The Plant Cell

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Levetin McMahon: Plantsand Society, Fifth EditionII. Introduction to PlantLife: Botanical Principles2. The Plant Cell The McGraw HillCompanies, 2008UNIT IIC H A PT E R OU T L I N EEarly Studies of Cells 20The Cell Wall 22The Protoplast 22Membranes 22Moving Into and Out of Cells 22Organelles 23A CLOSER LOOK 2.1 Origin ofChloroplasts and Mitochondria 25The Nucleus 26Cell Division 26The Cell Cycle 26Prophase 27Metaphase 27Anaphase 27Telophase 27Cytokinesis 27Chapter Summary 30Review Questions 30Further Reading 30K EY C O N C E P T S1.2.3.4.The Cell Theory establishes that the cellis the basic unit of life, that all livingorganisms are composed of cells, andthat cells arise from preexisting cells.Plant cells are eukaryotic, having anorganized nucleus and membrane-boundorganelles.Substances can move into and out ofcells by diffusion and osmosis.Mitosis, followed by cytokinesis, resultsin two genetically identical daughtercells. Growth, replacement of cells, andasexual reproduction all depend on theprocess of cell division.C H A P T E R2The Plant CellPlantlets are produced by vegetative reproduction on the leaf margin of kalanchoe.Mitosis is the underlying cell division for vegetative or asexual reproduction.19

Levetin McMahon: Plantsand Society, Fifth Edition20UNIT IIII. Introduction to PlantLife: Botanical Principles2. The Plant Cell The McGraw HillCompanies, 2008Introduction to Plant Life: Botanical PrinciplesAll plants (and every other living organism) are composed of cells. In some algae and fungi, the wholeorganism consists of a single cell, but angiospermsare complex multicellular organisms composed of many different types of cells. Plant cells are microscopic and typicallyrange from 10 to 100 μm in length. This means that therewould be between 254 and 2,540 of these cells to an inch(fig. 2.1). In Chapter 3 we will be looking at the variety ofcells, but in this chapter we will focus on a composite angiosperm plant cell.EARLY STUDIES OF CELLSThe first person to describe cells was the Englishman RobertHooke in 1665. Hooke was examining the structure of corkwith a primitive microscope (fig. 2.2) and noticed that itwas organized into small units that resembled the cubiclesin monasteries where monks slept. These rooms were called“cells.” He gave that name to the little compartments in cork,and the term was eventually applied to mean the basic unit oflife. Although the cork was not living, Hooke later looked atliving plants and identified cells there also.Other scientists in the late seventeenth and eighteenthcenturies continued the microscopic examination and studyof a variety of organisms. It was not until the mid-nineteenthcentury, however, that Matthias Schleiden and TheodorSchwann, and later Rudolf Virchow, firmly established theCell Theory, which recognizes the cell as the basic unit oflife. The Cell Theory further states that all organisms areFigure 2.2 Robert Hooke’s microscope.Range of Electron Microscope1—–100 m1——–1,000 m1———10,000 m1———–100,000 m1————–1,000,000 m1—————10,000,000 m1—————–100,000,000 m1——————–1,000,000,000 mRange of Light Microscope1 cm1 mm100 μm10 μm1 μm100 nm10 nm1 nm0.1 nm01 cm1 inchThicknessof a dimePlant cellAnimal 1Figure 2.1 Biological measurements. The scale ranges from 1 centimeter (0.01 meter) down to 0.1 nanometer (0.0000000001 meter).

Levetin McMahon: Plantsand Society, Fifth EditionII. Introduction to PlantLife: Botanical Principles2. The Plant Cell The McGraw HillCompanies, 2008CHAPTER 221The Plant CellMicrotubuleCentral leusNuclearenvelopeMicrofilamentRibosomeRough ERSmooth ERPlasma membraneCell wallCytosolGolgi apparatusMitochondrionMiddle lamellaCell wall of adjacent cell(a)PlasmadesmaCentralvacuoleNucleusCell wallcomposed of cells and all cells arise from preexisting cells.This theory is one of the major principles in biology.Although these early scientists were unable to identifymany structures within a cell, today it is possible to magnifyextremely small details of the cell using an electron microscope. Use of the electron microscope has greatly expandedour knowledge of cellular structure and function. The structures in a eukaryotic plant cell that are visible with an electronmicroscope are illustrated in Figure 2.3.THE CELL WALLMitochondriaPlasmamembraneChloroplasts withstarch grains(b)Figure 2.3 Plant cell structure. (a) Diagram of a generalizedplant cell as seen under an electron microscope. (b) Electronmicrograph of a plant cell.The cell wall encloses all other parts of the plant cell, collectively called the protoplast. The cell wall material is formedby the protoplast. Plant cell walls may consist of one or twolayers. The first layer, or the primary wall, is formed early inthe life of a plant cell. It is composed of a number of polysaccharides, principally cellulose. The cellulose is in the formof fibrils, extremely fine fibers (fig. 1.9f). These fibrils areembedded in a matrix of other polysaccharides.The secondary wall is laid down internal to the primarywall. In cells with secondary walls, lignin, a very complexorganic molecule, is a major component of the walls, in addition

Levetin McMahon: Plantsand Society, Fifth Edition22UNIT IIII. Introduction to PlantLife: Botanical Principles2. The Plant Cell The McGraw HillCompanies, 2008Introduction to Plant Life: Botanical Principlesto the cellulose and other polysaccharides. Considering all theplant material on Earth, it is not surprising that cellulose is themost abundant organic compound, with lignin a close second.Only certain types of plant cells have secondary walls,usually just those specialized for support, protection, or waterconduction. Lignin is known for its toughness; it gives woodits characteristic strength and also provides protection againstattack by pathogens (disease-causing agents) and consumption by herbivores (although certain species of wood-rottingfungi have the ability to break down lignin—see A CloserLook 23.2—Dry Rot and Other Wood Decay Fungi). Tocompare the characteristics of primary and secondary walls,imagine a chair made of lettuce leaves instead of wood!Although the cell wall is one or two layers thick, it isnot a solid structure. Minute pores, or pits, exist; most ofthese are large enough to be seen with the light microscope.Pits allow for the transfer of materials through cell walls.Middle lamellaPlasmodesmaCytoplasmic connections between adjacent plant cells oftenoccur. These are called plasmodesmata and pass through thepits in the cell wall. These allow for the movement of materials from cell to cell (fig. 2.4).A sticky layer called the middle lamella (fig. 2.3) canbe found between the walls of adjacent plant cells. This actsas a cellular cement, gluing cells together. It is composed ofpectins, the additive often used in making fruit jellies.THE PROTOPLASTThe protoplast is defined as all of the plant cell enclosed by thecell wall. It is composed of the nucleus plus the cytoplasm.The cytoplasm consists of various organelles (cellular structures) distributed in the cytosol, a matrix consisting of largeamounts of water (in some cells up to 90%), proteins, otherorganic molecules, and ions. Also found in the cytoplasm is anetwork of proteinaceous microtubules and microfilamentsthat make up the cytoskeleton, a cellular scaffolding thathelps support and shape the cell and is involved in all aspectsof cell movement (fig. 2.3).MembranesPlasmamembraneThe outermost layer of the protoplast is the plasma membrane, which is composed of phospholipids and proteins. Thefluid mosaic model, the currently accepted idea of membranestructure, is shown in Figure 2.5. This model consists of adouble layer of phospholipids with scattered proteins. Someof the proteins go through the lipid bilayer (integral proteins) while others are on either the inner or the outer surface(peripheral proteins). Some of the membrane proteins andlipids have carbohydrates attached; they are called glycoproteins and glycolipids, respectively. The carbohydrates areusually short chains of about five to seven monosaccharides.Some have described this membrane model as “protein icebergs in a sea of lipids.” The plasma membrane serves asa permeability barrier, allowing some molecules (such aswater) to pass through but not others.Cell walls(a)PlasmodesmaCell wallsMoving Into and Out of laCell 1Cell 2(b)Figure 2.4 Plasmodesmata permit the passage of materialsfrom cell to cell. (a) Electron micrograph. (b) Drawing.Cells constantly exchange materials with their environment.One way this exchange occurs is by diffusion. Diffusion isthe spontaneous movement of particles or molecules fromareas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration.Examples of diffusion occur everywhere. Open a bottle ofperfume; soon the scent spreads throughout the room. Trythe same thing with a bottle of ammonia. In both cases, themolecules have diffused from where they were most concentrated. Diffusion can also be easily demonstrated in liquids.Place a sugar cube in a cup of hot tea; eventually the sugarwill diffuse and be distributed, even without stirring.Diffusion also occurs within living organisms, but themembranes present barriers to this movement of molecules.Membranes such as the plasma membrane can be described

Levetin McMahon: Plantsand Society, Fifth EditionII. Introduction to PlantLife: Botanical Principles2. The Plant Cell The McGraw HillCompanies, 2008CHAPTER The Plant teinPhospholipidbilayerPhospholipidbilayerlnner surfaceSterolFigure 2.5 Fluid mosaic model of the plasma membrane. The plasma membrane is composed of a phospholipid bilayer with differentially permeable. They permit the diffusion ofsome molecules but present a barrier to the passage of othermolecules. Many molecules are simply too large to diffusethrough membranes.The diffusion of water across cell membranes is calledosmosis. Water can move freely through membranes. Thedirection the water molecules move is dependent on the relative concentrations of substances on either side of the membrane. If you place a cell in a highly concentrated solution ofsalt or sugar, water will leave the cell. The water is actuallydiffusing from an area of higher concentration in the cell to anarea of lower concentration. On the other hand, if you place acell in distilled (pure) water, water will enter the cell. Againthe water is moving from higher (outside the cell) to lowerconcentration (fig. 2.6).If a plant cell is left in a highly concentrated, or hypertonic, solution for any length of time, so much water willleave that the protoplast actually shrinks away from the cellwall. When this happens the cell is said to be plasmolyzed.In a wilted leaf, many of the cells would be plasmolyzed(fig. 2.6).When a plant cell is in pure water or a very weak,hypotonic, solution, water will enter until the vacuole isfully extended, pushing the cytoplasm up against the cellwall. Such cells look plump, or turgid. This is the normalappearance of cells in a well-watered plant. The crispnessand crunch of fresh celery are due to its turgid cells. Whenthe cell is placed in a solution of the same concentration,isotonic, there is no net movement of water, and the cell isnot turgid (fig. 2.6).Diffusion and osmosis take place when molecules movealong a concentration gradient, from higher to lower concentrations. However, cells can also move substances againsta concentration gradient; sometimes sugars are accumulatedthis way. This type of movement is called active transportand requires the expenditure of energy by the cell. Membraneproteins are involved in transporting these substances acrossthe membrane.OrganellesA variety of organelles can be found in the plant cell (fig. 2.3).Most of these are membrane-bound, with the membrane beingsimilar in structure and function to the plasma membrane. Inleaf cells, the most distinctive organelles are the disk-shapedchloroplasts, which, in fact, are double membrane-bound.These organelles contain several pigments; the most abundant pigments are the chlorophylls, making leaves green.Carotenes and xanthophylls are other pigments present; theseorange and yellow pigments are normally masked by the moreabundant chlorophylls but become visible in autumn when thechlorophylls break down before the leaves are shed. Thepigments are located within the internal membranes of thechloroplasts and are most concentrated in membranous stackscalled grana (sing., granum). The individual grana are interconnected and embedded in the stroma, a protein-rich environment. Although chloroplasts are easily seen with a lightmicroscope, the internal organization, or ultrastructure, is visible only with an electron microscope. Photosynthesis occursin the chloroplasts; this process allows plants to manufacture

Levetin McMahon: Plantsand Society, Fifth Edition24UNIT IIVacuoleII. Introduction to PlantLife: Botanical Principles2. The Plant Cell The McGraw HillCompanies, 2008Introduction to Plant Life: Botanical PrinciplesNucleusCell wallPlasmamembraneChloroplast(a) Isotonic(b) Hypotonic(c) HypertonicFigure 2.6 Osmosis in plant cells. The direction of the arrows indicates the direction of the water movement; the size of the arrowindicates the relative amount of water moving into or out of the cell. (a) In an isotonic solution, the cell neither gains nor loses water;water flows equally both into and out of the cell. (b) In a hypotonic solution, the cell gains water because more water enters the cell thanleaves. (c) In a hypertonic solution, the cell loses water because more water leaves the cell than from carbon dioxide and water using the energy of sunlight. More details on the ultrastructure of chloroplasts and thephotosynthetic process are covered in Chapter 4.Two other organelles that may be found in plant cellsare leucoplasts and chromoplasts. Leucoplasts are colorless organelles that can store various materials, especiallystarch. The starch grains filling the cells of a potato arefound in a type of leucoplast called an amyloplast (fig. 2.7).Figure 2.7 Amyloplasts in white potato.Chromoplasts contain orange, red, or yellow pigments andare abundant in colored plant parts such as petals and fruits.The orange of carrots, the red of tomatoes, and the yellowof marigolds result from pigments stored in chromoplasts.Chloroplasts, leucoplasts, and chromoplasts are collectivelycalled plastids.Another organelle bound by a double membrane is themitochondrion (pl., mitochondria), which is the site ofmany of the reactions of cellular respiration in all eukaryotic cells (fig. 2.3). Recall that cellular respiration is themetabolic process in which glucose is chemically brokendown to release energy in a usable form, ATP. Mitochondriaare not easily studied with a light microscope; the electron microscope has made the study of their ultrastructurepossible. The size, shape, and numbers of mitochondriavary among different types of cells, but all mitochondriahave a smooth outer membrane and an inner membranewith numerous infoldings called cristae. The compartmentenclosed by the inner membrane is called the matrix; thematrix contains enzymes that are used in cellular respiration,while the cristae are the sites of ATP formation. Chapter 4contains additional information on the role of mitochondriain cellular respiration, and a Closer Look 2.1—Origin ofChloroplasts and Mitochondria details how these organellesmay have evolved.

Levetin McMahon: Plantsand Society, Fifth EditionII. Introduction to PlantLife: Botanical Principles2. The Plant Cell The McGraw HillCompanies, 2008A CLOSER LOOK 2.1Origin of Chloroplasts and MitochondriaAs stated in Chapter 1, prokaryotes were the first organismson Earth. Evidence indicates that prokaryotes first appearedapproximately 3.5 billion years ago whereas eukaryotesappeared only around 1.5 billion years ago. One questionthat has intrigued biologists for many years is, How did theeukaryotic cell evolve? Dr. Lynn Margulis of the Universityof Massachusetts is one of the main proponents of a possibleanswer to this question, the Endosymbiont Theory. Thistheory states that the organelles of eukaryotic cells are thedescendants of once free-living prokaryotes that took upresidence in a larger cell, establishing a symbiotic relationship (symbiosis: two or more organisms living together). Thisassociation evolved into the well-studied eukaryotic cell.Chloroplasts and mitochondria provide the best examplesof this theory. Both organelles resemble free-living prokaryotes. In fact, as long ago as the 1880s some biologists observedthat chloroplasts of eukaryotic cells resembled cyanobacteria(then called blue-green algae). Both chloroplasts and mitochondria have structures that are associated with free-livingcells. For example, they contain both DNA and ribosomes,which are bacterial in size and nature, allowing them to synthesize some of their own proteins. Both chloroplasts andmitochondria can divide to produce new chloroplasts andmitochondria in a manner very similar to prokaryotic celldivision. The inner membranes of both organelles closelyresemble the plasma membrane of prokaryotes. These features, as well as additional biochemical similarities, providesupport for the validity of the Endosymbiont Theory.Recent research has discovered certain bacteria thatappear to be in the process of evolving into organelles aspredicted by the Endosymbiont Theory. Approximately 10%of insect species house bacterial endosymbionts. Some ofthe best studied are bacteria which live inside specialized gutcells of sap-sucking pests. The sugary sap of plants is deficientin amino acids, and apparently the bacterial endosymbiontsproduce needed amino acids and other essential nutrientsfor their insect hosts. In return, bacterial endosymbiontshave been passed from generation to generation in insecthosts for over hundreds of millions of years. During thistime, the bacterial endosymbionts have lost most of thegenes that are necessary for bacteria to be self-sufficient.They no longer possess the genes to make the outer plasmamembrane, to metabolize lipids and nucleotides, to transportmaterials into a cell, or for cell division. There is evidencethat some of these bacterial genes may have been transferred to the nucleus of the host cell that now supports theendosymbiont.Carsonella ruddii, an endosymbiont found in the gut cellsof psyllids, a type of agricultural pest also known as jumpingplant lice, has the smallest genome known for any bacteriumwith only 160,000 base pairs of DNA. Its genome size issimilar to that of the mitochondria ( 600,000 base pairs)and chloroplasts (220,000 base pairs) found in terrestrialplants. Perhaps this endosymbiont will one day evolve intoan organelle.Most mature plant cells (fig. 2.3) are characterized by alarge central vacuole that is separated from the rest of thecytoplasm by its own membrane. In some cells, the vacuoletakes up 90% of the cell volume, pushing the cytoplasminto a thin layer against the plasma membrane. The vacuolecontains the cell sap, a watery solution of sugars, salts, aminoacids, proteins, and crystals, all separated from the cytoplasmby the vacuolar membrane. The cell sap is often acidic; thetartness of lemons and limes is due to their very acidic cellsap. Some of the substances in the vacuole are waste products; others can be drawn upon when needed by the cell. Theconcentrations of these materials in the vacuole may becomeso great that they precipitate out as crystals. The leaves ofthe common house plant dumb cane (Dieffenbachia spp.)are poisonous because of the presence of large amounts ofcalcium oxalate crystals (see Chapter 21). If consumed, thecrystals can injure the tissues of the mouth and throat, causing a temporary inability to speak—hence the common namedumb cane. Pigments can also be found in the vacuole; theseare called anthocyanins and are responsible for deep red, blue,and purple colors of many plant organs, such as red onionsand red cabbage. Unlike the pigments of the chloroplasts andchromoplasts, the anthocyanins are water soluble and are distributed uniformly in the cell sap.An internal membrane system also occurs in plant cells(fig. 2.3 and 2.8). This consists of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), the Golgi apparatus, and microbodies. Thesestructures are all involved in the synthesizing, packaging,and transporting of materials within the cell. The ER is anetwork of membranous channels throughout the cytoplasm.In some places the cytoplasmic side of the ER is studdedwith minute bodies called ribosomes. Ribosomes, composedof RNA and protein, are not membrane-bound and are thesites of protein synthesis. Portions of the ER with ribosomesattached are referred to as rough ER. Owing to the presence of ribosomes, rough ER is active in protein synthesis.25

Levetin McMahon: Plantsand Society, Fifth Edition26UNIT IIII. Introduction to PlantLife: Botanical Principles2. The Plant Cell The McGraw HillCompanies, 2008Introduction to Plant Life: Botanical Principles(a)(b)Figure 2.8 The internal membrane system of plant cells. (a) Rough endoplasmic reticulum. (b) Golgi apparatus.Ribosomes are also found free in the cytoplasm. Portionsof the ER without ribosomes are called smooth ER, whichfunctions in the transport and packaging of proteins as wellas the synthesis of lipids.The Golgi apparatus is a stack of flattened hollow sacswith distended edges; small vesicles are pinched off the edgesof these sacs (fig. 2.3 and 2.8). The Golgi apparatus functionsin the storage, modification, and packaging of proteins thatare produced by the ER. Once the proteins are transportedto the Golgi sacs, they are modified in various ways to formcomplex biological molecules. Often, carbohydrates areadded to proteins to form glycoproteins. The vesicles that arepinched off contain products that will be secreted from thecell. Some of the polysaccharides (not cellulose) found in thecell wall are also secreted by these Golgi vesicles.Microbodies are small, spherical organelles in whichvarious enzymatic reactions occur. Plant cells can containtwo types of microbodies: peroxisomes, which are found inleaves and play a limited role in photosynthesis under certainconditions, and glyoxysomes, which are involved in the conversion of stored fats to sugars in some seeds.The NucleusOne of the most important and conspicuous structures inthe cell is the nucleus, the center of control and hereditaryinformation (fig. 2.3). The nucleus is surrounded by a doublemembrane with small openings called nuclear pores, whichlead to the cytoplasm. In places, the nuclear membrane is connected to the ER. Contained within the nucleus is granularappearing chromatin, which consists of DNA (the hereditarymaterial), RNA, and proteins. Another structure within thenucleus is the nucleolus; one or more dark-staining nucleoliare always present. The nucleolus is not membrane-boundand is roughly spherical; it is involved in the formation ofribosomes. Table 2.1 is a summary of the functions of thecellular components.Concept QuizPlant cells are compartmentalized into organelles, each witha specialized function.Which organelles would be abundant in the following?Leaf cells of a spinach plantCells of a potato tuberYellow petals of a tulipCELL DIVISIONThe cell, with its organelles just described, is not a staticstructure but dynamic, continually growing, metabolizing,and reproducing. Inherent in all cells are the instructions forcell reproduction or cell division, the process by which onecell divides into two.The Cell CycleThe life of an actively dividing cell can be described interms of a cycle, which is the time from the beginning ofone division to the beginning of the next (fig. 2.9). Most ofthe cycle is spent in the nondividing, or interphase, stage.

Levetin McMahon: Plantsand Society, Fifth EditionII. Introduction to PlantLife: Botanical Principles2. The Plant Cell The McGraw HillCompanies, 2008CHAPTER 2The Plant Cell27Table 2.1Plant Cell Structures and Their FunctionsStructureDescriptionFunctionCell wallCellulose fibrilsSupport and protectionPlasma membraneLipid bilayer with embedded proteinsRegulates passage of materials into and out of cellCentral vacuoleFluid-filled sacStorage of various substancesNucleusBounded by nuclear envelope; contains chromatinControl center of cell; directs protein synthesis andcell reproductionNucleolusConcentrated area of RNA and protein within thenucleusRibosome formationRibosomesAssembly of protein and RNAProtein synthesisEndoplasmic reticulumMembranous channelsTransport and protein synthesis (rough ER)Golgi apparatusStack of flattened membranous sacsProcessing and packaging of proteins; secretionChloroplastDouble membrane-bound; contains chlorophyllPhotosynthesisLeucoplastColorless plastidStorage of various materials, especially starchChromoplastPigmented plastidImparts colorMitochondrionDouble membrane-boundCellular respirationMicrobodiesVesiclesVarious metabolic reactionsCytoskeletonMicrotubules and microfilamentsCell support and shapePlasmodesmataCytoplasmic bridgesMovement of materials between cellsThis metabolically active stage consists of three phases:G1, S, and G2. The G1, or the first gap phase, is a period ofintense biochemical activity; the cell is actively growing;enzymes and other proteins are rapidly synthesized; andorganelles are increasing in size and number. The S, or synthesis, phase is crucial to cell division, for this is the timewhen DNA is duplicated; other chromosomal componentssuch as proteins are also synthesized in this phase. After theS phase, the cell enters the G2, or second gap, phase, duringwhich protein synthesis increases and the final preparationsfor cell division take place. The G2 phase ends as the cellbegins division.During cell division, two exact copies of the nucleusresult from a process known as mitosis. Cytokinesis, thedivision of the cytoplasm, usually occurs during the laterstages of mitosis.Chromatin, consisting of DNA and protein, is prominentin the nucleus of a nondividing, or interphase, cell. Althoughthe chromatin appears granular when viewed through amicroscope, it is actually somewhat threadlike (fig. 2.10).The chromatin has already been duplicated during the S phaseprior to mitosis. The events of mitosis are described as fourintergrading stages: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, andtelophase (fig. 2.10).ProphaseDuring prophase, the appearance of the nucleus changesdramatically. The chromatin begins to condense and thicken,coiling up into bodies referred to as chromosomes. Eachchromosome is double, composed of two identical chromatids, which represent the condensed duplicated strandsof chromatin. The chromatids are joined at a constrictionknown as the centromere (fig. 2.9). By the end of prophase,the chromosomes are fully formed. Also during prophase,the nuclear membrane and the nucleoli disperse into thecytoplasm and are no longer visible. This leaves the chromosomes free in the cytoplasm.MetaphaseThe chromosomes arrange themselves across the center ofthe cell during metaphase, the second stage of mitosis. Thespindle, which begins forming in prophase, is evident duringthis stage. Spindle fibers, composed of microtubules, stretchfrom each end, or pole, of the cell to the kinetochore of eachchromatid. Kinetochores are formed during late prophase;they are specialized regions on the centromere that attacheach chromatid to the spindle. Other spindle fibers stretchfrom each pole to the equator (fig. 2.10).AnaphaseIn anaphase, chromatids of each chromosome separate, pulledby the spindle fibers to opposite ends of the cell. This stepeffectively divides the genetic material into two identical sets,each with the same number of single chromosomes. At theend of anaphase, the spindle is less apparent (fig. 2.10).

Levetin McMahon: Plantsand Society, Fifth Edition28UNIT IIII. Introduction to PlantLife: Botanical Principles2. The Plant Cell The McGraw HillCompanies, 2008Introduction to Plant Life: Botanical SKinetochoreInterphasePhaseMain EventsVicia fabaG1Cells metabolically active;organelles begin toincrease in number4.9 hrSReplication of DNA7.5G2Synthesis of proteinsFinal preparationsfor cell division4.9MMitosis2.0TotalSisterchromatids(b)19.3 hr(a)Figure 2.9 (a) The cell cycle consists of four stages (G1, S, G2, and M for mitosis). The events that occur in each stage and the length ofeach stage, using the broad bean (Vicia faba) as an example, are depicted in the accompanying table. (b) A duplicated chromosome consistsof two sister chromatids held together at the centromere.TelophaseDuring telophase the chromatin appears again as the chromatids, at each end of the cell, begin to unwind and lengthen. Ateach pole a nuclear membrane reappears around the chromatin. Now two distinct nuclei are evident. Within each nucleus,nucleoli become visible (fig. 2.10).CytokinesisCytokinesis, the division of the cytoplasm, separates the twoidentical daughter nuclei into two cells. Cytokinesis beginsduring the latter part of anaphase and is completed by the endof telophase. The phragmoplast, which consists of vesicles,microtubules, and portions of ER, accumulates across thecenter of the dividing cell. These coalesce to form the cellplate, which becomes the cell wall separating the newlyformed daughter cells (fig. 2.10).The production of new cells through cell divisionenables plants to grow, repair wounds, and regeneratelost cells. Cell division can even lead to the production ofnew, genetically identical individuals, or clones. This typeof reproduction is known as asexual or vegetative. Whenyou make a leaf cutting of an African violet and a wholenew

Cell wall of adjacent cell Nucleus (a) Figure 2.3 Plant cell structure. (a) Diagram of a generalized plant cell as seen under an electron microscope. (b) Electron micrograph of a plant cell. (b) Cell wall Central vacuole Chloroplasts with starch grains Nucleus Mitochondria Plasmadesma Plasma membrane

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