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Agenda Who? Overview on CR concept Main research fields and topics. History and visions: Mitola, Haykin. Application scenarios: terminal -centric reconfiguration, whitespacesANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 20133

Who the * ;? ) # is this guy? MSc and PhD @Universityof Genova (‘04/’08) @AAU since 2008, nowAssociate Prof. Most common questiona s k e d : wh y d i d yo u l e a v et h o s e n i c e wa r m b e a c h e sfor the cold DK? Second most askedq u e s t i o n : wh yBerlusconi?ANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 20134

What is Cognitive Radio? ITU: A radio or system that senses, and is aw are of, its operational environmentand can dynamically and autonomously adjust its radio operating parametersaccordingly FCC: CR is a radio that can change its transmitter parameters based oninteraction with the environment in which it operates NTIA: A radio or system that senses its operational electromagnetic environmentand can dynamically and autonomously adjust its radio operating parameters tomodify system operation, such as maximize throughput, mitigate interference,f a c i l i t a t e i n t e r o p e r a b i l i t y, a c c e s s s e c o n d a r y m a r k e t s WWRF: Cognitive Radio employs a dynamic time -frequency-pow er based radiomeasurement and analysis of the RF environment, to make an optimum choice ofcarrier frequency and channel bandwidth to guide the transceiver in its end -toend communication, with quality of service being an important design requirementANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 20135

What do they have in common? They talk about a ”radio”. They talk about interactionwi t h t h e e n v i r o n m e n t .RadioSense RF They talk about measuring. They talk about decisionmaking. They talk abouta u t o n o m i c i t y.Make DecisionEnvironmentAdjust They talk about adaptation.ANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 20136

What do we get out of them? Without knowing anything beforehand, we can almost get the so-called”Cognitive Cycle”. Do they really define what CR does, comes from and it is useful for? They are regulatory/framework definitions, used to set the stage for allthe specific topics. More detailed defitions have been proposed along the way inliterature. B e f o r e g o i n g d e e p e r, l e t ’ s s e e a b i t o f h i s t o r y a n d t h e m a j o r p l a y e r s .ANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 20137

In the beginning was the Software Defined Radio Multi-standard RadioGPP/FPGA SWprocessingRF ProcessingWhy was itattractive?A/DCNetwork ConvergenceStd1ModemSW controlled/ implementedStd2Std3HW ResourcesNetwork StackANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 20138

Evolution path Multi-standard radio were considered the future in mobileterminals.To d a y w e k n o w i t i s t r u e , b u t 2 0 y e a r s a g o t h e f i r s t G S M p h o n e swere barely available.To d a y w e i n c o r p o r a t e : 3G 4G GSM NFC WiFi Bluetooth GPSCheap multi-standard via software re-configuration was arevolutionary concept.ANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE ”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 20139

Why was multi-standard reconfigurable radio useful? One of the main problem was the international compatibility US had CDMA2000 and GSM in Europe Even for the same system, e.g. GSM, there were differentbands: 900 MHz / 1800 MHz 800 MHz / 1900 MHzThe other application was emergency management / public serviceinteroperability Still today in US there are different radio systems for eachcounty/city/forceMilitary application is always present International inter-force systemsANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201310

One day someone decided to stich a brain to it T h e fir s t a p p e a re nce o fth e ” C o g n itive R a d i o ”te r m w a s w ith J . M i to l a . W h i l e d e ve lo p in g XM L fo rr a d i o s ys te ms, h e tr i e d toj o i n th e a r tific ia lin te llig e n ce w o r l d w ithth e r a d io o n e .Funny enough,it was not evena radio guy!Network ConvergenceStd1Std2Std3HW ResourcesMitola, J., III; Maguire, G.Q., Jr.; , "Cognitive radio: making software radios more personal," PersonalCommunications, IEEE , vol.6, no.4, pp.13-18, Aug 1999URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp &arnumber 788210&isnumber 17080ANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201311

The big players (short bibliography) Cognitive Radio, Software DefinedRadio, and Adaptive WirelessSystems, Arslan. Cognitive Networks, Mahmoud. Cognitive Radio Communicationsand Networks, Wyglinski. C o g n i t i v e R a d i o Te c h n o l o g y, F e t t e . Cognitive Radio Architecture,Mitola.ANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201312

Why do we need CRN today?Full convergence: Device (all-in-one) Network (full-IPv6) Service (cloud services)ANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201313


What the crunch is? Within 2020 Cisco foresees a x1000 wireless traffic increase.Spectrum allocated for broadband wireless will become too fewalready in 3 years time. W h i l e t h e c h a r t s s h o w t h e l i c e n s e d s p e c t r u m o n l y, t h e s a m e w i l lhold for the ”good” unlicensed also. Good means that provides good coverage. 60GHz is free but has ”propagation issues”. Nevertheless, in terms of usage, there is spectrum ectrum-crunchANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE ”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201315

What the measurements say Measurement Results:30 MHz – 2.9 GHzMax. utilization 25%Ave r a g e u s a g e 5 . 2 %N e w Yo r k C i t y a ve r a g e 13.1% S p e c t r u m i s t h e n s t a t i c a l l ya l l o c a t e d t o a s e r vi c e , b u t i t i s n o talw ays in use.The occupancy was defined as the fraction measured in time andfrequency dimensions where the received signal strength exceeds athreshold.ANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLINM.A.McHenry, “NSF Spectrum Occupancy Measurements ProjectSummary”, Shared Spectrum Company, August 200513-16 May 201316

Spectrum holes After the FCC studies from ’02 [1] it was clear that there wereopportunities for better spectrum utilization.This opportunities were called spectrum holes and they ared e f i n e d a s a p o i n t i n f r e q u e n c y, t i m e , a n d s p a c e w h i c h i s n o toccupied by any transmission and it can be used by a ”secondarysystem” without interfering with a ”primary one” [2].Te n y e a r s p a s s e d , a r e w e r e a d y f o r t h i s t y p e o f e x p l o i t a t i o n ? NO! Te c h n o l o g y l i m i t a t i o n s ( R F b a n d i w d t h , A / D C c o n v e r s i o n b a n d ) Regulatory process speed and requirements 1.2.Federal Communication Commission, Spectrum Policy Task Force Report, 2002Tandra, R.; Sahai, A.; Mishra, S.M.; , "What is a Spectrum Hole and What Does it Take to Recognize One?," Proceedings of the IEEE , vol.97, no.5,pp.824-848, May 2009 URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp &arnumber 4895279&isnumber 4919177ANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE ”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201317

Pandora’s vase was opened The definition of CR came out in 1999/2000.The FCC reports are from 2002.Since then research activities were flourishing floating around theCR world.Among them we can mention: Spectrum Sensing Spectrum Management Radio Resource Management Air Interface definition Hardware (HW) and Software (SW) platform developmentANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201318

Setting the vocabulary (1) In all the research activities, the progresses have been made inmultiple scientific fields from both the theoretical and the practicalperspectives. Spectrum Sensing: algorithms and techniques for understandingw h a t i s i n t h e a i r.Spectrum Management: making active decisions on how tooptimally use the available spectrum.Radio Resource Management: making active decisions on how tooptimally use the available local resources forguaranteeing the best user/applicationexperience. ANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201319

Setting the vocabulary (2) Ai r I n t e r f a c e d e f i n i t i o n : d e v e l o p m e n t o f n e w t r a n s m i s s i o nmethodologies for improving currentsystems (e.g. OFDMA) or going beyondthem for improving the spectrale f f i c i e n c y. HW development : developing new devices and tools that enablethe real usage of the massive amount ofalgorithm. SW development : developing new software radio platform forenabling real CR experimentation.ANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201320

In practice, how CR should be? Along time, several CR visions have been proposed in literature.E a c h o n e w a s t a r g e t i n g t h e s p e c i f i c n e e d s o f t h e p r o p o s e r.All of them are based on derivation of the so-called cognitivecycle.Let us analyze two of them: Mitola’s (2000) Haykin’s (2005)Haykin, S.; , "Cognitive radio: brain-empowered wirelesscommunications," Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on ,vol.23, no.2, pp. 201- 220, Feb. 2005URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp &arnumber 1391031&isnumber 30289ANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE ”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201321

Which are the characteristics of Mitola’s CRCharacteristics: Multi-standard: able to exploit different communicationtechnologies. Te r m i n a l c e n t r i c : t h e P D A i t s e l f i s t h e C R . User-oriented: aware not only of the radio environment but also ofthe user one; able to detect events in different domains. Advanced features (voice recognition, video processing etc.)Main goals: O p p o r t u n i s t i c u s a g e o f t h e a v a i l a b l e S TAN D AR D n e t w o r k s ( m a y b ewith a tiny bit of network intelligence) Improvement of user ’s Quality of Experience (QoE).ANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201322

Mitola’s Cognitive Cycle It reflects the basiccharacteristics of aCC. It is not specificallyrelated to theRF/radioenvironment . It is an artificialintelligence-drivendiagram.ANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201323

Haykin’s vision Haykin’s vision is more practic.Closer to the radio world.Oriented to signal processing and to technology in general.It provides specific terminal features.T h e p a p e r p r o v i d e s a g o o d a l g o r i t h m i c o v e r v i e w, a l s o a t ” n e t w o r k side” Main goal: Opportunistic usage of the spectrumANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201324

Haykin’s CCThe main characteristics of a PHY forCR defined by Haykin in ’05: Spectral Analysis Channel quality/state estimation(CSI)Available capacity analysis Rate feedbackDynamic Spectrum AllocationTraffic AnalysisAdaptive Signal TX/RX ANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLINChannel Availability (SpectrumHoles)Interference AnalysisPower ControlOFDMMIMOTurbo Processing13-16 May 201325

Mitola’s scenario: user/terminal centricReconfiguresystem and bandaccording to thecountryDestinationBaker Street221b, please!All the cells alongthe road are prealerted of potentialhandoverConnect tothe cellSpeech recognitiondetects thedestination addressANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201326

Cognitive WRAN based on TV White Spaces Several TV channels used bylocal/regional broadcasters areoften temporarily vacant Given the long-range coverage: Cheap spectrum solution(unlicensed / lightly licensed).Provision of broadband indifficulty accessible areas.Avoid expensive cabledeployments to operators.Main intention was to exploitopportunistic, sensing-basedaccessANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE ”, TCD, DUBLINQOSMOS EU FP7 Project ighlights/scenarios-and-business-models.html13-16 May 201327

IEEE 802.22: the first Cognitive WRAN standard Especially in US there was a great interest in such scenario, giventhe huge amount of rural areas. IEEE decided to ride the wave and the IEEE 802.22 was born. In only 3/4 years they came out with a draft standar for suchapplication. It was ”inspired” in some main characteristics by the more mature802 standards: 8 0 2 . 11 ( W L A N , a k a t h e c o m m e r c i a l l y k n o w n W i F i ) 802.16 (WMAN, aka WiMAX)ANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201328

Comparison with IEEE standardsStevenson, C.; Chouinard, G.; Zhongding Lei; Wendong Hu; Shellhammer, S.; Caldwell, W.; ,"IEEE 802.22: The first cognitive radio wireless regional area network standard,"Communications Magazine, IEEE , vol.47, no.1, pp.130-138, January 2009URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp &arnumber 4752688&isnumber 4752663ANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201329

802.22 Frame structureFixed allocationfor ”accesschannel”Beacon-based intercell coexistencesignallingThe superframe structureaddresses the processeswith slow dynamics (e.g.spectrum allocation)Fast framesfor lowlatency datatransmissionHeader-basedscheduling infoANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201330

Modern scenarios FCC database-based access Brief overview on the concept Network architecture Te r m i n a l p r o d u c t Running trialExtension of the concept: Authorized Shared Access Regulatory/contract concept Te c h n i c a l f o r e s e e n a r c h i t e c t u r e Potential usageANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201331

Today’s TVWS After a long discussion, FCC removedspectrum sensing from the TVWSrequirements. The new solution is based ongeolocation databases. S e v e r a l c o m p a n i e s a r e n o wa d a ys ” o ntrial” for getting the license of DBoperators (MS, Google). T h e f i r s t t r i a l d e p l o ym e n t s a r eongoing, mainly driven by SpectrumBridge, using the KTS radio.FCC Database Administration atabase-administrators-guideANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201332

TVWS Database-based AccessFCCInterfacesTVWS DBPublicInterfaceInter-DBInterfaceSpectrum Bridge WhiteSpacesSolutions/Overview.aspxANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE ”, TCD, DUBLINGoogle WS DB 0-Google-White-SpacesDatabase-Proposal13-16 May 201333

Generalization of the concept: Authorized SharedAccess In order to extend and generalize the DB-based access is nowpushed by some companies a concept called Authorized SharedAccess.Main differences with WS This is a licensed framework It is not targeting the access of single UE devices but cells. The regulator has a direct role in certifying the licensees. The ”lease” of the spectrum happens through a directagreement between the spectrum owner and the specific ASAlicensee. It should provide Quality of Service (QoS) to the licensee.ANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201334

Authorized Shared Access architecture ASA is a regulatoryframework, not atechnical solution. Nevertheless it hasstrong technicalimpact. 3GPP already startedthinking about aninclusion in LTE-A.grant/ award of LSA rightsLSA licenseeLSAControllerLSA spectrum andaward rulesIncumbentwhere/ when LSA spectrum isavailable (Dynamic)Base stationAdministration/RegulatorLSARepositoryBase stationBase station controlsdevice access to spectrum(licensed, LSA)IncumbentBase station controls device access tospectrum (licensed, LSA)Multi-bandDeviceCEPT CG CRS CRS 12 04 WGFM73-outputQualcomm: s/technologies/1000x-data/spectrumANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE ”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201335

The practical path towards CR In the beginning all the smartness was supposed to be in the UE. and no, smartphones are not smart enough! Along the years the intelligence has been moved also into the network. The network, as a matter of fact, can deal/exchange/process moreinformation and then being considered as part of the distributedintelligence. Already today we have some examples of smart systems. L e t ’ s t a k e f o r e x a m p l e t h e b u z z e d LT E / LT E - AANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201336

Mapping between CR requirements and LTE-Acapabilities H a y k i n ’ s C R i n ’ 0 5 : Spectral Analysis Channel Availability(Spectrum Holes) Interference Analysis Channel quality/stateestimation (CSI) Available capacity analysis Rate feedback Dynamic Spectrum Allocation Traffic Analysis Adaptive Signal TX/RX Power Control OFDM MIMO Turbo ProcessingANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN L T E - A d v a n c e d f e a t u r e s : Multi network sensing Carrier sensing RSRP of other cells/networksCSI/CQI (also with compression)Capacity estimation forscheduling AMC/link adaptationAOCS/carrier aggregationQoS and schedulingFlexible air interface FPC (and DTX/DRX) OFDMA – SC-FDMA Several MIMO modalities(including CoMP and MU-) Turbo encoding/decoding13-16 May 201337

Self Organizing Network features (SON)Multi-RAT:Integration of multiple TXtechnologies (2G-3G) and interRAT handover for bettercoverage/balancing.Automatic Neighbor Relationfunction:Build and maintains neighborrelations though sensing andreporting performed by theactive UEs.Automatic Cell ID (PCI)selection:Based on UE sensing andlocal cooperation withneighbor eNBsRACH parameters optimization:Local information exchangeabout the usage of the RandomAccess Channel forinterference avoidance.LTE-Advanced foreseesautomatic networkconfiguration and selfoptimization of severalparameters all along theprotocol stack layers.Traffic steering:Offloading solutions anddisitribution of the trafficover all the layers (frommacro to femto).Dynamic configuration of X2and S1 interfaces:Autonomous configuration ofthe control plane backhaul withgateway and neighborsMobility parametersoptimization:Self-adaptation of the mobilityparameters for increasingrobustness and load balancing.ANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201338

But how will it be in the future? S ys t e m e v o l u t i o n : w e t a k e t h e c u r r e n t s y s t e m s a d w e g o o n i m p r o v i n gthem and sqeezing as much as possible, especially in terms ofc a p a c i t y. LT E - A – i m p r o v e d S O N , s p e c t r u m f l e x i b i l i t y a n d c a r r i e raggregation 8 0 2 . 11 a c – d y n a m i c b a n d w i d t h a g g r e g a t i o n , d y n a m i c c h a n n e lselection S ys t e m r e v o l u t i o n : w e d e s i g n a c o m p l e t e l y n e w s y s t e m , d r o p p i n g t h ec u m b r s o m e b a c k w a r d c o m p a t i b i l i t y. B u t u s u a l l y a s y s t e m r e v o l u t i o n i sbased on a PHY revolution. So, what’s after OFDMA? C l o u d R A N : e v e r y t h i n g b e c o m e a c l o u d . S p e c t r u m , b a s e b a n d , R F,everything is in a unique pool that is used when/where/how needed.ANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201339

How to discuss with me on CR/5G Blog: blog.asgard.lab.es.aau.dkF o l l o w u s ! ( Tw i t t e r ) : @ a s g a r d a a uYo u Tu b e c h a n n e l : w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / u s e r / A s g a r d A A UMy email: afc@es.aau.dkANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201340


Overview on Cognitive Radio What is CR?When: where does it come from? SDR Reconfigurable radios Multi-standardWho? Mitola, Fette, Haykin, Jondral, Reed, BostianWhy? Spectrum overcrowdness One device for everything Spectrum holesANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201343

Main Research Fields and Topics Main research topics: Spectrum sensing Spectrum allocation Radio Environment maps Air interface design Te s t b e d d e v e l o p m e n tANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201344

History and Visions Mitola Multi-standard terminal User-oriented (user environment awareness) O p p o r t u n i s t i c u s a g e o f t h e a v a i l a b l e S TAN D AR D n e t w o r k s advanced features (voice recognition, video processing etc.)Haykin Comms oriented Specific terminal features Opportunistic usage of the spectrum LT E - l i k eANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201345

Traditional scenarios Mitola: user centric reconfigurationTV white spaces: the potentialIEEE 802.22 Origins Evolution from WiMAX The frame format The ”contention-based access part”ANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201346

On the practical path The Cognitive Radio Network concept Te r m i n a l A N D n e t w o r k a r e s m a r t Moving the intelligence in the network/access pointTo d a y ’ s a p p l i c a t i o n : LT E Mapping with Haykin’s vision SONTo m o r r o w ’ s a p p l i c a t i o n B4G concepts Evolution vs revolutionANDREA F. CATTONIPHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORYAND PRACTICE”, TCD, DUBLIN13-16 May 201347

Cognitive Radio, Software Defined Radio, and Adaptive Wireless Systems, Arslan. Cognitive Networks, Mahmoud. Cognitive Radio Communications and Networks, Wyglinski. Cognitive Radio Technology, Fette. Cognitive Radio Architecture, Mitola. -16 May 2013 1213 AN D R E A F . C AT T O N I PHD COURSE “CRS AND CNS: THEORY

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