Dua’a Sabah At Early Morning - Wilayat Mission

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Dua’a Sabah at Early Morningas taught by Imam Ali (asws) ibne Abi Talib (as)ْ، حمي الر ن ْح بِ ْس ِم اهلل ِِ َّ ِ الر َّbismillaahir-rah’maanir-rah’eemIn the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful آل مح َّم ٍد ىل محمد و ٰ الله صل ِ ع َّ ُ ِ َّ ٍ َّ َّ ُ َّ َّ َّ ُallaahumma s’alli a’laa muh’ammadin’w wa aali muh’ammadO Allah! send your blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammadْْ الله يا م ِ الصب اح ِبنُط ِق َّتبل ُ ِج ِه ن دلَّع لِسان ََّّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ ُ َّ َََّّّalla humma yaaman dala'a lisaanas' s'a baah'e be nut'qe ta ballojehiOh Allah, Oh He who extended the morning's tongue in the speech of its dawning,ْ ْ ْْ ب َّت َّلجل ُ ِج ِه ِ َّو َّس َّرح ِقطَّ َّع اللَّي ِل ال ُمظ ِل ِم ِب َّغ َّي ِ اه َّwasarrah'a qet'aa'l lailil muz'leme beghayaahebe talaj lojehidispatched the fragments of the dark night into the gloom of its stammering,ْ ْْ ج ِه د ا ق م ِف ار و ال ك ل ف ال ع ن ص ن ق ت ِِِ ُ ير َّت َّب ِ َّ َّ ِ ِ َّ ََّّ َّ َّ ُ َّ َّ َّ َّوأ wa atqana s'un a'l falakid dawwaare fee maqaa deere tabarrojehimade firm the structure of the turning spheres in the measures of its displayْْ ج ِج ِه أ ت ور ن ب س م الش اء ي ض ع ش ع وش ََُِِِِّّ َّ َُّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّwa sha' sha'a z"eya-ash shaamse benoore ta ajjojehiand beamed forth the brightness of the sun through the light of its blazing!1www.wilayatmission.orgSpreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

ْ يا م ىل َّذا ِت ِه ِب َّذا ِت ِه ٰ َّ ن د َّل ع َّ َّ َّ َّyaaman dalla a'laa d'aatehi be d'aa tehiOh He who demonstrates His Essence by His Essence,ْْ وتنزه ع وقا ِت ِه ل خ نم َّ ُ جان َّ َّس ِة َّم َّ ُ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّwatanazzah a'n mujaanasate makh looqaatehitranscends congeniality with His creaturesْ ك ْي ِفيَّا ِت ِه و َّ ج َّل َّعن مُال َّ َّئ َّم ِة َّ َّwajalla a'n mula amate kaifiy yaatehiand is exalted beyond conformity with His qualities!ْ ن ق رب م ْ ون ن ِ خطَّر ِ َّ َّ َّيا َّم ِ ُ ات الظُن ََُّّyaa man qaro ba min khat'raatiz' z'unooneOh He who is near to the passing thoughts of opinions,ْْ ون ي ع ِ ظ َّ َّو َّب ُع َّد َّعن لَّ َّح ِ ُ ُ ات ال wa bao'da a'n lah'az'aatil oyoonefar from the sight of eyesْ كون كان َّق ْب َّل أَّن ي وعلم بما ََُّّ َّ َّ ِ َّ ِ َّ ََّّwa a'lema bemaa kaana qabla ayn ya koo naand knows what will be before it comes to be!ْ يا م ن أ َّ ْر َّق َّد ِِن ِِف ِم َّها ِد أ َّ ْم ِن ِه وأَّما ِن ِه َّ ََّّ َّyaa man arqa dani fee me haade am nehi wa amaanehiOh He who has put me at ease in the cradle of His security and sanctuary,ْ ن مننه وإ ْْٰ َّ ظ ِني ِإ حسا ِن ِه َِّ ِ َّ ِ َل َّما َّمنَّ َّح ِني ِب ِه ِم َّ َّوأَّي َّق َِّwa ayqaz'ani ilaa maa mana h'ani behi min menanehi wa eh' saanehiawakened me to the favors and kindness that He has bestowed upon me2www.wilayatmission.orgSpreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

ْ طا ِن ِه ل َّ السو ِء َّعنـِي ِب َّي ِد ِه َّو ُس َّ ُ ف أَّك َّ ك َّ َّو ُ ف wa kaffa akuffas sooe a'nni beyadehi wa sult'aa nehiand held me from the claws of evil with His Hand and His Sultan!ْْ أللي ِل يل ِإلَّ ْي ٰ َّ صل ِ الل َّ ُه َّع َّ ك ِِف اللَّي ِل ا ِ ِ الل َّ ىل ََََّّّّs'alle allaahumma a'lad daleele ilaika fil lailil alyaleBless, oh Allah, the guide to You in the darkest night,ْْ ن أ ْسبابك بح ْ والْماسك م ألطو ِل ا ف الّش ل ب َّ ِ َّ ِ َّ ِ َّ ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ َََََّّّّّwal maa seke min asbaabeka beh'ablish sharafil at' walehim who, of Your ropes, clings to the cord of the longest nobility,ْْْ والناص ِع الْحسب ِف ذ ألعب ِل ك ال ة و ر َّ اه ِل ا ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ َِّ َّ َِّ َََّّّwan naas'ei'l h'asabe fee d'arwatil kaahelil aa'balehim whose glory is evident at the summit of stout shouldersْ أل َّو ِل م الز ِف ا ه يف ل ا ح ز ىل ٰ ع م د ق والثابت ال َِّ ن ا ِِِ َّ َّ ِ ََّّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ ِ ِ َّ َّwa thaabetil qadame a' laa zah'aaleefeha fiz zamanil awwaleand whose feet were entrenched in spite of slippery places in ancient time;ْْْْْ ار ف ط ص م ال ار ي خ أل ٰ َّ وع ِ ِ ىل َّ ْي ا َّ آِل ا َِّ ألبر َِّ ََُّّ َََّّّwa a'laa aalehil akh yaaril must'a fainal abraareand bless his household, the good, the chosen, the pious,ِْْْ َّ يح الرْح ِة وال َّفال ِ الصب ح يع ار ص م ا ن ل ه الل ح ت واف ِ اح ِب َّم َّفا ِت َِّ ََّّ َّ ََّّ َّ َّ ِ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ ُ َّwaftah'ahe alla humma lanaa ma s'aaria's' s'abaah'e bemafaatehir rah' mate walfalaah'eAnd open for us, oh Allah, the leaves of morning's door with the keys of mercy and prosperity!ْْ ْْ وألْب ِ َّ صال ح ال و ة اي د اْل ع ل خ ل ض ف أ ن م ه الل ي ن س ِِ ََََِِِِِّّّّ َُّ ِ ََّّ َّ َّ ََّّْwa albisni allaahumma min afz"ale khila-i'l hidaayate was' s'alaa h'eClothe me, oh Allah, with the most excellent robes of guidance and righteousness!3www.wilayatmission.orgSpreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

ْْْ ظم ِتك ِف ِش ِ ش وع خ ال يع اب ن ي اِن ن ج ب ر ع ب ه الل س اْغ ِ َّ َّ َّ َّ ِ َّ ُ َّ ِ ُ َّو ُ ُ َّ ِ َّ َّ ِ َّ َّ ِwagh rese alla humma be a'z' mateka fee shirbe janaani yanaa beea'l khoshoo-e'Plant, oh Allah, through Your tremendousness, the springs of humility in the watering place ofmy heart!ْْ جر الله ْل ْيبتك م ِ ات الُم وع ن آما ِقي َّزفَّر َِِِِِّ َّ َّوأ َّ َّ َّ َّ ََُُّّwa ajre allaahumma lehai bateka min amaa qi zafaraatid dumooe'Cause to flow, oh Allah, because of Your awesomeness, tears of sorrow from the corner of myeyes!ِْْ ُ ِب الل َّ ُه َّ َّنز َّق الخُ ْر ِق ِمنـِي ِبأَّ ِز َّم ِة ال ُقن ، وع ِ َّوأَّد َّwa addib alla humma nazaqal khurqe minni be azzim matil qunoo e'And chastise, oh Allah, the recklessness of my clumsiness with the reins of contentment!ْ إلـهي إ ْن ل ْم ت ْبتد ْئني الر ْْحة منْك بح ْسن الت يق ف و ِ ِ َّ َّ َّ ِ ِ ٰ َِِِّ ِ ُ ِ َّ ِ ُ َّ َّilaahi inllam tabta dei' nir rah' mato minka beh'usnit tau feeqeMy Allah, if mercy from You does not begin with fair success for me,ْ يق ِ ك ِِف َّو ِ اض ِح الط َّ ِر ِ فَّ َّم ُ ِ السال َّ ك ِِب ِإلَّي َّ ن fa manis saa leko bi ilai ka fee waaz" eh'it' t'a reeqethen who can take me to You upon the clear path?ْْ ْ ْ ألم ِل و ال ُمنَّ ٰى ك لِ َّق ات ن أ ي ن ت و ِإن أَّس َّلم ََّّ ائ ِد ا ََِِّّ ُ ََََّّّّwa in aslamatni anaatoka le qaaedil amale walmunaaIf Your patience would turn me over to the guide of hope and wishes,ْْ فمن الْمقيل عثراِت م ٰ ات اْلوى و ب ك ن ِِ ِ َّ َّ ُ ِ ُ ِ َّ ََّّ ََّّ َّ ََّّfama nil moqeelo a'tha raati min kabawaatil hawathen who will annul my slips from the stumbles of desire?ْ وإ ْن خذلني ن ْصرك عنْد محاربة الن ْفس و الش ان ط ي ََِّّ َّ ِ َّ ِ َّ َّ َّ ُ َّ ِ َُِّ َّ َّ َّ َّ ِ َّwain khad'a lani nas'roka i'nda muh'aarabatin nafse wash shait'aa neIf Your help should forsake me in the battle with the soul and Shaitan,4www.wilayatmission.orgSpreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

ْْْ َل ح ْيث النصب والْ ِح ٰ، ان م ر إ ك ن ال ذ خ ي ن ل ك و د فق ِ ََّّ ِ َّ َّ ُ َّ َّ ِ َّ ُ َّ ِ ِ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّfaqad wa kalani khid'laanoka ilaa h'aithun nas'abe wal h'irmaanethen Your forsaking will have entrusted me to where there is hardship and deprivation.ْ إلـهي أتراِن ما أت ْيتك إال َّم ال ث ن ح ْي ِ اآلم َُّ ِ ِ َّ ُ َّ َّ َّ ِ َّ َّ َّ ِ ٰ َِّilaahi ataraa ni maaataitoka illa min h'aithul amaaleMy Allah, do You see that I have only come to You from the direction of hopeْْ أ ْم عل ْقت بأ ْطراف حبالك إالَّ حْي باعد ْتني ذنوِب ع ال ص و ال ار د ن ِ َّ ِ ِ َّ َّ ِ ُ ُ ِ َّ َّ َّ َّ ِ ِ َّ ِ َّ ِ ِ َّ َّ ِ ُ ِ َّ َّam a'liqto beat'raafe h'ibaaleka illa h'eena ba'aadatni d'unoobi a'n daaril wes'aaleor clung to the ends of Your ropes when my sins have driven me from the house of union?ْْ فبئْس الْمطية التي ْ ت ن ْفسي م اها و ه ن ط ت ام ِ َّ ُ َّ ِ ََّّ َّ َّ ِ ِ َّ َّ ََّّ ِ َّfabesal mat'iy yatullati am tat'at nafsi min hawahaSo what an evil mount upon which my soul has mounted - its desires!ًْ اها ن م و ا وُن ن ظ ا ْل ت ََُّّ فَّ َّواها َّْلَّا لِ َّما َّس َّول َّ َّ ُ َّ َّ ُ ُ َّfawaa han laha lema saw walat laha z'unoo noha wamunaahaWoe upon it for being seduced by its own opinions and wishes!ْ، ال َّها ٰ َّ و َّت ًبا َّْلَّا لِج ْرأ َّ ِِتا ع َّ ىل َّسيـ ِ ِد َّها َّو َّمو َّ َّ َُّwata bban laha lejur ateha a'laa sayye deha wamaulahaAnd destruction be upon it for its audacity toward its Master and Protector!ْْ ائي ج ر د ي ب ك ت ْح تب ع إلـهي قر ِِِ َّ َّ َّ ِ َّ َّ اب َّر َّ َّ ُ َّ َّ ِ ٰ ِilaahi qaraa'to baaba rah'mateka beyade rajaaiMy Allah, I have knocked upon the door of Your mercy with the hand of my hope,ْْ ْ ً ِ و هر ْبت إل ْيك ال ائي و ه َّ َّ َّ ِ ُِ َّ َّ جئا ِمن فَّر ِط أ َّ َّ َّwaharabto ilaika laajean min fart'e ahwaaifled to You seeking refuge from my excessive desires5www.wilayatmission.orgSpreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

ْْ ال ِئي و ل ام ن أ ك ل ا ب ح اف ر ط أ ب ت ق َّ ِ ُ َّ َّو َّعل َّ َّ َّ ِ َّ َّ َّ ِ َّ ِ َِّwa a'l laqto be at'rafe h'ibaa leka anaamela wala-iand fixed the fingers of my love to the ends of Your ropes.ْْْ ف ْ جر ْمته م ائي ط خ و ِل ل ز ن أ ت ن ك ا م ع ه الل ح ف اص َََُِِِّّّ َّ َّ ِ َّ َّ ُ ُ ََََََُُّّّّّّfas'fah'e allaahumma a'm ma kunto ajramtohu min zalali wa khat'aaiSo pardon, oh Allah, the slips and errors I have committedْ وأق ْلني م ْ ائي د ر ة ع ر ص ن ِ َّ ِ ِ َّ َّ ِ ِ ِ َّ َّwa aqleni min s'ar-a'ate redaaiand release me from the foot-tangling of my robeْ ائي الي ومعتم ِدي ور ك سيـ ِ ِدي و م ْو فإن َِّ ج َّ َّ ُ َّ ََّّ َّ ََّّ ََّّ َّ َّ ِ َّfa in naka sayyedi wa maulaaya wa mo'tamadi waraj aaiFor You are my Master, my Protector, my Support and my Hopeْْْ، وِب و منَّاي ِِف من َّق َّل ِبي و مثواي ل ط م ة اي غ ت ن وأ َّ َّ َّ َُّ َّ ُ َّ ِ ُ َّ ُ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّْwa anta ghaayato matloobi wa monaaya fee mun qalabi wamathwaayaand You are the object of my search and my desire in my ultimate end and stable abode.ْْ طرد م ْسكينًا الْتجأ إل ار ًبا ه وب ن ال ن م ك ي ف َّت ك ْي ُِِِ َّ ِ ُ ُ َّ ِ َّ َّ ِ َّ َّ ََّّ ِإل ٰـ ِهي َُّilaahi kaifa tat'rudo miskee nan iltajaa ilaika menad' d'unoo bi haa rebanMy Allah, how could You drive away a poor beggar who seeks refuge in You from sins, fleeing?ْ ْْ أ ْم ك ً َت ِش ٰ اعيًا اب ن ج َل إ د ص ق ا د ت ف ي ِ خيـ ِ ك َّس َّ ب مُس َّ ِ َّ َّ َّ ِ َّ َّ َُُّ َّ َّ َّ َّam kaifa to khayyebo mustar shedan qasa da ilaa janaa beka saae'yanOr how could You disappoint one seeking guidance who seeks Your threshold, running?ْٰ، ار ًبا اض ي ح َل إ د ر و آن م ظ ف َّترد ك ْي أ َّ ْم ََِِِّّ ك َّش ََََُِّّّّ َّ َّ ََُّّam kaifa taruddo z'amaa nan warada ilaa h'eyaa z"eka shaarebanOr how could You turn away a thirsty man who has come to Your pools, drinking6www.wilayatmission.orgSpreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

ْ ٌْ ْ ول ح م ال ك ن ض ِف ة ِ كال َّ َّو ِ ُ ُ ِ َّ ِ َت َّع ََّّ اض ُ ح َّي َّ ُ ك م kal la wa h'eyaaz"oka mutra-a'atun fee z"an kil mah'ooleNever! For Your pools are full in the hardship of drought,ٌْ و بابك م ْفت َّ ول غ و ال و ب ل لط ل وح ِِ ُ ُ َّ ِ َُّ َّ َّ ُ َّ َّwabaa boka maftooh'un lit' t'alabe wal wughooleYour door is open for seeking and penetrationْ ْْْْ، ول م أ م ال ة اي ُن و ول ؤ س م و أَّنت َّغ ِ ُ َّ ُ َّ َّ ِ َّ ِ ُ َّ اية ُال َّ ََّّwa anta ghaayatul mas-oole wa nehaa yatul maamooleand You are the goal of requests and the object of hopes.ْْ ك ت ي ش م ال ق ع ب ا ُت ل ق ع ي س ف ِ ِإل ٰـ ِهي ٰه ِذ ِه أ َّ ِز َّمة ُ َّن َّ ِ َّ ِ َّ ِ َّ ِ ِ َّ ُ َّ َّilahi haad'ehi azim mato nafsi a'qaltoha be i'qaale masheey yate kaMy Allah, these are the reins of my soul I have bound them with the ties of Your will.ْْْْٰ ك ت ْح ر و ك و ف ع ب ا ِت أ ر د وِب ن ذ اء ب ع َِّ َّ َّ َّ َّ ِ َّ ِ َّ ُ َّ َّ ِ ُ ُ ُ َّ َّ َّو ه ِذ ِه أ wa haad'ehi aa'baao d'unoobi da raatoha be a'fweka wa rah'matekaThese are the burdens of my sins I have averted them with Your pardon and mercy.ْْْْْٰٰ ك ت ف أ ر و ك ف ط ل اب ن ج َل إ ا ُت ل ك و ّل ض م ال ي ائ و ه ََُِِِِِّّ َّ َّ َّو ه ِذ ِه أ ِ َّ ََّّ َّ َّ َّ ََُّّ َّ َّ ُُwa haad'ehi ahwaaeyal muz"illato wa kaltoha ilaa janaabe lut'feka waraa fatekaAnd these are my desires that lead astray - I have entrusted them to the threshold of Yourgentleness and kindliness.ًْْ اجعل الله صباِح ٰهذا نازال ضيا ِء اْل ُ َّد ٰى ِل ِب ع ََِِِِّّ َّ َّ ف َّ ََّّ ََّّ َّ َّ َُّfaj-a'le alla humma s'abaah'i haa d'a naazelan a'layya be z"iyaail hudaSo make this morning of mine, oh Allah, descend upon me with the radiance of guidance,ْ ين والُنيا ل ِ السال َّ َّم ِة ِِف ا َّ َّو َّ َِّwas salaamate fid deene waddunyaand with safety in religion and this world!7www.wilayatmission.orgSpreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

ْْ ً ومسائي ك ْي ِد ال ِع َّد ٰى َّ جنَّة ِمن ُ ِ َّ َّ َّwamasaai junnatan min kaidil aa'daAnd make my evening a shield against the deception of enemiesْْ ً ات اْلَّو ٰى ِ َّو ِو َّقاية ِمن مُ ْر ِدي َََّّّwaweqaa yatan min murdeyaatil hawaand a protection against the destructive blows of desire! ىل ما ت َّ َّشاء ٰ َّ ك َّقا ِد ٌر ع َّ ِإن َّ َُّinnaka qaadiron a'laa maa tashaaoVerily You are able over what You will!ْ ن تشاء وتنْزع الْم ْلك مم ْ ت ْؤِت الْم ْلك م ن ت َّ َّشاء َّ ِ َّ ُ ُ ِ َّ َّ ُ َّ َّ َّ َّ ُ ِ ُُtootil mulka man tash aao wa tanzeu'l mul ka mimman tashaaoYou give the kingdom to whom You will, and You seize the kingdom from whom You will;ْ ن تشاء وتذل م ْ وت عز م ن ت َّ َّشاء ََََُُِّّّّ ُ ِ ُ ََّّ ُُwa toi'zzo man tashaao wa tod'illo man tashaaoYou exalt whom You will, and You abase whom You will;ْ ْ ْي َّ ِب َّي ِد َّك ال ُ خ beyadekal khairoin Your hand is the good;ٌْ َش ٍء ق ِد ير ٰ َّ ك ع إن َّ َّ ِ ىل كُل َّ َّ َّ ِinnaka a'laa kulle shayyin qadeerYou are powerful over all things. الّنار ِِف الل َّ ْي ِل ار وتُولِج الّن تُولِج الل َّ ْي َّل ِِف َََُِّّّ ََّّ َّ ُtoolejul laila finnahaa re wa toolejun nahaa ra fil laileYou make the night to enter into the day, and You make the day to enter into the night;8www.wilayatmission.orgSpreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

ِْْْْْْ ت وتُخ ِرج الميـِت ِمن ال ِح ـ ي م ال ن م ح ال ج ر خ ُِِِِِ َّو ت َّ َّ َََُّّّ َّ َّ ُwa tukhrejul h'ayya minal mayyete wa tukhrejul mayyeta minal h'ayyeYou bring forth the living from the dead, and You bring forth dead from the living;ْْْ اب س ح ْي ٍِ َّ ِ شاء ُ ِب َّغ َّ َّ ق َّمن ت ُ َّو َّتر ُز wa tar zoqo man tashaao beghaire h'isaabinand You provide whomsoever You will without accountability.ْ ال ِإل ٰـه ِإال َّأَّنت ََّّ َّla ilaaha illa antaThere is no god but You!ْْ س ك الل َّ ُه َّو ِبحم ِد َّك ان ح ب َّ َّ َّ َُّ َّsubh' aanaka allaahumma wa be h'amdekaGlory be to You, oh Allah, and Thine is the praise!ْْ ْ ك اف خ ي ال ف ك ر د ق ف ْع َّ ُ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ ُ ِ َّمن َّذا َّي man d'aa ya'refo qadraka falaa yakhafokaWho knows Your measure without fearing You?ْْ ْ ك اب َي ال ف ت ن أ ا م م ل ع و من ذا ي َََّّّ ُ َّ َّ َّ ََّّ ُ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّwa man d'a ya'lamo maa anta falaa yahaa bokaWho knows what You are without awe of You?ْْْ ك ال ِفر َّق ت ر د ق ب ت ف َِّ َّ ُ ِ َّ َّ أَّل َّallafta bequd ratekal firaqaThrough Your power You have joined contrasting things,ْْْ ك ال َّف َّل َّق ف ط ل ب ت ق ُِِ َّ َّو فَّ َّل َّwafalaqta belut' fekal falaqathrough Your gentleness You have cleaved apart the daybreak9www.wilayatmission.orgSpreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

ْ اِج ال َّغس ِق ك دي كر ِم ت ِب و أ َّ َّن ْر َََََََََِّّّّّّّّّwa anarta bekara meka dayaa jeyal ghasaqeand through Your generosity You have illumined the dark shrouds of night.ْْْ و أ َّ ُْن ً يد عذ ًبا وأُجا جا اخ الصي ِ م الص ن م اه ي م ال ت ر ُِِِِ َّ َّ ََّّ َّ َََّّّ ََّّ َّwa an hartal meyaaha mi nas' s'ummis' s'ayaakhee de a'd'ban wa ujaajanYou have made waters, sweet and salt flow forth from hard shining stones,ْ ْْ ًْ ات ماء ً َّثجا جا ر ص ع م ال ن م ت وأنزل ََّّ ِ َّ ِ ُ َّ ِ َّ َّ َّ َّwa anzalta minal mo' s'eraate maa thajjaa jansent down out of rain-clouds water cascadingًْْْْ جا و َّها ً بي ِة ِسرا جا ل ل ر م ق ال و س م الش ت ل و َّ َّ ج َّع ِ َِّ َََّّّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّwaja-a'lta sh sham sa wal qa mara lil bariy yate siraajan wahhaajanand appointed the sun and moon a blazing lamp for the creatures,ْ ْْ ْ ًْ ال ِعالَّجا ً و ا ب و غ ل ه ب ت أ د ت اب ا يم ف س ار م ت ن من غْي أ َِِّ َُّ ُ ِ َّ َّ َّ ََّّ ِ َّ ُ َّ ِ َّ ِmin ghaire an tumaa resa feemaabtada-ta behi loghoo ban walaa i'laajanwithout experiencing in that which You originated either weariness or effort.ْْْ فيا م ح َّد ِبال ِعز ِ و الب َّقا ِء ن َّتو ََّّ ََّّ َّ َّ َّfaya- man tawah' h'ada bil i'zze walbaqaaeSo, oh He who is alone in might and subsistenceْْ ت وال َّفنَّا ِء و َّق َّهر ِعباده ِبالم ْو َِّ ُ َّ َّ َّ ََّّwa qahara i'baadaho bilmaute wal fanaa-eand dominates His slaves with death and annihilation,ْ ألت ِقيا ِء ٰ َّ صل ِع ِ ِ ىل مُ َّح َّم ٍد و َّ آِل ا َّ َََّّّs'alle a'laa muh'am madin wa aalehil atqeyaaeBless Muhammad (saw)and His Household (asws), the Pious,10www.wilayatmission.orgSpreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

ْ ْ و ائي ِ اْسع ِن َّد َّ َّwas ma' nidaaianswer my supplicationْْ ائي ِ َّواس َّت ِجب د ُ َّع was tajib dua'aihear my call,ْْ ائي ك أَّم ِِل ور ل ض ف ب ق و ِِِ ج َّ ِ حقـ َّ َّ َّ َّ ََّّ َّwa h'aqqeq befaz" leka a'mali wara jaaiand actualize through Your bounty my hope and desire.ْْ يا خ ْْي م ِ الضر ف ش ك ل ي ع د ن ِ َّ ِ ِ ُ َّ َّ َّ ََُّّyaa khaira man doe'ya lekashfiz" z"ur reOh best of those who is called to remove afflictionْ ْْْ ْس ِ ول ل ِ ُ َّوال َّمأم ٍُ ُ ْس َّوي ٍ ع ُ ِ كل wal maamoole lekulle u'srin wa yusrinand object of hope in every difficulty and ease!ْ ْ ت حاج ِتي بك أنزل َّ َّ ُ َّ َّ َّ ِbekaa anzalto h'aajatiI have stated my need,ْ فال تردِن م ائ ًبا ك ب اه و م ِ ي ن س ن ِِِ خ َََِّّّ ِ ِ َّ ُ َّ َّ ََّّ َّfalaa tarud dani min sannie mawaahebeka khaa ebanso do not reject me, oh my master, despairing of Your exalted gifts.ُ ك ِرمي َّ ك ِرمي ُ َّيا َّ ك ِرمي ُ َّيا َّ َّيا yaa kareemo yaa kareemo yaa ka reemoOh All-generous! Oh All-generous! Oh All-generous!11www.wilayatmission.orgSpreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

ْ بر ْْحتك يا أ ْي اْح الر م ح ر ََِِّّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ ِ َّ َّ ِbe rah'mateka yaa arh'amar raah'e meenBy Your mercy, oh Most Merciful of the merciful!ْْْ. ْي ع ْج أ آِل و د م ح م ه ق ل خ ْي ٰ َّ ىل اهلل ع ٰ وص ٍََِِِِِّّ ََّّ ِ خ َّ ىل َّ ُ َّ َّ ََّّ َّ َّ ُwa s'al lallaaho a'laa khaire khalqehi muh'amma din wa aalehi ajmaa' eenaAnd Allah bless the best of His creatures, Muhammad (saw), and all His Household (asws)Then prostrate and say:ٌ إلـهي ق ْلبي م ْحج وب ُ َّ ِ َّ ِ ٰ ِilaahi qalbee mah'joo bunMy Allah, my heart is veiled,ٌ ون ْفسي م ْعي وب ُ َّ ِ َّ َّwa nafsee ma' yoobunmy soul deficientٌ وع ْقِل م ْغل وب ُ َّ ِ َّ َّwa a'qlee maghloobunmy intelligence defeatedٌ ِ وهوائي غال ب َّ ِ َّ َّ َّwa ha waai ghaalebunmy desires triumphant,ٌ طاع ِتي َّق ِليل و َّ َّ َّwa t'aa'ati qalee lunmy obedience little,ٌْ ك ِثْي َّ َّو َّمع ِص َّي ِتي wa ma's'eyati kathee runmy disobedience much12www.wilayatmission.orgSpreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

ٌ وب ِ ُ َّولِ َّس ِاِن مُ ِقر ِبالُن wa lisaani muqerrun bid'd'unoo beand my tongue acknowledges sins.ْ وب ي ع يل ِتي يا س َّت ح ف ك ْي َِّ َّ ف ِ ُ ُ ار ال َََّّّ َّ َّfakaifa h'eelati yaa sattaarul u'yoobeSo what am I to do? Oh He who covers defects!ْ وب ي غ ِ ُ ُ َّو َّيا َّعال َّ َّم ال wa yaa a'llaamal gho yoobeOh He who knows the unseen things!ْ وب ر ك ف ال ِ ك َّ َّو َّيا ِ ُ َُّ اش wa yaa kaa shefal kuroobeOh He who removes calamatiesْْ اغ ِف ْر ذنوِب كلَّها بح آل مح َّم ٍد و د م ح م ة م ر ٍَِّ ُ ِ َّ َّ َّ ُ َّ ُ ِ َّ ُ ِ ُ ُighfir d'unoobi kullaha be h'urmate muh'am madin wa aale mu h'ammadinForgive my sins, all of them, by the sacredness of Muhammad (saw) and the Household ofMuhammad (asws)! يا َّغ َّفار يا َّغ َّفار يا َّغ َّفار َُّ َُّ َُّyaa ghaf faaro yaa ghaf faaro yaa ghaf faaroOh All-forgiver! Oh All-forgiver! Oh All-forgiver!ْ بر ْْحتك يا أ . ْي اْح الر م ح ر ََِِّّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ ِ َّ َّ ِbe rah'ma teka yaa arh'amar raah'emeenBy Your mercy, oh Most Merciful of the merciful!13www.wilayatmission.orgSpreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws) Dua’a Sabah at Early Morning as taught by Imam Ali (asws) ibne Abi Talib (as) ،يمِحرَّلانِ ْ حْ َّ رلاللهِامِسِْب bismillaahir-rah’maanir-

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