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Shakespeare Notebook Pagescreated by WendeNotebook Pages for many of Shakespeare’s major works are provided forstudent to complete independently. These can be used along with theoriginal plays, the plays in story form, or the plays in movie form.Read and/or watch the plays with your child, and then let him completereport on his own. You may want to first discuss what is expected on thereports.Give your students the following information to help them complete thenotebook pages:Kind of Play: Shakespeare wrote a variety of different kinds of plays. On thetop of the report page is a place to record the kind of work (Aby William Shakespeare). Discuss the different kindsof works with student.Romance – a form of literature that presents life as we would like it to berather than how it actually is. A romance usually involves adventure, love,and excitement.Comedy – a form of literature, which is concerned with man’s inability todeal with reality. Human errors or problems appear funny.Tragedy – a literary work in which the hero is destroyed by some flaw withinhis character and by forces which he cannot control.History – a form of literature based on facts, but often times embellished forentertainments sake.Setting: The setting of the story is where and when it takes place.Characters: You will meet many interesting characters in the works ofShakespeare. Record the Main Characters on Notebook Page, as well assome of their traits. Record both physical traits, which tell what a person

looks like, and character traits, which tell what a person acts like. You mayalso want to mention whether the character was a human or a mythologicalbeing.Brief Summary: Sum up the complete story in a couple of sentences.Conflict and Resolution: Conflict is the clashing or colliding of thoughts, feelings, oractions in a story. There are five basic types of conflict. As you read and/or watcheach work, decide what kind of conflict is present.Man vs. Man: this is when one character in the story has a problem with one ormore other characters in the story.Man vs. Society: this is when a character has a conflict or problem with someelement of society. It could be problems with school, the law, the accepted way ofdoing things, etc.Man vs. Himself: this type of conflict comes up when a character has troubledeciding what to do in a given situation.Man vs. Nature: this is when a character has a problem with some naturaloccurrence, such as a snowstorm, an avalanche, a volcano, etc.Man vs. Fate (God): This is when a character battles what seems likeuncontrollable, coincidental problems.My Review: Describe what you did and/or didn’t like about the work.Optional Book List:Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare for Children by E. NesbittTales From Shakespeare by Charles & Mary LambWilliam Shakespeare and the Globe by AlikiBard of Avon: The Story of William Shakespeare by Diane StanleyMaterials and information on this website may be used for your own personal andschool use. Material may not be shared electronically or be used for resale. Homeschool Share

" ." .JETVNNFS FS //JHIUÅT %SFBN A by William ShakespeareSetting:Main Characters and their Traits:Brief Summary of Work:Which kind of conflict was present in A Midsummer Night’s Dream? (Circle one)Man vs. ManMan vs. SocietyMan vs. HimselfMan vs. NatureMan vs. Fate (God)Describe the conflict as well as the resolution: http://www.homeschoolshare.comPAGE 1

" ." .JETVNNFS FS //JHIUÅT %SFBN What was Shakespeare saying about human nature in this work?Copy quote from A Midsummer Night’s Dream in your best handwriting:7KH FRXUVH RI WUXH ORYH 1HYHU GLG UXQ VPRRWK CCCCCC Vocabulary Words I Didn’t Know:My Review of A Midsummer Night’s Dream: http://www.homeschoolshare.comPAGE 2

"T T ::PV V -JLF F **U A by William ShakespeareSetting:Main Characters and their Traits:Brief Summary of Work:Which kind of conflict was present in As You Like It? (Circle one)Man vs. ManMan vs. SocietyMan vs. HimselfMan vs. NatureMan vs. Fate (God)Describe the conflict as well as the resolution: http://www.homeschoolshare.comPAGE 1

"T T ::PV V -JLF F **U What was Shakespeare saying about human nature in this work?Copy quote from As You Like It in your best handwriting: OO WKH ZRUOG V D VWDJH QG DOO PHQ DQG ZRPHQ DUH PHUHO\ SOD\HUV 7KH\ KDYH WKHLU H[LWV DQG WKHLU HQWUDQFHV QG RQH PDQ LQ KLV WLPH SOD\V PDQ\ SDUWV CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Vocabulary Words I Didn’t Know:My Review of As You Like It:

) B NMFU A by William ShakespeareSetting:Main Characters and their Traits:Brief Summary of Work:Which kind of conflict was present in Hamlet? (Circle one)Man vs. ManMan vs. SocietyMan vs. HimselfMan vs. NatureMan vs. Fate (God)Describe the conflict as well as the resolution: http://www.homeschoolshare.comPAGE 1

) B NMFU What was Shakespeare saying about human nature in this work?Copy quote from Hamlet in your best handwriting:7R EH KRQHVW DV WKLV ZRUOG JRHV LV WR EH RQH PDQ SLFNHG RXW RI WHQ WKRXVDQG CCCCCC My Review of Hamlet: http://www.homeschoolshare.comPAGE 2

,JOH OH -FBSBS A by William ShakespeareSetting:Main Characters and their Traits:Brief Summary of Work:Which kind of conflict was present in King Lear? (Circle one)Man vs. ManMan vs. SocietyMan vs. HimselfMan vs. NatureMan vs. Fate (God)Describe the conflict as well as the resolution: http://www.homeschoolshare.comPAGE 1

,JOH OH -FBS What was Shakespeare saying about human nature in this work?Copy quote from King Lear in your best handwriting:7KDW VLU ZKLFK VHUYHV DQG VHHNV IRU JDLQ QG IROORZV EXW IRU IRUP :LOO SDFN ZKHQ LW EHJLQV WR UDLQ QG OHDYH WKHH LQ WKH VWRUP CCCCCCCCCCCC Vocabulary Words I Didn’t Know:My Review of King Lear:

. BD C F UI A by William ShakespeareSetting:Main Characters and their Traits:Brief Summary of Work:Which kind of conflict was present in Macbeth? (Circle one)Man vs. ManMan vs. SocietyMan vs. HimselfMan vs. NatureMan vs. Fate (God)Describe the conflict as well as the resolution: http://www.homeschoolshare.comPAGE 1

. BD C F UI What was Shakespeare saying about human nature in this work?Copy quote from Macbeth in your best handwriting:, DP FDELQ G FULEE G FRQILQHG ERXQG LQ 7R VDXF\ GRXEWV DQG IHDUV CCCCCC My Review of Macbeth: http://www.homeschoolshare.comPAGE 2

.FSDIBOBOU U PPG G 77FOFOJJDF A by William ShakespeareSetting:Main Characters and their Traits:Brief Summary of Work:Which kind of conflict was present in Merchant of Venice? (Circle one)Man vs. ManMan vs. SocietyMan vs. HimselfMan vs. NatureMan vs. Fate (God)Describe the conflict as well as the resolution: http://www.homeschoolshare.comPAGE 1

.FSDIBOBOU U PPG G 77FOFOJJDF What was Shakespeare saying about human nature in this work?Copy quote from Merchant of Venice in your best handwriting:&RQVLGHU WKLV 7KDW LQ WKH FRXUVH RI MXVWLFH QRQH RI XV 6KRXOG VHH VDOYDWLRQ ZH GR SUD\ IRU PHUF\ QG WKDW VDPH SUD\HU GRWK WHDFK XV DOO 7R UHQGHU WKH GHHGV RI PHUF\ CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Vocabulary Words I Didn’t Know:My Review of Merchant of Venice:

.VDI DI ""EP P "CP"CPVVU U /P/PUUIJOHOH A by William ShakespeareSetting:Main Characters and their Traits:Brief Summary of Work:Which kind of conflict was present in Much Ado About Nothing? (Circle one)Man vs. ManMan vs. SocietyMan vs. HimselfMan vs. NatureMan vs. Fate (God)Describe the conflict as well as the resolution: http://www.homeschoolshare.comPAGE 1

.VDI DI ""EP P "CP"CPVVU U /P/PUUIJOH What was Shakespeare saying about human nature in this work?Copy quote from Much Ado About Nothing in your best handwriting:,Q D IDOVH TXDUUHO 7KHUH LV QR WUXH YDORU CCCCCC Vocabulary Words I Didn’t Know:My Review of Much Ado About Nothing: http://www.homeschoolshare.comPAGE 2

3PNFP P BOBOE E VMJMJFFU A by William ShakespeareSetting:Main Characters and their Traits:Brief Summary of Work:Which kind of conflict was present in Romeo and Juliet? (Circle one)Man vs. ManMan vs. SocietyMan vs. HimselfMan vs. NatureMan vs. Fate (God)Describe the conflict as well as the resolution: http://www.homeschoolshare.comPAGE 1

3PNFP P BOBOE E VMJMJFFU What was Shakespeare saying about human nature in this work?Copy quote from Romeo and Juliet in your best handwriting::KDW V LQ D QDPH" 7KDW ZKLFK ZH FDOO D URVH %\ DQ\ RWKHU QDPH ZRXOG VPDOO DV VZHHW CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Vocabulary Words I Didn’t Know:My Review of Romeo and Juliet: http://www.homeschoolshare.comPAGE 2

5IF IF 55BNJOH H PPG G UUIF IF 44ISFX A by William ShakespeareSetting:Main Characters and their Traits:Brief Summary of Work:Which kind of conflict was present in The Taming of the Shrew? (Circle one)Man vs. ManMan vs. SocietyMan vs. HimselfMan vs. NatureMan vs. Fate (God)Describe the conflict as well as the resolution: http://www.homeschoolshare.comPAGE 1

5IF IF 55BNJOH H PPG G UUIF IF 44ISFX What was Shakespeare saying about human nature in this work?Vocabulary Words I Didn’t Know:Choose your favorite quote from the play and copy it CC My Review of The Taming of the Shrew:

5IF F 55FNQFTFTUU A by William ShakespeareSetting:Main Characters and their Traits:Brief Summary of Work:Which kind of conflict was present in The Tempest? (Circle one)Man vs. ManMan vs. SocietyMan vs. HimselfMan vs. NatureMan vs. Fate (God)Describe the conflict as well as the resolution: http://www.homeschoolshare.comPAGE 1

5IF F 55FNQFTFTUU What was Shakespeare saying about human nature in this work?Copy quote from The Tempest in your best handwriting::H DUH VXFK VWXII V GUHDPV DUH PDGH RI DQG RXU OLWWOH OLIH ,V URXQGHG ZLWK D VOHHS CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Vocabulary Words I Didn’t Know:My Review of The Tempest: http://www.homeschoolshare.comPAGE 2

5JNPO O PPG G ""UIFOTOT A by William ShakespeareSetting:Main Characters and their Traits:Brief Summary of Work:Which kind of conflict was present in Timon of Athens? (Circle one)Man vs. ManMan vs. SocietyMan vs. HimselfMan vs. NatureMan vs. Fate (God)Describe the conflict as well as the resolution: http://www.homeschoolshare.comPAGE 1

5JNPO O PPG G ""UIFOT What was Shakespeare saying about human nature in this work?Copy quote from Timon of Athens in your best handwriting: K :KHQ WKH PHDQV DUH JRQH WKDW EX\ WKLV SUDLVH 7KH EUHDWK LV JRQH ZKHUHRI WKLV SUDLVH LV PDGH )DVW ZRQ IDVW ORVW RQH FORXG RI ZLQWHU VKRZHUV 7KHVH IOLHV DUH FRXFKHG CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Vocabulary Words I Didn’t Know:My Review of Timon of Athens: http://www.homeschoolshare.comPAGE 2

5XFMGUGUI I //JHIU U A by William ShakespeareSetting:Main Characters and their Traits:Brief Summary of Work:Which kind of conflict was present in Twelfth Night? (Circle one)Man vs. ManMan vs. SocietyMan vs. HimselfMan vs. NatureMan vs. Fate (God)Describe the conflict as well as the resolution: http://www.homeschoolshare.comPAGE 1

5XFMGUGUI I //JHIU What was Shakespeare saying about human nature in this work?Copy quote from Twelfth Night in your best handwriting:6RPH DUH ERUQ JUHDW 6RPH DFKLHYH JUHDWQHVV QG VRPH KDYH JUHDWQHVV WKUXVW XSRQ WKHP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Vocabulary Words I Didn’t Know:My Review of Twelfth Night: http://www.homeschoolshare.comPAGE 2

Vocabulary Words I Didn’t Know: . Which kind of conflict was present in Much Ado About Nothing? (Circle one) Man vs. Man Man vs. Society Man vs. Himself Man vs. Nature Man vs. Fate (

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