The Convergence Of Spline Collocation For Strongly .

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Numer. Math. 47, 317-341 (1985)NumerischeMathematik9 Springer-Verlag1985The Convergence of Spline Collocationfor Strongly Elliptic Equations on Curves*Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Lothar Collatzon the occasion of his 75th birthdayDouglas N. Arnold 1 and Wolfgang L. Wendland21 Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA2 Fachbereich Mathematik, Technische Hochschule, D-6100 Darmstadt, Federal Republic of GermanySummary. Most boundary element methods for two-dimensional boundaryvalue problems are based on point collocation on the boundary and the useof splines as trial functions. Here we present a unified asymptotic erroranalysis for even as well as for odd degree splines subordinate to uniformor smoothly graded meshes and prove asymptotic convergence of optimalorder. The equations are collocated at the breakpoints for odd degree andthe internodal midpoints for even degree splines. The crucial assumptionfor the generalized boundary integral and integro-differential operators isstrong ellipticity. Our analysis is based on simple Fourier expansions. Inparticular, we extend results by J. Saranen and W.L. Wendland from constant to variable coefficient equations. Our results include the first convergence proof of midpoint collocation with piecewise constant functions,i.e., the panel method for solving systems of Cauchy singular integralequations.Subject Classifications:AMS(MOS): 65R20, 65N99, 65N30, 65E05, 30C30,73K30, 65N35; CR: G. 1.9.1. IntroductionSpline collocation methods are extensively employed for the numerical solutionof a variety of integral, differential, and integro-differential equations (or, moregenerally, pseudodifferential equations [47, 48]) posed on plane curves. In fact,collocation is the most widely used numerical technique for solving the bound* This work was begun at the Technische Hochschule Darmstadt where Professor Arnold wassupported by a North Atlantic Treaty Organization Postdoctoral Fellowship. The work of Professor Arnold is supported by NSF grant BMS-8313247. The work of Professor Wendland wassupported by the "Stiftung Volkswagenwerk"

318D.N. Arnold and W.L. Wendlandary integral equations arising from exterior or interior boundary value problems of elasticity, fluid dynamics, electromagnetics, acoustics, and otherengineering applications with the boundary element technique. See, for example, the books and conference proceedings on the boundary element method[6, 7, 9-13, 15, 19, 27], and the discussion of the boundary integral equationsarising in applications in [3]. Despite their prevalance, however, no generalapproach to the error analysis of spline collocation methods was known untilrecently. Convergence had been shown only in special cases - the most important being the case of Fredholm integral equations of the second kind (see, e.g.[4, 5, 14, 20, 31, 32] - and the methods of analysis generally depended quitestrongly on the particular form of the equation considered.Quite recently two more general techniques of analysis have been introduced, the first in the case of collocation by odd degree splines at the nodalpoints, the second in the case of collocation by even degree splines at theinternodal midpoints. The first method is due to Arnold and Wendland [3]. Itis based on equivalence of the collocation method with a mesh dependentGalerkin-Bubnov method 1 and is quite general, yielding optimal asymptoticrates of convergence in the whole range of Sobolev spaces H s for which theyhold. This method applies as long as the equation is strongly elliptic, acondition which is also known to be necessary for convergence in most cases[36, 37, 43]. The combination of the equivalence mentioned above and strongellipticity permits an error analysis analogous to that for a standard Galerkinmethod. Unfortunately, it does not appear possible to extend this method ofanalysis to the even degree case. Therefore Saranen and Wendland [39] useanother approach to obtain results similar to those of [3]. Although they showthe equivalence of the collocation equations with certain Galerkin-Petrovequations, the heart of their analysis is not this equivalence but rather simpleFourier analysis techniques. Consequently, this second method entails twosignificant restrictions. First, the operator, in addition to being strongly elliptic,must have a principal part with constant coefficients. Second, the spacing of theknots of the splines is required to be uniform, in contrast to the analysis of [3]in the odd degree case, for which no restriction on mesh spacing was needed.For the special case of piecewise linear spline collocation on Cauchysingular integral equations with smooth coefficients, a different method hasbeen developed by Pr/Sssdorf and Schmidt in [36, 37] which has been extendedto piecewise continuous coefficients by Pr6ssdorf and Rathsfeld in [34, 35].Since the appearance of [3] and [39], G. Schmidt has extended theseanalyses in various ways. In [41] he analyzes nodal collocation by even ordersplines for a different sort of (non strongly elliptic) singular integral operatorsand for the corresponding pseudodifferential operators in [43]. In a recentpaper [42] he considers spline collocation on a uniform mesh for operatorswith constant coefficients using collocation points which are displaced from thenodes or internodal midpoints.In this paper we present an analysis which treats the odd and even degreecases together by exploiting the Fourier series expansions of the splines andBy a Galerkin-Bubnov method we mean a Galerkin method with equal test and trial spaces,while a Galerkin-Petrovmethod permits distinct spaces

The Spline Collocation for Strongly Elliptic Equations on Curves319the equations (an approach which for the identity operator goes back to Quadeand Collatz [-51]). For odd degree splines the results improve only slightly onthose of [3] (e.g., estimates are given for a less regular solution than permittedin [3]). Moreover the knot spacing permitted is restricted, so in this respect theresults are inferior to those of [-3]. In the even order case, however, we removethe requirement from [39] that the principal part has constant coefficients,allowing instead any sufficiently smooth coefficients. This is our principal newresult. It shows that collocation by even degree splines at the midpointsconverges with optimal order for the same class of equations as the ordinaryspline Galerkin-Bubnov method and odd degree spline collocation (namely, forstrongly elliptic equations). We have had less success in removing the restriction of uniform knot spacing. However we at least relax this requirement toallow smoothly graded partitions, i.e., partitions which are mapped onto uniform partitions by a smooth diffeomorphism. Also the present results are moregeneral than heretofore known in one other respect. In both [3] and [-39] it isassumed that the degree of the splines exceeds the order of the equation. Sincethis condition is equivalent to the requirement that the image of every splineunder the operator be continuous, and since the collocation method requiresthat the point values at the collocation points of these images be defined, thisappears to be a natural condition. However the discontinuity in the image of aspline can occur only at the knots, and these coincide with the collocationpoints only in the odd degree case. In the even degree case we show that thiscondition can be relaxed to allow splines with degree exceeding f l - 1 / 2 where flis the order of the equation. Consequently the present analysis applies tosituations excluded previously. In particular the present work provides the firstconvergence proof of the panel method, i.e., midpoint collocation with piecewise constant functions, for solving Cauchy singular integral equations. Thismethod is widely used, [-8, 9, 16, 28, 38, 49], as well as collocation with higherdegree splines.In order to state our results more precisely we now introduce some notation. We shall consider the numerical solution of the equation L u F whereF is a given continuous 1-periodic function and u is a 1-periodic functionwhich we seek. (It is only for simplicity of notation that we consider a singleequation. As in [3] our results easily extend to systems of equations. Viaparametric representations of the curves as in [3] a system of equations on oneor more simple closed curves is thus covered.) Each periodic distribution u hasa Fourier expansionu(x) fi(k)e 2 ikxk Zwhere the Fourier coefficients are given by the formula1 (k) u(x) e - 2 ik, d x0in case u is locally integrable. For s E R define the inner product(u, v) --- (O) (O) 12rck12 fi(k) (k).kr

320D.N. Arnold and W.L. WendlandThe Sobolev space H s (all function spaces are supposed, without special notation, to be complex valued and periodic) consists of all periodic distributionsu for which the n o r m IIulls.' l/ , u)s is finite. For f l l t we define operatorsQ and Q byQ u(x) [klaO(k)e 2 ikx,k erQ u(x) }-" sign (k)Ikl a 0(k) e 2 ikx.k: 0F o r all s R , Q m a p s H boundedly into H -p. For f l 0 ,QO u fi(0) is the Hilbert transform of u.The operators considered here are of the formQ L u (x) b (x) O u (x) b (x) QP u (x) K u (x)and(1.1)where f l l is the order of the operator, b and b are functions in C and for all r R , K maps H r boundedly into H r-a for some 6 0 . (Weactually require this property of K only for a limited range of r, and requireonly finitely m a n y derivatives of b . The exact requirements can be ascertainedby a close examination of the arguments in Sects. 3-5.) We say that L isstrongly elliptic if there exists a smooth periodic function 0 such that7: infmin{ReO(x)[b (x) b (x)], ReO(x)[b (x)-b (x)]} O.(1.2)In this case L: Hs--*H -a is a F r e d h o l m o p e r a t o r of index zero for all s R ,and if L is injective for some s it is in fact bijective for all s. We shall assumethat L is injective. (In the case of a system of Eqs. (1.1) and (1.2) must bemodified as follows. In (1.1) u represents a vector of functions, i.e., an elementof the Cartesian product (HS) p with p l , Q is understood to act on eachcomponent, and b and b are p p matrices of functions. The strong ellipticity condition is then7" inf min { Re [ T 0 (X) (b (x) b (x)) (-], Re [fiT 0 (X) (b (x) - b (x)) C] } 0,where now 0 is matrix valued and the infimum is over x e N and unit vectorsLet d be a nonnegative {jhljeZ},Z integer, n a naturalA,{U l/2)hljeTZ},number, h l/n.Set Ad odd,d even.Let 6eha denote the space of smooth splines of degree d on the uniform mesh N.Thus 6e consists of periodic C a. piecewise polynomials of degree d and hasdimension n. T h e collocation m e t h o d determines an approximate solutionu he 5eha to the o p e r a t o r equationLu Fon I /(1.3)by the equationsLUh- FonA.(1.4)

The Spline Collocationfor StronglyElliptic Equations on Curves321Once a basis for 5ehdis chosen, (1.4) is easily reduced to an n x n linear systemfor the unknown coefficients of u h.We can now state our main result in the case of uniform knot spacing.Theorem 1.1. Let fl be a real number and L a strongly elliptic, injective operatorof order fl having the form (1.1). Let d be either a positive odd integer exceedingfl or a nonnegative even integer exceeding f l - 1 / 2 . Then there exists h0 0 suchthat for 0 h h 0 and any continuous function F the collocation equations (1.4)are uniquely solvable for u h 5" ha. Moreover, if s, t ,. satisfyfl s t d l,s d l/2,fl l/2 t,(1.5)and the solution u to (1.3) is in H z, then there holds the optimal error estimate]lu-uhll -C h '- Ilull,,(1.6)Here and in the following C denotes a generic constant independent of hand u. In (1.6) C may depend on an upper bound for the magnitudes of thecoefficients and their derivatives, a lower bound for the strong ellipticityconstant 7, and on fl, d, s, and t.Let us comment on the hypotheses of the theorem. The strong ellipticitycondition (1.2) is essential, as remarked above. In [26, p. 205] an example isgiven of an elliptic, but not strongly elliptic, singular integral equation forwhich nodal collocation with piecewise linear splines diverges.The hypotheses (1.5) on s and t are essentially as weak as possible. Thecondition s t d 1 is clearly required from approximation theory and thecondition s d l / 2 is required so that the left hand side of (1.6) makes sense.The collocation does not converge with optimal order in H s for s fl, as it canbe shown that the error is no smaller than O(h 1-o) in any Sobolev space, cf. [3].Finally we cannot allow t f l 1/2 since then for a general u e H t, F L u willbe discontinuous and so we cannot sensibly collocate.Operators of the form (1.1), although they may appear to be rather special,form a rather general class, including all pseudo-differential operators on thecircle [1] (and so, via parametrization, on closed curves). Many importantexamples of strongly elliptic operators of this form arise from boundary integral methods, e.g., singular integral equations and hypersingular equationsarising from acoustics, fluid dynamics, elasticity, and quantum field theory.(For further details and numerous other applications see [3, 25, 50].) Anotherexample is Symm's integral equation of conformal mapping. Our Analysisprovides error estimates for the numerical methods for this equation presentedin [21] and [46]. Recent numerical experiments by Hoidn [24] show excellentagreement with the theoretical convergence rates for this equation.The remainder of the paper proceeds as follows. In the next section weprove Theorem 1.1 under the additional assumption that L has constant coefficients, K has a special form, and the meshes are uniform. We use an explicitFourier analysis as in [39] but our proof is more direct and elementary, givessomewhat sharper results, and enables us to consider odd and even degreesplines at the same time. In Sect. 3 we remove the assumption of constantcoefficients for L by locally freezing coefficients and using perturbation tech-

322D.N. Arnold and W.L. Wendlanciniques familiar from the existence theory for partial differential equations(Korn's trick). (Independently PriSssdorf [33] recently applied a localizationprinciple for spline approximations of pseudodifferential equations which isclosely related to our technique.) All necessary analysis is presented by usingonly Fourier expansions.In Sect. 4 we extend our analysis to smoothly graded partitions. Here,however, we need one special property of pseudo-differential operators, Theorem 4.2, for which we have not been able to find an elementary proof. FinallySect. 5 collects proofs and references for various elementary lemmas.2. Convergence of the Collocation Method for Operatorswith Constant CoefficientsWe now prove Theorem 1.1 under the additional restriction that L has theformLo b Q b Q J,1where J u : I u d x and b ,b are complex constants satisfying the strong0ellipticity condition?, min {Re(b b ), Re(b - b ) } 0.(2.1)Note thatCoof(b sign (m) b )Iml (m),m # 0,"*(u(o),m o.(2.2)It follows easily from (2.2), Parseval's identity, the definition of the norm inH s p, and (2.1) thatmin (1, y/(21t) ) [1vtls -- 1[Lovlls max (1, ([b q Ib D/(2n) ) IIvl[s -(2.3)We shall analyze the collocation method using Fourier series. To this endwe first reformulate the collocation equations in terms of the Fourier coefficients. The key result is given in the following lemma. We use the notation to indicate congruence modulon, and set A , p e Z- p , a set oflcoset representatives modulo n. The notation , denotes limIdenotes liram l o3 m --landm -P .1-*o0 m E - - Im pLemma 2.1. Let be L t and suppose that (o is H61der continuous in some neighborhood of A. Then q (m) oo for all p. Moreoverm .p)-' (m) 0m pfor all p e A ,

The Spline Collocation for Strongly Elliptic Equations on Curves323if and only if p 0on A.Proof. The hypotheses imply that the Fourier series for b converges to q (q/n)at x q/n :q (q/n) 6(m) e 2 ''q/".mHence1 Z b(q/n)e- 2 tip q/n -1 ZZ ( m ) e2"' -p qjnn qEAnmn q AnmqEAnm --pSince the Vandermonde matrix ,,-2 i,q/n is nonsingular, the lemma fol\ Ip, q Anlows.As a corollary we get the following proposition.Proposition 2.2. Let u E H t for some t fl 1/2 and let Uh e ' where d is either apositive odd integer exceeding fl or a nonnegative even integer exceeding fl-1/2.Then the collocation equationsL o Uh(X) L o u (x),x A,(2.4)are satisfied if and only ifLou(m) , LoUh(m),m --ppeA .(2.5)m pSince L o u s H t-a and t - f l l / 2 , the Sobolev embedding theorem impliesthat L0u is H lder continuous. Moreover O h H for all s d 1/2 so thehypotheses imply that Lou h is H61der continuous if d is odd and in any caseLouh L 2. When d is even uh is smooth in a neighborhood of A, whence Lou his HiAlder continuous in a neighborhood of 3 (see L e m m a 3.2c). Hence thesums appearing in (2.5) converge and the result follows by applying the lemmawith p LoU h - L o u .In order to apply Proposition 2.2 we employ (2.2) to observe that for any uwith L 0 u integrable and H lder continuous in a neighborhood of A,Lo'AU(m) bo(P)fi(p) [b sign(k)b ]ip knlP (p kn),m ppeA,,(2.6)k c *whereb sign(p)b-]lP[ 'p 0.P4:0'(The asterisk appended to a set of integers denotes the complement of zero inthe set. Thus 7.* Z \ { 0 } . )For the right hand side of (2.5) we combine (2.6) with the recursion relationfor the Fourier coefficients of a spline function: (p kn)(p kn)d l (--1)k d l)q (p)p n l,p, k 7 , C EAah .(2.7)

324D.N. Arnold and W.L. Wendland(For a proof of the recursion relation see, e.g.,(41) in [51] and [2].) Thus, foruh e Sa , p e A h,LoJ"uh(m) bo(P) h(p) p d l (b sign(k)b )m -pkeZ*. (1)ktd 1) sign (k)a l IP knl a-a-1 uh(P) {bo(P) sign(p) a a Ip[B12p/n[ d a-p (b sign(k)b )k '" ( - - 1) k ( a 1)sign (k)a a 1(2p/n) 2 kl p-n- a} Uh(P).(2.8)Defining for y e [ - 1 , 1]f ( y ) s i g n ( y ) d ly[a a-a ( - 1 ) u a )sign(k) 1 ly 2kla -a- ,(2.9)k EZ*g(y) - s i g n (y)a lyld 1- ( 1)ktd 1) sign (k)d lY 2 kl a-a - ,keZ*we may write (2.8) more compactly as . , ,([pf{b [l f(2p/n)] sign(p)b [1-g(2p/n)]}fih(p) ,peA*,luh tuJ,p O.2 LoUhtm) . . . . , p(2.10)In the following lemma we summarize the elementary properties of f and gwhich we shall require. They are verified in Sect. 5.Lemma 2.3. Suppose that fl d for d odd and fl d 1 for d even. Then f and gdefined by (2.9) are continuous, even, nonnegative functions on [ - 1 , 1] and arestrictly increasing on [0, 1]. Moreover g(1) l and there exists constant Cdepending only on fl and d so that[ f ( y ) l l g ( y ) l C l y l n l- ,y e [ - 1 , 1].We now proceed with the proof of Theorem 1.1 for the operator L o. SetD(y) [l f(y)]b sign(y)[1-g(y)]b,ye[-1,1].Let s, t be as in Theorem 1.1 and u e H t. In light of Proposition 2.2 and (2.10),Lou h collocates Lou (i.e., (2.4) holds) if and only ifIPfD(2p/n)fih(P) Z oU(m),peA*,(2.11a)ra pan(0) , Lou(m ).(2.11b)m 0Note that sinceO l-g(y) l l f(y) oo,y e [ - 1 , 1],by Lemma 2.3, it follows from the strong ellipticity condition (2.1) thatRe D ( y ) y 0 ,ye[-1,1].(2.12)

The Spline Collocation for Strongly Elliptic Equations on Curves325In particular the coefficient of 0h(p) in (2.1ta) does not vanish9 Hence theFourier coefficients fib(P), P e Ah, are uniquely determined by (29namelyfin(P) D (2 p/n)- 1 IPL- 9 {bo(P)fi(p) [b sign(k)b ] Ip knlPa(p kn)},peA*,(2.13a)keZ*Oh(0) 0(0) [b sign(k)b ] [knlO (kn).(2.13b)k Z*Since by (29 these coefficients determine u h uniquely, we have proven thatthere exists a unique solution to the collocation equations (2.4).It remains to prove the error estimateIlu-uhlls - Cn -'Ilull,.Clearly it suffices to bound each of the four following terms by Cn z -2t(2.14)Ilulr :T, Ifi(0) -- l h(0)l 2,T2 mEZ\T3 Ifi(m)[21m[z ,An luh(m)12 [rn[2s,mEZ \ A nZ4 Y, 1O(P)-ah(p)12lpl z .peA*We remark that the generic constant C in this section depends only onfl, d, s, t, an upper bound for Ib l lb l, and a positive lower bound for 7.Recall the hypotheses on s and t, namelys fl,(2.15a)s d 1/2,(2.15b)s t,(2.15c)t f l 1/2,(2.15d)t d 1.(2.15e)We shall frequently use the fact that10 2klr C(r),r -l,0 [ - 1 , 1].(2.16)keZ*To bound T1 we use (2.13b), the Schwarz inequality, (2.16) with r 2 ( f l - t )(so r - 1 by (2.15d)), and (2.15a):T, C [ Iknl a la(kn)l] 2k EZ* Cn2(# -') IJl2(#- la(kn)[ 2 Iknl 2'jeZ* Cn2 -2' Ilult, keZ*

326D.N. Arnold and W.L. WendlandNext since re n 2 for m e Z \ A , ,7"2 , Ir(m)12lml2tlml2S-zt Cn2S-2tl[u[]2.meZ\AnTo bound T3 first apply (2.7) and (2.13a) to get1ifiho7 In)l 2 pn d 2 / - d - l i D ( 2 p / n ) -a {[b sign(p)b ]rio7)(2.17) qp[- [b sign(k)b ]ip knfr(p kn)}l,peA*, l Z*.kel*Now, by (2.16) with r 2 s - 2 d - 2 ,(2.15e), Ifi(p)l2peA* 1 7"2s--2twhich is less than - 12 2d 2 2? 21by (2.15b) and--2d--2[p Inl z 2p 2d 2--2t2peA 2s-- 2 d - 2le t* Cn2 -2t llul .(2.18)Also, by the Schwarz inequality, (2.16) with r 2 s - 2 d - 2 - 1, (2.16) with r 2 (fl- t) - i, and (2.15 d, e), we find peA*n leZ*2 Pn2d 2 2Pn 2 1 - 2 d - 2 Ipl-2#{ Ip knflro7 kn)l}t2[p lnl 2 keZ* p-2a 2d 22p[2 -2a-2\]r(p kn)[ 2 ]p kn[ 2tker CnZS-z' Ir(p kn)lZtp knt2t CnZ -z'llull2,.(2.19)peA* keZ*Since rh(In) O for I Z* by (2.7) we may collect (2.17)-(2.19) and use (2.12) tofind thatT3 E E Irh(p In)lZ[P ln[2s CnZS-2tIlu[12'peA* leZ*as desired.It remains to bound T4. From (2.13a), (2.6), and the definitions of b o and Dwe have for p A* thatto7) - rh(p ) r(p) -D(Zp/n)- 1 IPl-t {bo (p) to7) [b sign(k)b ]]p knl#r(p kn)}k Z* D(2p/n)- 1 {[f(2p/n) b - s i g n O7)g(Zp/n) b ] riO7)-Ip[ -# [b sign (k) b ] Ip knl'fi(p kn)}.(2.20)keZ*

The Spline Collocation for Strongly Elliptic Equations on Curves327Now, by (2.12), Lemma 2.3, and (2.15a, e),[D(2 p/n)- 1 [ f (2 p/n) b - sign (p) g (2 pin) b ] t (p) l2 Ipl 2 Cn2S 2t2p 2(d l-fl s--t)[ (p)l z Ipl2 Cn 2s-2t Ifi(p)l2 Ipl 2t.(2.21)For the remaining terms from (2.20) we have,{D(2p/n)-alpl -a '. Eb sign(k)b ] [p knla[fi(p kn)l} 2 IPl2skeZ* Cl'12s-2t2(s-#)2p.2 rj z* - 2 j keZ*ZIfi(p kn)12[p knl 2' Cn 2 -2' I (p kn)] 2 [p kn[ 2t,(2.22)k 7*where we have used (2.12), the Schwarz inequality, (2.15a), (2.16) and (2.15d).From (2.20)-(2.22) we find thatY4 Cn2 -z'[lullZ.This completes the proof of (2.14) and so of Theorem 1.1 in the case L L o.3. Convergence of the Collocation Methodfor Operators with General CoefficientsIn this section we complete the proof of Theorem 1.1 by removing the restriction that the operators L have constant coefficients, which was in force in theprevious section (but still assuming a uniform mesh). The heart of the proof isa localization technique which enables us to deduce the convergence of thecollocation method for the general operator L from the convergence for certainconstant coefficient operators derived from L by freezing the coefficients b ofits principal part. This technique, which hinges on a known commutationproperty of spline projections and multiplication by a smooth function and onwell-known properties of pseudodifferential operators, is analogous to thefamiliar procedure in the theory of partial differential equation sometimesreferred to as Korn's trick. Recently Pr6ssdorf [33] has independently alsoapplied this localization technique to the convergence theory for collocationmethods.For reference we recall the form (1.1) of the operator L and its mappingproperties:L is an isomorphism of H r onto H "-afor all r(3.1)Q and Q map H r boundedly into H r-pfor all r(3.2)K maps H r boundedly into H r-p for all r and some 6 0 .(3.3)Also we state two lemmas, the first collecting known properties of finiteelements applied to the periodic spline spaces, the second collecting knownproperties of pseudodifferential operators applied in our situation. We giveproofs and references in the final section.

328D.N. Arnold and W.L. WendlandLemma 3.1. (a) (Approximation properties). L e t r d 1/2. Then there exists afamily o f approximation operators Pha: Hr a such that if s r t d 1 thenHu-phdull - fht- HuHz,(3.4)u H t,where C does not depend on h or u.(b) The operators Phd may be taken to have also the following additionalproperty. I f dp E C then there exists a constant C such that f o r all v 5 ha1149v--Phd(49v)[l fh Ilvllr, 6 min(1, d l - r ) .(3.5)(c) (Inverse properties). Let s t d l/2. Then there exists a constant Csuch that)lvll - C h -' ]lvlt ,(3.6)v Send.(d) L e t s t 1/2. Then there exists a constant C such that for all u e H tand v e 5eha][u -vii, C ( h ' - ' Hu -V[[s HUH,).(3.7)Lemma 3.2. (a) L e t fl, t e ,such that491C , v e i l t. Then there exist constants C and qP v)-O P1149(Q C 1149HqHvll,,v H'.(3.8)Here Q may denote either of the operators QP or QP.(b) L e t t e R and dp, l,eCoo, and suppose that 49 -0. Then there exists aconstant C such that f o r all v e H t1149Q (O v)ll, c Ilvll, .(3.9)(c) I f v e H a and v e H loc "[10)' f o r some closed interval I o, then Q v e H or(d) L e t , teR, 0, b , b e C Then there exists a C o f unityMCoo functions {Oj}f l with Oj[ ppoj l, points xjesupp49j, and a con{49j}j l,stant C such that f o r all v H tllOj[b j l . M.(3.10)We now turn to the proof of Theorem 1.1. We separate out some importantestimates in the following two propositions.Proposition 3.3. L e t t, s e l l satisfy fl s t d 1/2, and let 49 C% Then thereexist positive constants C , C, and such that i f u H and u h 6ehd thenI149(u -u)ll, C h -' I149L(uh -u)lls a C Ilull, Ch -' Ilu,-uL{ 0Clluh--Ult ,s :}S (3.11,"Moreover the constant C 1 is independent o f 49.Proof. Let r t and define projection operator Pha as in Lemma 3.1. One easilyverifies the decomposition

The Spline Collocation for Strongly Elliptic Equations on Curves329c (uh - u ) (PhdU --U) PhdL-1 L(Uh --PhdU) (I --Phd) (Uh--Phdu) PhaL- (Lc -- L)(uh--Phdu).We show that each of the four terms on the right hand side of (3.12) may bebounded in the H t norm by the right hand side of (3.11). ClearlyII b(Phdu --U)II -- C 1lull,.For the second term we use the inverse property (3.6), the mapping propertiesof L (3.1), the triangle inequality, and the approximation property (3.4) to getIIPhaL - x (a L(uh-- Phau)l[t C h s-t liE-1 d Z(u h - e du)lls 61 h s - ' [IdpL(uh -u)lls C h s-' Ilu -- Phdulls C1 h s - ' 114)L(Uh--u)ll C Ilull,.By (3.5), (3.7), and (3.4) the third term may be bounded in H' byC h Huh-Phdull, C h -' [[uh-u[[s C Ilullt.Finally we apply (3.4), (3.1), (3.8), (3.3), and (3.7) to getIlPhaL -1 (L4 -- g)(u h --Phau)lltf C h -t minl l't-s IlUh--ull , C Iluh --phdull , C Ilull, l CIluhs t,S t.This completes the proof of the proposition.Proposition 3.4. Let t, s e n satisfy t t fl s t d 1/2. Then there exist positiveconstants C and 6 such that if u e H t and Uh h d satisfy the collaction equationsLu Lu hon A,(3.13)thenIluh-ull ---C hrNull, C h Ilu -ulls O'(Cllu -ull o,s t.s t.Proof. Again choose Phd as in L e m m a 3.1 with r t and choose {qSj, 0 , xj}f las in L e m m a 3.2d with e to be specified below. DefineLj b (xj)QP b (xj)Q c J,j l . . . . . M,with c /(2 z)a/2. F r o m (2.2) we haveC2X[Ivll p llL vtls CzllVlls ,v H s, s e N ,(3.14)with C z depending only on fl, b and b . Moreover if w e l l t and WheS ,asatisfyLjwh Ljwon A,then by the results of the previous section we haveIIw-whll C3 ht-s Iiwllt(3.15)

330D.N. Arnold and W.L. Wendlandfor f l s d l / 2 , s t d l , f l l / 2 t , with C 3 depending only on fl, b , b ,s and t (but not on the choice of {q j, 0r, x j} nor on j).Now let u and u h satisfy (3.13). Combining the identitiesLi P,a j u, Lj pi u L2 b j(u h - u) L ( Pa dp u - u,)andL b (u h - u) (L - L) q (u h - u) (L - L)(u h - u) c L(u h - u)with (3.13), we getL Phdqb Uh L wjon A(3.16)where(3.17)w j (gj u L 1 (Lj - L) j(u h - u) L 1 (L qbi - dpjL) (u h - - U) (Phd - -I) q ;u h(3.17)orwj Phd )j Idh -- L 1 q j L(Uh U).(3.18)Applying (3.15) with w w j and Wh Phdq Uh and using (3.18) we get]IL- 1 ( j L ( t t h --t/)lts - C3 h t - s Ilw j[[t,(3.19)We now estimate PIwjlI , bounding each of the four terms on the right hand sideof (3.17) separately. ClearlyIIcbj ull - c IiulL .(3.20)By (3.14) and the triangle inequalityZ. IIL l(Zj -Z) j(uh - u)ll, C2 [tl t ;(L; -L)qS;(u h - u)ll, a [1(1- Fj)(Lj - L ) q j(uh -u)ll, a] C2[ll (b (xj)-b )Q ( u h - u ) l l , a II k (b (x j) -b )O qbi(uh -u)ll, a] C[llUh-ukl, o I[(1 -- )(Lj--L)dR (Uh--U)II, p].Using (3.10) and (3.9) we deduce from (3.21) thatT 2 Cze ]l(oj(uh -u)l]t C I[uh -ul]t .Using Proposition 3.3 and (3.14) to bound the first term we get finallyZ 2 C t C2 eh s-' Itt a q j L(Uh--U)l[ C [llull, Iluh -ult, h "-'- Iluh -ull ].By (3.14), (3.8) and (3.3),[tLTX(Ldpj--qSjL)(Uh--U)llt C lluh-u[[t ,and by (3.5), the triangle inequality, and (3.7), we find[](Pha --I) )jUhllt Ch I/uh]], C(h -t ]Inh -uHs h Ilu It,).

The Spline Collocation for Strongly Elliptic Equations on Curves331Collecting these estimates together with (3.19) givesIIL 1 qbjL(u h - - 12)Ils 2 C 1 C IIL ' d jL(u h - - u) lls C [h t-S IJuLl, h ' - s Iluh -utlt a h s Iluh - u I1 ].Selecting e (4 C 1 C )- we getNL 1 (pjL(uh --U)]ls C [ ht-s Ilu ll, h '- Iluh - u ll,-o h [luh - u Ils].Since {qSj} forms a partition of unity and L is invertible,MI l u , - u l l s C [IZ(un-u)lls a C , IlOjL(uh--u)lls j lM C liLy1 iL(Uh--U)llsj l C[ht-Sllullt-4-ht-Sl[Uh-Ullt h llUh-U]ls-].(3.22)In case s t, this completes the proof of the pr

of a variety of integral, differential, and integro-differential equations (or, more generally, pseudodifferential equations [47, 48]) posed on plane curves. In fact, collocation is the mo

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