CompTIA A Certification Exam ObjectivesExam Number: 220-802IntroductionIn order to receive CompTIA A certification a candidate must pass two exams. The first exam is theCompTIA A 220-801 Certification Exam. The CompTIA A 220-802 Certification Exam is the secondexam required in order for CompTIA A certification candidates to complete their certification.The CompTIA A 220-802 examination measures necessary competencies for an entry-level ITprofessional with the equivalent knowledge of at least 12 months of hands-on experience in the lab or field.Successful candidates will have the knowledge required to assemble components based on customerrequirements, install, configure and maintain devices, PCs and software for end users, understand the basicsof networking and security/forensics, properly and safely diagnose, resolve and document commonhardware and software issues while applying troubleshooting skills. Successful candidates will also provideappropriate customer support; understand the basics of virtualization, desktop imaging, and deployment.CompTIA A is accredited by ANSI to show compliance with the ISO 17024 Standard and, as such,undergoes regular reviews and updates to the exam objectives. The following CompTIA A 220-802certification exam objectives result from subject matter expert workshops and industry-wide survey resultsregarding the skills and knowledge required of an entry-level IT professional. The percentages in thisdocument represent the relative importance of the subject areas (domains) in the associated body ofknowledge, and together establish the foundation of an entry-level IT professional.This examination blueprint includes domain weighting, test objectives, and example content. Exampletopics and concepts are included to clarify the test objectives and should not be construed as acomprehensive listing of all the content of this examination.Candidates are encouraged to use this document to guide their studies. The table below lists the domainsmeasured by this examination and the extent to which they are represented. The CompTIA A 220-802certification exam is based on these objectives.DomainPercentage of ExaminationOperating SystemsSecurityMobile DevicesTroubleshooting33%22%9%36%Total100%**Note: The lists of examples provided in bulleted format below each objective are not exhaustive lists. Otherexamples of technologies, processes or tasks pertaining to each objective may also be included on the exam althoughnot listed or covered in this objectives document.CompTIA is constantly reviewing the content of our exams and updating test questions to be sure ourexams are current and the security of the questions is protected. When necessary, we will publish updatedexams based on existing exam objectives. Please know that all related exam preparation materials will stillbe valid.CompTIA A 220-802 ObjectivesCopyright 2011 by the Computing Technology Industry Association. All rights reserved.The CompTIA A 220-802 Objectives are subject to change without notice.1 of 22
1.0 Operating Systems1.1 Compare and contrast the features and requirements of various Microsoft OperatingSystems. Windows XP Home, Windows XP Professional, Windows XP Media Center, WindowsXP 64-bit Professional Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Business,Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Enterprise Windows 7 Starter, Windows 7 Home Premium, Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7Ultimate, Windows 7 Enterprise Features:o 32-bit vs. 64-bito Aero, gadgets, user account control, bit-locker, shadow copy, system restore,ready boost, sidebar, compatibility mode, XP mode, easy transfer, administrativetools, defender, Windows firewall, security center, event viewer, file structureand paths, category view vs. classic view Upgrade paths – differences between in place upgrades, compatibility tools, Windowsupgrade OS advisor1.2 Given a scenario, install, and configure the operating system using the most appropriatemethod. Boot methodso USBo CD-ROMo DVDo PXE Type of installationso Creating imageo Unattended installationo Upgradeo Clean installo Repair installationo Multibooto Remote network installationo Image deployment Partitioningo Dynamico Basico Primaryo Extendedo Logical File system types/formattingo FATo FAT32o NTFSo CDFSo Quick format vs. full format Load alternate third party drivers when necessary Workgroup vs. Domain setup Time/date/region/language settings Driver installation, software and windows updates Factory recovery partitionCompTIA A 220-802 Objectives2 of 22Copyright 2011 by the Computing Technology Industry Association. All rights reserved.The CompTIA A 220-802 Objectives are subject to change without notice.
1.3 Given a scenario, use appropriate command line tools. Networkingo PINGo TRACERTo NETSTATo IPCONFIGo NETo NSLOOKUPo NBTSTAT OSo TASKKILLo BOOTRECo SHUTDOWNo TASKLISTo MDo RDo CDo DELo FORMATo COPYo XCOPYo ROBOCOPYo DISKPARTo SFCo CHKDSKo [command name] /? Recovery consoleo Fixbooto Fixmbr1.4 Given a scenario, use appropriate operating system features and tools. Administrativeo Computer managemento Device managero Users and groupso Local security policyo Performance monitoro Serviceso System configurationo Task schedulero Component serviceso Data sourceso Print managemento Windows memory diagnosticso Windows firewallo Advanced security MSCONFIGo Generalo Booto Serviceso Startupo Tools Task Managero ApplicationsCompTIA A 220-802 ObjectivesCopyright 2011 by the Computing Technology Industry Association. All rights reserved.The CompTIA A 220-802 Objectives are subject to change without notice.3 of 22
o Processeso Performanceo Networkingo Users Disk managemento Drive statuso Mountingo Extending partitionso Splitting partitionso Assigning drive letterso Adding driveso Adding arrays Othero User State Migration tool (USMT), File and Settings Transfer Wizard, WindowsEasy Transfer Run line utilitieso MSCONFIGo REGEDITo CMDo SERVICES.MSCo MMCo MSTSCo NOTEPADo EXPLORERo MSINFO32o DXDIAG1.5 Given a scenario, use Control Panel utilities (the items are organized by “classic view/largeicons” in Windows). Common to all Microsoft Operating Systemso Internet options Connections Security General Privacy Programs Advancedo Display/Display Settings Resolutiono User accountso Folder options View hidden files Hide extensions General options View optionso System Performance (virtual memory) Remote settings System protectiono Windows firewallo Power options Hibernate Power plans Sleep/suspendCompTIA A 220-802 ObjectivesCopyright 2011 by the Computing Technology Industry Association. All rights reserved.The CompTIA A 220-802 Objectives are subject to change without notice.4 of 22
StandbyUnique to Windows XPo Add/remove programso Network connectionso Printers and faxeso Automatic updateso Network setup wizard Unique to Vistao Tablet PC settingso Pen and input deviceso Offline fileso Problem reports and solutionso Printers Unique to Windows 7o HomeGroupo Action Center Security Centero Remote Applications and Desktop Connectionso Troubleshooting1.6 Setup and configure Windows networking on a client/desktop. HomeGroup, file/print sharing WorkGroup vs. domain setup Network shares/mapping drives Establish networking connectionso VPNo Dialupso Wirelesso Wiredo WWAN (Cellular) Proxy settings Remote desktop Home vs. Work vs. Public network settings Firewall settingso Exceptionso Configurationo Enabling/disabling Windows firewall Configuring an alternative IP address in Windowso IP addressingo Subnet masko DNSo Gateway Network card propertieso Half duplex/full duplex/autoo Speedo Wake-on-LANo QoS1.7 Perform preventive maintenance procedures using appropriate tools. Best practiceso Schedules backupso Scheduled check diskso Scheduled defragmentationo Windows updates CompTIA A 220-802 ObjectivesCopyright 2011 by the Computing Technology Industry Association. All rights reserved.The CompTIA A 220-802 Objectives are subject to change without notice.5 of 22
o Patch managemento Driver/firmware updateso Antivirus updates Toolso Backupo System restoreo Check disko Recovery imageo Defrag1.8 Explain the differences among basic OS security settings. User and groupso Administratoro Power usero Guesto Standard user NTFS vs. Share permissionso Allow vs. denyo Moving vs. copying folders and fileso File attributes Shared files and folderso Administrative shares vs. local shareso Permission propagationo Inheritance System files and folders User authenticationo Single sign-on1.9 Explain the basics of client-side virtualization. Purpose of virtual machines Resource requirements Emulator requirements Security requirements Network requirements Hypervisor2.0 Security2.1 Apply and use common prevention methods. Physical securityo Lock doorso Tailgatingo Securing physical documents/passwords/shreddingo Biometricso Badgeso Key fobso RFID badgeo RSA tokeno Privacy filterso Retinal Digital securityo Antiviruso Firewallso AntispywareCompTIA A 220-802 ObjectivesCopyright 2011 by the Computing Technology Industry Association. All rights reserved.The CompTIA A 220-802 Objectives are subject to change without notice.6 of 22
o User authentication/strong passwordso Directory permissions User education Principle of least privilege2.2 Compare and contrast common security threats. Social engineering Malware Rootkits Phishing Shoulder surfing Spyware Viruseso Wormso Trojans2.3 Implement security best practices to secure a workstation. Setting strong passwords Requiring passwords Restricting user permissions Changing default user names Disabling guest account Screensaver required password Disable autorun2.4 Given a scenario, use the appropriate data destruction/disposal method. Low level format vs. standard format Hard drive sanitation and sanitation methodso Overwriteo Drive wipe Physical destructiono Shreddero Drillo Electromagnetico Degaussing tool2.5 Given a scenario, secure a SOHO wireless network. Change default user-names and passwords Changing SSID Setting encryption Disabling SSID broadcast Enable MAC filtering Antenna and access point placement Radio power levels Assign static IP addresses2.6 Given a scenario, secure a SOHO wired network. Change default usernames and passwords Enable MAC filtering Assign static IP addresses Disabling ports Physical securityCompTIA A 220-802 ObjectivesCopyright 2011 by the Computing Technology Industry Association. All rights reserved.The CompTIA A 220-802 Objectives are subject to change without notice.7 of 22
3.0 Mobile Devices3.1 Explain the basic features of mobile operating systems. Android 4.0.x vs. iOS 5.xo Open source vs. closed source/vendor specifico App source (app store and market)o Screen orientation (accelerometer/gyroscope)o Screen calibrationo GPS and geotracking3.2 Establish basic network connectivity and configure email. Wireless / cellular data network (enable/disable) Bluetootho Enable Bluetootho Enable pairingo Find device for pairingo Enter appropriate pin codeo Test connectivity Email configurationo Server address POP3 IMAP Port and SSL settingso Exchangeo Gmail3.3 Compare and contrast methods for securing mobile devices. Passcode locks Remote wipes Locator applications Remote backup applications Failed login attempts restrictions Antivirus Patching/OS updates3.4 Compare and contrast hardware differences in regards to tablets and laptops. No field serviceable parts Typically not upgradeable Touch interfaceo Touch flowo Multitouch Solid state drives3.5 Execute and configure mobile device synchronization. Types of data to synchronizeo Contactso Programso Emailo Pictureso Musico Videos Software requirements to install the application on the PC Connection types to enable synchronizationCompTIA A 220-802 ObjectivesCopyright 2011 by the Computing Technology Industry Association. All rights reserved.The CompTIA A 220-802 Objectives are subject to change without notice.8 of 22
4.0 Troubleshooting4.1 Given a scenario, explain the troubleshooting theory. Identify the problemo Question the user and identify user changes to computer and perform backupsbefore making changes Establish a theory of probable cause (question the obvious) Test the theory to determine causeo Once theory is confirmed determine next steps to resolve problemo If theory is not confirmed re-establish new theory or escalate Establish a plan of action to resolve the problem and implement the solution Verify full system functionality and if applicable implement preventive measures Document findings, actions and outcomes4.2 Given a scenario, troubleshoot common problems related to motherboards, RAM, CPUand power with appropriate tools. Common symptomso Unexpected shutdownso System lockupso POST code beepso Blank screen on bootupo BIOS time and settings resetso Attempts to boot to incorrect deviceo Continuous rebootso No powero Overheatingo Loud noiseo Intermittent device failureo Fans spin – no power to other deviceso Indicator lightso Smokeo Burning smello BSOD Toolso Multimetero Power supply testero Loopback plugso POST card4.3 Given a scenario, troubleshoot hard drives and RAID arrays with appropriate tools. Common symptomso Read/write failureo Slow performanceo Loud clicking noiseo Failure to booto Drive not recognizedo OS not foundo RAID not foundo RAID stops workingo BSOD Toolso Screwdrivero External enclosureso CHKDSKCompTIA A 220-802 ObjectivesCopyright 2011 by the Computing Technology Industry Association. All rights reserved.The CompTIA A 220-802 Objectives are subject to change without notice.9 of 22
o FORMATo File recovery software4.4 Given a scenario, troubleshoot common video and display issues. Common symptomso VGA modeo No image on screeno Overheat shutdowno Dead pixelso Artifactso Color patterns incorrecto Dim imageo Flickering imageo Distorted imageo Discoloration (degaussing)o BSOD4.5 Given a scenario, troubleshoot wired and wireless networks with appropriate tools. Common symptomso No connectivityo APIPA addresso Limited connectivityo Local connectivityo Intermittent connectivityo IP conflicto Slow transfer speedso Low RF signal Toolso Cable testero Loopback plugo Punch down toolso Toner probeso Wire stripperso Crimpero PINGo IPCONFIGo TRACERTo NETSTATo NBTSTATo NETo Wireless locator4.6 Given a scenario, troubleshoot operating system problems with appropriate tools. Common symptomso BSODo Failure to booto Improper shutdowno Spontaneous shutdown/restarto RAID not detected during installationo Device fails to starto Missing dll messageo Services fails to starto Compatibility erroro Slow system performanceo Boots to safe modeo File fails to openCompTIA A 220-802 ObjectivesCopyright 2011 by the Computing Technology Industry Association. All rights reserved.The CompTIA A 220-802 Objectives are subject to change without notice.10 of 22
o Missing NTLDRo Missing Boot.inio Missing operating systemo Missing Graphical Interfaceo Graphical Interface fails to loado Invalid boot disk Toolso Fixbooto Recovery consoleo Fixmbro Sfco Repair diskso Pre-installation environmentso MSCONFIGo DEFRAGo REGSRV32o REGEDITo Event viewero Safe modeo Command prompto Emergency repair disko Automated system recovery4.7 Given a scenario, troubleshoot common security issues with appropriate tools and bestpractices. Common symptomso Pop-upso Browser redirectiono Security alertso Slow performanceo Internet connectivity issueso PC locks upo Windows updates failureso Rogue antiviruso Spamo Renamed system fileso Files disappearingo File permission changeso Hijacked emailo Access denied Toolso Anti-virus softwareo Anti-malware softwareo Anti-spyware softwareo Recovery consoleo System restoreo Pre-installation environmentso Event viewer Best practices for malware removalo Identify malware symptomso Quarantine infected systemo Disable system restoreo Remediate infected systems Update anti-virus softwareCompTIA A 220-802 ObjectivesCopyright 2011 by the Computing Technology Industry Association. All rights reserved.The CompTIA A 220-802 Objectives are subject to change without notice.11 of 22
Scan and removal techniques (safe mode, pre-installation environment)o Schedule scans and updateso Enable system restore and create restore pointo Educate end user4.8 Given a scenario, troubleshoot, and repair common laptop issues while adhering to theappropriate procedures. Common symptomso No displayo Dim displayo Flickering displayo Sticking keyso Intermittent wirelesso Battery not chargingo Ghost cursoro No powero Num lock indicator lightso No wireless connectivityo No Bluetooth connectivityo Cannot display to external monitor Disassembling processes for proper re-assemblyo Document and label cable and screw locationso Organize partso Refer to manufacturer documentationo Use appropriate hand tools4.9 Given a scenario, troubleshoot printers with appropriate tools Common symptomso Streakso Faded printso Ghost imageso Toner not fused to the papero Creased papero Paper not feedingo Paper jamo No connectivityo Garbled characters on papero Vertical lines on pageo Backed up print queueo Low memory errorso Access deniedo Printer will not printo Color prints in wrong print coloro Unable to install printero Error codes Toolso Maintenance kito Toner vacuumo Compressed airo Printer spoolerCompTIA A 220-802 ObjectivesCopyright 2011 by the Computing Technology Industry Association. All rights reserved.The CompTIA A 220-802 Objectives are subject to change without notice.12 of 22
CompTIA A AcronymsIntroductionThe following is a list of acronyms which appear on the CompTIA A exams. Candidates are encouragedto review the complete list and attain a working knowledge of all listed acronyms as a part of acomprehensive exam preparation RATAATAPIATMATXA/VBIOSBNCBTXCAPTCHASPELLED OUTalternating currentaccess control listadvanced configuration power interfaceactivityasymmetrical digital subscriber lineaccelerated graphics portadvanced micro devicesautomatic private internet protocol addressingadvanced power managementaddress resolution protocolautomated system recoveryadvanced technology attachmentadvanced technology attachment packet interfaceasynchronous transfer modeadvanced technology extendedAudio Videobasic input/output systemBayonet-Neill-Concelman or British Naval Connectorbalanced technology extendedCompletely Automated Public Turing Test To Tell Computers and HumansApartCCFLCold Cathode Fluorescent ompact disccompact disc-read-only memorycompact disc-rewritablecompact disc file systemCentral File System, Common File System, Command File Systemcomplementary metal-oxide semiconductorCommunications and Networking Risercommunication port (x port number)central processing unitContinuity Rambus Inline Memory Modecathode-ray tubediscretionary access controlCompTIA A 220-802 ObjectivesCopyright 2011 by the Computing Technology Industry Association. All rights reserved.The CompTIA A 220-802 Objectives are subject to change without notice.13 of 22
DB-25DB-9DCDDOSDDRDDR RAMDDR EMPEPROMEPPERDESDEVGAEVDOFATFAT12FAT16serial communications D-shell connector, 25 pins9 pin D shell connectordirect currentdistributed denial of servicedouble data-ratedouble data-rate random access memorydouble data-rate synchronous dynamic random access memorydistributed file systemdynamic host configuration protocoldual inline memory moduleDeutsche Industrie Normdual inline packagedigital linear tapedigital light processingdirect memory accessdemilitarized zonedomain name service or domain name serverdenial of servicedynamic random access memorydigital subscriber linedigital video disc or digital versatile discdigital video disc-random access memorydigital video disc-read only memorydigital video disc-recordabledigital video disc-rewritabledigital visual interfaceerror correction codeextended capabilities portelectrically erasable programmable read-only memoryencrypting file systemenhanced integrated drive electronicselectromagnetic interferenceelectromagnetic pulseerasable programmable read-only memoryenhanced parallel portemergency repair diskelectrostatic dischargeextended video graphics adapter/arrayevolution data optimized or evolution data onlyfile allocation table12-bit file allocation table16-bit file allocation tableCompTIA A 220-802 ObjectivesCopyright 2011 by the Computing Technology Industry Association. All rights reserved.The CompTIA A 220-802 Objectives are subject to change without notice.14 of 22
EEIISIMAPIPIPCONFIGIPPIPSECIRIrDAIRQISAISDN32-bit file allocation tablefloppy disk driveFunction (referring to the function key on a laptop)fast page-modefield replaceable unitFront Side Busfile transfer protocolfully qualified domain namegigabitgigabytegraphics device interfacegigahertzgraphical user interfaceglobal positioning systemglobal system for mobile communicationshardware abstraction layerHardware Assisted Virtualizationhardware compatibility listhard disk drivehigh definition media interfacehigh performance file systemhypertext markup languageHome Theater PChypertext transfer protocolhypertext transfer protocol over secure sockets layerinput/outputinternet control message protocolintelligent character recognitionintegrated drive electronicsIntrusion Detection SystemInstitute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersInternet Information Servicesinternet mail access protocolinternet protocolinternet protocol configurationinternet printing protocolinternet protocol securityinfraredInfrared Data Associationinterrupt requestindustry standard architectureintegrated services digital networkCompTIA A 220-802 ObjectivesCopyright 2011 by the Computing Technology Industry Association. All rights reserved.The CompTIA A 220-802 Objectives are subject to change without notice.15 of 22
UINFSIndustry Standards Organizationinternet service providerjust a bunch of diskskilobitKilobyte or knowledge baselocal area networklogical block addressingLucent connectorliquid crystal displaylightweight directory access protocollight emitting diodelithium-ionline printer daemon / line printer remoteline printer terminallow voltage differentialmedia access control / mandatory access controlmessaging application programming interfacemedia access unit, media attachment unitmegabitmegabytemaster boot recordMicrosoft Baseline Security Analyzermulti-function devicemegahertzmicro dual inline memory modulemusical instrument digital interfacemultipurpose internet mail extensionMultiple Input Multiple OutputMicrosoft management consolemultimedia extensionsMoving Picture Experts Group Layer 3 AudioMoving Picture Experts Group Layer 4Moving Picture Experts GroupMicrosoft configurationmaterial safety data sheetmultilingual user interfacenetwork access controlnetwork-attached storagenetwork address translationnetworked basic input/output systemnetworked basic input/output system extended user interfacenetwork file systemCompTIA A 220-802 ObjectivesCopyright 2011 by the Computing Technology Industry Association. All rights reserved.The CompTIA A 220-802 Objectives are subject to change without notice.16 of 22
rk interface cardnickel cadmiumnickel metal hydridenew low-profile extendednetwork news transfer protocolnew technology file systemnew technology loaderNetwork Time Protocoloptical character recognitionoriginal equipment manufacturerOrganic Light Emitting Diodeoperating systempersonal area networkparallel advanced technology attachmentpersonal computerperipheral component interconnectperipheral component interconnect expressperipheral component interconnect extendedprinter control languagePersonal Computer Memory Card International Associationpersonal digital assistantpin grid arraypin grid array 2Personally Identifiable Informationpersonal identification numberpublic key infrastructureplug and playPower over Ethernetpost office protocol 3Point of Salepower-on self testplain old telephone servicepoint-to-point protocolpoint-to-point tunneling protocolprimary rate interfaceprogrammable read-only memorypersonal system/2 connectorpublic switched telephone networkpower supply unitpermanent virtual circuitpreboot execution environmentquality of serviceCompTIA A 220-802 ObjectivesCopyright 2011 by the Computing Technology Industry Association. All rights reserved.The CompTIA A 220-802 Objectives are subject to change without notice.17 of 22
45RMAROMRS-232 or RS-232CRTCSANSASSATASCSCPSCSISCSI IDSD PSoDIMMSOHOSPSP1redundant array of independent (or inexpensive) discsrandom access memoryremote access serviceRAMBUS dynamic random access memoryRemote Desktop Protocolradio frequencyradio frequency interferencered green blueRAMBUS inline memory modulerouting information protocolremote installation servicereduced instruction set computerregistered jackregistered jack function 11registered jack function 45returned materials authorizationread only memoryrecommended standard 232real-time clockstorage area networkSerial Attached SCSIserial advanced technology attachmentsubscription channelsecure copy protectionsmall computer system interfacesmall computer system interface identifiersecure digital cardsynchronous dynamic random access memorysingle edge connectorsystem file checkerSmall Form Factorsynchronous graphics random access memorysingle inline memory modulescalable link interfaceself-monitoring, analysis, and reporting technologyserver message block or small to midsize businesssimple mail transfer protocolsimple network management protocolsmall outline dual inline memory modulesmall office/home officeservice packservice pack 1CompTIA A 220-802 ObjectivesCopyright 2011 by the Computing Technology Industry Association. All rights reserved.The CompTIA A 220-802 Objectives are subject to change without notice.18 of 22
SMTUTPUXGAVESAVFATVGAVMVoIPVPNVRAMWANWAPWEPservice pack 2service pack 3service pack 4Sony-Philips digital interface formatstaggered pin grid arraystatic random access memorysecure shellservice set identifiersecure sockets layerstraight tipshielded twisted pairsuper video graphics arraysuper extended graphics arrayterabytetransmission control protocoltransmission control protocol/internet protocoltime domain reflectometertrivial file transfer protocolTemporal Key Integrity Protocoltrusted platform moduleTerminate and stay residentuser account controluniversal asynchronous receiver transmitterultra direct memory accessuser datagram protocoluniversal naming conventionuninterruptible power supplyuniform resource locatoruniversal serial bususer state migration toolunshielded twisted pairultra extended graphics arrayVideo Electronics Standards Associationvirtual file allocation tablevideo graphics arrayVirtual Machinevoice over internet protocolvirtual private networkvideo random access memorywide area networkwireless application protocolwired equivalent privacyCompTIA A 220-802 ObjectivesCopyright 2011 by the Computing Technology Industry Association. All rights reserved.The CompTIA A 220-802 Objectives are subject to change without notice.19 of 22
WHRDWIFIWINSWLANWOLWPAWUXGAXGAZIFZIPWindows hardware qualified driverwireless fidelitywindows internet name servicewireless local area networkWake on LANwireless protected accesswide ultra extended graphics arrayextended graphics arrayzero-insertion-forcezigzag inline packageA Proposed Hardware and Software List** CompTIA has included this sample list of hardware and software to assist candidates as theyprepare for the A exam. This list may also be helpful for training companies who wish to createa lab component to their training offering. The bulleted lists below each topic are a sample listand not exhaustive.Equipment iPad tabletAndroid tabletLaptopDesktopMonitorsSOHO Router/switchAccess pointPrinter (laser/wireless)Power stripsSurge suppressorUPSSpare parts/hardware MotherboardsRAMHard drivesPower suppliesCompTIA A 220-802 ObjectivesCopyright 2011 by the Computing Technology Industry Association. All rights reserved.The CompTIA A 220-802 Objectives are subject to change without notice.20 of 22
Video cardsSounds cardsNetwork cardsWireless NICsFans/cooling devicesCPUsConnectors/cablesAdaptersNetwork cables/connectorsAC adaptersOptical drivesJumpers/screws/stand-offsCasesBulk cableMaintenance kitTools Screw driversMultimeterWire cuttersPunchdown toolCrimperPower supply testerCable stripperPOST cardsStandard technician toolkitESD strapSoftware Operating system disks (WinXP, Vista, Windows 7)Antivirus softwareVirtualization softwareAnti-malwareDriver softwareAnti-spywareCompTIA A 220-802 ObjectivesCopyright 2011 by the Computing Technology Industry Association. All rights reserved.The CompTIA A 220-802 Objectives are subject to change without notice.21 of 22
Version 5.0CompTIA A 220-802 ObjectivesCopyright 2011 by the Computing Technology Industry Association. All rights reserved.The CompTIA A 220-802 Objectives are subject to change without notice.
The CompTIA A 220-802 Objectives are subject to change without notice. CompTIA A Certification Exam Objectives Exam Number: 220-802 Introduction In order to receive CompTIA A certification a candidate must pass two exams. The first exam is the CompTIA A 220-801 Certification Exam. The Com
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