N@CC)@' / N' /@ (CN!N"'& "?/"C- "" ' / NNC/!C CNC"(' /! @' / " & 5 N!!KN"C"!(C-& ( ( -(!!A"K&&!#"KCN !C@' /(!@/ N "-!/C!"'" )"- 78 -A! A!!#C"

Order of Nine AnglesIII: Solo Form#A""N!!"NN/)@E' / N! (@-!/"!,/"'/@' /@!/"!""'&( ,!"A%"- 79 -

Order of Nine Angles"%.,, ,# 30 ,!-- )4##CC #(@#@A # #C5!'"C-C!( "C"(-C"#C"* C!"The Ritual:#,/"I" "( " C@'@ ' /!@@#"C(( @'C@! - "C""?C!! #"CC"?C-CC'-"C- 80 -"""C@

Order of Nine Angles)!"("! ) !!!'B"!"/!)"! !D!!B !!!@'!!!!B)E!!"!'''!%"!'"C?!' -!G(#CC"#@@"!) )!-!!!)(C)C!5!-" !B!!!!' "!?!!)!"?B"( ""("?! ) !G- 81 -

Order of Nine Angles 5!)!BG(""'! -%" Sacrificial conclusion:(!!! !!"!C!"" !C "!!&"%&0'!"!!!-)!!!" 0%&"!!-!!)"""""- 82 -

Order of Nine Angles!" "0@( ! "@! !( "!( !&""- 83 -

Order of Nine Angles, % '. , ,, ) -,#&P)?!!&!( "#@5!@( "@ *!!(!@' "& (( " # "/@ @@"@@@() "()@!!/@ !(!& &?!!!"(")##" !!!!!.!@!&!!#!!&#"!@@@" "*!! !(@"!#@'!!A@"@!(!@!-# !. #@@!)!#"("!!@@)@(!"@ #@&!&@&@"@" -@&!" #/""A&%!!#"# !@@! "@(@&!!@! "!&/@@(! "!@?!!" # ," '(- 84 - ,( "(#(%)@#@!!" !@!! @%( "/@!@

Order of Nine Angles' (&!'0( ")C&!! C(5 !!(N@0!&?! "&C!&5(@@ #@1&"""N !C"!@)"@ "@(@"@@!##!!!(#!#!"-(, " ' "#! "- 85 -

Order of Nine Angles., ,,0 . , , ) -,!""!!!( #&@!Q &!(( "!A@"@& !#!"('@'"'F .( " "@!@!5%!!,%NI(N &N'- 86 -!#!'F& .&@% "@-"#'N-!( "!@#@( "!N!N! "(, "

Order of Nine Angles- 87 -

Order of Nine Angles.- 88 -

Order of Nine Angles Keywords: Traditional Satani

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