West Islay Tidal Energy Park Environmental Statement

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West Islay Tidal Energy Park Environmental StatementWEST ISLAY TIDAL ENERGY PARKVOLUME 2 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENTCONTENTSSECTION 1: INTRODUCTION, POLICY, CONTEXT, EIA & DESCRIPTION1.Introduction2.Legislative & Policy Context3.Site Selection Process and Alternatives Considered4.The Environmental Impact Assessment, EnvironmentalStatement & Consultation5.Project Description6.Physical EnvironmentSECTION 2: BIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT7.Mammals8.Benthic Ecology9.Otters10.Birds11.Natural FishSECTION 3: HUMAN ENVIRONMENT12.Commercial Fish13.Archaeology14.Shipping & Navigation15.Landscape & Seascape Visual16.Traffic & Transport17.Recreation and Amenity18.Socio-economic19.Noise20.EMFSECTION 4: SUMMARY CONCLUSIONS, MITIGATION & MONITORING21.Summary of Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

West Islay Tidal Energy Park Environmental StatementPrefaceThis Environmental Statement (ES) is prepared, by DP Marine Energy Ltd (DPME), insupport of an application for statutory consents for West Islay Tidal Energy Park (theProject).The Project is being developed jointly by DPME and DEME Blue Energy (DBE) on thebehalf of West Islay Tidal Energy Park Limited a special purpose Scottish Companywhich has been incorporated to build and operate the Project.The Project consists of the installation of 30MW of Tidal Energy Converters andassociated infrastructure including the export cables to landfall on IslayThe proposed array of tidal energy devices will be located approximately 6km (at itsclosest point) from the south west tip of the island of Islay in Argyll and Bute,Scotland. The proposed landfall for the associated electricity export cable will belocated adjacent to Kintra Farm on the west coast of Islay.The Regulatory Authority responsible for assessing the application for consent isMarine Scotland. They will be supported in the assessment process by a number ofenvironmental bodies including Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH).The Environmental Statement can be viewed during the statutory consultation periodat the following locations:IslayEnergyTrust, Portnahaven Post OfficeCustom House,PortnahavenBowmore, Isle of Islay, Isle of IslayPA43 7JJPA47 7SHTel: 01496 810873Tel: 01496 860264Bowmore Post Office,Main Street,Bowmore, Isle of Islay,PA43 7JHTel: 01496 810366Port Ellen Post Office,66 Fredrick CrescentPort Ellen, Isle of Islay,PA42 7BDTel: 01496 30238ScottishGovernmentLibrary,Victoria Quay,Edinburgh,EH6 6QQDP Marine Energy LtdMill HouseButtevantCounty CorkTel: 353 22 23955During the consultation period copies of the Environmental Statement can bepurchased from DPME either on CD for a charge of 15 or in hard copy form for 400. Copies of the Non-Technical Summary are available free of charge and adownloadable version is also be available on the West Islay Tidal website:www.westislaytidal.com. Requests for CD and or hard copies of the ES can be madeto the DPME address above or by email islay@dpenergy.comPreface1July 2013

West Islay Tidal Energy Park Environmental StatementResponsibilityEIA ChaptersNameClodaghMcGrathDateSignaturendMonday, 22July 2013NonEIA ProjectChaptersManagerBlair MarnieMonday, 22ndJuly )DamianBettlesMonday, 22ndJuly 2013DPME DocumentReference:ApprovedCopyright:Job TitleEIA ManagerDe Monday, 22ndJuly 2013SimonPietroWest Islay Tidal EnergyEnvironmental StatementParkIt should be noted that the NTS and ES has been prepared by DPME supported byDBE with significant input from external sub-consultants on specialist chapters. Areview process for Quality Assurance was conducted on all chapters, whetherproduced by external consultants or internally by DPME.The ES has been prepared by DPME with all reasonable skill and care and whilstevery effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the material published in thisand associated documents, West Islay Tidal Energy Park Ltd, DPME or DBE will notbe liable for any inaccuracies.These documents remain the sole property of DPME. They are submitted to theRegulators and Local Authorities solely for their use in evaluating the EnvironmentalImpact Assessment for the West Islay Tidal Energy Project. No part of thispublication (hardcopy or CD-ROM) or any attachments, addenda and/or technicalreports may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means or otherwisedisclosed to third parties without the express written permission of DPME, exceptthat permission is hereby granted to the Regulators to evaluate this EnvironmentalStatement in accordance with their normal procedures, which may necessitate thereproduction of this response to provide additional copies strictly for internal use.DPME would like to acknowledge the technical support provided by Siemens/MCT,Alstom/TGL and Bluewater/BlueTEC for their considerable assistance in enabling thedesign envelope to be defined.The licence numbers for proprietary data referenced in diagrams and maps can befound on individual figures.Copyright 2013 DP Marine Energy LimitedAll rights reserved.Preface2July 2013

West Islay Tidal Energy Park Environmental StatementGlossary of Terms:Agreement for LeaseDynamic positioningvesselExport cablesGravity based structure(GBS)MonopileNacellePin pileProjectRemotely operatedvehicle (ROV)Tidal turbineTidal turbine arrayTurbine support structure(TSS)Wet mate connectorAgreement entered into between West Islay Tidal Ltd and The Crown Estatefor the rights to development on the seabed, named as West Islay Tidal, shownin Figure 5.1.A Dynamic Positioning Vessel (DP) can safely maintain its position and headingin a tidal flow using a system of thrusters. DP vessels are able to work safely andefficiently in waters deeper than vessels using anchors.Cables used to export power generated by the tidal turbines to the onshoreinfrastructure.A structure which uses ballast to sit securely on the seabed without needing to bestabilized by piles or anchors. The GBS is used to support a tidal turbine.A single large diameter steel tube that is grouted into a hole bored into the seabed.The monopile is used to support a tidal turbine.The enclosure of the tidal turbine’s mechanical and electrical equipment.The use of multiple small diameter steel tubes that are grouted into a hole boredinto the seabed. The pin piles are used to support a tidal turbine.For the purpose of this ES, the Project refers to the West Islay Tidal Energy Project.A Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) is an underwater vehicle able to undertakemultiple subsea operations. ROVs are highly manoeuvrable and are controlledby operators on-board the DP vessel.A device that converts hydrodynamic energy in the tidal flow into electrical energy.Term used to describe a group of tidal turbines.A turbine support structure is the structure placed on the seabed onto which atidal turbine is installed.A device used to connect electrical and data cables underwater.-i-

AA Appropriate AssessmentAADT Annual Average Daily TrafficABRA Argyll & Bute Renewables AllianceAC Alternating CurrentAD Anno DominiADCP Acoustic Doppler Current ProfilerAfL Agreement for LeaseAFT Argyll Fisheries TrustAGLV Areas of Great Landscape ValueAHC Active Heave CompensationAIS Automatic Identification SystemALARP As Low as Reasonably PracticableAMAA Ancient Monuments & Archaeological Areas ActAOD Above Ordnance DatumAR4 Forth Assessment ReportASCOBANS Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic, NorthEast Atlantic, Irish & North SeasASFB Association of Salmon Fisheries BoardAST Atlantic Salmon TrustAWAC Acoustic Wave and CurrentBADC British Atmospheric Data CentreBAP Biodiversity Action PlanBAT Best Available TechniqueBERR Department of Business, Enterprise & Regulatory ReformBGS British Geological SurveyBOCC Birds of Conservation ConcernBODC British Oceanographic Data CentreBS British StandardBSI British Standards InstitutionCAA Civil Aviation AuthorityCEFAS Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture ScienceCFA Clyde Fishermen’s AssociationCD Chart DatumCIA Cumulative Impact AssessmentCIRIA Construction Industry Research & Information AssociationCMACS Centre for Marine and Coastal StudiesCMS Construction Method StatementCOWRIE Collaborative Offshore Wind Research into the Environment.CPA Coast Protection ActCPT Core Penetration Tests.CRM Collision Risk ModellingdB DecibelDBE DEME Blue EnergyDDV Drop Down VideoDECC Department of Energy & Climate ChangeDEFRA Department for Environment, Food & Rural AffairsDEME Dredging, Environmental & Marine EngineeringDFO District Fisheries OfficedGPS Differentially corrected GPSDOE MD Department of Environment, Marine DivisionDP Dynamic PositioningDP Decommissioning ProgrammeDPME DP Marine EnergyDSFB District Salmon Fisheries BoardsEC European CommissionEcIA Ecological Impact AssessmentEEC European Economic CommunityEIA Environmental Impact AssessmentEMEC European Marine Energy CentreEMF Electro Magnetic FieldEMaP Environmental Management PlanEMP Environmental Monitoring ProgrammeENVID Environmental Issue IdentificationList of Acronyms-i-EPS European Protected SpeciesERCoP Emergency Response Cooperation PlanES Environmental StatementESAS European Seabirds at SeaETA Estimated Time of ArrivalEU European UnionEUNIS European Nature Information SystemFAO Food and Agriculture OrganisationFCS Favourable Conservation StatusFEPA Food and Environment Protection ActFLO Fisheries Liaison OfficerFREDS Forum for Renewable Energy Development in ScotlandFRS Fisheries Research ServicesFSA Formal Safety AssessmentFTE Full Time EquivilentsGDP Gross Domestic ProductGHG Greenhouse Gas EmissionsGIS Geographical Information SystemsGPS Global Positioning SystemHATT Horizontal Axis TurbineHLV Heavy Lift Shearleg VesselsHIAL Highlands & Islands Airports LtdHIRA Hazard Identification & Risk AssessmentHRA Habitat Regulations AppraisalHS Historic ScotlandHSE Health and Safety ExecutiveICES International Council for the Exploration of the SeaICOMOS International Council on Monuments and Sites.IFA Institute for ArchaeologistsIEMA Institute of Environmental ManagementIMO International Maritime OrganisationIPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ChangeISA Immediate Study AreaIUCN International Union for Conservation of NatureJCP Joint Cetacean ProtocolJNAPC Joint Nautical Archaeology Policy Committee.JNCC Joint Nature Conservation Committeekg Kilogramkm Kilometrekm2 Square kilometreKm/h Kilometre per hourkV KilovoltsLAT Lowest Astronomical TideLBAP Local Biodiversity Action PlanLCA Landscape Character AssessmentLDP Local Development PlanLLA Local Lighthouse AuthorityLSCA Landscape Seascape Character AssessmentLSE Likely Significant Effectm MetreMarLIN Marine Life Information NetworkMAIB Marine Accident Investigation BranchMARPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from ShipsMS Marine ScotlandMBES Multibeam Echo SounderMCA Maritime and Coastguard AgencyMCS Marine Conservation SocietyMCT Marine Current Turbines LimitedMESH Marine European Seabed HabitatsMFA Marine and Fisheries AgencyMGN Marine Guidance NoteMHWS Mean High Water SpringsMLWS Mean Low Water SpringsMLURI Macaulay Land Use Research Institutemm MillimetreWest Islay Tidal Energy Park Environmental StatementMMO Marine Management OrganisationMNCR Marine Nature Conservation ReviewMNNS Marine Non Native SpeciesMoD Ministry of DefenceMP Member of ParliamentMPA Marine Protected AreaMPS Marine Policy StatementMS Marine ScotlandMSFD Marine Strategy Framework DirectiveMSFD Marine Strategy Framework DirectiveMSL Mean Sea LevelMSP Mean Spring PeakMSS Marine Scotland Sciencems Metres per secondMSW Multi Sea Winter (adult salmon)MW MegawattsNATS National Air Traffic ServiceNMRS National Monuments Records of ScotlandNBN National Biodiversity NetworkNCI Nature Conservation ImportanceNGR National Grid ReferenceNIEA Northern Ireland Environment AgencyNLB Northern Lighthouse BoardNm Nautical milesNPF National Planning FrameworkNSA National Scenic AreaNSRA Navigational Safety Risk AssessmentOCFA Offshore Cable Feasibility AssessmentOSPAR Oslo & Paris Conventions for the protection of the marine environmentOREI Offshore Renewable Energy InstallationOS Ordnance SurveyPAD Protocol for Archaeological DiscoveriesPAM Passive Acoustic MonitoringPAN Planning Advice NotePBR Potential Biological RemovalPEXA Practice and Exercise AreaPPG Pollution Prevention GuidelinesPHA Preliminary Hazard AnalysisPMF Priority Marine FeaturePSD Power Spectral DensityRCAHMS Royal Commission for Ancient and Historical Monuments for ScotlandReDAPT Reliable Data Acquisition Platform TidalRES Renewable Energy StrategyREZ Renewable Energy ZoneRNLI Royal National Lifeboat InstitutionROCs Renewables Obligation CertificatesROS Renewable Obligation Order for ScotlandROV Remotely Operated VehicleROW Receiver of Wreck, wreck administration department within the UK MaritimeCoastguard Agency.RPM Revolutions per MinuteRSPB Royal Society for the Protection of BirdsRTP Roger Tym and PartnersRYA Royal Yachting AssociationSAAR Standard Annual Average RainfallSAC Special Area of ConservationSAM Scheduled Ancient MonumentSAMS Scottish Association for Marine ScienceSAR Search and RescueSBL Scottish Biodiversity ListSCANS Small Cetacean Abundance in the North SeaSCADA Supervisory Control and Data AcquisitionSCOS Special Committee on SealsSEPA Scottish Environment Protection AgencySEA Strategic Environmental Assessment

SFF Scottish Fishermen’s FederationSHEP (Historic Scotland’s) Scottish Historic Environment PolicySHETL Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission LtdSHEPD Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution LtdSIFAG Scottish Inshore Fisheries and Advisory GroupSLA Scenic Landscape AreaSLVIA Seascape & Landscape Visual Impact AssessmentSMA Seal Management AreaSMRU Seal and Mammal Research UnitSMP Survey Monitoring PlanSNH Scottish Natural HeritageSNMP Scotland’s National Marine PlanSOLAS International Convention for the Safety of Life at SeaSOS Secretary of StateSPA Special Protection AreaSPG Supplementary Planning GuidanceSPL Sound Pressure LevelSPP Scottish Planning PolicySRSL SAMS Research Services LimitedSSA Setting Study AreaSSE Scottish and Southern EnergySSER Scottish and Southern Energy RenewablesSSSI Special Site of Scientific InterestTCE The Crown EstateTAC Total Allowable CatchTEC Tidal Energy ConverterTGL Tidal Generation LimitedTHLS Trinity House Lighthouse ServiceTOC Total Organic CarbonTSS Turbine Support StructureTSS Traffic Separation SchemeTTS Temporary Threshold ShiftUK United KingdomUKBAP UK Biodiversity Action PlanUKC Under Keel ClearanceUKHO UK Hydrographic OfficeUKRES UK Renewable Energy StrategyUNCLOS United Nations Convention of the Law of the SeaUNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organisation.VATT Vertical Axis TurbineV VoltsVERs Valued Ecological ReceptorsVHF Very High FrequencyVP Vantage PointVMS Vessel Monitoring SystemVTS Vessel Traffic ServicesWANE The Wildlife & Natural Environment (Scotland) Act (2011)WEWS Water Environment & Water Services ActWITEP West Islay Tidal Energy ParkWGNAS Working Group on North Atlantic SalmonWHO World Health OrganisationWFD Water Framework DirectiveWSA Wider study areaZAV Zone of Actual VisibilityZTV Zone of Theoretical Visibility-ii -West Islay Tidal Energy Park Environmental Statement

West Islay Tidal Energy Park Environmental StatementList of Tables:Number1.11.2TitleStructure of Environmental Statement (Volume 2)List of EIA Assessors4. Design CriteriaAbridged Scoping OpinionResponses to Cable Route Assessment ReportKey Stages of the EIA ProcessConsequence of ImpactDefinitions of Significance RankingsDetails of Projects Considered in Cumulative Impact Assessment5. of Proposed Development AreaCo-ordinates of Sub-sea Cable Route to IslayProject Envelope CriteriaDepth and Spacing Parameters SeaGen S Mark 2Depth and Spacing Parameters TGLFoundation & Turbine Installation Vessel Options6.16.26.3Definition of the Shoreline Sensitivity to Erosion or AccretionDefinition of the Magnitude of ChangeCriteria Matrix Used to Determine the Significance of Impacts from theTurbine Array Area on the Physical EnvironmentTidal Elevation (m)Tidal Elevation (m) Extreme Water level Estimation at Tidal SiteSummary of Potential Impacts to the Shoreline Relating to . of Legal Status of Species Occurring at the Project SiteKey Consultation Comments Relevant to Marine MammalsCategories for Determining SensitivityCategories for Determining MagnitudeMatrix for Determining Consequence of ImpactDescriptions Used for Defining Overall SignificanceProjects Relevant to Cumulative Impact Assessment for Marine MammalsProject Parameters Relevant to Marine Mammals and Basking SharksA Summary of Species Considered Relevant for EIA, Based on Recordedand Likely Occurrence at the ProjectSpecies Considered in this EIA, According to Species GroupSummary of Potential Impacts to Marine Mammals and Basking SharksZones of Influence of Noise on Marine Mammals (Richardson et al.,1995).Minimum Distance Between Potential Vessel Activities and the NearestProposed Haul-out Sites within the West Highland Management AreaSummary of Estimated Annual Encounter Rates per Turbine Rotor for theMost Commonly Encountered Marine Mammal Species at the ProposedDevelopment SiteEstimated Annual Collision Levels for the Proposed Development, forVarying Assumed Avoidance Rates (see discussion for limitations in this

West Islay Tidal Energy Park Environmental Relevant to Cumulative Impact Assessment for Marine MammalsPredicted collisions that are considered in consenting, relevant to PBRthresholds (442 and 297 for harbour and grey seal, respectively). Notethat these figures were not collected using a consistent methodology andso cannot be compared directlySummary of Potential Impacts, Mitigation Measures and OverallSignificanceSummary of stakeholder responses relevant to site benthic surveys.Summary of previous studies & reviews in the vicinity of the proposedIslay Tidal Energy Project.Summary of site specific survey techniques employedCriteria used for assigning magnitude scores to pressures.Consequence of impactsRochdale envelope parameters defined for assessing impacts relating toconstruction, operation and decommissioning of the tidal array and interarray cables.Biotopes assigned in and around the Tidal Site following analysis of theDDV images collected during subtidal survey work.Receptor group found within the Site Survey Area of the Tidal SiteSummary of predicted pressures to be addressed in impact assessmentat the Tidal SiteImpact assessment summary of direct physical disturbance andtemporary substratum loss due to construction activitiesImpact assessment summary of smothering (drill cutting release)Impact assessment summary of introduction of MNNSImpact assessment summary of long term substratum loss andcolonisation of introduced substratumImpact assessment summary of decrease in water flowImpact assessment summary of contaminationImpact assessment summary of potential facilitation of spread of MNNSSummary of the Impact Assessment of the Tidal SiteRochdale envelope parameters defined for assessing impacts relating toconstruction, operation and decommissioning of the Western ExportCable RouteSubtidal biotopes identified along the Western Export Cable RouteReceptor Groups incorporating biotopes with similar biological andphysical characteristics considered in the EIA.Summary of predicted pressures to be addressed in impact assessmentat the Western Export Cable RouteImpact assessment summary of direct physical disturbanceImpact assessment summary of increased suspended sediment anddepositionImpact assessment summary of introduction of MNNSImpact assessment summary of long term substratum loss andrecolonisa

MCS Marine Conservation Society . MCT Marine Current Turbines Limited . MESH Marine European Seabed Habitats . MFA Marine and Fisheries Agency . MGN Marine Guidance Note . MHWS Mean High Water Springs . MLWS Mean Low Water Springs . MLURI mm Millimetre . MMO Marine Management Organisation . MNCR Marine Nature Conservation Review Northern .

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