Newsletter Of Tweed Valley Jazz Club

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Newsletter of Tweed Valley Jazz Club No. 114PO Box 5147 South Murwillumbah LPO 2484Email: tweedvalleyjazzclub1@gmail.comPATRONMax BoydPresident:Joan Daniels02 6672 3190Vice President:Peter Hurcombe02 6677 9371Secretary/TreasurerMarlene Downing02 6664 7395Committee:David LinternGreg GooleyMichel VoetsDelle EmeryAnnie SimondsKim DrumWebsite: tweedvalleyjazzclub.orgFacebook: Tweed Valley Jazz ClubPRESIDENTS REPORTWhat a positive year for me to report on. There were some long faces latein 2013 but jazz club members don’t give up easily and people stepped up totake us into another year of quality live music in a wonderful friendly atmosphere. It would be wrong, in fact impossible, to single out any particular bands or musicians so I want to simply list the entertainment we haveenjoyed. Members will have their own fond memories of special nights theycan bring to mind to enjoy again.Over the year we have listened and danced to: The Caxton Street Band,Casino Street, Murwillumbahbarians, Marcus and Rudi, The Cadillac Rockers, The Jazz Canaries, 38 Express, Trombone Kellie, The Jazz Mechanix,Diana Faith, Warren Earl, The Blue Skillet Rovers, The Mello Notes, TheRed Wine and Cheesie Grin Band, Dennis Warren , The Sheps, and, ofcourse our Early Birds. The Birds were a welcome return to earlier days inthe club, a brilliant revival and jazz as it always should be. Some of the gigswere a little experimental but members always responded positively andmore often than not, joyfully.Tweed Valley Jazz Club is an organisation for the enjoyment of live music.We are neither heavy nor flippant about our music. This has been a funmusic year and I look forward to more of the same – much more – in ournext year. Thanks to all our members and sponsors for their support andto the committee for shouldering what seemed at first an awesome responsibility. Well done. Merry Christmas and a safe & prosperous New Year!LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU AT THE GIG.Joan Daniels — President.CLUB DETAILS*Gigs last Friday ofeach month atCondong Bowling ClubMcLeod St, CondongBookings 6672 2238Members 10Visitors 15U/18’s 5For BookingsPh: 6672 2238November 2014CONDONG BOWLS CLUB & TVJCNOVEMBER!"GEORGE WASHINGMACHINEFeaturingGeorge Washingmachineviolin/ukulele/vocalArthur Washington - guitarClare O’Meara - accordion/violin/vocalStan Valacos - double bass

NOVEMBER GIG:FRIDAY NOV 28THEntry Price: Members 15 / Visitors 20EARLY BAND.3 pm to .3 pm DSTDzTHE EARLY BIRDSdzPLAYERS TBA.Tweed Jazz Club membersMAIN BANDpm to.3 pm DSTǮFEEL THE MANOUCHEǯGEORGE WASHINGMACHINEGeorge WashingmachineViolin/Ukulele/VoxArthur Washington GuitarClare O’MearaAccord/Violin/VoxStan Valacos - D. BassThe Early Birds will again open the night with a range of well known Jazzstandards, they never fail to please whenever they play at our Gigs . Memberscome along and have a “hoot”,“BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL’ forthe ‘MANOUCHE’. BOOKINGS BOWLOPh.: 6672 2238GEORGE WASHINGMACHINE Feel The ManoucheǮManouche Ǯis a term derived from the Romany gypsies of Europe, what we in Australia call gypsy jazz.This ine band has been put together by its individual members as an exercise in small group swing.Feel the Manouche has a 'world music' feel. Through it's use of double bass, guitar, accordion & iddle,the band achieves a strong melodic groove that can take on gypsy waltzes, swing jazz, choro and manyother lavours of music from our diverse planet. We invite you to sit back and 'Feel the Manouche'.

‘Special thanks’ to Tweed Shire for 2000 grant received to assist us in MusicWorkshops for Junior and Senior Schools and our continuing sponsorship of theJazz section at the Festival of Performing Arts. Photos cont.BIRTHDAYS AND SPECIAL OCCASIONSAnd wishes a Happy Birthday to:November: Graham Robinson, Marion Roberts, Doreen Parsons, Rick Hanks,Gordon Lee, Susan SearsonDecember: Madeline Pearce, Lynne Grennan, Delle Emery, Lorraine Lintern,Tony Van’t Riet, Susan Martin, John Parker, Paul Wright,James Royal, Kim DrumMEMBERS’ DRAWA Not Negotiable Voucher to the value of 30If not claimed, will jackpot each Gig by 10to a maximum of 100!You must be a financial member & present at the draw to collect the prize!DateNameNumber26.09.14Peter McLaughlin 50 Claimed31.10.14Harlie & Sue Axford 30 NCTweed Links Music Club ConcertCoolangatta Tweed Heads Golf Club,Soorley Street, Tweed Heads South.Enjoy an afternoon of Entertainment in the Main AuditoriumWith theTweed Links Quartet and DancersCompered by Bob GreenDECEMBER 7TH, 2014 – 2pm (NSW)This will be a tribute to the Fabulous SixtiesWith David Chittick and Friends –Shirley King, Gillian & Peter Leonard, Patricia Bischoff,Double Dutch Duo (Alida Craig & Thea Shepherd), Rainer TiffenNO CONCERT IN JANUARY 2015FIRST CONCERT FOR 2015WILL BE ON FEBRUARY 1st, 2pm (NSW)Admission is 6 for Coolangatta Tweed Heads Golf Club members 10 for visitors.Phone Jean 07 5590 5778 for further informationOr visit website:

SEPT PHOTOSCan you spotthis cheerylad?

OCT PHOTOSTop: 20 yrs & Under Soloist AB Patterson CollegeGC Austin CarpenterRight: 16 yrs & Under Mt. St. Pats 4 pc bandLeft: 20yrs & UnderTweed River High 15pcband with guests MayorGary Bagnall & HeatherMartinTop: 20yrs & Under Tweed River High 15pc band.Left: Murwillumbahbarians experienced and funBottom Rt: Crowd enjoying the whole evening.

SPONSORSANNE’S SHAMPOO SHOPPEMURWILLUMBAH CELLARSBRUCE & ROS STEEL24 Oakland Parade, Banora Point10-16 Brisbane St, MurwillumbahTERRANORAPh. 0755 241666Ph. 6672 1877Ph. 0755 243342A VIEW OF MT WARNINGMURWILLUMBAHBed & BreakfastTOASTMASTERS CLUBSUNSHINE BATTERIES &Proprietors: Bruce & Rosemary BaxterPo Box 553, MurwillumbahRADIATOR SERVICEPh. 6679 5068Meets Thursdays fortnightlyProspero Street, South MurwillumbahContact Hazel Ph. 0427 281 819Ph. 6672 3042HUGH BURGETT MUSIC LOVERPROBUS CLUB OFHASTINGS POINTTWEED COAST INC.EDNA ROBINSON’S FAMILYBANDBarbara Threlfall, SecretaryPh. 6676 0845PHILLIP C. TAYLOR J.P.TAYLOR MADE CAR SALES & HIRE5 Prospero St, MurwillumbahPh. 6672 5454JOHN & DIANA KENNAUGHPROBUS CLUB OFQueen Street Medical CentreTWEED RIVER INC.THE TWEED LINKS MUSIC CLUB12 Queen Street, MurwillumbahMeets every 2nd Monday @ 10amPhone: Jean 07 5590 5778Ph. 6672 1244Venue Sth Tweed Bowls Clubor visit website:Contact Sue Ph. 0402136767www.tweedlinksmusicclub.orgSOUTHERN CROSS CREDIT UNIONTROPICAL COAST RETREAT2 Commercial Road, MurwillumbahVeronica & RickPh. 6672 2744PO Box 1727, Kingscliff 2483SANDRA HICKS Metaphysical PractitionerAromatherapy, Astrology,Massage, ReikiPh. 6677 9470Ph. 6677 7594TWEED ENDEAVOUR CRUISESSOUTH MURWILLUMBAHRiver Terrace, Tweed HeadsPOST OFFICEPh. 0755 Street, MurwillumbahVarela Swift PharmacyPh. 6672 264180 Main Street, MurwillumbahUKI CAFE AND GALLERY1 Rowlands Creek RoadUKI 2484Ph. 6679 5052Tweed Taxis6672 23886672 6666Austral CafeMurwillumbah NewsagencyMain Street, MurwillumbahMain Street, Murwillumbah6672 26246672 1193Tweed River MotelMURWILLUMBAH MUSIC55 Tweed Valley Way, MurwillumbahPeter & NarelleRUSSELL J BAXTER SOLICITOR5 Commercial Road, MurwillumbahN.S.W. & QLD (Honorary Club Solicitor)Ph. 6672 540428 Recreation Street, Tweed HeadsPh. 0755 992266ALL NATURAL MEAT COMPANYLee, Peter, Hayden & SamFarmers, Butchers and lovers of all Animals LOCATED IN THE FOOTHILLSOF MT WARNING NORTHERN NSWAUSTRALIA O432 109 440E:allnaturalmeatco@hotmail.com6672 3933Taylorbrite Electrical98 Main Street, Murwillumbah6672 1514TWEED FRUIT EXCHANGE103 Main Street Murwillumbah 2484Ph. 6672 1155— Fax 6672 1393Fruit & Vegetable Retail/WholesaleTo advertise in thisspace phone MarleneDowning 66647395

SOUTHERN CROSS CREDIT UNION 2 Commercial Road, Murwillumbah Ph. 6672 2744 TWEED ENDEAVOUR CRUISES River Terrace, Tweed Heads Ph. 0755 368800 RUSSELL J BAXTER SOLICITOR N.S.W. & QLD (Honorary Club Solicitor) 28 Recreation Street, Tweed Heads Ph. 0755 992266 AN

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